
Sunday 22 March 2020

The Sunday Blog # 207

Today is the Sunday , the 22nd of March 2020 , the 26th of Rajab 1441 H till the sunset ( 6:44 pm ; Karachi) And this is my the Sunday Blog # 207 ( Two Hundred and Seven ).

First of all Praiseth the Lord All Mighty ALLAH Amen !
That me and my family , Relative and their families and Neighbors and their families are alive and safe from the deadly Chinese Corona Virus 😷
Somebody on my Twitter timeline or the hashtag I was following Tweeted that it is the Allergies Season or about to start don't remember the actual words of the tweet . But believe me for me and some of the people in my life and memories the Allergies don't have a season with a begining and an end ...last week we were on Anti- histamine for the nasal allergies which is not fully gone and every time , while eating , talking or delibrating I become excited or evil , the mucus phelgem rushes up like an elevator and sounds the alarm 😜 which usually scares everybody around me . I stopped going to the mosque after Juma Mubarak last week and only went out once this week on Wednesday to the shop for not more than fifteen minutes . Was feeling really good on Wednesday and Thursday, but in an effort to be even better for the Friday Juma Mubarak prayers 🛐🕌 at mosque I over cooked my body with hot and spicy food and let the head and body perspire thinking that staying warm will make me better quickly , not for a moment I thought about the food allergy . But in my sleep on the Friday morning I begin to feel my swollen eye hurting got up and watched my face in the mirror and was shocked and excited with triggered the alarm . Instantly I decided I cannot go the 🕌 mosque looking like that as they were already scared as hell . So i cleared the nose and the throat and lie down on the bed just trying to relax . It really wasn't that very easy . But then I fall asleep 😴 and woke up when it was very late . Had missed both the first and the last calls . The siblings have been watching too much television and social media so the were not cool with the idea of my going out and especially to the mosque so nobody woke me or tried to  ..this was the first time in my life that happened and I don't blame them for it or even questioned . Even the neighbors and the masi brigade did not . The dear elder brother who went to the Juma Mubarak Prayers at the mosque 🕌 alone came back very depressed did not talk about it much as we usually do told me upon asking that the 🕌 mosque was half empty and all the shops and restaurants were closed on the way only Zahid Nihari take away was open . Even though I was not fasting the lenten fast on Friday , I did not eat anything for lunch or breakfast or dinner only light snacks with tea ☕
Tried to keep the head cool and watched the face and eyes many times . The swelling was gone by the night and I was able to watch clearly with the eye
. Had very spice and oil less Sehri in the morning for  fast .
So in the night when I was beginning to feel I have survived two allergy seasons long lost crush of television soap series RIVIERA remake staring Julia Stiles , got me . I tried and tried to sleep and relax but to no avail . And in this struggle I may even triggered a meeting of the network provider and after pushing the breaks and making it impossible to download only watch online so that they can be sure what and when I watched , they finally pulled the plug after  I finished the back to back season one episode 1,2,3 and fourth .  And there is no way in the world I am missing any episode of this soap this time . This is not the nineties and neither I am in my twenties but I cannot promise my watching and survival won't hurt " That World" any less .

The supplies for tonight's dinner came a little late and even though we had something half way the final complete dish is now ready for Supper 🍲
Yes it is the beef khichra some like to call it haleem  and I learned today that it may even be called polenta . Since I was busy doing this my the Sunday Blog # 207 ( Two Hundred and Seven ) just a while ago I missed the supper Facebook Meetup , so now during this break I will try to taste it ... At midnight when I left it on stove it was no way near ready but about an hour ago , I heard sounds of supper Facebook Meetup without me so I guess it must be ready to eat . It is Sunday today and I will be fasting very soon so I cannot take the risk of overeating . Extra spicing like I always do with this dish the khichra / Haleem .

2:35 am Break ( 853 words)

3:30 am About half an hour left because the astronomical twilight time today is 5:17 am so this means that I will have to finish up eating and the final sip of Water by Quarter passed five or 5:15 am and I can only do it if I start Sehri before Five am
So anyways today is the 22nd fast in Lent and in order to not fast on Easter Sunday and complete the forty days I will have to fast one Friday as well . If only I had known that I won't be going for the Juma Mubarak prayers 🛐
I could have fasted this Friday and be one up it's not really necessary that I fast all forty in Lent it is not mandatory for me . I only do it to seek wisdom and learn the difference between our Ramzan and their Lent . The one big difference is that ours is less in time but greater in space . Meaning Lent is stationary comes every year at nearly the same season and weather . February - April . Whereas Ramzan rotates all year round moving ten days every year . The cycle is about twenty seven years meaning in twenty seven years it will come on or near the same date of the same month and the same season and without the global warming , the same weather . Six years ago the 2nd Ramzan 1435 H was on 1st of July 2014
And this year it will be in the last week of April 2020  now imagine that ...

Okay time is up ...we will continue this topic some other time ....

Sehri time !

4: 13 am Break (1128 words)

5:14 am
Sehri done

The herbal medicine you see here were brought for me by my dear brother
Thankyou !

5:17 am

Wabey saumi ghadinna waitu min shahr ay Rajab

Allahumma salli alla muhammadin wa alla aalihi wassallam

Allahumma Salli Ala Sayyidina Wa Maulana Muhammadin Wa Aala Alihi Wa Sahbihi Wa Barik Wa Salim.

Okay so the Breaking news is that Army has been called in by the provincial government against Iranian pilgrims ...
They had no idea in the beginning that they would be so many ... The sad part is that they are not dying at the pace they were believed to nor did they infect the locals in good numbers which would have empowered the provincial govt to do whatever they wish . Life in other neighbouring provinces and Indian States is close to normal especially in those bordering the Iran and china .

Anyways , it's time for the fajr prayers 🛐
And the sweat after Sehri has now fully dried from the forehead and I have to hurry up and turn of the fan because my feet are getting cold and if I fall asleep like this I will definitely catch something ...again

So here I take a break for fajr prayers with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi 🤲

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

5:42 am Break (1428 words)

6:11 am okay it seems the net is finally gone for good . Nevermind I really don't care . It's more fun this way . After so many weeks I have done the first fifteen Hundred 1500 words before sleeping ...‼️
Well not yet but I am almost there ...

So finally the Air Force has decided to close the commercial flight operation . From today only the very very rich with private jets and chartered planes and their lacky will be able to fly in and out other than the Royals and their staff . Or maybe just the staff and not even the Royals .
Not sure where we are going or heading because this Corona Virus 😷 is changing every norm and belief about the health , heathy living and health concious lifestyle . And not just healthy lifestyle but also the social pride and well-being ,status and culture .
Waking up early in the morning and jogging before the sunrise used to be a sign of perfect health and wellness
6:38 am must be the sound of the last commercial flights's not that these sounds will completely stop 😂

Shaking hands is perhaps one of the oldest and most effective form of greeting while meeting a familiar or a stranger . People always notice who was the first in shaking hands . If you don't shake hands or keep yours down while the other raise their to shake with you , the familiar thinks you are rude and the strangers thinks you don't like them and that is how they remember you for the rest of their lives unless you do something really awkward to make them change their mind in some later encounters .

Sometimes people are too insecure or overjoyed seeing you the don't wait for you to put out your hand to shake with theirs instead they just grab you with their both arms open wide and hold you tight in their arms ...they call it a hug . Or used to call it a hug . Now under the Lockdown rules of March 2020 every man woman and child infected or not, have a right to self- defense against the hugging person . If proven guilty the hugger may face charges of murder and manslaughter punishable by mandatory infection of the Corona Virus . Kissing necking and sex, the prehistoric forms of sharing love and affection will soon be forgotten . Fucking and hating or the vice versa will be absolutely unthinkable in a world of isolation and Social distancing .

The over populated world will soon have less than half of the world's population moving to Canada for easy access to the marijuana and other forms of weed and refined inorganic substances to delay the slow death processes
So if there will be no Rape in this world that would definitely end the Bastard race . Now this is something to reckon with ...if that happened in this world sooner than later that would be the death of his Excellency the black prince 😈👿👹

Anyways I can't hold on any longer ...I am almost asleep and dreaming I suppose . I better take a drone back home .
Hash !

Honestly speaking a few years ago who would have thought that a multi million dollars worth of fighter jets would be absolutely useless in the real world and will be preferably replaced by the much cheaper mechanical drones being equally beneficial and counter productive in both War & Peace , in sickness and in health .
stay safe 😘
Amen !
8:07 am Break ( 2006 words)

1:28 pm Good Morning or Afternoon . Yes I am trying to wake up and get up get out of the bed . Have a bath and pray .

The first tweet of the day ...

Sun 26th Rajab 1441H
12:58 pm Good Morning ! Aha the net returns . I woke up earlier but then I thought that it is too early I can have just two hours sleep 😴.now after five hours I feel I need two hours more ...
It's sunny partly cloudy no wind , no dust,no rain or Storm.

Yes the predicted everything rain storm and dust with wind ...and here we have nothing at all except a little cloudy weather in a otherwise hot and dry weather .
I haven't watched the news yet so I have no idea how many more Americans Iranian have died today CNN and some other channels have now started the live score boards on the screen I don't know if it is good or bad but maybe for the first time in their own history the are avoiding the breaking news rush in ..and just silently updating .
Watching for years their one most repeated promo promise about the breaking of the next big global historic event first on CNN , I thought they would be ready for this Corona Virus outbreak but here it seems that their whole coverage of the pandamic is focused on the Whitehouse regular briefings ...when somebody asks how Russia and Japan as facing this deadly virus , I have no reply because they are not being shown on the media . Anyways now we have the social media and lots of time due to the Social distancing ....well this reminds me that there is no emoticon yet on my list for social media and social distancing ...why ?

Okay time for a break for the prayer with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

2:21 pm Break ( 2408 words )

3:34 pm Good Afternoon !
Tried to watch the news but perhaps I am not up yet ... I did not understand the scenes from the Lahore airport . The whole pmln or the surviving , was at the airport to receive Mr Shahbaz Sharif from London before he was tested or quarantined , nobody cares about the social distancing ... If you ask me they should all be quarantined immediately ... What message are they trying to send to the all most at a standstill nation back home in London ? And even to their allies in Sindh who are trying to play tough and strong on the Corona Virus 😷

Watan ki mitti gawah rehna ....

The billo party who never ceases to abuses , accuse and blame the Army for human rights violations since it's creation is now on it's feet calling the army for help . The two faced politicians must be finding it hard to live away from home , families , and their constituency . While trying to hold on to Karachi ☠️ for the money 🤑

Now the question is what does Army wants How can they stand up guard against an invisible deadly enemy . The same army that was trying to give a human touch to it's profile through the ispr sponsored and directed shows and movies . Now has to prove it is a superhuman force that can save the chosen ones from almost any situations .

Anyways it's all over ...the pm has given a go ahead to the Sindh lockdown . A deadline has been given to spread the panic good going ...


Okay I had a sound sleep and now I have to pray and then do the iftari and then I will see what I can do should I continue or stop doing this my the Sunday Blog #207 ( Two Hundred and Seven )
So here I take a break for the prayers with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

6:00 pm Break ( 2810 words)

Sun 27th Rajab 1441 H
7:11 pm Good Evening !
Yes I did the iftari for the 22nd Fast in Lent 2020 and after that I prayed the maghrib prayer with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

So are you all prepared for a fifteen days lockdown . The CM Saab has given Powers to the LEA to stop anyone blah blah blah ....
He has also gracious ly requested the mult-i-nationals to collect this months utility bills in installments in the coming months what is so good about it ? Who the hell is advising him with such unconstitutional ideas ...anyways I am sure in two weeks he and his cabinet will be so exhausted they would prefer an early retirement .
Just today I am thinking of an early end to this my the Sunday Blog # 207 ( Two Hundred and Seven ) .

Another breaking news ...PTI joins the MQM govt in Islamabad . They parted ways a few months  back . Governor Sindh has been called to the MQM Headquarters in Bahadurabad for a Social/Political distancing grandfee 🤑

8:04 pm Break ( 3078 words)

8: 56 pm This is the first time in my life ...I don't care about the nine o clock news ....

The funeral and funeral prayers are to be restricted and needs the permission from the SHO Sindh Police 🤑

Shab e mairaj prayers in the mosques 🕌 banned

I am sure we will put Indian held kashmiris MMB' s to shame .

Social distancing and no loadshedding will definitely reduce the memon birth rate in Karachi ☠️

And talking about memons the good news is that the ball throwing and gate crashing memon family has sold the house in the neighborhood after the owner died last year .
And I thought I was being nice and on good behavior all week not shouting on the neighborhood kids . Now let's see what happens with this house if it also goes down demolished and rebuild with flats or if somebody takes it and renovate it as a residential or commercial office . No i won't be surprised 👹

Okay I heard a phone ringing so I better go and check who is calling . During the lockdown the frequency of phone ringing will definitely increase . So help me God the All Mighty ALLAH Amen !

Okay time for the Isha prayer with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

9:31 Break ( 3374 words)

10:38 pm so there is no point in getting up dated or to dated then let's think of something you missed
Today we all miss the dearly departed American uncle from Florida ( may his soul rest in peace in jannah Amen ! ) If he had been alive today he would have been super excited give advices and suggestions to do this and that and to not do this and that . Sharing all sorts of information about the virus and video clips how US is better equipped to handle the pandamic 🐼
But alas he is gone too . For so many years we had social distancing and yet we were communicating very regularly . But somebody forced him to end that social distancing and made him travel to Karachi ☠️ I asked him bluntly many times but he never gave the name of that person so I played the guessing Game my self and short list three people . Sooner or later I Will found out who that person was or is
Okay don't you think I should publish this my the Sunday Blog # 207 ( Two Hundred and Seven ) because it's almost Midnight and there is nothing but a blank page on line . My readers and fans must be very disappointed worried that this my the Sunday Blog # 207 ( Two Hundred and Seven ) may also be in a lockdown . Which is not true I was just trying to see and learn if I could do something at all during the lockdown without the Net , and I am so Glade I did it so well

So here I take a break and see if I can publish it for the first time since midnight this morning 😇

11:12 pm Break ( 3660 words)

Okay now lets move to the movies and entertainment of the week ...!

Watched around eleven movies most of them on the cable and re Runs ....Had all the time in the world and did not want to lie down so i sat in the chair and watched the tv . It was fun ....the cable and net issue was still not resolved this week either and now there is absolutely no hope lets see what happens in the coming two weeks ...perhaps move re runs or nothing at all ....

Anyways ....the geo soaps are not mentioned in this list or two more are ending ...this week ...the Urdu1 tv turkish dubbed show ended ...and i voluntarily gave up the second one now only one left and they increased a day hamari kahani is being aired four times a week Monday to Thursday . ...actually they also have nothing left in the kahani ...but anyways ...the script and acting is good so it does not hurt even with an extra day every week ....sometimes when the ads get on my nerve ...i watch it online on youtube ...which is very good and relaxing ....

the other two turkish soaps i watch on youtube of them finally ended in real screening i learned that from the twitter trend this week #AfiliVeda
they ended it on a slow dance and a sexy kiss just like the fairytales ....ironically on my youtube channel here they just got married without love make their ends meet and fool the world ....and especially their loving and caring families ...and friends .

the other turkish soap i watch very religiously on the youtube channel with or without the net Kuzey Guney ...and this week it also became very interesting ...especially how Kuzey handled his life on his own .....and remained cool while meeting his crazy inlaws . The Song was definitely the highlight of the week ....

Kuzey Güney 11. Bölüm | Kıvanç Tatlıtuğ - Saçlarını Yol Getir - HD

very interesting good to watch serial it !

The only HUM tv soap i am watching regularly on the youtube HUM Channel is ...the newly wed couples ...Ye Dil Mera .....Awesome ...but it has only one episode a week and that also on the wednesday .....playing safe ...Good !

oh by the way ...i forget to congratulate them ...last week . I hope and pray they don't split before a Boy . Amen !

And Now this week i started the Riviera i am not sure how many episode of it i will be watching every week ....but want to take it slow maybe two episode would be okay ....and if i had to use data then maybe even less ....
I really enjoyed the restaurant bill argument in episode 3......You don't have to be rich ...filthy.....LOL

Okay now

Lets movie to the list .....

Okay this is it from the movies and entertainment this week .......

. .2:29 am some news channel tickers are only focusing on the Sindh Government's restrictions and prohibitions about the religious gatherings . Like funeral will only be allowed for the dead people who died not from the Corona Virus 😷 . Only family members will be allowed to attend the funeral prayers with the prior permission of the SHO of the nearest Police Station . So far there is no information about how to get to the graveyard . Walking or by the maiyat gari Bus . And also order about the graveyards as well are they open for all or closed for all. And who will dig the grave ?
I am sure that in a lockdown the grave diggers must have all gone home .

I always wanted to have a small funeral with only the close relatives or just the family who knew me well and not the people who would come just to tease my family and have a good time ... Like this one funeral I remember where a physically crazy person was telling someone he did nothing he was psychologically challenged about the deceased person with full confidence . So I believe this fortnight is the best  time to die with the Corona Virus also because my family won't be able to buy my way into the overcrowded society graveyard ⚰️ paying the corrupt municipal officials  where I would be a land grabber after death buried in somebody's grave sharing in a world of social distancing after death . I am not sure but I believe that the infected bodies will be buried far far away and thus will get the open space and real earth unlike the multi- storey snatched or stollen graves  of the Tariq Road society graveyard ⚰️

Thinking about it .
Aha this news channel tickers is a waste of words ...
State Bank of Pakistan will be closed on Monday ... don't they think everybody knows that already . Oh no then how will the online Banks work ... And how the P stock Xchange is all getting so mixed up and confusing Thank God the All Mighty ALLAH Amen !
it is Monday today matter what they can't have jam Ha ha !

Okay the first show since the lockdown of Karachi has begin ...some very interesting human rights violations and police / Army brutality videos and clips can be seen on the social media especially the WhatsApp and Twitter
The flag March with load sounding sirens is an interesting strategy in war against the Corona Virus 😷 ... Happy Pakistan day ! I wonder if the Google doodle will say anything about it let me check
Nope nothing yet ☹️
Okay then it's time to go and do the Sehri today the astronomical twilight in Karachi ☠️
is 5:16 am
So it's Sehri time ....
4:08 am Break .
4:58 am
Sehri done !

Okay I cannot believe this
Not only WiFi but the telenor data is also down for me .... good going
Relax wasiq relax....
Taking the last sip of water ....
5:16 am
Wabey saumi ghadinna waitu min shahr ay Rajab
Allahumma salli alla muhammadin wa alla aalihi wassallam
Allahumma Salli Ala Sayyidina Wa Maulana Muhammadin Wa Aala Alihi Wa Sahbihi Wa Barik Wa Salim.
Okay I am fasting in Lent 2020 and my sister is fasting for the 27th Rajab
Her fast has a better chance of being accepted and the effort rewarded both in this world and the here after . It is not because of social , political or religious distancing ...this is a clear cut example of spiritual distancing .
The All Mighty ALLAH is All knowing and Wise
Amen !
Okay then I believe this is it
Time for me to go and pray the fajr prayers with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!
...I leave with this opening theme of the sky tv serial I am sure you like it ...
But for those who don't here is something of my own ...

Jahan hoti thi din bhar kukkar-d
Wahan hogi ab raat din kur-d kur-d
جہاں ہوتی تھی دن بھر کککر-د وہاں ہوگی اب رات دن کر کر-
Happy Lockdown Karachi ☠️
Be safe
Survive 😴
Allah Hafiz !
Isabella 'Machine' Summers - Was It Love? ft. Lena
Was It Love?

Song by Isabella Summers and Lena Meyer-Landrut
You and I are cut from the same ice
Sincerity made us the perfect heist
Burning all the gold to sapphire skies
But the breeze is cold in paradise
I can feel the whispers in the street
Every night I shiver in my sleep
No reality, 'cause it's all a dream
Was it love?
It was wild
Brought me to my knees
Sparking fires, sparring wars with expensive things
I tiptoe right round my baby
All this world is mad, mad crazy
Was it love?
It was wild
Brought me to my knees
Sparking fires, sparring wars with expensive things
I tiptoe right round my baby
All this world is mad, mad crazy
Trying not to drown in your mistakes
So I leave it up to faithless fate
Travel waters, seize the hurricane
Rocking back and forth 'cause no one's safe
I can feel the whispers in the street
Every night I shiver in my sleep
No reality, 'cause it's all a dream
Was it love?
It was wild
Brought me to my knees
Sparking fires, sparring wars with expensive things
I tiptoe right round my baby
All this world is mad, mad crazy
Was it love?
It was wild
Brought me to my knees
Sparking fires, sparring wars with expensive things
I tiptoe right round my baby
All this world is mad, mad crazy
There's nowhere to fall and there's nowhere to go
Ghosts in the wall
There's nowhere to fall and there's nowhere to go
Talking to myself