
Sunday 15 March 2020

The Sunday Blog # 206

Today is the Sunday , the 15th of March 2020 , the 19th of Rajab 1441 H till the sunset ( 6:41 pm ; Karachi ) And this is my the Sunday Blog # 206 ( Two Hundred and Six )

The fourth Happy Anniversary ❤️❤️💕 of this my the Sunday Blog is fast approaching . I am so glad that this my the Sunday Blog survived 4 x 4 = 12 seasons . It is very hard to believe that it has been so long because to me it just feels like I have been doing it for just a few weeks . Have always heard  time flies ( tempus Fugit) 🧓 no more for me I sleep 🛌Monday morning and wake up Midnight Saturday 🌃 That is all I can remember about the 206 weeks of my life .

Anyways before the battery of the mobile goes below 40 % here is the Health update ...

Due to the sudden and unexpected change in weather last weekend , fasting weakness and unbelievable eating , I was not able to survive the Cold and throat 😷 infection . Struggle the throat irritation at first and kept eating fried and oily food and chilled Water and juice and home made yugurt and bakery stuff and finally before Juma I had takeaway chicken Qorma and daal fry with market oven naan bread
( Even the mention of it here has brought a mucus outburst from deep down the mouth of the stomach ...)
Pause ⏯️😵🤧🤭

I must be killing it 😂😈😷
Because my dear elder brother who rarely use a mobile smart Android application device and interactive applications , ordered chicken corn Soup from kababjee for me after iftari and cancelled the cooking plans ....

The runny nose is unbearable now and battery below 40%

So the health update concludes here ....

1: 47 am Break ( 288 Words )

2:46 am so during the break I watched two news channel political shows on Dunia news and Gtv is about the stolen cars auto parts choor market in Lahore some ganj obviously and the other one has top three political party spokespersons and my favorite these days ...QS,SM and Shehla Raza . QS keep drinking to keep her cool , SPM who usually is very calm and composed, and I love that , was in the grind this close to quit the show due to the return of Maryam instead of Shahbaz .
Shehla Raza was coughing , sneezing and wiping her nose with the same tissue . The good news is that this week sharmila was also released and did few shows . Last night the Cable was off so I had no idea the party had a funeral of the founding member . RIP !

Anyways while watching the Cable and channels surfing I had Masala tea somebody made for me before going to sleep Thanks . But an even bigger thanks is due for the ever caring and praying Doctor Saab . Without the medicines he brings and sends I could not have stopped the runny nose tonight and at the beginning of the Lent on Shrove Tuesday . I prayed to All Mighty ALLAH Amen !
and dedicated all the blessings of the first week of Lenten fasting to him . Amen !
Because without Doctor Saab's care and prayers 🤲 I could not have fasted on the Ash Wednesday and Thursday .

Thankyou 🌹 so much !

And now the HBL update

Shayad Meri Nani ka khayal Dil Mein Aya hai ....

I was so shocked to see the newly hatched Geo Entertainment soap actress doing extremely high profile Prime time shows simultaneously . Her face reminded me of somebody from the childhood . But this girl is so young so I googled her from the cast of the shows on Geo entertainment and found her family pictures ....and viola ! She has a mother who is identical to her that is what I call the china copy perfection .

Okay the sad news is that Kings in the National Stadium missing the Crowd in the stand kicked out the Islamabad United from the PSL 5 ( 2020) . And became the first to qualify for the play offs . The way the things are going on these days ...I feel it is not politically Correct to use that term for the next level game matches .....
Laguna Matata 🦁

Every time the PSL is played in Lahore the Airlines industry suffers .
Last year India the crazy neighbors forced Pakistan to close the Air- space and this year a world wide Air travels ban had come into force . Even people with private jets are not allowed to enter or land ...
Very bad situation . Peshawar Zalmi played their match in national stadium Karachi ☠️ without their foreign players no not Sami ..he is and never was foreign @#$_ soldier Bazar ka ...

Team mates left probably because of him ...too much Aloo Biryani smells 😷

Anyways the time is up ....the Sehri time is now shifted fifteen minutes so I have to hurry up and be sure I finish with enough time to take the proper medicines and relax

Be back after the Sehri ...

4:20 am Break ( 823 words )
5:29 am

Okay I have done the Sehri
And taken the medicines and brushed  and also sipped the last sip of non chilled Water
And also done the niyat

Wabey saumi ghadinna waitu min shahr ay Rajab

Allahumma salli alla muhammadin wa alla aalihi wassallam

Allahumma Salli Ala Sayyidina Wa Maulana Muhammadin Wa Aala Alihi Wa Sahbihi Wa Barik Wa Salim.

Commissioner Karachi ☠️
Banned marriage
I can't think about it right now after the Sehri I have done ....or everything will come out in the open ....

Somebody in the neighborhood has fumigated pesticides I can smell it now ...

Most neighbors have kids and new borns so smells like these will be a regular occurrence from now on ...let's Just pray they don't kill themselves with excessive use of pesticides and insecticide and anti bacteria and anti viral video blockers...🤧

Yesterday when the Cable was out I watched this live streaming of the Holy Kaba on YouTube ...but not as freely as I am watching it now . Don't want to stop watching but I have to pray and sleep .

So here I take a break for prayer with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

5:59 am Break ( 1107 words )

11:50 am Good Morning !
The first tweet of the day

Sun 19th Rajab 1441
11:32 am Good Morning ! Power shutdown or breakdown ? Woke up due to the sounds of neighbor's Electric generators , kitchen activity , a door banging by the flowers plant vendor all together at the same time 📢📣🔊😭 watery eyes congested nose head hurts

Google weather says 26° C and Haze outside
Wow what an unbelievable Sunday morning seems the whole neighborhood is awake . Must have missed something . Anyways I am feeling much better than I was expecting to be when I wake up this morning . Instead of the fumigation smells this morning at Sehri time here I woke up to the awesome smell of Beef Nulli Nihari cooking ...I am fasting so I cannot eat it but still it feels awesome 😊 rejuvenating .
The good thing about today is that it is a blessed Sunday for the Sunday Blogging ...
All I need to do is share all the wonderful tweets and videos of all the rich and famous people on Twitter and by the time I finish this my the Sunday Blog 206 ( Two Hundred and Six) the words count would be in thousands 😁

12:12 pm Break (1312 words)

1:04 pm the mucus has turned greenish so there will be more coughing ...left nostril is clogged while right nostril is dry . What am I dr frankenstein ? Every part of me is different from every other part of me .

Anyways the Nulli Maghaz Nihari is ready and so is the hot market oven Naan bread and kulchaz . ( Coughing intensifies ) Need to relax . This Nihari is not early it is late ...if I had got it sometime before I catch the cold I might be sleeping soundly right now 😴
I am not sure if I would be able to gulp down the spicy gravy with the infected throat and digest the naan bread .
Anyways I won't be eating it till iftari or Sehri so I better forget about it .

The good news is that reports are coming in of the panic buying and shopping from town markets usually the markets are deserted on the Sundays  . People are unsure what the government will shutdown next and for how long . They shutdown the Zoo and safari park and water parks .

Trump was tested Negative 😡 no surprises there I am sure but he looks worried sick  😞 truly exhausted with the thought of vice president Mike pence taking over in case something happens to him or malania .

Some say that all this lock down is because of the lockdown in Kashmir .
So all they need now is to prove that the butt soup caused it and the world will empower the US forces and the Kashmir issue will be gone for the next twenty years
No wonder the emphasis is on washing the hands 👐 despite knowing that water is extremely unclean and dangerous .

So since I cannot go near the kitchen and there is ample time to pray and recite , I try to relax and not think at all about anything especially the lunch . The best thing to do at the moment is to not do anything at all and relax and calm .

So here I take a break to relax and pray with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

2:10 pm Break ( 1748 words)

4:41 pm Good Afternoon !
Yes the plan worked . I had a very quiet and peaceful sleep 😴 no coughing no sneezing no mucus outburst ...only I keep checking the time from time to time for the fear of not missing the Zuhr prayer with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

So finally I got up after a carefree sleep caring not at all for the dying world and thought that my siblings would be sleeping after eating my favorite Maghaz Nulli Nihari with naan bread without me , but I was surprised that my brother is making a soup with the soup bones and sister browsing the app immediately asked what should I order for your iftari .
So anyways I washed and cleaned and prayed and then again cleaned the nose and the throat . And decided to relax and not get emotional and do rash things ... cancelled the recitation I was at the nisf ( half) of tenth para sura tohba the nineth sura . It is read and recited without the Bismillah . Never really cared why but yesterday as I was reciting the beginning I realised that most of the stats were about Haj and the Holy Kaba the House of Lord the All Mighty ALLAH Amen !

So tomorrow or whenever I will also try to find out or ask someone why there is no Bismillah before this Sura # 9

Okay I hear the rider and somebody opening the door for him ...let's see what she ordered after I said no .
Wow amazing she order multiple types of kulfi icecream ...should have told her what I wanted ...
The mango kulfi is shaped like mango ha ha

By the way .. yesterday as I was coming back from the mosque after the Asr prayer I saw a mango tree laden with tiny green mango fruits means the mango season is coming about a month or less away this Ramzan we will probably have the mangoes for iftari . Last year I clearly remember that there were big juicy green Water melons that were much sought after due to the hot weather . But our fruit vendor at the door was not bringing them . Because water melons are quite risky . They look good from the outside and when you cut it sometimes it's very bad inside . One of the water 🍈 melon we had last year was about seven kilograms at Rs 40 or 50 per kg .
The prices are usually high initially but in the end they begin to rot and go waste . The mango last year was very tasteless let's hope they do it better this year  . If the Airline and shipping industry collapsed due to the travel bans worldwide we will have to rely more on Afghan trucks and Chinese orange train ... Hail Mary !

Okay I have missed the Asr Prayers at the mosque
Today is the first Sunday in Lent that I have missed going out . This year I had hoped that this Lent I will be fearless and go out during the fast pass by open restaurants and eateries and watch people eat and drink and smoke and spit after chewing and painting my Red town pink

But the Lord All Mighty ALLAH Amen ! acts in mysterious ways .

So anyways it's past six and I better get up and pray and then prepare my iftari cum dinner . There will be no pakoras or Samosas and fried stuff until I declare myself recovered or stop coughing sneezing and mucus outbursts . Actually the Lenten iftari should have been like this from the beginning ..our cooking mafia just got carried away ...
Anyways ,
Here I take a break for prayers , iftari and prayer with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

6:13 pm Break (2538 words)

Sun 20th Rajab 1441H
7:15 pm Good Evening !
Had the lightest iftari this Lent . Just two dates and a cup of tea ... And got up to pray with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

After prayers I had more tea and a tikky pack of prince biscuits
Breathing is normal ... Enjoying the match ... Got to see the first duck hatch of this PSL 5
Commentators believe Quetta out too ...
Sad 🤧
Erin still here ? Tail with streaks interesting .

Okay I tried my best to watch the whole inning of the Kings but this 17th over by hasnain has revived my runny nose so I have to get up and do something about it .

Okay so while cleaning the nose and throat irritation I realised that I heard the Isha Azan I did the wazu and prayed with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

After the Prayers I again cleaned the nose and throat and used the nasal spray doctor Saab brought for me not from the Not for sale free samples , but he himself bought from the pharmacy with his halal income for me . It always works like magic . So as soon as my runny nose stopped , I remember there is a feast waiting for me first I sucked the very tender soup bones and Nulli . Then I had the Maghaz Nulli Nihari with Naan bread . The naan bread was not very recent but i soften it in the microwave . So it was a good meal . But after eating I realised that I prefer to eat Nihari to open the clogged and blocked nasal track especially the head congestion and here I was desperately trying to stop the runny nose a few minutes ago . Anyways while I was delibrating I got the hot cup of tea I sipped it and soon everything became normal except now my head began to melt . The cap I was wearing on the head became all wet 😭
Haven't had so much sweating in a week or Two 😳 see I was right if only I have had this meal last Sunday or Monday or Tuesday and leftovers on Wednesday and Thursday
I would not have been in such a mess .

And talking about mess can you believe Malik shezan has the same  blood group he saves Capt Saad who got hurt playing hide and seek with Rajistan rifles in Kashmir

Dum dara dum dara mast mast dara
Dum dara dum dara mast mast dara
Dum dara dum dum
Oh hum dum bin tere kyaa jeenaa
Oh hum dum bin tere kyaa jeenaa

Tere bina beswaadi beswaadi ratiyaan, oh sajna
Tere bina beswaadi beswaadi ratiyaan, oh sajna
Rookhi re oh rookhi re, kaatore kaate katena
Tere bina beswaadi beswaadi ratiyaan, oh sajna
Tere bina beswaadi beswaadi ratiyaan, oh sajna
Dum dara dum dara mast mast dara
Dum dara dum dara mast mast dara
Dum dara dum dum
Oh hum dum bin tere kyaa jeenaa
Oh hum dum bin tere kyaa jeenaa

Naa jaa chaakri kaa maare
Naa jaa souten pukaare
Saawan aeyega toh poochegaa
Naa jaa re
Pheeki pheeki beswaadhi
Yeh ratiyaan
Kaatore kate naa kate naa
Ab tere binaa sajnaa sajnaa
Kaate kate naa
Katenaa katenaa tere binaa
Tere binaa beswaadi beswaadi
Ratiyaan, oh sajnaa oh
Dum dara dum dara mast mast dara
Dum dara dum dara mast mast dara
Dum dara dum dum
Oh hum dum bin tere kyaa jeenaa
Oh hum dum bin tere kyaa jeenaa

Tere binaa chaand kaa sonaa khotaa re
Peeli peeli dhool undaawe jhootaa re
Tere binaa sonaa peetal
Tere sang keekar peepal
Aaja katenaa ratiyaan
Dum daraa dum daraa mast mast daraa
Dum daraa dum daraa mast mast daraa
Dum daraa dum dum
Oh hum dum bin tere kya jeena
Tere binaa beswaadi beswaadi
Ratiyaan, oh sajnaa oh
Rukhiri re rukhire kaatore katenaa
Dum daraa dum daraa mast mast daraa
Dum daraa dum daraa mast mast daraa
Dum daraa dum dum
Oh hum dum bin tere kyaa jeenaa
Oh hum dum bin tere kyaa jeenaa

Okay never mind the time because i am under the influence of two ...anti- histamines ....right now ...and i have no idea what i am going to have for sehri tonight never mind everything and just go with the flow ....

Here are the movies of the week ....

 Okay this is it from the movies of the week ......

Okay the breaking news is that one more building is falling down in some area of Karachi ☠️

Two main Prime time soaps ended this weekend one yesterday and one today . And few more are in the last lag ....and one very anti Sindh feudalism took off ...let's see how it goes ...I am definitely sure it has something to do with the arrest of the so called media mogal of Pakistan Mir shakil
The Queen of England and Wales has left the Buckingham palace and gone in the hidding
God save the Continent .

I am feeling much better now and also very relax too but the eyes are watery and closing I believe if I lie on bed I would fall asleep so I think I should start preparing my Sehri now slowly ....I cannot eat a full meal now after that heavy dinner so I guess I will just fry an egg and eat with the slices of bread . I so want to eat the kulfi but I don't it is prudent can't even drink the 7up

Okay so a very hopeless day for the PSL 5
Both Multan And Kings lost to a weaker side to adjust a king vs Lahore

Very childish thinking destroys the image of the tournament at a time like this ...shame on the sponsors .

Sehri time .

5:14 am okay I have done Sehri

5:23 am roza ki niyat ...

Wabey saumi ghadinna waitu min shahr ay Rajab

Allahumma salli alla muhammadin wa alla aalihi wassallam

Allahumma Salli Ala Sayyidina Wa Maulana Muhammadin Wa Aala Alihi Wa Sahbihi Wa Barik Wa Salim.

Must be a disgruntled employee ...please ignore it .

Okay so finally we are at the end of this my the Sunday Blog#206 ( Two Hundred and Six )

Watching , not really the Democratic Debate  feels like two Tyres of the Chariot .... The race is called off ...

Okay then the political set up and leadership has failed this Corona Virus will definitely bring about change world wide .

Let us hope and pray that whatever the future holds for us may pleases the Dear merciful Lord All Mighty ALLAH Amen ! 🤲🛐

With that wish , hope , and pray I end this my the Sunday Blog # 206 (Two Hundred and Six ) with one of my favorite singer's favorite song video .  Enjoy !

All the Best !

ALLAH Hafiz !

Kylie Minogue - Never Too Late - Official Video

Never Too Late

Why can't you see
That I'm still mad about you
Even though I've found out about you
I'll always stay forever true
And in my heart
I will forgive you
I've got so much love to give you
It's never too late
We've still got time
It's never too late
You can still be mine
It's never too late
To change your mind
Why can't you try
And be a man about it
And if you stop and think about it
You just can't keep walking out on me
And even if it takes forever
Your love's better late than never
It's never too late
We've still got time
It's never too late
You can still be mine
It's never too late
To change your mind
It's never too late
To change your mind
Though I try
I can never put you from my mind
You just creep right back inside
And there's no place I can hide
And in my heart
I will forgive you
I've got so much love to give you
It's never too late
We've still got time
It's never too late
You can still be mine
It's never too late
To change your mind

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