
Sunday 23 June 2019

The Sunday Blog # 168

Today is the Sunday , the 23rd of June 2019 the 19th of Shawwal 1440 H till the Sunset (7:25 pm , karachi ) and this is my the Sunday Blog # 168 ( hundred and sixty eight )
So tonight i over eat again ...and fall asleep soon after the indians bowled the lassly t ball to the afghan land grabbers ...missed the first session of this my the Sunday Blog # 168 ( hundred and sixty eight ) . Woke up at 2:30 am immediately got out of the bed as if the sehri time is slipping away ...first i tried to remember if it was the Sunday Morning or not ...the moment i realized ...i checked the tap water ...and no ...not a single drop ...its hot and dry ...the bathroom floor which is often wet is also so dry these days as if somebody had mopped it rigorously . So with a almost clogged shut eyes ...i got cleaned and did wazoo with the bottled water and prayed the isha  prayer first . these days or nights i am finding it very hard to pray the isha prayer and even the dinner ...because soon after the maghrib prayer my eyes begin to shut down if the body clock is set to go to sleep at 8 pm or 9 pm ....and tonight i prayed the maghrib prayer before eight and went to the market oven for the naan bread ...had the dinner ...and then watched the game ...was almost asleep during the game ...but stayed in the chair somehow ...
Anyways ...after the isha prayer i started the water prayer ...and even though i have no hope that i will have the tap water for fajr or zuhr prayer ....but still i am praying ....Do i sound like Baji Maryam what she did in her show today ....welcoming the Qatar prince ...or Emir whatever ...Confirmed she had nothing to do with her uncle and Aunt . Shahbaz and hamza gang ...well maybe not ...who knows ...Hamza might be on her side ...maybe hamza idolizes his uncle the sharif saab in jail more than he loves his dad the sharif  saab working on a mesak e maishut . or the charter of economy . Wait let me google translate it ..
okay never mind ....lets just forget it ...and move ...
wait ...
You know what ...i would suggest that opposition or whoever is in the jail should stay there ...and the rest should go on a foreign trips and enjoy their ill gotten money and property abroad before they loose it .  One way or the other ....LOL

Strange isn't it ....hearing traffic sounds at this hour ...must be the peoples rally preparation raat jaga big screen for the match ...etc etc ...the airforce has already lost the PIA and the CUP , lets see what it loses today ....LOL

okay now i have just half an hour left before the prayer break ......but before that i need to check the water situation here i take a short break ....

4:22 am Break ( 490 words )

4:49 am Yes ...i filled up few bottles for the day ...and must hurry up  if i wants to do the wazoo with the tap water ...for the fajr prayer ....the azans have already started ...siblings are sleeping ...hate to wake them up ...but they will hate me when they find out that there was tap water and i did not wake them up

So even though i wasted a lot of sunday morning from mid night ...almost three hours ...i believe i did good ...and may reach the first thousand after the the prayer ...Today i have no plans to fall asleep till the beginning of the match . Chaapas are expected ...not really sure why ...anyways ...

Okay so here i take a break ....for prayer with a prayer for my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

5:10 am Break ( 708 words)

6:21 am Good Morning !
first tweet of the day
Sun 19th Shawwal 1440H
6:16 am Good Morning ! far the weather is cool least its better outside in the open then inside ...and it will go from bad to worse the moment cooking starts in the kitchen ...i had chilled sweet yogurt for breakfast ...rare event ? lol

yes isn't it amazing ...instead of having a Sunday Breakfast ...of choley puri and stuff ...i took a little chilled sweet yogurt ...I avoid yogurt as much as i can ...even though i know that it does not aid the lactose intolerance ...ya so i have read that some of the milk derivatives like yogurt and cream ...does not have the same effects as that of the milk for the lactose intolerant . But these day i am not at all concerned for the lactose intolerance ...instead this sleep disorder is now becoming very alarming as i fall asleep the moment i lie down ...especially watching television or a movie . fall asleep soon after eating ...and sometimes even before eating ...even staying hungry all day is not helping to make me stay up . Had so little quantity of chilled sweet yogurt just now and now i am almost sleep blogging ...

And it is getting worse the second i better take a break here ...its a shame people use drugs and alcohol and some other form of chemicals to get this high ....

7:03 am Break ( 950 words)

10:42 am Wow ...i am up again .....feel very fresh ...washed the face ...but this left eye is still kind of clogged ...Well can you believe that took me hours ...three to be exact ...7 -10 to get up and wake up it should be like this wake up and get up ...and get out of the bed ...and LO ! ....there the dinning table is loaded with the Brunch ....and there is no sign of Doctor saab 's chaapa ...he is at home and enjoying his weekend ...How could he do that ? ...

So having the ramzan in my mind ....i did not touch anything on the table or in the kitchen and instead just took a cup of tea ...and came back to my oven room ...oh no i did not even check the sky ...wait ...pause !

the Sky is Hazy and Hot Sunny .....

okay the heavily Armed Guard ( pump up )  is again on the duty with a nasal sound ....and some how he know i am nearby ...must be the door opening sound ...some of these creatures are very sensitive ...when they are initially posted on my watch ...very slowly they begin to feel at home ...and agree to return home ...the previous one left a two day bride back home ...and my dear brother keep teasing him to go home for the first eid ...he even offered to pay the train ticket ...but he did not get the leave and pay from the crazy neighbours ....infact they must have hated us even more ....when they heard this novel idea ...LOL

okay so even if i am not eating the Brunch ...i can share its pictures ....

And this is so amazing .... 

 Last night 's dinner ...


 Okay ...i have no idea i can resist all this and for how long ....Anyways ...all i know for sure is that i have crossed the first thousand words ...and now heading up for the second far i have not copy and pasted anything from the google ...or twitter if i wants i can cross the next thousand words in the next five minutes ....or i could keep on doing this my the Sunday Blog # 168 ( hundred and sixty eight ) just as it is ...slowly ....

So the Top news must be the...wait ...i cannot resist this tweet by somebody ...never mind ...

i hope this tweet has a longer life than this my the Sunday Blog # 168 ( Hundred and sixty eight ) ...sometimes when i look back on my Blogs ...i find a lot of media shared missing ....and most of the time i don't even have a clue as to what and why i posted there is sometime kind of a mind game try and to remember ...what i might have hared there ...
Oh the Saddest news of the century is that yesterday i updated my flicker app on the mobile ...and they finally woke up ...and told me that i am over booked ...So it is a final farewell to the flickr uploads as well as the stored there ...i tried to keep most of my stuff online so that if i move someday ...i don't have to pass the digital stuff through the x rays and scanners ....even though now the pen drives are getting better and better ...and soon my whole lifetime of online activity maybe uploaded on just one pen drive or a micro sd card ...which may be fixed in the tooth somewhere ....LOL

Okay so while the opposition is worried about our future much ....PM and the President are enjoying the company of Rich American Brat is so good to see the PM house and the President House restored to its full Glory even if its for a Weekend ... God Bless America !

Okay now its time for a short break ...the Chaapa has been called off ...don't understand the reason given ...just now while go and have a facebook meetup ...and find more details ...oh phone landline is ringing i better hurry up ....I think its the next chaapa ...somebody is at the door ...ringing ...So until i find out if its safe or not to go out of the room ...i guess ...i will remain disconnected ...Facebook Meetup cancelled .....
Wow ...i so love the Excommunication on a Sunny Sunday afternoon ....
Sounds so poetic ....will someday complete the lyrics ....


Question ? Why Mulla took an absolute U - Turn this morning ... did he fell from the Step 4 ....?


12:14 am Break ( 1757 Words)

3:22 pm So i prayed Zuhr with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen! after wazoo with tap water ....yes ...Some body has ordered the value opener line man of the water Board to inform us when the he opens the value on the friday and sunday ...after noon ....Praiseth the dear merciful Lord ...All Mighty Allah Amen !
Sister told us two days ago when we returned from the Juma Mubarak prayers ...that somebody from the water board was banging the door and ringing the bell ...Our door bell stopped ringing during the Holy Month of Zakat and sadaqat . The Black Burqa Clad ladies the last lag of the Holy Month rang it so much that it got burned ....previously i go and fight with people like these but this year i decided to ignore them besides there was a switch in the bell turn it off if it was disturbing me ...very few people in this world are now left who have the will to disturb me ...and i am so sure they also do it when its a matter of their life and death ....OR MONEY !

Some superstitious old timers still play the outdated games ...most of them i have already forgotten i believe it is better to ignore and go on with my life usual .

Okay so where did we leave ...yes ...before the break what i thought to be a chaapa was just a courier ...nothing serious ...Honestly if i wasn't just short of the words count for this my the Sunday Blog # 168 ( Hundred and sixty eight ) today i would have myself deleted or as they say in the Parliamentary language ...Expunged .
So on hearing the silence outside was too quiet to be true ...for a chaapa ...i took a risk and opened the room door and discovered that finally the Uncle and Aunt ( canada / seattle / Airforce ) has sent a card to invite me to a full ceremony on the other side of the Baloch Colony Bridge ....Honestly i always thought that i would be the last person singular to be actually informed about this ceremony after the baby shower ...or somebody coming from it disgruntled over something or the other would make sure that i find out ....
And talking of showers ...This week some of the federally daministrated tribal areas under the Sindh and Pakistan Rangers had some highly calculated rain showers ....Which was followed by the Usual power breakdown in the whole province . mine was only gone for a little over an hour ...not even a proper after rain break down till the morning ....because we only had about 75 tiny raindrops and that too fell over my dear brother who has been too desperate for the rain ....and confronted every aakh thoo guy spitting anywhere and saying no rain is because of our sins ....
Oh by the media is also reporting that some very small mosques here and mazafaat have started the rain prayers ....there is a specific Rain prayer in Islam according to Hadis and Sunna told by the Holy Prophet ( SAW) and it is called Namaz ay istisqa ....I will insha Allah research and share the sayings of the holy Prophet ( SAW) regarding the prayer for Rain and how it is done ...

So as i was saying ...people of Karachi the ( still ) most dangerous city in the world ...are very very divided and unsure and un decided about the rain mostly because of the Utility companies mostly relying on the chinese equipment and expertise . And you know the rest of the tale ....

okay actually i was hoping to have crossed the three thousand words mark on the words counter for this my the Sunday Blog # 168 ( hundred and sixty eight ) before the Asr prayer break ... but right now i am a full five hundred words short and now i am again feeling high and dry ....meaning i need chilled water and hot cup of tea ...also i want to know the score of the Pak vs SA game at lords ...
But before i take a break ...I am sure everybody who is interested in my movies wants to know how i feel about the movie Callie and Son ...( 1981 tv movie) staring Lindsay Wagner ...again ...and directed by Waris Habibullah Hussain
Now i am not sure if you can call it distraction ...yes maybe from now on i will put his name and all the movies related to his name on the watch list ...but that does not mean that i will jump off from the wagner movies and tv shows ....especially after watching the Callie and Son ( 1981) i an slowly trying to convince myself to finally a few episodes of the Gery's Anatomy ...a series that i have never shown any interest in ...about three hundred plus episodes and fifteen seasons ...i believe in the days of Ally Mcbeal it started on the Star world series channel ...but i did not try to watch it ....and i am still not sure if i would follow ...a lot has changed in my life and in the television .....
okay now back to the Lords game of the day ....But first i want to know ....again ...Why ?
 Is it because we are stupid ...or is it because we have a Gun Control ....Why ? do we have to watch more ads and commercials during the match they still believe Wasim and Zainab gang will show something against the will of the people in power .

Believe you me ...if i can give up grey's Anatomy even with lindsay Wagner kindergarten Crush ...i can give up the Live Cricket Tournaments on the television for good ....Amen !
Had three colours of Mangoes this week ....
The Qatar Emir left in his multi million dollar plane ....after having expensive lunch with the president and his lovely wife ....The PM Imran Khan was not seen at the show off of the Emir maybe ...oh no ...who was flying the plane ...? oh NO ....!

Its almost five ...and i have also almost reached the three thousand words mark  on the words counter for this my the Sunday Blog # 168 ( Hundred and sixty eight ) as planned ...Almost !! Ha Ha !

so here i take a prayer break with a Prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi
 May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen! 

5:00 pm Break ( 2968 words)

6:28 pm Okay so only half an hour or so left ...And the Score of Pakistan side is 308 / 7 in 50 overs ...South africa is still to bat ....lets see what happens ...

I have again eaten a plate of Pulao i am not sure if i can be able to sit on the chair and do this my the Sunday Blog # 168 ( Hundred and sixty eight) after the rain ...i mean ...after the maghrib prayer let me do the movies of the week and then i will relax and see if i should continue or sleep as i have been for the past week ...sleep after maghrib with or without dinner ...usually without ...

Movies of the Week !!  
This has been the full week of the movies ...also had three indian movies one of which was a Punjabi with no happy ending ...the Lindsay wagner movies continued ...there is just too much to learn in them ...LOL

  • Callie & Son (1981)Rated 7 stars ...this movie started with the same old child abandon by a single mom story of the 80's ...only here she  collect money for the baby son ...later she married a seth sole owner of a newspaper when she had a miscarriage and the filmy doctors told her that she could not have a child ever again ...she told him the story ...about the first child she gave birth to years ago and sold it on the black market ...the over obsessed news paper mogul turned the state of Texas upside down and the boy fell right into his lap ...easy ! So the way the movie mentioned real events like the President  JFK and most of the events related to him ...i felt like this movies was based on real people i googles the names and could not find anyone in that era ....its all fiction ...anyways it was such a relief ...loved the movie ...maybe if it was made now it would have been a little bit different ...still i liked it anyways ...
  • Montana Sky (2007)Rated 8 stars ....Ah thank God the All Mighty Allah Amen ! it is against our religion to make such a will ...but in my case we had a shared property ...that was not very easily sold i have pretty good idea how it can be a pain in the @#$ .....I am still not sure about the suggested nudity scene ...never heard of it working in such a situation ...ever before was a definite first and to some extent quite shocking ....will recover as soon as i watch something more bizarre ...Amen ! had a very hallmark touch ...oh its a life time movie wonder ...
  • No Place to Hide (1981)Rated 7 stars ....for money ....loved it very dearly
  • Police Story: Burnout (1988)Rated 6 stars ...LOL ...
  • Milan Talkies (2019)
  • Contagious (1997)
  • Notebook (2019)
  • Shattered Dreams (1990)
  • Fighting for My Daughter (1995)
  • I Want to Live (1983)
  • Qismat (2018)
time is up i might finish the movies of the week after the break ....

here i take a break for the maghrib and sunset ...with a prayer for my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen! 

7:14 pm Break ( 3559 words)

Sun 20th Shawwal 1440 H
10:58 pm Good Evening ...or Night ...!
Wow finally Pakistan did it for Sarfarz ...Honestly i would never ever ever pray the same for me ...I always pray , wish and hope to be for Pakistan and never wish that Pakistan do it for me ...or the day ever comes ....Insha Allah !

Anyways , i enjoyed the game very much must be the first time since i started the Sunday Blogging ...over three years ago ...that i stopped this and watched the match . Have missed a lot of very interesting games . Anyways , this is the last hour so i better hurry up ....

The Train accident this week has disrupted the whole railways network ...and caused very many hardships for the passengers ...well did you expect after putting the leaders of the two main opposition parties in jail and threatening the International money launderers ( British) with a deadline ....which is now just a week away . I believe that the next sunday blog # 169 ( Hundred and sixty nine ) will be mostly about it ...or nothing about it ....if i succumbed to the pressures from friends and neighbours and let them transfer all or some of their unnamed properties in my name . I totally support the Amnesty  scheme ... I want the economy to be documented and organised ...But they are not advertising it properly ...First we have to distinguish between the money launderers and the innocent pakistani people . It is not fair to the innocent Pakistani people that they may be fed to the lions and lappards of the FBR . And it is very un constitutional that their privacy is compromised in the form of data collection . The present Government has to make some very tough policies to protect the rights and freedoms of the people . It is a democratic government not an autocracy or the iron fist rule . So far the present government has done nothing to build the confidence of the masses ...the voters and supporters of the PTI government are now very much disillusioned as if they voted and supported the wrong party . Economy is in the shambles ...prices of every thing has gone up ...the Budget has given no relief to any segment of the society ...there is no ray of hope in any direction . Opposition has tons of Money both here in the country as well as abroad (UK) and i am sure they can hurt the poor people very severely to prove that the government is a complete  failure ...then why is the government  giving them so many opportunities ...? this only proves that they are or have been together from the beginning all this sides game was just a show ....

And on that sad note ...i believe it is time for me to end this my the Sunday Blog # 168( hundred and sixty eight ) .

Today i will end this my the Sunday Blog # 168 ( Hundred and sixty Eight ) with a hindi movies song video ...from the movie NOTEBOOK ( 2019).

Okay then its time ...So once again i congratulate the Pakistan Airforce teazam for winning today's game at lords .
I will continue praying for the FBR and Pakistan Railways ....can't help it ...i have to ...All the Best !

Allah Hafiz !!

Notebook: Laila Song | Zaheer Iqbal & Pranutan Bahl | Dhvani Bhanushali | Vishal Mishra

Laila Lyrics

Mere Sar Pe Hogi Dhun Teri
Tere Sar Pe Mera Fatoor Hoga
Mujhe Tumpe Naaj Hai Jitna
Tumhe Mujpe Utna Garur Hoga
Main Laila Ki Tarah
Tu Majnu sa Mash Hoor Hoga
Dekhna Ye Ek Din Zarur Hoga
Dekhna Ye Ek Din Zarur Hoga
Dekhna Ye Ek Din Zarur Hoga
Chandani Se Dhup Tak
Wahi Pe Bikhrege
Jis Jagah Milenge Hum
Ye Dekhna
Aasma Bhi Tutega
Zameen Bhi Pighlegi
Jis Jagah Milenge Hum
Ye Dekhna
Bechaniyo Ka Sama Rahega
Hoga Ye Bhi Dekhna
Dard Mein Ye Jaha Rahega
Hoga Ye Bhi Dekhna
Haan Yahi Hoga
Thoda Thoda Tera Hoga
Thoda Thoda Mera Kasur Hoga
Main Lailaa Ki Tarah
Tu Majnu sa Mash Hoor Hoga
Dekhna Ye Ek Din Zarur Hoga
Dekhna Ye Ek Din Zarur Hoga
Dekhna Ye Ek Din Zarur Hoga

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