
Sunday 16 June 2019

The Sunday Blog # 167

Today is the Sunday the 16th of June 2019 , the 12th of Shawwal 1440H till the Sunset ( 7:23 pm , Karachi ) and this is my the Sunday Blog # 167 ( Hundred and sixty seven ) .
I don't know what happened tonight ...after maghrib i fall asleep while watching the match Aus vs Sri ...Australia won by some 87 runs ...woke up changed my location and fall asleep again ...must be the heat wave ...the hot market oven bread Naan brought for dinner is still hot hours later ..i just checked . So i skipped the dinner ...seems that everybody else also did ...thanks to this hot and humid  weather we in karachi the most dangerous city in the world are not accustomed to everybody's eating habits have changed ...It has been over a week now since the Holy Month of Ramzan ended on the 5th of June 2019 and there has been nothing regular about the eating and meals . I myself who is often blamed to be eating anytime and all the time ...have skipped many regular meal times instead trying to take more and more chilled water ....So far i have survived the throat trouble due to the chilled water and drinks . But i don't think that i could any further ...i am so sure that by the time today i take leave from this my the sunday blog # 167 ( Hundred and sixty seven ) ...i will be coughing and spitting with a congested nasal track .
The water problem is getting worse and i am losing the will to  pray and look for it in the underground tank . while the neighbours keep on wasting it and destroying the road . Anyways i am sure there must me a good reason for it ...its just that i am not wise enough to understand the raison d'etre .

So anyways ...The most important news or event this week was off course was the Cyclone Vayu ....All week the western coast of india kept waiting for it to make a land fall ...but it kept steady and probably challenging the hundreds and thousands preachers and magic spell binders and charmers etc etc ....Black magic and woo doo worshipers ...from porbunder to goa ...Related image

They seems to have delayed and distracted the cyclone Vayu so far for which we here in karachi the most dangerous city in the world are paying the price in the form of this continued Heat wave and very uncertain weather . Thank God the All Mighty Allah Amen ! that schools and universities and the courts of the city are closed for the summer vacations . other wise the PM , the CM and The M are only interested in the Funds ....who gets the lion's share ...they sit in their utopian air conditioned environment and don't care about anything people are spending their life . These elected law makers have turned the parliament into  a fishy market . The Budget sessions have been disrupted regularly by both sides of the benches and floor . And the Media keeps debating the so called " PRODUCTION ORDER " of the former president and other opposition leaders arrested by the NAB ( National accountability Bureau )
I have no idea why the Media or the  Government or this bureau is so obsessed with the production of the former president ...i mean can't they see that he is too old for Production or Reproduction ....and even so if he is some how able to do the magic at this age and health ...haven't the media seen his past Productions ???
2:37 am Break (577  words)

3:23 am Good Morning ! ....almost an hour break ...well did not waste time ...first i dig the freezer and found this white daal maybe a month old ...after microwave it was just as good as new ...especially with the paya tarka ...

if doctor saab saw this ...he will be furious ...all day yesterday he was prescribing medicines for blood and back ....LOL !
Not sure if the chaapa is possible today ...the weather is extreme in his part of town /city ...colder in cold and hotter in hot even rains there before here and last longer the moment the sky is partly clear ...but not sure how it will be in the next four five hours .

So today is the Mauka mauka match of the ICC ODi World Cup 2019 in England UK . i believe it is in Manchester at the Emirates Old Trafford
Rain is predicted in the ground and IMD seems to have given up completely on the fierce full ness of the cyclone Vayu ...but still some parts of western india may get some showers which is absolutely impossible for me . as i will be using the bottle for essentials and wazoo for namaz prayer . The irony is that i suspect mostly the religious mafia and massi builders behind this water shortage for me and my home in the neighbourhood only . Usually when i write about some issue no matter how big or difficult it is is resolved some very quickly , some in days ...very few in months ...the rest are permanent members of the UN and cannot be resolved ....its their bread and butter

So anyways ...i would be lucky if i get to see the match today the Electric power and cable companies have all the excuse to shut down any time for breakdown and load shedding . and if it rained here or there then their right to shutdown will increase manyfold . Also the crazy neighbours will get even more chance to show off their self sufficiency over water and power . I have no idea how long they can hold on to this charade ...or who ever is behind . Yesterday they changed the armed Guard and the Gun. The Saein and his police guards are  keeping a very low profile ever since both Helen and Gretel ...the land grabber and builder mafia of Surrey and Saddar were arrested this week . There is a list of their declared properties and assets on many facebook groupies ..


Property Assets Detail of President Asif Ali Zardari

SUMMARY :Find all details list of properties and assets of Asif Ali Zardari (President of Pakistan and Co-Chairman PPPP). Plots and Agricultural land in Pakistan, property in UAE, British Virgin Islands, UK, France, Belgium, USA and Switzerland. Shares in companies details, Bank Accounts details alongwith bank account numbers....

Most Recent Purchase by Asif Ali Zardari: 
A Tower in Ajman, UAE, for $87 million, from Swiss bank account,
Information revealed by the seller himself.

Assets (Plots and Houses) of President Asif Ali Zardari in Pakistan:
Plot No 121, Phase VIII, DHA, Karachi
Residential plot No 3 (now house) Block No B-1, City Survey No 2268 Ward-A Nawabshah.
Huma Heights (Asif Apartments) 133, Depot Lines, Commissariat Road, Karachi.
Trade Tower Building 3/CL/V Abdullah Haroon Road, karachi.
House No 8, St 19, F-8/2, Islamabad..
Plot No 3 & 4 Sikni (residential) Near Housing Society Ltd. Nawabshah
CafT Sheraz (C.S No. 2231/2 & 2231/3) Nawabshah
Plot No. A/136 Survey No 2346 Ward A, Government Employees Cooperative Housing Society Ltd, Nawabshah
Property in Deh Charo Taluka, Badin
Five acres prime land allotted by DG KDA in 1995/96

Agricultural Land in Pakistan of President Asif Ali Zardari:
Agricultural land situated in Deh Dali Wadi, Taluka Tando Allah Yar
Agricultural property located in Deh Tahooki Taluka, Distt. Hyderabad (65.15 acres)
Agricultural land falling in Deh 76-Nusrat Taluka, Distt. Nawabshah (827.14 acres)
Agricultural land falling in Deh 76-Nusrat Taluka, Distt. Nawabshah (293.18 acres)
Agricultural land in Deh 42 Nusrat Taluka. Distt. Nawabshah.
Agricultural lasnd in Deh 51 Dad Taluka, Distt. Nwabshah.
Agricultural land in Deh 23-Deh Taluka & District Nawabshah
Agricultural property in Deh 72-A, Nusrat Taluka, Nawabshah
Agricultural land in Deh 76-Nusrat Taluka, Nawabshah
Agricultural land in Deh Jaryoon Taluka Tando Allah Yar, Distt. Hyderabad
Agricultural land in Deh Aroro Taluka Tando Allah Yar, " "
Agricultural land in Deh Nondani Taluka Tando Allah Yar, " "
Agricultural land in Deh Lotko Taluka Tando Allah Yar, " "
Agricultural land in Deh Jhol Taluka Tando Allah Yar, " "
Agricultural land in Deh Kandari Taluka Tando Allah Yar, " "
Agricultural land in Deh Deghi Taluka Tando Mohammad Khan, " "
Agricultural land in Deh Rahooki Taluka, Hyderabad.
Agricultural property in Deh Dali Wadi Taluka Hyderabad.
4,000 kanals on Simli Dam
80 acres of land at Hawkes Bay
13 acres of land at Maj Gulradi (KPT Land)
One acre plot, GCI, Clifton
One acre of land, State Life (International Center, Sadar)

Zardari’s Shares in Sugar Mills include:
Sakrand Sugar Mills Nawabshah
Ansari Sugar Mills Hyderabad
Mirza Sugar Mills Badin
Pangrio Sugar Mills Thatta
Bachani Sugar Mills Sanghar

FEBCs worth Rs. 4 million

Front Companies in Foreign Countries:
Bomer Fiannce Inc, British Virgin Islands
Mariston Securities Inc, British Virgin Island
Marleton Business S A, British Virgin Island
Capricorn Trading S A, British Virgin Island
Fagarita Consulting Inc, British Virgin Island
Marvil Associated Inc, British Virgin Island
Pwnbury Finance Ltd, British Virgin Island
Oxton Trading Limited, British Virgin Island
Brinslen Invest S A, British Virgin Island
Chimitex Holding S A, British Virgin Island
Elkins Holding S A, British Virgin Island
Minister Invest Ltd, British Virgin Island
Silvernut Investments Inc., British Virgin Island
Tacolen Investments Ltd, British Virgin Island
Marlcrdon Invest S A, British Virgin Island
Dustan Trading Inc, British Virgin Island
Reconstruction and Dev. Finance Inc, British Virgin Island
Nassam Alexander Inc.
Westminster Securities Inc.
Laptworth Investment Inc. 202, Saint Martin Drive, West Jacksonville
Intra Foods Inc. 3376, Lomrel Grove, Jacksonville, Florida
Dynatel Trading Co, Florida
A S Realty Inc., Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
Bon Voyage Travel Consultancy Inc, Florida

Properties of President Asif Ali Zardari in UK:
355 acre Rockwood Estate, Surrey... (First denied, now admitted)
Flat 6, 11 Queens Gate Terrace, London SW7
26 Palace Mansions, Hammersmith Road, London W14
27 Pont Street, London, SW1
20 Wilton Crescent, London SW1
23 Lord Chancellor Walk, Coombe Hill, Kingston, Surrey
The Mansion, Warren Lane, West Hampstead, London.
A Flat at Queensgate Terrace, London.

Houses of Asif Ali Zardari at:
Hammersmith Road,
Wilton Crescent,

Properties of Asif Ali Zardari in Belgium:
12-3 Boulevard De-Nieuport 1000, Brussels,
(Building containing 4 shops and 2 large apartments)
Chausee De-Mons, 1670, Brussels.

Properties of Asif Ali Zardari in France:
La Manoir De La Reine Blanche
and property in Cannes.

Properties in the United States, in the name of Asif Zardari (managed by Shimmy Qureshi):
Stud farm in Texas
Wellington Club East, West Palm Beach
12165 West Forest Hills, Florida
Escue Farm 13,524 India Mound, West Palm Beach
3,220 Santa Barbara Drive, Wellington Florida
13,254 Polo Club Road, West Palm Beach Florida
3,000 North Ocean Drive, Singer Islands, Florida
525 South Flager Driver, West Palm Beach, Florida
Holiday Inn Houston,
Owned by Asif Ali Zardari, Iqbal Memon and Sadruddin Hashwani

Bank Accounts of Asif Ali Zardari in Foreign Countries:
Union Bank of Switzerland (Account No. 552.343, 257.556.60Q, 433.142.60V, 216.393.60T)
Citibank Private Limited (SWZ) (Account No. 342034)
Citibank N A Dubai (Account No. 818097)
Barclays Bank (Suisse) (Account No. 62290209)
Barclays Bank (Suisse) (Account No. 62274400)
Banque Centrade Ormard Burrus SA
Banque Pache SA
Banque Pictet & Cie
Banque La Henin, Paris (Account No. 00101953552)
Bank Natinede Paris in Geneva (Account NO. 563.726.9)
Swiss Bank Corporation
Chase Manhattan Bank Switzerland
American Express Bank Switzerland
Societe De Banque Swissee
Barclays Bank (Knightsbridge Branch) (Account No. 90991473)
Barclays Bank, Kingston and Chelsea Branch, (Sort Code 20-47-34135)
National Westminster Bank, Aldwych Branch (Account No. 96832320)
Harrods Bank Ltd. (A/c No 11309063)
Midland Bank (Pall Mall branch)
National Westminster Bank, Barking Branch (A/c No 28559899)
Habib Bank AG, Moorgate, London EC2
National Westminster Bank, Edgware Road, London
Banque Financiei E Dela Citee, Crdit Suisse
Habib Bank AG Zurich, Switzerland
Pictet Et Cie, Geneva
Credit Agricole, Paris
Credit Agridolf, Branch 11, Place Brevier, 76440, Forges Les Faux
Credit Agricole, Branch Haute – Normandie, 76230, Boise Chillaume

Reference: All of the above information is taken from

Looks like putting me on to the farmville 1 and 2 ....somebody focused all their attention on the Monopoly ...LOL

By the way ....Ms Gretel was not sent to jail ...she was put under house arrest at her own home ...which is so fishy ....seems like the next PM in the making is being saved from Phopho ki Land grabbing ....and being introduced to the off shore markets ....Today i believe he is the guest of honour at the jati umra bhapa maar biryani house .....during the the mauka mauka match .

گلوں میں رنگ بھرے باد نوبہار چلے
چلے بھی آؤ کہ گلشن کا کاروبار چلے
قفس اداس ہے یارو صبا سے کچھ تو کہو
کہیں تو بہر خدا آج ذکر یار چلے
کبھی تو صبح ترے کنج لب سے ہو آغاز
کبھی تو شب سر کاکل سے مشکبار چلے
بڑا ہے درد کا رشتہ یہ دل غریب سہی
تمہارے نام پہ آئیں گے غم گسار چلے
جو ہم پہ گزری سو گزری مگر شب ہجراں
ہمارے اشک تری عاقبت سنوار چلے
حضور یار ہوئی دفتر جنوں کی طلب
گرہ میں لے کے گریباں کا تار تار چلے
مقام فیضؔ کوئی راہ میں جچا ہی نہیں
جو کوئے یار سے نکلے تو سوئے دار چلے

guloñ meñ rañg bhare bād-e-nau-bahār chale
chale bhī aao ki gulshan kārobār chale
qafas udaas hai yaaro sabā se kuchh to kaho
kahīñ to bahr-e-ḳhudā aaj zikr-e-yār chale
kabhī to sub.h tire kunj-e-lab se ho āġhāz
kabhī to shab sar-e-kākul se mushk-bār chale
baḌā hai dard rishta ye dil ġharīb sahī
tumhāre naam pe ā.eñge ġham-gusār chale
jo ham pe guzrī so guzrī magar shab-e-hijrāñ
hamāre ashk tirī āqibat sañvār chale
huzūr-e-yār huī daftar-e-junūñ talab
girah meñ le ke garebāñ taar taar chale
maqām 'faiz' koī raah meñ jachā nahīñ
jo kū-e-yār se nikle to sū-e-dār chale
Happy Father's Day

Okay now its almost time for the Fajr azan here i take a  break for prayer with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi ...
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

4:40 am Break ( 2329 words)

7:01 am Good Morning !

Please don't think that i am being un thankful or anything ...but the truth is that ...that is the reason why i prefer to ask and pray to the Lord All Mighty Allah Amen ! ...and not to the jews or the IMF ....The USAID USA has been their for me for a very long time ...they started playing farmville  in a very moderate climate season ...and even though the season has just began this year ...but eating Mangoes in karachi is just not advisable for as long as it does not rain ....Papa ( May his Soul Rest in peace in janna Amen ! ) used to say that in india they did not eat mangoes before the rain . and i always thought it was a food fallacy of some sort or the hindus spread this rumour to save the early ones for themselves . Since it rarely rain here in karachi the most dangerous city in the world we had no choice because every year and year after year the dear merciful and gracious Lord All Mighty Allah Amen ! use to give us so much mangoes fruit that we could not resist it ...some of us use to get rashes ...and then they get bad and worse was also a way of knowing who consumed the lion's share and who barely touched it . I was always very choosy ...only picked the hard ones and the yellow ones ...tried to switch the green and orange ones the too ripe or too raw after slicing . or just leave  them and run for the cartoons or play .
Ever since all our mango trees died and especially the last one was dried and had to be cut down all the way oversensitive siblings and i  have started to buy the USAID nurtured Sindhri mangoes ...which are so easily and cheaply available . and despite the niat of arif alvi ...they are still easily and cheaply available this season as well you can see i had some of it for breakfast just now ...No not the whole is not prudent to eat a big fat sindhri mango all by yourself in this climate and heat wave . so what we are doing is mixing it with milk and blending it and eating it like ice cream after freezing .
we were out of milk so i had to rush to the market soon after the fajr prayer and brought the milk to add to this mango or what was left of it ...i believe they were two anyways ...
I haven't bought any mangoes this season yet ...because i am waiting for the rain or the awesome mausam ...really can't afford to have the skin rash at this point in time . where the temperature has crossed the forty degree on the Celsius scale .

So the question what are they going to do with so much tasteless mango yields ...
yes i have heard and seen the dried mango crepe But now you may be surprised ....yes the Sugar cane juice infused Mango Cubes kidding ...and its the kosher ...vegan and organic ...just Rs 1160 /- per LB

The most interesting import duty or tax that i heard in the recent budget proposal was the 17 % on the imported chicken and mutton ...i was shocked for a moment then i realised that every year after hajj the gracious Saudi Kingdom use to send the thousands of animals sacrificed by the hajis as a religious duty ...they are not able to take the meat so all the kings men collects that and was transported to Pakistan for the poor afghan land grabbers . So i am sure that it is the same mutton which is now sold as imported frozen meat . A 17% tax if collected will probably bring the price of extortion down a little i mentioned in my previous blogs as well ...the frozen meat is sold according to the cuts ...mutton leg is sold from Rs 1250/- to 1450 /- per Kg . Our poor qurashi saab's son and grandson are finding it hard to sell the similar quality of sheep and lamb at Rs 1000/- per kg unfrozen ...not even iced or air dried mutton during this heat wave .
Maybe the USAID will come up with some shea butter kind of product for the huge massive cows and bulls they dump every year on the Bakra eid which is in less than two months ...This project was also started in the cooler climate loved to have barbeques with friends ...This august maybe the last of the BBQ season . or maybe not because last year we had the first dry monsoon and especially the Pakistan independence day . Honestly here were eating chicken biryani , chicken burgers and chicken pizza's after donating tons of beef ....on Eid day ...even the first day .....

8:29 am Break ( 3131 words )

11:31 am
The first Sunday Brunch of the Happy Father's day Sunday !

Anyways the first tweet of the day ....

Sun 12th Shawwal 1440H
11:28 am Good Morning ! Happy Father's day !

okay i guess the chaapa is over i have two options ....either i sleep and wake ...or i spend the next hour or so here and then take a prayer and lunch break . okay gone are the days when i used to use a fifty paisa black from one or both sides coin . I think it was during the first democratic era after musharraf when the coins less than a Rupee was recalled .

Paisa denominated coins ceased to be legal tender in 2013, 

Everybody i could think of was alarmed ...and i was mast should i have also or should i have not ....that is not the question ...the question is why is the nation so divided today .....

Epaper page 20 Showbiz

Okay so the good news or the best news this week about the Science and technology minister Pakistan is that he was invited to a wedding where he got to  slap a very senior anchor of news channel .
Wow !

Fawad Chaudhry loses cool, slaps anchorperson Sami Ibrahim

Now imagine the plight of the Bride's Groom in that wedding ....
Baita sabr kar ...ab kuch nahi ho sakta ....

Don't know why ...but some people say that it is insane as well as unfair to the bride and the groom who should be the focus of all attention and have the centre stage on their one and only wedding day ....and a wedding should be turned into a business or political contacts gathering should only be a social or family affair . 

Well after watching few of the turkish soaps both comedy and tragedy serious soaps and serials ...i have come to the conclusion that it make no difference ...whether your wedding is a Turkish style two two guest or the punjabi or dehli two thousand guests ....or more ....when it rains it pours ....!!

Cheers !

Okay then i believe i need a refill of this tea cup or a glass of water ...lets see it is almost time for the Zuhr Azan as well here i take a prayer with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi 
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

12:50 pm Break ( 3595 words)

4:11 pm Good afternoon !
Just in ....
2 hours ago
Israeli PM's wife Sara Netanyahu convicted of misusing public funds

Israel PM's wife convicted of misusing public funds

Eyewitness News-1 hour ago
JERUSALEM – An Israeli court Sunday convicted the wife of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of fraudulently using state funds for ...

now this is where we can easily place that catch phrase ....

 Be Nice to People on Your Way Up. You'll Meet Them On Your Way Down 
So suddenly i begin to feel drowsy and something nice very nice begin to smell from the kitchen ...already had tea with chocolate biscuits i am not sure if i should eat anything now or should i wait till dinner ...

The Mauka Mauka match is going very smoothly ...rohit sharma has made a century ...and rahul is out for 57 runs ...india are 199/1 in 34 overs ...
just look at the beating pakistan bowlers have got

lets see how they do in the last 14 overs ...and by the where is that predicted rain .....????

Drinks ...okay this reminds me ...i saw the new Pepsi Black ad after returning from the market i am not sure what they wants ...lets take a raincheck for some time later ...we will discuss what it is about ...could be a direct reaction to the jordan Taylor's vlog . who knows ?

Okay Hasan Ali is back to take india to the 300 plus score ....i better take a big break here ...and enjoy this ....
okay sorry hasan takes a big one ....rohit is out caught by wahab R for 140  as india goes on to 238/2 in the 39th over

so here i take a break for prayers with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

5:11 pm Break ( 4034 words)

Sun 13th Shawwal 1440 H
9:19 pm Good Evening !  Watching the very boring match or trying to ..i have completely fallen asleep and right now i am doing this my the Sunday Blog # 167 ( Hundred and sixty seven ) while sleeping . yes honestly my eyes are more than half shut and i am totally un able to sit in the chair . Constantly yawning i am i believe this is it then ....

Malabar plum, Java plum, or black plum,

126/3 in the 26th over ...don't seem to understand why ?
anyways ...
before i end this my the sunday blog # 167 ( hundred and sixty seven ) i have to do the movies of the week segment . And before that ....

Pakistan vs Australia World Cup match gave Internet a meme for all seasons. Even ICC agrees
The Great social media ...sometimes acts and reacts in such an unpredictable way ....that you never know ...
some of the meme of this guy are simply amazing ....people almost forget Rizla rehan .....thank God the All Mighty Allah Amen ! for that ...

12:12 amRelated image

okay then the final score pak 216 /6  in 40 overs ...india won by D/L
thank God the All Mighty Allah Amen for the Rain .

I am still asleep so here i end this my the sunday blog # 167 ( Hundred and sixty seven ) with a song video i am not sure you will like ....

anyways ...its almost one in the morning ...
so i guess the extra time i took myself today because of falling asleep for the last couple of hours is now ending until the next Sunday ...I pray that the God Almighty Allah Amen water for wazoo and other things ...and give a better climate more bearable Insha Allah ...Amen !

Allah Hafiz !

Aami Je Tomar (Bhool Bhulaiyaa - FULL, BENGALI)

Aami je tomar Song Lyrics


Aami je tomar
Shudu je tomar
Aami je tomar


Aami je tomar
Shudu je tomar
Aami je tomar

Meri Chahte to
Fiza mein bahengi
Zinda Rahengi
Hoke fana
Tana na na tum 4
Ta na dhi re na ta dhi 
Re ta na dhi re na

Aami je tomar
Shudu je tomar
Aami je tomar...


Saathi re saathi re marki bhi tujhko, 
Chahega dil tujhe hi 
Bechainiyon mein payega dil (2)

Mere Kesuo ki saaye mein
Teri raahton ki khushboo hai
Tere begair kya jeena
Mere rom rom mein tu hai
Meri chudiyon ki khaan khan se
Teri sada aati hai
Yeh dooriyan hamesha hi nazdik humko lati hai
O Piya


Aami je tomar
Shudu je tomar
Aami je tomar(2)


Saason mein saason mein 
Teri sargame hai Abb raat din, 
Zindagi meri to kuch na abb tere bin(2)

Teri dhadkon ki sargoshi
Meri dhadkano mein bajti hai

Meri jagti nigahon mein
Khwaaish Teri hi sajti hai
Meri khayaal mein har pal
Tere khyaal shaamil hai
Lamhe judaiyon wale muskil bade hi muskil hai
O Piya


Aami je tomar
Shudu je tomar
Aami je tomar...

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