
Sunday 9 June 2019

The Sunday Blog # 166

Today is Sunday ...the 9th of June 2019 , the 5th of Shawwal 1440 H till the sunset ( 7:21 pm , Karachi ) and this is my the Sunday Blog # 166 ( Hundred and sixty Six )
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So How was my Eid ....?
or is it more politically correct to say When was my Eid ....?
Well honestly Eid is a very relative thing ....both religiously as well as spiritually . Technically Eid means the festival or the feast . And there are two eid in islam for the followers ...the eid ul fitr and the eid ul azha . the later comes two months and ten days after the former . And never mind the eid ul azha at the moment because we are only talking about the eid ul Fitr ...and from here onwards in this my the Sunday Blog # 166 ( Hundred and sixty six ) the Word Eid will only be considered to mean the Eid Ul Fitr , the one that comes after a month of fasting and prayers and doing good just to please the dear Lord All Mighty Allah Amen  ! called Ramzan .
So religiously We fast and pray and do good and try to do even better because we are told to do so the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah Amen ! , in the Holy Quran and through the Holy Prophet Muhammad ( SAW) his sayings the Hadis and his actions the Sunnah ...We try our best to do exactly as we are told . Similarly when the Holy month of Ramzan and fasting ends with the sighting of the Shawwal Moon on the 29th or a day later in case it is not sighted on the 29th of Ramzan Sunset . the festival of joy and happiness begins ...Muslims around the world celebrate it according to their own weather and culture . But the basics are all the same almost everywhere . To be happy and try to make others happy .

Myself i think very differently ....I believe that if the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah Amen !  ordered us something to do and even told us the way to do it ...then Eid should be judged how he feels . The Lord All Mighty Allah Should be Happy with us on this happy occasion that should be the real Eid . That is why i try my best to search and research and find something that makes me feel hopeful that the dear All  Mighty Allah may have liked what i did or tried to do for Him as per the divine orders . To me it is really not very important if i have the very best clothes or the very expensive shoes ...if i am with the very rich people or have the best food . In fact i try to avoid all that ...some times i just sleep hoping to see some vision or a sign  . Or even if i am not sleeping i try to hide away ...just be with the very close family not even with the friends . In the past when there was the mad rush and the madding crowd in the House on the eid day ...i used to hide away and watch television or listen to FM and when the net came ...i started using the internet i am back to the sleep more and online movies ...yes that's it chatting with strangers and Chinese men posing as females . Related image

This Kind of Eid is also fun . In fact that is the best . As you may have heard ...

Fill my heart with gladness, take away all my sadness
Ease my troubles, that's what you do

On eid days before and after ...people are so worried about such minor or trivial things that watching then suffer even further confirms my resolve that this is not the way to do it . I even watch very closely the people who appears to be doing what i do on eid days before and after ...But they are not the least as glad as i am ...infact they are so miserable constantly cursing them or others for the minor or trivial things ...that it makes me believe that the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah  Amen ! is not actually happy with them the way he is with me or even those who don't care about anything at all and are having fun and enjoying themselves with their friends and families .

So this is actually what i believe is the EID after the Ramzan .

Have I Told You Lately
Have I told you lately that I love you?
Have I told you there's no one else above you?
Fill my heart with gladness, take away all my sadness
Ease my troubles, that's what you do
For the morning sun in all it's glory
Meets the day with hope and comfort too
You fill my life with laughter, somehow you make it better
Ease my troubles, that's what you do
There's a love less defined
And its yours and its mine
Like the sun
And at the end of the day
We should give thanks and pray
To the one, to the one
Have I told you lately that I love you?
Have I told you there's no one else above you?
Fill my heart with gladness, take away all my sadness
Ease my troubles, that's what you do
There's a love less defined
And its yours and its mine
Like the sun
And at the end of the day
We should give thanks and pray
To the one, to the one
Have I told you lately that I love you?
Have I told you there's no one else above you?
Fill my heart with gladness, take away all my sadness
Ease my troubles, that's what you do
Take away all my sadness, fill my life with gladness
Ease my troubles, that's what you do
Songwriters: Van Morrison
Image result for how gif

Okay then i believe it is time i need to check if we have the water for Sunday or not ...lets pray that we have water for Sunday i am not sure if this hot weather is going to go away today or not . One thing is for sure that because of this heat wave and the expensive petrol ...people stayed mostly at home on all three days of Eid and the weekend i think there will be no chaapa today ..but you never know ...still a lot of water will be needed so let me go and check .

1:47 am Break ( 1068 words)

2:32 am Yes thanks God the All Mighty Allah Amen ! there is water coming ...must be okay for the day till maghrib i hope ...but you never know ...By the way at the corner of the street ...there is more water going waste from the overflow ....much more than there is in our tank feels really bad because they pay a very hefty some of money to the line man of the water board and the plumbers plus the very expensive equipment they use and keep changing every year or so collect this extra water maybe just to prevent it from flowing down to our tank ....Anyway ...we survived the Ramzan and Eid without water maybe we will survive the Muharram as well .

Okay the good News is that we have mangoes ...yes the sindhri mangoes and at the same rate as last year ...other fruits have also showed a sharp decline in prices at the juma mubarak cooperative markets outside the mosques after juma mubarak prayer on first juma mubarak after the ramzan and first after the eid .

So thankyou USAID ...wish you all the BEST !

The Sad News is that the price of Meat has gone up so much that i cannot talk about it here just check any online meat shop and just reduce Rs 50 - 100 per kg and you will know how high the prices have increased in just few weeks .
Gladly there will be a US - Iran war and the cross border smuggling and exports of the livestock especially the mutton and beef will be stopped completely ...not only from Pakistan but also from India ...that might help lower the prices of meat here in Karachi the most dangerous city in the world . But i am sure this sudden increase in prices is mostly because of the chinese exports ...they must have taken away all our livestocks creating a vacuum and a drought here ...

The Bakra eid will be quite interesting .....i am not sure if my neighbours would be willing to sacrifice the animals pre tax or post tax and come under the scanners of the tax authorities as well as the mafias and Bhatta gangs . The way the MQM's govt of PM Imran Khan is focusing on all money here ....chances are that there wont be any open mangi here bargain  . all animals may be pre taxed and sold by weight at CSD or Superstores frenchises .


it is good that the show offs and massi builders will be a little discouraged this year ...can't promise anything yet ...but hopefully there will be a cleaner Bakra eid that 's in just two months .

have to go and check the water again so lets take a break here

3:23 am Break (1528  words)

4:00 am No no more water lets start the prayers again ....why ? i have enough for today ...lets not worry for tomorrow ....we have done so much for the dear merciful lord the All Mighty Allah Amen ! in the month of Ramzan and on eid as prescribed so hopefully he will be pleased with us more than he will be pleased with the massi builders and their allies in the neighbourhood .
Sometimes i do wonder if we did not have this so called massi builders and their game here in our neighbourhood boring our life would have been ....I would probably have got a desk job some govt , semi government or multinational ...and died slowly ...atleast now i will definitely go to heaven in bonus for all the bad things they did to us .

Okay i am beginning to feel drowsy and weak is that ...? maybe because i did not have any tea tonight with dinner and ever since . Honestly this has not been a very good eid in terms of feasting apart from this friday Birthday Brunch ...we did not had a real eid feast . And all because of the heat .  so we will probably actually it is not good in this heat is better this way ....because i did not have the food poisoning or stomach upset . no throat irritations or the runny nose ...most of the mosque infections gave up with the release of the dear Devil saab .
Insha Allah Amen ! from monday afternoon we will have the regular lunch and dinners and tea and hi tea and brunch and supper more this waking up at 4:00 am and having a snack or late dinner at 10 or 10 : 30 pm .

Okay it is 4:20 am ...that means that the fajr prayer time have started no Azans yet except the one in the digital azan clock at 4:15 am the one i did not hear because of the sound of the table fan running at full speed so near my head and ears . Amazing it is the only thing in the world that keeps me high and dry in such bad weather conditions Related image

Okay so is there anything left that i wanted to mention before going to sleep ...the good news is that the Ludo star 2 is now out and the movies are back in my daily pass time schedules  they may have uploaded so many new ones in the past whole month ...and most have already been deleted after the specified time ...will have to see and search and download the new releases from monday morning as well more a over time sunday blog . that was just a ramzan thing to check my stamina that whether if i can go on and on even after the twenty four hours of the day and night . It was fun kind of ...i really enjoyed the overkill but no no more i will definitely try to end this my the  Sunday Blog # 166 ( Hundred and sixty six ) .

Okay i beliveve the Azans have started here i will take the prayer break with a prayer for my dearly departed parents papa and ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

4:41 am Break ( 2135 words)

11:40 am Good Morning ! Heard a loud bang on the door ...which was open already a clear sign of ...
Anyways is the morning mood tweet ....
Sun 5th Shawwal 1440H
11:31 am Good Morning ! Halwa Puri ! Yes ! ....

Must have been one of my shortest morning mood tweet ...these days my morning twitter tweet don't get any traffic at all ...which is very surprising but this one got an initial 10 views in less than ten minutes of posting ...must be in hashtag without the hash tag ...anyways ...
I don't know why but the bankers have pan-icked and they have arranged a special sunday meetup ...sister just returned from a bank that don't even takes calls on saturdays ....Doctor saab is also in the neighbourhood ...and may or maynot drop by for a quick shot at the Halwa puri ...Amazing isn't it ...the first Sunday after Eid / Ramzan and i woke up to a double puri treat ...yes there was two types of puri 's on the table ...for the Sunday morning breakfast ...the homemade and the market fried ...lets see if i can show it through the pictures

So you know me ...whenever there is a Question ...To Eat or not to eat ....? i eat twice !!
yes just now the chaapa Alert was turned off !

So anyways these pictures ( images may contain food) both kind of puri's look almost the same But they were very different ...the home made one was less greasy or oil dripping ...and khasta ( fragile) while the market one was chum chich chard چمچیڑ not easily broken, tensile ...etc etc ...
So now the unfinished sleep has got to be completed or a normal facebook meet up to make it go away because the post halwa puri drowsiness is now taking over is just a little over 12:30 pm so i can sleep for about a hour or so more ...the special made to order panic by or through the banker is gone ...i don't think it will be easy to have a normal facebook meet up now before the hi tea or dinner ...
لگایا دل بہت پر دل لگا نہیں
لگایا دل بہت پر دل لگا نہیں
Lagaya Dil buhat par Dil laga nahin
Lagaya Dil buhat par Dil laga nahin

Don't know why ....i was not able to put my finger on it ....but when it is the maestro himself has got to have an original .....LOL

بچھڑ کے جان تیرے آستاں سے

لگا جی بہت پر جی لگا نئیں
جون ایلیا ۔ غزل نمبر 96
یہاں معنی کا بے صورت صلا نئیں
عجب کچھ میں نے سوچا ہے لکھا نئیں
ہیں سب اک دوسرے کی جستجو میں
مگر کوئی کسی کو بھی ملا نئیں
ہمارا ایک ہی تو مدعا تھا
ہمارا اور کوئی مدعا نئیں
کبھی خود سے مکر جانے میں کیا ہے
میں دستاویز پر لکھا ہوا نئیں
یہی سب کچھ تھا جس دم وہ یہاں تھا
چلے جانے پہ اس کے جانے کا نئیں
بچھڑ کے جان تیرے آستاں سے
لگا جی بہت پر جی لگا نئیں
جدائی اپنی بے روداد سی تھی
کہ میں رویا نہ تھا اور پھر ہنسا نئیں
وہ ہجر و وصل تھا سب خواب در خواب
وہ سارا ماجرا جو تھا، وہ تھا نئیں
بڑا بے آسرا پن ہے سو چپ رہ
نہیں ہے یہ کوئی مژدہ خدا نئیں
جون ایلیا
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Okay then ...
now my eyes are half shut i guess i need to take a break as well its the prayer time almost i take a prayer break as well ...with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi 

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

12:52 pm Break ( words) 

3:38 pm Okay the dinner is ready already ....and i am still very drowsy ...tried not to sleep very desperately ...the continuous cooking in the kitchen has made this room even hotter ...but i think i will survive this day ...not responding to the door bell and the unknown numbers on the landline and mobile phone ....kar le jo karna hai ....@#$% 

So the match between Australia and India has started ...
okay the net is very weak right now ...even the unplugging of modem did not last ten minutes so i better turn it off and really get some sleep ...a three thousand words Sunday Blog is more than enough i guess on a day like today ...if it does not rain in the match ...

Just like the Fawwad Ch saab 's moon predictions ...the rumour is that Rain has already been predicted during most of Pakistan's Matches in the England World Cup . So i point each is confirmed lets see if it only rained half the match ...and the match is not abandoned then what ?  no one point . I think they do not take the cricket ODI world cup very seriously ...because if they did , they would have never choose such a rainy venue instead an important tournament like a world cup that only happens every four years ....should only be held at a venue which is Hundred percent rain free ...say like Karachi the most dangerous city in the world . Even the thick dark scary clouds and thunder avoids karachi . so it may be good for the indians in the war mode ...and who knows ...they might even catch their imaginary friends dawood and ibrahim or whatever ...and make some great movies later on . 

So despite every attempt by the hon minister of science and technology Pakistan the Aakh tho people of KPK refused to celebrate eid with the rest of the country . And the strangest thing that happened this time was that PTI appointed chief minister also supported them and declared that Eid will be celebrated in KPK and peshawer a day before on the 29th day of Ramzan here in Karachi the most dangerous city in the world . So the question is if i had been in the KPK on that day what would i have done ...?
Fasted ? not fasted or celebrated eid ?

So i have heard all my life that fasting on the eid day is prohibited . And that not celebrating eid after the moon has been sighted is also now allowed . Also i may not have the means to confirm in anyways that those saying they saw the moon are lying or not being very truthful . then obviously i have no choice but to give in and go with the flow ...which in dollar terms mean that fasting and no eid prayer ...just sleeping at home and let everyone guessing ...Fun isn't it ! I don't think i am that lucky . If i had been in the KPK on the 28th of Ramzan ...maybe they most certainly would have not decided to have the pre mature Eid . Anyways so now this brings us to the million Dollar Question ...Should the Fawwad Ch the then minister of science and technology Pakistan resign ? or should he be fired and banned from entering the KPK territories . ?

The top people in pakistan may live and die for living in the Britain and UK or London ....but when it comes to leaving they are NO Quitters ....


He drinks, he smokes
He'll cuss, he swears, and he tells bad jokes
Yeah, he ropes, and he rides
He lives life fast, and he loves to fight
He's a boozer, a loser
He calls me up when he's had too much
He's a schemer, a dreamer
When I tell him to change his ways
He just turns to me and says
I, ain't no quitter
No, I ain't giving up on him just yet
Cause I'm as stubborn as a girl can get
No he won't quit, but you can bet
I'm sticking to it
I, ain't, I ain't no quitter
He chews, and he spits
Well he flirts too much, and he loves blond chicks
He struts, and he strolls
And he looks so cool, and yeah, he knows
He's a beauty, a cutie
His body rocks and the girls they flock
He's afflicted, addicted
When I tell him to change his ways
He just turns to me and says
I, ain't no quitter
No, I ain't giving up on him just yet
Cause I'm as stubborn as a girl can get
He won't quit , but you can bet
I'm sticking to it
I, ain't, I ain't no quitter
Ah, his body rocks, and the girls they flock
He's afflicted, addicted
When I tell him to change his ways
He just turns to me and says
I, ain't no quitter
I ain't giving up on him just yet
Cause I'm as stubborn as a girl can get
No, I ain't giving up on him just yet
Cause I'm as stubborn as a girl can get
No he won't quit, but you can bet
I'm sticking to it
I, ain't, yeah I ain't no quitter
No believe me
I , ain't , no quitter
Oh baby, I, ain't, Yeah I ain't no quitter

So what i am trying to say is that ...our form of government and politics is not at all British Commons and neither it is the British Royals most hereditary lords and barons in post independence Pakistan are forced to earn their livelihood by the most unbelievable of trades and businesses smuggling or dealing in Arms and drugs or farming Hogs . So definitely we still have more Russian influence here in the form of government than the western alliance which is the common blamed convenient !
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Okay time for the Break ...for prayer even after ramzan with a prayer my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi 

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!
5:06 pm Break ( 3884 words) 

Sun 6th Shawwal 1440 H
8:16 pm Good Evening ! as expected the water in the tap that came last night after prayer lasted till the maghrib here i am i prayed the maghrib and asr prayers with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa And Ammi
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

ok so the courts are on summer vacations and the judges are under fire due to the heat wave against having a summer life in london . Now the poor lawyers are upto no good ...they are planning a party of their own . ironically most of the lawyers are so divided or or totally owned by land and builders mafia that very few have the will to do the open politics .

If you look back into the very recent past you will remember that the same lawyers and counsels have been hired by political parties and their leaders in very high profile cases . Now this does not mean that their is a lack of learned counsels we maybe there can be the issue of the expertise in a certain field or being the Apple of a judges eyes ...some have extremely smart support staff , the junior counsels ...who know the judges and their staff very well and get the dates as well as continuance of their own convenience .
ah wait please i left the tea boiling on the stove ....Pause !

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Yes i got tea now ...was feeling something missing ....the gang is having a dinner 

And me can only have tea right now ...because after the morning halwa Puri ...i remained drowsy all day and even after the afternoon sleep i am not hundred percent fresh and bright if i had this dinner ...i wont be able to be a tortoise or a green turtle ...i will be fast asleep like the white rabbit when we reach the mid night tonight . and remember tonight i wont be able to get the extra time . So its now or never ....Related image

The internet or the google search engine is such a wonderful amazing place these days ...the other day ..while watching a movie i was trying to take a screen shot of an actress releasing the smoke from her mouth ...and it took me a lot of time and effort and still i did not get the desired results ...but here i typed a simple word in the search box and there you are so many desired results hundreds of images and moving images or gify's ....awesome !

By the Way ....Smoking Kills !

So anyways we were talking about the Lawyers unrest here in Karachi the most dangerous city in the world ...and here is one more reason for my tag line ...

Story image for karachi bar from Samaa Digital News

Karachi bar cancels attorney general, law minister's memberships

Samaa Digital News-7 hours ago
The Karachi Bar Association has cancelled the memberships of Attorney General Anwar Mansoor Khan and Federal Law Minister Farogh ...
Deliberating a reference
In-Depth-The News International-15 hours ago
Story image for karachi bar from The News International

Karachi bar demands withdrawal of reference against Justice Isa

The News International-01-Jun-2019
KARACHI: Demanding withdrawal of reference against Supreme Court judge Justice Qazi Faez Isa, Karachi Bar Association has warned of a ...
Story image for karachi bar from

Justice Gulzar Ahmed takes oath as acting CJP hours ago
Prominent office-bearers and members of the Sindh High Court Bar Association and Karachi Bar Association also attended the event.
Justice Gulzar takes oath as acting CJP
The Nation-19 hours ago

The karachi registry of the Supreme court of Pakistan video linked to the main court with the CJP in chair in Islamabad ....isn't that cool ...finally the local tourism and entertainment industry will get a boost which was badly need ...
God the All Mighty Allah Amen ! willing ! 
Image result for girl smoking gif

okay now i need a short break and refil the tea cup ....

9:25 pm Break ( 4610 words)

10:23 pm ....No rain in the match chaapa here ...even the soldier baazar children nursery above the tree top has gone silent after chirping for hours ...I had lots of tea and a spoonful of sauve the fried vermicelli ...not sure if thats what it is called or something else ...these days ....because this net and cross cultural exposures have now changed a lot of common terms we have been using for centuries .
Anyways ...i am not burping as much as i was afraid of ...and the throat and nose is also almost clear ...the right ear was paining by allergy is now okay is food allergy me ...but my siblings are not willing to accept it ...don't understand why ....But this i can understand very clearly after this last facebook meetup that they are absolutely happy ...after this kind of eid feast ...the cooking mafia got to cook the pulao and the brother finally got put his K and N 's kafta kabab's to the use he had brought them for eat with the pulao ....
he is also overjoyed because he has somehow manged to restore a long lost chaapa ...that in his thought will give him an edge over me somehow ...well best of Luck ...

Bachke Rehna Re Baba
ला ला ला ला ला ला ला ला
ला ला ला ला ला ला ला ला
ला ला ला ला ला ला ला ला
ला ला ला ला ला ला ला ला
हा! बचके रहना रे बाबा, बचके रहना रे
बचके रहना रे बाबा, तुझपे नज़र है
बचके रहना रे बाबा, बचके रहना रे
बचके रहना रे बाबा, तुझपे नज़र है
अरे तेरे लिए आए तेरे ही दीवाने
झूमे नाचे गायें आए रंग जमाने
कैसे-कैसे तौफे लाए तू क्या जाने
तू क्या जाने
बचके रहना रे बाबा, बचके रहना रे
बचके रहना रे बाबा, तुझपे नज़र है
हाँ! तेरे लिए आए तेरे ही दीवाने
झूमे नाचे गायें आए रंग जमाने
कैसे-कैसे तौफे लाए तू क्या जाने
तू क्या जाने
बचके रहना रे बाबा, बचके रहना रे
बचके रहना रे बाबा, तुझपे नज़र है
हो हो हो हो
ओ हो हो हो हो
हो लोग तुझे समझ रहे दीवाना मस्ताना
लाख भेस बदल चाहे मैने तो पहचाना
हा हा
हो लोग तुझे समझ रहे दीवाना मस्ताना
लाख भेस बदल चाहे मैने तो पहचाना
हो थाम ले हाथ मेरा
छोड़ ना साथ मेरा
तेरा मेरा एक सफ़र है, है, है, है
दिल में तेरे जो भी है मुझको ख़बर है (साहिबा)
दिल में तेरे जो भी है मुझको ख़बर है (साहिबा)
बचके रहना रे बाबा, बचके रहना रे
बचके रहना रे बाबा, तुझपे नज़र है
तेरे लिए आए तेरे ही दीवाने
झूमे नाचें गायें आए रंग जमाने
कैसे-कैसे तौफे लाए तू क्या जाने
तू क्या जाने
बचके रहना रे बाबा, बचके रहना रे
बचके रहना रे बाबा, तुझपे नज़र है
हो हो हो हो हो
ओ हो हो हो हो
ओ संभल के तू चलना तेरी राहों में हैं कांटे
फूल तो माली ने बस अपनो में ही बांटे
ओ संभल के तू चलना तेरी राहों में हैं कांटे
फूल तो माली ने बस अपनो में ही बांटे
हो तू मेहरबान रहे
तो मेरा दिल ये कहे
बड़ी आसान डगर है, है, है, है
आज अपने प्यार पे मुझको फर्क है (साहिबा)
आज अपने प्यार पे मुझको फर्क है (साहिबा)
बचके रहना रे बाबा, बचके रहना रे
बचके रहना रे बाबा, तुझपे नज़र है
तेरे लिए आए तेरे ही दीवाने
हो झूमे नाचें गायें आए रंग जमाने
कैसे-कैसे तौफे लाए तू क्या जाने
तू क्या जाने
बचके रहना रे बाबा, बचके रहना रे
बचके रहना रे बाबा, तुझपे नज़र है, है है
ओ हो हो हो हो हो
जीना तो है चार ही दिन जिएंगे मस्ती में
यार की आँखों से जाम पिएंगे मस्ती में
जीना तो है चार ही दिन जिएंगे मस्ती में
यार की आँखों से जाम पिएंगे मस्ती में
आँखों से जाम पियो
लेके मेरा नाम जियो
दिल मेरा आपका घर है, है, है, है
अरे लाखों में तू एक ही जान-ए-जिगर है (साहिबा)
लाखों में तू एक ही जान-ए-जिगर है (साहिबा)
बचके रहना रे बाबा, बचके रहना रे
बचके रहना रे बाबा, तुझपे नज़र है
अरे तेरे लिए आए तेरे ही दीवाने
झूमे नाचें गायें आए रंग जमाने
कैसे-कैसे तौफे लाए तू क्या जाने
तू क्या जाने
बचके रहना रे बाबा, बचके रहना रे
बचके रहना रे बाबा, तुझपे नज़र है
ला ला ला ला ला ला ला ला, ला ला ला ला ला
ला ला ला ला ला ला ला ला, ला ला ला ला ला
ला ला, ला ला ला
ला ला ला ला ला ला ला ला
ला ला ला ला ला ला ला ला
ला ला ला ला ला ला ला ला
ला ला ला ला ला ला ला ला
ला ला ला ला ला ला ला ला
ला ला ला ला ला ला ला ला

Okay the Careem fares are higher must be a jam on the shahre e faisal and other main roads as today is the last day of Eid Weekend ...yesterday the media was showing how people going to the seaview beach in clifton were stuck in a worst traffic jam sure when it was cleared must have taken till the sunday morning . 
Back frm dinner... Yeh karachi kabhi sota nai ay bai Is time seaview assiy full hy jaisy mama ji ka valima chal raha hu😂

Traffic is moving slow in district South and East. District South: Hyper Star, Seaview and Abdullah Shah Ghazi towards Bilawal Chowrangi. District East: Aladin Park. Please drive carefully. TRAFFIC AWARENESS AND SOCIAL MEDIA UNIT DIG TRAFFIC KARACHI

Okay now its time for the movies of the week ...well i did not have the whole week this time as the Ramzan ended on wednesday ...and i started watching movies again after a whole month of the Ramzan self restraint as well as lack of time ...during the non fasting time of the night ...from the second day of eid . that is from the thursday . so here they are just four ....

  • The Two Worlds of Jennie Logan (1979)Rated 8 stars ...lindsay wagner ...lured by a rags of a dress into the other world leaving an emotionless sports fan  cheating husband in this world ...fair enough ! i guess .....indeed i hate this time travel nightmare thing going on in the hollywood for so long ...but this one had some so much more between the lines then just the time travel even had a bewildered shrink ...with nice legs ....LOL 

    Thank God the All Mighty Allah Amen ! that i did not get to watch this movie before when i was a little younger ...or my kindergarten Crush would have caused an irrevocable  damage to my mental ill health . LOL

  • The New Swiss Family Robinson (1998)Rated 8 stars ...yes nice family movie ...i wonder what are they doing these days is hard to believe that nobody remembers them now . will search google or imdb about them later ...
  • Tropic Zone (1953)Rated 5 stars ...the masala movie of the hollywood ...yes that;s what it is ...too many item numbers 
  • Abduction of Innocence (1996)Rated 8 stars ....many people especially angry kids stage their own kidnapping with the help of their criminal minded or just for fun  kind of friends ...some even hire the professionals ...Karachi the most dangerous city in the world has been through that a lot and it is true that to prove ones innocence is very very difficult ...Good Movie of the pre mobile phone era ...using telephone booths and mini cassette players ...some might ask what's a cassette player ...?  okay never mind ....i am too old for the memory lane ....or Diane lane ...or whatever ....

So this is it yes awesome movie week after a long break of almost a month .  ...with eid outside and Happy Birthday inside ...

Okay then i cannot take a break here ...because it is almost the time to end this my the Sunday Blog # 166 ( Hundred and sixty six )  Honestly i really had fun doing this my the sunday blog # 166 ( Hundred and sixty Six ) ...especially the bouncers somebody really drunk threw at me with good pace and line and length ...

Michael Jackson - Thriller | Immortal Version

It's close to midnight
Something evil's lurking from the dark
Under the moonlight
You see a sight that almost stops your heart
You try to scream
But terror takes the sound before you make it
You start to freeze
As horror looks you right between your eyes
You're paralyzed
'Cause this is thriller
Thriller night
And no one’s gonna save you
From the beast about to strike
You know it’s thriller
Thriller night
You’re fighting for your life
Inside a killer thriller tonight, yeah
I'm gonna bring it tonight
You hear the door slam
And realize there's nowhere left to run
You feel the cold hand
And wonder if you'll ever see the sun
You close your eyes
And hope that this is just imagination
Girl but all the while
You hear a creature creeping up behind
You're out of time
'Cause this is thriller
Thriller night
And no one’s gonna save you
From the beast about to strike
You know it’s thriller
Thriller night
You’re fighting for your life
Inside a killer thriller tonight
I'm gonna thrill ya tonight
Get up, get up
Darkness falls across the land
The midnight hour is close at hand
Creatures crawl in search of blood
To terrorize y'all's neighborhood
And whosoever shall be found
Without the soul for getting down
Must stand and face the hounds of hell
And rot inside a corpse's shell
I'm gonna thrill ya tonight 
I'm gonna thrill ya tonight 
Ooh, babe
I'm gonna thrill ya tonight
'Cause this is thriller
'Cause this is thriller
'Cause this is thriller
'Cause this is thriller
Get up, get up (I'm gonna thrill you tonight)
I'm gonna thrill you tonight
I'm gonna thrill you tonight
I'm gonna thrill you tonight
'Cause this is thriller

Okay that is really it ....less than ten minutes are now left before the mid night and i have already posted the song video of my school days ....i miss micheal a lot ...its a shame i never got to attend any of his concerts or hear him sing live ...i most certainly wish him well in the after live that i most firmly believe in ....So anyways ...its time again  for me to end this my the Sunday Blog # 166 ( Hundred and sixty six )  and go pray for the water ...and have some supper ...and also get some more sleep . so its sweet dreams from me and my team ....

Eid Mubarak once more ....and happy birthday to Wasiq ....

Allah Hafiz !

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