
Sunday 29 April 2018

The Sunday Blog # 108

Today is the Sunday the 29th of April 2018 the 12th of Shaban 1439 till the Sunset ( 7:00 pm, Karachi ) and this is my the Sunday Blog # 108 ( Hundred and eight ) .

It has been a very very interesting week as well as the most educational and entertaining week at the same time for me . Nothing can be done or nothing i can do so nothing i did . And here i am enjoying the very fact. No there is absolutely no point at all in over analyzing this or that as long as i know for sure what is going on in my life has a scientifically proven term as mentioned above.
Wow! Hundred and eight words already on the words counter for this my the Sunday Blog # 108 ( hundred and eight ) .
so other than my personal life where i was revising the lesson learned a very long time ago and learned very well , some very interesting new and refreshing events occurred . Like the Senior President Bush tried to join Barbara his dearly departed Wife and ex First Lady and again First Mother in hell but there is no confirmation yet So anyways lets wait and ignore his hips or whatever !!

The Meesha Shafi vs Ali zafar remained in the social media and especially the twitter trends but news channels had many other more interesting news events to cover than this dirty torn pants issue of the past . So it remained . ThankGod the Honorable Chief Justice of the Supreme Court did not take a suo moto notice .

Anyways , In the Foreign Affairs the Foreign Minister of Pakistan Mr Khawaja Asif was yet again disqualified by the Islamabad High Court in a constitutional petition filed by a PTI leader not imran khan or jamima khan from pindi islamabad jurisdiction . So Now anybody who is anybody in the Pakistan Muslim League of Mian Nawaz Sharif and his family and loyal followers have no moral as well as legal justification of dreaming to ever be elected the Prime minister of Pakistan . Here in a Pakistani General elections the mindset of the regular voters is based on three main frames . First choice is their Favorite , second is the one who appears to be winning by all means . And the Third is the sympathy vote that is which goes to the one who has not yet had the chance to do the corruption of unbelievable proportions only because of not being every elected not even once not even in the Local Body Elections held under a dictators rule. So if the Courts disqualified , okay no ifs because they have already disqualified more than enough dishonourable and dishonest elected members of the Majestic Parliament Of Pakistan Thus taking away the favourite first choice of the voters .
In a free and fair general elections of Pakistan i don't think that the Army would vote against the Honourable chief and justices .

So According to the second option available to the voters mindset is to vote for whoever is or seems to be winning . Since the Judgement of Life disqualification of Mr Tareen . It is becoming quite clear who the voter with the second mindset  thinks or may think is winning . After the disqualification of Nawaz Sharif and his children all eyes were on the younger Brother and CM of Punjab . His immaculate foreign relations with most of the regional powers and investors was also a plus point for him to be the next Prime Minister of Pakistan
But unfortunately this week it seems that he is loosing Support of Most of Mian Nawaz Sharif 's family and die Hard Followers and Party elders especially the Chaudary gang who thinks a lot . So all he is left with is the foreign relations and investors . His Karachi visits were also a fiasco as he clearly failed to bring the the MQM togather again . And instead of Saying Something Politically Correct to the People of Karachi He Said " if you %$#@^&%$#@ of Karachi elected me , i will make Karachi like New York .
Unfortunately the People of Karachi have heard only the Bad things about New York . Even Before the 9/11 incident most people of Karachi were easily heard saying " Karachi toh bilkul New York jaisa ho giya ha ...yehan toh kisi &^%$#@#$%^ ki jaan maal mehfoz nahi hai . ( Karachi has turned into just like New York . The life and property of no &^%$#@#$%^ is safe anymore )

On a lighter Note the news today is that the Excise and taxation department Government of Sindh of Murad Shah Saein with a heavy Sindh Police presence raided the FBR office .

Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un 


So now we comes back to the Third Mindset of a General elections of Pakistan Voter . Very Unknown people and independent candidates supported by the Pakistan Muslim League of Mian Nawaz Sharif and his family and die hard followers have a much better chance of bagging these naive vote bank . It is good because not everybody is a fan of a Naked Lion hanging on the walls and lamp posts all over the town . Some weak hearted  prefers non living corporal objects like pen and paper plane as the election symbols hanging on their walls and lamp posts all over the town or village .

2:20 am Break ( 928 words)

9:23 am Good Morning !
So in the break i had a beef Burger and 7up diet and a dairy milk chocolate and lied down for few minutes and woke 8:30 am Any ways  so here is the first morning of the Sunday during this my the Sunday Blog # 108 ( Hundred and eight )

Sun 12th Shaban 1439
9:13 am Day 4 : Fighting the first signs of throat irritation .

So now that i have missed one session after the break and before the fajr and about five hundred words or more so i will have to hurry .
Okay so i have cleaned and combed and Praiseth the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah  Amen ! that i have water , power and net and data just in case . Batteries charged to almost 70 % . Sipped a little of tea . No formal breakfast or Brunch is in sight yet . But i am sure something will be very soon as we have one more sibling for the facebook / instagram meet up  Who insist that unhein kisi ney nahein nikala and he is here that is back home on his own free will . Conditions do apply in such matters and you know me  my mind does not easily believe the rhetoric or the official China news daily .Shukria Raheel Sharif (LOL). So anyways he and his Nuclear family is always welcome to any of our regular or irregular facebook / instagram / whatever  meet ups .

Today after waking up the one thing that i have not done from the routine is that i have not touched the remote don't know why maybe i was too eager to just catch up on the time i have missed sleeping so soundly before the dawn all morning . Praiseth the dear Merciful Lord All Mighty Allah Amen ! that i did the shopping late last night and the trained Builder Mafia strays just simply tried to ignore me which is next to impossible if you ask or for that matter believe me . LOL So while sleeping i was not afraid of somebody , anybody standing on my head and saying breakfast milk , eggs or anything is out of stock . Infact today i even have extra munchies and drinks just in case i decide that i cannot eat all day till the midnight before ending this my the Sunday Blog # 108 ( hundred and eight ) .  But still if anybody needed anything or just wanted me out of the way to discuss anything important i'd be very glad to go out and do the shopping for them even in the hot and burning Karachi Sunday Sun .
So as i was saying that i have not touched the tv remote today in a rush to catchup but looking at the twitter trends i am sure that all news channels must be doing justice to the two main events of a pre election or pre martial law or pre china army take over corner meetings in lahore and karachi . The Khan is having his corner meeting at minar in lahore and Billo Rani zardari and baji fariyal talpur ( bhutto zinda hai na ahey kaba khabar kona )  are having a corner meeting in tanki ( water less tank ) ground. Anyways the kind of breakups and meetups going on in the floor of the house and in the corriander ops sorry corridors as well as the party heads drawing rooms , suggests that no so called political party or group of like minded peoples are sure of winning a simple majority in the general elections or to press for the jail house breaks . So Since no matter what happens there seems to be no hope of a escape for me from the Sindh police and its fariyal with or without the elections as i wont move to the lahore or peshawer and they can't win here so whatever days of life i have left i will have to bear the miss education and total recall matrix overload
Well i can understand the rotary club dislike for me but i have no idea why Melinda and Bill Gates foundation is wasting .
Anyways , i believe i have done the catching up so now i can take a break and have tea and the second facebook / whatever meetup of the Sunday during this  my the Sunday Blog # 108 ( hundred and Eight ) the first one was a very brief while sipping tea on the go .
10:52 am Break ( 1653 words)

12:36 pm Yes i had a special seafood and onion boat pakora Sunday Brunch and a special Facebook meetup During this my the Sunday Blog # 108 ( Hundred and Eight ) . Net is slow and data night bundle must be off finished expired now so i will post pictures here later . And even if i can't today i will post them later this week when ever i get a chance to edit this my the Sunday Blog # 108 ( Hundred and Eight ) . The Facebook greeting says it is hot outside today . And none of my siblings need anything from the market so if i need to go out warm up and exercise  or walk , i will have to think of something on my own . The Good News is that now my itchy throat this morning is much better now after the hot tea and hot brunch . So i can also go the mosque without the fear of making the flu worse . The stiffness in the right foot all week has gone today so i can climb a yellow devil and enjoy a CPEC at work ride to the Burns road gutters and have a spicy Beef kabab roll and pepsi just to know how deep is  her majesty 's kala pani  for me now .....LOL Oh God !
Hazaron doubney walley bacha liay laikin....
ہزاروں ڈوبنے والے بچا لیے لیکن
 اسے میں کیسے بچاوں جو ڈوبنا چاہے 

Anyways dear brother is expecting a chaapa and everybody outside this locked room seems very excited so before this slow net goes altogether or the load shedding happens , which btw will be a first on a sunday this month or in weeks if it happens today , to make me come and and enjoy i better save this my the Sunday Blog # 108 ( hundred and eight) and enjoy !

oh wow the picture is loading so the net is not that slow good thanks

Okay now i am beginning to feel the post meal drowsiness and also it is time for the Zuhr prayer break so i take a break with the prayer for my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen! 

1:20 pm Break (2060 Words)

2:37 pm  So the Chaapa got stuck in a jam and the excited mood is now changed into gloomy and back So i decided to try and add another five hundred words before i loose the battle with this drowsiness . so here i am . The net is running in full speed or maybe faster because nobody else is using it right now so let me just load the food and meal pictures before the next change . Btw i only had 7up , chilled water a spoonful of dal mot . and no tea . trimmed the dirty nails now i am thinking of shaving in the next break will probably trim the hairs as well but not today not until i have enough water to waste on shampoo . Btw did i bring shampoo ? no i don't think so i can go to the market as well .

Okay this the onion boat i was referring earlier ... Okay So now i have to hurry up because the chaapa is here as the door bell is heard despite the fan running in full on my face so close .The Good News is that i don't have to get up and go check or meet them So i really don't understand why on Sunday ? Ah the old timer still like to play the old fashion way can't help ignore it . They will be gone and forgotten soon Insha Allah .


Talking of gone and forgotten and never ever missed . The next few days and nights are specifically for praying and remembering the gone and never forgotten . yes it is the Shab-e-Baraat coming the day after tomorrow and the Arfa of shab-e- Baraat a day earlier . Luckily this year i have not missed many funerals of family and friends . And also not attended many funerals of neighbours and strangers since i stopped going the mosque near the family graveyard because of extreme hot weather . So the last funeral i might have attended during the winter walks was about four months ago . Strangely the mosque i am visiting regularly once a day everyday of the week except the Sunday did not have a funeral for me to attend not even during the Juma prayers on friday . But imam saab do prayer for the recently dead neighbours and relatives of the regular clients . So maybe the funerals are held during the day time prayers regularly which i am avoiding due to the hot burning sun but then i do go to the juma prayers regularly and leave after most of the people have left after full sunnat rakats . So maybe the funerals are only held in cooler times of the day like asr and maghrib . So after the Holy Month of Ramzan i will try to double the visits everyday and thee times on Sundays because sitting all day in a chair makes me slow and drowsy and makes the muscles and guts stiff  and eyeballs jammed frozen with blarred vision .

Okay the Chaapa is over so now i can go out and eat something . okay the door was probably left open when the chaapa left because my diabetic sister is waving a Walls Double chocolate cornetto cone that she has bought after paying extra fifteen Rs Super charge by the door to door vendor . Also my Five hundred plus words target is also reached so we will continue the Shab-e- Baraat and Arfa discussion till later or next week or next year . 
so lets take a short break and eat an ice cream . Thankyou Walls !

4:07 pm Break ( 2634 words)

4:48 pm So few minutes left before the Asr Prayer Break . Had half of the ice Cream and then twice tea and a spoon ful of dal mot nimco . Nothing else in this break .
Okay the turkish soap serial i watch religiously is nearing the end so they make it sat -sun only one episode per week less and has not yet announced the final episode date . but i am sure its a wrap soon maybe today . It was fun watching 
Mein Ayesha Gul
Saturday & Sunday 8:00 pm only on Urdu1
#MeinAyeshaGul #Urdu1 #Friday #Saturday #Sunday #Turkishdrama
Thankyou Urdu1

Okay so its top of the hour the azan will start in few minutes so i better take another break i don't know if it is the hot and humid weather or just me after eating the seafood and oily fried stuff with lots of hot tea on a hot and humid day . i feel very sticky and oily so i need to clean up . Thank God there is still water . Still have no plans to go anywhere you have no idea how many rides out and careems i am missing everyday these day  okay never mind . lets prayer for the do dariya food court which is about to be closed down and demolished as illegal construction or whatever after waiting for me for so long ...years !
Sunday is gloomy
My hours are slumberless
Dearest the shadows
I live with are numberless
Little white flowers
Will never awaken you
Not where the black coach
Of sorrow has taken you
Angels have no thoughts
Of ever returning you
Would they be angry
If I thought of joining you
Gloomy Sunday
Gloomy is Sunday
With shadows I spend it all
My heart and I
Have decided to end it all
Soon there'll be candles
And prayers that are said I know
Let them not weep
Let them know that I'm glad to go
Death is no dream
For in death I'm caressin' you
With the last breath of my soul
I'll be blessin' you
Gloomy Sunday
Dreaming, I was only dreaming
I wake and I find you asleep
In the deep of my heart here

Darling I hope
That my dream never haunted you
My heart is tellin' you
How much I wanted you
Gloomy Sunday

Asr prayer break so i take a break with the prayer for my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen! 

5:19 pm Break ( 3064 words)

6:26 pm Okay in this break i did not have tea or eat a spoon full . Just had a small sip of the last lag of Pepsi Jumbo without the bubbles . Then Shampoo'd the hairs . But did not show up bust over the wall so the Sindh Police rang the ball bell . Did not show up for that as well . Twice the Ball and neighbourhood brats and bats have been in our court this evening . Just because my dear diabetic sister found the door open and bought two ice Creams and paid Rs 25 extra super charge. 

 Anyways the Sunset time here in Jamshedtown is exactly 7:00 PM today . Just can't remember when was the last time i saw a sunset in karachi the most dangerous city in the world. LOL
just an hour ago in the last break i was doing LOL and my sister heard that and asked what did you do ? so i narrated the whole hungarian suicide song story of the Billy Holliday 's Gloomy Sunday and its relation to the Do Dariya food Court that i have tried to ....And believe me i was so convincing that she really enjoyed it and so does me .

Okay so now there is only ten minutes left for the Sunset and the Maghrib prayer break . So its good Bye for now as i take a Break with the prayer for my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen! 

6:52 pm Break ( 3345 Words)

Sun 13th Shaban 1439
7:37 pm Good Evening ! 
So the Two Korea's North and South leaders meet this week and End the hostilities created because of the so called super powers and their cold wars expanding over decades. So now it seems that there is only one super power both economic and military and the super powers that were engaged in a half century long cold war are finished . Soon their military junk will be scraped  in a foundry or sent to the outer space to rust. The most important thing is that neither Japan nor the Cold War sides are fully capable of taking over a united Korea as it was under the Japanese empire before the capitalism corrupted it and forced a divide along the 38th parallel . 

So far there has not been any major development as to the unification of the two sides . And why should they ? The Major problem recently was the south had become too dependent on the foreign help and assistance . The corruption was growing rapidly many leaders were ousted on charges of corruption while the North despite losing its leader because of ill health and CIA conspiracies were growing strong in the military might . But somehow President trump and his close associates have convinced the North Korean leadership that they are with him and not with the corrupt south . So very soon we may see the north korean owners of the American Super Bowl league and other team events teams sponsored .
okay did i totally forget about the Mein Ayesha Gul
Saturday & Sunday 8:00 pm only on Urdu1
#MeinAyeshaGul #Urdu1 #Friday #Saturday #Sunday #Turkishdrama

8:24 pm Break ( 3617 words)

9:30 pm Nope they did not end it today no wonder they reduced the per week 3 episodes to just 2 episodes this week . only on the weekends Sat-Sun . Today Episode of  Mein Ayesha Gul
Saturday & Sunday 8:00 pm only on Urdu1
#MeinAyeshaGul #Urdu1 #Friday #Saturday #Sunday #Turkishdrama
clearly reminded me of the pre telecasting promo which actually attracted me to this show .
rarely very rarely does this happens in the Hindi Soaps that even after going through a lot of mayhem the wrap up remains or comes back on the main track .
Congrats Ayesha gul or whatever it is in the turkish language .

İlişki Durumu: Karışık

So hopefully this turkish soap will end before the Holy Month of Ramzan and hopefully it will also bring an end to my wasting of time on the television . or maybe not as long as the Bhutto's keep torturing the gloomy corpse of URDU and the Sharifs keep paying and saying rok sako to rok lo .I am watching the Urdu News Channels definitely .....LOL

Okay now we move on to the Movies of the week .  OMG did i watch all these movies 

  • The Conjuring 2 (2016)The Conjuring 2 PosterRated 8 stars . So she wins again without the Pope in Rome . Thank God the All Mighty Allah Amen ! that i waited this long to finally watch this series . No i have not matured any bit more than i was a few years ago but the Cable Company might just have they now give a few seconds pause soundless before that horrible beat ....
     LOL ( we will discuss this some time soon . please stop calling from the bahadurabad landline number . ding dong ) LOL
  • Carrie (2013)Carrie PosterRated 5 stars . No idea why they were showing all the horror movies ....this week ? 
  • Bad Boys II (2003)Bad Boys II PosterRated 7 stars . it was a rerun but since it was not rated in the IMDB so i rated it now . those plastic swimming pools are definitely no good . any ways i also wanted to know why they shoot at anything that moves and this movies makes it very clear . They wants to save the expensive mines laid on the ground for 4th of july or christmas /new years eve ....etc 
  • Kunwara (2000)Kunwara Posterrerun
  • Saving Private Ryan (1998)Saving Private Ryan Posterrerun
  • Ghanchakkar (2013)Ghanchakkar Posterrerun
  • Monsters vs. Aliens (2009)Monsters vs. Aliens Posterrated 5 stars
  • Wrong Turn (2003)Wrong Turn PosterRated 5 stars Horror of the Butcher kind seems like a movie school or institut projects . downloaded from a free site ? 
  • The Equalizer (2014The Equalizer PosterRated 6 Stars Wow Mr McCall is coming with a sequel this july no kidding and this time for love lets see ...

  • So that is it for the most interesting week of my life .

    Should have not eaten this tonight 
    Now it feels like i know something and not telling anybody .... ouch !

    10: 51 pm Break ( 4082 words)

    11:12 pm ahhh that feels much better now . but as i looked over the wall just now i saw a fully loaded food delivery guy on motor bike from the nearest fast Food restaurant searching this hours so it does not close on sunday before midnight . Anyways i have crossed the four thousand words mark on the words counter for this my the sunday Blog # 108 ( hundred and eight) so i believe this is it . Usually i pick up the pace from here and add a more than five hundred words or more but today i don't think it would be fair to a lot of people if don't celebrate this Best Gloomy Sunday of my life and especially since i started doing this my the Sunday Blogs two years ago in April 2016 when MQM was not minus one . So a lot has changed in the ambience and in the la monde !!
    But what has not changed is the fact that it was a given Sunday and we did not have a load shedding or Net Shutdown all day Sunday a huge twenty four hours . Last night late i went for shopping to the near market and brought four ice creams for my dear brother from abroad who choose to stay two towns away with his nuclear family tonight so i have to hurry and eat the ice creams before its monday and the load shedding melts or soften it .

    I wish and pray for them and all the best here in Pakistan . And also hope that this gloomy Sunday in my neighbourhood and home ends yesterday or by next saturday  which ever comes first . Because i would never want to have two Gloomy Sundays in a row and especially after a Shab-e-Baraat . Any special request for a favorite halwa ?

    As a child i used to pray to the dear God All Mighty Allah Amen ! for Sustenance, and Knowledge  after every prayer now i thank him . Amen !
    And looking at the every growing number of rickshaws ( chairs for the physically challenged ) inside the mosques i am not sure whether to pray for it or not but i do wish that i always have the strength to prostrate on the ground while praying . Amen!

    Okay so it is the last quarter and i have been saving this song for the last

    Save the Best for Last
    Sometimes the snow comes down in June
    Sometimes the sun goes 'round the moon
    I see the passion in your eyes
    Sometimes it's all a big surprise
    'Cause there was a time when all I did was wish
    You'd tell me this was love
    It's not the way I hoped or how I planned
    But somehow it's enough
    And now we're standing face to face
    Isn't this world a crazy place
    Just when I thought our chance had passed
    You go and save the best for last
    All of the nights you came to me
    When some silly girl had set you free
    You wondered how you'd make it through
    I wondered what was wrong with you
    'Cause how could you give your love to someone else
    And share your dreams with me
    Sometimes the very thing you're looking for
    Is the one thing you can't see
    And now we're standing face to face
    Isn't this world a crazy place
    Just when I thought our chance had passed
    You go and save the best for last
    Sometimes the very thing you're looking for
    Is the one thing you can't see
    Sometimes the snow comes down in June
    Sometimes the sun goes 'round the moon
    Just when I thought our chance had passed
    You go and save the best for last
    You went and saved the best for last


    So anyways it was a really Fun Sunday no matter what . And it is time for me to say Good Bye until the next Sunday so now i leave with a Song video dedicated to all my dear Elder Brother's ( last one standing ) girl friends online and offline

    Amen !

    Okay have a very nice week and good Shab-e-Baraat . Please don't try to remember me all this week . Amen !

    Tayyab Ali Full Video Song Once upon A Time In Mumbaai Dobara | Sonakshi Sinha, Imran Khan
    O frontier pe tere
    Aaya hai jawan
    Doorbeen se taake wo
    Apna nishan
    O frontier pe tere
    Aaya hai jawan
    Doorbeen se taake wo
    Apna nishan
    O tayyab tell me, tell me, how, how..
    Taiyyab tell me, tell me, how, how..
    Ho..ladki teri taj mahal si
    Hum karen wow wow
    Are ladki teri taj mahal si
    Hum karen wow wow
    Kyun hone na de
    Ban’ne na de salma ko dulhan
    Tayyab ali pyar ka dushaman haay..haay..
    Meri yaar ka dushaman haay..haay..
    Tayyab ali pyar ka dushaman haay..haay..
    Meri yaar ka dushaman haay..haay..
    Ladka aur ladki raazi raazi
    Phir bhi na maane kaazi kaazi
    Yeh zid na chhode..
    Yeh dil ko tode
    Kyun hone na de
    Ban’ne na de salma ko dulhan
    Tayyab ali pyar ka dushaman haay..haay..
    Meri yaar ka dushaman haay..haay..
    Tayyab ali pyar ka dushaman haay..haay..
    Meri yaar ka dushaman haay..haay..
    Comemon baby
    Purana chaawal tu haay haay
    Nayi biriyani hum haay haay
    Middle mein dekho kaise
    Murgi phadphadati hai
    Tera toh ho gaya haay haay
    Hum se kyun jalta hain
    Haay haay haay
    Humko maloom teri fiat
    Kahaan jaati hai
    Kisi ko pata chala toh pow pow pow
    Kisi ko pata chala toh pow pow pow
    Kisi ko pata chala toh pow pow pow
    Kyun hone na de banne na de
    Salma ko dulhan
    Tayyab ali pyar ka dushaman haay..haay..
    Meri yaar ka dushaman haay..haay..
    Tayyab ali pyar ka dushaman haay..haay..
    Meri yaar ka dushaman haay..haay..
    Haye nigahein tadpofying haye haye
    Hai armaan bhadkofying haye haye
    Beautiful baby teri
    Apne parlour aane de
    Jawaani dekho flying haye haye
    Hai kab se hum to trying haye haye
    Family room mein do couple tu jaane de..
    Dilon ko mila de ab tu now now now
    Dilon ko mila de ab tu now now now
    Dilon ko mila de ab tu now now now
    Kyun hone na dein
    Banne na dein salma ko dulhan
    Tayyab ali pyar ka dushaman haay..haay..
    Meri yaar ka dushaman haay..haay..
    Arre tayyab ali pyar ka dushaman haay..haay..
    Meri yaar ka dushaman haay..haay..
    Arrey waari jaaoon

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