
Sunday 22 April 2018

The Sunday Blog # 107

Today is Sunday the twenty second of April twenty eighteen the fifth of Shaban 1439 till Sunset ( 6:57 pm Karachi) And this is my the Sunday Blog # 107 ( Hundred and Seven ) and in my Mother tongue that is Urdu it is aik sau saath which also reminds of the FM radio channel promo which was like this Fm aik sau saath apna karachi aap kay saath  Sub se alag. Sub ke saath

Okay come to think of it ever since i started blogging regularly i have absolutely given up two main things in my life . yes you have guessed it right well actually both were very connected to each other . That is i used to listen to FM radio a lot while i was on the go around the town and out of town to other towns of this most dangerous city in the world Karachi . Going to the Law school ( college) on the Bus i used to put on the airline eye covers and ear phones of my pocket fm radio and enjoy as if i was on a virgin Atlantic . It was very relaxing and i am so glad nobody ever picked my pockets even though they had nothing much . 

Then when the buses became too over crowded and i wanted to feel free i started long walks usually in the morning after the fajr Prayer when the streets of Jamshed Town and the rest of the karachi  usually had no traffic at all . Honestly it was very dangerous to walk on streets and roads with your ears plugged with ear phones and playing music on FM .Fortunately i never had any serious or non serious accident during any of the long or short morning or evening walks with both ears plugged with the FM radio ear phones . 

The Karachi FM Radio scene started with a Station which called it self the FM 100 Pakistan . Assalaam o alaikum Pakistan . It was the pioneer indeed and was very different from the Radio that i had been listening to for over a decade on my own and before that since birth as radio was played all day long before television and even after television , So FM 100 Pakistan was neither the Radio Pakistan nor the BBC , and not even the Radio Kuwait which i find very relaxing and entertaining because it had a very clear sound on the shortwave and the especially the name of its Amir . 

 But i was never again able to hear it after the Saddam invasion and dessert storm Which was really very sad and depressing . So getting FM 100 Pakistan was like a consolation and a blessing in disguise . I listened to it for almost a decade in every way every day ....that is with phones without phones , slowly and at the top of the volume , walking sitting , sleeping and sleep walking . In fact the most interesting way of listening to FM 100 pakistan until it went to the SUN communications or something like that .

After a very autocratic  monopoly over the FM band for few years Radio Pakistan came in as a huge competition with better quality sound as the FM 101
But that did not get my unconditional love or following because i was so hooked to the first love that i could show any signs of infidelity especially not Hi Fi
But then came along the City Fm 89 the first ever English Zuban ka Radi o by the owners and makers of Bijli on the morning tv show these days never mind the name of the channels it will never Dawn on them .
Yes that it after that i stopped listening to anyother  FM radio station  .
Okay i need to take a break here

2:04 am Break ( 618 words)

3:00 am Okay during the Break i had Soan papri or Papdi and tea . And channel surf the news and entertainment channels on the cable to learn that the Mother of All (George W. BushJeb BushDorothy Bush KochNeil BushRobin BushMarvin Bush ) Bush who passed away on the seventeenth of April 2018 leaving behind yet another Barbara Bush as the infamous grand daughter was laid to rest in a simple funeral ceremony today at St. Martin's Episcopal Church in Houston 
First lady Melania Trump attended Saturday's service “on behalf of the first family,” White House deputy press secretary Lindsay Walters said in a statement. “To avoid disruptions due to added security, and out of respect for the Bush Family and friends attending the service, President Trump will not attend.”

Barbara Bush remembered at funeral as 'the first lady of the greatest generation'

The Other Breaking News is that British Cheat of Faryal have finally won a match in seconds

Amir Khan knocks out Phil lo Greco in 40 seconds

Okay not sure what happened here and no care as well . I never liked this sport and i am not into betting yet so ....

Another news that i learned on twitter while confirming the previous two is About some DJ Avicii never heard of him died in Oman

Police Say ‘No Criminal Suspicion’ in Avicii’s Death 

Okay that Avicii maybe i may have heard him on youtube not sure but the name and spelling sounds familiar  Anyways hope whoever dies so young may their Soul rest in peace Amen !

Don't know why my eyes are closing already its now even four in the morning Had dinner at sunset after defrosting and cleaning the refrigerator i found a plate of nihari and naan leftovers from some pre historic times so instead of puting it back to freeze i ate it and then had some fruits and lots of chilled water

So now i am not hungry at all but drowsy .
Last week one of my very regular reader and critic complained that this my the Sunday Blog has become monotonous with the mentions of all this eating all day Sunday , So not only today i don't intend to eat a lot but also wont be mentioning it a lot whether i eat or not eat no question please !!
Believe it or not i have crossed the first thousand words mark on the words counter for this my the Sunday Blog # 107 ( hundred and seven )
Okay so it is a few minutes after the four in the morning the sunrise time here in jamshed town of Karachi the most dangerous city in the world is 6:03 am and fajr time in the mosque is 5:30 am today when i looked at the prayer time chart in the mosque at isha both Fajr and Asr prayers time was 5:30 So the day is getting longer and hotter when there is less than a month left to go before the Holy Month of Ramzan

Arabic:  لاَّ إِلَـهَ إِلاَّ أَنتَ سُبْحَـنَكَ إِنِّى كُنتُ مِنَ الظَّـلِمِينَ
Transliteration: La Ilaha Illa Anta Subhanaka Inni Kuntu Minaz Zalimeen
Translation: “…There are none worthy of worship besides You. Glorified are You. Surely I am from the wrongdoers.” (21:87)

So i am thinking that this year in the holy month of Ramzan i will not go to the mosque for the taravee prayer because of Load Shedding . Last year i went very regularly and reported each and every event that i saw and feel in my four or five Sunday Blogs during the Holy Month of Ramzan and i also Thanked the sponsors and donations for the Air conditioning and water dispensers ( korean) which made my life and staying in the taravee prayer much easy which would otherwise be impossible due to the hot and humid weather of Karachi the most dangerous city in the world . But soon after the Eid somebody pasted a Bill of Oil used for the generators of the Airconditioners over two dozen of both stand up and split type which kept the temperature to more than ten degrees lower than the outside the mosque in the open . It made me feel so bad that i still regret why i went and used those air-conditioners even though while i was praying there i tried to stay out in the open for as long as possible . The last rows were not forming or filled sometimes so in order to keep the continuity i had to go in and stand in the Air conditioning and also watch people queuing for the chilled water from the chilled water dispensers ( korean ) during each and every full break or half break during the taravee Prayers every night in the Holy Month of Ramzan . Which is of course extremely entertaining for a person like me instead of reverence and  Praise of the dear Lord All Mighty Allah Amen !
But Then this decision is not final yet because you never know maybe the dear Merciful Lord gave me strength both mental and physical so that i can get the satisfaction of praying as well for the pleasure of the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah Amen !

Okay so its time for the fajr as well as this my the Sunday Blog # 107 ( hundred and seven ) has reached the fifteen hundred words mark on the words counter so now i can take a very long break and comfortably sleep till the noon LOL
Anyways so now i take a break for fajr and sleep and Brunch with a Prayer for my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

5:00 am Break (1589  words) 

12:35 pm Good After noon !
yes i sleep a little longer than expected and still not done the Brunch and there is probably no chance of the late lunch as well so it means that i may be able to go a long way doing this my the Sunday Blog # 107 ( hundred and seven ) But also i have wasted the non load shedding and chaapa hours of the day so lets see because if everything is normal today the next load shedding of the electric power by Karachi Electric is scheduled in twenty minutes at one pm so i must have to hurry and give this my the Sunday Blog # 107 ( Hundred and seven ) a good morning start and go . Okay this reminds me of the first tweet of the Sunday Morning here it is

Sun 5th Shaban 1439
12:28 pm As expected i am up a little after noon . Did woke up at nine thirty to turn off the fan as i was shivering with cold cannot understand how this happened the forehead is dry as a plastered wall bowel movement is good just dropped a perfect U boat

I haven't had time to surf the channels or check the twitter yet so i have no idea what is going on in the world or what changed while i was asleep . Most places on the karachi trends on the twitter is taken by the  , Which is of no interest to me and i am also not watching it or can't watch it as non of the channels it showing it or even the tickers about it , Geo channels are mostly on and off and also it is the isha time and loadshedding time for me in the night .
Okay so its time for Zuhr break and lunch and loadshedding so i take a break with the prayer for my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!
1:00 pm Break ( 1946 words)

1:41 pm Okay so the regular schedule load shedding which i was expecting from one pm to two pm did not happen as expected so here i am again doing this my the Sunday Blog # 107 ( Hundred and Seven ) on the offline note pad instead of the online Blogger site . This way if the load shedding of the Electric Power by the Karachi Electric / Shanghai Electric happens suddenly without any prior notice or warning Just like the Chaapaz we used to have in the Past through out the week not just the Sundays, happens i will not have to worry about not pushing the wrong keys and loose all that unsaved data . 
Okay Now lets move to the other related important events of the week and my take or two cents on them . 

One : Her Majesty the queen of england and wales invited all the Panama and British virgin island Kings and Mafias heading and ruling the poor and penny less People of the world with an iron fist , to a super ball in London this time otherwise known as the Common wealth head of Government meeting CHOGM 2018 . Our dear and most Popular Prime Minister just by chance and no fault of himself was also invited to the Super Ball in London but unexpectedly he also took with him the former Na Ahal Prime Minister mian saab nawaz sharif and the maryam was sure to go ....Outhay Bhabian di kalaas ve laine se ...okay i am not sure if iam following the limits and boundries of the linguistic divide of Punjab . A consensus is developing on the issue of dividing the punjab province into three smaller provinces or maybe more on the lines of the Karachi model which has multiple semi autonomous hydrating units known as towns like our Like our independent nuclear state of jamshed town ...absolutely no idea who rules it or who runs its administration and finances Kids go to UK and US universities for higher education and gulf and Canada for better prospects but rarely people of Jamshed town go to foreign hospitals for health and recreation the top media houses of Karachi have their offices and studios in jamshed town especially tvone which started from a small advertising company gradually growing up and getting a hired airtime of just few hours of primetime for a television channel terrestrial to counter the cable and satellite invasion in the early nineties . And one of my very favourite shows on that channels an american serial called the wiseguy they used to go undercover to save the mafia heads on the false pretext of as believe it or not THE FACE VALUE . So anyways the nearest  lincoln corner is outside the town limits of the Jamshed town LOL

Okay lets see and update this portion and then take a break because sometime monotonous is smelling from the kitchen 

Oh no i thought we agreed on no brunch or lunch till the heavy dinner
So anyways i have to take a Break here if there are any spelling mistakes because i did not have the red line option in the word pad then i will check them in the break or somebody will eventually inform me i hope .

Okay the top of the hour is approaching fast very fast got to go now hopefully i will be back if i survived the food all made from the left overs which i forgot to eat while cleaning the fridge yesterday . The good news is that the stove and oven is also repaired so it will be life back to normal insha Allah !

2:57 pm Break ( 2548 words)

3:23 pm Okay that was fun only i missed the instagram meet up because everybody is so busy today that they could not wait for me and also i have been saying that i can't eat today so they thought that i am not coming and eat and left to whatever they were doing so i took whatever was left and hurriedly gulped down and then channel surfed quickly and learned that everything is cool in jamshed town and most of the karachi .
The CM of Punjab and a candidate for the next primeminister of Noon after the retirement of Baji Maryam and her dear husband from the Politics is visiting karachi today he went straight to the house a Pathan Syed from KPK he lives in the part of Malir town not sure exactly where That area was developed by her majesty's government and populated by people from northern areas of Pakistan mostly the KPK and Punjab because it bordered with the Cantonment areas of Karachi to keep the pressure just in case. Anyways now it is so over populated that maybe some day okay never mind ....

So where was i before the break oh yes

Second most important event of the week past was about the Pubic security for the terrorists in KPK and Punjab . the axe of Supreme court has not yet arrived here in Jamshed town of Karachi or the Sindh province but the sindh police guard with rifle was fired recently and deputed elsewhere . The whole show is gradually retreating fearing the stern orders from the supreme court . This would be the fourth big news and event that will definitely affect these so called neighbours since last year . Anyways our Moto Baray aay baray gaay ....sano ki ?
The thing is that i am sure that now the awareness is coming that placing an armed guard on the streets is wrong in the residential areas and its a nuisance for the neighbours . Properly secured quarters and accommodations shoud be provided to the BIG WIGs for as long as the hold the good office it happens everywhere in the world nothing new so why do they block and barracade our peaceful neighbourhoods and provoke the residents ? why ?
obviously it is the agenda of the Builder mafia to scare the residents away and buy their properties cheap . Well anyways i will update what happens here in jamshed town next week ,

Okay time for another load shedding break so i will up date and continue on the word pad

3: 58 pm Break ( 2970words)

4:04 pm okay so i guess we missed the second load shedding as well they did this last Sunday too this will only scare the neighbourhod terrorist and aspiring future leaders even more than they already are of me . But who care

Jis ko ho deen o dil aziz .....

So it is fun doing this my the Sunday Blog # 107 ( hundred and Seven ) on the word pad it is faster and with less distractions . the only problem is that now i cannot spell check or search google and also i cannot post the ginger bread pieces in the shape of unrelated media inserts which usually help me edit later and also looks good to most of the non literate or can't literate fans and followers especially the chinese and russians who do not understand a word i write . Anyways i need a break now for few minutes
Happy Earth Day 2018 !!

4: 14 pm Break ( 3121 words)

4:41 pm Okay so we are moving towards the Asr prayer break and still there is no sighn of the electric power load shedding on which two main contenders fully funded for the next elections are structuring their election campaign to replace the MQM . LOL

But before i go for the asr break lets talk about the most important social media event from the music industry of Pakistan  this past week yes the trump tweet by non other than music competetion judge and singer Meesha Shafi who is also a famous model and actress with the hash tag of #Metoo accusing the elder brother of danial zafar whom we see a million times a day on all kinds of cable channels with momina mustashan in a soft drink food related ad campaign .
Danial's brother has also done a few ads especially the one of diamond supreme foam mattress recently where he is shown as a joru ka ghulam a tail wagging wuss dancing on the fingers

there is also  the sequel to this ad which is not so popular because i have not yet watched it on the cable and especially not during the PSL which is perhaps what it was targeting as it mentions the cricket with friends ...
 Any ways Sexual harassment is not particularly harassment and sex like they show in the old hindi movies of shraddha kapoor's dad's times . Sexual Harassment literally means the Harassment of the sexes and by the sexes different in the nature of the sex like male harassing the female or the vice versa. What i think is that the news channels are trying to fill the morning court breaking news segment with story after the sixty days of Nab comes to an end very soon By the way when are we expecting the announcement of the general elections as everybody is mentioning it on the news channels that only few days of the government are left now and nothing can be done as if they are already decided that there will be a change of government soon
Okay so it is time for the Asr Prayer break  so i take a break with the prayer for my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

5:13 pm Break ( 3535 words)

6:33 pm Okay i had a dairy milk chocolate and tea during the break and a very interesting instagram meet up after recieving the first new format Karachi Electric Bill it has an extra page to mark the World Earth day 2018 . LOL
Okay nothing indicates a chaapa today so i believe i will go and get an ice cream at the end of this my the Sunday Blog # 107 ( Hundred and Seven ) and Praiseth the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah Amen !

only ten minutes or so left before the Sunset ( 6: 57 pm Karachi ) and the Maghrib prayer break ...isn't this getting too monotonous yes but it is the truth and our lives are like this we have no time or money to waste and yet we have no life in the get a life sense of the term ....monotonous again LOL
Happy Earth day 2018 ! But i have no intentions of saving the world oh sorry the earth tonight but for all those who are doing it or thinking about doing it my best wishes !!
Any ways it is time for the Maghrib Prayer break  so i take a break with the prayer for my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

6:53 pm Break ( 3777 words)

Sun 6th Shaban 1439
7:39 pm Good Evening !
I had zeera plus by lu biscuits and tea during this break . 
Okay maybe not even the CM of Punjab knows why he is visiting karachi today . This picture i have posted was taken by me a few years ago on my early morning walks and it has been reminded from the archive as on this day by the Facebook . It is the island in front of Quaid's Mazar opps the Karachi X rays on what used to be the M.A Jinnah Road or the famous Bunder Road linking Numaish crossing to the Guru Mandir Roundabout . 
Happy Earth Day 2018 

Anyways the time for another break Mein Ayesha Gul
Tonight 8:00 pm only on Urdu1 
#MeinAyeshaGul #Urdu1 #Friday #Saturday #Sunday #Turkishdrama
is coming i was hoping it ends before the Holy Month of Ramzan but now i don't care i will watch when and if i can instead of giving up everything to watch Mein Ayesha Gul
Tonight 8:00 pm only on Urdu1 
#MeinAyeshaGul #Urdu1 #Friday #Saturday #Sunday #Turkishdrama
For couple of weeks now i don't watch it on the regular time because of the Isha Prayer i go to on the saturday , But today i am not going so i can watch Mein Ayesha Gul
Tonight 8:00 pm only on Urdu1 
#MeinAyeshaGul #Urdu1 #Friday #Saturday #Sunday #Turkishdrama 

And also relax my back and brain a little So that i can be able to finish this my the Sunday Blog # 107 ( hundred and seven ) with something better and fresh not at all monotonous . But since i have reached the Four thousand Words Mark on the words counter already it will be difficult to have the motivation to move along in the end

Anyways  it time for the  Mein Ayesha Gul
Tonight 8:00 pm only on Urdu1 
#MeinAyeshaGul #Urdu1 #Friday #Saturday #Sunday #Turkishdrama 

8:04 pm Break ( 4083 words) 

9:12 pm During this break i had tea and tea and talk about take away and khichri and i am sure that in the end they will eat something else and i will eat something else other after the midnight when i finish this my the Sunday Blog #107 ( hundred and seven)

Okay so now lets move on to the Movies of the week but first Allow me pay homage to my dearly departed game tab which was taken to the repair guy who revived it multiple times and even had its battery changed for three consecutive days this past week but not once did it show any signs of starting up in my hands back at home
Okay RIP my dear game tab it was so nice to be with you for so long a lot changed in the ambience and in the android world but together we remained steadfast and unchaged. And also survived this harsh world of bigotry and deceit. So long my dear.
Maybe the only reason it survived so long was that it did not have access to mobile data and that i learned to reboot it very early . They say that Flashing still can revive it but are unwilling to share the download firmware or whatever on the SD card .
Anyways now we are unable to decide on the quality of the new tab . I wan to buy the half price one and the IT department says i should buy the better quality one which is double or triple amount and has so many features and larger memory. But very Honestly i will not survive longer if i have to keep track of this Data usage by the minute . Very soon i will break or set fire to all my mobile devices and join a readers club and start writing book reviews and posting them to unknown addresses around the world . Yes i can very clearly see the future my future .... LOL
Anyways , lets move on to the movies of the week now ...Wow so many i had no idea ....See we can achieve so much if we don't have to waste time on shopping all week ....LOL

  • Jigsaw (2017)Jigsaw PosterRated 5 stars well its a ten years later what do you expect . Finding a mini cassette play of the same model will be a murder anyways ...LOL
  • La La Land (2016)La La Land PosterNo comment !
  • Shanghai (2010)Shanghai PosterI watched or tried to watch it twice this week but was not able to finish it due to time constraints . Watched the dubbed in urdu version both times and loved it when mr lan ting said " in ko urdu nahi ati ..." lol Anyways i will attempt to finish it soon when i can even though i am sure of the ending just a guess ....
  • Bobby Jasoos (2014) rerun 
  • Tanu Weds Manu Returns (2015) rerun 
  • Manchester by the Sea (2016) rerun watched the start and can understand it better now .
  • Mr. Go (2013) Mi-seu-teo Go (original title) Mr. Go PosterRated 7 stars Wow what a thought and it is korean amazing If only they had showed me this before trying to send me LOL wiping tears with the right hand ....and typing lol
  • Airlift (2016) Rerun 
  • Texas Chainsaw 3D (2013)Texas Chainsaw 3D PosterRated 7 Stars Anyways ...
  • Disturbia (2007) Rerun 
  • Baaghi (2016) Rerun 
  • The Other Guys (2010) The Other Guys PosterRated 5 stars okay i am done with it never mind i don't wanna see the rest .

  • The Icebreaker (2016) Ledokol (original title)The Icebreaker PosterRated 9 stars . Wow it is probably my first russian movie even though they play one for me every week in the neighbour hood  for decades . Anyways it is much better than the perfect storm which they show more often then this , The translation and Subtitles were also very good making it a real treat to watch very very entertaining . Thankyou HBO 

  • Smoking Kills

    Okay so that is all from the film and movies review this week hope i did not give away or spoiler of any movie intentionally or erroneously Amen!

    Now i will take a few minutes break and then come back with a relaxed back and ass in no time and go all the way till the midnight to end this my the Sunday Blog # 107 ( Hundred and seven ) . don't go away !!

    10: 28 pm Break ( 4777 words)

    10: 45 pm During this break i did not eat or drink tea not even water . And i am still not sure about the supper maybe i have and maybe i don't .
    Okay before i move on I want to request the Government of Pakistan , whatever that is , to please restrict or put a ban on entry of all non muslim and gay American diplomats to our holy places and shrines of the Sufi saints in Sindh and where ever it is possible elsewhere . Thankyou !

    So now lets once again become monotonous and rant about the words count for this my the Sunday Blog # 107 ( Hundred and Seven ) . Even though i am still a little short about hundred words short of the five thousand words on the wordpress words counter i still feel that i could have reached the six thousand words on the words counter for this my the Sunday Blog # 107 ( Hundred and Seven ) . So where does the fault lies ? Over sleep ? too much distraction ? or a slow start ?
    None of the Above . Because i did have a very good start of about fifteen hundred words before the sleep at fajr time . And suppose if i had less sleep and a heavy Brunch where would i be now ? not even close to the four thousand words by now . And Luckily there was no distraction at all today no chaapa no disturbing phone calls or messages , it was a smooth sail all day today . Had very few istagram meet ups with food to make me heavy and drowsy . No Load Shedding or BroadBand Net outages . in all it was a truly amazing and peaceful day for this my the Sunday Blog # 107 ( hundred and seven )
    So then why am i still no way near the six thousand words on the words counter for this my the Sunday Blog # 107 ( Hundred and seven ) . Anyways Since i have now reached the Five Thousand words Mark on the Wordpress Words Counter for this my the Sunday Blog # 107 and still have the strength to easily eat the mutton leg roast or bar be que grilled without sharing with anyone at all then i think that this is a good sign that i can go on and on and on till the very end of this my the Sunday Blog # 107 ( Hundred and Seven ) and even if i am not able to make it to the six thousand or more words i will still be able to give this my the Sunday Blog # 107 ( hundred and Seven ) a very good and original closure at the end just minutes before the midnight and then shut down and relax and enjoy having a very euphoric feeling that today i was able to get a very big total for this my the Sunday Blog # 107 ( hundred and seven ) without any external help and aid and article or poetry or prose or wiki copy and paste . So now imagine i had posted a poem of Iqbal and its translation or an article about him then i may have reached the six thousand words on the words counter much much long ago at least half an hour ago . So the thought that comes to my mind now is that would i be satisfied at that or would i be still sitting here and trying harder to reach the seven thousand words on the words counter for this my the Sunday Blog # 107 ( Hundred and Seven ) . Now what is the purpose and benefit of achieving such a target with both eyes closing and back and muscles strained and aching ? Is it any good to me or anybody or even the blogging world . Well This i know for sure that nothing i ever do or even think of doing does not create a crest and trough on some stagnant or frozen thought process is out of question absolutely impossible . I often wonder when i break my own record in anything and especially when i out do myself in the stubbornness that what happen or will happen if i had to face the consequences of my actions some day when someone better comes along and out did every thing i ever did or ever tried to do ? In dollar term if i ever had to face the music of Karma for the the things i ever did . Then i think that here i was sitting all alone trying to do what i personally feel and not just feel but believe beyond any doubt that i could not possibly ever do and then suddenly i begin to see clearly that i am already there . How this could ever bring the karma the Bad and evil into motion . No Not at all it is a very very dark and wasteful thought . And this makes me extremely relaxed . And it is only when you think and feel relaxed you are able to do more than you originally thought was possible or achievable . So that is how i have come all the way from not being able to write down five or six answers to the question papers for three hours in most exams to this very spontaneous and candid twenty four hours  This my the Sunday Blog # 107 ( hundred and seven ) and the rest of the 106 ( Hundred and six ) Sunday Blogs in over two years continuously
     without any break or sick leave . This is not just dedication . This is madness or what we call Junoon

    Anyways Whatever it is i need to keep it a very low profile if i don't want or wish to be entangled in a web or some thing which might hurt someone unintentionally and get me into all sorts of troubles and turn me into a turkish asking everyone and everywhere Mujhe keun nikala ?

    Okay anyways i think if my central idea of giving up everything and joining a reading club and writing reviews and posting them to some unknown addresses around the world also failed then the only thing that will be left for me to do on my own would be to become a religious guy a friar or a monk But they say it is not allowed in my religion some say it is anyways we will discuss it some other time as it is time to go and end this my the Sunday Blog # 107 ( hundred and seven ) with and very good song of one of my very favourite all time favourite Band okay i can't find the video now but i hope this will do for now i will edit later Insha Allah
    Amen !
    Have a Great week ! keep praying for Rain !

    Sayonee - Junoon (Azadi)

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