
Sunday 15 April 2018

The Sunday Blog # 106

Today is Sunday the fifteenth (15) of April (4) twenty eighteen ( 2018) the twenty eighth of Rajab 1439 till the Sunset ( 6:53 pm , Karachi) And this is my the Sunday Blog # 106 ( hundred and Six ) .
Interesting right now the weather outside is much cooler than humid hot air inside . Even though the temperature outside is almost ten degrees lower than it was during the hot sunny day . Anyways as long as there is the electric power and net i have no problem as i can gladly sit here in front of the fan and keep doing this my the Sunday Blog # 106 ( hundred and six) .
Last week i made a plan that i will try to find the software for offline blogging and will learn to use it so that i have no problem doing a live Sunday Blog today especially when there is load shedding and net outage . But somehow during the day that is from noon to maghrib or the Sunset , Load shedding regular and a few extra hours and extremely hot temperature of the Sun and my heavy diet . Food that i should definitely not eat at forty degree temperature but the gluttonous me can't help and even if i decide not to eat at all just as i had decided not to eat at all tonight and went for the Isha Prayer hoping that i will miss the dinner on my return and there will be no electric power to warm the oily food in the microwave so i will get an excuse and then there will be no time to eat due to the back to back soaps and shows till the mid night after which i will get on doing this my the Sunday Blog # 106 ( hundred and six ) . And nobody will notice that i have not eaten dinner and why i have not eaten dinner . But unfortunately the dinner started after i returned . a phone call or something had delayed the dinner So i had no option but to join the dinner or they would have got suspicious that i have eaten out since i was already fifteen minutes late because the prayer time at the mosque was changed . I had no knowledge of it and i went at the usual time to find an empty mosque because i was seventeen minutes early .... Usually i am a minute or two late for the prayer and offer the sunnat ghair moakadda or Muakkadah (Optional but spiritually beneficial) later after farz . But today as there was a full fifteen minutes after recovering from the shock of arriving so early so i get to do it very very slowly instead of often doing it very hurriedly in order not to miss the farz prayer which is lead my the imam or qari or the prayer leader of the mosque .

The food tonight was also extra special because of Shab -e- Mairaj شب معراج , it is celebrated in remembrance of the Night Allah the All Mighty and wise summoned our dear holy Prophet Peace be upon him . Our Holy Prophet Peace be upon him traveled from his home in mecca to Jerusalem and then to the highest of the heavens and  experienced the most singular event in the history of mankind. And i believe that this is one Sunnat which is absolutely impossible to follow by any believer muslim in any era or time without the will of  the Allah the All Mighty and Wise.
So what we the poor souls do is just remember the night every year on the 27th of Rajab the seventh month of the Islamic Lunar year , pray a little from isha till the sehri ( fast beginning ) time . Some fast other go on with their lives as usual . So when the fasters break their fast at sunset some who did or did not fast feast and praiseth the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah Amen !

Okay so since it was the Saturday evening after a very hot , burning hot day so i could not even think about feasting because if i had i could not possibly go to the isha prayer and then be able to wake up after the mid night Sunday morning and do this my the Sunday Blog # 106 ( hundred and six) which is also my first Sunday Blog of the Third Year in a row without a break . So i guess that this my the Sunday Blog # 158 ( hundred and fifty eight ) or this my the Sunday Blog # 159 ( hundred and fifty nine ) will get me there . I am not very sure but in some coming Sunday Blog i will do the maths and make sure when i get there .Okay time for a break...
2:00 am Break ( 777 words)

5:00 am Okay i did not know how i fell asleep that long without eating or watching tv . and Thank God the All Mighty Allah i did not put anything on the stove to warm or boil or it must have been burned by now . Okay i can hear the Azans so i believe it is time for Fajr prayer break with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!
5:05 am Break ( 892 words)

6:39 am yes first the morning tweet of the Sunday
Sun 28th  Rajab1439
6:33 am okay i tried to sleep after fajr but i could not don't wanna eat breakfast so i will have the brunch later right now i have no idea if i will stay awake or fall asleep again . lets wait and see . the sky is almost clear blue with some white spots 

Okay the Sunrise time in karachi was 6:09 am so i believe the Sun must be up in few minutes so i can see it but since we have a clear blue sky almost so the morning is very bright and cool . My Not so near neighbourhood of Bahadurabad very famous for the Sunday Breakfast on the street especially about the night crawlers oh sorry the night cricketers on Sunday night have now been caught up in the Builders Mafia wars . Just a moment ago i switched on the television in the other room and the Sattar seth waving an A4 size paper on most of the news channels from PIB live at this hour which is a clear indication for the breakfasters at the Bahadurabad to stop eating and wipe clean the hands and face . Most Sunday Breakfast joints here in Karachi the most dangerous city in the world , keep a yellow pages directory from far east probably hongkong or shanghai or magazines probably for good luck . So when we finish eating we go grab or tear off a page or two and wipe our hands or mouth at the counter or any prominent place near the exit before putting our greasy hands in the pocket to pay the bill .

and walk out cheerfully. Honestly i grew up in a home where Books and especially the directory and magazines were sacred but somehow i never felt bad doing it EVER !!
But since i have never been a night crawler oh sorry a night cricketer in my life i may be wrong about the waving of a yellow page on national and satellite news channels at this hour . That is i may be wrong most certainly this could also mean an invite to the breakfast at PIB or the Hyderabad colony or whatever is the more politically correct joints these days . Ever since my dearly departed Ammi ( May her soul rest in peace in heaven Amen!) passed away i stopped going to the breakfast joints in the morning mine on the tariq road meat market became extremely dirty with overflowing gutters and sewers and construction materials blowing with the wind and going right into the open stall kitchens and pots . Me and my dear siblings are not as strong health wise as the previous generation was . we usually have that kind of breakfast made at home . Come to think of it i can't even remember when was the last time i eat at any sunday breakfast joint on tariq road or elsewhere . Too scared to go Bahadurabad because you never know when a pathan or memon may fall upon you from a tall under construction builder because of the domestic violence issues .....
 Okay Another news from Bahadurabad this week was a huge fire at alkaram studio . Well the name sounds familiar when remembered in relations to the London wali party maybe this the reason why they say ..." Miltey jultey naamoun se Hoshiyaar !! "
Qabzey ko jab kahein jaga na milli
Bann giya rou ay aab per qaaie
okay enough of this Sunday Breakfast and Bahadurabad builder mafia wars .... lets move to the CPEC fires in the old downtown areas on the coloured lines bus rapid trans ....after this short break unless i fall asleep or load shedding stops me from coming back ......

7:42 am Break ( 1510 words)

12:59 pm Okay i fell asleep and now i woke up when the Zuhr Azans have already started in the Jamshed town . I missed the Brunch so now we will probably have the Lunch the kitchen is smelling so nice i can't resist must be the Karachi Biryani in the microwave that the neighbour and family friend sent yesterday on shab-e-Mairaj God Bless then and God Bless the karachi Biryani Jazak Allah

Okay so now i have to go and check if there is something else too for lunch of if we are expecting any chaapa today or not or any other Gup ( rumours and gossips ) and have the first facebook/ instagram/ whatsapp meet up of the Sunday during this my the Sunday Blog # 106 ( hundred and six) . by the way the news about Bahadurabad /PIB early Sunday Morning Breakfast did not make it to the karachi trend on the twitter sad isn't it ?

Karachi trends

Anyways its getting late i also have to wash and clean i just got out of the bed and started doing this my the Sunday Blog # 106 ( hundred and six ) the eyes are still sticky and lips slimy or whatever haven't brushed the teeth yet so i got to go and that is final
So I am not sure if i will be able to get back to do this my the Sunday Blog # 106 ( Hundred and six ) all afternoon after the break because of the regular and non regular load shedding of electric power so if i am not able to return then this is it for a very long break with a prayer for my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!
1:34 pm Break ( 1859 words)

2:41 pm Okay i had the Karachi Biryani and tarbooz ( water melon ) 

It is a bit risky doing this my the Sunday Blog # 106 ( hundred and six ) at this hour because i can't be sure when and how the it will be stopped . Usually the electric power load shedding begins half past the hour in the afternoon but you can never guarantee anything so  i will only do this my the Sunday Blog # 106 ( hundred and six ) till the 3:15 pm and after that i will stay on net surfing for anything that i may have missed today or this week .
This week my Rose Plants have come to life once again they were withering for two or three weeks and also all the cut branches i replanted also got dried after showing a little signs of life . Not sure what i am doing wrong . But one thing i will never understand how the weather changes suddenly to the opposite extreme soon after i doing a new planting .
Not only does this Rose looks good it also smells good because its a desi . But somehow i love the new leafs that are just as bright and colourful like the Rose flower even more . They stay that way for few days and then grow up to be the normal green plant leaves .
And talking of Plants and leaves . One of our old neighbour's Old Mango tree has now started to show the exact same sign of dying and drying as ours mango tree showed few years ago and last year it was completely dry and dead and we have to have it cut down . So it was not our fault as the builder mafia tried to make it look. They tried to put the blame on us that we only eat the fruit and did not care . Very few mango trees are in the best of health this year maybe because of increased construction activity and extremely hot temperature , There are only countable number of raw fruits hanging in the tree nearest in the neighbourhood teasing the armed security guards how sits and pray under it all day when they are not being pushed to our wall on our kerb most probably to hear what i may be thinking about the neighbours and parosans .
okay the weather is finally changing today clouds are forming with the prayers of my dear Brother who is constantly praying for rain .....which is against the company policy as we are know from the PSL as well Karachi and Rain don't go well along side by side.
Okay so as i had planned it is 3:17 pm that is i almost forgot and now am two minutes up on my scheduled break time .

3:18 pm Break ( 2316 words)

4:43 pm Okay the electric power company the infamous Karachi Electric Company and not the Shanghai Electric which has been pursuing for a very long time now but probably because of the shortage of funds and other perks for the Na ahal government of Pakistan . oh no where am i going Pause ! yes so i was saying that the regular afternoon hour long load shedding of Electric power has been skipped today . Anyways the Break was good for me As i received a call on landline which other would have gone waste because during the load shedding we are very far away from the landline and can't hear it in the shoor ( noise ) of the neighbourhood generators .

Has anybody received a call on the landline from this number )511236 posing as PTCL customer care ....everybody knows that PTCL help line is now 1218

Contact Directory

Registered Office

Corporate Headquarters, Block-E, G-8/4,
Islamabad-44000, Pakistan.
Email address

Corporate Customer Centers

PTCL F-8 Exchange
Nazim-Ud-Din Road
F-8/1, Islamabad
ph:   111 20 20 20
Ground Floor, EVP Office,
Hatim Alvi Road, Clifton, Karachi.
Ph:   111 20 20 20
26A Civic Centre
Barkat Market, Garden Town, Lahore.
Ph:  111 20 20 20

 Assistance Just A “Call” Away
You can call on following numbers for any desired service
New service requirement or purchase assistance1218
To Update Directory Inquiry0800 0 1217
OSS Helpline
111 28 28 28 
Corporate Helpline
1260 & 111 20 20 20
Billing information1200
Inquiry or directory services1217
Complaint registration or help on any fault1218
Assistance on all services1218

Customer's Area

Useful Links
So anyways thanks for calling it was and always will be fun talking and confronting such obnoxious and prank callers
Okay in few hours our moon islamic lunar date will change to the 29th of the rajab . A new moon is expected to begin ( i hope this is the right term ) at seven in the morning monday morning so i believe threre will be very little chance of a moon sighting monday evening before or after sunset . So obviously the new Islamic Month of Shabaan and Shab-e-Baraat will begin on the wednesday ( tuesday evening after sunset ) . Ever Since our dearly departed Ammi ( May her soul rest in peace in Heaven Amen !) passed away about four years ago we are not celebrating the Shab-e-Baraat in the usual way making lots of Halwas and sweets . And this year there is absolutely no chance of it . No not at all .....

Okay so we are fast moving towards the next quarter passed the hour which is the deadline for any break today due to the load shedding of the electric power .
And also the time for Asr prayer is also near must have begin . I wont be able to hear the Azans here with the fan running in full but i am sure that its time even though we also have a mosque in the neighbourhood that sounds the asr azan an hour early probably to get an extra break in the working hours and heat of karachi the most dangerous city in the world .

Okay so its time for the Asr Break with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!
5: 18 pm Break (2867  words) 

6:35 pm Okay survived yet another half past the hour .... So now i have about ten plus minutes till the Sunset and Maghrib break . Well this will take me to the three thousand words mark on the words counter for this my the Sunday Blog # 106 ( hundred and six) . I don't know why i got scared of the load shedding and took a break infact took two break unnecessarily when i could have kept on going as there was no load shedding today maybe because this sunday is very different from the previous sunday . Today the focus of attention has completely shifted elsewhere or it is not very politically un correct to say Everywhere but me . I am sure you must have heard " agar moo acha na ho toh baat changi karni chahiye "  Now when ever something bad happens to anybody who is not friends with the Na Ahal Nawaz and Baji Maryam they will remember what Nihal hashmi said in the contempt of the judiciary . It is kind of automatically become the party manifesto and constitution . So help them  God the All Mighty Allah Amen !
okay time  for Break
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!
6:51 pm Break ( 3099 words)

Sun 29th of Rajab 1439
7:32 pm Good Evening !

Okay so we survived yet another half past the hour unbelievable  and there is very little time left before the Mein Ayesha Gul
Tonight 8:00 pm only on Urdu1
#MeinAyeshaGul #Urdu1 #Friday #Saturday #Sunday #Turkishdrama
Break so i will have to hurry up the sky over my head is almost clear now and it is amazingly cooler outside then inside for some odd reason the neighbourhood and the street is too quiet for a sunday evening . Not even a single Ice Cream wala ring tone was heard while i was on the Maghrib and sunset Break . Anyways even though i need a long walk desperately but i am not going for the Isha today not even if there is electric power loadshedding in that hour which iam sure will not be missed by the Karachi Electric. Anyways what do we care because probably after this my sunday Blog #106 ( hundred and six ) will be over or near the three  thousand five hundred words on the words counter so even with the load shedding i will relax and probably have dinner with the gang .
okay lets move to the Lala fiasco it is a fact that shahid khan afridi is a world renounced sorry renowned hitter of the ball a very good entertainer and a good matured sportsman  soft spoken as well everybody loves him no doubt But unfortunately after being around too long with the karachi Boyz and gals he is now turning into Media Baloch especially on the social media talking directly with the indians on an issue that even the world Bank can't ...So he will mess up with indian clergy and end up hanging himself ..What a waste ! 
Any ways that's the way it is we cannot do nothing about it . So lets take a break and enjoy the Mein Ayesha Gul
Tonight 8:00 pm only on Urdu1
#MeinAyeshaGul #Urdu1 #Friday #Saturday #Sunday #Turkishdrama

Okay before i go i leave with a question . If everybody knew and old PPP believed that Benazir Bhutto was not assassinated by any so called terrorist and died of an accident or head injury then why did musharraf never revealed the truth and why did the UN Report not even mention it ? Why Why Why ?  
Okay so now i can take a break and enjoy theMein Ayesha Gul
Tonight 8:00 pm only on Urdu1
#MeinAyeshaGul #Urdu1 #Friday #Saturday #Sunday #Turkishdrama

8:03 pm Break ( 3505 words)

9:22 pm Okay i am back from the Mein Ayesha Gul
Tonight 8:00 pm only on Urdu1
#MeinAyeshaGul #Urdu1 #Friday #Saturday #Sunday #Turkishdrama
even the dragging in this serial is fun to watch . LOL

The other one that i watch not so enthusiastically but regularly pyar lafzoon mein or Aşk Laftan Anlamaz is also coming to an interesting point where the lie comes out lets see how Mr Murat Sarsılmaz reacts

Okay lets move on to the movies of the week

  • The Snowman (2017)The Snowman PosterRated 7 stars . Don't know why the cable guy started the week monday morning with a mass murderer serial killer movie anyways it was fun watching this and after watching it i was so relaxed that i didn't even care that they gave me the whole monday and tuesday off ...Rebecca Ferguson Picture
  • Rambo (2008)Rambo PosterRated 7 stars . Was surprised to see a Rambo movie that did not look familiar so i kept watching then i saw the date or year of release and then i knew that it is something recent that is why it did not hit the deja vu button  Julie Benz Picture 
  • Police Academy: Mission to Moscow (1994)Police Academy: Mission to Moscow PosterRated 5 stars yes it is funny and childish for the Golden shower fans LOL
  • Naam Hai Akira (2016)Naam Hai Akira PosterRated 8 stars Politics and encounters kind of stuff have watched it before i think many times but was not rated before not sure why anyways it has a happy ending sort of ...not possible in lahore these days and absolutely unthinkable in Karachi the Most dangerous city in the world.
  • Force 2 (2016)Force 2 Posterrated 5 stars and a rerun its okay not sure what it is about 
  • Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011)Rise of the Planet of the Apes PosterRated 7 stars should be 9 stars , not sure what was the role of freida pintoFreida Pinto Picture
  • Rush Hour 2 (2001)Rush Hour 2 Posterrated 7 stars love it i can watch this one a hundred times rerun Lisa LoCicero Picture
  • The Matrix (1999)The Matrix Posterrated 7 stars gradually i am getting there where i will be able to claim i know the matrix insha Allah !
  • Split (2016)Split PosterRated 8 stars It is really tough to find and know for sure 
  • Sahara (2005)Sahara Posterrerun same portion of the ending the kind of indiana jones mixed with mummy series 
  • Step Up 2: The Streets (2008)Step Up 2: The Streets PosterRated 6 stars i thing the first was better anyways i watched so that i can say i have watched the whole series LOLBriana Evigan Picture
  • A Good Day to Die Hard (2013)A Good Day to Die Hard PosterRated 5 stars for john mcClane fans there must be lots of them dying hard or dead for me i am happy with the Yulia Yuliya Snigir in A Good Day to Die Hard (2013)

  • 50/50 (2011)50/50 PosterRated 8 stars . I have no idea what to say about this because every time i hear somebody saying it or somebody saying about somebody that he or she has a cancer the first thought that come to my mind is ...Cancer is a la illaj merz and he or she is gonna die ....somebody i am not sure who tried to convince me that it is curable .... they showed me near and dear ones recovering but i was not convinced and they died but they did not give up and started showing fake cancer patient just make me say it once which is said by this movie not me so all i can do is sit back and relax and say that i have rated the movie 8 stars for their wishful thinking and also that i watched it in full without sleeping and that God the Allah Mighty Allah Amen ! have mercy on all cancer patients everywhere in the World Amen ! 

  • So this brings us to the end of this weeks movie review .

    Oh my God All Mighty Allah Amen ! i have crossed the Four Thousand words mark on the words counter for this my the Sunday Blog # 106 ( hundred and six ) so now i can take a few minutes break this could be risky because  if we finally have what we wanted maybe the missing load shedding returns LOL
    10:34 pm Break ( 4146words)

    11:00 pm Okay now we are in the final hour before the mid night for this my the Sunday Blog # 106 ( hundred and six ) to end .
    Somhow the university education has always been tough for us . Being the Grandson of an Alig i was always ashamed of not having a very well educated family like the one we can brag about like most people do . So gradually i begin to think that it must be a firewall or a curse blocking the University level education for us. Honestly i am still not very sure about it but at least now i think that i did good getting education and not the degrees and stamps that  says that Mr Wasiq is here by faiz on that level with all the privileges and honours . How somebody be deemed educated without having proven that his mind and body is ready to learn something anything when ever and where ever ? And unless proven it is just a theory that too unproven till it is established and accepted by all the experts around in the field . SO Now my question is How many people are required as an expert of this field who can confirm or just confer ?
    Anyways so as i was saying quitting is not a failure when you are going after something that is absolutely not your cup of tea you can always have coke and live your life . I find it quite amusing that most people keep running to get a life and miss out on living their life and not to mention the care and worries of the after life because in my most humble opinion when you are not really sure if this is the life you were trying to get or should you get some more life while nobody is looking  then thinking about the next life is an uphill task . Try whatever you think is achievable but according my conventional wisdom if you break a signal on a small street and did not get in a jam and smoothly crossed the highway to reach your destination and then  suddenly realized or got reminded of a signal break how many times can you follow the rules at the signal on the small street
    before you can proceed ?
    Okay now one of the most important part of education is ofcourse Books . So now tell me how many americans will not read the James Comey Book . Does this means that they are not eligible to be judged as educated or is it fair to say that all those who did not read the James comey book will be fired from the whitehouse . This is all a jargon what i am trying to say is that readiny all the books in the world cannot make feel educated but reading and remembering a few books by heart and reproducing them whenever required make me look like an educated human being in the eyes of anybody whether be an expert of the field or just normal person with good intelligence who can differentiate between the right and wrong with ease without any difficulty .
    So anyways  here it is time for me to end this my the Sunday Blog # 106 ( hundred and six ) But before i share the song video and end this my the Sunday Blog # 106 ( hundred and six )  i wish to condemn the murder of Singer  this week in this Land of the Sufis and saints . The dear Lord All Mighty Allah Amen ! have mercy on us and free us of all such people Amen !
    Okay times up Good Bye !

    Enjoy ! see ya next week Insha Allah !

    Jason Aldean - They Don't Know (Lyric Video)

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