
Sunday 8 April 2018

The Sunday Blog # 105

Today is the Sunday the Eight of April twenty eighteen the 21st of Rajab 1439 till the Sunset (Today is the Sunday the Eight of April twenty eighteen the 21st of Rajab 1439 till the Sunset ( 6:50 pm , karachi ) And this is my the Sunday Blog # 105 ( hundred and five ) .

So Just in .....
  . Police have booked Col Joseph Emanuel Hall, US defence & air attaché, for unintentional murder through rash driving.
Skip ads in five sec !
Okay back to the basics So tonight i have missed a lot of time infact the whole first hour its one am in the morning and the word count is well countable without the counter and my eyes are also half shut first because i had too much to eat today and second because i missed the turkish soaps in the evening and watched them or tried to in the rerun . Both at the same time . Hope i got the first one in full not sure because the commercial breaks were too long for the reruns that in the end i could not wait any longer and got up to do this my the Sunday Blog # 105 ( Hundred and Five )
The Weather tonight was okay but because of the extra load shedding of electric power and over eating hot and spicy food it was a little too sweaty for me after the walk outside twice . First for the Isha prayer and then again for the break, eggs and butter ( ghee) . I so wanted to bring the ice cream as well but i wasn't sure of the next power outage and how long it will be for so i came without it . BLNT ( better luck next time ) .
So how was this easter week ?
Honestly for me it was the most dull and slow week of all in the recent weeks and months . Right from the midnight Monday morning the cable guy showed movies that have been watched before or were too boring to watch in rerun . Nothing new nothing at all can you believe not even the non movie channels that shows movies at night with millions of commercials and tvc's did not even show anything watch able . and to top it all the regular load shedding of electric power also begin. Cricket ended on tuesday and the last surviving Geo network channel the Geo Super (sports) also got removed from the top of channel list . and probably from the cable tv list as well here in Jamshedtown of karachi the most dangerous city in the world .

So the Question is Why i am still watching soaps , serials and Movies on the cable tv with millions of ads , commercials and TVC's when i can watch the same things on the net . Why ?
okay never mind some other time i need to take break and enjoy the news room tickers about that drunken US col who rammed  a motorcyclist in Islamabad

1:52 am Break ( 507 words)

3:06 am My eyes are now even more shut then they were before the break. But i still believe that i can go on doing this my the Sunday Blog # 105 (Hundred and five ) for another hour and half without completely falling apart .
My facebook timeline looks really interesting today because of lots of food pictures such as these

 Aint that something ? Obviously you must have not seen this

So now how can i do this my the Sunday Blog # 105 ( hundred and five ) . And to think of it that if i had to eat something even better today then how Am i going to be able to sit five to ten hours on the computer and do this my the Sunday Blog # 105 ( hundred and five ).
Who cares if i don't not me definitely because after hundred and four Sunday Blogs most of them of over a three thousand words i don't feel that anybody in his or her right frame of mind would doubt or challenge that i cannot do one more . So anyways why waste my time at this time of the night or morning discussing if i can or cannot when i am already nearing a thousand words for this my the Sunday Blog # 105 ( hundred and five ) with such colourful media, photos , pictures and videos' . Sharing media or multimedia is so much easy that i can make this my the Sunday Blog # 105 (Hundred and Five ) looking extremely great without even typing a single word . For the near future i have a very good plan. When and if i am not able to easily sit and do the typing all day and night mid night to midnight with very few short breaks , i will start a V blog or vlog .  Most bloggers like the famous  Frere Hall oh sorry where did that come from okay never mind i meant Justin Hall yes cute kid indeed .
So the Vblogs (a blog in which the postings are primarily in video form.) are much easy to do .

okay maybe this is not sucha good idea at the moment or from where i am but who knows maybe i can do it a little different from the rest of the incredible world of Vloggers .
I too talk too much all day long whether anybody is listening or not so maybe i could end up doing a Vlog like this

 But first i need to dye my hairs blonde that may or may not be cool i am still not sure.
Anyways i am not yet ready for this decade old form of Blogging known and popular as Vlogging .
So if it is already known and popular that how am i going to make a mark of my own in a field where millions are already  well established and popular like that Chinese girl they often show the English news channel .
okay By the way who among the two China or Russia is more closer to the US under the President Trump administration ?  And do you think that Trade War is real or just a waste of time to save ones own breadth ?

Okay anyways i have crossed the first thousand words Mark on the wordpress words counter for this my the Sunday Blog # 105 (Hundred and five ) So i can immediately take a break and fall asleep or watch some more news television till Fajr Prayer time . Either way now i will have to take a break with the Prayer for my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!
4:35 am Break ( 1133 words)

11:28 am Good Morning or noon i think it is still Sunday Morning and most people in the neighbourhood have not had the breakfast or Brunch yet . Despite all the Thing that our very dear cooking mafia cooked or made for yesterday and today more takeaway is expected . So it is the most difficult to blog Sunday of the year . Also my facebook archive that has been hibernating for over a month has notified that last year on this day i posted a picture of my Sunday Blog first Anniversary cake
Well obviously last year it was a big deal for me and i was pretty excited about it so i prepared this cake well in advance the evening before . This year the two non american Americans are desperate and at the end of their game and the so called Pakistani cinema that i usually don't get to watch even if it is on the television non movie channels , Has named a fart-full movie , Cake !!
Ops Loadshedding
Hello Telenor !!!
12:02 Break

12:04 pm yes i told you this is not the day of the year to be Sunday Blogging at all But i believe that i have done it already . So
 Dear Mr Wasiq or WASIQ1  a very Happy Second Happy Anniversary of this My the Sunday Blogging . Since you got here without a break with my help and support all the way I am so certain that you will make it to the next or the Third Happy Anniversary of this Sunday Blog next april by the Grace of God All Mighty Allah Amen !
Insha Allah !
Amen !
Okay so now i need to save the battery and i am sure the electric power will not be restored before the Zuhr Prayer time So its time for the Sunday Brunch and Zuhr Break with a Prayer for my dearly Departed Parents Papa and Ammi
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!
12: 18 pm Break ( words)

1:32 pm And just in case everybody thinks that i forgot the morning tweet in the commotion created by the electric power load shedding is the morning tweet
Sun 21st Rajab1439 29°C 11:04 am Oh my God i woke in the AM again this otherwise very quiet and peaceful Sunday Morning going towards noon . I had tea preparing mentally for the Sunday Brunch Honestly i shouldn't eat at all today if i want to stay awake & survive loadshedding😰
Okay the trump tower is reported to be on Fire . And the best part is that Mr Toad is dead ....whatever !!
Okay so before the Karachi Electric leaves me high and dry here are the Sunday Morning Brunch Happenings 
Ya it looks awesome ...? Oh yes the Breaking News .... The First Water Melon or Terbuz of this season has arrived Pa pa pa paan !!! Okay the Rickshaw wala definitely saved a few MB's of the pre paid Data Bundle of which this muaziz sarif is ahel ....Amazing !!Image result for eyebrow girl turning ghost gif
Okay so the over eating Drowsiness is now taking over my mind and Body so its a siesta time and if the Karachi Electric allowed i will trying to do this my the Sunday Blog # 105 * hundred and five) again after the next load shedding don't want to go through the same drill of trying desperately to save this my the Sunday Blog # 105 ( hundred and five ) with all the media posted .
Okay the word count check says that i am so close to the two thousand words mark so i better thing of some rant before taking a nap break
Amazing where is the facebook side bar joke when you need it the most ...probably the net is too slow that is why its not visible But it is there i can see the blank space on the side bar . oh yes now it has appeared wait let me click the link . Oh no the link is also not working because of the too slow net
Amazing the link is still

okay never mind let me think of something else ....No i am too drowsy to think of something else and the light has taken a huge jerk or surge just now so its good bye or never i mean later ....
2:24 pm Break ( 1866 words)

3:26 pm okay only four minutes left before the usual load shedding time so lets do the movies of the week

  • Befikre (2016)
  • Arbitrage (2012)
  • The Last Mimzy (2007)
  • Step Up (2006)
  • 2 Fast 2 Furious (2003)
  • Death Race (2008)
  • Focus (2015)
  • Badmaa$h Company (2010)

  • Saw V (2008)

  • Amazing that i have nothing to say about the movies of the week this week mostly all were reruns except for the last one a sequel of the SAW series the last in the series as well hopefully . But you never know

    Okay so the regular load shedding time in the last week has now passed so i better shut down and sleep in the fan . This was perhaps the last segment i did online today from now i will continue doing this my the sunday Blog # 105 ( hundred and five ) off line on the word tools .

    and then paste them here just to be on the safe side .

    3:37 pm Break ( 2013 words)

    okay so before starting to blog offline i don't know where and how i got the idea of searching for a better writting tool because i know for sure that wordpad on my laptop never gives the desired results and it usually eats up most of the media files and pastes that i insert hoping they may be copy and pasted just as it is from the wordpad to the blogger or wordpress site but it never happens . So i googled and found out or should i say wasted almost twenty minutes before i realised that i am riding the toy police car from my childhood it use to hit the wall or any hard object in its way and rotate and take a u turn and started again in the next direction . Should have guess this term ...if you are unable to download do it manually .....Wow at least the did it in few second . Anyways i will do it on mondays when i am more relaxed Today i already feel like i am two thousand words short and totally drowsy .

    In less than ten minutes of Blogging off line i begin to feel like i am doing something extremely boring useless uneducational thing and since there is no load shedding this hour and no matter how slow there still is net also coming so with both the sources of blogging life available it really feels odd doing this my the Sunday Blog # 105 ( hundred and five ) on a sticky notes yellow . But the fear of having cut down right in the middle without having a chance to save about and hour and a half of continuous writting and uploading is really very horrifying and keeps me going on and on and on like this .
    So if you are doing a blog live on the internet it usually keeps saving automatically . The wordpress is usually must better in saving and it usually saves the previous drafts as well just in casee you wish to revert to an older version . The Blogger also saves the draft when we complte a portion and stop . So if the electric power or cable net shuts off before i am finished or the line or paragraph is complete then chances are that a really large chunk of what i have been doing is lost without saving .
    Ah it 4:21 pm i am please  that whatever i have been typing on this sticky note yellow page will not be erased even if the electric power goes out any moment .
    So i believe that a similar kind of software or andriod app is the key or solution to my restless anxiety . And even if i was not able to do it today i believe i will be able to use it in coming weeks and sundays . So This coming week i will try to focus more on blogging edit tools offline then on watching movies or going out to play . Okay ?

    O by the way Nanial , dadial and fariyal have neither been able to make me go out , change the mosque or not eat what i eat this week so they must be under a lot of pressure . But who care ??? not me not at all .
    Praiseth the dear Merciful Lord All Mighty Allah Amen !
    Yesterday during the isha prayer just as the imam saab was about to say Allah hu akhbar after the iqamat the light goes away and then the genarators begin . few minutes later the generator also stopped so in the silence i was able to hear the sounds of nulli nihari sucking mostly from the right side of the mosque and the late comers . Too Much cold drinks , ice lassi and ice cream is being consummed these day by the God Fearing people of my neighbourhood . Or this might just be the seasonal flu . Hopefully it is not a serious viral because then i will have to give it up going to the mosque for the rest of the one and a half month or a one and quarter month of rajab and shabaan before the Holy Month of ramzan .
    Strangely the Holy Month of ramzan is so near and there is absolutely no panic or excitement in the media and neighbourhood ...??
    I don't need anything for the holy Month of Ramzan . Will be wearing the same old clothes and will wash them myself whenever there will be enough water to wash . I will not take any chances of giving the clothes to laundry or washer man  as my previous experiences are not very good and besides i love the ramzan care free . because if you give the clothes to the laundry they usually not return it on the given time and date . And if you thing that you will collect the laundry on your way back from the prayer then it would be shut for namaz or iftar break just get that dismal look on your face . Other wise it will be open till very late and not just that the other two partners in crime the hair dresser and the tailor will regularly show thier faces throughout the holy month of Ramzan during , before or after the taravee prayers or any other other prayers just when you don't need then or think that you don't need then . The most interesting thing is that during the Holy month of ramzan the whole mosque and market neighbourhood seems to know if you show up without shaving the beard , underarms and dingdongs . How ??  must be the x ray visions or scaners of the hybrid cars etc .
    Okay it is Asr prayer time so i take a break with the prayers for my Dearly Departed Parents Papa and Ammi

    May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!
    5:09 pm Break (3010 words)

    6:48 pm Okay i am back from the Bakery with a cake and now Maghbrib Prayer break with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi

    May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

    6:50 pmBreak ( words)

    Sunday 22nd Rajab 1439
    7:17 pm Good Evening !

    Pain grillé français pakora ....
    So during the asr prayer break as we were making Pain grillé français pakora ....My dear little sister who had clearly indicated that she does not want to celebrate this happy Birthday with us for some personal issues came under pressure and the landline phone rang with a message of Chaapa !!

    So i immediately turned into the American Psycho on the plate of Pain grillé français pakora ..... and soon it was empty as they in hindi ....pait main para dana .....anyways i offered my services to go to the market . Thank God The All Mighty Allah Amen that i was only asked to go to the bakery as it was not yet the time for the Bar be que . And since my dear little sister has totally refused to celebrate her Happy Birthday with us and may be under pressure from the kids to come today so it is only fair that the take away should be of the choice of who ever is bring her here today so after i hurriedly went to the bakery and back or while i was gone to the bakery the fast food take away was ordered on the phone from the nearby fast food restaurant . And somehow they were surprised to see me as if they thought that the delivery would come before me . Now is it ever possible ?? i don't think so
    okay so now the time for ayesha gul break is coming near and also the time for Isha prayer well today my body temperature is higher and the forehead is wet already so i am taking a night off not going to the mosque . Will be right here and enjoy the chaapa . The Word count is almost about three thousand and five hundred words for this my the Sunday Blog # 105 ( hundred and five )  yes just about a hundred words or so short which is no big deal i can do it with a facebook side bar wala joke as well but i don't think it would be necessary at all
    so it is time already for ....

    Mein Ayesha Gul
    Tonight 8:00 pm only on Urdu1
    #MeinAyeshaGul #Urdu1 #Friday #Saturday #Sunday #Turkishdrama

    8:03 pm Break ( 3455 words)

    9:26 pm Okay so I Watched the Mein Ayesha Gul
    Tonight 8:00 pm only on Urdu1
    #MeinAyeshaGul #Urdu1 #Friday #Saturday #Sunday #Turkishdrama

     and also eat the cake . Cannot eat anything else so what the point in posting and uploading the pictures of the food that is neither meant for me nor i am eating . Okay maybe i will eat the left overs after the mid night when i am fully done with this my the Sunday Blog # 105 ( Hundred and five ) which is also my 2nd Happy Anniversary of Sunday Blog . I cannot believe how i totally forget this the second most important event in my life . No it was not the sweet sisters tag of war trying to pull each other towards oneself . I am so definitely sure that i was and i am only distracted by the electric power load shedding . Because of it i was not able to have a regular session of on net time this week . Most of the daily blogs were also too late or too early But anyways i am so sure that next year there will be no way possible that i can forget the 3rd Happy Anniversary of the Sunday Blog a day earlier than today by the date and the second Sunday of April NO it will be the First Sunday of the April 2019 the second Sunday of the April 2019 will be too late . So Any ways It is not necessary that i always celebrate the Happy Anniversary of this my the Sunday Blog on a Sunday . I can also celebrate the Happy Anniversary of this my the Sunday Blogs every year on the 10th of April as well . Well that would be fun
    Okay now i have to take a break to see if the Chaapa is still here or gone . Okay never mind i can hear somebody sneezing out side so they probably are still here and i am almost at the four thousand words mark on the words counter for this my the Sunday Blog # 105 ( Hundred and five ) . Okay honestly calling exactly two hundred words less is not almost . i will again require the help of a facebook Side Bar Joke so lets see it the joke right now is any good and share able
    Naa this is not a very good one so lets just skip it and take the break any way
    10:06 pm Break ( 3869 words)

    10:46 pm So now the final hour because the last few minutes are wasted every time i looking for the Song video and then checking the words count and good byes and all .
    So what do you think will happen if Pakistan decides or the United states of Trump decides that the Friendly People of Pakistan are not safe from the Hands and tongues of these filthy American Diplomats stationed in Islamabad , Lahore and Karachi Embassies and Consulates and often post their photos on the facebook interacting with the friendly People of Pakistan both the leaders and officials as well as the common people .
    But when an innocent civilian and a friendly People of Pakistan is killed unintentionally in a road accident or mobile snatching or even a CIA covert operation then their facebook page or Pages go blind and nothing comes on it not even a shock of grief like they post on all or at least one of their social media pages and then share and re shared on by the rest of the pages and sites . Why ?
    Are they too ashamed of them selves or are they not allowed by the States Department in Washington DC . or the Whitehouse or the CIA or Homeland Security or Whatever .
    But the Most Interesting thing is that every time an incident occurs involving a US Diplomat causing a Friendly Pakistani People They are found to be moving freely without the Shokha escorts of Punjab Police or any other agency public or Private . So is this Shokha security just for the photoshoots and facebook / social media campaigns or is just for the people on the top .


    So i have crossed the four thousand words Mark on the words counter and i still have more than half and hour . The Problem is that i don't have topic in mind all i wanna do right now is end this my the Sunday Blog # 105 ( hundred and Five ) also my 2nd Happy Anniversary Sunday Blog . My special left over food plate is waiting its fast food so its already cold can't help it will have to microwave it after the midnight Hopefully the mice from last night is not there to kiss my feet when i go in the kitchen after midnight and after finishing this blog .
    I don't have ice cream tonight but now i have Chilled Pepsi and Leftover Creamy Cake . That will save me from the Farts but my Burps are quite instantaneous and out loud . People usually standing next to me often show derision when i gulp down the glass of Pepsi or even cold water without sipping it and it generates a larger than ordinary Burp sound audible to everybody in the room . Sometimes people try to ignore the sounds especially of fart as well as of Burp when they are alone with the person doing it but when there are more than one person in the room or nearby other than the person doing it that they usually love to get back and react very vocally why is that so ?
    Okay the Breaking news about this my the Sunday Blog # 105 ( hundred and five ) also my 2nd Happy Anniversary Sunday Blog is that tonight i will definitely not be able to cross the Five thousand words mark not even with three facebook side bar jokes as there is not enough time left . Only twenty minutes left so now i go and find the song video to end this my the Sunday Blog # 105 ( hundred and five ) with ...okay wait let me share one of the golden oldies . I am sure many new kids must have only heard it movies and commercials as background music or when their DJ gets jiggy sometimes But trust me it was one of the most played hits at one time . Infact the Band was so popular that they were all over the BBC america ....LOL

    Okay so i am not really sure about the clock on the wall and the clock in the task bar so i must end this my the second Happy anniversary Sunday Blog # 105 ( Hundred and five )
    Have Fun and don't get catch the viral
    Allah Hafiz

    Boney M Daddy cool

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