
Sunday 25 March 2018

The Sunday Blog # 103

Today is the Sunday the twenty fifth of March twenty eighteen the seventh of Rajab 1439 till the Sunset ( 6:44 pm , karachi) and this is my the Sunday Blog # 103 ( hundred and three)
So tonight i watched the turkish soap serial dubbed in urdu by Urdu1 tv channel and named here as the Ayesha Gul then had some left overs Chicken Biryani from yesterdays Chaapa , oh yes our weekend Chaapa has now been fully unhurt and recovered Praiseth the Lord all Mighty Allah Amen ! , Then i don't remember what happened suddenly i woke up and it was half past mid night Sunday night it took over a half hour without tea to wake up and another ten minutes for the net to start ( ranging ) so here i am at almost 1:14 am an hour and a quarter after midnight sunday morning . While desperately trying to get control of my mind and body just now i switched on and surf the cable television and the top news ticker was " Ye doodh nahein hai ...." this is not a milk , has to be written on all formula milk packets banned by the honourable supreme court of Pakistan to be un banned . their lawyers told by the Honourable Chief Justice of Pakistan .
You know up until a few months ago before this row begin my life was so simple . Every first of the month i used to get a fixed amount of money for these milk or not milk packets and every other night or once and twice a week while coming back from the mosque or market i used to buy one , two or at max four packets of a litre per packet which i can conveniently carry in small colourless shopper bags . And every evening before going out i use to check if there is an unopened packet on the shelf and opened in the fridge before deciding if i need to stock up again or we will survive till next evening tea . My life was going super smooth and so the gang was also almost happy with occassional complaints aaj dude kuch ajeeb sa hai .....oh sorry not dude ...doodh , yes and that would usually make me change  the colour and brand of the packet for a week or two until i hear ...nahi wohi sahi hota hai iss ki chai main maza nahein that is right this brand does not give the good taste  in tea . And that would be the que for me to go back to the same brand of dude i mean milk .

Then for some odd reason the media started a campaign against all brands of packed milk packs . Some we were told contains detergent with demonstration of washing dishes , honestly i was extremely please that now i wont be required to bring the dish washing bar of soap or liquid because i don't know why i always have to be reminded about them and usually goes out of stock and also finish from the sink and had to be reminded for days that it has finished unlike the milk packets which never okay never is a little exaggeration less reminded than the dish washing soap bar or liquid . Anyways our tea makers were alarmed and the usage of packed milk reduced to half , and pouring milk in the tea pot became optional not mandatory . Personally i was still under the gora worship that my brand which is an international brand can never do such wrong to me so i kept bringing these packs but then the honourable supreme court took the matters into its hand and i got instruction not to bring these packets anymore , Now standing in queue at the milk shop with milk from dairy after praying at the mosque and bring the milk and boiling it only to make it spilt or spilled while right under the nose as if i had been hypnotized by the stormy Daniels or distracted , was not acceptable to me at all especially on a very regular basis so i was fired !!!

Surprisingly , during the ban and the un ban for some brands foreign and international and then some more some time later , the milk packs remained on the shop shelves continously tempting and teasing me and especially while having to drink a different taste and composition tea everyday ( no no here this word is not used in the brand sense of no dude i mean milk ...God !) .

Anyways Thank God All Mighty Allah . Amen ! that the matter will be resolved very soon and All Foreign and international Brands of milks and dude i mean no milk will have a printed warning that ' This is not a Dude ...oh sorry again ....This ye Doodh nahein hai ....and the poor and simple people of my Jamshed town , karachi will live happily every after paying the fine of extra printing and packaging expenses and the expenses of the expensive litigation process here in Pakistan which by the way has been an extra advantage for me personally because the people who know me from childhood or even from the law school days living like this does not need a psychiatrist certificate or prescription to say ....Hy bechara .....

2:34 am Break ( 868 words)

3:43 am
Okay some times when at this hour in the morning you are trying to be as quiet as possible in the kitchen just not to wake up anybody who is not already awake or insomniac wondering what i might be doing at this hour and why can't i sleep , And also wanting to do the poetic justice just find this at the back of the fridge then there is no option left but to bang the microwave door a couple of times to warm it . I always wonder why the microwave doors or most of them like all in my life make such loud sounds especially at night and in the morning or even in the day time when you secretly trying to warm or defrost anything you don't want to share with anybody and this is not just it . Most microwaves have a very distinct ringer or as we these days call ring- tones . By the way why have there not been any development like changeable ring tones for microwave ovens and most definitely the mute button for the shy people like me .
Okay don't this platter looks like the new imported dish getting popular in my neighbourhood after the builder mafia 's high rise Tsunami called Mandi which according to them is arabic and not just rice with topping . Anyways if the people are happy paying three , four , five times the price of a single plate biryani in the name of mandi then who am i to argue . Have fun and enjoy .
By the way , if i have to name this platter above as mandi then i'd say a Potato Mandi with chicken tikka and price tag it as Rs 880 /- for normal and Rs 980/- without tea for the Mujhay keun nikala origin card holders .
Okay its 4:20 am and i have crossed well over the thousand words mark on the wordpress words counter for this my the Sunday Blog # 103 ( hundred and three) without any copy and paste from the google or wiki or any poetry dot com site . Last Sunday the copy and paste from some lyrics dot com site at this time in the morning made my sunday blog # 102 ( hundred and two ) go heywire and when i got up after a long sleep after dawn till noon , it took a lot of time to correct and fix it and get back on the track and running . So today i am being extra cautious in not copy and paste from any such site that have some between the lines theft prevention and protections and hidden water marks that disturbs your HTML in the blogger site which is still not giving up the EU laws restrictions even after the Brexit .
Okay despite the mood swinging stormy daniels distractions and muscle stretches the sour losers remained obsessed that Cambridge Analytica did something wrong with the help of Facebook to over influence the US Presidential Elections 2016 or for the twitter users worldwide the trump elections . By the way I believe the week went away for the White house and the Washington administrations quite surprisingly smoothly without anybody getting fired or maybe i missed it because of day long cable and power shutdowns most of the week in preparations for the wasting of the remaining thirty three billion US dollars from the GOP and Dem before electing the current forty fifth US President and Forty Eighth US Vice President . No idea about this race and lagging between the running mates But i do know that the US Constitution has a term limit that made the former democratic and first Black President in the history of USA what's his name ....okay never mind , ineligible to be elected to a third term due to the term limits established by the 22nd Amendment.  This is intended to protect a democracy from becoming a de facto dictatorship.

GOD Bless America ! 
okay it is almost 5:00 am and the sunrise is 6:30 am today so i believe the time of fajr is just about to start we will be hearing the first fajr azans anytime soon . And since the whole of Jamshed town is still under the Military for one or the other reason i better not go out and be tempted to a long walk in an amazing spring pre- sun burning weather and increase the chances of becoming a la pata . Even though the reactions and actions of the nearest neighbours and parosans are too suggestive but anyways i had an amazing low key absolutely relaxed Lent 2018 . Unlike the usual long morning and evening walks during the previous  Lents this year i give it up all but i believe no matter what ever the reason it did not relax the immediate neighbours so anyways the Lent is almost over and maybe the remaining of the thirty three Billion US Dollars , so i will start the morning and evening walks after the Easter next Sunday . The Problem with long walks is that now most of the growing number of eateries on the way have longer hours like late night and early morning and some are even twenty four hours open and that may even more inferiorate the haters whether or not i post the pictures and selfies of me and the food . Anyways i am not able to hear the fajr Azans because of the sound of the  table fan so near . So i better turn every thing off and go out in the open and hear it .
Recently i learned about the passing away of a dear Aunt and a childhood friend far away RIP , so a break with the Prayer for her Maghfirat and Also prayers for my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

5:32 am Break ( 1860 words)

11:20 am Good Morning ! So there is still time to the noon . the Sun outside is really Burning . Thank God the All Mighty Allah Amen ! that i did not have to go anywhere . Also Thank God All Mighty Allah Amen ! that i did not go out for the Walk and had a long sound sleep after eating a meal in Breakfast . Other than the rainy or runny nose there is obviously no chance of a rain
An almost twelve degree change in last eight hours might go up a few more degrees in the next three hours.

Amazing i did not feel or was reminded of the Earth hour last night at Eight Thirty maybe because our neighbourhood had a electric power shut down by the karachi electric a day earlier at around seven thirty to nine pm . I don't think that karachi even qualify for such global events because it never joined the main stream of anything normal and usual in this world . Anyways , here is the morning tweet of the day

Sun 7th Rajab 1439 28°C 11:14 am Clear blue sky with Hot and Burning Sun on this last Sunday in Lent . The Neighbourhood is very asleep and not even trying to wake up and why should it . Anyways most of Karachi infact lot of karachi will be open as usual and doing business normal

So there is absolutely fifty percent chances of a Sunday Brunch as somebody has gone fact-finding shopping in this sun like the old days . Anyways , the Lunch may be a little delayed and i am in no mood to eat anymore after the early morning breakfast . If i ate before three pm i will definitely fall asleep till the sunset and loose a lot of Sunday Blogging miles for this my the Sunday Blog # 103 ( Hundred and three ).

Okay the Kitchen is now alive so very soon there will be a Sunday brunch and the first facebook meet up of the day where we will be briefed about the mood of the market and the chances of rain today . The Neighbours Break Break build Song Sound has lost the strength and i can barely hear it now with this fan going on . The New neighbour on the other side took the labours in his car so probably they have gone to the market and will start sound and action in the mid day after lunch just in case i fell asleep on a day like today . Hy Bichara Wasiq depress hoga aaj ....jao outhao #@#$% ko
Okay the fact finding Shopping has arrived and stuck at the gate due to extra security today LOL

Got to go and watch and learn a lot today so i take an early Zuhr and Brunch and facebook meet up Break with a prayer for my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

12:22 pm Break ( 2376 words)

2:14 pm Okay so i had an amazing break and brunch and facebook meet up and Zuhr prayer break . 

And the Lunch is also ready just in case the keema paratha and choley were not enough for any body .... So i should be feeling drowsy right about now which means that i do not have much time left here for doing this my the Sunday Blog # 103 ( hundred and three ) .
Only less than thirty percent of my facebook friends list is online right about now few came and go since morning a few are online probably sleeping with the mobile data or wifi on so it is hard to tell if anybody is online or not only one friend is posting extremely weird posts which is normal but tagging people so it is  not clear if i am at liberty to like or comment or is it targeted post for the tagged friends only . Anyways since it is sunday i usually avoid comment on posts of near and far , dear and hostile facebook friends . I usually begin like and comment or in dollar terms , be social from the monday evening or tuesday morning . By that time most of the working bees are so busy or tired that they hardly notice and thus i get scots free with my sometime quippies(A witty remark.)  and some times blunties ( okay i am working on it can't you see . ) .
Okay regardless of that fact that natalie Allen is not wearing a cleavage wala dress but a very shut darker blue sleeveless this Last sunday in lent mass time  transmission with most of the jamshed town enteries and exits locked down and checked with heavy security on the Alert this is how the fake news is treating their Forty Fifth President in Lent 2018
okay the pope remembers good !
he has been up early maybe because of the earth hour earlier
anyways now i am fully drowsy so its time for me to take a break and enjoy the extreme hot sunny weather of karachi . I wonder what the Babes must be doing on the dirty beaches of karachi under the cancerous ultra violet rays of this extremely hot sun today definitely the curse of the millions of poor innocent karachi kids . Usually when there is a social or political activity anywhere in sindh or karachi our saein neighbour with police rifle is super excited . Today they are enjoying the great indoors .....multiple dish channels and digital LCD screens . While i am getting ready to get some extra ZZzz sleep and relax for the holy week that is about to start .

3:06 pm Break ( 2884 words)

5:40 pm خواجہ میرے خواجہ دل میں سما جا 
شاہوں کا شاہ تو علی کا دلارا
خواجہ میرے خواجہ دل میں سما جا
شاہوں کا شاہ تو علی کا دلارا
خواجہ میرے خواجہ دل میں سما جا 
بیکسوں کی تقدیر تونے ہے سنواری
خواجہ میرے خواجہ
تیرے دربار میں خواجہ نور کو ہے دیکھا
تیرے دربار میں خواجہ سر جھکاتے ہیں اولیاء
تو ہے انلولی خواجہ رتبہ ہے پیارا
چاہنے سے تجھ کو خواجہ جی مصطفی کو پایا
خواجہ میرے خواجہ دل میں سما جا 
شاہوں کا شاہ تو علی کا دلارا
میرے پیر کا صدقہ ہے میرے پیر کا صدقہ
میرا دامن ہے تھاما 
ٹلی ہر بلا ہماری
چھایا ہے خمار تیرا
جتنا بھی رشک کریں بے شک تو کم ہےاے میرے خواجہ
تیرے قدموں کو میرے راہنما نہی چھوڑنا گوارا
خواجہ میرے خواجہ دل میں سما جا 
شاہوں کا شاہ تو علی کا دلارا
خواجہ میرے خواجہ دل میں سما جا
بیکسوں کی تقدیر تو نے ہے سنواری
خواجہ میرے خواجہ
Khwajajiiii, khwaja
Khwajajiiii, khwaja, khwaja ji
Ya gharib nawaz
Ya gharib nawaz
Ya gharib nawaz
Ya moinuddin, ya khwaja ji
Ya khwaja ji
Ya khwaja ji

(Khwaja mere khwaja
Dil mein samaa ja
Shahon ka shah tu
Ali ka dulara) - 2
Khwaja mere khwaja dil mein sama ja
Khwaja mere khwaja dil mein sama ja
Beqaso ki taqdeer, tune hai sawari
Beqaso ki taqdeer, tune hai sawari
Khwaja mere khwaja

Tere darbar mein khwaja
Noor toh hai dekha

Tere darbar mein khwaja
Sar jhukaate hai auliya
Tu hai unalwali khwaja
Rutba hai pyara
Chaahne se tujhko khwaja ji mustafa ko paya

Khwaja mere khwaja
Dil mein samaa ja
Shahon ka shah tu
Ali ka dulara

Mere peer ka sadka
Mere peer ka sadka
Hai mere peer ka sadka
Tera daaman hai thama
Tali har bala humari
Chaya hai khumar tera
Jitna bhi rashk kare beshak
Toh kam hai ae mere khwaja
Tere kadmo ko mere rehnuma nahi chodna gawara

(Khwaja mere khwaja
Dil mein sama ja
Shahon ka shah tu
Ali ka dulara) - 2

Khwaja mere khwaja dil mein sama ja
Khwaja mere khwaja dil mein sama ja
Beqaso ki taqdeer, tune hai sawari
Beqaso ki taqdeer, tune hai sawari

(Khwaja mere khwaja
Dil mein sama ja
Shahon ka shah tu
Ali ka dulara) - 2

Khwaja ji
Khwaja ji
Khwaja ji ....

Okay so Khawaja ji ki fateha done even though we have been offering  fateha every day  since the first of rajab but anyways this was the official just to ease the inquisitive mind .

can't eat right now because i am struggling to stay awake already LOL

 So soon after the break i went out to see the open sky and burning karachi sun and look what the thirty three Billion US Dollars drag in ......LOL

Anyways the weather is still very hot and the tap water is also burning hot Not sure if this sure is this weather site is accurate usually it is .

Okay so there is still a few more minutes left before the Sunset ( 6:44 pm karachi ) and Maghrib prayer so let me think what i can do here in this time i am just a hundred words short from the thirty five hundred words that is about three thousand and five hundred words before sunset for this my the Sunday Blog # 103 ( hundred and three ) .
Okay last week i did not comment on a lot of this because we were just a few hours away from one of my most favorite russian presidential elections of all times . And i am so sure that after this election and and its result President Trump must be realizing that the sec of State Mr tillerson who called him Moron was also not sleeping on a bed of roses all this time . anyways instead of tweeting he choose to call the Russian President elect Mr Putin and congratulate ....While British diplomates were boarding a plane to have a spring break and Easter holidays . Praiseth the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah Amen !
Okay anyways it is time or almost time no just about time for me to take a break with a prayer for my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

6:30 pm Break ( 3618 Words)

Sun Eighth Rajab 1439
7:46 pm Good Evening !
Okay very little time left before the next BreakMein Ayesha Gul
Tonight at 8:00 pm only on Urdu1
#MeinAyeshaGul #Urdu1 #Friday #Saturday #Sunday #Turkishdrama so there is hardly anything that can be done in just few minutes and even less than ten . The Good News is that the temperature outside has begin to cool down a bit . personally my body is divided into three parts right now , One very hot and get hotter after eating , the cold and the third getting warm . So i cannot enjoy anything at all or sit at one place for long or eat to my heart desire . Mouth is warm and dry wanting the cold and chilled soft drink . Nose runny so i cannot touch the soft drink , or anything but hot tea or chicken soup , the head is sweaty and hot makes me feel really crazy after having the hot tea.

Anyways time to go and watch the Mein Ayesha Gul
Tonight at 8:00 pm only on Urdu1
#MeinAyeshaGul #Urdu1 #Friday #Saturday #Sunday #Turkishdrama

8:03 pm Break ( 3797 words)

9:42 pm Watched  Mein Ayesha Gul
Tonight at 8:00 pm only on Urdu1
#MeinAyeshaGul #Urdu1 #Friday #Saturday #Sunday #Turkishdrama
Ate a quarter plate 
Had a facebook meet up and back ....So the neighbourhood has a pin drop silence yes it has . So by the way what does it actually means by a Pin Drop and what kind of Pin is sometimes referred to in this phrase ?
1. a pinterest pin
2. a paper pin
3 . a granade pin ?

Anyways , Bring a total peace to the most dangerous city in the world is almost impossible now as a lot of injustice has already been done and over with . Every player in the game has tried and failed the Cosmetic peace and fun fare do come along now and then MQM used to be a very fun loving player but look what happened to it and what they have left for their own children not to mention those who never liked or supported them . I suggest that NATO should by pass Karachi and leave it alone for a decade or two and let it sort out its social and economic issues on its own .
Okay so as i have eaten so i wont be able to add quite a lot of words to this my the Sunday Blog # 103 ( Hundred and three) . Amazing isn't it i have crossed the four thousand words mark on the wordpress words counter for this my the Sunday Blog # 103 ( hundred and three) before ten pm which should have been very tempting if i had not eaten the Mutton Pulao  with dahi ( yogurt ) anyways so lets move on to the movies of the week .

  • The Double (2011)The Double PosterNothing special to write about and beside i was too sleepy watching it so i am pretty sure that i missed the ending because honestly i don't remember anything about it except that dear mr gere was following somebody in his car and trying to be everywhere before anybody else ...yes that's about it . 
  • Mission: Impossible (1996)
  • it is a rerun this week previously it was rated 5 stars 
  • Spy (2015)
  • I love this movie and have previously rated it 7 stars . No change . 
  • Commitment (2013)
  • Rated 4 stars . an absolute Turkey .
  • The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor (2008)
  • Rated 5 stars not really a fan of the Mummy series Sorry !
  • Mission: Impossible II (2000)
  • Rated 7 stars
  • If Looks Could Kill (1991)
  • Rated 6 stars the only odd thing about this really old movies is that most of the actors and especially the female lead have grown too old as you can see from the IMDB profile of MS Anwer . sad !
  • Assassins Run (2013)
  • Rated 5 stars missed the ending maybe i change the rating later .
  • Man on a Ledge (2012)Rated 7 stars there was a lot more watch and understand then what i saw perviously very recently .
  • The Hunters (2013)
  • Rated 5 stars kids stuff not sure why i watched it .
  • Teri Meri Kahaani (2012)
  • Rated 4 stars . No comment
  • Mama (2013)
  • Rated 6 stars good !
  • The Perfect Storm (2000)

  • Rated 7 stars still favorite on the rerun .
    Okay so this brings us to the end of the movies this week Now my dear siblings will ask tum ney itni movies dekhein ?

    And i will innocently say kaisey sara sara din cable was gone .....LOL

    11:10  pmBreak ( 4325 words)

    11: 23 pm Okay so it is time for me to start the ending of this my the Sunday Blog # 103 ( hundred and three) . And you know that i usually end this my the Sunday Blogs with a youtube video of song that i love or recently liked . Every week picking up a song video and then searching it on the youtube and also remembering that i have not shared the same perviously in any of the previously Sunday Blogs is not very easy especially when these stupid silly ads block your way even if it is just five seconds or more these five seconds of not getting what you are trying to find is like a life time especially when you are racing against time like i am at the end of a long and tiring twenty four hours . few seconds sometimes may have distracted me completely without my knowledge i realised this only after watching this jazz 4G commerical that has been the most interesting commerical of the lent 2018 . I am not going into if it is good or bad its  just that it is very true or seems very true so be care full when you go on a date never ever take you mom with you .

    Jazz Super 4G - No Buffering

    or the vice versa !!
    lol !

    Okay here where i am the good thing is that the fan makes so much sound and air around my ears that i am usually not distracted by the sounds outside but when it comes to the selection of the song youtube video , besides the five seconds commercial  that irritates and blocks the way this fan sound also prevents from really understand or hearing the video sound clearly so with the commerical all you can do is wait but here i usually turn off the fan and select the song video while i begin to sweat and the key board begins to warm up or should i say heat up . Okay  finally the fireworks and fire crackers have started so my Jamshed Town of Karachi the  most dangerous city in the whole wide world has survived its reputation. Praiseth the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah Amen !

    And unfortunately i am still more that three hundred words short of the Five thousand words mark on the words counter for this my the Sunday Blog # 103 ( hundred and three) So it is Good Bye from me with a very best wish to all in the coming holy week . Staying at home was the best decision this Lent it almost feels like running in a marathon every body following me or trying to follow me looks very pale and exhausted while i am here as usual saying farewell and hoping to be back again next week on the easter sunday as well as the first of April the you know what day .....

    Amen !

    Avril Lavigne - Let Me Go ft. Chad Kroeger

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