
Sunday 4 March 2018

The Sunday Blog # 100

Today is the Sunday the fourth of March 2018 , the fifteenth of Jamadi us Sani 1439 till the Sunset ( 6:34 pm , Karachi ) and this is my the Sunday Blog # 100.
Yes it is unbelievable but true i made it despite everything good and bad that has happened in the almost two years past . The exact two years will be in a months time soon after the Easter Sunday on the Second Sunday of the month of April because i started this my the Sunday Blog two years ago on the second Sunday of the month of April 2016 .

Sunday, 10 April 2016

Honestly when i started this my the Sunday Blog , i had no idea what i was getting into . Before the 10th of April 2016 , i had been doing blogging on a very regular basis and i had many many different kinds of blogs . But after starting the Karachi Blog I realized that i can do a serious blog about my Home City even though the city was and still remains addictive to being the most dangerous city of the world . So i thought that i can do a write up about the events and happenings rounding up the past week , you know the political stuff and the media abuse as well as the Price of eggs . A kind of magazine just like the Sunday Magazine of the NewsPapers which i have always enjoyed and waited for all week for a very long time . I am So proud to say That there has been no dull moment for me while doing this my the Sunday Blogs infact there came a time after few months that i felt like i am not doing justice to either this magazine or to the host blog that is the Karachi Blog . So i moved this my the Sunday Blog #20

Sunday, August 21, 2016

 to a very new blog domain where i could be the natural self . And it helped me a lot honestly a whole lot . The Biggest and Best thing i find here on the Wasiq1's Week-ly Blog that i could not even wish for on the Wasiq1's Karachi Blog , was the freedom from Grammar and Language . Did not have to worry now if i accidentally typed Color instead of Colour and stuff like that Also it wasn't politically correct to speak about the Oscars predictions and the super Bowl on the Karachi Blog So i felt very relaxed here not having to filter  every topic and and every para and sometimes every line soon after it was saved as a draft before letting it to be published . The result was tremendous . In very few weeks the size of the write up begin to increase to a thousand words more and the variations in the contents and subject matter was also amazing . I don't want to go into details right now because a simple click could verify my tall claims as the blogs and the back ups are available online Only Some of the media contents that i used in the blogs were removed or disabled due to the new laws of the European watchdogs But i am sure that soon very soon or sooner than i expect all my Sunday Blogs on this host blog will be restored in full or maybe if i have the time and energy and a super fast net then i may edit if not all at least some of the more interesting stuff that i feel should have been there giving life to this my the Sunday Blogs here on the Wasiq1's Week-ly Blog .

Any Ways ,

 A very heartfelt Congratulation to me For this my the Sunday Blog # 100 ( Hundred) from the Author and the team of Wasiq1's Week-ly Blog and the Author and the team of  Wasiq1's Karachi Blog . Welldone ...Hurray !!! Keep it up !! All the Best ! 
okay now i need to take a short break because tonight the Geo News is off on in some parts of karachi the most dangerous city in the world and so is the static in my broadband due to which the net keeps denying internet access after some time not sure after how many bytes so anyways i have to save this and take a break , hopefully i will be back soon especially because i have to praise the Lahore team in the HBL PSL 3 for playing the gentlemen s game for the sake of game and not to win only .

1:40 am Break ( 742 words)

2:38 am It has been a really incredible week in terms of the trade wars . With The President Trump winning a lot and Pakistan Peoples Party losing a little . Honestly very very Honestly it was really very hard for me to jump from the Opioid Summit:
to a tariff increase on the Aluminium and steel and warning for the EU cars. It appears to me that Thanks to President Trump anything that comes to the United States of America ( God Bless America ! ) will be taxed . 

Okay now here is the deal . First of All we have to understand the power structure of the United States of America ( God Bless America ! ) under the President of the United States of America ( God Bless America !) 
1. President Trump saab himself for all and all for one himself . The Master of All the Tweets he does and a jack O lantern for the Canada and UK steel manufacturers world wide . 

2. The Holy Crusading Trump administration in the WhiteHouse . 

and , 

3. The Same Old washington D.C two's a company three is a crowd . 

So just imagine the 3 all working together and getting Kushner  jared by down grading the security clearance By the way its a huge issue if you promised your clients free access to west wing of the white house in return for the huge investments in your companies . Anyways i really don't think that it would matter at all to the 1 and 2 because even after the security clearance downgrading he can still offer his clients and business associates the free ride in the holy chopper of the president . God Bless America !

  Okay so how does all this and the trade war effects the future of the Pakistan Peoples Party ?

Well first of all we all know that the coming general elections will be the toughest and most expensive general elections in the history of Pakistan and especially here in the Sindh province where it was believed that Pakistan Peoples Party cannot loose a free and fair engineered elections ever . But the past four years of leaderless Britannic rule in sindh province and the recent infusion of the other political party rebels female joining the Pakistan Peoples Party for a opportunity to have free access to selfies with the zardari kids and especially the billo rani has made it clear that without the moral support from the 1 and 2 and the Huge sums of AID from the US Con Kar with the blessings of the  3 it will be absolutely impossible to win more than thirty seats of the Sindh Assembly in the coming general elections for the federal and provincial assembly on its own assets especially when the general belief among administrative machinery and the police of the province is that Zardari has made a huge lot of money. The Poor Vote Bank is also not able to look up to anybody . So the Drama that we saw in the Pakistan Peoples Party Strong holds of Punjab and KPK in the previous general elections of 2013 is coming very soon to the Sindh province in the next general election . Also the mysterious ways in which the senior minister and his wife died and yesterday the son of ex minister and MPA died in a road accident in karachi the most dangerous city in the world would be seen by the superstitious sufis as the Allah saein 's soundless justice .

4:34 am Break ( 1308 words)

5:15 am But before going to sleep i wanted to be content with the number of words on the words counter for this my Sunday Blog # 100 because i cannot be sure about the rest of the day . It is a Match day for the HBL PSL 3 karachi vs Islamabad . Luckily its a nine pm fixture so maybe i have the electric power and net today but even if i don't then also i believe have done very good for the day already . And there is still and hour to go before the fajr Azan or Namaz break and even though i have finished the leftover cafe piyala biryani in the fridge in this break i don't feel very drowsy yet and believe that i can go on and on till the first fajr azan in the neighbourhood or on the wall clock alarm .

 Now that i have made the first maiden century of this my the Sunday Blogs , i believe that now is the perfect time that i must learn to make a tasty biryani like this one . Well ofcourse my Biryani cooked in a small pan or pot will not or can not be like this one cooked in a cauldron or as we call it degh pronounced day egg . But if i don't learn it now it will be never . Because if the Chinese took over everything here in karachi the most dangerous city of the world they may ban stove cooking and only allow microwaveable processed and packed food . The biggest problem of the Chinese is the air pollution and i am sure we will catch on soon from them  . This year at the height of the season we saw one of the worst air pollution and smoke in Lahore and other parts of the boarder towns and cities of the Punjab province .
Okay now i am beginning to feel the effects of the Biryani so i better take a break and lie down on the bed before i fall from this chair and hurt myself .

okay so the weather is just fine this morning after midnight clear sky with a whole waning moon the temperature is around 29 - 26 degree centigrade in the inside but outside it is much much less
Okay so now i take a break with the prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

5:58 am Break ( 1743words)

11:46 am Good Morning !
The first tweet of the day
Sun 15th Jamadi us Sani1439
11:38 am Oh Thank God the All Mighty Allah Amen! that i am up in the AM before noon missed the chance of a take away brunch so now we will have to eat home cooked Amazing that we have both electric power & net and water too weather fine no clouds
Okay its sunny outside so i will avoid going out yesterday i went to the market at zuhr time and by the time i returned home i was melting from head to toe with the face and forehead all wet and shiny. So after two days of sun exposure in the mid day that is yesterday to the market for takeaway and a day earlier to the mosque for juma prayer my facial skin colour has gone darker . So no going out till the evening today .
Okay i am getting SOS from the kitchen and the dinning table so i have to respond so its the facebook meet up time . Good Bye !

12:03 pm Break ( 1922 words)

12:33 pm Yes we have the satisfied customers i hope now i can continue till the Zuhr prayer break without any call from the kitchen . Praiseth The Lord All Mighty Allah Amen !
So this is what i had for brunch 
All Chicken and egg no beef !

Yesterday was a better day in terms of the rose

And just in case nobody has seen a Red Rose ever here it is

okay the wall azan clock says its time and the net had a static surge so no internet access anyways i will upload the pictures later . So now there are two breaking news related to the Gun Laws in the united states of America ( God Bless America ) The good one first or the bad one . Okay never mind the good or the bad lets talk in dollar terms . A lone gun man shot and killed himself near the White House . Good Lord mr kushner does not have fans he has the business associates all over the world , canada, russia , mumbai ....LOL
And the other news is that las vagas shooting victims families got 275,000 dollars from some go fund not going into the details .
Okay another sad news related to all this mayham is that Schools re opened this wednesday and the kids having a good time on the streets from lauterdale fl to the white house in DC are now preparing for tests forgetting everything . The only good thing that has come out of this incident and the campaign later on with the debate on gun laws is that now the kids and their parents and the neighbourhood watch is fully aware of the fact that there are crazy insane people out there and the President Trump and the Government knows about them so they better avoid and stay clear of them . By the way according to the fake news the President of the United States of America ( God Bless America ) was in florida at the time this whitehouse shooting yesterday obviously working harder on the " I hear You " related slogans while most of his campaign managers turned whitehouse aides drafting their resignations and packing suit cases . Now the question is will there be a season finale' before the next election or after the re election . Imagine all these campaign managers sitting behind the joints chiefs in the largest ever presidential inaugural with light drizzle on the countless umbrellas from here till the capitol hill.
So it is time for the break with a prayer for my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

1:25 pm Break ( 2388 words)

3:33 pm Okay i had a really Good after noon . Did not sleep just lie down relaxed the muscles and mind took a bath and back .

Oh No i am not the only one celebrating a great achievement in Life like this my the Sunday Blog # 100 ( Hundred) Congratulations Wasiq1 for this unbelievable Fait accompli
So as i was saying Before the Red Carpet of the Oscars starts in few hours and the show and the after party there has to come a before Party also celebrated as the Razzies 2018 or the

38th Golden Raspberry Awards

and The Emoji Movie has Won !!! Drums !!

The following films received multiple wins:

4The Emoji Movie
2Fifty Shades Darker
Congratulation !!

 So talking of personal achievements and distinctions This i was rewarded with a new leaf in the Rose Branch i planted in a small pot

For years i have been trying this re plantation of a rose plant here in jamshed town of karachi the most dangerous city in the world with a climate that can only be compared with mood swings of the pentagon in relations with the Pakistan policy. This week Gen Joseph Votel ( not really related to vgo tel)
of US Cent Com said oh sorry read out loud and clear
Anyways i have seen worse from the likes of him when there is no puncture wala in sight

"Puncture-Wala" A Short Film

Alcohol Kills !
Anyways The US - Pak relations is long gone so nobody cares here what they say oh sorry Read out loud standing or sitting .
Okay so this being off my chest now i can relax and enjoy the HBL PSL 3 and since today is a match of the so far unbeaten Karachi with the not so favorite this year Islamabad we here in the most dangerous city of the world karachi are loving it ....
Has anyone ever wondered why the Super league has gained such immense popularity in the British Sub Continent of Indo - Pak and Bangla . Obviously it is inspired by the regular horse trading on the floor by the political parties here . Every time there is an indirect voting in the Parliament which can make or break the majority ruling party we witness a Super League . Just like we had it here in Pakistan yesterday in the Senate or the upper house of Parliament s half election

59.The Senate
(1)The Senate shall consist of one-hundred and four members, of whom-
(a)fourteen shall be elected by the members of each Provincial Assembly;
(b)eight shall be elected from the Federally Administered Tribal Areas, in such manner as the President may, by Order, prescribe;
(c)two on general seats, and one woman and one technocrat including aalim shall be elected from the Federal Capital in such manner as the President may, by Order, prescribe;
(d)four women shall be elected by the members of each Provincial Assembly;
(e)four technocrats including ulema shall be elected by the members of each Provincial Assembly; and
(f)four non-Muslims, one from each Province, shall be elected by the members of each Provincial Assembly:
Provided that paragraph (f) shall be effective from the next Senate election after the commencement of the Constitution (Eighteenth Amendment) Act, 2010.
(2)Election to fill seats in the Senate allocated to each Province shall be held in accordance with the system of proportional representation by means of the single transferable vote.
(3)The Senate shall not be subject to dissolution but the term of its members, who shall retire as follows, shall be six years:-
(a)of the members referred to in paragraph (a) of clause (1), seven shall retire after the expiration of the first three years and seven shall retire after the expiration of the next three years;
(b)of the members referred to in paragraph (b) of the aforesaid clause, four shall retire of the expiration of the first three years and four shall retire after the expiration of the next three years;
(c)of the members referred to in paragraph (c) of the aforesaid clause,-
(i)one elected on general seat shall retire after the expiration of the first three years and the other one shall retire after the expiration of the next three years; and
(ii)one elected on the seat reserved for technocrat shall retire after the first three years and the one elected on the seat reserved for women shall retire after the expiration of the next three years;
(d)of the members referred to in paragraph (d) of the aforesaid clause, two shall retire after the expiration of the first three years and two shall retire after the expiration of the next three years;
(e)of the members referred to in paragraph (e) of the aforesaid clause, two shall retire after the expiration of the first three years and two shall retire after the expiration of the next three years; and
(f)of the members referred to in paragraph (f) of the aforesaid clause, two shall retire after the expiration of the first three years and two shall retire after the expiration of the next three years:
Provided that the Election Commission for the first term of seats for non-Muslims shall draw a lot as to which two members shall retire after the first three years.
(4)The term of office of a person elected to fill a casual vacancy shall be the unexpired term of the member whose vacancy he has filled.
] 107
60Chairman and Deputy Chairman
(1)After the Senate has been duly constituted, it shall, at its first meeting and to the exclusion of any other business, elect from amongst its members a Chairman and a Deputy Chairman and, so often as the office of Chairman or Deputy Chairman becomes vacant, the Senate shall elect another member as Chairman or, as the case may be, Deputy Chairman.
(2)The term of office of the Chairman or Deputy Chairman shall be  123[three] 123 years from the day on which he enters upon his office.
61Other provisions relating to Senate.
The provisions of clauses (2) to (7) of Article 53, clauses (2) and (3) of Article 54 and Article 55 shall apply to the Senate as they apply to the National Assembly and, in their application to the Senate, shall have effect as if references therein to the National Assembly, Speaker and Deputy Speaker were references, respectively, to the Senate, Chairman and Deputy Chairman  124[and as if, in the proviso to the said clause (2) of Article 54, for the words " 125[one hundred and thirty] 125" the word " 127[one hundred and ten] 127" were substituted] 124.

Provisions as to Members of  128[Parliament] 128

Ya i know it is a bit complicated but just like the HBL PSL 1,2,3 all we need to know is that who is the best player in the game and how much was he auctioned for and also Who are the Salmans and fawad rana here ....See it is so simple Now everybody can understand Why Sau Sonar ki tessori lost and why Aik aik Lohar ki won . 
Okay i may be a constitutional expert of the unwritten constitutions the best , But i am still a learner in this HBL PSL 1.2.3 ... Game so why gulala and likes voted for the diloun kay baadshah is still beyond my reckoning . I am sure the Dawn gang could leak better on this . 

 Okay its time for the Asr Prayer break so i take a break with the prayer for my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi 
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

5:06 pm Break ( 3660 words) 
6:08 pm So it was an amazing break the moment i got out of the room i get a request for milk and samosa for the tea time so i rushed to the market and brought samosa milk and sooper cookies . Jalebi and gulab jamoun were also ready but there were a lot of  sindh police commandos sitting on the other side of the shop so i said to my self ....hasta la vista baby !! and slowly walked away from the market 

okay the neighbourhood is too quiet today the builder mafia is also on a holiday i believe and whatever sound was coming from the under repair sites in the neighbourhood or right next door were also silent after 3: 00 pm haven't heard the igloo king kone tune today as well and this tweet from the pope Francis is even more confusing

so anyways

it is time again for the sunset and maghrib prayer so with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!
6:30 pm Break ( 3889 words)

Sun sixteenth of Jamadi us Sani 1439
7:37 pm Good Evening ! 
okay so only twenty minutes left before the ayesha gul the turkish soap serial dubbed in urdu by Urdu1 tv channel this light hearted comedy serial is often very funny but it is about to end very soon so after that i will have about an extra hour every Sunday to add more words to the Sunday Blogs . It is funny that today after having completed the century of this my the Sunday Blogs i am not at all bored or feel like i am wasting my time or that i have wasted my time . This my the Sunday Blog # 100 ( hundred) is crossing the four thousand words mark with or without the copy and paste share for the constitution of Pakistan 1973 . 
You know that to know how many words i have done i have to copy and paste the whole thing from this site to the word press site so i was wondering when is this Bloggers site going to add this feature here so that i don't have to waste a whole lot of my time . On the other hand i don't actually do that just to find out the words count on their counter even before the introduced this words count thing i used to copy and paste this my the sunday blog from here and save it their just in case i accidentally delete it or the draft is not saved due to no internet access . Any ways its been quite a journey getting here I feel very good and proud of my self for achieving this milestone and i hope that i will also not not give up this now an almost a habbit or a second nature for each and every weekend . 

okay so time for another break .

8:03 pm Break ( 4195 words) 

9:23 pm Well it was extremely funny and sad too . yes different people react very differently when wronged or trapped by someone you love or respect beyond the point where you could expect them to cheat or mislead you in the matters of life and death . It is very funny that sometimes none of the players involved can do anything and then suddenly the most unbelieveble and bizare thing happens and the truth is reveled and everybody says oh it was so easy and then even the person involved who had been crying on his or her fate without any hope also laughs on itself . So today's episode of the turkish soap serial was funny in that way and sense . I believe the next week end will the end of this serial . I will remain one of the most memorable turkish serial that i have watched in the past five years . Before this one we had only the serious crime and thriller type dramas . So it was my first comedy serial from turkey . The interesting yet sad thing is that after watching and loving and enjoying these Turkish television serials dubbed in urdu not by the channels i have mentioned many times before while talking about these serials . I believe they have been dubbed by the udru department of a turkish university or some studio there because the voices are the same on different actors in different serials . The fan following has increased for some turkish actors here as well that is why they get the same voice usually for others it must be based on the availability , so anyways as i was saying that it is sad that i am still not keenly interested in sight seeing of the places and people shown in these turkish serials when thousands of Pakistani's must have already visited turkey since they started showing these serials on our local television channels some years ago. The Maria wasti's morning show has taken so many celebrities to turkey and interviewed them there other than that our media does not promote turkish tourism . I have only learned about people from pakistan traveling to turkey mostly through the social media especially the facebook 
SO the million dollar question is that if after years of watching soaps and sitcoms so religiously every night and even on holiday and holy months like ramzan and lent i have not been seriously interested in travelling to these places then what will or what can make me interested  ?

Okay something smelling nice from the kitchen have to go and check it out and also check the match scores so a short very short break

10:07 pm Break ( 4639 words)

10:45 pm Okay that was awesome final overs by Karachi
Innings Update: 153/6 after 20 Overs!!!

So now i have the final over ...oh sorry the final hour and few minutes to end this my the Sudnay Blog # 100 ( hundred ) . The Wasiq1wise i cooked for today is still a little raw so maybe next time or next after that but atleast not today for sure . So now we comes to the Movies of the week . Honestly i am in no mood to review the movies of the week i want to just end it right here and go watch the Match and eat sooper cookies with tea or pepsi or have the walls feast icecream that has survived a day long power shut by the electric karachi . You know the company in our neighbourhood has hired a guy who comes and checks the unpaid electric bills and warns of instant disconnection if the last date expired Well another interesting development in the most dangerous city of the world . The Sindh police is arresting people in some parts of the karachi the most dangerous city in the world for throwing away the garbage . Insanity indeed . Now why would anybody would want to throw away the garbage beats me !


  • Game of Death (2011)Game of Death PosterRated 4 stars .... LOL and no show ....LOL 
  • The Polar Express (2004)The Polar Express PosterRated 6 stars animated and christmas movie not sure why the cable guy showed it on holi and and then put so much static in the cable that internet connection has become weak and impossible . 
  • The Frozen Ground (2013)The Frozen Ground PosterRated 5 stars yes helping victims is not always so easy as it appears in the movies some criminals are so criminally insane and clever 
  • Free Birds (2013)Free Birds PosterRated 4 stars Oh my God a turkey for a turkey ....LOL
  • The Immigrant (2013)The Immigrant PosterRated 6 stars lovely movie 
  • Billu (2009)Billu PosterRated 6 stars interesting thought . So sad none of my childhood friends made it big People from later life are in such massive life jams that i may not recognize them even if i need to borrow a pen, mightier than a sword ,from them
  • Rangeela (1995)Rangeela PosterRated 7 stars a golden oldie loved it .
  • okay that's about it So i still have about half an hour left to find the song video and end this my the Sunday Blog # 100 ( Hundred) . Soon after i end this my teh Sunday Blog # 100 ( Hundred ) the Maiden Century Sunday Blog by me i will watch the match of HBL PSL 3 of Karachi and then i will eat supper and after that i will probably surf to see if the oscars are on any of the cable channels . Honestly i don't believe it will be so in that case i will try to sleep for a few hours and then watch or read about the oscars in the morning . I am sure the focus of this years bad jokes will be the newly created fake villian of the hollywood film industry . I am so sure it is the other way around that they seduced him to get the roles in his movies . It happens you know it normal and natural . So just because the Audience and ordinary Americans have elected the President Trump for the whiteHouse for the first time in the history of the United States of America ( God Bless America ) it does not mean that everything unsual will be accepted and loved .

    Anyways So break a leg for all the nominees of the Oscars tonight Hell no that is not the answer to the million dollar Question above . keep trying .

    oh wow a very interesting score of the karachi match in HBL PSL 3
    islamabad 100 for one
    okay no time to waste ... have hurry to up and end this my the Sunday Blog # 100 ( hundred) and get to the match before it is over . So here i want to end this very special maiden Century Sunday Blog # 100 ( hundred ) with a very special song from my previous life . I cannot believe myself now i liked this song Anyways the net can take a surge and go dead any time so i cannot miss the opportunity to be able to finish it in time today . it means a lot to me especially today for some odd reason . So the day proves that this broadband cannot be relied upon for deadlines is that what it is trying to convey okay i got it .

    Have a very nice week and be good in lent 2018

    Allah Hafiz !

    Doctor aur Billa - No Love

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