
Sunday 31 December 2017

The Sunday Blog #91

Today is the Sunday the 31st of December 2017 the 12th of Rabi us Sani till the sunset (5:52 pm karachi ) . And this is my the Sunday Blog # 91 .

So finally we are here yes this is the Last day and night of the Hopeless year 2017 . It was no good year for Anyone i could think of especially the ones i can't get rid of . LOL
Ya i know everybody knows i am talking about them . So lets move on and forget the year 2017 already and try to enjoy this day and night til the midnight only . At midnight all jamshed town and the most dangerous city in the world Karachi sounds just like that ....The Most dangerous city in the World . For the Past two years the Sound of Fire Crackers here in Jamshed town has become more intense . Like its not just the Fire Cracker but a Gun . so much deep sounding nerve wracking sound that vibrates the skins and makes the heart jump . The Sound of these fire crackers usually comes when PSP is around . So i thought that they may have brought it from latin america or Venezuela but today somebody reminded me that they have been involved in the kati pahari project No wonder LOL
Anyways . The BullShit of MQM that was is now Chicken Shit So what difference does it make if they want to burn millions in few minutes and few nights with written permissions and authority of the Sindh Government and Sindh Police . Because they are not getting the Water Board Back not even if they drown the whole Dubai in filthy gutter water.
SO anyways it is the last Sunday of the old year and this is my the LAST Sunday Blog of the OLD year so lets not waste time on the Chicken Shit when there is absolutely no time to waste at all .
The Coming Year will be called two thousand eighteen by some but many will call it twenty eighteen and in writing most will only write the numerals one and eight like 18 and expect that everyone knows its the year . The Best thing about this year is that Nothing will be changed this year everything will remain the exactly same . Like All those who spit on the streets will continue to do so without any guilt or remorse . People eating Gutka and spitting at will and will continue to do exactly the same as before and will not even think about seeing the err of their ways . People travelling by public transport will continue to spit out of the window against the wind .
So Anyways this has been a very interesting holy week for me as i was on a very different kind of self imposed non religious sabbatical just to distinguish myself from all the oxymoronic mixed race people like British pakistani , canadian of Pakistani origin or American Muslim ...yes can you imagine a over a week without shopping or wasting money and avoiding a walk in the market .
I most certainly feel that The dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah Amen ! does not want us or like us to be wealthy . Indeed he promises to provide plenty full and bounty-full But also wants us to remember not to take the money from the devil himself .

Verse (92:11) - English Translation

And what will his wealth avail him when he falls?

So anyways praiseth the Lord all Mighty Allah Amen ! that i did not need anything the whole week and my dear family also did not ask me to go the the market and shop especially for eggs and milks . It was a fun week i will definitely try it again and again in the coming year. All my life people around me have been giving me money to do shopping for them especially when i was simply going out for the regular prayers at the nearest mosque Never ever realized that it could be the devil himself misleading and distracting me with a devilish tool (Money) . 
Okay one of the greatest benefits of not going for the regular daily shopping was that i did not bring the junk food as well . Saved my self from one of the seven sins for a whole week as mentioned in my previous Sunday Blog # 90 i was already out of stock on all junk food and crunch & Munchies . Instead of eating the junk food all week i had raw vegetables and fruits like carrots and kino ( Oranges) . Felt a very interesting change in the digestive system as well . But the most interesting and visible difference i and a few others noticed in my facial appearance was that despite my continued similar nocturnal lack of sleep and watching movies and playing computer and online games my eyes were much less blackened  then most people i saw at the juma prayer in the mosque . 
infraorbital venous stasis or periorbital hyperpigmentation) are dark blemishes around the eyes. There are many causes of this symptom, including heredity and bruising.[1]

Since it is just the beginning so i am not sure about the long term benefits and rewards of this exercise but i am sure there are plenty that i may not be aware of at this point in time . But in the Long run i may be able to completely see it clearly and understand wisely so i believe .

Anyways i also believe that its been too long and too late as because of the giyarween fateha i had a busy and plentiful day yesterday

 And Praiseth the Lord All Mighty Allah Amen ! that i also got to have this as well on the side tracks of the main event , My very first and foremost Green Chicken Biryani or should i say Green Mandi ....LOL
Yes from now on ....

Oh my i am so close to my first thousand words mark on the words counter for this my the sunday Blog # 91 . Today's number ninety one is a both hand digit meaning nine with one hand and one with the other , Also i have to check it if i typed it right or not .
Okay So now i cannot eat because i feel full so now i take a break and try to sleep and wake up fresh in few hours so its good bye for now with a prayer for my dearly departed Parents

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen ! 

3:11 am Break (1100 words)

12:07 pm Good morning or After Noon ( not khan ..LOL )

Initially i had trouble in sleeping as the skin was too dry and itchy but after applying the lotion and updating the my farm on the farmville 2 country escape i don't remember when i fall asleep and the tab dropped from my hand . Got up after 10 am and having fun ever since had tea enjoyed the bonfire in the outdoors had bath watched the sleepin suit and sun burned just a little also took the final selfie without the shave and gel and compared it with the ones in the facebook archives from last year this day . Honestly !!

Anyways , here is the first tweet of the day ...look how time fly

Sun 12th Rabi us Sani 1439
11:54 am Almost noon hot and dry clear blue sky no wind at all . After bath i stood in the sun and took selfies & trust me the face begin to burn i am seriously thinking of getting that skin whitening injection advertised on Facebook with hair dye

This is also the Last morning tweet of the year 2017 . The twitter has changed quite a bit this year . Gone are the days when i had to change the text from whats in your mind to what the count allows ....
Multipe pictures posting is a real reward and a blessing . The mute and screening options are really cool . Search and hashtags got real smart . On the whole there is nothing i could think of bad about the twitter this year . Thanks ..Thanks a lot @twitter Wish you all the Best and a happy and prosperous Happy New Year !
So it is decided that i am not going out to a sunday funeral of perfect strangers and turning dark greenish with the Sun Burn
Just in case this screen grab is removed by the site admin it reads Karachi
Sunday 12:00 PM
Mostly Sunny
Mostly Sunny
°C | °F
Precipitation: 0%
Humidity: 11%
Wind: 0 km/h
Well Karachi without wind in either winter or Summers is like hell without the Devil himself .
Anyways Facebook just updated the memory archive so here is what i had as the Last Supper of 2016 now removed from the First Sunday Blog #39 of 2017 for reasons unknown or uncomprehensive to me and me alone
 On the Other hand after having this for the Last Supper of 2016 and watching a good movie during the aerial firing and fireworks now feel very sleepy Image may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: food

Anyways even if i have not gone to the mosque for Zuhr prayer i believe its time for a Zuhr break and Brunch and the facebook meetup . There seems to be no kitchen activity today because there is so much leftovers we also have pomfret fish in the freezer which was pushed back from the lunch menu yesterday and kept for an indefinite later .

Whenever we try to eat fish on a Sabbath something comes up ....and yesteday the fish guy on the bicycle gave his cell number on a little piece of paper which i am so sure will lead to many many undesired whatsapp groupies
 Praiseth the Lord All Mighty Allah Amen !

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen ! 

1:26 pm Break ( 1665 words)

5:01 pm Okay i had eat and i had sleep and the toddlers are playing street so i believe i win 777 XP . The desperate News Networks telling that the Hopeless year has ended in the new Zeeland of sorry Zee is banded by PEMRA so we have to wait till its New Years in the SUN Land ...Ah thank God its 9:06 PM in Tokyo .

So, Well actually there are very few roads left in karachi which are either not dug open or inundated with sewerage water Anyways these are just the flyers nobody actually believes So if you have the Guns and guards and the armored cars you know what to do

Okay so the Jerusalem crisis seems to have died down because there seems to be no invite from mr trump for the US Consulate karachi this weekend and especially the new years eve ....what a Shame !

Anyways its time for me as its time for the sun to go down and also i am getting invites from the kitchen something smells fish and chips ...Got to Go quick Bye !

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen ! 

5:30 pm Break ( 1931 words)

6:54 am

Okay there is something wrong with this fish because it is again pushed back from the menu as we are expecting chicken preference party chaapa tonight . So anyways we shared it and had the best after Sunset new years eve facebook meet up ever ...LOL.

Praiseth the Dear Merciful Lord All Mighty Allah Amen !

So i believe there will be no Ayesha gul break today okay no problem i will watch it tomorrow afternoon or sometime next week when ever it is convenient . This Turkish Soap dubbed in Urdu1 is probably the last one as i am not getting hooked on to any new Drama serial in the coming year 2018 . Especially after surviving this Last Nuclear test of the hopeless year 2017 .
Okay Back to Ayesha gul the character is a no body among s the celebrities trio who happens to be childhood besties growing up to be a triangle . But after Ayesha gul each and everyone in that triangle became a rolling stone and our nobody becomes the most sought after Guitar
Interesting thing in this story is that Ayesha gul does not have any family her only friends who used to exploit her a lot have also died in a car crash recently leaving this new born in a shared care of Ayesha Gul and the celebrity . Celebrity's mother wants to see his childhood bestie as her daughter in law instead of a no body ayesha gul But her son wants ayesha gul

door bell ringing got to check .....
Oh my God ......Takeaway .... BBQ , Black Forest Cake and Something Jumbo ....
Another Bell rings and so does the messenger ....Wow  !

Okay now i have to go and check the dinner table and see for my self to believe it .
(2222 words)

So its not even eight and the last dinner of 2017 is on the table . Only I cannot eat now or i will miss the Mid Night fireworks . I think that i feel sound more because i don't get to see and enjoy the colourful display and visuals that goes with it in the sky in some parts of the city. Especially the Bahria town pre occupied  areas and buildings.


Yes it is a Happy New year in Japan now so we can have dinner . I will probably just have the cake so i will have to wait a little longer ... Ah what the hell why do people eat qorma biryani malai boti and broast when there is cake on the table . I will never understand these English customs Thank God that they hate me so much that they will not try to teach me anymore ....LOL

Okay so i believe the cake is being served now nobody is knocking on the door or missing me So this is me Wasiq1 signing off from the Cloud # ...never mind 

8:43 pm Break ( 2403 words)

9:53 pm Yes i had the cake and the coke  and a cup of tea without nestle'
The Chaapa is finally over so now i have about two hours or less to end this my the Sunday Blog # 91. You cannot imagine how anxious i am tonight to end this my the Sunday Blog # 91 and eat the malai boti and broast with biryani and coke and watch a movie which will be the First Movie i watch in the year 2018 . Once again the year 2017 was also a very hopeless year for the Movies and especially the hindi film industry many senior actors died like vinood khanna and om puri .
So Now to the movies of the week .

Sniper: Reloaded (2011)Sniper: Reloaded Poster 

Its a big Screen movie with wild animals and all not much to watch on television . 

Main Aurr Mrs Khanna (2009)Main Aurr Mrs Khanna Poster

watching turkeys like these on the cable with so many breaks and commercials is a double jeopardy . 

Kangaroo Jack (2003)Kangaroo Jack Poster

Yes this is funny and good . Good to see eddie murphy or his cousin if not it was a very close resemblance don't you think ? LOL

Undisputed (2002)Undisputed Poster

LOL . 

Escape Plan (2013)Escape Plan Poster

yes watched it again twice this week and finally got it . yes thankyou . I am sure mr Stallone will do it again without his help . he better .

Bobby Jasoos (2014)

its a very good movie no harm in watching again . and again .

So this is it now the final hour and then the fireworks and aerial firing . 

The final twitter trends of 2017

Pakistan trends

  Change trend settings


So is this going to be the lowest word count for a sunday Blog because we are in the final hour and i have not yet reached the three thousand words mark yet . And even if i try harder i may not be able to do a thousand words from now and till the very end so lets not worry about the words count anymore tonight and look at the bright side Tonight i have a big rose to cheer me up in the rose plant i have been following its bloom all week or since the last week i think i posted its picture in the previous sunday blog can't check now but here is the latest taken few hours ago and in the morning .

the grass is also growing faster and faster due to the overflowing gutter in the back alley lol

It was the most amazing week in the online and off line farmville 2 country escape game i won two levels and more than a quarter in the third that is now i am above 4000 points in the level 31 the prosperity pier is now unlocked for me and i can aquire the otherside of the falls land and set up beachfront grill and Kettle Cove . I also save about a million coins earned eight keys and learned to use the crop silo even better . But the Best thing that happen to me was the county fair race i started from nowhere and went so ahead that nobody able to catch up in three days and i have enough coins saved to buy the super speed boast again . For the first two days of the game this week i felt that somebody is playing with me but then i realised that i was racing with a six levels higher girlish profile so definitely somebody is playing with me and when i got extra xp to take me to a higher level a day early and unlocked so much to waste my million coins i loved it and saved all the coins and made more . So the question is why would somebody not want me to be on the 1st place in the silver ii level race . Now one thing more The eagle eyed eddi gives stamps in return for helping in filling his plane load of supplies these are gold , silver and bronze stamps which helps buy the prized animals from the market But he very rarely gives the silver stamps and even a limited number of silver stamps are required to buy prized animals but he gives even less number of silver more of gold and bronze so whats the lifebouy ? i mean logic ?

The price of good farm hand is very high in this game and this is the most important lesson i have learned playing this game this whole week and always .

Okay now its time for me to begin the end of this last sunday Blog #91 of the year 2017 that is about to end here in jamshed town karachi the most dangerous city in the world . I wish to thank each and everybody who helped me and kept me safe and healthy all year round especially my very dear siblings and family .
Okay some restless gun trotters have already started without me ending and oh my i forget to put the mobile on charging hopefully i may be able to catch the sounds of firing and fireworks on a video or two ....
Okay the sounds of firecrackers are getting very serious some keep their watches ahead the time . So i have to go with a very very best wish for a very happy New year for everyone and may you never have a year like the this one the hopeless 2017 ...never !

also a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen ! 

Okay so this is one of my very very all time favorite madonna songs hope you will like it too 

Once again a very Happy New Year to All !

Madonna - La Isla Bonita (Official Music Video)

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