
Sunday 17 December 2017

The Sunday Blog #89

Today is Sunday 17th of December 2017 the 28th of Rabi ul Awwal 1439 till the Sunset ( 5:45 pm Karachi) And this is my the Sunday Blog # 89 .

Wow what an Amazing week this has been . The Holy Month of Rabi ul Awwal is ending in a day or two ( new Moon at 11:30 monday ) So the weekend has been very active with milaad mehfils on the streets everywhere . During my winter afternoon walks yesterday i saw white tents on a number of places preparing for the after sunset event  . Okay the sounds has stopped now so they must be eating biryani now .

Besides the white tents and the Loud speakers i have been hearing some extra aerial firing and fire works all night long for the past two nights way past the arrival of Baraat ( Grooms party ) time . And obviously the milaad functions cannot have that kind of Aerial firing or fire works . So it must be the memon seth rejoicing over something or the other .  Anyways there is a good news and a bad news . The Good News is that Cricket has a new T10 League of 90 minutes meaning less and less advertisement to watch in the name of the Cricket

And the Bad news is that no matter what
Pakistan PakistanTen Sports
Bangladesh BangladeshChannel 9
India IndiaSony ESPN
Afghanistan Afghanistan1tv Afghanistan
United Kingdom United KingdomARY Digital Network
United States United StatesARY Digital Network
Middle East and North AfricaOSN
So anyways Cricket is a tough game and somehow the original ashes has also managed to survive to this day so i don't think it is any prudent to call it a day for any length or size just yet .

Okay Another Good News is that Winter seems to have finally arrived here in Karachi the Most dangerous city of the World and no doubt it wont stay here for too long but as long as it is here it will be so much fun to eat the hot and spicy food that we eat all year round and wish that if it had been a little cold it would have been real fun. Tonight i am sitting here without any fan or cooling and there is no sweat on my forehead which is a very rare thing for me all year round . It has been over an hour since i started this my the sunday Blog # 89 some half hour after the mid night but maybe because of the nihari and yakhni i had for dinner and Supper i may be still warm with no cold feet at all .

The Food has been exceptionally good this week because it was Also the Tenth Death Anniversary of my Dearly Departed Papa  ( May his Soul Rest in Peace in Heaven Amen !) 

And just for the record this was just the formality because we have already had the tenth Anniversary Fateha in August according to the islamic lunar calender before the eid ul Azha .

The Sufi Saint that papa ( may his soul rest in peace in heaven Amen !) was i am so sure he would have loved it that we still do all this and remember him so fondly.

Naaqisan ra peer e kaamil , 
kaamilan ra rehnuma

Fireworks at three am ?

Anyways nobody is tweeting about this one at 3:00 am so i guess it must have been very necessary and important .

oh no i am still very short of the first thousand words for this my the Sunday Blog # 89 but i think that it is time for my first break . Can't eat anything so i will just have a sip of water and then perhaps a cup of hot tea . And then i will lie down and straight my back and i don't fall asleep in the next half hour then i will probably come back and continue this my the Sunday Blog #89 .

3:17 am Break (674 words)

10:26 am Good Morning !
yes i know i am a little late i tried to get up twice but after updating the farmville 2 country escape farm i fell asleep again both times . there are two perpetual task or projects that need my attention on an hourly basis anyways here is the first tweet of the day ...

Sun 28th RabiulAwal1439
10:18 am okay i think i may have over sleep a little . the Sky is clear blue and winter chilly winds are normal sun is warm i don't think i can eat anything before the walk so i just had the morning hot tea twice no movie on cable that i can watch 🦃

10: 21 am one gust of strong chilly winter Wind the first since i woke up today . I should be standing on the rooftop of a high-rise or a hill somewhere to fully enjoy it . okay now come a large very large plane . So its not just the hot and spicy sunday breakfast that i am missing today but also all this and what am i doing instead ? Doing this my the Sunday Blog # 89 locked inside this dirty room with no view at all no air and temperature a week old ....LOL
My siblings will move around and keep telling me how cool it is outside. I have been going for the winter afternoon walks every day this past week but today is sunday and i have not yet decided or set a target for me to reward me today i am still under the first thousand words for this my the Sunday Blog # 89 and i believe that i have everything no need to go to the shop as well . If i went out and passed a food joint or stall or cart i may be tempted and may buy something extra . Yesterday i bought a plate of Qorma and taftan , naan which i have still not finish somebody else brought something else ans we ate that . Not very good !
I usually separate the tard before its up for grabs so that the "Versus" people may not get to say that i am killing my elders for property .

Okay so where were we oh yes i haven't decided yet to go or not to go ....Oh the two cups of hot tea have worked . The clogged throat is not very clear after two out burst of greenish mucus spits IN THE WASH BASIN IN THE TOILET .....
The nose is still very dry and a little clogged with dried mucus . Okay so i must take a break and try to clear the nose with hot water and have the first facebook meet up of the day with my siblings . The Chilly Wind have cold off now but i can occasionally hear a soft blow .  Another cup of tea would be just very good .

11:05 am Break ( 1151words)

12:24 pm Okay the noon league is up but since we have so much cooked stuff there will no cooking today . Fish wala rang the bell just a little while ago but did not get any response so he left the neighbourhood and cannot be heard any more not from far or near . the atta bad spill in the back alley is still running in full stream the manhole workers must be dressed for the occassion enjoying Chicken Biryani or maybe the chief Guest somewhere But not here . me and my hygiene freak neighbours are totally dumped by one and all .....LOL

Okay there i finally see a fresh new rose plant branch and a fresh new Rose Bud ready to bloom any time coming week not today for sure . The Sunlight is very good for me and my Rose plants only i have not been able to care about both of us lately and we are growing naturally . LOL

Okay so now it is time for me to start preparing for the winter afternoon walk and Zuhr prayer . So i take a long break with a prayer for my dearly departed Parents Papa And Ammi
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen ! 

12:37 pm Break ( 1390 words)

3:30 pm Okay so i went for a walk after taking a hot bath and not wearing any winter warm clothes and yet when i came home i showed my dear elder Sister we call Baji my forehead it had tiny droplets of sweat . And on my way from the mosque to the shop i smelled the smell of nihari from two shops away from the restaurant meaning that both my throat and nose are very clear . So i believe that the challenge has reversed . instead of trying and failing to corrupt me and infect with the weapons of mass destruction . They have to show that theirs are clean and clear and fail . No i am not saying that they may stop trying but i am feeling that it may not be as rewarding as before . And who knows it might even have negative marking . Anything to take out all the fun out of my boring life .

So when i returned i thought i might be finishing the left over qorma from yesterday with taftan and Naan but there was left over mutton pulao already warm waiting for me in the microwave and the corns where boiling in the cooker . So this is what i had for post walk lunch and later on the chicken corn soup as it was done later .

The Custard was still in the making so may be later .

I am so over feed right now that i could fall asleep here on this chair regardless of the dhakan singh making the plumbing sound on the other side of the wall in the building .
So Since now i have no plans to go out again today for anything i believe i should take a small break till Asr . And Anyways i have reached so close to the second thousand words mark on the words counter for this my the Sunday Blog # 89 that i don't think there is any need to be here at all till after the sunset . Because six hours or a little less is more than enough for another two thousand words if i am not drowsy and able to think straight and drive ..sorry i mean type .

4:01 pm Break ( 1756 words)

5:18 pm No i did not sleep just lie down and updated the farmville 2 country escape farm i was just 506 points away from the new level that is level 28 but i sold the stuff in the barn in the market and not through the marie's or sophia's order boards so i did not get the points only the coins or i would have leveled up during this break anyways now i am just 493 points away so if i continues playing while doing this my the Sunday Blog # 89 , i am so sure i will get to the next level that is the level 28 before midnight or the end of this my the Sunday Blog # 89 or which ever comes first . So this one of the big reasons today for not really having the same eagerness and interest in this my the Sunday Blog # 89 . To level up at this stage with 11200 points is not an easy task and to level up two levels in a week is even more difficult But i have done it this week and i am very proud of it .
Okay so its time for the Sunset and maghrib prayer so i take a break here and continue bragging about my farmville 2 country Escape Farm after the Break .
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen ! 

5:42 pm Break (2008  words)

29th Rabi ul Awwal 1439
7:13 pm
Good Evening !
Yes .....i leveled up to the next level that is the 28 . and this is just not it i have also almost completed the holiday story challenge task as well so now i can relax and enjoy what i enjoy the best yes this my the Sunday Blog # 89 .
No idea why these pictures are not coming in the right rotation but anyways it has taken a lot my time so lets move on and we will correct it later if the later ever comes

So i think that after all this for high tea there is no need for the dinner left now i will have post mid night and after ending this my the sunday Blog # 89 a supper .
Okay twenty five minutes left before the Ayesha gul break . So now Ayesha gul is the only turkish non serious urdu 1 serial that i am watching after the happy ending of ek hasseena ek dewana this week end . The ending was much much better than i had expected no honestly it was ....LOL
So now i can explore the Bar be Ques or watch a movie on week ends . This week i took a ride in the M1 mini Bus and was please to know that BUS AB DUS is being taken very seriously . Oh my God ever since this harry merkle engagement wedding has taken a serious turn the house of windsor fans here in karachi are going through a very tough time and this #BusAbDus ussi silsilay ki aik kari dikhte hai ....Anyways
So what i learned in that sojourn was that the Green metro bus is not coming this year or by june next so i can enjoy the M1 ride .

8:01 pm Break ( 2302 words)

9:09 pm This must have been the lowest in word count this my the Sunday Blog so far other then the earliest ones one to ten i relly don't remember when i started checking the word count for this my the Sunday Blog s Anyways so i was telling you about my M1 ride this week ...

So on his way he met a monk and his chauffeur , the monk was very weary and pale and it was very clear that he had traveled  hundreds of miles and must be tired and hungry . So he Brought him to his home and offered him the nulli nihari he had brought from burns road . After eating and resting the Monk and his chauffeur took leave and were never seen anywhere . After they left he remembered something and went after them but it seemed as if they vanished in thin air . So he came back and forgot all about it.


The United States of America and Pakistan are no longer together .

Okay So Baji maryam has lost a very huge case this week against the jamima Goldsmith . So don't you think she is wasting her time .

And talking of losing so did the republican lost in Alabama state with a very narrow margin now i don't understand this why do they have elections when the rest of the united states is busy else where . Okay never mind who cares ?

Don't know why but i suddenly feel some special activity in the kitchen and living room so i have to go and join the gang and maybe add my two cents ....

10 :12 pm Break ( 2571words)

10:34 pm Okay so now we move to the movies of the week .As you all know that my focus this week was more on the game Farmville 2 country Escape so i did not have the time to watch movies and i did not download any movies either so this is what i watched or thought i watched ....

Baby Driver (2017)Baby Driver Poster


Karthik Calling Karthik (2010)Karthik Calling Karthik Poster

Awesome movie can watch it again

Lights Out (2016)Lights Out Poster 

good movie 

Meri Pyaari Bindu (2017)Meri Pyaari Bindu Poster

sometimes the priorities are different ....Still my very humble apologies and best wishes ...Always ! 

Pacific Rim (2013)Pacific Rim Poster

The whole world is so worried about the nepotism these days and must see us very strangely how can we be so comfortable with the idea of children taking over their parents place . Is it justified or not ? 
When a nation or a large segment of society loves and trust someone in a particular role all his and their lives then their first choice at the time of choosing his or her successor is the right hand person or the one who has been nearest to him or her . That is very logical . It is believed that he or she may have learned somethings more than anybody else who never get the chance to live with or rarely meet . 
In some cases the genetics play a major role . Some qualities have been found to be identical .  
And then there is the grooming and training . Hero's may rise to the occasion and make us feel proud but in the long run a leader has to be natural. 

So this was the movie run of the week but the main show biz and entertainment related event was the final episode of Ek haseena ek dewana

Brave and Beautiful 

Cesur Ve Güzel (original title)Brave and Beautiful Poster

trust me after the first turkish dubbed serial i thought that there wont be a one more powerful and entertaining turkish serial ever again but this one proved me wrong. Honestly i loved the concept of answering skipped details in action replays or flash backs was awesome and the ending was just too good to be true . They could have kept raza alive for the sequel and may be they have ....LOL

Thankyou URDU1

0k next year when i will be looking back at this my the Sunday Blog # 89 after being reminded of by the facebook memories or just being nostalgic and looking back at the past year trying to cut time i may never be able to understand why this my the Sunday Blog # 89 was about a thousand words short at least . Was i under pressure or was i sick or depressed or missing my dearly departed Parents

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen ! 

or was i just too excited about something eitherway there was just no justification of leaving out the Wasiq1Wise  so here is an golden oldie

when a mother any mother dies she dies alone But when the mother in Law of a Waring bride dies the game dies with her Happy #Fathersday
Wasiq1Wise : 89 

Okay so now it is time for me to end this my the Sunday Blog # 89 with a song from one of my favorite movies of 2016 i don't remember when i watched it and there is no time left to check for the previous blogs so anyways its songs are still my favorite and preferred over this years hindi movies and songs .
God Bless and Peace !
Allah Hafiz !

Channa Mereya - Full Song Video |Ae Channa Mereya - Full Song Video |Ae Channa Mereya - Full Song Video |Ae Dil Hai Mushkil 

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