
Sunday 1 January 2017

The Sunday Blog # 39

Today is the 1st of January 2017 the 2nd of Rabi us sani 1438 till sunset and this is my The Sunday Blog # 39.
Yes its past 1:00 am and the aerial Firing and Fireworks have now completely died down at least in my Neighbourhood and Town . They say No Noose is Good News so lets hope for the best . Honestly i am not very anxious about the coming year because i am certain to lose a lot of old friends and favorites , celebrity and other intellects . So i think i should not discuss the new year in this my the Sunday blog #39 , There will be so many Blogs in the coming weeks and months to do so . Today i will try to focus and recall even if i have to jog my memory about the People and events of the past week , months and the Year if an as i remember . Now that this is decided i am not very sure to begin with the end or to begin with the beginning . On the Other hand after having this for the Last Supper of 2016 and watching a good movie during the aerial firing and fireworks now feel very sleepy Image may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: food

looks like we had guest or guests for supper or dinner which aint right . actually my dear siblings were quite depressed this week for not being able to do anything special for me on the new years so this was my plan to help them out of depression and honestly it worked very well. Brother liked the food and the sister loved cooking in a jiffy. she has become a cooking builder Mafia . And because of her super fast cooking i have to taste salt and chillies more often then i should because of which we are recieving more complaints from the concerned people and Neighbourhood watch that i am over weight and they cannot continue to keep watch as per the previous arrangement.  And my profuse sweating is also a cause of cencern for the Church because literally the animal that could be used in a proverb to describe my condition is prohibited and extremely abhored . Actually i am sweating even right now so i have two options either i switch to cooling or stroll or change out of this wet suit getting wetter by the moment . ThankGod I did not have to hug a whole lot of clean and dry people when i am sweating profusely or normally because that could be extremely embarrassing for me . Recently i had to it was absolutely unavoidable  and i am still trying to traslate it into dollar terms How in the hell did i score to win a red bear when i was not even aiming straight the barrel must definitely be rigged or flawed or whatever . Image may contain: 1 personImage may contain: 1 person, standing

Anyways we are not discussing the coming we are here only because and for the going year that has just now gone past history never could never will repeat or try to but the things it made us learn will and can be extremely helpful always most certainly in the near very near future .

Okay its 3:12 am and i have crossed the first 500 words mark so its Good Night and sweat i mean sweet dreams .

9:00 am Good Morning The breakfast time is over and now begins the Sunday brunch time . Gone are the days when i use to get up early morning and go for the early morning walks and welcome the new years . I used to be very specific about the first and last . Thanks for the first road show i just saw over the wall . ....was very full filling . anyways we decided to not talk about the new so lets take a break as my tea is ready have to go fill up the cup and then empty it . That's the way it goes . The weather is still not winter no rain temperature is above twenties in celsius . no chance of rain or the good old Quetta ki Hawa (Quetta Chill ) By The way RIP Qandeel Baloch 

10;10 am had a cup of tea with a small carrot stolen from the stack for gajar ka halwa i presume  it was harder than the usual up for grab stacks or the ones for salad only . By the we don't like the oily and creamy salads except for cole slaw . here in our house we call salad to the different varity of raw edible vegetables cut sliced and placed in a dish with or without proportion and colourful designs . slowly or hurriedly gobbled down with bites like people sip appetizers in some more traditional cultures . here in our culture taking sips with bites is associated with the junk food behaviour and considered gross . "Baita Khana sakoon se khao chabaa chabaa kay ... galey main kuch attock giya hai kya jo bar baar pani pe rahey ho ? "
oh and By the way i also had a tikky pack of two chocolate cookies after the carrot with tea .

My Brother and the nearest Builder and Karachi Electric are up now . And started their work and play with the same zeal . We had the first power shut down of the year thankfully i did not notice because when i updated the draft the net was working .
So today is The first Sunday and i don't have to go out and watch the nearest theatrization of my The Sunday Blog #39 in draft . Honestly Sometimes i feel so surprised that why in the world would somebody be so interested to read my writes and then take the trouble to cinematise as if i have been writting a movie script or something and if they wont recreate or failed to get my reaction they would lose the sponsorship . okay this must be it . No wonder the population of bad actors and extras is growing day by day on my way and back to the mosques . And even in and around the graveyard . People who have no right to be here are walking around as if they own the streets and those whos fathers owned the streets are having a tough time being forced to move out sell out annihilate . So Psychologically Challenged i have stopped protesting to the reading of my The Sunday Blogs in draft and unpublished . The thing is that how can i control my self for not showing any reaction to any live performance short clips with or without sound by very unknown strangers . Its even more difficult sometimes because my initial intake or grasp of the subject and title usually changes with over analysis . Gone are the days when i used to worry a lot about the proactive and reactive . Frankly my dear i stopped reading the newspaper becuase their lifestyle is "FOR FAMILIES ONLY " and i with my super relaxed totally Narcissistic attitude and behaviour cannot ever blend in . By the way the way free electrons are chosen in that orbit sometimes makes me feel that deep down inside the nucleus or behind all this circus is somebody more narcissistic than me . No wonder he or she don't like my uniformed outside the orbit rotation creates hurdles and distractions and does that continuesly . That is why eveytime i am able to complete a rotation overcoming the hurdles and distractions i proudly boasts that i have survied . This is one of the reasons why today i am not boasting that i have survived the Happy Year 2016 that passed away with lots of funfare and fireworks . Since i cannot boasts to have survived the year 2016 i donot feel like going on the next rotation without getting to know how well or otherwise  it went inside . Hopefully in a week or two i may catch up and get going because no matter how much sad and lonely i try to appear i am not getting a new game anytime soon .
11:33 am banging on the gate . its the plant nursery takeaway i didnot order ....No Thankyou . I was beginning to wonder how in the world could he walk passed by me ignoring me like he was doing for almost a month or two now. oh life thou art so predictable .... :'(

11:40 Draft update and break

2:40 pm So this was my lunch today all vegan Image may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: food and indoorImage may contain: food

Did not go out for the Zuhr prayer . No i am not lazy today its just that i don't want to disturb the super relaxed security detail on the very first day . and besides i am not sure if will have a chaapa today or not because if we have a chaapa by my dear little sister and here dear family then i may have to go out to bring something not sure yet . Oh my God i am feeling so sleepy i should have not eaten instead i should have relaxed and taken siesta in the break because now i cannot take a break for the next one whole hour  that is around 4:00 pm or the 500 words whichever is first .

So the new years eve oh sorry the last day of the year 2016 or the days of the year were obviously very important for the Builder Mafia and its Political prongs for furthur investments Image may contain: 1 personImage may contain: 1 person, smiling, sitting and outdoor
and planning . First they brought the pocket and wallet from Dubai and london obviously that did not cause a storm in the tea cup (paper) so their next hope and a very safe bet was obviously the Dr sattar The Fireworks in his show had that bass sound clearly different from the routine wedding fireworks we hear everynight of the season which is dollar terms means a lttle extra bucks and bens maybe even quids for the Event management Firms working online if you compare the colour of the fireworks with that of the event last year nearby for PSP You wont be surprised Exactly .

Time is running out the next election is very near and the Mr  Donald Trumps inauguration is just days away if i did not see some extraordinary magic very soon Karachi will definitely be returned to kaloo kamina in london . Dr Sattar and Nurse Kamal are both sucking dry the "Drink me " simultaneously . It is not true that if one leave the scene other will take his place that is not happening here no not at all . There is just too much garbage in the city and unplanned construction that will turn the chinese mechano set into junk very soon and then they will order more toys and ask for more money which nobody will be willing to pay and without local represntation in the government the provincial and centre divide will increase even more . Both before and after the next general election ThankGod Bhagwaan is getting rid of Sri lanka Modi on its own without the aid and assistence of Quetta Staff .

Oh my God i was slower that i thought . only ten minutes to go and about 200 words short . Okay never mind lets take a break and go check out out how many more turkeys burned by the russians for the celebration .

3:53 pm Draft saved 1835 words

3rd Rabiussani 1438
7:20 pm
Image may contain: foodWent for the maghrib prayer and saw this at the peanut wala vendor it is called gajak or gazak in my childhood we used to have winter and gajak religiously every night a vendor used to come after dinner pushing a four wheel cart with a glass show case containing this and few other variety or sweets made from sugar , jaggary and molasses all the unrefined kind . The Cry of the vendor used to be like school bell to my ears ...sometimes i had to wait for him at the gate if somebody called him on the same street or some other street . after i got the bicycle i used to chase in instead of waiting . Come to think of it i used to be of the fearless kind . Fortunately no mishap ever occured to me in my pursuit of these goodies . During my mid-life crisis my teeth and Gums grew weaker and i became extra caring beside my parents May The Lord Almight Allah Grant them the Best and highest Places in Janna Amen !... developed the degenerative desease like diabetes so these infinte bounties though remained within easy reach but i imposed a self restraint on myself . Had to because this was one thing that i always shared with everybody in the house and especially my dearly departed Parents May they rest in Peace Amen !... So when i stopped buying stuff from street vendors especially those of the late night comers they also stopped coming to the street . Then the neighbours put up guards and barriers so their movements became absolutely impossible especially at nights. I remember when Walls troika landed everybody looked at them with suspicion. And Igloo ices had a tune " there can be only one king ..." Imagine . Years later i still joke when ever i hear this tune incessantly trying to alert his party or gang "ah they found my replacement ...Never ever did it occur to me that i live under the shadows of ....Anyways See this happens every time you start with sweets you most certainly end bitter and sad . Must be the main reason i stopped eating such kind of unrefined sugary and jaggary products . anyways today i am trying  to just be nice to my very dear elder siblings who has been very kind and loving to me and never let me realise that i am the one and only .... LOLImage may contain: outdoor

and in doing so i could only think of gajak which i believe nobody had tried this year maybe because we are not looking at the wintry stuff until we are pretty sure there is the winter has arrived trust me nobody here in karachi will believe that winter has arrived even if all the news channels say it together . That's How bad the winter situation is here in karachi . People seen wearing sweaters and jackets here are believed to be carrying the recent or multiple brands of flu viruses . Be ware !!! No this is not funny i am very very serious . There was a giant type on my right and a smaller one on my left in prayer at the mosque both playing the Nose . LOL

8:44 pm Break and draft saved 2371 words

9:44 pm part of trying to be nice also includes to eat whenever they want you to . ... or prove you are not with London .
 Image may contain: food

Somehow taking a flight from london via dubai just not enough to prove you are not with london that must be the reason . Anyways i was not planning on wasting an hour on eating when iam so far away from the 3000 words mark on this first blog of the year  I think i should have taken a break today but anyways life goes on a year gone bad does not really matter if you have already survived the mid-life crisis . As mentioned above rotating outside the orbit means you are either a free electron or huge trouble every free electron has to reture or hold on to an orbit with vacancy I don't which means that science cannot be applied to my status or location in a system.

Okay its 10 :10 pm which means that i have nearly two hours to finish  This my the Sunday Blog # 39 and straight my  back .... Today i feel so desperate for a chinese mechanical massagee they have developed so many gadgets that saperately do stuff but hopefully someday very soon they will mass produce a massage machine for the non physical types like me . Anyways even the thought of winning to lie down and relax after finishing this my the Sunday blog # 39 i don't really think i have the motivation for another 500 words in such little time before midnight . Anyways lets try to focus and think what should have been a part of this my the Sunday Blog #39 that i may have been distracted from or that could have slipped from my mind altogether . There is no time to look back but i remember very well that in the beginning of this my the sunday Blog # 39 my resolve was to do a blog about 2016 a year that went away from our lives and will never come back no matter what we say or do . Same is almost with the people we love so much . They come into our lives or are there for us from the beginning or a little earlier then us some grow with us some grow older with us some leave us while we are just making sand castles or day dreaming and when we look back they are gone like they never was there . Some are missed a lot and some are instanly forgotten like they never was in our lives or were never meant to be . Some we want to spend the whole life with and some we cannot tolerate for a moment . Some leaves us sad when they go away yet some make us feel relieved or even rejoice when they leave . Somehow it is up to us to try our utmost to live as if there is no tomorrow to do what we believe will leave a mark on the memories of those who will survive us and will be left after we are gone . Some people try very hard to be remembered after they are gone but unfortunately when they are gone nobody cares or remembers people get on with lives . Some collect wealth so they may be remembered by their wealth , what happens is that soon after they are gone and buried the ownership of their wealth transfers to others who are left behind and they don't even care how you amass that wealth . People write books and have them published by the very best of the world they believe that because they are imparting knowledge and sharing their wisdom with the world through books and published works they will be remembered by generations to come . what happens is that soon after they are dead someone else does the same with a somewhat different angle or with new research had his work published by an even better publisher of the world so this new work is accepted and respected and all the previous efforts of the gone and forgotten is gone and forgotten absolutely wasted . So what i am trying to say is that 2016 is now gone and it is not coming back no matter what and so are all the people who have gone with it or in it ,Now it is better to live safely and try to  live and survive this year if we wants to be remembered in the year after this new year and beyond . But if we want to not be remembered at all in the year after this year than we can live recklessly and not make it to the years that came after 2016 . This may sound absolutely crazy but this is how most people are going to end up . So now you tell me even if i had or have survived the year 2016 what good did i do to myself or to my near and dear ones who wished and prayed for me all year and cared for me all their lives or the vice versa . Anyways this topic is very long and needs extensive delibrations and understanding with a very open mind and extremely positive attitude which my dear friends is not possible for my cynic and Narcissistic mind and strained mucles and over fed digestive system . crying out loud saying Wasiq Please Stop ....quit can't .

And Now the movies of the week .

1. Just Visiting.
2. Criminal
3. Complete Unknown
4. Army of One (2016 film).
5. Pineapple Express
6. St. Vincent De Van Nuys.
7. Regression
8. The Good Neighbor.

oh my God i watched 8 movies oh sorry Films as per the facebook this week . 3,6 and 8 are defintely recommended . All i want to say about 4 is that the coke can be like that here that is so so true .

So this is it yes we are almost near the midnight and even if it was not my back will not allow me to sit and have all the fun in the world doing this my the Sunday Blog # 39 for a moment longer so here i end with one of my very first loves it wasn't just a crush of my school live i still love this duet more than most of my very favourite songs . I got to see the video of this song much later in my life but even that changes nothing . its Kylie Minogue & Jason Donovan - Especially For You  . Enjoy  

PS: a very Happy New Year !! 

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