
Sunday 3 December 2017

The Sunday Blog #87

Today is the Sunday the 3rd of December 2017 the 14th of Rabi ul Awwal 1439 till the Sunset ( 5:42 pm karachi ) And this is my the Sunday Blog # 87 .
Ah i fell asleep an hour before midnight and woke up just now an hour after so i am very very sleepy right now and not sure when and and where i am at the moment but the net is worse so it is taking longer to understand what to do . Ok now no internet access . Anyways this is not the end of the world so i will or i should continue doing this my the Sunday Blog # 87 carefully as the blogger draft may close any time without saving this my the Sunday Blog # 87 . Its been a very very long journey of blogging with all kinds of ups and downs but i cannot understand why i haven't thought about or tried the off line word pad available in every computer and windows ?
I believe the answer is very simple . I am not a writer . I am a blogger and tonight i am in no mood to explain the difference as i believe i have done that many times before both by actions and reactions . So lets just move on and learn a new experience a new new clear test and of course if i survive and am able to add this my the Sunday Blog # 87 to the series feel the difference and change within me . Because ever step forward is a new and different me for myself and the world .

And personally i believe that i don't really care about the world so what is more important is that i learn some thing different about me for my self yes that is a very big thing for me right now . So here i am at almost two hours past since mid night on a very quiet and peaceful Sunday morning without internet doing this my the Sunday Blog # 87 . And you know this my the Sunday Blog # 87 is easier to type because both digits are next to each other 8 and 7 since 78 now this is where i miss the internet because at this point i would have browsed  through my the Sunday Blog # 78 to see if it is still there . Believe me the past ten fifteen weeks have been so amazing that it does not really feel like a full week . Just day going by and the next and next Sunday mid night coming after Saturdays week after week .

Anyways ,

The most important event of the islamic calender and also of the Jamshed Town was this week yes The Eid -e- Milaad un Nabi ( SAW) which comes every islamic year 12th day of the third month that is the 12th of Rabi ul Awwal . And this year according to our British atheist calender subject to the sighting of the moon on the 19th of November 2017 after Sunset This Holy Day of the Birth of our beloved holy Prophet Mohammad ( peace be upon him) came on the Friday the first of December 2017 . And was celebrated across the far and wide of the Jamshed town of Karachi and also in some other parts of karachi with lights , jams and nazar niaz mostly biryani . The Thursday night was perhaps the best thing that happened to the Manufacturer of the wire less rechargeable sound speakers with delay and repeat . And also the makers of colourful lazer lights and display signs . Jazak Allah ! Please recite Surah fateha and Surah akhlas for Mr Anwar who passed away .

The USS Bunder Road which links our Jamshed town to the rest of the motivated religious faithfuls of Karachi and the world is being dug up these days by the press gang to make a corridor for save and healthy passage quick and easy from the main land china to the Trampistan via the karachi port . Not very sure when but i am hundred percent sure that shershaw air strip will soon be converted to a big big international Airport and goods transport operation linking main land china to the Trumpistan and Vodka no no no land .
, So Any inconvenience is regretted . Even though the Petroleum ministry or OCRA increased the price of oil once again in a row so not happy over the political situation of two prime ministers in Pakistan not getting full protocol in London . By the way have you noticed that most of the rich and famous pakistani 's can now not go to dubai because of Qatari prince and Paradise because of Panama papers and ICIJ or whatever and far east because of wives and girls so the only way forward is the main land China
isn't it ironic ? that most people here don't like any thing Chinese especially if you gift somebody a Chinese mobile he or she will instantly unfriend you for ever .
Anyways what do i care because i love Chinese hope someday the Chinese will return
okay its three hours past the mid night on a Sunday Morning so i better check the net and see if i can post it or not . because if not then i will just have to save it else where and pray that i am able to save it in full and also be able to continue the adding all day and evening till the mid night Sunday Night before Monday . Amen !

NOPE ! the fourth light on the internet modem is blinking no ranging done so there is no chance of a inter net or as this error alert of blogger put it
An error occurred while trying to save or publish your post. Please try again. Dismiss

Okay anyways i have reached almost to the first thousand words mark on the words counter for this my the Sunday Blog # 87 so I believe imaginary dystopia in my mind has yet again failed miserably and talking of miserably i believe a congratulations is in order for our very dear invictus prince and his lady bound
Mock Mock Jay !

I so wonder why somebody would not want me to publish this my the Sunday Blog # 87 at this time anyways there will be a few spelling mistakes and media posting left which i may check and update later so should i call it a night and have a good morning sleep of should i wait and recheck after every hour and perhaps add a few lines every hour that could be fun too . But since i am at first thousand words already so i believe there is no real need at this point to stay up any long or atleast if i don't want to sleep till the fajr azan on the azan clock which is also an hour and a half away , i can still lie down on the bed and let my back and bones relax . yes that would be good so here i take a break with prayer for my dearly departed Parents Papa And Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen ! 

3:40 am Break ( 1200 words)

9:07 am Good Morning !
So i have the internet back at least for now But you can see how much was saved a hundred and five words only out of my twelve hundred words for this my the Sunday Blog #87 this morning much less has been saved on the other site

Today is the Sunday the 3rd of December 2017 the 14th of Rabi ul Awwal 1439 till the Sunset (  ) And this is my the Sunday Blog # 87 .
Ah i fell asleep an hour before midnight and woke up just now an hour after so i am very very sleepy right now and not sure when and and where i am at the moment but the net is worse so it is taking longer to understand what to do . Ok now no internet access . Anyways this is not the end of the world so i will or i should continue doing this my the Sunday Blog # 87 carefully as the 

Anyways here is my first tweet of the day :

Sun 14th RabiulAwal1439
9:02 am Okay the morning at nine is cooler then yesterday so it must have been much colder three hours ago or maybe just the same who cares i got few hours of peaceful sleep had to keep the fan on because of the mosquitoes leveled up in farmville 2 ya

Okay so far i have only had a cup cutting of tea without milk or sugar But after that my morning clogged throat is almost clear so i am feeling very good again But the best thing is
oh no the kettle is still on the stove and boiling got to go
see it is so quiet this Cool Sunday morning that i can here the tea boiling and over spilling on the stove from here in the room next door .  okay somebody is attending to it just a minute after i turned it off . So i can go and take the refill of the tea now  and also find out if there is a new gup

An error occurred while trying to save or publish your post. Please try again. Dismiss
oh no please say its not true

This site can’t be reached took too long to respond.
There is no Internet connection


Okay so now i cannot quit or even stop just like that ....well at least most of it is saved as draft now so i don't have to worry about the whole being lost Anyways it is still not clear who would not want me to publish it and why ?

Okay so by now who ever it is may have realized that i am not panic ing so it could be a technical fault anyways now suppose somebody wants me to go out and play .  After making millions or according to the trends billions on the solid waste management now somebody working on the liquid waste as well . The wild grass and shrubs are growing very fast in our back ally and since the local government system has collapsed because of the MQM split and Sindh government and Sindh police split and so on and so forth nobody knows where and how to complain about this over spill of the liquid waste .  All week i watched the movement of the liquid waste in the back alley and also the very interesting cleaning of the sewers by our very own ninja turtle of the not sure if he is now KMC , KWSB or Lakson . We had eye contact a couple of times this week but he did not spit even under so much pressure and also the Christmas so near . But he did wave a full high five once from his bicycle and kept on paddling so my guess is that the mass is critical but who care . So as i was saying everyday somebody from the neighbourhood joined together by the same sewer main calls him and pays five hundred rupees in the name of the LORD and the Lord alone and he moves his magic bamboo yard in their sewer from the sewers main clearing the blockade so the liquid waste can come out on my way to the walk , shop and mostly the Mosque . Praiseth the Lord All Mighty Allah Amen !
So i was wondering if Somebody is watching my route in and out from withing the atmosphere or beyond how would it appear black dark or silver shinny and new . Anyways it not about me any more because yesterdays over spill was paid for by the new neighbours who have a nursery full of street children and a lot more stashed somewhere near in town So my future here in this neighbourhood is very Bleak ....Blink .....Blin......Blink ....B .....

Aach thoo !

Okay i need a break now but let me just check the inner net first once again before i save it
Okay no the fans are not getting this today and i am loving it ....

10:55 am Break ( 2029 words)

1:51 pm Okay so there is still no internet and i have been to the shop and back at noon . The Sky was not very clear blue then and now its very cloudy so are we heading to our very first winter rain of this winter . So if it really rained today i may not have electric power as well and i just saw the new breed of star troopers on the open sewers running and standing water in the back alley and i am not sure how many of then are dengue so i believe that this could be the very few hours of Sunday Blogging . Don't know why i am enjoying this plight so much But so far i am . My word pad does not have a words count and the online words counter will not assist any more as i shut down during the break so now i will have no idea about the when and where to take a break or if i could or should . One thing that i know for sure but do not understand is that this word pad has option to insert media and especially pictures like this one i just pasted here
When i select all  copy and paste this from word pad on the blogger site only the test appear and the pictures disappear Why ? Are the two not compatable or am i doint it all wrong . Anyways So i have had a very heavy breakfast during the previous break and now i feel very drowsy if i stop right now and get into the bed i will definitely fall asleep for few hours . A small bunch of Street children are out playing  the rest of the neighbourhood is definitely praying as by now they must have found out that This is not an ordinary Sunday and today i am under no pressure or sadness at all . And if it rains i will have all the reason to enjoy it even more while they will suffer especially those who have plans and have to return and go to prior engagement s . This is a wedding season LOL
The Season Opened with the Gulshan town's former king of China Cutting now in exile and still with London 's marriage garden on a public property being demolished by some govrnment agency . Cannot share the details as i have no internet but it is very searchable with even youtube videos and news headlines . The Channels also showed interview of few people who claimed they had booked it for ceremonies most probably this weekend or later as they seem very desperate saying we have done every thing the cards have been dispatched to tando adam etc .....
Well yes you have guessed it right ...i have no sympathy with any of them my interest in this story is that all exiled kings and queens in London are doing good business here in karachi and the justice remarks for china cutting seem a dialogue from Bollywood movie . Just can't seem to remember which one ? must be hundreds .

Okay at 2:44 pm i checked the internet and lucky me i got to update this draft without the picture on the blogger site But now it is taking no more so I better shut down and relax by the way the word count has passed the two thousand five hundred words mark on the words counter that was available for few seconds .
No it is still available off line until i shut down so thank God the All Mighty Allah Amen ! I will be able to get the latest words count for this my the Sunday Blog # 87 when i go on the next break soon very soon sooner than expected .

3:00 pm Break ( 2652 words)

5:11 pm Oh i was sleeping very soundly when i heard a notification sound on the mobile instantly i knew that the internet is back so i got up and checked . Yes i believe i am done with the sleep for the day as long as there is net other wise the weather is so that i can sleep all evening . For some unknown reason it is very quiet outside feels like i woke up in a desert . The rain clouds are now all cleared and gone so no chance of the first winter rain at least not during this my the Sunday Blog # 87 . Somebody who has a wedding today must be praying hard for no rain and also besides the weddings there may also be many other functions to go to today the season is full of events and celebrations and then there are Oscar the grouch like me as well in this town a lot of us who don't like to even go to the door to see who is out there hates the chaapa's as well . We don't like to go to any function or event in town and hate if somebody invite us . We don't shop for new clothes and shoes this season we just follow our routines and enjoy it .

Haven't had anything since this brunch except a few wall nuts tea and Shaljam ka achar water . ThankGod we were out of Rice and especially the Khichri tota rice or i would have had khichri with that shaljam ka achar and could not have got up all day even though it is strange that despite sleep regularly since before mid night today i always get up fresh and blog like a rabbit . no i think it would be better if we say i sleep like a rabbit and yet reaching the target like a tortoise .
 And finally the Rose bud opened up today after teasing me for a whole week and it is very velvet red looking awesome ! Should have posted it with the morning tweet but you know i did not have the inner net since last night and now it looks like it was never gone . And this reminds me of two things the movie i watch last night before sleeping and my wasiq1wise

Time is my only enemy and my truest friend its just a matter of time !  

Wasiq1Wise :106

Okay it time for the Azan so with the prayer for my dearly departed parents
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen ! 

Break ( 3106 words)

Sunday 15th Rabi ul Awwal 1439
6:15 pm Good Evening !
Mann the whole street is now deserted except for the guard and sindh police increased strength not a single street child means everybody is invited and must be taking showers or baths so in an hour the overflowing will be a streaming LOL
Okay who cares lets have a dairy milk and move on .

So this week i only played farmville 2 country escape for my second farm on co-ops yes the poor farmers farm  and i believe i did very well going up two levels in one week . Don't understand why my farm animals are all in the open in this snow ??????? there is no animal shed or shelter available here the fences are also limited .

Did not buy much stuff and machines from the market tried to save all the keys but have no idea how i lost so many . Definitely not going to buy a crop SILO for this farm because takes control away and i cannot sell my crops when i want to sell and who i want to sell .
Did not buy the merryweather mine for this farm as well because it is so hard to get the basic requirement for the farmhands to start a task here . So the poor farmer avoids it now lets see how the rich farmer and co-ops master does next week he is on the level 24 still five levels ahead and if he makes it two levels this coming week then it will be nearly impossible to ever catch up justly .  But my decision to not have a Crop SILO for this farm is firm .
Okay i should have taken a break ten minutes ago because if i go now i may not be able to come back before ayesha gul break . okay anyway lets see

6: 58 pm Break ( 3414 words)

7:43 pm Okay less than twenty minutes so all i can do is to post the dinner pictures and take a break 

Okay so after eating this mutton pulao and chicken yakhni my forehead is sweaty so i don't feel like sitting here locked in the room and do the blogging any more . and also the street action is picking up people getting ready to go to the parties and all . So i better go out enjoy and then the ayesha gull will start in few minutes so it is time for a long break again But even if i don't get to come back i believe i have reached a very respectable words count on the words counter for this my the Sunday Blog # 87 . Yes this blog will easily go beyond four thousand and five hundred words tonight . Okay

7:59 pm Break ( 3556 words)

9:34 pm Yes So now i still have inner net amazing ! LOL
Still don't understand why some body even cared if i do or do not do the Sunday Blog # 87 and if i publish it as i go or do it after completing it or even if i publish or not publish after completing and save it for a rainy day or if there is a rainy day today or a rainy day tomorrow or there is no rainy day this winter season at all . It is 25 deg C in most clocks and 26 deg C in this room next to the kitchen . Honestly i think i should also hang a thermometer clock in the kitchen as well then i will not feel that this room is the hottest in the home .

So the street children are not being allowed on the street for some odd reason that i am not aware of But their playful sounds are getting louder by the minute especially after they had visitors from other stashed confinements elsewhere near by perhaps . Anyways
Ah the tea i brought few minutes ago is now finished so i better go and re fill the cup or is it very soon i should wait a little while and try and make it to the four thousand words mark on the words counter for this my the Sunday Blog # 87 before getting up and going out to see if there is hot tea still available or not . Honestly speaking i have had enough of tea and food mostly liquids that now i have mulla belly . So i believe i should not eat anything till the morning but i don't think that is happening . I have had enough sleep today so after i finish this my the Sunday Blog # 87 i will be feeling hungry again and my mind will be extremely exhausted so i may have to eat and drink some thing or i may not be able to sleep soundly as i did this afternoon or as i did last night .
I may be a little over weight according to my dear elder brother but when i go out for the winter walks as i did for the fortnight from the Ist of rabi ul Awwal to the twelveth and especially on thursday evening in search of the easypaisa open outlet as well as the eid-i-milaad lights and illumination almost double the winter sunny walk distance and with crazy traffic of tariq road i felt it was still a no sweat for me . I can still walk miles without getting exhausted or thirsty . Wished there was some place in jamshed town where i can walk for atleast five to ten miles with seeing a soul and especially a motor cycle and spitting pathan .

Anyways i have crossed the  four thousand words mark so i can get up now and first i will have some water and then some tea . Okay this reminds me that in almost all turkish soap serials dubbed in urdu language and shown after censor to us daily or on week ends tea or coffee at home is never served with a glass of water. Why ?
Okay never mind
Oh i was a little early the tea is being made fresh so i will get fresh tea with milk if i wait a few minutes or i can take it without milk right now . We use powered milk because the media spread rumours about the packed milk cartons . Recently one of major players in this industry has introduced a smaller then the smallest packet and now this week we see advert of a five rupee less small of the smallest by another top player of the industry . Bachay sonchtey bahut haein pata nehein keun ? Google translate -- بچے سونچتے بہت  ہیں پتا نہیں کیوں؟ Why do not you listen to your child?
Anyways we had sweet kheer made of that packed milk and it was ok i guess . Still powder milk is more convenient and healthy But its price is increasing very rapidly and there are no check and balances so you cannot be really sure if its even milk LOL

 One more thing that troubles me a lot is that How much milk is required on average daily for a mega polis like karachi of over 20 million people drink and eating a lot of dairy products not just milk in tea or yogurt and how many cows and buffalo can provide for them daily  ??  No its not a trick question or a riddle its a simple maths question If i had worked out during the Musharraf era maybe i wasn't cursing my self today for the NRO or begging the US for its repeal or abolishing .
Oh by the way the US defense Secretary of India james mattis is arriving in Pakistan on Monday In dollar term it is equal or equivalent to saying by the Bitch " ye aap kay lian nahein hai "
And even if it was i could have not commented today just like i never do on anything that is not have happened before the mid night Sunday Night before the monday morning . So tonight i will finish the this my the Sunday Blog # 87 and will eat and sleep after playing a little farmville 2 country escape and let the indians sleep on it only if they can ....LOL
Okay there is still time but i have reached the four thousand five hundred words target before eleven twenty so now i move on to the movies of the week and then do the closing .

Raabta (2017)Raabta Poster

Tumhari Sulu (2017)Tumhari Sulu Poster

War Dogs (2016)War Dogs Poster

Takers (2010)Takers Poster

I Hate Luv Storys (2010)I Hate Luv Storys Poster

EuroTrip (2004)EuroTrip Poster

Collateral Beauty (2016)Collateral Beauty Poster

Okay Raabta turns from action comedy to horror maybe nobody noticed because they already left or gone to sleep like me . 
Tumhari  sulu could have made me forget the begam jan so i quit . 
War dogs is cable's favorite so even though i have missed a couple of times before i finally understand what happened . 
taker is okay not the Italian job but ok 
Have watched i hate luv storys before just did it again to make sure i haven't missed or forgotten anything 
Euro trip is fun to watch and even though its old it was fun. 

Okay i watched the Collateral Beauty only an hour before mid night while watching the eidi show and turkish soap pyaar lafzon mein so i need more time to thing if its was really good or bad . It was on today as well so it wont go away any time soon will catch up and then comment but the truth is that it have made me think just like the death said . LOL

So this is it yes it was a very good week as they say i did not miss a thing this week and the best thing is that i survived the Mosquitoes attack have never been with so many mosquitoes in my life seem really odd but it is true . the gone winter did not even call to let us know where its been all week . And honestly no body even cared because we were busy celebrating the eid Milaad of the Holy Prophet peace be upon him . 

Okay so its time to end this my the Sunday Blog # 87 with best wishes and hopes for a happy and healthy week ahead . So here i leave this my the Sunday Blog and you all with a movie song i like honestly this was not in my mind for today but it came up randomly as i opened the youtube site so maybe its a good thing that i leave today with this because sooner or later i would have posted it here anyways so why not today ? But if i later find out that i have already posted it on any of my previous sunday blogs then well what difference does it makes anyways ....LOL
No honestly it is a good song and iam sure every body will love it if it is understood . Okay So its good bye and Allah Hafiz
God Bless America !

Tinka Tinka [Full Song] | Karam | Priyanka Chopra

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