
Sunday 26 March 2017

The Sunday Blog # 51

Today is the 26th of March 2017 the 26th of Jamadi us sani 1438 till the Sunset (6:46 PM)  And this is my the Sunday Blog # 51 .
It was a really hot day today here in karachi well actually it was one of the first hotter days after the very convincing winter here in karachi . Infact as you may very well remember that we had winter this year that keep coming back again and again with or without the rain . The real cold winter usually comes after the rain or with a chilly wind . Even the Sunshine this winter was cold not anything like today when it was okay inside or in the shades and really really hot outside . There was a definite 7-8 degrees difference in outside temprature . I went out to get a glass of lassi at zuhr time and they asked me for ten rupess extra Rupees Sixty instead of Rupees fifty for a normal glass of lassi made of curd or yogurt . Somebody once told me the difference or may be i read it some where my self the difference between yogurt and Curd . No i don't or can't remember it right now so let me google it and share it here But remember that since it is a research based sharing I wont mind if it adds up to the word Count . But if later in the coming future or some time after the publishing of this My the Sunday Blog # 51 Some institution or an individual of intellectual standing in my eyes or even a person i admire or care about , Objects to this addition by way of Copy and Paste from wiki or any published article or an extract from a certain and reputed source searched through a reputed Search Engine such as Google , is shared by me here to confirm or elaborate my point of view or understanding of the word or a subject matter in order to be able to clarify and make my subject matter more comprehensible for a common reader not very educated or well versed in the subject or having difficulty in understanding a word or a phrase that has some special literary or scientifically proven and educationally understood meaning or inclination to a reachable understanding which may be clear and conclusive for both the general as well as educated and well versed in that particular field of expertise or has a clear or better than average understanding than normal understanding not really a command on the topic or anything related to the topic , Then i will have to instead of copy and paste as a text convert this copy and paste matter into a clip art image and then copy image and paste image thus removing all or any addition to the words count and still having the explanation or meaning of the word or the extract of scientifically proven and published word to not only explain my point but also help make understaning of the subject much much easier . just like this here .
Yogurt is a dairy product that is created by bacterial fermentation of milk using 'yogurt cultures'. The bacteria causes fermentation of lactose and produce lactic acid. Curd is a dairy product obtained by curdling with an edible acidic substance such as lemon juice or vinegar, and then draining off the liquid portion.
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1:40 am Break !

3:55 am So it seems that i doze off and fall asleep completely for almost two hours when a concerned neighbor thought that if i missed these few hours and lag behind in words count i might feel very bad in the morning when i wake up so they started a huge fire works and the police band to wake me up at 3:15 am or they may be celebrating the silver jubliee of the 92 world cup . 
Anyways Thank you and good luck . 
Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling, people standing and drink 4:18 am Power Shut down thank you very much . I was just beginning to feel nostalgic looking back at the 92 cup pictures okay wait let me get up and shut down the router and stuff that has switched to UPS with no luck because our service provider is no longer a backed up as it use to be so now when my power goes out theirs goes as well . equal equal ! 
4:25 am power restored yay !

Image result for roasted black grameating dry roasted channa or black gram with tea and i think i am about to doze off again and will probably miss the fajr and the walk again the Sun Rise today is around 6:30 am and its about two hours away only . The only possible way of staying awake for the next hour and few minutes is if i go to the kitchen and start making me a good breakfast . Anyways lets move on to something very interesting news of the day yes the floor crossed local government representatives of my city government under the leader ship of the city mayor refused to take 100 toyota cultus of 1000 cc as gift by the sindh government and demanded better . okay i can't find the image of the lined up cars with GSD number plates i saw on news channels but if i did some time today i will post it here . 

So the question is for how long these KMC jamadaars will take to settle in . And what if in the next general elections the same party wins both the centre and sindh ? Will they still continue to act like this or will they stop the bikering concentrate on their work instead of trying to get media attention all the time and plus . According to the unwritten constitution of Pakistani Politics when ever this happens that both centre and sindh has the same party ruling its usually the Karachi City Government that vanishes or goes into submission . The karachi leadership and karachi local government only flurishes in the Army or military rule . Don't have a clue as to why this happens every time but this is a statistical fact which cannot be denied . It was the PPP rule that used Army or military against MQM in 92 and abolished the most Popular CDGK in 2010 ( Happy Valentines') .

5:32 am can hear the Azan now got to go . 

10:20 am Good Morning !
first tweet of the day 

Sun 26th jamadi us sani 1438
The Drive time on the fourth Sunday in lent 2017 is a complete wheel jam in the neighborhood streets Thank God i am Busy ⌨️

Did not go out for walk fell asleep immidiately before sunrise as expected and woke up around nine about an hour ago since then only had a cup of tea without sooper cookies as the whole box is empty feed to the cat who bruised me with her paws the other day looks at my food with malevolent eyes . I have no idea how many of her new born survived since she moved them from the blanket on my dearly departed parents (may their soul rest in peace in heaven Amen ) prayer matt seaty (chuki) . Here i wish to make it very clear that i don't like cats very much and will never
have them as pets especially around my food if i have the choice . I really don't like uncaged pets not for my own or any body else no matter how pretty or clean they are because all animals are predictable . Anyways my elder sister who is also the regular reader of this Sunday blog told me recently that she feels like a young boy is writing this blog telling everything when i wake up when i eat sleep etc etc ...

okay wait phone ringing let me check . 10 : 44 am 
10: 50 am yes it was my dear brother calling from abroad and asking why there is disparity in my skype accounts on smart phone and computer ( he used the brand name but i am not for readers who may have difficulty ) Anyways thanks for calling Love you too !

So where were we before this ...oh yes young boy seems very true when i look at this para about cat troubles . So true i feel the same here definitely But definitely not always besides the fact that i have not yet come across a boy or even a girl who could read and write an average of three thousand words or more every Sunday for a whole year without a break under different weather conditions and pressures and on so many different topics under the sun . And i am not very hopeful to meet somebody very soon becuase i wont enter a competion or any write a thon and kids around me are not going to grow into a writingBots on their own so I chill and relax and prepare my self for another facebook meet up with brunch or breakfast as it has been too long since i last ate fourteen hours or more . I also have to update my siblings about this recent call from abroad . We do that very fondly it is our very very favorite past time and also help us understand and share our thoughts or any related news or events or views . It is very good sometimes if miss or did not understand the actual conversation or the intent of the caller . Especially because people talk very quickly and briefly on the long distance and  we are only able to catch half of the sentences if the connections are not very good . So i'll be back soon hopefully and with some food pictures to brighten this my the Sunday Blog # 51 .  (1578 words)

11:11 am Break 

12:29 pm Yes the Facebook Meetup was good and since there has been too many power shut downs since the earth hour we choose to clear the freezer before cooking anything new or bringing take away . so here it is what we had for brunch but first today we had a new multi colored Rose it is small but looks good and the desi roses which usually last a day were cut and looks even better on the table . The bouquet of roses that was sent by my very dear brother because of some miss understand in the dates are now fading so they are also on the table in the plate instead of mug vase . I am sure it will be the last of them today . Thanks once again ! Image may contain: plant, flower and natureImage may contain: flower, plant and natureImage may contain: plant, flower and nature
Image may contain: flower and plant

Image may contain: flower, plant and nature
Image may contain: flower and plantImage may contain: flower and foodNo automatic alt text available.Image may contain: foodImage may contain: food

So after an Amazing winter in terms of food with all the hot and spicy food especially home cooked nihari and bar be Que with love and devotion , i am now back to the point where not eating hot and spicy Muraqqhan food ( proteins and Fats ) makes me weak and dull and eating makes me sweaty and sleepy with rashes and boils on skin and face . And if there is a power shut down as well then people freezing to death in minnesota and st petersburgh cannot imagine at all how i feel even on a full stomach . Image may contain: 1 person, screen

So its seven minutes past one pm and now i need to take another break hopefully i do not have to eat any more because not only i will not be able to stay up any longer with sweat dripping down my forehead profusely i may not be able to maintain the wit and flare in my writting even if some how the ambience or Ambient negativity constantly Routed by those promised wonderland somebody i don't even know or could ever find out funny isn't it . See its been too long since i ate last about an hour ago so my forehead is now almost dry and i am getting my sarcasm back Good 
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Now i am about to go on another break with almost two thousand words on the words counter which is very good because now i can relax and enjoy activities of the builders mafia inside my house more and also on the street . Because of the fan with a sound there is little chance of being able to hear the Sunday Church Vendors haven't heard any yet its not possible that no body has cried out loud till Zuhr prayer time (2000 words ) 

The Aslaaha jee numaish assan jay ghar je dewar aein darwazo taein ta hina waqat taein pahanji pojani aate pohti wanji hondi ta ho ta maa miss karey chadinda waiya aahein per khair aa heeya silsilo ta haley weenda rahein do aahyaan . Pahanjo paanrd free entertainment builder mafia tarfaan . Sub Allah saein jo karam aa daadoo suthoo tame paas thi raheo aa . Hum chai nal ta harne yaad bhi kono aaeindo aa . Image may contain: 5 people
Khabar kaaney  bhalla bhindo jo cha hal chaal aahey . Allah saein sabne jo roti tukar maani jaari rakhay . Sadaein Aabaad ! 

1:44 pm Break (2095 words) 

4:08 pm Another amazing break and meet up Image may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: food

4:23 pm okay so i can hear the King Kone cry and to think that he is here in this Hot weather amazed at his resolve . But what can one do against this kind of slavery where there is absolutely no chance of becoming a Kosem Sultan ever !
And talking of Kosem sultan this week ending with kosem losing her most respected Enemy the grand mother of his dear Husband the Sultan Ahmed as well as her mentor Ever since this series begin on the channel Urdu 1 with urdu dubbing i have felt that i am watching a game of Chess between the two Kosem sultan and safia Sultan . Image may contain: 2 people, closeupImage may contain: 5 people, people standingImage may contain: 2 peoplewith kosem sultan losing almost all moves due to lack of experience and judgement . It would be very interesting to see how kosem sultan survives without such a great opponent and  arch nemesis

(something that a person cannot conquer, achieve, etc.: The performance test proved to be my nemesis. an opponent or rival whom a person cannot best or overcome. (initial capital letter) Classical Mythology. the goddess of divine retribution.)

It was lots of fun watching the points in kosem sultan story where she was reminded very seriously of not to become an other Safia Sultan but she did not listen and do you know why ? Just because she had a Role model to look up to and to learn from her day to day moves . I am so sure even if this character is fiction the real Kosem Sultan in her real life must have done many things just imagining herself in her (safia Sultan ) place . How many time we put ourselves in some bodies place especially in the place of a well respected and admired person like a role model or an elder the one with whom we are so inspired in our life and work . No automatic alt text available.
Even though the Kosem Sultan story is yet to unfold many many non similar events as it is not even half way yet But after watching it very regularly and reading the end of the story through wiki pedia and other historical web sites on the internet while searching the google i can truely and honestly say that kosem sultan and the Safia Sultan poison that she learned to live with and survived was the real difference between his husband sultan ahmed and the current sultan Osman losing his throne day by day and probably be killed by halima sultan followers before the Fifth Sunday in Lent 2017 with the Army and clergy needing and wanting her again to rule . Image may contain: 3 people, people standing

5:20 pm Break (2530 words )

6:28 pm  where in the world have you heard that some body cooking a mutton pulao for two hours suddenly realize that it also need rice Any ways i went to the shop and brought rice and curd or yogurt or dahi and vegetable patis pastrie and potato chips (wafers) . and on the way back a driver in a cultus with a cultus on the left and a cultus on the back asked for directions . So i am not going to comment on this until i do some research LOLImage may contain: foodImage may contain: food

6:40 pm Break (2622 words )

27th Jamadi us sani 1438
7:15 pm
Good Evening !

So from now till the end of this my the Sunday Blog # 51 or the Fourth Sunday in Lent 2017 my going out is optional that is if i want to or need to go out i can but i am not required to go out because the dinner is ready and as soon as i take a break our facebook meet up and dinner will begin after the food pictures photo shoot . These days i get very little time to take pictures But i never give up because people and policies change and keep on changing . So why should i give up on my habits and Fun Hobby . It is not that i do it for any reward or acclaim or praise but it gives great pleasure when i see what i had last year on this day or the year before that and before that . Since Usually my eating habits have not changed much over the years and may be it will not change because i am not a real foodie yes it is very true i am not a real foodie . I eat whatever good and halal i get to eat easily . I never chase food to the ends of the world like most people . I don't go to or try to go to the new new eateries opening every now and then . I really don't like wasting money on food and especially wasting food . I don't mind eating a day old food infact sometimes i keep some leftovers in the freezer or fridge to eat when i am really hungry . or when there is no need to cook something . I might explain this sentence some other time just take my word for it.
I can cook as i have been experimenting cooking since very young age but recently i have really lost my craving for cooking mostly because of the dripping sweat makes me feel very bad while doing anything and Cooking usually needs heat which make this sweating even worse than in any other pursuit of Happiness . Thanks to my very dear Siblings i usually have food multiple time of the day before regular meal times . So even if i want to go out to eat or bring takeaway i have to be very quick or plan ahead and bring it early . Some snacks are very welcome in our diet such as the samosa . I brought beef biryani yesterday for lunch which was a very rare event and luckily it was very well recieved at the table no arguements at all no establishing links with the Builder mafia and the restaraunt LOL No automatic alt text available.

A cool and attractive image here not necessarily related to the topic may help in editting later . Anyways the good news is that i have crossed the three thousand words mark on the words counter So it a break time and facebook meet up time and dinner time Image may contain: text
7:56 pm Break (3117 words )

8:59 pm yes i am back but after two meals and both very very rich in you know what . So should i start with the tale of the two in order or the recent one ? after i finished the photo shoot of the dinner i sat down and filled my plate brother said to wait for the little sister's chaapa can you believe she and her family is here and they also brought takeaway so this must be the first sunday in lent 2017 that i have eaten dinner twice and believe me it was not the supper so as a result i am sweating like never sweated before in this lent 2017 . O God ! Merci !Image may contain: food
Image may contain: foodImage may contain: food

Image may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodNo automatic alt text available.Image may contain: food

okay now back to the main menu as the original plan . Image may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: food

9:20 pm Break ( 3242 words ) 

10 :11 pm So i am back and the forehead is almost dry now . Sisters family left few minutes ago . Uncle from canada called on the phone and Pakistan have won the toss in the Twenty twenty against the west indies . most news channels are runing the ticker about match fixers i don't understand that after taking some players back in the team and PSL after being sentenced and punished what do we expect from the poor players obviously they would think that people and the media will say bad things for sometime and they will be banned and in few months they will be back in the team so why not ? everybody loves easy money . So Now i am beginning to think that its not just the law and order problem why international teams refuse to play in Pakistan I am sure that in few years the international teams even if not the cricketing bodies does  take a stand against Pakistan team , will say No to playing anywhere in the world with Pakistan team because of match fixing players corrupting all the international players . If that day comes then we will have to make changes in the PSL . More teams more local players , woman players , and above all Match fixing will be allowed and rewarded with the Best match fixer award of the tournament for any player or a group of players who fix a match and make the most money doing it . The organisers and sponsors will double the amount as a reward and their name will go in the hall of fame . It is the only way to clear the Name of our dear country and set an example to be followed by other lovers of the game world wide and in Australia . lol

10: 33 pm Break ( 3540 words )

11:00 pm last hour of this my the sunday blog # 51 . So first lets move on to the movies this week .

3.I Am Not a Serial Killer (2016)
4.Grown Ups 2 (2013)
5.The Infiltrator (2016)
6.Hands of Stone (2016)
7.Beauty and the Beast (2017)

Honestly i was desperate to wake up early for the fajr and walk so i wasn't really interested in watching these movies this week and fell asleep in almost all except for number 4 which i watched on WB movie channel . Still i finished the first three . and there is nothing special about the number 7 . My Humble request for all the fairytales in the pipeline producers to wait patiently during the first trump term in office its not easy to make a fairytale movie with people so distracted by the whitehouse . LOl
Image may contain: 7 people, people smiling, people sitting, table and indoor

And talking of distracted this week we had a census team visit our house and meet with the family and interviewed us and filled the form . And before leaving the lady enumerator said and i quote " Aap logon se mil kay bahut acha laga " ( it was very nice meeting your family ) But honestly we had more fun answering their question form . they asked only the personal basics already known to NADRA and few other data bases . few basic questions about the house , rooms , bathrooms , how old it is and how we own it . Some other things like the utilities such as water , electricity , phone landline , mobile , computer , internet , television , radio and newspapers .
we unsubscribed the newspaper few years ago so it was an only NO tick .
people living abroad were only counted obviously because they cannot be expected to use the landline or electricity and definitely not the internet and newspapers not even for wrapping Nan .

Well i wish the success of the Census 2017 !

so do we still have the time to discuss the new Cola War and the new dimentions . I am not sure as it is too early to count the exit of feminism from Pakistan a reality But there definitely is smoke so who cares if there is fire or not .

Anyways so this is about time where i end this my the sunday blog # 51 . Hope this week has a cool weather and not the kind of hot which appears to be coming our way . Also a wish that the prices of egg and chickens and other food stuff remains under control all week and especially in the lent 2017 . All the Best to All . Be back next week with more energy and vigor and probably better subjects and topics .  until then good bye and a very nice week to all and me and my friends all over the world and karachi .here is one of my very favorite song from a very favorite movies of all times

Tere Bina - Guru 

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