
Saturday 11 March 2017

Day 10

It is getting cold and windy tonight . And they say there is a huge fire somewhere in a factory Oh yes the biggest fire of the year 2017 . 
Image may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: food

7:45 am No broadband cable and the telenor data bundles are changed so i don;t know the safest code to dial . have eaten the nulli nihari from the fridge . So no going out now i am sweating so i thing i should go and bring some eggs and bread okay i think thats a good idea Before i sleep again.

3:30 pm So the Broadband is restored with a breaking news at 3:00 pm that Veena Malik divorced (khula) Khattak through Court .Okay

Anyways i went to market brought eggs and Bread and sooper waited for the broadband and net and then decided to sleep woke up at mid day had lots of tea , did some gardening . waited for broadband and net . when broadband was retored Auto set the Channels . and since then here i am on the net posting stuff that i could not earlier like this first morning tweet .

--It may look odd now because the weather has completely changed . the cold wind has stopped . and the veena malik # tag on twitter is climbing up to the top with a Attested copy of  decree . Just to avoid any denial later on No automatic alt text available.

The Sad part is it is dated 31.1.2017 and today it is 11.3.2017. Anyways

BETOLD ! Image may contain: 1 person, standing

5:25 pm Now there are good things and bad things about the social media and especially the facebook . I am sure everybody knows the bad things about social media and especially the facebook . So the Good thing is that it reminds us of the good things in our life things that may mean a lot to us only if we can remember them on time . Like the facebook reminds me that it is my dear Niece Happy Birthday who lives very far away and cannot be disturbed by me on her very important Happy Birthday So i hope that my food pictures will . Image may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: food
10 :56 pm The wind is gone but there is that wintery feel don't know if it will stay all night . probably will . so the morning could be colder .

A traffic jam of a very different kind at one of the leading super stores of Karachi .

 Good Night ! 

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