
Sunday 5 March 2017

The Sunday Blog # 48

Today is the 5th of March 2017 the 5th of Jamadi us sani 1438 till sunset and this is my the Sunday Blog # 48 .
This has been a really wonderful first week of Lent 2017 . The weather here in karachi remained almost the same that is sunny and dry . Very little cloudy and windy . Extremely favorable for the Mango flowers . Rose plants and also the grass that i trasplanted on the same principle of hair transplant as seen on Metro1News Morning Delight Morning Show with Dr Rafia . Since easter is near just forty days away and the first Anniversary neighbourhood baba who died on last good friday . There is no chance of our gutter (sewerage) being open any time soon so there wont be any shortage of the finest quality manure water and solid waste fertilizers for my grass and plants . For the first time in my life i am so confident of passing the professional gardeners examination with flying ..Image result for face palm gif
Thanks for all the good advice maybe some day i might take it for a change of pace Image result for face palm gif
Anyways i got away this week with not having to watch the Oscars or Blogging about during and after can you believe this . must be a crime in some un explored dimentions now that i have got away i am beginning to wonder why in the world did i spent so many man hours on such a futile and fruit less excercise which of course was a complete waste of my time of course it was at least for me it was to wait and watch and sleep then abruptly waking up then watch it again half sleep and again falling to sleep during the commercials and hating the orchastra playing while over excited recipients of the so called prestigious awards being hurled away from the stage as if there name is Khan Image result for face palm gif
Talking of Khan our very dear cancer Khan lahori had two shocks of his life this week or may be more but i am only aware of the two . Yes peshawer zalmi winning the third play off and the governments decision of going to parliament for FATA reforms . His defensive mellow tone is so amazing in the television interviews it feels like i am watching a ramazan transmission of iftar time .
Okay this reminds me that i am feeling a little hungry now despite having three meals yesterday so how about if i have an early breakfast now its 2:00 am and because i am in a very relaxed mood and enjoying all sorts of gif and media to spread across the whole length of my the Sunday Blog # 48 because of which i am a bit slow in the words count so if i get up to eat i may waste about an hour because nothing is ready except the icecream and after preparing the food and eating it i may not be able to return to this my the Sunday Blog # 48 at 3:00 am in the morning But who cares as here i am crossing the five hundred words count . Okay so break fast it is . Good Night !
3:21 am Yes i am back after the break fast and a special face book meet up . The fire works some where in the neighbourhood must have woke her at 2:45 am . The lawlessness in this town and megapolis is a never ending story just like my share dis regard for the meal timings and norms . Image may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: food
Anyways , lucky me i did not have to do a thing to prepare this early very early morning break fast at 3:00 am . And even though i had already said good night and i am in no mood to continue doing this my the Sunday Blog # 48 before sleeping for few hours I thought since i have publish my intention of a break fast so it would be more gentlemanly of me to post the update before going to bed . you never know when you might die in sleep and people and visitors to my blog site may keep waiting and waiting just like some times i see a very nice blog and start wondering why this blogger has not done a recent post in years after such a good first few . May be because we start blogging during our school or university days when we get familier with the social media and begin to explore this new world and then suddenly get married with kids and stuff and have no time to fool around or even remember the login pass words to some social media sites especially the bloggers and word press . Married people in my clan are a very interesting breed . People stop making them friends until they have kids in good private universities and by that time they had developed a very keen sense of distrust which may have definite nomenclature in psychology as well as something even better in Psychiatry Image may contain: 4 people, people smiling, people standing
Okay its almost half an hour passed since i had the break fast so its time to sleep now and there is no chance of coming back till the very definite morning which on a quiet and serene first Sunday in Lent could be very late till the noon . so once again its good night or since its 4:00 am almost so never mind just sweet dreams . Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, closeup
10:39 am Good Morning !
first tweet of the morning
Sun5th Jamadi us sani 1438
The very same weather as yesterday and the day before . Just as expected till drive time our front and most parking vacant street quiet🌞☀️☕️
Image may contain: flower and foodImage may contain: flower and foodImage may contain: plant, flower and natureImage may contain: flower, plant and nature
Image may contain: plant, flower and nature
okay so earlier this morning before going to sleep i must have been to sleepy because i did not notice that i was so close to the first thousand words mark on the words counter or i might have added a few more lines to cross the first thousand words before going to bed which i am about to as i type this . Wants to add a line edit in the text above but i better not or maybe i should who cares .
10:53 am banging on the door its the fish free delivery guy Image may contain: 1 person, text
  1. lack or loss of appetite for food (as a medical condition).
    • an emotional disorder characterized by an obsessive desire to lose weight by refusing to eat.
      noun: anorexia nervosa; plural noun: anorexia nervosas
never mind him nobody does anymore . its the first of the month week so door banging may continue till sunset . When my dearly departed Ammi may her soul rest in peace in heaven Amen !.. was alive the first one to bang the door was her dear brother on a very peaceful sunday like these . Thank God he has a very large family to keep him extremely busy .
11:05 am Telenor free facebook spam first of the first sunday in lent . i am trying to recharge the mobile its plugged in  damn it ! Image may contain: 1 person, eyeglasses and closeup
Oh no another Ghazi Attack ! 11:13 am ten nine eight seven six five four three two two minus quarter two minus half two minus two third ... nothing on the sonar . wave sounds No automatic alt text available.
this is too chillin to take a break here and re fill my cup of tea .
12:42 pm The King Kone is up early been here for over past five minutes Sun meridian 12:43 pm
12 :46 pm leaving ....gone . Praiseth the Lord ! Amen !
LOL ! 
Papa may his soul rest in Peace in Heaven Amen !.. loved these desi Gulab rose more because it has the scent of a rose and the color of a Rose and the shape of a rose and the Rose petals are very useful for a number of food and medicinal derivatives both fresh and dried . Ammi May her soul rest in Peace in heaven Amen !.. also loved these desi gulab Rose . always kept rose water and rose fragrance . But despite loving and using these desi gulab Rose very fondly the one thing that was very common among us was that we admired the colourful shaded genetically engineered unscented english roses just as much . Never truly understood Shakespeare's line "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet".
I so hope these other plants of colourful Unscented english roses under my care survive the extremly hot and humid karachi Summers . Amen ! Image result for gif scent
So it is 1:28 pm got to go probably be back after the prayer and lunch break .
2:55 pm Awesome facebook meet up followed by great lunch Image may contain: people eating, dessert and foodImage may contain: dessert and foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: 1 person, food
Okay so now after this lunch i have only few minutes left to be here before i fall on the ground from the chair . gif laptop chair transparent
No of course not i am not sitting on the computer Ha Ha Related image
okay those few minutes are now gone as my forehead is sweating or perspiring whatever so i have to shut down and lie down right now oh no i am just a line or two short from the fifteen hundred words in the words counter okay now less than ten so i believe i did it Yes !
Image result for gif laptop
5:55 pm had a very good sleep . So it was not a chaapa Sunday . infact the neighbourhood is also very peaceful very tiny small small kids are playing cycling  under the watchful eyes of parents and security guards . But if the Karachi Memons were playing in lahore today it would have be totally different picture here . Both Sound and fury on our road and streets around . I am just like that some times i not only thank the Almighty Merciful Lord for the things i have or could have But also for the things i did not have or Could never have . Just Like Karachi Memons playing the PSL Finals . No automatic alt text available.
On a day like today the cliche' that " koi bhi jeetey sub team pakistan ki he hai " seems useless . As for today its not a just a game of Cricket . Its a test for the Punjab and Lahore Governments and the Police Which they have already failed . If they Can't organize a free and fair sporting event in Lahore then how can we expect them to provide justice , human rights and human dignity . Its a Big Thumps Down Booo !
Anyways its time for the maghrib soon got to go .
6th Jamadi us Sani 1438
7:40 pm
Good Evening !
I went to the mosque for Maghrib prayer and after that little walk . The normal traffic is usually low on sundays at this time but today it is lower than the lowest . Had fun walking on an empty quideen road went past the Noorani kabab had free aroma that too had a capacity empty . A new sweets mithai shop ( emporiam) is opening soon right next to the Noorani kabab House . Sirens please !! LOLRelated image
Oh no its Isha Azan time already i was just beginning to get started . Well The Stand up Air conditioners are now all opened and table Mounted . The Preparation for the cool cool ramazan in this years very hot and humid june july also includes cooler water dispensers. Last week before the 2nd play off they were from a different manufacturer and parent today i observed the factory packed water dispensers are from a very different manufacturer and parent . Choosing and picking has never been a very proud quality for them no wonder they were never able to agree on their own short lists 
Anyways there is so much time i am sure all will be up and running soon . I rarely use the extra facilities provided by the institutions runing on donations . And the main reason is my up bringing free from all encumbrances lol so i will probably never use the cooler water dispensers so i don't really care if its from one manufacturer or the other local or imported . And the Air conditioning will probably wont work so i dont care about that either but it is fun to watch the changes it will bring about in spread of germs and flu virus i so fondly call the weapons of mass destruction after these new gadgets and peripherials . Image result for face palm gif
I believe i have not only missed going out for isha i may also have missed another of the facebook meet up and dinner . So please allow me to go and check out what is going on in the offline real world around me . Be Back soon Hopefully .
9:51 pm Okay i had a sooper break No automatic alt text available.
Went to the market on an empty street . Only the desperate souls are on the streets at the moment No Chance at all of being mugged or mobile snatched . ya that dead is my town at the moment . Every body glued to the televisions or computers waiting for a nuclear blast in the stadium that may blow away sheikh rasheed and all his cyclones for ever and ever . Image may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: food
Well there was no time for a regular Sunday Dinner or meal so we had this and there is sooper to go So this is it from the food desk . Now move on to the movies of the week Image may contain: 1 person
  1. La La Land 
  2. Moonlight
  3. Ishq junoon: the heat is on 2016
  4. Kung fu Yoga 2017
  5. U me aur Ghar 2017 
Okay 1 and 2 is because of Oscars so never mind them i don't want to dignify a movie musical that begins with that score . 
3 . is very childish insane 
4 is jackie chen okay 
5 is okay nothing to brag about or be proud of . 
so now i take another Sooper break and check out how the lahoris are entertaining indian fans . 

11:12 pm An Absolutely hopeless final thank God i did not get involved in it at any level of the game . Not even today all i am enjoying is the way people of Pakistan are being over ruled in every step of the game . O look the police and rangers in the stand are not clapping 
So here i end this my the sunday Blog # 48 one of the most low scoring Sunday Blogs in months . Image result for rip gif
will analyze the reasons later some time if i remember to Since it has been great fun doing a live Sunday Blog keep updating as i go instead of doing it all day and then publish it all in one go at the end of the twenty four hours there was much less tension of being unable to be able to complete and post it in the end due to some or the other reason .
SO  here its time to end this blog first and what better to end it with some thing thats been there for me ever since it has been there for me a very catchy tune and awesome lyrics been in and out of my darkest hours and moments with me . hope to be in better form to be even better the next time with a longer Sunday Blog than this one .  Bye for Now be good take care and enjoy !

Savage Garden - Truly Madly Deeply   

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