
Sunday 19 March 2017

The Sunday Blog # 50

Today is the 19th of March 2017 the 19th of Jamadi us sani 1438 till the sunset (6:43 PM karachi) and this is my the Sunday Blog # 50 .
In our region and in most of the cricketing world and even in  other parts or the commonwealth where cricket and the royals are not very popular or known even as celebrity , Fifty or 50 is considered a first big achievement as a half century . Well done bravo you can do it , keep it up ! don't look back ! you are so close ! we support you ! God be with you ! This lad is the Best ! etc etc . But here for this my the Sunday Blog # 50 its not a half of anything or half way to any where . It is almost there already . Yes well according to the statistics there are 52 or 53 sundays in a year and since i began this journey on the 10th 0f April last year yes 2016 which fortunately was a sunday so this year on the 9th of April which is fortunately is also a Sunday mandatory so my 53rd Sunday Blog will complete first cycle or the Maiden Century so to speak . Since a lot is going on these day around me that i would be the last person in this world to be surprise if i did not make this century and get out on 99 so to speak .Image may contain: text But lets not jump to the conclusions just yet because I am here today and doing or did just fine so to speak .That is 300 words in less that an hour Tonight since i had beef ( don't ask what part of ) quorma with all sorts of experimental roti's ( breads) and also went shopping and watched pretty fiza ali in mid summer nights clothes bouncing on the floor on ARY so i think this sweating that i have tonight is for Summer part and rest for all the above . other than this i also watched or tried to watch Humpty Sharma Dulhania Movie on tv channel with soap ads in the last hours before midnight past half hour . Very convenient isn't it . So what i am saying is that technically i may be a little short three more to go exactly and struggling with these mosquitoes and abrupt power shut downs but psychologically and morally i feel on the other side already . Image may contain: 1 person, text
1:50 am First Break
2:50 am Okay i have no idea where the whole hour went because all i did was this Image may contain: food
So these days i am working on a conspiracy theory . nearly three years ago when the first Humpty Sharma movie was released . A new shopping  mart and a new Sweet Shop was opened on my way back from the juma prayers and the Mosque was Air conditioned . And before i was able to watch , Shop , taste or be cooled .. my dearly departed Ammi ( May her soul rest in peace in heaven Amen ! ) passed away . So now we have a sequel to the varun dhawan and Aliya movie that i watched yesterday . the shopping mart opened friday night . the new sweets shop is to be opened coming week and we all already know of the many Stand up Air conditioners waiting to be plugged in . So is it a coincidence or just another well planned insinuation . So is the Lord Almighty taking away this time . Somebody from the house ? Somebody from the family near or dear ? Somebody from the neighbourhood ? If anybody has a lead or idea please let me know and i promise not to mention his or her name in any of this my the Sunday Blog # .. Atleast not until the fasting seasons are gone over . and what if godforbid that person is none other but me myself and I Then it wont be any problem whether i mention or not and so the promise will be kept no harm done no damage control required . I specifically mentioned fasting season because The two elders of the neighbourhood who died the first and second year after my dearly departed Ammi ( May her soul rest in peace in heaven Amen ! ) passed away was in ramazan 2015 and Lent 2016 . Ah dado ji halwai's anniversary is also coming next week in lent . I am really surprised at the way his children and other survivors turned out to be . Totally !
And Talking of children the shameful BBC inteview video that went viral this week proved what i have said before to the real people many times "Spy Kids are Fake " ! 

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Anyways i was wondering if kelly's family and friends  knew about Kim and the vice versa because if they did then there should be no problem at all . But while we are at it may be we should try to imagine how they may be feeling after continuesly watching an innocent and sober looking professor exposed !
4:00 am Break Good Night or Morning Whatever !
9:14 am Good Morning !
the first tweet of the day
Sun19th jamadi us sani1438 27°C Good Morning on this the third Sunday in lent 2017 after a continuous 4 hour sleep i am still sleepy😴💤🌞☕️
The Good News is that the clerics from india gone missing have safely reached karachi well i don't have to get into the details as it is already all over the media and social media the other big news is that the former sindh info minister is back from dubai exile and since he had a pre arrest bail so the police let him go . He has finally decided to face the court . Or may be he had a deal with the then government . These days it is so complicated to say which government or what government . So most of the time it is better to let the government introduce herself before asking to take a selfie . 
In the past few very recent years it has been observed that most people accused of embazzling public funds and robbing the exchequer and then fleeing the country usually returns get all the media coverage appears before the court some even get locked behind the bars or have their names in the exit control lists more commonly known as the ECL ( kids easily understand it by that name ) get admitted to a hospital for a sudden illness their lawyers request permission for foreign treatment which the court so gladly adheres to and let them go . So they gladly returns and Partee !! Now the word return is politically correct when they are leaving and not when they are arriving at the Jinnah air port . I haven't kept the record or a list of these very recent political manuverings But i am sure there are many examples of this procedure being commonly used by the legal experts (so Called ) . Image may contain: 3 people
So the thing that comes to my mind is that why don't they cut the chase and speed up the process or set up a Branch office of the relevent Courts in Dubai , Sharjah , Muscat , London etc etc . In that case the Pakistan Media will also become global so to speak instead of Just Glo BOL .  No automatic alt text available.
Okay i am a lot slower than last week only twelve hundred words on the words counter till 10 am but if we knew what is happening around or could hear the builder Mafia surround sounds especially on my head then may be everybody agree that i am a lot slower than the Normal words per minute speed in the MOST Dangerous City of the World . Praiseth the Lord that still i am not on the Titanic playing LOLImage may contain: 2 people
10:05 am Break !
11:05 am A Sudden death can neither be predicted nor avoided .
Well i am talking too much death today not because i am in suicidal or something but because the builder mafia is expecting worse and i am definitely not in the mood of playing the range finding game So  we let them be left out LOL
Ever since i woke up after 8 am today i was cool and comfortable with the ambient and body temperature but now after having this breakfast i am sweating again on the forehead mostly So the Fan is on . Image may contain: food and indoorImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: food
Okay the strangest things has happened this week . I ate lot of greesy Spicey takeaway that usually causes food allergy But nothing happened . These Metabolic changes that keep happening all the time inside our bodies is so interesting that if i do nothing at all and just focus on my own mind and body I believe that i will need a few more life times to fully understand me . Praiseth the Lord who made it in a wink of an eye .
Okay the mouth is a little dry and the neck is a little stiff probably because of not lying down in the previous break or may be due to the fan above so here is another break also i did not have a proper facebook meet up today so i believe i should take another break now .
11:37 am Break
1:01 pm Though i could not eat all or any of this but the Facebook Meet up was good and i even got to straighten the back so i feel a bit refreshed yet sleepy need to go out and enjoy the sunshine that would or could do the magic i need right now Anyways this is what i did not eat at all except for a few cups of tea yes .Image may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: drink and coffee cupImage may contain: food
Our very dear Mr Donald Trump had a very tough week this week first he had to hire an indian chief of Medicare and Medicaid probably to give indians celebrating Holi a new color to look up to . Then Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, closeup
a judge from a long lost island far far away ruled is second muslim ban invalid . Next came the continued tapping of his towers during election campaign by the British and other five eye states (countries) . There seems to be no end to his bad hair day week as a very bad lookalike was contesting the netherlands general elections Suddenly he had to wish a very happy St patrick's day and meet ladies from across the altantic Image may contain: airplane and skyImage may contain: 1 person, standing
Anyways its good that while he is taking on the brexit leftovers he is letting the secTil deal with the foreign incomes Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, standingNo automatic alt text available.Image may contain: 6 people, people sitting and table
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Making America Great ! Image may contain: one or more people, dog, grass, child, outdoor and nature
1:53 pm Break
3:06 pm Please ignore what i am about to share of what i did in this break LOL Image may contain: foodImage may contain: food
Members of the civil society protest against killing of stray dogs in the port city

No automatic alt text available.Some interesting tweets on the karachi hash tag .
3:29 pm Easypaisa spam Apni pasand ki tasveer wala ATM card ghar bethay Rs 500 main ...Honestly i haven't used my No Tasveer Wala ATM yet .Need to turn on the fan wait .
yes where were we oh yes No i am not posting or sharing that picture tweet of Mr Khan here We have some moral standards i guess it could be a photo shop . LOl
So this easypaisa spam from telenor proves beyond doubt that i am not in rawalpindi because they are having a Full dress today and the better half of  twin city has pollen alert Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people standing
Slowly and gradually i am moving up towards the two thousand words mark on the words counter for this my the Sunday Blog # 50 .
I think i should stop checking the twitter till the rest of the day until i finish this my the sunday Blog # 50 today because once you start reading the tweets and checking the links a lot of time is wasted we can do it later on tomorrow or any given day other then Sunday . And I am sure this is not procrastination it is being wise ! And by the way just in case ...Procrastination is the avoidance of doing a task that needs to be accomplished. It is the practice of doing more pleasurable things in place of less pleasurable ones, or carrying out less urgent tasks instead of more urgent ones, thus putting off impending tasks to a later time.
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So believe me a very important task while doing a blog and especially this my the sunday blog # 50 or so on and so forth is a break because both the hard ware and software needs to be shut down at regular intervals to bring back the cool and be able to perform better for longer periods of time .
4:07 pm Break
6:10 pm second Facebook meet up , Back relaxed , bath and Shopping . Feel great !
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Okay so i guess thats it . less than twenty minutes to sun set which is at 6:43 pm. The Hammering has stopped and all the builder mafia has left me alone for the sunset . Interesting ? may be i should check the twitter lol or  the electronic media for some un usual Alien  activity Anyways who cares . No automatic alt text available.
6:34 pm Break
20th Jamadi us sani 1438
7:09 pm Good Evening !
Anyways i have An unbelieveble Abandant supply of very restless mosquitoes . The repellent is switched on , Finis or Mortein has been sprayed and the electrocuting net racket is also super charged BUT When you want to survive in the Most Dangerous City of the World THEN you have to bare such small misfortunes very gladly .
Amazing i can go slow these must have been the slowest hundred words in the history of this my the Sunday Blog # 50 and so on and so forth No automatic alt text available.
Before Kosem Sultan i did not knew that i had a liking for History in me . Or may be i had it in my Blood as Papa (may his soul rest in peace in Heaven Amen!) was totally into history in fact if he had not been a Taxman I am sure he must have been a historian or some sorts . But me ? No No No I never likes history I dream future Sci-Fi . Un imaginable things un explored worlds . Gadgets that work beyond our expectations . When i Did not even have a calculator of my own i dream of a hand held Computer . Praiseth the Lord I got to see un believeble things in this life. I always dream of Wireless Phones and used to play with imaginary walkie talkies . Can't say that i dream of skype and video conferences because the older kids had already imagined it and visualised it in movies like the Star trek . Flying cars and taxis has had a definite domain in my dreams . Anyways i will discuss my futuristic dreams some other time as there is plenty of time and space when it comes to this exercise called The Sunday Blog . or Simply the Blogging . And even if this site lost its existence to the chinese which seems like a far cry i will evolve in some form or format to continue this my the Sunday Blog as i have in the past whole year without a break or leave of absence not even for a single Sunday . Which proves One more Fundamental fact that i have survived the Biological weapons as well throughout the year . Absolutely positively unbelieveble !! Sheer Majestic ! Image may contain: 2 people, people sitting
Okay i have to take another break here and go check out the next facebook meetup before it gets cold feed to the cat. Ah 2500 words Cool !
7:54 pm Break
8:31 pm Ah Thank God i got there just in time ....
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So one of the most important issues this week on media which seems like a insect spray in the old dug out of Pakistan's Biggest Political Party . As they say too much of something is just as tough . The Basi Karhe ( Special curd pakora fry ) is always the safe bet . Something that can re vitalize the Rehmans of the Pakistan's Biggest Political Party Both here in Karachi and in the North America . Especially Popular among the American Muslims from Azad . 
SO the question is Why ? 
iS Panama delayed Is the Panama Denied ? 
Cancer Khan Clean Bowled ? 
Well this could also be Geo vs BOL !
But who cares I am sure very sure that if All American muslims from Pakistan over extending their welcome decides to return they wont stop else where and go directly to the Bahria town 

9:08 pm Break 

10 : 25 pm Okay so now i have only One and a half hour left to go slow slow and keep going on and on until the very very end . Sometimes it so happens especially in a test match where the skipper or the team decides that who ever is on the crease should stay there sometimes as a night watchman and sometimes when saving the wickets means saving the match . But even though here i am already won the series kind of position there is no way anybody may want me not to dock .
Okay so this was during  the last break of this the sunday blog # 50
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So as i was saying Kosem Sultan had a very bad week this week and so does Omer and alif  in kala paisa piyaar . Both turkish both dubbed and both on Urdu1 . Planned Haan ?

Now that is what makes kosem sultan more interesting than Kala paisa piyar . It has to follow the history one way or the other . So when they end the episode on a point where the lead is in near death state my heart and mind is very much at ease unlike the fiction where some times i begin to like the negative characters so much that i even forget who the lead is and Why ? or who should have been in the first place Image may contain: 1 person, textImage may contain: 2 people, people sitting and indoorImage may contain: 2 people, stripes

Now the Movies of the Week :

1.Legendary (2013)

 2. Commando 2 (2017)

3. Barely Lethal (2015)

4.Te3n (2016)

5.Badrinath Ki Dulhania (2017)


first is an accent movie about a beast or sea monster okay 
second is better then the first movie of the sequel a little fast paced but okay . 
third girl power Yay !
fourth is very good has two of my favorite actors and the story is awesome Thank God i got to see it this week desperately need it now . Good 
fifth is a sequel to the sixth same actors lead and different story and name , place animal and thing ... over obsession to DDlj and Aliya Bhut 
  1. the state of being obsessed with someone or something.

    "she cared for him with a devotion bordering on obsession"
    • an idea or thought that continually preoccupies or intrudes on a person's mind.
      plural noun: obsessions

      "he was in the grip of an obsession he was powerless to resist"

      fixation, ruling/consuming passion, passionmaniaidée fixecompulsionpreoccupationenthusiasminfatuationaddictionfetishcrazehobby horseMore
      Image result for alia bhatt childhood

      Okay so there is is still more than half an hour left to the mid night when i end this my the sunday Blog # 50 But before that the most unbelieveble thing is that despite me going too slow today i have already crossed the three thousand words mark on the words counter which seem a bit not possible a few hours ago but as you may have heard in the easter bunny stories its the slow and steady that always wins the race . unless we are in the race with our pe-ers to become more rich and more powerful instead of more loved and even more respected by pe-ers and non pe-ers alike 
11:30 pm Final Half Hour . Seems like the clock is moving very slow also anyways . It was Also fun today But hopefully next week my heart and mind will be more focused and body temperature under control and Ambience normal . With this wish and prayer for a very peaceful Fourth week in Lent 2017 and a very graceful 23rd March Parade of the Pakistan Day and Happiness and Prosperity for the People of Pakistan this week and always . Amen !

here i end this my sunday blog # 50 with one of my favorite songs of all and always and for ever
    • Whitney Houston - I Will Always Love You

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