
Sunday 12 March 2017

The Sunday Blog # 49

Today is the 12th of March 2017 the 12th of Jamadi us sani 1438 till sunset and this is my the Sunday Blog # 49 .
Today is also the second Sunday in Lent 2017 . The Whole week in lent went quietly but on friday the weather changed completely strong winds beging to blow and later in the evening it being to get cold . When i woke up the temperature was about 2-3 °C down inside don't know about outside but it really felt like winter is back or something . It was only a day earlier that my sister packed her blanket and quilts and i was about to as well as give away the sweaters for washing . And even though it is not so cold to be seen wearing warm clothes here in karachi but if somebody miss the winter here it is once again . The weather and especially the tropical weather is becoming more and more unpredictable . Until few years ago we did not have a long such as this spell of cold weather here in the port city of Karachi . There used to be a chilly windy cold wave believe to have come from Quetta also refered to as the Quetta wind . Everybody waited for that and then changed their wearing and eating habits for winter . This year the media and social media has reported that there has been more snow fall in quetta region than usual . so i was also expecting more severe cold weather this winter . Yes we had some winter and also some winter rain lashing karachi more than once . It was seen as a blessing by the rain and winter starved people of karachi both the blessed with Airconditioning and the  subtracted with Power Load Shedding alike .Image may contain: 1 person, standing  I Wonder how the poor people of Quetta under the snow survived the extra extra snow this season which must now be converted into rock solid waste of Ice which can neither be used for making gola ganda ( the Ice Candy ) or melting down and using as pure clean drinking water . Like i do first boil the water then freeze it and then let it melt on its own and as the water starts to melt i start drinking it love the icy water as long as it last even if its only dripping drops of iced cold water . My Life is so much fun . I bet some of these dispensered water drinkers may have never even tasted a melting ice water come to think of it the use of ice in our everyday summer drinks have nearly gone out . Although i do not visit people like me any more but the fact is that most people do not use ice or have ice or bring ice or keep water to make ice or there is ice available in every nook and corner of the town and markets as it used to few years ago . So now if i need ice for some reason then where would i go . Ofcourse to my filthy meat market off tariq road there they still have a few ice depots named like quetta , bolan etc . But even they are now converting to eateries or surrendering to the builders mafia . Now What is the purpose of an Ice depot if people don't like or want ice anymore . In my Childhood i remember very well that whenever some body died and there was some inordinate or force majeure delay in the burial then the first thing that used to be brought was very Large blocks of Ice from the these ice depots and that  very large blocks of ice used to be kept under or near the dead body to keep it cool and prevent it from decomposing soon . Nobody thought of bring very large blocks of ice for the bodies of my dearly departed parents (May there souls rest in peace in Heaven Amen! ) Papa (may his soul rest in peace in heaven Amen !) and Ammi ( may her soul rest in Peace in Heaven Amen !) May be because Papa's (may his soul rest in peace in heaven Amen !) Funeral was in december it wasn't very cold but it was not very hot either . And between hospital and graveyard there was only few hours of washing and dressing . And for Ammi ( may her soul rest in Peace in Heaven Amen !) had gone from hospital to cold storage because it was very late and she came all washed and dressed ready to go after the show of face by the grieving family and friends an hour and half maybe two max . So this is final the very Large Blocks of ice were not brought for any cooling and preserving the dead bodies of my dearly departed Parents May the Lord Almighty Allah forgive all their sins and give them the best and the highest place in janna Amen !
So the thing is that if what we are experiencing here in Karachi is not the ice chilly wind from the ice covered quetta then what if and when the extra extra ice from the snow fall this winter melts could we have some extra chill after winter in the spring season and what about water from the melting ice from the extra extra snow could it flood the hub dam ,pardon my french , or what is the worst case scenario could the Dam, pardon my french , be broken and some parts of karachi or most parts of karachi be flooded and not to forget that most parts of karachi is already flooded with stinky stagnant sewarage water from the over flowing gutters and nallas ( over flowing water drains and flood drains ) . Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, text
Oh my God its almost 1000 words without even changing the flow of the topic which is the unusual wintery winds in my neighbourhood , town and mega polis and the effects of extra extra snow fall in the quetta valley and neighbouring parts of the balochistan on karachi in the coming few days and months . I am not fully sleepy yet but the hardware needs to be cooled i believe so at over first one thousand words .Image may contain: food
2:33 am First Break
6:55 am Good Morning !
The First Tweet of the morning
Hot water bath fajr walk tea sooper cookies now back to Sunday blog its not windy or cold outside just Super Cool🕕🌅☕️🍪🙌🏿😄
 Image may contain: flower, plant and natureImage result for spongebob movie 2004
Image result for spongebob movie 2004So after watching the Spongebob Movie i fell or tried to fall asleep was up couple of times just to check the time and finally i was up at 5:30 am and did every possible trick of the trade to stay awake and ready to get ready to go at 6:00 am and i did took a bath against my better judgement went rushing out in strange weather with wet hairs i knew i was a bit late and did not expect to catch the whole prayer still went with a faster pace then usual and when i entered the mosque saw a man coming out peeped in saw everybody siting thought i am early or the prayer is delayed . then two more people came out as if they were leaving after prayer Then suddenly it dawned on me that the time of prayer has been changed a day before when i missed . Can you believe i could have made it twice today . Anyways now i am very free to go anywhere smells nice and clean too . How about going to the favorite ice depot for halwa puri or puri tarkari and pepsi breakfast ? it must be over crowded or may be after reading this my the Sunday Blog # 49 or seeing me coming they will shut down and sell the shop to the builder mafia here there everywhere !! LOLImage may contain: one or more people and people sittingImage may contain: 1 person, sitting, screen and indoorGul Az Rukhat Aamokhta Nazuk Badani Ra Badani Ra
BulBul ze tu AaMokhta Shireen Sukhani Ra, Sukhani Raﮔﻞ ﺍﺯ ﺭﺧﺖ ﺁﻣﻮﺧﺘﻪ ﻧﺎﺯﮎ ﺑﺪﻧﯽ ﺭﺍ ﺑﺪﻧﯽ ﺭﺍ
ﺑﻠﺒﻞ ﺯ ﺗﻮ ﺁﻣﻮﺧﺘﮧ ﺷﯿﺮﯾﮟ ﺳﺨﻨﯽ ﺭﺍ ﺳﺨﻨﯽ ﺭﺍپھولوں نے نازک بدنی آپ سے سیکھی
بلبل نے اپنی زبان کی مٹھاس آپ سے سیکھیFlower has learnt tender-being from your face,
And nightingale has learnt from you the sweet wordsﮨﺮ ﮐﺲ ﮐﮧ ﻟﺐ ﻟﻌﻞ ﺗﺮﺍ ﺩﯾﺪﮦ ﺑﮧ ﺩﻝ ﮔﻔﺖ
ﺣﻘﺎ ﮐﮧ ﭼﮧ ﺧﻮﺵ ﮐﻨﺪﮦ ﻋﻘﯿﻖ ﯾﻤﻨﯽ ﺭﺍ
جس نے بھی آپ کے ہونٹوں کو دیکھا تو دل سے کہا
حق ہے کہ کیا خوب یمنی عقیق ہیں
Whoever saw your red lips, praised them
Even the nicely carved carnelian of Yemen
ﺧﯿﺎﻁ ﺍﺯﻝ ﺩﻭﺧﺘﮧ ﺑﺮ ﻗﺎﻣﺖ ﺯﯾﺒﺎ
ﺩﺭ ﻗﺪ ﺗﻮ ﺍﯾﮟ ﺟﺎﻣﺌﮧ ﺳﺮﻭ ﭼﻤﻨﯽ ﺭﺍ
ازل کے درزی یعنی خدا نے آپ کی کیا خوب قامت بنائی ہے
آپ کے تن کو باغ کے سرو کی طرح سجایا ہے
Tailor of the eternity has sewed over your pretty stature
this green dress of garden over your body
ﺩﺭ ﻋﺸﻖ ﺗﻮ ﺩﻧﺪﺍﻥ ﺷﮑﺴﺖ ﺍﺳﺖ ﺑﮧ ﺍﻟﻔﺖ
ﺗﻮ ﺟﺎﻣﻪ ﺭﺳﺎﻧﯿﺪ ﺍﻭﯾﺲ ﻗﺮﻧﯽ ﺭﺍ ﻗﺮﻧﯽ ﺭﺍ
آپ کے عشق میں دانت ٹوٹ گئے اور آپ کی محبت میں
یہ نعت اویس قرنی کوبھی سنا دو
In your love teeth are broken, mere due to love
Make this news reach to Owais of Qarn
ﺍﺯ ﺟﺎﻣﯽ ﺑﮯ ﭼﺎﺭﺍ ﺭﺳﺎﻧﯿﺪ ﺳﻼﻣﮯ
ﺑﺮ ﺩﺭ ﮔﮩﮧ ﺩﺭﺑﺎﺭ ﺭﺳﻮﻝ ﻣﺪﻧﯽ ﺭﺍ
بے چارہ جامی سلام پیش کرتا ہے
رسول مدنی کے دربار پرانوار پر
From poor Jami, reaches salam
to the Holy Kingdom of Prophet (PBUH) of Madina
ﻋﺒﺪﺍﻟﺮﺣﻤٰﻦ ﺟﺎﻣﯽ
My Dearly Departed Papa ( may his soul rest in peace in Heaven Amen ! ) loved this Naat in praise of the Holy Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam and while other kids in school were learning Baba Black sheep or Little bo peep , My dear Papa ( may his soul rest in peace in Heaven Amen ! ) made me learn this . He loved to see boasting people who could not even recite urdu poems properly dumbfounded and uneasy watching and listening me recite persian with utmost easy and ferver . Pure Joy and a proud moment it used to be for both of us but especially for him as i have always been carefree about praise and rewards . By the way i learned the other stuff just as good But my school teachers never really loved me like my parents and family probably because they were from the other side of the bridge . Anyways who cares now  Image may contain: tree and outdoor
 10:50 am Good Day !
sleep for about two hours very soundly as the whole town and especially the neighborhood is still deep in sleep or just hibernating or may be just trying to show that they are not at home in case some restless freaks show up at the door for chaapa . When i was very young like in the childhood i used to love the chaapaa s by restless freaks more than any thing in the big wide world . But after watching Bheja fry and not the bheja fry sequel , i begin to feel that all the chaapaa s to our house are orchastrated and have a pattern with the same goal yes you guessed it right . Anyways sometimes with a little intelligence and speculation i am mentally prepared yet i still hope and pray for the visitors to personally inform about their intentions if not the time or purpose of visit . Even when the intentions are absolutely clear asking the visitors about the purpose of their visit or duration of stay appears to be a very criminal act or belligerant act of  aggression and definite bad manners . And the sad part is that these same rules of bad conduct does not necessarily or even generally apply to any body else other than us just because my parents were very lenient and hospitable . Okay fine do whatever you are BE TOLD and Never Change for US . Image may contain: outdoorImage may contain: 1 person, sky, ocean, outdoor and nature
But remember that sooner or later i will have nothing better to do to stay at home and because of my extremely good conduct over the very long period of time i may win a global tracking module and a fully automated computerized programmed flying taxi drone and believe you me this is not a just a dream or a figment of sci-fi imagination . It is a very direct and sincere threat to all those who were mislead over the years . Regardless of the fact that who got the better bheja fry of the day . Image may contain: 1 person, shoesImage may contain: 1 person, standing and textokay so believe it or not even if some body from amongst those who were mislead towards me our the house in the past and profitted as a result of my bheja fry or an attempted bheja fry can feel remorse because just because of this orchastrated act of misconduct today i am able to do over two thousand words before noon now contemplete while i go and enjoy the fun time on the street and in the neighborhood .
11:57 am the free Fish delivery is sharpening his what is that called fish cleaver or fisher man's cleaver . okay i will correct this or edit this after research later  Image may contain: 1 person, sitting and outdoor
 2:05 pm So now i have a God News and a Budaber news but first let me congratulate me on surviving yet another Sunday brunch Facebook Meet up and this is what i had Image may contain: foodImage may contain: food
And just for the record one of the members at the facebook meet up recently had his Only Facebook Account deactivated on suspicions of supporting interior minister's campaign against Mariam on Social Media . God Help Those who help themselves . Image may contain: 3 people, people sitting
Now back to the God News . Well the God news is that the stubborn spy stray fugitive Cat which was first believed to be a male cat was either replaced at some point or had a sex change operation before the chasing season at the end of the year 2016 or later because it is expecting pregnant about to give birth to tiny little cute kittens any day now . it hasn't decided yet when or where . If got extremely lucky it might be under my bed .Shivers me timber ! Image may contain: 1 person
And now the Budaber News , If i remember correctly in 2009 december my dear maternal Aunt came all the way from pacific west coast to attend the funeral of my dear youngest Maternal uncle who was dying  of multiple dieases and treatments . When she came for a chaapa here on my dearly departed Ammi ( may her soul rest in peace in heaven Amen !) . She caught me collecting harvest and yields from the crops in Farmville on facebook ( both disabled a year later ) . On the basis of pure and simple media reports not any classified intelligence or mr sehgals dished out analysis , i promised her that waziristan will come under  a Pakistani Flag next year .Recently i don't know if it was this week or not may be earlier but it was this lent alright when the British Government informed the media through GOP cabinet meeting that all areas named FATA will be taken away from whoever has it since or the time being and handed over to KPK Khattak or which ever . Image may contain: 4 people, people standingImage may contain: 4 people, people standing and suit
Thank God she did not take it very seriously and put a wager on it . But that is not the Question at the moment the question is why this meeting announced such a decision at a time when the nation eagerly awaits the Courts decision withheld on the Panama hearing suggests a lot but it is neither the time nor the place to disturb a good bargain and especially not by me when i am already reached comfortably at the two thousand five hundred words count on the words counter for this my the Sunday Blog # 49 . Anyways i am very deeply thankful for Her majesty's Government for accepting the federally Administrated troubled Areas as part and parcels of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan .
God Save the Queen ! 
3:16 pm Yes i need a break . a very long one Bye !
5:51 pm Okay so i did not sleep or lie down on the bed but had tea and more tea some poeple in this town and mega polis relate the two tea and relaxation . Don't know why because scientifically they are equally opposite . Tea is a very good stimuli


1. Something causing or regarded as causing a response.
2. An agent, action, or condition that elicits or accelerates a physiological orpsychological activity or response.
a. Something that incites or rouses to action; an incentive: "Works which were inthemselves poor have often proved a stimulus to the imagination" (W.H. Auden).
b. Government spending designed to generate or increase economic activity.
Anyways this is what i had in the past hour NO ofcourse not i did not have all of it just relax please . Image may contain: drinkImage may contain: drinkImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: food
Shalgham (turnip) ka Pani (water) wala Achar .
Aur hum yehi kahein gay kay achi koshish thi per its off season now . Too sweet !
6:19 pm okay finally i hear the walls Ice tune from the street . No wonder where they have been busy today haven't heard the King Kone tune yet its unbelievable the monkey (bunder) wala was heard before 4:00 pm and today is just the 2nd Sunday in Lent 2017 . Image may contain: one or more people and text
SunSet time 6 :40 pm
6: 27 pm Break !

13th Jamadi us Sani 1438
7 : 20 pm 
Good Evening ! 
The Moon is near Full 99.7 % waxing Gibbous Full moon will be at 7:53 pm .  
Never mind ! the first mosquitoes was electricuted by me with an electric mosquito repellent tennis racket at 7:07 pm . And haven't seen a second one in this room ever since even though i have opened and shut the door twice since then . So i believe after i finish this my the Sunday Blog # 49 before mid night i may be able to get some hours of sleep till fajr Azan . The Sunrise was 6 : 43 am it was the time i saw in my mobile when i reached home . Which should have been around 6 : 35 am due to the time difference means i stopped or was slow or maybe they tried . oh yes i stopped to smell the roses and take pictures and then take a cup of tea and heat it and took a tikky pack of sooper cookies opened it and eat it then finished the tea and turned on the inter net and came to the room and checked the time so that's it . ya i got it now . see a little rewind and review solves many mystries and boggles all we have to do is remember the events correctly and in sequence . 

Okay i am not going out tonight and i am not required to go out tonight either the dinner is already prepared and there is breakfast stuff in the fridge and even if it is finished or eaten by some one i can bring it with the fajr walk . Still i don't think i would be required to bring any thing at all in the morning as well . I have also tendered my leave of absence for the dinner time as i am already over feed or over fed what ever . I can hear the restless micro waving  as the dinner time is arriving fast as this is for the dinner . I took pictures while every body was praying maghrib . So there may not be the usual time lapse in these pictures then again i will only pick few from lots of pictures . Image may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: food

So at dinner time tonight The Word Count of this my the Sunday Blog # 49 is Three Thousand One Hundred and twenty five Words plus . So it is now not the very comfort Zone . I have now entered the war zone the next few hours four to be exact are the most challenging four hours of this the Lent 2017 . I have no idea that if i fail to come up with another thousand words or more in the next few hours What shape will be given to my Fully Automated Computerized flying Taxi drone They could shape it like a pre historic Qingqui . Shivers me timber !! Image may contain: one or more people and shoes

So lets get started and not look back at all . Image result for holi 2017

Holi 2017 in Sindh began in the evening of
Sunday,12 March
and ends in the evening of
Monday,13 March
Heard there were state elections going on in some of the big big states of India H ope somebody must have won and joined the corruption race . By the Way after the
 recent chaapa by the PM of Pakistan in the sindh province a new tale of Record breaking collection has been release probably breaking the record of Quetta Balochistan ana . Wait let me share a tweet
: Former Additional District Accounts Officer arrested in  LIVE: 

Okay believe it or not this looks like a game of chance and not a game of thrones . He must have married a police mans sister or daughter . or has those machine readable deck of cards especially gifted by Saein James Bond . Anyways i believe its about time somebody do some thing about NAB and PEMRA . They are the White Elephants we cannot afford any more and especially the NAB is constantly raising the Bar of Corruption , for Corruption and By Corruption . GeAy Zardai khapay Khappay ! 

8:58 pm Break !

10 04 pm I was wondering where to send this shalwar i am wearing and the pillow seat i am sitting on for laboratory tests after this my the sunday Blog # 49 . Agha khan chaley gi ? LOL

its 3444 words and the wordpress is having difficulty updating in saving the drafts of my minute by minute updates. This happens every time around the end of the day . It could be a slow net or the over sized in length wise or the word count ot may be its a virus in my computer anything or anything could be the reason for this un known behaviour this and there is one more thing i believe i have mentioned so many times in my blogs and that is the jumping cursor jumping lines going inside the previous text i looked on the network help and found that it is common problems most of the problems i face due to longer and continues use of Network and computer during the Sunday Blogs are very common people and experts have suggested different remedies for different problems like for this cursor jumping i remember some body suggested that i should keep the mouse pointer out of the page so i usually keep it under the task bar in the middle away from the icons but while i am typing sometimes the page comes to the end of the page and some keys are pressed that makes it jump again . Still trying very hard to realise what key not to touch while i am writing is full speed to avoid the mistakes . Also I try to keep my eyes on the texts as much as possible and most of all i try not to push two or more keys at the same time because i am still not familier with the joint affects of pressing multiple keys at the same time with both hands or fingers of both or either hand . Sometimes when i am in a hurry to type hundreds of words without a previously written or studied subject matter just from my own thoughts and K nowledge i have to  keep my eyes on the key board and follow the fingers instead of reading the text being typed on the monitor thiing to write s gives the trouble a chance to cause mistakes in the texts i was writing or try (now the this on the line above is bisected with..thi ing to write s ) sometimes i find it very quickly and correct it but few times the cursor disappears and i have no idea where the last few letters or the space went .

So now i am very near the four Thousand words mark on the words counter . The Blogger text still does not have that option or it is not available to me because its a free site . The Blogger still does not give a lot of traffic to the blogs and there are few other things that may seem like outdated or not with the pace of the new age but believe me most of the time it is much easier to work with then with wordpress or any other that i could not think of at the moment . I hope i have typed the correct spelling of then in the previous comparison no i did not i used the time d then God who invented this english when ever you are in a hurry or chasing a deadline to catch you are bound to make these stupid silly little tiny mistakes that may look very very embarassing when read in a cool and relaxed environment .
anyways 4000 words mark crossed with still an hour to go . Yay !

Okay so now the Movies of the week . This week i changed my schedule and started waking up early for the fajr and walk so for that i have to sleep early also there was some network and broadband troubles as well so i could not download free movies or there were no new releases as well on this site i download from so i did not watch many movies all week but on the last days i was able to watch the Spongebob both movies it was fun i always wanted to watch the Sponge bob movies yes they are good . So here is the list of the movies i get to watch despite every odd and carelessness.


The Ghazi Attack (2017)


Terminator Genisys (2015)


The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water (2015)


Rocky Balboa (2006)


Elysium (2013)


The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie (2004)

Well i did not know the list has grown so long i thought i could not watch much anyways most of them were watched on the television while waitng for or trying to recover from the hangover of the turkish historical Soap serial The magnificent Kosem Sultan . its still going very strong in my heart and mind . I was never really a fan of the islamic era historic television series on Pakistan television not even the great Genghis Khan akhri chattan . But Kosem  Sultan has proved me wrong it has already become one of my most favorite television serials of all times and then there will be more categories like turkish and islamic era and historical . there must also be some literary and publish works involved like a novels and translations etc etc.

I wont comment on the Ghazi Attack because i don't know the real facts but if i remember it correctly i have been sleeping through it just like i sleep through the PTV long play on the same story line .Must be a sheer coincidence . 

it was sad to watch the terminator series with john connor having a mixup but the movie is okay . And we all remember the rocky balboa don't we . elysium i missed most of so i will watch it again and since its on cable i definitely will no doubt . 

Okay it is time to end this my the Sunday Blog # 49 . Have a nice and fun Weekend hope the weather stays good all week and throughout the Lent 2017 . I will try my best to come with a theme or atleast a tagline to go with for my next Sunday Blog which will be the 50th Sunday Blog . Which means that i am so close to my first happy anniversary Sunday Blog probably the 52nd or the 53rd Sunday blog whichever is the last i hope it to be very very good and fun to read and keep a blog which will make me proud like most of the other Sunday Blogs in this series of my the Sunday Blog i have been doing very regularly for now almost a whole long very very very long year But as they say time flies fugit something this year also past very quickly and made me a very changed person very different from what i thought i was.
 Until then yes its the correct then ...Here is one of the Songs that will probably give me away like always yes the 

Backstreet Boys - As Long As You Love Me 

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