
Sunday 27 November 2016

The Sunday Blog # 34

Today is the 27th of November 2016 the 26th of Safar 1438 till Sunset(5:42 pm) and this is my The Sunday Blog # 34 . This has been a very interesting week for me . I fully recovered from  the flu like chest infection ,  sleep well and eat very well . My Uncle who was in a hospital also returned home alive on Happy Thanksgiving . I am not sure if  he did get a bird on the table for dinner but i am very sure his family must be very Happy and Thankful . The Governor of Sindh is also believed to be on the path of recovery in south city . But there is no sign of the Interior Minister of Pakistan who went on a official visit of the Britain and met with many important government officials including the then PrimeMinister and his counter part  and Foreign secretary mr Boris johnson SO while he underwent Mr Boris made a surprise visit to check on the herd and scenery . I am very sure it had nothing to do with the Military because that is not his major concern nor his department FO . 


The City of Karachi is so Big now that despite the Orange line Green line conspiracy on the one corner of the city of Karachi and The Arms exhibition on the other the remaining city remain normal with a almost normal traffic and hustle bustle.   

Okay its almost 2:00 am i have to take a break here . Karachi is not very cold tonight but i am taking this chicken soup (yakhni ) anyways . just to stay warm inside . I have already lost a battle of the pre-winter chill now i don't want to get more sick this winter anymore . Because when you fell ill in this season you miss out on a lot of wonderful things . 

Good Morning ! its 11:00 am and i have missed the breakfast again . and to make matters worse my estranged neighbour's guest driver is doing it in the car under the watchful all senses of the security Guard . A metro cab is parked outside very near the main gate taking another estranged neighbours kids away so somebody must have died in lahore as this is definitely not the vacations period.

I missed the dinner last night as it was a no drama night so i was on the net and when somebody came to call me i made fun so they left me alone when i was done about an hour later the food was almost an hour in the freezer and they were having fun watching me looking for it . So for the past 17 hours i have not what you can call eating . This is all i had at Maghreb last evening just to taste the salt .

Okay so it seems that a leader less and Government less Karachi came into limelight and proved itself to be the most Important city in the entire hemisphere once again. Most of the Foreign Missions and spies remained very busy. All Auditoriums , Halls and galleries were booked .  Now the New clear test results will show if missing out on all the extra regular activities in town and city was harder or the skipping a dinner . Since there is a slight guilt factor involved verses the security risks involved I believe missing the dinner would be taken very seriously . And believe me in few minutes i would be called for an early brunch . And if i missed it too then i have no idea what will happen to me . Honestly i am not trying to be bratish or Whatever . I just try to be light and free to sit on the computer for longer hours on the Sunday to have more control over my mind and body both inside and out to be free and able to do more even though after doing over 3000 words more than a couple of time i don't thing there is any personal challenge or international pressure from any readers club or even the Bitch to do more . Infact honestly very honestly i feel as if i may have won the freedom to do or to even not do a write-up blog anymore. The Only thing that must be worrying Americans besides the post- inauguration  Mr Trump The President Elect of 2016 and the WhiteHouse releases , could be that how much $ i may have made with 34 blogs all original and spontaneous . 

12: 49 pm yes i have the call for brunch and so is the call from some of the mosques nearby started . so lets take a break here even though i am a little short on the words counter today . yes it shows less than 800 words so far . Anyway ... I 'll be back ....

Okay so i had to eat just to prove that i am not with London . or against the CPEC . Ok .

I was born few days before the fall of east so all my life i have seen the double jeopardy karachi had to face . One  we instantly became the Next to Go as compared to the other sons of the soil provinces . and Second the Biharis who were a little different and agile as compared to us but too slow and mentally retarded as compared to the Bangalis. who later became Bangladeshis and embarrassed the Pepsi Pepsi Pakistan Hum jeetein gay in the World Cup.The Biharis were settle by the US led coalition in the Biggest Slum of Asia called Orangi Town . Most of the negativity that you see here in karachi now is mainly due to them. And believe me if you are lucky you will know what i am talking about. Unlike me who is very proud to have earned the lip bitting son of a Bitch murmur many times .The biharis or the leading ones took sides against the russians in the afghan conflict so they were rewarded with Ak-47 guards over the hills of karachi more politically correct known as qazba colony who came down the mountains from the refugees camps on the western borders with Afghanistan.

After clearly failing to mingle The Army in the eighties tried to establish its presence here Defence , Zamzama and MQM are the three Swords that were suppose to prevent or suppress any insurgency. For All Those years since the late eighties almost three long very long decades i have been wondering How our dear and respected Army and decorated ISI has been able to manipulate the American CIA to completely give up karachi and hand over everything to them and borrow or beg most of the times whenever they need something . Must be the Confidence on the training or the chain of command .

Whatever .
Only Mrs Clinton can be credited to somehow coming so close to have breakup this marriage more than once. Hillary Rodham Clinton - Transformation BeautyHillary Rodham Clinton - Transformation BeautyHillary Rodham Clinton - Transformation BeautyBut i am so sure it wasn't her totally behind it . Anything Goes !

So Thanks to the Panama Papers the very very next to No Govenment of Pakistan was able to open up the country for Russia . Bravo Bravo. And now its BilloRani's term coming up soon according to the Charter of Democracy . Image result for in the now annisaRelated image
Imran Khan will either quit or sell his poultry farm to the highest bidder. Its too early to say how it will be named but i am sure that since it will be for the local markets it won't be named "tango" or "aik dam sold "

The Former Chief of Army Staff is about to retire in 48 hours the New Mamoo has been chosen who is believe to take the staff till November 2019 . And since there is very little chance of him opposing the CPEC or going with the London just like me . I think our Parliament will reach puberty for the first time in the History and will be crowned. By Then The Written and rigid constitution of Pakistan will be four volumes thick .

5:15 pm  was out of milk for tea so i went to the market but before that i thought i should walk an extra mile for health . and LO what did i find " a get out of jail free card " on the way Marhaba Marhaba .....I am so sure its a limited time offer and may elapse after this blog arrives . ROFL !

Anyways there was no traffic at all usually people are out and about at this time but both tracks of Shahrah-i-Quaideen was empty like a Sunday morning . for me it was very good . because i miss my Sunday & Saturday Morning walks given up after the Uncle without a nationality  demanded an FRC from NADRA ? Believe you me This NADRA will definitely go to hell but my Uncle and all his sahulatkaars  will remain lost here because of his nationality crisis . He is among the top muslims in what will be the Mr Trumps Muslim free US of A . But he does not have a US Nationality . SO the rumor is that ,  After selling his Canadian property he has bought three flats in an askari type walled complex and will move to karachi if they throw him out . How Cleaver isn't he ? Wait till his non -english speaking french daughterinlaw finds out he is planning to . I Think NADRA will be very pleased to issue the Two Million US Muslims with Nationality Documents very gladly . You Know How compassionate she is . And after getting a piece of plastic their affliction oh sorry their affection for Karachi will automatically grow and just like my Uncle they will want to invest their lifesavings and hard earned extra money in a place they could call Home when every other place turns them away even their own birth places. Thankyou Mr Trump the President -Elect US .

Sunset !

27th Safar 1438

Good Evening !
I have no idea what is the central idea or the common denominator in the pictures taken by me above.

7:30 pm
Dinner Just as expected one of the siblings made early brunch and the other one sacrificed his Last Bucket of The Spicy Beef Biryani. I am so stuffed before 8:00 pm can't even move in the chair. And if i go out for a walk at this hour i will probably scare the stray dogs of the neighbourhood . So with nothing to watch on the television tonight except the blowing up of the oldest flyover of the city build during the gulf war. looking back it was only because of the CNN that i did not support him otherwise people down here were becoming his fans and stopped watching PTV Pakistan Television . It was the first and only time when American Television News Anchors were seen in Pakistan and known like our own . Gordan Graham , christian Amanpour , lou dobbs , Peter Arnett , Bernard Shaw, john holliman, Jeanne Moos, were few to be named were very popular household names people could never forget. Image resultAnyways this flyover is not being demolished because it reminds me of the GULF WAR . or the MAYOR at that time . It is being demolished for being in the way of the Coloured Line bus project which is to pick me up from near my House and drop me back in an hour or two so i am willingly able to watch more than few really fucked up faces of totally perfect strangers and catch pneumonia or any other biological warfare weapons of mass destruction. . Aachooo ! Image result for karachi orange line bus route

One Global event that happened this week was the Black Friday. Originally it is from the US and comes the very next day to an all american holiday known as the Happy Thanksgiving . Or the Holiday when poor American get to feast with family and Friends . And if you are an American with kids and legally married wife or a single mother with American kids and you come to your parents house or some relatives house to eat a wonderful dinner were everybody is praising the home maker and the food she has cooked for so many not more than thirteen or the hell could break loose, thankless people definitely your family and kids will want to punish you so either on their way back or the very next day they get up early despite going to bed late or not sleeping at all , and get dressed to go for shopping . If you were not prepared for this or did not see it coming than this friday is worse than hell for you and leaves your wallet or pocket devoid of the greens totally dark and since it is the friday so definitely you would remember it as the BlackFriday  till the next Happy Thanksgiving next year .
Honestly before the internet or socialmedia i had no idea about both these american events . okay may be i knew a little about the Happy Thanksgiving through my interaction with some of the family and friends who lived in the United States and exchanged photos and info about their lives there But i never paid any serious attention until i begin to watch CNN regularly and watch sitcoms and American movies. They usually mention the Turkey around the Happy Thanksgiving . Here we don't eat Turkey and it is not farmed as well . in fact Our Poultry farms do not have any other bird but chicken . Strange isn't it so many people to feed and only one bird . and not the one that can feed more people with just one bird . Don't know the real reason maybe it is difficult to farm and raise in the climate conditions of our country or maybe it is not allowed by scholars and theologians and mullas. I have no clue and there is definitely no time to research or ask somebody , phone a friends maybe i will learn and share some other  time maybe the next Happy Thanksgiving or maybe somebody will comment later on . Anyways . About the chicken that we eat . First of all we eat a lot of Chicken and eating chicken or cooking chicken in full or as pieces with rice or vegetables and spices is never ceremonial It is true that we eat chicken and meals prepared with chicken on most of our ceremonies like weddings and deaths and births and eids . But that is just a part of the routine and not the main event.

10:12 pm Chaapa by sisters and her family just minutes before 10:00 pm Obviously they are not going to tell . So lets us ignore them and move on and finish this thing that we have started , The Good Thing is that my sibling will be occupied so i can finish this blog in peace without being disturbed . The Skype is also turned off just in case so that nobody can call till midnight . Mobile always remain on meeting so when and if somebody call or msg i can see it glowing there is also a very quiet beep single which i usually sense when i am not listening to the music or watching news on television .

Okay so we were discussing the BlackFriday , Yes our fridays are usually very exciting . It used to be more fun with my dearly departed Papa and Ammi ,
May they rest in Peace in the Highest of Paradise in  Heaven Amen !
were around . The TCS even before they were used to regularly knock the door or wait till i show my head over the wall or gate . When i started getting up late he also changed his time of arrival . knows every driver in the neighbourhood by name even the temps but always asks mine after getting the initials on delivery sheets . I hope he starts his own company some day and hires me . I am sure he will never know i works for him .
Recently the Bottled water supply trucks started coming to the neighbourhood on Friday . Ironically usually they knock when i am in the bath before going for juma prayers . Feels just like a restaurant waiter coming to ask Anything else Sire ? Water perhaps ?
The Postman usually comes between the TCS guy and The Multinational Bottled Water Truck  and He too needs the signature on something registered not for me of course . I use to fuss about it in the past but now somehow i find it very interesting it usually sets the mood before going to the mosque . I go to the mosque just to pray and not to socialise which we were taught in the Islamiat books for the english medium schools in the fifth ,sixth grades . The Collective good ijtemai faiday of the deeni bhai .

So this Black Friday i came back with three aloo samosa  and burmese roll . just 55 cents or rs 55 /- and even that because i was not sure whats for the late lunch after the juma . did not buy the jalebi becuase i did not know how much was the sugar of my sister . The moving and shifting to the online shopping i promised earlier had to be delayed because my easypaisa account has developed some transaction faults .which i am not able to have resolve on the phone . Half of the benefits gone just like that . cannot share the details as yet until i understand it my self how my basic account details be changed with informing me . Anyways in $$$ terms my easypaisa account is working only for outgoing and blocks some incoming not sure if it is blocking all incoming that is what i have to be very sure about until then no online shopping and probably no online paying bills either . Howzatt ! 

Okay its 11:03 pm and i am so near the 3000 words but i am sweating like i used to in the warm july . must be the beef or the Masala tea i had to drink because the visitors were having trouble with clearing the throat . Luckily My Throat is not congested today . Anyways Here are the Movies i watched this week :

1. Pawn Sacrifice
2. Pandemic.
3. Why Did I Get Married Too (2010)
5.Dongri Ka Raja
6.Tum Bin 2

1, 4 and 6 are simply amazing movies perfect 10 rated by me . 2,3 and 5 are not as good as the previous but they are still very watchable or fun to watch interesting . Both Demolition and Tum Bin 2 may not be very happy endings for the Good Guys finish last as the first in time prevails But its a very very Good ending and a true one as well. Hats off to the producer director and writers an especially the actors . Thankyou so much . I love it .

PS: Whats this falling on the snow this year in the movies ....?

Okay its time to say Good Bye also the key board is giving up could be a virus maybe ...
So here i end this My Sunday Blog # 34 . with a very beautiful song from the movie Tum bin 1 Koi Fariyad By Jagjit Singh Honestly the charming mr chatterjee was the only thing missed in the sequel . Cheers !

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