
Sunday 20 November 2016

The Sunday Blog # 33

Today is the 20th of November 2016 the 19th of Safar 1438 till the Sunset and this is my The Sunday Blog # 33 .
The throat infection i had last week is still there and its much worse right now so i may not be here for long but physically i am much stronger than last Sunday and mentally i am much more relaxed . Because of this infection i did not go to the mosque for regular prayers only went for the juma prayers . Only stayed there for as long as the prayer full 14 rakats required . Didn't get out of the house much only for a the breakfast stuff twice or may be three times . and even that for the shortest possible time . Actually its not possible for most people in this town but i have been in the same place for a very long time and survived all the distractions people can think of . As they say there are two types of people in this world . One who live in the same place and the place or the ambiance  either stays the same or becomes better . and the second who stays at the same place and their ambiance becomes dreadful. I belong to the second group .  I was born near dar us Sakoon in PECHS and lived all my life near by . Today the whole area has turned into a construction site. What most people see in the Disney , Hollywood and Mumbai movies about the builders mafia , lawlessness and corruption , i have seen it all here in my town .  When about two decades ago this activity began of demolishing the old houses and bungalows i thought that soon i will be forced to leave this area and move in some other part of the city or world But after two decades i am still here and it seems that somebody is still not there yet where i may be required to move out . I feel that whoever runs the show now has specific orders to keep us intact as long as it is possible. I am saying this just because there seems to be no pattern or plan for the day to day running of the show or the near future. Image result for political feather in my hatSometimes i feel i have been very cruel to have survived the law schools without a political feather in the cap . Worse on the home front the allegations of craziness could not be proved thus keeping my marital status to seeking instead of Done .   Image result for political feather in my hat  Honestly at the initial stages of this charade i somehow believed this builders and construction activity is for my own protection. Maybe because when i used to go for a walk at nights for shopping or prayers sometimes they would light my way up with headlights of unnecessary cars But even more because sometimes those headlights were replaced by the rare lights .  Other than that and a little extra attention on the way or in the market i was honestly never actually harassed by the mafia . Even now when they have placed gun trotting non-cunning sindhi's on the main gate i feel so helpless for not being able to match their desperation again .  Sometime however i seriously wonder what if this whole builders activity was just a political gimmick or a decoy for some international security exercise . Then what ? should i have been more intensely involved in it or just have ignored as i did unlike some who made a lot of hue and cry like the infamous Ardeshir Cowasjee who was not able to stop Anything maybe promoted only . Unlike the Curmdugeon I donot believe my neighbourhood or town can be saved or undone no matter what . going to the court against the builder mafia is useless futile exercise and a waste of time and energy.

Oh God its 3:00 am . Good Night ! or Morning whatever!

10:54 am Good Morning !

okay so i wake up with a headache Why ?  probably because i did not eat as much as i should no wonder everything is in the fridge waiting . My sister came for dinner so we had extra so there is much leftover today we do not have to worry about cooking and making the breakfast and sunday brunch . The reason i am not eating regular is because of this Karachi weather . If i eat or drink something hot and spicy i begin to sweat . if i eat something cold and icy i feel the chill and begins to cough and my siblings who are already afraid of the mosque virus i am carrying in my body starts telling me remedies and advising to go see a doctor. now i hate going to the doctor and sitting in the waiting with already infected and diseased people most of them sick of their motherfucking lives. I am very different from them so i don't like to compare myself with them or let them be judgmental about me . Thanks to Almighty i don't have any serious illness or disease so far only the seasonal flu which is very common and rampant and everybody knows what medicines to take for it. But most of them will tell you that there is no actual cure for it takes the same time whether or not you take the medicines . Just calm down and relax and take the precautions in order to not make it worse because if you made it worse than normal by not being wise and prudent . Then you may definitely have to see the doctor and some serious medicines and procedures. Both time and money is wasted on it . And while others may be enjoying their lives you may be watching Pakistani soaps and promotional of  Pakistani movies made for Chinese and south Indians maybe a few Russians .  

Talking of enjoying this the Happy Thanksgiving week leading to the Thanksgiving Thursday in the US . It may be a very local event and celebration but since we half way across the globle use the internet and socialmedia sites and specially this blog site in a way we enjoy the  things and life they work so hard for so if we are not really thankful to the Lord i.e Their Lord at least we can clap and greet them don't you think ? So Happy ThanksGiving !!

Okay its 11:30 am and here i have clearly crossed the 1000 words in this my The Sunday Blog # 33 so i think i should go check on my dear siblings socialise and refil my cup of tea may be take a bite or two from the leftovers of all this and more .

12:35 pm
Bishop Maurice Piat of Port Louis, Mauritius,  made a cardinal by Pope FrancisImage result for Bishop Maurice Piat of Port Louis, Mauritius,
Image result for Bishop Maurice Piat of Port Louis, Mauritius,The Pope Francis in rome elevated 17 bishops to cardinal they may be sick and dying but people know them for what they have been doing for a very long time almost their whole life its not like they were cable guys or selling biryani outside the church  they took the pope to the Airport and did not let him miss a very important flight So in recognition of their extra ordinary services the Pope in Rome appointed them as bishops or cardinals or just because they were very popular among the roman catholic community of and non roman catholic esp Irish community so Pope and the Church thought it best to Appoint them as cardinals . Has this ever happened or if that ever happened how would you feel . Well this happens to us all the time esp very recently an ex retired and almost dead judge was picked up from his death bed and sworn in as the Governor of the most important province and an emergency declared megapolis with absolutely no experience and political insight. The Guy took charge of the province and its capital and went straight to the non governmental elitist Hospital of the posh locality spending the taxpayers $ saved from the US and British Bureaucracy and EU and Chinese jews . Honestly as you can see i have nothing personal  against the person or  the previous occupations of the retired judge not even his ill health and age,  i only want political people with knowledge of politics and experience on these high profile jobs. And a system of seniority . For example nobody should be appointed as the governor of a province and specially Karachi who has never been a member of Parliament and the electoral college.

Since we are talking of the local politics the new development here is that the tom & jerry show between MQM and Sindh came to a new beginning with both MQM's Mayor and Sindh's SSP release and given new life. Enjoy the Show but don't apply too much Butter & salt on your popcorn . keep you teeth clean and brushed after eating chips and jelly beans.

Talking of brush do you know well i am sure you must have heard it or seen it on the news yes instead of trusting the old system of cleaning and sweeping and specially the collection of garbage and its timely disposal i am very very sure on the behest of the Bhutto kids yes the Solid Waste Management . #Shukriya Raheel Shareef

3:00 pm had enough mutton pulao with raita that i don't think i can continue to sit here and do this my The Sunday Blog # 33 anymore . i could fall asleep anytime so i have done the dishes . This is a new development in our house . Ever since my dear elder sister fell ill and unable to stand and walk me and my brother usually don't leave the dishes in the sink . before i use to just wash my plate and run away . I have always been very particular about washing my own things and never leave them for others. But that does not mean that i like the guest to feel free and take over the kitchen that is something totally unacceptable to any American male or female . So i was wondering if we sent our army to take over their kitchens how would they feel . like americans or like pakistani ? Think about it and stop chinafying my neighbourhoods .

20th safar 1438
6:58 pm
Good Evening !
My technology that is the net issues are resolving one by one and at the same time i am learning few thing that will be obsolete or are already obsolete. watching my enthusiasm the IT department has brought a couple of thrown away routers and other stuff which i am sure will take a lot of my winters learning and setting up . and for the rest of the time i will be mentally fatigued or over eating to gather strength.  The Main thing is that cable tv is going out of my life just like the Newspapers . I don't even miss not have a newspaper in the morning not even when i see it in anybody else hand . or the ones that comes with Naan pakoras and sweet potatoes . So I believe the down market cable operators of the capital and the country other than most parts of karachi where we have the fibre optic and wireless data networks are in very deep something. On the one hand is the Government and ministry and Pemra and on the other hand is the fast changing choices and requirements of the people.  Honestly even though after the voluntary ban of indian soaps on cable they have already parted ways with me BUT i believe there demand of delaying the conversion from analogue to digital and DTH can be delayed for one or two years . So I openly support the cable operators demands. And hope and pray that their business is protected and their thousands of jobs remain intact for as long as it is financially viable .

So after losing the Governor of Sindh to the SouthCity clifton for a hefty medical bill,  i believe the president house did not take any chances the moment he complained they flew him in a helicopter to the AFIC rawalpindi . According to the President House spokesperson : "All medical reports of the President are Normal . " I don't understand this how can they be normal at this age and after hosting an anti- liberal Turkey president and his wife. Image result for  liberal Turkey

Talking of a liberal Turkey in the Happy Thanksgiving week this is definitely the last Happy Thanksgiving when a Whitehouse Turkey could escape free. There will be New administration in the whitehouse in washington next year 2017. But this year a storm lake , Iowa Turkey may get the pardon lets see.

8:11 pm missed the going out . BRB

9:22 pm

So after Nihari it is not possible for me to go on and on for another meaning less thousand words .But i will definitely try . . .

Last month one of my uncles died in a hospital this week another uncle is in a hospital in florida but the problem is that when he is in the hospital on machines his skype is off and his immediate family speaks some other language i cannot understand so we are praying but there is no way of knowing if he is alive or not unless he sign in or updates his status . And what if he or his family is hiding the IRS or the law and my queries through proper channels may land him in more troubles so i pray and suggest that everybody else does the same . I am sure if he survived he will be very excited and update the status or inform somebody here and then they will inform somebody else here and thus somebody in the house will know and let me know and i will update my status and let all the others know . Man these US Citizens in the US Hospitals are living in the seventh century . No wonder the US consulate in karachi loves to post makkli and mohenjodaro pictures and visits on their facebook and other social media updates very regularly . Infact it is not so strange if someday they changed their address to a historical site instead of the newly constructed very expensive complex .

10:17 pm last cup of tea during this my The Sunday Blog # 33 has gone down and making me sweat like i have been jogging for an hour . can't turn on the fan . so you can imagine how i am doing this my The Sunday Blog # 33 .

Today Pakistan lost the Ist Test Match in Christchurch

New Zealand thrash Pakistan by 8 wickets to clinch 1st Test Pakistan ended the match without captain Misbah-ul-Haq who had to return home because his father-in-law is seriously ill.

Pak Vs NZ 1st Test:

Pak: 133/10 NZ: 200/10 Pak: 171/10 NZ: 108/2

My Neighbourhood is gone too silent even for a winter Sunday night because of the Town entrance has been lockdown holiday has been declared and display of Arms banned. O boy !

Usually i don't have to plan an event in my house or family but whenever i get an invite according to one of the two calenders we use here in the Isalmic republic Of Pakistan , i instantly see what date and day it falls according to the other calender if not mentioned . and here we have the Master planners who plan the events for years if not year or start the next years events planning the the very next day their show ends . And this is what they do . Bravo Bravo ! Photo published for NZ vs Pak: New Zealand thrash Pakistan by 8 wickets to clinch 1st Test

okay after the sweat comes the chill in the bones which means i don't have enough time to reach a 3000 words today but since i am way ahead of of the 2500 words already i feel that i have done it today and i am very proud of this my The Sunday Blog # 33  because i was not in the best of health. and was not able to go out and enjoy and get the fresh air and see the depressed faces of the total strangers trying to get to where they were required to go or just show me they got here from nowhere and i cannot go nowhere . Funny isn't it the feeling of jealousy is getting lower and lower for peers and strangers  Why ? is it because of me and my depression or is it because of my euphoria the sense of well-being . How could i be euphoric without a car , a wife and a life . Its just not right its just not possible . It has to be the depression or some other psychological disorder. So Now the Question is Who can help me the quickest to recover the Behaviour psychologist or the clinical psychology ? or Both or None . What if  my problem is not Psychological at all What if My brain is diseased or damaged and i need a real larger than life Shrink ? or a neurologist or maybe a very experienced  Neuro-Surgeon Like the One who operated upon my Dearly Departed Ammi May her soul rest in peace two years ago . So after Both my parents have passed away May they always rest in peace Amen. and soon there will be no uncles left either and my siblings being busy in their lives and troubles . I may be left alone on my own to mind my own business for as long as i can survive this crazy world both online and off line . My very dear and dearly departed Ammi may her soul rest in peace in her last day used to remind me that i should get a job to make me keep busy she had a very good foresight i believe because she knew this was somehow coming when i will be left very alone . And then she thought that i will go absolutely Mad . Man she was truely blessed and could see the future. Otherwise how did she knew all this ? 

Okay its 11:00 Pm time to review the Movies of the week that i watched after downloading from a web site for free movies . Gunah sawab sub unn kay zimmey . 

I was not feeling very well this week and after taking the medicines and doing stuff on the net i usually fall asleep so i have no idea what these movies are about or if they are good or very bad . I hope you i will be excuse and my apologies will be accepted . 

11:14 pm Okay now i have a brain freeze i need to get up soon and make a cup of hot chocolate because the cup of coffee will probably kill me as my head is still sweating . ThankGod i am locked here in the room and nobody sees me sweating or they will definitely give me something cold to drink or open the fan . whereas at this moment all i need is to go out and breath the fresh air and exhale. But ever since i have seen the word counter go passed the 3000 words with more than enough time on the clock before i finish this my The Sunday Blog # 33 , i feel i should continue its the same feeling that one has very in a examination hall you have the final minutes left and the you have no idea at all what to write but your hand does not stop and if keeps on going on and on . I don't ever envy the people who have to mark our papers and sometimes read what we write in the very last moments of the three hours long examination . Anyways who cares as this is not an examination i do this My The Sunday Blog for fun and to exhale . My sister encourages me a lot and the brother is happy that i am here where i can be reached anytime specially on a sunday evening when i could be just anywhere do just anything good or very bad to myself or to others and maybe hurting or even getting hurt causing pain and agony to him and myself .  

Okay its 11:30 pm so here i end my The Sunday Blog # 33 with a very a very favorite punjabi rap from a very famous PTV Drama serial Waris . I am sure you love it Pani Ka BulBula or a Bubble of Water..

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