
Sunday 14 March 2021

The Sunday Blog № 258

 Today is the Sunday 

The Fourth Sunday in Lent 2021 

The 14th of March 2021 ,

The 29th of Rajab 1442 H 

Till the Sunset ( 6:41 pm : Karachi ☠️) 

The Temperature Room 29°C ( 24°C Haze outside Google) 

Moon: 0.3%
New Moon
Current Time:14 Mar 2021, 00:37:13
Moon Direction:339.89° NNW
Moon Altitude:-69.64°
Moon Distance:397,306 km
Next Full Moon:28 Mar 2021, 23:48
Next New Moon:12 Apr 2021, 07:30
Next Moonrise:Today, 07:24
And this is My the Sunday Blog № 258 ( Two Hundred and fifty eight )
So , I fall asleep just before the mid night ... something I should have done hours ago . But anyways ...I will be back in form in a few minutes . 

The weather this week in Karachi ☠️ the most dangerous city in the world , took an ugly turn . The days got hotter and hotter in the sun during the day and the nights were cool and windy ...and the mornings were a kind of chilly ...many people were seen struggling with respiratory track allergies . The Friday Juma Mubarak prayer leader imam Saab 👳‍♂️at the mosque 🕌 I went to was clearly struggling and he had to cut short the Dua 🤲after prayer 🛐 because of his runny nose and phelgamised throat . Believe it or not none of my to the sides ,left right , east west north south seemed to be infected with weapons of mass destruction flu mucus sounds no coughing sneezing at my face thirty six hours later ...I believe I am sure that I survived the Sixth Juma Mubarak prayers at the mosque 🕌 after Covid-19 Corona Pandemic lockdown .
The great news is that I have completed a full year of not having to take any Antibiotics medicine for the virus or bacteria ... isn't that just awesome ? 
Last year during the early days of lent fasting...I had to inhale the drops of Antibiotics during sehri and and after Iftari ...for few days ..and since then it has been an almost Cruise control ...all thanks to stay safe stay home ..watching my diet ....and above all practically no chaapaz at all . 
The fasting in two lents and a Holy month of Ramzan ...during this past Corona Pandemic year ...instead of feeling weak and losing weight ...I must have definitely gained weight . And even though I desperately tried to keep the bulging belly not getting out of control ...a look in the mirror only shows a couch potato all the way . 

This lent I was certain that I would get everything under control and feel euphoric by doing a dream Iftari of date fruit and tea or water ....and then a normal dinner after the Prayer 🛐 . And eating nothing till the sehri making it a two meal day everyday for forty days and forty nights of lent . But soon my siblings felt pity and started making sure there is plenty ..either cooked or delivered ... foodpanda 🐼 also delivering before the Azan just in time ...despite the rush hour traffic in my neighborhood ...which is quite extraordinary ...
And tonight even the neighbors joined the joy ride ...they send my favorite beef biryani and special zarda sweet simply irresistible wonder I am sleepy 😴 and slow tonight after overeating ....for some odd reason I did not have the food Coma after Iftari dinner like I usually do but I did fall asleep 😴 at midnight . 
Did not drink the soda to speed up the digestion because of the funny  weather . I was sweaty all the way after the hot and spicy beef biryani and hot cup of tea ...but now I have fully dry forehead and cold feet . 
Most parts of the country have a rainy weather . Not yet here but you never know ...Karachi ☠️ the most dangerous city in the world, has a very unpredictable weather pattern and ever since the reclaimed land development and China port and oil and gas drilling near the shores of Karachi ☠️ the most dangerous city in the world, and cutting of century old trees to pave the way for a complete concrete jungle started ...the easterly winds have almost stopped ...when was the last time I heard the term " Quetta Winds " from a weather person idea . 
No all we hear is ..."heatwave " and low pressure over bay of Bengal that causes flooding in the posh upscale housing societies of Karachi ☠️ the most dangerous city in the world during the " Monsoon " season . 

2:31 am  (739 Words)

You know I always wondered why people who live a very luxurious life in their palatial often picturesque Mansions have to go on vacation so often .... can't they just movie from one room to the other or shift in some deserted part of their mansion and save the hassle ..? 

And then I realised that it must be the dreadful weather of  their dream paradise that begins to kill then and they have to get away ...and go experience the sun with difference kind of rays . ☀️🌞🔆

So where did we left last week 
Yes I remember was Monday the 8th of March 2021  the Day 20 in lent 
And one of my favorite celebrated days declared by the UN . 
The international Women's day . The day is usually ignored world wide and passes quietly especially in UK and USA and Russia and KSA and especially in Iran . 

But here in the Chinese republic some foreign funded paindos have recently turned the day into a circus full of fun and frolicks .
The reason why I like this day very much and wait for it very anxiously is because All year I watch and listen to the likes of Hareem Shah and Molvi Qavi trying to bring the two poles together and paint a very pretty picture of Itehad banul muslimein .

And come this day both Media and Mulla' are in a cut throat mode all over all the way me on this day you can't force them to agree on a trivial thing as insignificant as the Paper Cups is too early to predict but if the universe be on their side ....soon the foreign funding will increase manifolds ....and we may see ugly scenes of direct street skirmishes around major event venues country wide . Who cares what the issues are ...for all I know ...all I know it feels really great to see them hating each other's guts 
So openly and publicly . 

Anyways it's time for the Sehri ....yes it a little over four ...I almost dozed off for few minutes ...anyways ...I haven't decided yet about what to eat in sehri . I still feel so full from the dinner last night . 
Better hurry up time flies at this hour ...

4:14 am Break ( 1116 words)  

5:13 am Almost Done ! 

Yet another first this year ...I made a cup of coffee ...a crazy decision for the absolutely crazy weather in the survival mode . 

The escort sirens being heard from the street had nothing to do with my sehri ...

Okay coffee finished ...I am sweating like a kitty thing ...😥

Man I have not sweat or perspired so profoundly this year yet ...
Time to brush ...

No water in the tap ...😈stuck😷
Brain freeze by last sip of chilled water ...

Astronomical twilight 5:26 am

 وَبِصَوْمِ غَدٍ نَّوَيْتَ مِنْ شَهْرِ رَجب

Wa bisawmi ghadinn nawaiytu min shahri rajab

I intend to keep the fast for tomorrow in the month of Rajab 

میرا ارادہ ہے کہ رجب کے مہینے میں کل کا روزہ رکھو

Dear Merciful Lord All Mighty Allah Amen 🙏
I am keeping this fast just for you . So be pleased with me ...forgive and forget my Sins  . Bless my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may their souls rest in peace in jannah .And if for any unforeseen reason they think of me and look down upon me from Heaven , make sure they get to see me fair seeming no matter how I may be . 
Amen 🙏
پیارے مہربان رب العزت اللہ آمین 🙏

 میں یہ روزہ صرف آپ کے لئے رکھ رہا ہوں۔  تو مجھ سے راضی رہو ... معاف کرو اور میرے گناہوں کو بھول جاؤ۔  میرے پیارے والد پاپا اور امی کو برکت دیں اور جنت میں ان کی روحیں سکون حاصل کریں ۔اور اگر کسی غیر متوقع وجوہ کی بنا پر وہ مجھ سے متعلق سوچتے ہیں اور جنت سے مجھ پر نگاہ ڈالتے ہیں تو اس بات کو یقینی بنائیں کہ مجھے اس سے قطع نظر میں کیسا ہوں 
مجھے مجھ سے بہتر ظاہر ہونا چاہئے

 آمین 🙏

Be kind and gentle to my dear siblings ....and give them Deliverance from Water and gutter Woes 
Amen 🙏

میرے پیارے بہن بھائیوں کے ساتھ نرمی برتاؤ کریں .... اور انہیں پانی اور گٹر کی پریشانی سے نجات دلائیں

 آمین 🙏

Time for the fajr Prayer 🛐 with a prayer for my Dearly Departed Parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

Okay I prayed the Fajr 🛐 

It is the first of Shaban 1442 H  in harmain  the holy Mecca ...even though the moon was not sighted ( SEEN) 
They had dusty weather in Tumair observatory ... 

 so once again the crazy bitches are messing with the ramzan lets see what fawwad ji does here

Honestly people have stopped reminding us of Ramzan since he become the sinister...

Breaking news.... the Devil 😈😈must have dozed off in the water line ....because there is tap water in the kitchen ....when I don't need it for hours ....😭

Okay Good Night ! 

6:58 am (1646 Words) 

Sun 29th of Rajab 1442H
2:14 pm Good Morning ! 
The 26th Fast in Lent 
Woke after Zuhr Azan with the Sound of Chaapa ..
The Devil 😈 is still stuck in the main line ...the water in the tap is now finished ..
Had a hurried bath with bottled water 
Attend a birthday🎉

Yes Doctor Saab and family are here with the cake and lunch ....

I  totally forget it was the first Sunday after the first Birthday of the year . 

So no cake for me for about four more hours .... well I can survive no problem ...🤓

Okay so I had a bath with the bottled water and prayed 🛐  not reciting today ...not because of the Chaapa ...but because my eyes are already stressed out ......the coffee I had for Sehri made me  sleep 😴 an extra hour .....also felt dry skin and rash during sleep ...feels much better now ...

2:47 pm okay the lunch must be over now and the feast removed from the table hopefully somebody remembered to save my piece of cake it must be safe to go out and chat a little with Doctor Saab and family ...
I am already way ahead in the word count today ....which is quite extraordinary ....( 1857 words) 

4:25 pm okay I thought that my test was over when opened the door to say farewell to Doctor Saab and his family ...but somebody had ordered chocolate delight ....and in excitement ...somebody else   forgot I am fasting ...and tried to spoon feed me with a spoon full of chocolate delight .... Praiseth to All Mighty Allah Amen 🙏 . I remembered and did not open my mouth ...fortunately I wasn't even gasping 😍 like most people do at my age I have absolutely no idea how it tasted ...
But from the reactions of Doctor Saab and others especially the birthday girl must have been good ..

Anyways so the breaking news is that both Doctors Saab have been vaccined . And now they want everyone to do the same especially the above Certain age who can ....
After saying goodbye Allah Hafiz ....I went to the drug store for sister's medicine and also shopped for next week's date and other Iftari and sehri stuff . 
There isn't much to shop from the market now because most of the stuff is ordered online through foodpanda 🐼 Mart directly by anyone who needs it and when needs .....

Honestly it's the miracle of Science and the Modern World . Soon we will have the Space X drones delivering the shopping ...
Looks like we made it the promise Land . Allah ho Akbar ! God the All Mighty Allah Amen 🙏 is Great ! 

God Bless America 🙏 

Okay one more good news this week that our WiFi Kunda connection is now regularised and paid for and the password is shared with me too ...sorry not mesha shafi me ...I can log in more than two devices ...the Google and Facebook alerts are going crazy constantly reminding of a logins from unknown devices and apps ..this when half of my devices are outdated or out of order ...laptop and tablet it completely shutdown impossible to repair . And this mobile does not work at all on battery needs to be plugged in to the before turning on or it shuts down immediately ...

I have never purchased a device before in my life now I am absolutely confused and Facebook market a very recent development and utility now prominently displayed besides the notification on the page ...opens up a world of confusion ....there is no way to know which device suits me the most ....most of them are very old models just like the ones I already have there is absolutely no point in wasting more money to get a useless cheap model . The new ones on Daraz app are very expensive I am in a mess for my next move . 

Life is slowly returning to normal after a year of fear and confusion because of Covid-19 Corona Pandemic lockdown... hopefully my siblings will be throwing away their old devices ...and I may get a better deal at home ...I am already using my sister's old mobile for camera ...she had a power button problem it's a good Samsung device ...and works for me ....I somehow push the button very gently with my nails ...and it starts ..anybody else does the same and it shuts down power off . Lucky me 😜

Okay so the Asr Azan have all stopped from the nearby mosques 🕌 in the neighborhood, so I better pray 🛐 with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi

 May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

5:22 pm Break ( 2502  Words ) 

So the Sunset in Karachi ☠️ , the most dangerous city in the world, 
Was at 6:40 pm ...a new loud speaker somewhere in the town very easily audible starts the azan first ...I wait ..a minute or two to be on the safe side and the do the Iftari ...with the Dua ...prayer 🤲

اللَّهُمَّ اِنِّى لَكَ صُمْتُ وَبِكَ امنْتُ [وَعَلَيْكَ تَوَكَّلْتُ] وَعَلَى رِزْقِكَ اَفْطَرْتُ
O Allah! I fasted for You and I believe in You [and I put my trust in You] and I break my fast with Your sustenance.
[“wa ‘alayka tawakkaltu” is quoted in some books of knowledge – but not all, hence it is in brackets]
[Abu Dawud]

Allahumma Inni laka sumtu wa bika amantu [wa alayka tawakkalto] wa ‘ala rizqika aftartu

By the time I am siping the hot tea ...most of the Azans start all over the Jamshed town . Our neighborhood nearest mosque is usually the last one to start at that time I try to get and rush for the Maghrib Prayer 🛐 with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

After prayer I recited a quarter of the Para after maghrib prayer I recited the Para № 22 Quarter and stopped at the beginning of Surah Yasin (№ 36 ) Surah of the Holy Quran ...I prefer to recite this Surah in full start to finish starts in Para № 22 and ends in Para № 23 .

I microwave the Bombay cake 🍰 and it became something else .....

Can't eat the Nulli Maghaz Special Nihari right now or I won't be able to get up for sehri ...and will definitely won't be able to continue this my the Sunday Blog № 258 ( Two Hundred and fifty eight ) 

Any news from the fawad ji - Mulla' Alliance for Shaban moon sighting ...? 

Moon: 1.5%
Waxing Crescent
Current Time:14 Mar 2021, 20:54:15
Moon Direction:277.23° W
Moon Altitude:-18.13°
Moon Distance:399,732 km
Next Full Moon:28 Mar 2021, 23:48
Next New Moon:12 Apr 2021, 07:30
Next Moonrise:Tomorrow, 07:55

the neighborhood is just too Quiet and Peaceful at the moment since sunset .... can't believe it is ...

Nine O clock news time break 

Still half a century short of the target three thousand words mark on the words counter for this my the Sunday Blog № 258 ( two hundred and fifty eight ) .

( 2968 words ) 

11:14 pm Okay just as much as I try to
To keep a low profile ...the more Quiet it gets ...not really sure what the neighborhood is busy at tonight . There is nothing on the nine O clock News ....
The Moon committe announced that moon not sighted so we have 30th of Rajab 1442 H so the Shab e Barat will be days apart this time instead of just nights apart help me God the All Mighty Allah Amen 🙏.

Saved the Holi ....😂

And now the movies of the Week ....

this week i was certain that because the remote of bedroom tv had power button issues i wont be able to watch any movies but here it seems that it did not affect much ...
I finally watched the RoboCop in full ...
Doon annihilation  was okay but they steal the ending switching the channels ....I ended up watching BBC News instead of the End ....

And the end of midnight sun was missed because it was sehri time ...I thought I would hurry up and finish the sehri before it's ending but I could not I am not sure if  it had a happy ending or not ...I am beginning to get fed up of these Chanda racketeering movies making up the unpronounceable diseases ...

Scores A awesome by the way and I can't decide which one to pick for the song video to end this my the Sunday Blog № 258 ( Two Hundred and fifty eight ) ...its almost time ....

Me before you definitely a movie I liked this week ....I watched the ending before so it wasn't a surprise for ....very very realistic .....first of all I don't have a bucket list ...and second ... Paris is definitely not a place I would fancy ...

Anyways it's really great to watch Emilia Clarke in a positive constructive role ..really enjoying somebody else life ....

Remember the Goal !  
I rated it ten stars as usual but honestly it was one of the best things that happened this week ...this week I desperately needed a Divine reason to be lazy and eat Sweets 🤓

You know a few lifetimes ago somebody tried to teach me to give a handicap to someone who is weaker than you not sure if it was to keep my interest in the game or to let the losers win ....

 Yes this is it from the movies of the week .....

It is half past midnight here I end this my the Sunday Blog № 258 ( Two Hundred and fifty eight ) with the song from the movie I rated very low ...

Enjoy ! 

Remember me in you prayers 

Eat well and Stay safe 

All the Best 😍

God Bless America 🙏

Allah Hafiz ! 

Sweetest Feeling
Song by Bella Thorne

I put my hair up, I slap my lipstick on
I can't decide what to wear
I try my clothes on about a hundred times
I wanna get it right
But as long as I got this perfect feelin'
I know that everything will be right
As long as I got this sweetest feelin'
My troubles will be out of my sight
La da da da, da da da da, da da da da
My troubles will be miles away
La da da da, da da da da, da da da da
My troubles will be miles away
I slip my shoes on, take a spin or two
Tell me, how does this look to you?
In the mirror, I blow a kiss and scoot
'Cause I'm runnin' late for you
But as long as I got this perfect feelin'
I know that everything will be right
As long as I got this sweetest feelin'
My troubles will be out of my sight
La da da da, da da da da, da da da da
My troubles will be miles away
La da da da, da da da da, da da da da
My troubles will be miles away
When you take me all around this town
All the wonder we've seen
As long as I got this perfect feelin'
I know that everything will be right
As long as I got this sweetest feelin'
My troubles will be out of my sight
La da da da, da da da da, da da da da
My troubles will be miles away

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