
Tuesday 9 March 2021

Day 21

 Moon: 20.0%

Current Time:9 Mar 2021, 04:58:07
Sunrise Today:06:47 95° East
Sunset Today:18:38 266° West
Moonrise Today:04:04 117° Southeast
Moonset Today:14:52 244° Southwest
Daylight Hours:11 hours, 51 minutes (+1m 27s

Night00:00 – 05:31 Astro. Twilight05:31 – 05:57 Nautical Twilight05:57 – 06:24 Civil Twilight06:24 – 06:47 Daylight06:47 – 18:38 Civil Twilight18:38 – 19:00 Nautical Twilight19:00 – 19:27 Astro. Twilight19:27 – 19:53 Night19:53 – 23:59

Fajr 🛐
Sunrise 6:47 am 

Tues 24th Rajab 1442H
4:47 pm Good Morning ! 
The 21st Fast in Lent..
Woke up after noon .
Very Quiet and Peaceful day in the neighborhood ...
It seems wood work has started at construction site 
Sound of electric saw .
Had bath
Prayed 🛐
Recite Para № 17 ¼+¼+¼+¼
Sajda № 6


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