
Sunday 28 June 2020

The Sunday Blog # 221

Today is the Sunday , the 28th of June 2020 , the 6th of Ziqad 1441 till the Sunset ( 7:25  pm : Karachi) And this is my the Sunday Blog # 221 ( Two Hundred and twenty one ) .

The Sunday before the last Sunday I hoped yes just hoped not promised to discuss the Annual budget next Sunday so I guess that Sunday has passed amid the fuel shortage crisis means that I don't have to say a word about the Annual budget .
Okay then let's move on to the rollercoaster ride the nation was subjected to this Friday night . The only good thing I have heard about it is that ...THE SULTAN ALLAUDIN DOES NOT HATE THE PRINCE ANY MORE ........

Yes in dollar$$$ terms the petrol that was not available anywhere .... suddenly reappeared in thick air in abundance .

So I guess nobody have to worry about the corroded sword of Ertugrul in some museum somewhere ....which in better times would have scared the @#$& out of the petrol industry bosses .

Now the question is ....okay never mind let the news channels and useless journalists on social media worry about it and improve their ratings and stuff .

This week also I did not eat the mangoes as it did not rain . And that is why despite the ever increasing hot and humid weather and very punctual loadshedding .... I was able to survive the prickly rash on the reddish skin .  The azan clock do show the highest room temperature of 36°C 👹
But the weather has changed for the better tonight out side . Before the midnight it was all windy and the sky was very pink with full cloud ☁️ cover .

Okay something is seriously wrong tonight ...we have missed the second punctual loadshedding tonight . It was funny anyways ....that during the Lockdown and Smart lockdown and sealed hotspots they ( the power company ) had a shortfall forcing them to resort to the brutal loadshedding . When everybody including the supreme Court questioned the logic their spokesperson changed the stance and said they wanted permission and concession for the import of furnace oil . So it seems that the 30% levy gig worked wonders everywhere ....
No comment .

The loadshedding of electrical power for both residential and commercial consumers has been going on since three decades before that it used to be technical fault , maintenance or Act of God the All Mighty ALLAH Amen !

But this loadshedding is definitely deplorable . Because it is done to discourage the StayHome StaySafe global stance . Now  imagine the govt announced a lockdown , smart lockdown or sealing of hotspots with ever increasing number of new Corona virus infected people and alarming increase in the Corona virus Pandemic deaths . Despite all odds the people trying to keep calm and collected . With schools and universities closed due to lockdown the education departments and the bitch ( British council) trying so hard to save the educational year of the children by introducing the online education  and exams . through the internet on their laptops or mobile Apps
But the harsh loadshedding is a very big hurdle in an already very difficult experiment . With the loadshedding not only the computer goes off but also the charging of the battery operated devices becomes very difficult and ofcourse the internet also goes off so you need Data connection which has its own ups and downs .......and even if you are able to cross all these technical hurdles to join the lecture or the exam ....remember that you are without a cooling during the loadshedding . Not everybody in this country has a UPS ( inverter) or a petrol/ gas run electric generator .

And this reminds me of the glass refrigerator at the local super store I saw this week ....butter I wanted to buy and other brands all melted totally ruined gone waste ...
And I was thinking of the millions of households who panic buy the thousands of rupees worth of meat , ice creams and frozen food to stay at home during the Lockdown , Smart lockdown , or the hotspot sealed and survive ...all gone waste by the obsessive Compulsive Disorderly loadshedding by the Karachi☠️ Electric ⚔️KE

Okay it's time for the fajr prayer so I take a break for the fajr prayers with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen

5:12 am Break

5:38 am Praiseth the Lord All Mighty ALLAH Amen !
I finished the Quran recital yesterday which is for the fateha of my dearly departed Ammi ( may her soul rest in peace in jannah Amen ! )

Now I have less than 30 days to finish the next one for the fateha of my dearly departed Papa ( may his soul rest in peace in jannah Amen ! ) Which is on the 3rd of Zilhij . Let's see if I can do it or not .

Okay so it's the Sunday Breakfast time ....I really doubt if I can get the Puri tarkari in the market due to the smart lockdown and even if I am lucky it will only be a takeaway not dine-in so let's just forget it and move on to the movies of the week.....

The Movies of the Week :

  • T-34 (2018)Rated 7 stars ....a very  interesting movie order to learn how the russians think a german officer gives a chance to a group of russian soldiers to escape .....very much like the iron man 1 

  • Top Five (2014)Rated 5 stars ....Wow another jewish conspiracy movie ....Chris Rock is good in this movie ....but Dawson is better ....
  • Finding Joy (2013)Rated 4 stars what's your point ? 

  • The Pineville Heist (2016)Rated 6 stars apart from the too much violence and killings is a good movie it ! Honestly i could have never suspected the teacher ....never ! 

  • Fighting Belle (2017)Rated 5 stars .....i have no idea how i finished this movie ....but finally i did ....even though i knew whats gonna happen in the end all the way ....its one of those movies where you feel like your are missing everything ....and yet keep watching ...

  • Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows (2011)Rated 7 stars ....oh no another irene adler ....i think i prefer the karachi wali .....

  • Love’s Kitchen (2011)Rated 5 stars Not sure what to say about this movie ....i think they made a masala movie just for claire Forlani ....don't you think ?
Okay this is it from the movies of the week .....

In the turkish soap Hamari Kahani ....Bizim Hikaye ....she finally finds his truth herself

Even though i watch all the soaps i watched last week But the schedule was disturbed by the loadshedding ...sleepy head ....

7:32 am Break

8:51 am Everybody is doing breakfast and I am trying to sleep without eating so that I don't sweat during sleep especially if there is a loadshedding . We have missed the 3rd regular loadshedding time , just saw the ticker that Smart Lockdown areas are exempted from loadshedding . I just checked the foodpanda 🐼 app and it said " ops we are sorry..." For poori Halwa breakfast from non Smart areas .  Foodpanda 🐼 the food delivery app is going through a rough patch these days no not at the hands of a bhatta mafia like the MQM but it seems that the NGOs and charities which used to run on foreign funding from British and American agencies . Instead of having a separate page or column if not a separate App for begging are forcing the foodpanda 🐼 to show us their link how very childish just like a school bully trying to bully your kids into giving them the lunch money .

Okay that is how far I can go now I sleep tight

Allah Hafiz !

9:19 am Break

12:54 pm The first tweet of the day ....

Sun 6th Ziqad 1441H
12:48 pm Good Morning /Afternoon....
I am almost up and had the cup of tea's a sunless cloudy white sky outside but inside it's still hot and humid and I am sweating help me GOD .

Okay while I was browsing the net the White Cloud cover broke into pieces and now it's very Sunny and very windy dirt blowing Sunday Afternoon . Thank God the All Mighty ALLAH Amen !
I don't need to go out in this dirt and sand blowing sunny afternoon . Not only I skipped the morning breakfast before sleep but now i am seriously thinking of skipping the Sunday Brunch as well . Should have fasted . Luckily I got really nice tea today ...there is no mucus in the nostrils or the throat nothing to spit the eyelids are a little messy and the forehead a little bulging with two coins...breathing is fine ...bowel movement is good too had one go before fajr and ready to go again . .
Missed the fourth loadshedding .....the neighborhood is mostly Quiet and Peaceful in general , the kids in the Corona Virus 😷 Pandemic Headquarter in the neighborhood are playing yesterday the oxygen cylinder refill paramedics were also very relaxed and without the PPE's so I guess the patients must be recovering or moved or died .
The paramedics ambulance driver even shook hands with the new driver of the horny cars across the street . The penthouse in the building usually have a chirping kids nursery on Sunday morning there was a pin drop silence today . The neighbors Son on the other side of the building who is related to a doctor and is looked after by two generations seemed really panicked . He kept rushing in and out of the house in his father's unwashed dirty car all day Saturday . Haven't seen him today yet and the father's car is peacefully parked outside the door gathering more dirt due to the high winds blowing dirt .

The neighborhood Cow Mandi where half a dozen cows were displayed every year has finally had the swan song . The permanent hot tin roof on the kerb ( footpath) is just being dismantled with a drill Saw . This Friday the Tora Bora Khan was really excited he knocked the door and gave me box of sweets on behalf of the builder . Not sure if it was just a one night stand or if we are going to receive the mixer Biryani as well in the year to come the way after I eat all my favorite pieces from the box ..almost half of it was shared with the heavily Armed Guard of the neighbors ... Not sure if he ate it or not ...but he look alright today . His sneezing , coughing and spitting has really improved since last Sunday . Praiseth the Lord All Mighty ALLAH Amen !
He did not have the Corona virus Pandemic . He has been given a full time 24 hours personal assistant and caretaker by the sponsors .
It's Sunday but we have plenty of street parking space . So with the Tora Bora Khan Taking over the security details of the neighborhood ...I am not sure if the Sindh police will return after the summer vacations . Especially after a total stranger came with the door keys and removed the high roof Suzuki from their parking . Their two years contract must be finished too . Let's see if they vacate with the fixtures or dismantle every piece of scrape for my entertainment

O khanam kuja Meri ...
O khanam ....

Okay it's too late ...I have to bath and pray 🛐 and begin the next Quran recital .

So here I take a break for prayer 🛐 with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen

3:16 pm Break

5:06 pm  so instead of half I recited the whole para of Quran . But the back is stiff so now I will just lie down and relax . The street is just too quiet ...did not hear any rider asking address from the Heavily Armed Guard the riders prefer to ask him instead of the Google .
The other day when I was reciting surah Sad (38) . And I was at that ayat I heard him say ...pichli Gali main ....honestly I was so high that I did not notice what fell there .....sorry 😇
Anyways this does not prove that my blogs are being read slowly and gradually how much time do I have left  ?

This week our unsubscribed cable was disconnected again for the fifth or sixth time since being unsubscribed before the Lockdown in March but it was restored today nobody is watching the TV so it makes no difference at all .

Wait the bakery on wheels is here ....I have to go and buy the bread ...

Pause !

O khanam koja Meri
O khanam .....

Yes I won the bread ...and that saves a trip to the market the prices of egg and cheese ball increased due to lockdown . He assured they will come down after the lockdown . He was offering a discount on the potato chips  plain but I had to come back and get more cash and i did not want to keep him waiting . Had already forced him to dismount his fully loaded ride to get me the bags of cheese balls ( top pop ) plain .

He has lost two main customers in the neighborhood and the third one was probably sleeping so he seemed really glad to see me ...
In my childhood a guy on a bicycle with a large box use to bring the bakery stuff . But then I don't know what happened for few years doctor Saab got the responsibility and I used to tag along with him they were really fun and carefree days for me ....after that doctor Saab got busy in studies and I got a bicycle so I started going alone . Then I grew out of the small bicycle and started going for the maghrib prayer regularly Since than I am the bread winner . And have always tried to have the price of egg in control and have always protested the one @#$& egg
Always try to wash it before putting it in the refrigerator . Just as I did it today . Recently I wasn't getting that one egg today I must have done something good or bad deserve the same old school push ...😭

The one thing that surprises me most is that I have never been rash or extravagant in shopping for the breakfast things but I have never been short of cash to be extravagant if I wished .
During the mid life crisis I switched many bakeries and shops to avoid that one @#$& egg or get the fresh bread and in the end I realised it's no use ....and started enjoying it ....

Now since the mosque is off limits for me so half the fun is already gone ...but I cannot make it a habit to buy  breakfast from the rider or I will become lazy and the kitchen will suffer due to short supply of the essentials for cooking . And then I will have to go for shopping whenever something is needed . Which is very impossible in the current Corona virus Pandemic lockdown situation .

Anyways it's time for Asr Prayers slipping away so I better hurry up and pray with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen

6:42 pm Break

Sun 7th Ziqad 1441H
8:19 pm Good Evening !
So before the maghrib prayer while relaxing the back after finishing the second para , I placed the order for dinner and peacefully prayed the maghrib prayer with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen

By the time I finished prayers  it was just few minutes away I went to the door and saw the rider coming and received my order . The rider very courteously thanked me twice. I came inside and called my siblings to dinner . We had dinner and I cleaned the table . Will do the dishes as we need them 😁
Have to clear the throat and brush me teeth so I need a break also I have to upload the pictures .

8: 33 pm Break

10:52 pm okay the news is that prime minister of Pakistan Imran Khan has invited the ruling party for dinner tonight , by ruling party I don't mean just the PTI party but also the MQM , the GDA , BNP , The Q - league etc etc the initial report was that nobody will show up and only bugti has arrived and been talking to bilawal on phone but then Dr shabaz Gill posted the food pictures of qorma , biryani and kulcha and now the news is that it's a full house and there is also a long queue outside waiting for the security clearance ....

The other news is that due to lockdown sops the cattle farmers are taking the animals to the surjani instead of sohrab goth . It is not clear if street slaughter of animals would be allowed this year or not . My siblings are very unsure about anything at the moment .

And in Sports News ....the Corona virus tested positive cricket team of  PCB has arrived in English city of Manchester from Lahore and for the next fourteen days they will violate the quarantine and spread the deadly virus . If cought they will only speak Russian .

The other news from Manchester is that Liverpool have won the championship of the league idea when and how ...anyways

Pakistan Army is playing battleship latest version  the Droneship ispr claims they have sunk another drone in dollar terms ....13 trillion rupees main lutia doob Rahi hai ....sabar Kar aur kisi se zikr na kar ....

I am sure you have heard about the 141 pilots of Pakistan being grounded . And another hundred in waiting . I think it's a good move by the aviation industry to save Pakistani pilots from being blamed for the future disaster and plane crash globally . Here in Pakistan we value technical expertise instead of academic excellence.

Okay time is up ....and i am happily ending this my the Sunday Blog # 221 ( Two Hundred and twenty one ) with a ghazal of momin sung beautifully by Nayyara Noor ...the video is from some Ptv long Play i don't remember now ...
anyways ...

 All the Best .

Allah Hafiz !

Nayyara Noor -Woh jo hum mein tum mein qarar tha

Zikar Hai Kai Saal Ka (Long PLay) Director: Saira Kazmi Writer: Dr. Anwar Sajjad Music: Arshad Mehmood Singer: Nayyara Noor Poet: Momin khan Momin Cast: Rahat Kazmi, Atiqa Ohdho, Arshad Mehmood, Ali Kazmi etc

وہ جو ہم میں تم میں قرار تھا تمہیں یاد ہو کہ نہ یاد ہو
وہی یعنی وعدہ نباہ کا تمہیں یاد ہو کہ نہ یاد ہو
وہ جو لطف مجھ پہ تھے بیشتر وہ کرم کہ تھا مرے حال پر
مجھے سب ہے یاد ذرا ذرا تمہیں یاد ہو کہ نہ یاد ہو
وہ نئے گلے وہ شکایتیں وہ مزے مزے کی حکایتیں
وہ ہر ایک بات پہ روٹھنا تمہیں یاد ہو کہ نہ یاد ہو
کبھی بیٹھے سب میں جو روبرو تو اشارتوں ہی سے گفتگو
وہ بیان شوق کا برملا تمہیں یاد ہو کہ نہ یاد ہو
ہوئے اتفاق سے گر بہم تو وفا جتانے کو دم بہ دم
گلۂ ملامت اقربا تمہیں یاد ہو کہ نہ یاد ہو
کوئی بات ایسی اگر ہوئی کہ تمہارے جی کو بری لگی
تو بیاں سے پہلے ہی بھولنا تمہیں یاد ہو کہ نہ یاد ہو
کبھی ہم میں تم میں بھی چاہ تھی کبھی ہم سے تم سے بھی راہ تھی
کبھی ہم بھی تم بھی تھے آشنا تمہیں یاد ہو کہ نہ یاد ہو
سنو ذکر ہے کئی سال کا کہ کیا اک آپ نے وعدہ تھا
سو نباہنے کا تو ذکر کیا تمہیں یاد ہو کہ نہ یاد ہو
کہا میں نے بات وہ کوٹھے کی مرے دل سے صاف اتر گئی
تو کہا کہ جانے مری بلا تمہیں یاد ہو کہ نہ یاد ہو
وہ بگڑنا وصل کی رات کا وہ نہ ماننا کسی بات کا
وہ نہیں نہیں کی ہر آن ادا تمہیں یاد ہو کہ نہ یاد ہو
جسے آپ گنتے تھے آشنا جسے آپ کہتے تھے با وفا
میں وہی ہوں مومنؔ مبتلا تمہیں یاد ہو کہ نہ یاد ہو
vo jo ham meñ tum meñ qarār thā tumheñ yaad ho ki na yaad ho
vahī ya.anī va.ada nibāh tumheñ yaad ho ki na yaad ho
vo jo lutf mujh pe the beshtar vo karam ki thā mire haal par
mujhe sab hai yaad zarā zarā tumheñ yaad ho ki na yaad ho
vo na.e gile vo shikāyateñ vo maze maze hikāyateñ
vo har ek baat pe rūThnā tumheñ yaad ho ki na yaad ho
kabhī baiThe sab meñ jo rū-ba-rū to ishāratoñ se guftugū
vo bayān shauq barmalā tumheñ yaad ho ki na yaad ho
hue ittifāq se gar baham to vafā jatāne ko dam-ba-dam
gila-e-malāmat-e-aqribā tumheñ yaad ho ki na yaad ho
koī baat aisī agar huī ki tumhāre ko burī lagī
to bayāñ se pahle bhūlnā tumheñ yaad ho ki na yaad ho
kabhī ham meñ tum meñ bhī chaah thī kabhī ham se tum se bhī raah thī
kabhī ham bhī tum bhī the āshnā tumheñ yaad ho ki na yaad ho
suno zikr hai ka.ī saal ki kiyā ik aap ne va.ada thā
so nibāhane to zikr kyā tumheñ yaad ho ki na yaad ho
kahā maiñ ne baat vo koThe mire dil se saaf utar ga.ī
to kahā ki jaane mirī balā tumheñ yaad ho ki na yaad ho
vo bigaḌnā vasl raat vo na mānñā kisī baat
vo nahīñ nahīñ har aan adā tumheñ yaad ho ki na yaad ho
jise aap ginte the āshnā jise aap kahte the bā-vafā
maiñ vahī huuñ 'momin'-e-mubtalā tumheñ yaad ho ki na yaad ho

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