
Sunday 7 June 2020

The Sunday Blog # 218

Today is the Sunday the 7th of June 2020 , the 15th of Shawwal 1441H till the Sunset ( 7: 20 pm : Karachi)  and this is my the Sunday Blog # 218 ( Two Hundred and Eighteen ) .

So its the 7th of June on a Sunday means that this is my Happy Birthday 🎉🎂❣️🎈 Sunday Blog .
From all of us here at the Wasiq1's weekly Blog and Wasiq1's Sunday Blog , we wish Wasiq a very happy birthday .

To be very honest I was expecting it to be very different week after months and weeks of fasting and relaxing .
The Lockdown was relaxed a bit . Shops and markets were allowed to open till seven which is very near the Sunset . Public transport , online cab allowed , Malls and offices opened . The timings of food and restaurant takeaways and deliveries is also increased .

Still I had a very sleepy week 😴
I am not really sure if that's politically Correct or not because I did not miss a single stay-at-home prayers . May have skipped a few afternoon lunches and a few breakfast and brunches but I really don't think that I was ever hungry or went to bed on a empty stomach .

This week I did not miss a single episode of the soaps serials both online or on tv . And I also started to watch the YouTube picks just for me know what ...when these Social media sites like YouTube or Facebook promotes a video saying ....suggested for you !!!
It really feels especial . Even though I know very well that it is based on the videos I have been watching all along .
For example the moment I open the YouTube app , the first video that appear is the latest episode of the online soap serial I watch first every night and then the second from the subscribed channel . And when I finish the first suggested video the next appear again or the terser of the first ....which is even better infact a blessing if you have been tortured with the tirade of ads and commercials in between for many many years on the Cable TV channels .
After that it's random videos ....shows , movies , clips . I don't watch porn that easily even if it is suggested or shared by a Australian super Star and his Wag ( can't blame us we had sanctions $ accounts frozen🤑)
Waqar Younis says some ‘Allah ka banda’ hacked his Twitter account and ‘liked’ porn video, quits social media in disgust
Anyway ,
This week I watched an American Vlogger ( male) who accidentally tought me how to make Burns road famous Arabic Paratha . (12:35 - 13:44) I am not really sure how I stumbled upon this vlog probably due to the vlogs I watched last week ....But as a result of this one i got a Vlog suggestion of an unbelievable vlog . It's by a young very young lass ...a new Zealand repatriate living in a bubble called the defence . She wants to do the media and got rejected by the NWU

please don't tell her this , because she did Nixor 🥁

Anyways ...the thing is that through one of her vlogs I learned something I have been searching for, for a very long time .....

Food Coma !!! 🐂♉
But this does not mean that I will change my mind about Vlogging . Just as I have no intention of quitting the Blogging any time soon but I am not so sure about the Twitter .
Twitter recently has become a porn site and none of the filters seems to have been working satisfactorily . Just yesterday morning I learned that shaheed mohtarima loved the sex toys and she and her aids practiced sadism with you know who years went by but after the 9/11 tragic events  CIA lost control globally and this is when everything changed ....with the help of Some friends in MiSicks the you know who took his revenge . The Sadistic part is that those who watch pg 13 movies knew about the plan long before and just watched the news everyday and read newspapers for years which was good for business . But the porn fans could never really understand this at all so the Twitter is getting them there ... nothing is actually guaranteed. ...

Batteries low ....

Got to take a break .

3:23 am Break

4:04 am Okay so its almost time for the fajr prayer break ...but since i have this awesome Data connection and bundle , i believe i should do the movies of the Week first before the break ....

But first i would like to thank the na maloom afraad who cut off ..shut down ...gave static in the BroadBand connection about a million times over the past few years ....honestly if they had not been soo consistent i would have never given up the Broadband net connection and would have never have discovered how fast my Telenor download is ....even with the prehistoric sim and device ....

So now i am willing and free to even try the Zong ........


Here are the Movies of the Week

  • Kurbaan (2009)Rated 4 stars ....i am so sure i have watched this movies more than once But some how there is no record of it on IMDB or my blogs ....Anyways is good But some facts and details are not coinciding with the actual events it must have been shocking in the year of the release but now nobody will believe this anyways ....oh yes it shows more back of kareena than ever before or after ....idiosyncratic indeed !
  • Aquaman (2018)Rated 7 stars .....very fast paced ...almost animated ....and it has Amber heard ....what else do you want ....? 

  • Three Weeks, Three Kids (2011)Rated 6 Stars ....The jewish conspiracy only happens in the movies me !
  • Changeover (2016)Rated 6 stars ......definitely a jewish conspiracy .....after i watched this i started watching Geo entertainment's Tamana serial ....
  • Forever My Girl (2018)Rated 7 stars three ....ignore it ! ...oh by the way even before watching this movie i had a category infact two ....Before mobile movies and After the Mobile Movies ....i thing this should qualify for both . ....Na its a after the mobile movie .....I have not updated my skype for the same reason ....
  • Shadows in the Sun (2005)Rated 7 Stars .....yes indeed ....
  • The Hustle (2019)Rated 4 stars ......what is that hindi movie ...ricky bahl vs ladies ....yes ....wasted Ann Hathaway ....hate it ! 
  • Maleficent: Mistress of Evil (2019)Rated 9 stars .....hated to rate an angelina movie so low ....but the first one was a twisted fairy tale ....this sequel is much better it ! 
  • Malang (2020)Rated 7 stars ....okay i don't understand how the whore who saved her was sacrificed so easily .....other than that ....the movie is okay . 
This is it from the movies of the week .....i did it in time .....

Now i can take a Prayer Break with a prayer for my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen

4:55 am Break

5:45 am Good Morning ! Subha bakhir .
Okay so I had a simple breakfast after fajr .
The sky is mostly cloudy very thick clouds . But soon they will vanish and all we will have is the sun burning partly cloudy or hazy sky . Today is the Seventy seventh day of lockdown here in our Karachi ☠️  . People are really scared and they could have gone mad or crazy because of the continuous Lockdown in which all the schools , colleges and universities are closed for an indefinite period . Nobody knows when or if the schools will reopen . Most of the students have been promoted to the next classes without the exams are results . But the stay at home graduations are really funny . Even I feel bad for these graduates of the class of 2020 . Who never had a graduation in my entire schooling history . And I never cared . Here the system is that the schools teach us and the Boards take exams ....and because of the overload on the boards it sometimes takes months for the results which is something that the schools are not very proud of and the graduation ceremony costs a fortune which nobody wants to pay . And the certificate s and degrees are usually issued by the boards and not the schools . And to the boards a student is just one in a thousands with the thousands as well to worry about . So graduation ceremony is definitely not an option .

Same process happens with the college . It's worse for the Cambridge exams ... GCe Students because they spend much more than a matric or inter student does both on school and the exam as well as the reading material mostly just imported from the banana republic of korangi . I never understood why our kids study for the Cambridge exams from Oxford universe press materials . Really makes no sense at all . But does it makes any sense as to why the drapers turn to education . Just because here is more Ration in it .

Anyway so as I was saying being in a  lockdown people the very scared , jobless , futureless people , would have gone crazy , but here on the contrary they are so perpetually entertained by the divide the fools law of the British unwritten Constitution .
In the US people who were afraid to open the doors of their own home few weeks ago are now on the streets . Protesting , rioting and looting and playing with the yankee cavalry .
No masks , no sanitizers no social distancing seems like Covid-19 Corona Virus is dead in Washington DC .

Here in Karachi ☠️ we are lagging behind just a little . But you saw the 21st of Ramzan Yom e Ali
Procession on the street and the traffic jams everyday even on the very strict lockdown days .

The Sindh Government favoured private Hospitals have all put up the house full signs . How can there be social distancing if they are over booked to their capacity . Many segments of the society are totally frustrated especially the opposition pti . They are only waiting for the weather to become a little beareable to call all the frustrated youths and pathans to the Seaview , Jinnah bridge and kala pull etc etc .

Okay it's time to sleep 😴

Sweet Dreams 😘

7: 41 am Break

1:11 pm Good Morning !
It is unbelievably quiet and peaceful Sunday afternoon .
There is absolutely no traffic on the street . All the neighbors cars are parked on the street so nobody left either . There is a motorbike fully loaded with tools and stuff parked on the kerb outside probably a plumber or the AC repair guy working next door . Of all the millions of the neighbors only one seems to be excited ....must be related to the Mumbai king Dawood Ibrahim who is believed to have died of Corona virus .
The security guard detail seems to have changed again . After two very different brands of chain smoking guards we now have the same old emotionally split one . And for some odd reason the Sindh police keeps an eye on him all the time . Confused he seems really unsure whether to mingle or stay single . Due to Corona pandemic the Sindh police is staying up on the roof most of the time insulating . Their kids  did not return after Eid ...will probably spend the summer back home till the floods . No place in Sindh is safe anymore . You may have heard how bad  is the Pandemic there ...then there is the locust attacks . Not sure if it hurts the humans and kids the same as it hurts and destroy the crops . Floods and flash floods are just round the corner . Loadshedding and hot weather never leaves . Not to mention the price control and shortage of essential food items .
This week the media has reported a severe petrol shortage since the OGRA reduced and claimed that the prices are the lowest in Asia or south East Asia whatever ....most petrol stations shut down or refused to fill up at that price . The opposition PTI is yet to take notice . The PM Khan celebrated the reduction of prices and moved on his focus on the food items prices ...he told his fellow morons that with the reduction in petrol prices now the food items prices should also come down . So help you God ....stock the essential ! curfew can be imposed any time without notice . Many districts and sub division have been sealed
Hoorin makhsoratin fil khayam .....foreign flights have been allowed to bring more and more Corona virus positive people .
Anyways few more useless lawmakers and members of Parliament and a Sindh minister for land grabbing passed away this week due to the Corona virus pandemic ....
Yes there is a God All Mighty ALLAH Amen !

Here is the morning tweet

Sun 15th Shawwal 1441H
12:54 pm Good Morning !
The eyes are still sticky but I believe I am up to yet another hot and humid Sunday afternoon .

No sure what happened to the Sunday Brunch . Anyways ...I need to get up and have a bath and pray and eat .

So here I take a prayer break with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen

2:15 pm Break

4:08 pm Okay so when I got up I was informed that my dear nephew is coming for my Happy Birthday . So I took a bath and prayed 🛐 with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen

And by the time I was finished he had arrived with him he brought the especially hand made Happy Birthday card and beautifully wrapped gifts from my dear younger sister and the family . He also brought hot and spicy chicken biryani with him . Thankyou !
So first we cut the cake and then we eat the Biryani . So this is how my  fifty + Happy Birthday was celebrated .  Doctor Saab was not able to come but he send his gift through the easypaisa . Thank you !
So I guess all my dear siblings joined me , wished me and celebrated  this Happy Birthday with me
Thank you once again for being here for me and wishing me well .

The weather outside is so hot that I am melting inside .... I wanted to go to the market and was also dressed but because of the heat I changed my mind and came back to bed . After half an hour I am pretty much cool down and relaxed But I can hear somebody microwaving food and eating so I have to go and check .....

4:32 pm Break

6:26 pm Had lots of Hot tea much that I begin to sweat head to chin ...and soon my shirt became all wet ....heard the sound of digging well sorry boring ....from the back alley ....not sure where it's coming from ...went to see it but there was no sign of it just the sound of it I guess it's on the other side of the road or maybe a block away .... can't say .
Lockdown is tight I stood for a while to look over the wall and found no traffic at all for few minutes . Only saw the neighbor with the fancy motorbike doing SOPs before riding off on a motorlessbike ....yes I am sure he used to be a gym fanatic and these days he is riding a bicycle with gears to stay in shape . Almost all gym fanatics in the neighborhood who saved the gym fees and instructors stipends now owns a bicycle with gears . I am not sure if they are gathering together somewhere or just riding all alone . But the alarming thing is that this person after riding for a month or two looks very unwell . I believe they are overdoing this exercise . Or maybe it's the financial troubles as a result of lockdown that are now beginning to be very clearly seen on the face and body.  Funny that when the moved in the neighborhood they did all the Social distancing gimmicks like Barb wire or bottle glass on the boundary wall and occupied kerbs and footpaths with fencing etc
After just two months of lockdown they are now beginning to look around getting to know the neighbors . Using their kids and cars to socialize . But I guess it's too late now . Because I am pretty sure they knew very well what they were getting into before moving in My Neighborhood ..... let's see who survive and who don't  😷

Okay time for the maghrib prayer with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen

7:16 pm Break

Sun 16th Shawwal 1441H
8:33 pm Good Evening !

It's still partly cloudy the Waning moon is not up yet .
The Twitter trends are surprisingly very different from yesterday .  Only one seemed similar from more than a week ago  but it turns out they are trending about a totally different Usman today ....
There is a very surprising trend among the Karachi trends ...and it's a pre- historic children books writer J k Rowling's ....she is being roughed for being TERF ....not falling for ...I realised where it's leading after just three top tweets ...the Karachi ☠️ hash # tag is so diversified at this hour that it clearly indicates ...that All teams are busy offline or regrouping .

Some really upset kids are running a trend about online exams fee in a lockdown .
Nothing serious .

Okay it's nine and I need to take a break ...

9:00 pm Break

11:08 pm Thank you and Good Night !

Lol !

Media has lost it completely ..... They are showing khadda market in lyari ....Even Ex President Bush knows where the Khadda Market is in Karachi ☠️

Anyways ,

I am so glad I was in front of the TV when this multi storey building in lyari collapsed .
God Save The Queen !

I again had the same chicken biryani I had yesterday for dinner  and then I tried to figure out if it was five , six or eight storeys building that collapsed . Because the tickers on all local news channels was not sure . Now they say that every floor had families and also that the building collapsed during the evacuation . Which means that there must be hundred people But the death toll released so far is very minimal as if the whole building was already evacuated before the collapse . In that case the Breaking News should have been . A vacant old useless out of the way building demolished by the builder . That's it ....why make it a ghost story News .

Okay so after relaxing I had a bath and prayed🛐
 With a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen

Okay this is it . It's almost midnight here . So I guess it's time to end this my the Happy Birthday Sunday Blog #218 ( Two Hundred and Eighteen)
Thanks for reading ...
The Song video with which I will end this my the Happy Birthday Sunday Blog # 218 ( Two Hundred and Eighteen ) with is from one of the movies of the week
I am sure you will enjoy it .

So its Good bye all the best , be safe and take care and please don't fall for the FIA and Geo Entertainment joint operation 👹


You Can't Stop the Girl

Oh, they tryna shoot down angels
They tryna pull their wings off
So, they can't fly
And, oh, but she's so brave, though
Just like a tornado
She's taking us by storm

You can't stop the girl from going
You can't stop the world from knowing
The truth will set you free, oh
You can't stop the girl from going
You can't stop the world from knowing
The truth will set you free, oh

You can't stop the girl

They tryna take our voices
They tryna make our choices
So we scream loud, loud, loud
And, oh, I know you feel the lightnin'
And it's so excitin'
So, here we come

You can't stop the girl from going
You can't stop the world from knowing
The truth will set you free, oh
You can't stop the girl from going
You can't stop the world from knowing
The truth will set you free, oh

You can't stop the girl
You can't stop the girl
You can't stop the girl
No, you can't stop the girl

Oh, I know you feel the lightnin'
And, it's so excitin'
So, here we come

It's good enough for right now

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