
Sunday 24 March 2019

The Sunday Blog # 155

Today is Sunday the 24th of March 2019 , the 16th of Rajab 1440 H till the Sunset ( 6:45 pm , Karachi ) , and this is my the Sunday Blog # 155 (Hundred and fifty five ) .

Believe it or Not ....I and my week heart has once again survived the Happy Pakistan Day ....Humble !Related image

SO this is the third Sunday in lent 2019  already we are half way through . Mann this lent is going away very fast . I don't understand why this fasting thing never ever occurred to my small brain . Giving up just one thing for over six weeks used to be very difficult . And the devil always made it harder and harder ...But somehow here again Fasting in Islam is an updated version of older fasting and much simpler . Praiseth the Merciful Lord All Mighty Allah Amen !
So three fast a week going on and i intend to keep a fast today on the Sunday again . so in few hours my Sunday fast will begin so i have to hurry up and reach a big word count on the words counter for this my the Sunday Blog # 155 ( Hundred and fifty five ) before the sehri so that i can relax and sleep well . Since this predicament is of my own choosing so i do not expect anyone else to wish me to sleep well . Infact sometimes i do have a feeling that sleeping is not at all easy like it is for me . People who can't sleep much or wake up early considers others who are found guilty of sleeping or not waking up at the normal time , Lazy . So  the first thing that i have tried to adjust my self to is that nobody will like to see me sleeping after a certain time . This keeps changing according to the condition of weather and temperature as well as the daylight and traffic on the streets .
Suppose if there is a Huge traffic jam on the three or more main roads or highways of the city and i am asleep . Then it is a sin . And somehow the effort will be made to wake me up and leave the bed . No matter how short my sleep has been . Like for example if i sleep after fajr prayer before the Sunrise which is around 6:30 am ...then how come it is justified to wake me up at 9:30 am or 10:00 am . Still i am a very good sleeper and when i am asleep i usually don't get disturbed by the ordinary regular sounds even if it is a loud sound of a door banging or or something dropping  or breaking . But there is one thing that i cannot avoid and that is continues talking in a very excited way especially when it is a heated discussion by two or more people . Similarly the continuous sound of a Breaking news on the television with a higher than normal volume also helps break my very deep sleep . And the strange thing is that psychologically ...the awake people feels duty bound to increase the volume of this breaking news repetition . In excitement i believe , not wishing to miss any big or minute detail . After all it is their Sworn duty to tell whoever have missed this breaking news. People getting bail or not getting it may or may not be a matter of life and death to some political leaders or ex - officials and super models . But Me not learning it and sleeping while this commotion exits is definitely not good . After All i have a Right to know after every court decision and the reaction of the leaders and their party workers . Just this week when the saien Zardaris were to appear before the NAB some workers and security people quarreled . And that made a Breaknews ... Worth solid enough to wake me up .
It is a shame that when the Religious scholar and head of a seminary was attacked this friday . I was already up and getting ready for the juma prayer . the television was shut off .   Image result for mehwish hayat gify

And that is how some really interesting Breaking News are so easily wasted . Timing is very crucial when you are making a Breaking News .
Anyways the silent winters are gone now for good and the fans have started . If you are lucky enough to have a noisy fan on while you are sleeping in a closed room then that takes away and reduces the chances of you waking up with a breaking News and the excitement as a result .
SO All the Best . and forget to oil and clean the fan for a good and healthy sleep .

1:55 am Break ( 764 words)

2:37 am Okay the Astro twilight today is at 5:16 am which is the end of sehri time . And the Sunrise is 6:32 am . Chances of Chaapa is less than the chances of rain or drizzle . So now i have only two hours left to cross the fifteen hundred words mark on the words counter for this my the Sunday Blog # 155 ( Hundred and fifty five ) . If  i don't make it to the fifteen hundred plus words mark for this my the Sunday Blog # 155 ( hundred and fifty five ) by the sehri time then i will set the target of less than four thousand words today . But if i did the first two thousand words before sleeping or sehri or whatever ...then the target will be four thousand plus words . If everything is normal that i could even do better today . The Second ODI between Pakistan and Australia will start at 4 :00 pm ...That will be a huge distraction. Especially because shoaib malik is the captain and i wonder why Allah taa'la is not letting him thanks for the win . Mysterious strange ways ....LOL

And in other Cricket News ....
The Al noor Mosque in Christchurch has been reopened . Most of the dead bodies have been buried in the graveyard nearby and the Friday Prayer of Juma which was held at about the same time our Fajr Prayer here in karachi the most dangerous city in the world . The lady Prime Minister once again wore black head gear and dress to attend the friday Juma Prayers with a huge number of non muslim followers and government officials . For the First time in the history of the friday Juma prayers have i heard a clapping after the juma sermon . It is and will be extremely difficult to digest for a long time to come . Actually the thing is that extreme emphasis has always been given to the juma prayer sermons. After being taught to concentrate and remain silent and respectful as well as attentive during the sermon so as much as that if somebody irritates or speaks during it ...i was taught not to reply . Very rarely it must have happened that i would have need the urge to speak or communicated with someone or express my feeling during the sermon . When the sermon ends we all get up and pray with the imam saab leading the prayer . No body mentions the America or Canada during the sermon in arabic. Recently a prayer leader did mention Pakistan but it was a very individual event . the next time there was some other guy with a different friday juma mubarak sermon . While listening to the friday juma Mubarak sermon i try my best to understand where the imam saab or the prayer leader is going . i mean which page of the sermon book is he on . 

There are a few variations of the friday Juma prayer sermons ...and after years and years and decades of listening it sometimes with clear thoughts and open heart and mind and some times extremely distracted wandering heart and mind . Some learn it by heart and proudly recite it and others prefer to read it from the old book of mostly the sermons for all the occasions like the Juma tul wida or the last friday of the holy month of Ramazan and the eid day sermon .  But actually it is still quite amazing that the whole government of a non islamic Cricket Playing respectable Nation is reacting in such a fashion . Seems so politically correct ...for the first time to ...
3:50 am Break ( 1353 words )

4:09 am Okay Half an Hour left before the Sehri Break . But since i ate a heavy dinner so i am not sure what to eat in sehri . 

 Anyways , i really don't think i could reach the two thousand words now . So never mind and just relax and enjoy the rest of the time left . Infact if i don't hurry up i may not even be able to cross the fifteen hundred word mark or maybe not ...anyways .
so there is life without and after the PSL 4 . the karachi may not be the same even though . But i am sure it will survive ...a thing i cannot confidently say about the infamous Bahria Town the walled city outside the city of Karachi the most dangerous city in the world . A very complicated decision of the Supreme court became a breaking news two days ago . Most Bahria Town investors had a very sad gloomy Pakistan Day because of that Supreme court of Pakistan decision . It is a settlement where BT agrees to pay 460 billion for the illegal land in karachi . and in return the Supreme court gives the BT a simple protection from NAB . This does not guarantee any thing . plus the terms of payment are also tough for a investor based company .

Bahria Town Karachi will have to pay the entire amount within seven years, said the top court in its ruling, ordering the company to pay Rs25bn as down-payment by August this year. From September onward, it will have to pay monthly installments of Rs2.25bn for the next three years.
After three years, it will have to pay a four per cent markup in case of late instalments. If the company fails to deposit two installments, Bahria Town Karachi will be considered a defaulter, said the top court.
The company will also be required to give a 99-year lease to everyone who purchased a plot in Bahria Town Karachi housing project and will mortgage parks, cinemas and other assets owned by it.
The court further said that NAB would not file references against Bahria Town Karachi as long as the latter complies with the order.
So lets see what happens ....And since the BT and Mr Malik has been notoriously affiliated  with the previous political setups idea if the present govt will like to continue that " Special Relations "

Anyways ...

My time is up so here i take a sehri break and a prayer break with a prayer for my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

4:45 am Break ( 1850 words )

12:17 pm Good Morning or Afternoon !
the morning mood tweet first .

Sun 16th Rajab 1440H
12:11 pm Fasting .... The weather and the sky is definitely not the same to which i went to sleep after fajr is as white as snow sun ...interesting the weather site says its mostly sunny this must be a very local thing and may clear 😇
Yes thank you i had an amazing sleep this morning and woke up on my own . And look i am up before noon and here as soon as possible . before coming here i checked the surprizing white hazy sky and cleaned the water tub from the fallen leaves .  The leaves from the tall ashoka and neem tree are falling in large numbers and the neighbours are having mangoes green ...and those who do not believe in trees or are scared of them are forcing the city govt ZMC worker to wash their houses with water and wet our front gate . make it slippery so that their children may fall and get hurt and then they can spit more ....LOOL !

Anyways the french admistration and the Police have firmly decided to use force against the yellow vest protest . Connection ....? our city workers also wear the coloured vest on special duty . Just like yesterday this worker came with the coloured vest and wasted the water ...left it standing on our gate and did not even let anybody else clean the leaves . And all this is Happening in the Lent 2019 . Two Non city workers must have retired now ...also comes to our house to wake me up in the morning and the other one to pray ...we clean the leaves ourself .

Anyways this was my sehri today .

 the clogged and congested nostrils and throat and ear is clearing up slowly . the kitchen activity has not yet begin ...probably because there is wrapped box of sweet meat in the fridge . My dear diabetic Sister is definitely praying for the iftar and not eating at all ...she is also practicing for the fasting . yesterday she tried very hard but her sugar level was 70 something two hours before the iftar . Had to eat ...she did not wake up for Sehri but have not seen her going towards the kitchen yet and looks fresh and confident so i believe is just my guess that she is trying it again today .
Have you ever thought that how small is the difference between staying hungry and fasting . yet there is a huge difference in the results and outcomes . And all it takes is the intention and the will to do it not for yourself but for your creator The dear All Mighty Allah Amen !
who wants nothing in return just that you stay happy and healthy and clean . Live all the days of your life and let the others live theirs just the same . Simple !

Most of the people in this world ruin the lives everyone around them especially the near and dear ones ruining their own life and health and happiness . And they blame everyone else but themselves for their miserable life . How Amazing !
So anyways i am trying and have always been trying to stay happy and healthy on my own even if it causes misery to the people around me .

Okay then i believe its Time now for the Prayer Break with a prayer for my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

1:20 pm Break ( 2502 words )

3:35 pm Good Afternoon or Evening whatever ...!
so during this session we are to discuss some of the most interesting news tickers and tweets this sunday morning .

The first one was that a former pakistani singer passed away . Okay never mind ...

the other news ticker was about the difference in official and market prices of Meat in Quetta . this was probably on Geo News . I can't find it on twitter or news anywhere not even the recent prices of meat in quetta  to verify the ticker . Actually the price was shocking for me as i thought it would be higher than karachi the most dangerous city in the world .  Here the price of mutton has exceeded the Rs 1000/ - per kg before cleaning . and the price of Mutton in the air-conditioned shops is much higher ...every piece is rated differently ...and according to the fate ....Lool

so i will discuss this later ...when i have something to go with my thoughts

here is something even more interesting related to the food and mutton .

EC price list: Mutton and chicken biriyani rates fixed at Rs 200 and Rs ...

5 days ago - Election Commission has notified price rates for 208 items to be used by parties and candidates. ... CHENNAI: Election Commission has notified price rates for 208 items to be used by parties and candidates.The candidate’s expenditure would be assessed based on the price rates fixed ...

Just for the record EC stands for Election Commission ...LOOL !

Okay so i don't understand why the people and media of india is taking the coming generals elections so seriously . After all they cannot bring in a Atal Bihari now . Or anybody who would stand up against the Imran Khan . Is there any leader in the world right now who can stand up against Imran Khan ...?  Even president Trump will i am so sure of it have to take a U turn before his reelection call for his full and unconditional Support as a long time friend and Ally .  LOOL

Web results

Jan 8, 2019 - WASHINGTON: Exploring the possibility of an Imran-Trumpmeeting will be one of the priorities of Pakistan's new envoy who arrives in ...
Jan 8, 2019 - WASHINGTON: The first item on the agenda of Pakistan's new envoy to the US is to arrange the meeting between Prime Minister Imran Khan ...

okay now a cricket update ....
from ...

Pakistan lose their second wicket, Shan Masood got out after scoring 19 (16) Pakistan 35/2 (6.1)

Somebody in the neighbourhood has started the majlis ,,,already is a little far away can't be the sound of Azan for so long ...and this reminds me that i have also not recited the quran after the zuhr prayer ...with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

so i should also take a break and read and recite before the azan as much as i can

4:39 pm Break ( 3089 words)

5:52 pm Good Evening !
yes i read and recited and in between prayed the asr prayer with a pray for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

قَالُوا سَوَاءٌ عَلَيْنَا أَوَعَظْتَ أَمْ لَمْ تَكُن مِّنَ الْوَاعِظِينَ - 26:136
They said, "It is all the same to us whether you advise or are not of the advisors.

Today i recited or read the 19th para of the Holy ( Noble) Quran  it begins with the 21st ayat of the 25th Sura Al furqan . and ends on 59th ayat of the 27th sura an naml .

قُلِ الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ وَسَلَامٌ عَلَىٰ عِبَادِهِ الَّذِينَ اصْطَفَىٰ ۗ آللَّهُ خَيْرٌ أَمَّا يُشْرِكُونَ - 27:59
Say, [O Muhammad], "Praise be to Allah, and peace upon His servants whom He has chosen. Is Allah better or what they associate with Him?"

this Para 19 وقال الذین has two prostrations ( sajda or Sajda -e-tilawat ) # 7 [al-Furqan, 25:60] and # 8 [27:26] 

So i did all that ...and now only half an hour is left to the iftar of the fast on the third Sunday in Lent 2019 . Let me once again remind you that i am fasting in lent and especially on the Sunday at my own free will for the happiness and pleasure of the dear All Mighty Allah Amen ! Him  alone . Amen ! The Pope or any body else has nothing to do or not do with it . Amen !  
By the way the today and yesterday ....on twitter ...

30 minutes ago
Today we celebrate the Day of Memory of Missionary Martyrs, a motivation to witness with courage to our faith and to our hope in Him who, on the Cross, conquered hatred and violence with His love forever.

  • Outward appearance, money, career, hobbies: these are sirens that enchant us and then set us adrift. is a time of grace to free our hearts from vanities.

    same tweets on the french page ...

    34 minutes ago
    Aujourd'hui est célébrée la Journée en mémoire des missionaires martyrs, une incitation à témoigner avec courage de notre foi et de notre espérance en Celui qui, sur la Croix, a vaincu pour toujours la haine et la violence avec son amour.

  • L'aspect extérieur, l'argent, la carrière, les passe-temps : des sirènes qui nous charment et ensuite nous envoient à la dérive. Le est un temps de grâce pour libérer le cœur des vanités.
    Aha Pakora smell is proving that both my nostrils are open ...
    So i have to go and wait for it the Iftar time today is 6:45 pm

    So here i take a break for iftar and Prayer with a Prayer for my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi
    May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

    Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

    6: 39 pm Break (3748 Words)

    Sun 17th Rajab 1440 H
    8:36 pm Good Evening !
    I don't think it is politically correct to say Good Night at the beginning of any thing . Even though it is Good Night . and the night is young ....i have no idea why they say that ....either . So little do i know about the English ...why is that so ...the previous generation who did not have so much access to knowledge as much as i do . did not have time to read or write as much as i do and perhaps only watched movies in a life time as many as i watch in a year . Still they would have answered it with full confidence . All i can do it google and search and waste time and then reply . So anyways ...the good news is that the movie Thugs of Hindostan is back again and i just watched the ending that i missed in the first watch . 

     The Bad news is that
    MaTcH PAK_vs_AUS
    AUS_58/0 OvEr_12.2
     A Finch_20* U Khawaja_38* - M Hasnain: 1-1----
    same as the first ODI ...
    so never mind that ...and get back to this my the Sunday Blog # 155 ( Hundred and fifty five ) .

    So this was the Iftar today ...

    And this is for dinner which i will probably have for supper of breakfast or sehri some other day ...
    The tray you see of red tomatoes was to be added to the dish during the cooking But a Prank call at Iftar time forced us to save it for a rainy nose day . LOOL !

    And there it is i have got the target of Four thousand Words For today . So now i can watch the match or relax ...Hah HA !

    9:20 pm Break ( 4032 words)

    10:48 pm Please don't ask about the match ....

    Inna Lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un

    Okay now we are getting towards the final hour i better hurry up and do the movies of the week...
    This week i broke my Hindi movies curfew and watched some very interesting ones ...Another very interesting thing about this weeks movies was that almost all of them had very pretty beautiful hot and sexy female cast ...but since there is not enough time left tonight so i will not get into which was the prettiest or a top ten either ...So lets not waste anymore time here and start the review segment ...

    • Thugs of Hindostan (2018)Rated 10 stars ...watched it a month ago but missed the last few minutes ..found it again online and watched it no change in the rating or the feeling ...should have watched it in the cinema or cineplex with popcorns and soda ...awesome acting by the legends ...gora saab also did very well ...sequel pleej !!! coming soon !! Image result for thugs of hinRelated imageImage result for thugs of hin
    • Idealnaya zhena (2007)Rated 4 stars ...all the Best !! keep dreaming !!
    • Change of Plans (2011)Rated 4 stars comment .
    • Final Move (2013)Rated 4 stars ...SAW comes to australia ...nothing new ...
    • Days and Nights on Earth (2017)Rated 10 stars ....God Save the Queen !! Amen !
    • Fraud Saiyyan (2019)Rated 8 stars ....OMG it has twelve Plus got to watch this one ...please ...please ...Never mind the Indian Navy ...LOOLImage result for fraud saiyyan (2019)Image result for fraud saiyyan (2019)Related imageRelated imageSara Loren PictureElli Avrram PictureFlora Saini Picture
    • Schastlivogo puti (2009)Rated 8 stars ...a one day journey changes their lives ...very much possible ...good one . 
    • судьба на прокатRated 4 stars know i am not rating the dream and nightmare movies full rating ...but it was a okay movie ..a girl sees her future in a dream and changes it ...good for her ...Not me ...i am still going to try and survive ...LOOL Image result for судьба на прокат
    • Sanctuary (1998)Rated 7 stars ...LOOL 
    • Haraamkhor (2015)Rated 8 star extremely funny ...
    • Relentless Justicerated 6 stars ...too violent ...Sherrie Rose and Eric Roberts on set of Relentless Justice
    • Jocks (1986)Rated 3( turkey ) Must have been funny but not anymore ...times have changed a lot ...and there have been too many movies better ones on the same story . 
    • Deadly Virtues: Love.Honour.Obey.(2014)Rated 8 stars Okay there is a little confusion here i first rated it 6 stars then i have no idea what when through my mind and rated it 8 stars ...Women are changing a lot these days ...Love , Honour and Obey is being taken over by a lot of trivial things like fliipcart , Amazon and Ebay ...Careem the online app cab service came under a lot of criticism after its funny advertising campaign . Image result for careem pakistan shaadi

    Let us hope that love survives in all this chaos . Amen !
    Okay then with a final verdict that i was never gay ...i conclude this weeks movie review ...

    Okay the time has finished ...So a very good bye from me.....Today i wasted a lot of time ...i could have easily made to over five thousand five hundred words on the words counter for this my the Sunday Blog # 155 ( Hundred and fifty five ) ..anyways is a song video i love ....very very much .....

    All the Best

    God Blaze America !!

    Allah Hafiz ! 

    Kylie Minogue - Can't Get You Out Of My Head

    Can't Get You Out of My Head
    La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
    La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
    La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
    La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
    I just can't get you out of my head
    Boy, your lovin' is all I think about
    I just can't get you out of my head
    Boy, its more than I dare to think about
    La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
    La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
    I just can't get you out of my head
    Boy, your lovin' is all I think about
    I just can't get you out of my head
    Boy, its more than I dare to think about
    Every night
    Every day
    Just to be there in your arms
    Won't you stay
    Won't you stay
    Stay forever and ever and ever ah ah
    La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
    La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
    La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
    La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
    I just can't get you out of my head
    Boy, your lovin' is all I think about
    I just can't get you out of my head
    Boy, its more than I dare to think about
    There's a dark secret in me
    Don't leave me lost in your arms
    Set me free
    Feel the need in me
    Set me free
    Stay forever and ever and ever ah ah
    La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
    La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
    La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
    La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
    I just can't get you out of my head (La, la, la La, la, la, la, la)