
Sunday 10 March 2019

The Sunday Blog # 153

Today is the Sunday the 10th of March 2019 , the 2nd of Rajab 1440H till the Sunset ( 6:38 pm , Karachi ) and this is my the Sunday Blog # 153 ( hundred and fifty three) .

So today is the first Sunday in Lent 2019 and until now i have fasted twice for God the Merciful the benevolent the All Mighty Allah Amen ! First on the Ash Wednesday and then on the First Friday . On both fast days i felt really good and the time past very quickly hunger or thirst was felt. I hope and pray that the dear merciful Lord the All Mighty Allah may be pleased with me as much as i am pleased with the Dear Merciful Lord All Mighty Allah Amen ! ...or maybe more ...

As mentioned last week in this my the Sunday Blog # 152 ( Hundred and fifty two ) i plan to keep fast whenever i can and especially on the Wednesday , Friday and Sunday . There is a reason why i don't want to fast on Thursdays and Saturdays . Maybe next year or the year after that . But not this year . I am not yet ready for it . So anyways . Fasting is good Both Doctors ...the Physician and the theologians agree .  And the way both were worried about my ever increasing weight , I am very sure they may be pleased with this humble voluntary gesture Taylor Swift GIF

So , in few hours i will be doing my third sehri and begin the third fast  of the lent 2019 . Since i am not doing their way so i don't care at all that it is the Sunday and the Catholics don't fast on Sundays ...

Believe it or not ...ever since i have started fasting in lent ...the food has increased . And i am not sure if this is the Dear Merciful Lord All Mighty Allah Amen ! being pleased with me or the devil distracting and making me gluttonous and think more about food when eating or not eating . One thing that troubles me the most is that while i am praying alone at home and suddenly a food comes to mind . I forget so totally forget how long i have been praying . If it was the first , second or third rakat or the last one . Rarely does this happens when some other thought comes to mind . Especially when i am at the mosque . The chances of distraction are much higher , the Sight , sound , smell , touch and thoughts . Still i can count on the finger tips the number of times i made mistakes or forget what rakat i was on or what surah i had to recite in the prayer next .

The Good thing is that in the past few days of Lent 2019 , and fasting for two days Ash wednesday and First Friday in Lent 2019 , i have fully realized that if i want to fast in lent 2019 , it can definitely not be for the Weight Loss or diet control purpose . Ops , Somebody will be very disappointed .

So anyways ...its time for the first break of this my the Sunday Blog # 153 ( Hundred and fifty three )

1:34 am Break ( 508 words)

2:31 am ...Did not eat anything in the break just had few cups of tea and a mini bar of chocolate dairy milk . At four fifty i will begin preparing the sehri ...time flies while i am warming or boiling or making a cup of coffee . Today i have already eaten the Nulli Nihari with Market oven naan I am not sure if i need to do the sehri or just have a butter sandwich with tea . We will see after two hours .

So last week i begin this my the Sunday Blog #152 ( Hundred and fifty two ) with a list of the main topics of the week that i thought were more important and needs to be discussed in this my the Sunday Blog # 152 ( Hundred and fifty two ) . And believe it or not with the exception of just one topic on the top , I believe that i covered each and everyone as best i could and said whatever i had in mind about those topics and events of that week . But today i don't think that there is any need to make a list and follow it in this my the Sunday Blog # 153 ( Hundred and fifty three ) because no matter what ever topic i take up or take down ...i will eventually end up talking directly or indirectly about the The PSL 4 . the Cricket league that has finally come to my home town's city Karachi the most dangerous city in the world . The First match has already been play in the National Stadium today between the Lahore and Islamabad . Lahore who has been hanging over the edge are now on just one hand holding the dead tree branch .

I can't believe to have heard awesome fireworks in my neighourhood after the game last night . The neighbourhood kids playing street cricket were also super excited . They throw both balls in my lawn and started waking me up by ringing the door bell for the return of the balls . But we were all very busy so we did not respond to the door bell so they gave up and started playing football ( soccer) . I after enjoying all the best trolls on twitter and retweeting and sharing some on facebook , i got up and throw their balls out . It was near midnight but after finding the balls the kids got even more excited and played even after the midnight . I am not sure till when because i came back to this my the Sunday Blog # 153 ( Hundred and fifty three ) after that . While enjoying the trolls i accidentally came across a news about the Duchess of Sussex and her family reacting to the trolls as well as markle's appointment as the vice president of the Commonwealth trust ...@queenscomtrust 
Hell no i have no idea what it does and how much it can contribute to her baby fund . 

The racist online abuse of Meghan has put royal staff on high alert

No need to read the article just watch the video if it plays in your browser . Obviously they are jealous that nobody cares about the British at all ...Honestly i don't even know if Pakistan is in common wealth or not ...most Pakistani's only know that Nawaz Sharif and his Sicilian Mafia took money from their exchequer and hide it in London with the help and support of the British and Commonwealth and if Her Majesty and her common wealth and the Government wanted they could have put an end to this agony once and for all in a jiffy . 

So the hell with Ms Markle and her baby ...we don't care at all .

3:48 am Break ( 1123 words)

4:23 am ...the Astro twilight this morning is at 5:30 am that is an hour left and for me here doing this my the Sunday Blog # 153 ( Hundred and fifty three ) less than half an hour lets finish this up soon and then decide what to have for the sehri

Today's Sehr o Iftar Time

2 Rajab 1440
 Sehr   سحر 
 Iftar   افطار 
  05:30 am   6:39 pm
6:47 am
Sunday, 10 March 2019 (GMT+5)
Sunrise in Karachi

Still feeling full ...Usually when i fast during the holy month of ramzan on a Sunday during this my the Sunday Blog ...I do the sehri and pray fajr and then sleep and resume when i wake up after or before noon . But today i will have to get up early can't say why but i have to i have two options either i sleep soon after the fajr prayer or i stay up all morning till noon . The second options seems better but it is absolutely impossible . Okay then lets just forget about it and look around if i have missed anything . Oh yes i found out the they only airconditioned meat shop The stinky khas meat on allama iqbal road shutdown for good . there was no sign saying it has moved and the next door newly opened chai shop was too eager to encroach covered all there front shutter with make shift plastic tables and chairs just like the jacobabad police will do when we shutdown or moved . And this was not the only shop that i noticed shutdown for good . Another shop the first only Chocolate shop that opened last year also seem vacated nearby . I may think myself as very courageous and entering sweet shops just like that without any hesitation and fear ...was not able to go and browse it . Sad and depressing isn't it ....strange shops and eateries keep opening and closing on and around tariq road market . A Bar Be que opened recently also seems to have closed down long before i could even smell the smoke ...Ever since Imtiaz super store of the famous chain opened nearby all small shops of grocery and food stuff are under pressure ...But now it seems that even that is under pressure odd ?
We discuss the retail business here in my neighbourhood some time soon .....

So i guess this is it ...time for the sehri Break and then the prayer with a prayer for my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

4:54 am Break ( 1609 words )

12:23 pm Good Morning or After Noon !!

first tweet of the day ..

Sun 2nd Rajab 1440H
12:13 pm Fasting ....Had sehri and fajr prayer then fall asleep and woke up at nine or tried to ....took almost an hour to finally get up ...had a hot bath and joined the special meetup ....for Brunch ...imagine me surrounded by so much to eat and can't 

Yes this has already become a historic fast ....only six more hours to go ...I did not set a target of the words on the words counter for this my the Sunday Blog # 153 ( Hundred and fifty three ) But now it seems like i am way ahead and before the coming break i will be over two thousand words and having so much to blog about and so little time left . Have had just three hours of sleep so i can catch up on the sleep after the Zuhr prayer with a prayer for my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

So my dear brother and his dear family came as planned despite the road and traffic blocks on route to the Gulistan -e- Jouhar due to the PSL 4 Security . This is my dear Niece first Happy Birthday since they returned to Pakistan . When she was not here in Pakistan we use to Bring a Cake and have her Happy Birthday without her ...So it was really Awesome that she brought her own Birthday Cake with her which must be awesome in taste as it was in sight . I will know for sure in less than six hours .

The whole family of my dear brother is so busy and have different schedules that meeting them all with us all in one place at the same time is also a very difficult thing to have happened today . Ever since they returned to Pakistan and then moved in their own apartment about twenty to thirty minutes drive away . there have been very few meetups like these . Not just because of the conflicting busy schedules or to help run the gossip factories on over time ...But also because there has been many deaths in their inlaws family and they had been busy there as well .
Anyways , I am sure that in few years either of us will change . Either they will stop going in the fast lane ...busy life ...relax and enjoy adjust to the pace of this city life . or i will change and stop being so lazy and tardy . Meet them more often in a week as much as i do now in a year . Howzatt ?

Surprisingly the Billions of Dollars being spent on the Metro Bus network and road and underpasses is doing nothing to make my life faster or quicker ...infact the dug up roads and construction work in progress is one of the main reasons i became what i am today ....a hermit . Staying indoors or going out only when required of requested . And even that to the near places not very far . Must have been years since i visited the sea side and decades since i visited the Zoo . Having been to the cinema seems like a lifetime away ....don't recall when was the last time i had a french dip from Hanifia Burgers at Binori town Mosque ...or climbed up the Hill Park Must have been almost five years now .

Anyways , its the Zuhr Azan ..and i have also crossed the two thousand words mark on the words counter for this my the Sunday Blog # 153 ( Hundred and fifty three ) so i guess i can easily take a break here ...well i can go on thanks to the fasting i am not at all feeling drowsy or thirsty . there is just no urge to shut down get up and go for a tea or coffee refill . The Dinning room and kitchen is also very relaxed and quiet after that Happy rendezvous earlier .
So unless i shutdown and go out i wont miss a facebook meet up today ...But if i go out then i might stir it up and you never know how long will it take for me to able to pray and return to this my the Sunday Blog # 153 ( Hundred and fifty three ) . But any ways i believe that i should take a break here and relax by back and other muscles as well as the hand , wrist and fingers . and also the system .

So here i take a break for the zuhr prayer with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

1:42 pm Break ( 2520 words)

6:01 pm WOW ! such a long break ....
the weather changed and it rained for few minutes ...only and then the clouds totally dispersed and the sun came out . But chill must have made me fall asleep and i tried many times to wake up but could not then finally i woke up with the asr azan and after few minutes got out of the bed . First i checked the sky and if there was anymore chance of rain today or not ...does not seem likely at all .
So after getting the fresh air i check the PSL4 updates by channel surf . People are on the go ...getting in the heavily guarded National stadium ...It is not fair to be body searched like that just to see a game of cricket . Anyways ...yesterday some broken hearted lahoris were trolling on twitter that a city of 20 million people can't even fill up a stadium of twenty thousand ...i believe there was some mixup in the schedule and ticket sell after the lahore matches were re scheduled to karachi But any ways ...somebody from inside the stadium has replied with this picture

 "Bigger the team, bigger the crowd* Lo bhar gaya stadium #KKvQG #QGvKK " 

And this is the points table before the game ...

So Karachi Kings win or lose ....Harega to Pakistan hi ...i mean lahore ...LOL

 Okay so as i was saying that after this channel surf i got up from the TV and prayed the Asr prayer  with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

And now it is getting closer to the sunset time which is 6:38 pm (Karachi )

See it is iftar and end of my first Sunday Fast in lent 2019 already have no idea at all there did the time fly and how ...the kids outside are now getting really excited playing street cricket ...the first ball of the day has just landed ...GOD Blaze America !
SO i believe it is time for me to take a break and do the iftar and maghrib prayer with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

6:34 pm Break ( 3028 words)

Sun 3rd Rajab 1440H
9:11 pm Good Evening !
Yes it is the 3rd of Rajab already .....I am not really sure if i will get the real biryani this year or not but here is what i did on my own ....
at iftar of the first Sunday Fast in lent 2019 Biriyani tezi se....

Okay . 
Watched the whole inning of the karachi Kings was fun to watch them finally hitting some six and four boundaries ...190 is a good score but a 220 would have been safer ...anyways i want to watch the last overs on the television with commercials so i better hurry up and do the movies of the week . But first the sad news ...

The Breaking news on both foreign channels CNN and BBC and on AFP on twitter is that of the Boeing 737 max 8
The Ethiopian Airlines crash is the second deadly disaster involving Boeing's new 737 MAX 8 jet in less than six months
- -
Boeing 737 MAX
WS YYC 737 MAX 1.jpg
WestJet Boeing 737 MAX 8 on final approach
RoleNarrow-body twin-engine jet airliner
National originUnited States
ManufacturerBoeing Commercial Airplanes
First flightJanuary 29, 2016[1]
IntroductionMay 22, 2017 with Malindo Air[2]
StatusIn service
Primary usersSouthwest Airlines
American Airlines
Air Canada
Norwegian Air Shuttle
Number built350 as of January 2019[4]
Program costAirframe only: $1–1.8 billion; including engine development: $2–3B[5]
Unit costMAX 7: US$99.7 million
MAX 8: US$121.6M
MAX 200: US$124.8M
MAX 9: US$128.9M
MAX 10: US$134.9M as of 2019[6]
Developed fromBoeing 737 Next Generation
The said thing is even sadder that ...there is no pakistani in the list relesed already
Confirmed UPDATE: Nationalities of passengers in the ill fated Ethiopian Airlines plane; 1 was Somalia National
so anyways lets move on to the movies of the week quickly and then enjoy the Karachi vs Sarfaraz game
Looks like the whole neighbourhood of yes the boyz did very well today ...has turn out in the stadium ...
  • Snapdragon (1993)Rated 3 turkey ...i was in a very different mindset and mood and there was some technical problem with the download so maybe on a re run i might rate it 4 stars after all it has Pamela Anderson is said how quickly they are forgotten ...anyways ...i don't .  
  • Masha i more (2008)Rated 8 stars ....russian ....the o girl just wanted to have fun vacations at a beach and look what she got into ...a chipkou man who hates her sober matured girl friend anti - Narcissistic fellow ...who would never leave you alone matter what ...can you believe that ....I can't stand a girl like that for few few hour how can i not sympathize with Masha in this movie ...loved it ...even though the sub titles were a bit fast i will watch it again tonight and will probably include it in the next week review also . Unless the Amir khan latest movie is once again up for grabs like the last two monday mornings ...its gone removed both for downloading or online viewing ...only few minutes of the last scenes is now left but i am not including it in the viewed movies until i watch the ending til the end .  
  • Sestryonka (2007)Rated 4 stars . In societies and cultures where there is too much work related travel or the village to city coming and going quite often ...these things may happen ..having a daughter raised by the mother or somebody else ...even in this hitech IT world is possible . But unfortunately i have already watched so much Hindi and turkish soaps on this same story that now watching it again in russian was not as enjoyable as it should have been and then this falling in love with that girl gives a very bad taste in the mouth ...especially when the title also is like this ...we just can't trust the DNA tests to have a happy ending ...its definitely not good . 
  • Time Expired (2011)Rated 8 stars ...loved this movie in karachi traffic violations have been monetized instant cash payment on the street and e challan facilities have empowered such officers that soon instead of the politicians they would be having the best medical care both in pakistan and abroad . LOL 
  • Ischeznovenie (2007)Rated 4 stars ...hate that when somebody disappears and not even call ...I think it is about time NADRA starts a web site where we can find out about all the known and unknown relatives and wards . just like PTA tells us how many SIMs have been activated on our CNIC . The movies will be made on the technical mistakes ....LOL
  • Rising Fear (2016)Rated 4 stars ....Hollywood not growing up ...
  • It Watches (2016)Rated 6 stars ...not really sure what was going on in this horror movie or what happened in the real end but it gives the creeps and the jitters and all that is associated with a horror movie or should be in a horror movies ...good for horror movie fans . unless they had already watched a similar story and make .
  • Poslednyaya rol Rity (2012) The last role of RitaRated 5 stars ....the Hadiqa kiyani story of adopting a stolen child ....No comment 
  • Full Circle (1996)rated 5 stars what is the lesser evil ...walking in the shadows or coming out of the closet ....being a abba is not always so easy ....
  • Vremya schastya (2008)Rated 9 stars ...eating pickles at night ....See we are all Russian naturally ....Bye Bye USA  ...totally love it ...even though i don't eat raw half boiled eggs ...but i so like to have a shell breaker in my kitchen collection ....I have been constantly telling somebody not to poke fingers in the food in dishes especially if you are not really sure to eat it after poking the finger ....but nothing is happening ...infact i get to see this more often then before ....and how can you complain about not touching food with hand after it has been cooked thoroughly by the same hand ....LOL
So here we are all done with the movies of the week ...
ten movies plus one ...not bad not bad at all ...since i was fasting for two day this week and could not watch a movie and also because of PSL matches this reminds me ...i have to go and watch the final moments ...

10:52 pm Break ( 4057 words )

11:18 pm Wow the Vitr prayer of the Isha Prayer was with a plane drop silence ....Amazing ...Must have done something right

Okay the Karachi is in and the lahore is out ...Congrats to all those who put their money on Karachi .
Today i have done everything except going out during the sunday Blog ...i could have easily gone for a prayer to the mosque but it rained and i did not need anything from the market as well so i sleep instead and it was a good decision . because now after crossing the four thousand words mark on the words counter for this my the sunday blog # 153 ( Hundred and fifty three ) as well as enjoying the cricket match of the PSL4 ...i still have half an hour left , enough time to add few hundred words more and decided about the song video to finish with in the end . Actually this week the Britain had a thunder storm which was named freya and while googling this name i came across a very interesting song writer and singer by the name of Freya Ridings ...her voice has something very different that most of our sub continent singers especially the female singers ...i am not talking about Atif Aslam ...or Ali Zafar ...does not have just then i decided that i will end this my the ssunday Blog # 153 ( Hundred and fifty three ) with one of her song videos ...believe be here song videos are are also very different and artistic . Not to mention the live shows . So anyways here it is time to go ...
But today i want to end this my the sunday Blog # 153 ( Hundred and fifty three ) on a something that really irritates me and that is that these day i am watching just too many facebook and social media clips about some that was meant for you will reach you no matter what ....Some people put in their gods and deities to stress their point. Scary isn't it ? Something that was meant for me in a plane that crashed somewhere in the sea or in africa ...and even if it survived and reached me in a decade what good will it be to me ...So thanks but no thanks ....stop scaring me please . Thankyou !

 And with this i take leave ...i have to have a really good supper with the  my dear Niece's Happy Birthday Cake and then watch a russian movie . No fasting till wednesday . I hope my dear Brother is able to bring us some more rain this week ...because today's false rain failed to bring about any chill . the rain water eveporates and dries of my green grass sprouts . like it did last week . Any ways

Have a great week
Enjoy the PSL 4
and pray for the Karachi Kings only .

ALL the BEST !
GOD Blaze Amercia !


Freya Ridings - Lost Without You (Official Video)

Lost Without You
Standin' on the platform
Watching you go
It's like no other pain
I've ever known
To love someone so much
To have no control
You said, "I wanna see the world"
And I said, "Go"
But I think I'm lost without you
I just feel crushed without you
I've been strong for so long
That I never thought how much I needed you
I think I'm lost without you
Strangers rushin' past
Just tryna get home
But you were the only
Safehaven that I've known
Hits me at full speed
Feel like I can't breathe
And nobody knows
This pain inside me
My world is crumbling
I should never have
Let you go
I think I'm lost without you
I think I'm lost, lost, lost
Ooh-way, ooh-way, ooh-way, ooh, ooh
I think I'm lost without you, you
I just feel crushed without you
'Cause I've been strong for so long
That I never thought how much I love you
Standin' on the platform
Watching you go
You said, "I wanna see the world"
And I said, "Go"