
Sunday 17 March 2019

The Sunday Blog # 154

Today is the Sunday the 17th of March 2019 , the 9th of Rajab 1440 H till the Sunset ( 6:42 pm , Karachi ) and this is my the Sunday Blog # 154 ( Hundred and fifty four ) .

Believe it or Not today is the Second Sunday in Lent and also the Happy St Patrick's Day .

I believe he was the patron saint of Ireland ....they say that he brought the word of god to the god forsaken country of Ireland . My sole interest in this day is that we have the main cathedral named after him here in the Central area of Sadder Karachi , the Most dangerous city in the world . These days we are having the PSL 4 here so i am not sure if i am allowed to use the superlative and adjective or not ...But since nobody will have the time to read this my the Sunday Blog # 154 ( Hundred and fifty four )  for many many many more years to come so i guess there is no harm in saying it all . It sounds so good while reading . Don't you think . These day the traffic police has been very gracious in checking the safety first of the cars and motorcycle drivers . Instant fines are collected on the spots on the streets of few of the main towns of Karachi the most dangerous city in the world . for driving without the seat belts and proper siren and indicators and lights and other basic safety requirements for the cars and their drivers . And Helmets for the bike riders . The traffic police officers and wardens were given bullet proof jackets and fire arms and side arms and guns to save them from the terrorists and traffic violators .
Still , the people of Karachi the most dangerous city in the world keeps on committing on the rooftops of the Buses and mini Buses and because they are so high up above ...they go unchecked in almost every town of this god Forsaken City of Karachi the most dangerous city in the world .

So Many dead is just tmi

Wasiq1Wise : 126 

Yesterday somebody called on the landline phone just to tease my dear brother and unfortunately he was busy in some household chores and my dear sister picked the phone . I was listening to the conversation from the other room and was only able to hear one side voice . I really don't think that the prank caller was ready and prepared for this conversation . He hung up ....LOL

Anyways Since it is the Happy St Pat's Day and i will be stuck here all day and all night with no rhyme or reason to take a free country Mini Bus ride on the streets of karachi the most dangerous city in the world there fore ...I will keep sharing the tmi ( too much information ) . 

But first Let me say that i am honestly really very glad that the White Supremacists hate and anger against the Muslims came out this friday . Psycho logically speaking is never ever good to suppress those feelings of hate and anger for a very long time ....especially if you are from a cultural background as diverse and complicated as that of the new Zealand .
Okay never mind the shooter or the people killed in the mosque praying the Juma Mubarak prayers on friday . And Thank God the All Mighty Allah Amen ! that they were not in pub or a disco or or a gay bar and especially the Pakistanis dead .. I have heard the Name of Christ Church New Zealand so many times during a cricket match there . Never Ever as Juma Mubarak prayer destination . And come to think of it When i was in my twenties and have thoughts of going abroad . Christ Church New Zealand was never on the list . Thank God the All Mighty Allah Amen ! that neither i nor my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

ever thought of sending me there . Never Wondered why ? so Why now ?

1:34 am Break ( 734 Words )

2:05 am During the break i looked up at the sky and saw a very bright moon about 75 % waxing gibbous
but this is not what is important ...the important thing is that even after the rain in some parts of the city not here ...the weather is not exactly chilly . like it does after every rain this season . infact tonight the room digital clock is showing the highest temperature this season that is 27°C with a closed door . and there are few occasional mosquitoes as well . So we are heading back slowly and gradually to the Summer of 2019 which was detracted about a month ago after the rain . or the rains the way the weather site is showing a 22°C outside must be true ...

This year the seasons have been disturbed a lot not just the weather but the wedding seasons as well . I don't recall having a family wedding here in the wedding season probably because the Uncle and Aunt was visiting from Seattle . Soon after they left the funeral season began after the other two of ladies passed away and i thought that we were on a hat trick ...but this week we came to know that another distant cousin or the distant cousin's wife  had died at sometime same week the other two died its three funerals and not two ....Usually when there are too many funerals in the same family the pressure of weddings increases know to put ones mind away from the horrors or depression not really sure . Some families do that .
So the risk of wedding has suddenly increased . And i am sure that this eid month the first wedding season will begin surely . Unfortunately the weather during the eid month will be too hot to bear . and then the filthy unhygienic food will make it even deadlier than the funeral season . So i guess we better conspire to call the Uncle and Aunt of Seattle back once again . I know that it wont prevent the funeral season after they are gone back but it might just save us from the wedding season both regular as well as the pressured or the counter funeral wedding season .

So anyways there hasn't been any thing interesting this week except that it was the 6th of rajab 1440 . which is ususally the day the Urs or memorial celebration of the shrine of Ajmer concludes . This year my dear Brother and Elder sister forced me to come with them to the shrine of Hazrat Abdullah Shah Ghazi in Clifton to offer fateha and distribute the deg of food among the poor . I was very hesitant to accompany them because of the traffic situation in that part of city of Karachi the most dangerous city in the world . So instead of driving in his own car the dear brother agreed to go by the famous cab app . And Lo ...when my dear sister booked the cab through the famous cab app on her mobile a she Captain responded to our rescue . Can you believe that just few years ago during the musharraf 's american rule ladies were hiring male drivers of good height and well bodied even if they had an international driving license and experience .
Okay this is where there should have been the ruling party's famous slogan But recently the media is using it in a very sarcastic way never mind .

So anyways ...yes the ride was okay . and i definitely got to see the PSL 4 decorations on the pavement and kerbs  and islands of the main roads upto the shrine and also the extra extra ...extra security presence . Got even more lucky after offering fateha and salaam at the Ghazi shah shrine . the return ride was out of this world . The restless and absolutely crazy rickshaw pilot vowed not to stop and wait for the green signal . He also had a mobile app to guide him out of the traffic jams and congestion and gets us back home quicker . Both routes and rides only reminded me of the fun i used to have during my morning walks until they found Osama Bin laden . Honestly there is no chance of that kind of morning walks in this city no more . The traffic and pollution on the streets have increased and there is just no space to walk on the kerbs or side walks some newly constructed flyovers and underpasses the message is very clear ....NO WALKING !
 Today i am using a new battery  without pluging in while using here i need to take a break early for recharging . But some how i feel that i have so far done much better than the first sunday in lent 2019 last week at this hour . So here i take a break for ten to twenty minutes and then i come back for an hour before the sehri break .


9 RAJAB 1440
 SEHR   سحر 
 IFTAR   افطار 
  05:23 AM  6:42 PM

3:24 am Break ( 1562 words )

4:05 am Just now during the break straightening my back lying down on bed i electrocuted many agile supersonic mosquitoes with the electric net racket .  and the more i kill these mosquitoes and leave the bodies on the floor then the rat will come and eat them . SO is my life so extremely organised to look disorganized or is it actually very disorganized . lol

Anyways now i have only half an hour left before the sehri break. The astro twilight today is at 5:23 am and i don't want to do the sehri in haste so i will take the break at 4:45 am or before and then have my sehri for the Fast .
I have already boiled an egg hope i am able to take the shell off smoothly .
Interesting when i google the eggs shells a dark colour shell picture appears ...while here we have a white egg shells .

Even the chicken eggs that are called desi here do not have that dark coloured egg shells . Will research that some other time not today time left to google or research .

Okay Since today is the PSL 4 Final without the karachi Kings ...and i have almost reached the two thousand words mark on the words counter for this my the Sunday Blog # 154 ( Hundred and fifty four ) so the target for today's this my the Sunday Blog # 154 ( Hundred and fifty four ) is four thousand words . And weather i reach it before or after the final . i will enjoy it as well .
Thanks to the PSL4 final today the chances of a chaapa and especially in the morning before noon is very thin ...Chances of me going out after eating all that i am planning to eat for sehri of fast  is even more less . So i guess this is it . Now i do the sehri and then pray and sleep . I really don't think that falling asleep will be any difficult today after the sehri . But if i am not able to sleep and still have the will to go on and do this my the Sunday Blog # 154 ( Hundred and fifty four ) then i may be back .
Here i take a break for Sehri and Fajr Prayer with a Prayer for my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

4:46 am Break ( 2020 words)

2:17 pm Good Morning !
The First tweet of the day
This is what i had for Sehri ...and a quarter piece of leftover naan in the end ...i don't understand how it turned into the thick white mucus clogging the throat ...and dried in the nostrils and eyes .

Anyways so i got up ...had the facebook meetup without food ...the skin was too dry and was feeling a little chills i had a hot bath and then prayed the Zuhr prayer with a prayer for my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

After the Prayer i usually read and recite the para of Quran ...but today i skipped it . Applied the cream on the dry skin ..the prayer mark on the left foot and the mosquitoes itch marks on the right footere  . in the mean time there was a knock on the door .Helped my dear elder sister change an energy saver in her room . So i guess i am home in the Snakes and Ladder game before 3:00 pm . WOW !
It is so sad that i am still not able to move or go see the Ireland yet and missed one more Happy St Pat's day dying a slow very slow death in karachi the most dangerous city in the world .
When my dear elder Brother and Sister insisted that i have to come along with them to the New and improved British Ghazi Shah Shrine on the evening of the 6th of Rajab . I was very unsure how the IDK ( i don't know ) will react . especially the religious minority of the neighbourhood . Thank God the All Mighty Allah Amen !  nothing happened in Australia and only 50 died in a mosque .
GOD Blaze America !

I don't know if it is the direct or indirect reaction of that visit or the other one ...but as of yesterday IT exam have began . So i am not sure if it is safe to take a break at any time especially the facebook meetup expected or unexpected times . Thank God the All Mighty Allah Amen ! that i started this my the Sunday Blogs some three years ago other wise i would have had a negative marking atleast three time in the past 20 hours of so with a grade of ..".you know nothing " Tum hein kuch nahi ata . tum ney kuch nahein seka .
In order to completely have this grading system revamped ...i choose not to get a smart phone and gladly accepted the rejected dumb and dumber mobile devices and lived happily ever after . It was fun going out with a dumb and dumber mobile phones body searches or warnings when coming and going out of the house or getting in or out of the Buses and mini buses during the ride to and from Saddar town recently . No body during the ride or the walk asked the time or the place treated like Animal , thing . The Prayer leaders also stopped crying out loud that a watch has been found . not to mention the mobile found which is now totally out of use .
Okay the neighbours have started the electric generators . so i guess i need to take a break here . Everybody must be to anxious to here if i know or not know kuch .

Oh my my ...i am just two hundred words short of the three thousand words mark on the words counter for this my the Sunday Blog # 154 ( Hundred and fifty four ) Which i can do with posting a news up date about the PSL 4 Finals today or i can easily do by posting an Irish song lyrics or poem by yeats , wilde or Thomas Moore

The Last Rose of Summer


Sheet music of The Last Rose of Summer
'Tis the last rose of summer,
Left blooming alone;
All her lovely companions
Are faded and gone;
No flower of her kindred,
No rosebud is nigh,
To reflect back her blushes,
Or give sigh for sigh.
I'll not leave thee, thou lone one!
To pine on the stem;
Since the lovely are sleeping,
Go, sleep thou with them.
Thus kindly I scatter,
Thy leaves o'er the bed,
Where thy mates of the garden
Lie scentless and dead.
So soon may I follow,
When friendships decay,
And from Love's shining circle
The gems drop away.
When true hearts lie withered,
And fond ones are flown,
Oh! who would inhabit
This bleak world alone?

Okay so now the sounds of the neighbours electric generators have stopped and also the sounds coming from the dinning area of my home ...and now the sounds television is coming from outside this room i may have survived the facebook meet up but that does not guarantee that the question in the IT exam will not be even more tougher than then the one i avoided . LOL
3:50 pm oh no the phone rings meetup begins again ....i am not going out is a IT Exam i can here the Question right from here ....let it pass lets search for a longer poem by some female irish lady like jane wilde or something ...LOL

3:54 pm Break ( 3076 words)

Sun 10th Rajab 1440H
7:36 pm Good Evening !
And still Happy St Pat's Day ....

 Yes this was my iftar about an hour ago ...
Sists her was frying the fish for me so i asked her to make it green and she gladly made it green with the food colour . It is i believe very safe and that nothing happened to me almost an hour after eating . others who took the little bites are also okay as far as i can observe . Don't know why people fuss about the food colours so much especially the green and blue . Offer a Blue colour juice or drink to someone with other juices or drinks and nobody will pick it up and if there is only one colour juice to offer it someone and he or she will only take few sips and then leave the glass half full . Try it if you don't believe be . Unless the guinea pigs are young toddlers ...then if the naughty one picked the blue one then everybody wants it and may even fight to get it ....Mob actions ideaology .

this week the neighbourhood kids throw a ball playing the night cricket when the Kings was playing their exit . I was alittle late to respond as i was busy uploading the latest catch of the Ghazi Shah shrine on facebook . The kids first gate crashed the first one and then they saw the ball behind the next gate so they tried to pull it towards them with a stick ...and teared off the welded net on the door and made a very big hole big enough for the parosans cat to move around very freely . It was dark so i did not saw their doing just being a good Samaritan picked up the ball and through it towards them and came back ...The next morning it was pointed out to me that the net is broken . and today the welder took every advantage while repairing it . also said that kaam mil hi jata hai ...and when the kids were notified they simply blamed the others ....did not stop from throwing the ball infact one even tried to provoke me by climbing up the neighbours gate to make me think that if i don't return the ball he will jump over the wall and fetch it .
Anyways this game of cricket has not been able to help him save his grand father who died almost the same week we had three funerals . So now i am totally ignoring it . as the next breed of ball throwers and hitters are getting ready .
While our score is Nil . as the polio workers write O/O

God Blaze America !

Okay it is the Isha Azan and the PSL 4 shouts are being heard i believe i should take a break here for the Prayer with a prayer for the dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

8:15 pm Break ( 3642 words)

10:18 pm Okay the good news is that i am not fasting now so i can kill the mosquitoes guilt free . WOW !
the bad news is that i have eaten too much at iftar and now i am perfectly useless
Drowsy but restless and could not sleep . Free but could not go out for shopping of essentials ....full so i cannot even order free delivery ...Because of the PSL 4 every time i look out on the street a delivery guy is standing balancing the Big Black box on the motor bike and trying to find the right address .
The Most unbelievable thing about tonight and PSL 4 is that the sound system placed on the rooftop next door for the Majlis every time the soldier bazar was under pressure is for the first time in the history of Southern Australia  is being used for the live cricket sounds ...Not sure it is attached with a large screen as well because i can' t see it from down below . Anyways , I don't really understand these big screens and LCDs ...Or HDs etc etc ...installed to watch rizla rehan and all you get is zainab abbas . ...

So anyways ...
My dear nephew and his friends are watching it in the stadium ...and that is the only interest we have in this final . This is their second Match this season ...imagine that ...

Okay lets move to the movies of the week ...before i reach the target for todays Sunday Blog word count which if i remember correctly was four thousand words and after this its 3901 words .
Wow i am almost there at 10 :45 pm . Amazing !
  • Comfort (2016)Rated 10 stars ...finished just now during the break ...a one night stand can change your life for every ....always have faith Awesome facial expressions . 
  • Personal Interest/lichnyy interesRated 5 stars ...russian 
  • Load Wedding (2018)Rated 5 stars ...a parody about the game shows . I kind a like the name Ashiq rafaqat is a good light hearted comedy ....yes some people are lucky but they can't be as lucky as i am ...never !
  • Midnight Masquerade (2014)Rated 5 stars ...again a Cinderella story with a twist . Loved the comparison of the guard duty with that of high roller lawyer . I believe i am extremely happy not being either .  
  • The Last Time I Saw Paris (1954)Rated 7 stars ...There is a lot of difference ...a great generation gap between me and them ....they got there in their twenties . i may or may not in my fifties ....fingers crossed . 
  • Fixing Pete (2011)Rated 6 stars ...LOL I am not sure if i should watch the hallmark movies anymore ....they distracted me ones before ...their everything perfect wanting perfection is not good for me ...I want to live happily always not ever after ...there is a difference ...a huge difference . Btw i still have a crush on Brooke burns 
  • Hush (1998)Rated 10 stars awesome movie ....seeing is believing ...
  • Ya dumal, ty budesh vsegda (2013)Rated 4 stars russian I Thought You Would Last Forever...i hate time travel movies ...and in this the guy died and buried in the past ...and the wife never told him silly ? 
  • Chernoe platie (2009)rated 5 stars ...the black dress russian . 
  • The Crossword Mysteries: A Puzzle to Die For (2019)Rated 4 stars 
  • Brief Encounter (1974)Rated 9 stars ...awesome movie ....yes the English men grow up late true ...
  • Call of the Hunter (2009)Rated 4 stars No comment ...
  • The Liquidator (2011)Rated 6 stars ...okay this reminds me that too much automation and equipment spoils and hinders the police work ...: report LOL
  • Masha i more (2008)Rerun ...has a happy ending turns out that i had missed a lot in the first showing ...I thought she her self was a witch looking at the watch just like i used to way back ...LOL
The PSL 4 is over ....can you hear the loud sounds of the fire works ....I missed it and if i dont hurry and end this my the Sunday Blog # 154 ( Hundred and fifty four ) any time soon i will miss this supper as well So Today has been a really great Sunday Blog day . the second sunday fast and a very happy St Pat's day.

So now i need to go and i leave with a famous dolly parton song Jolene sung by this amazing irish or german not sure singer ....
Anyways ...
All the Best
God Blaze America

Allah Hafiz ! 

Jolene (Cover) - Lara und Christoph

Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene
I'm begging of you please don't take my man
Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene
Please don't take him just because you can
Your beauty is beyond compare
With flaming locks of auburn hair
With ivory skin and eyes of emerald green
Your smile is like a breath of spring
Your voice is soft like summer rain
And I cannot compete with you, Jolene
He talks about you in his sleep
There's nothing I can do to keep
From crying when he calls your name, Jolene
And I can easily understand
How you could easily take my man
But you don't know what he means to me, Jolene
Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene
I'm begging of you please don't take my man
Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene
Please don't take him just because you can
You could have your choice of men
But I could never love again
He's the only one for me, Jolene
I had to have this talk with you
My happiness depends on you
And whatever you decide to do, Jolene
Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene
I'm begging of you please don't take my man
Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene
Please don't take him even though you can
Jolene, Jolene