
Sunday 3 March 2019

The Sunday Blog # 152

Today is the Sunday , the 3rd of March 2019 , the 25th of Jamadi us Sani 1440 H till the Sunset ( 6:35 pm , Karachi ) and this is my the Sunday Blog # 152 ( Hundred and fifty two ) .

So Today the Main topic of trade are ...

The Indo - Pakistan Media War 2019
The Tenth Karachi Literature Festival 2019 ,
The Coming Lent 2019 ,
The PSL 4 and Karachi
The Arrest of the Sindh Assembly Speaker and the recovery from Bank Lockers.
The Increase of Petroleum products w.e.f 1st march 2019
The 2nd Kim meets Trump summit 2019
My Health
 of course the Return of the Chilly Windy Winter .

So i am really not sure where to begin from ....
The time right now is 00:33 am and the temperature in this room is stubbornly 25°C while outside it is much lower about two to three degrees lower in the hall and according to this weather site through google it was 18 °C at midnight tonight . 
Yesterday began just the same clear ....but few hours after the sunrise clouds began to appear seriously rainy ...and after hours of prayers promises of charity by my dear elder Brother did start to rain fast and furious you know the Karachi style rapid fire rain ...and before i was ready to catch it with my mobile camera was all over . But more than enough for the grass seeds to germinate i hope usually takes 5 to 30 days ...But somebody lost hope just the day before yesterday and let the crazy neighbourhood bully brother of two ...and only son , loose on my turf  to plow with a cricket bat in search of a tape ball many times for the next season crop ....But yesterday when the rain started ...he came again and left a damage control story of the water pump being stolen ....a  day earlier ...meaning that he was not let loose on  my grass turf but was just excited or on the lookout ....okay i think this is just getting even worse so lets just drop it here ...don't know why i am not buying this story at all .
I have no idea how the people of his building survive ....especially the people who share the floor with him and his " different" family and friends ....

Okay so The Rain and the cloudy windy weather has once again brought back the Winter  which was officially over two weeks ago . My dear elder sister even donated some of her old sweaters and cardigans .....Thank God the All Mighty Allah Amen ! that she has already forgotten them and also that i suggested it .
Anyways i did not have done anything with this rag of cardigan and it was hanging just as it is did not even give it for washing so its back on me and since it is not at all winter in here 25°C so i am sweating ...good because two nights ago i had a very serious cramp while sleeping where i never had a cramp before ...yes the neck and the right shoulder . woke up in a very difficult situation but as the time progressed the muscles relaxed and without medicines or drugs like pain killers or muscle relaxers i am here ain't i ?  
But due to this chilly windy winter on a rebound ...Today i have lowered the Word Count Target for this my the Sunday Blog # 152 ( Hundred and fifty two ) , from three thousand plus to Two Thousand Words only . With more than usual Breaks and eating . 

So here it is the First Break of this my the Sudnay Blog # 152 ( Hundred and fifty two ) 

1:26 am Break ( 592 words )

2:28 am Had a slice of bread with kabab from the pan ...the wind is cold and strong ...Hot tin sheds are making sounds ...So no drowsiness or any sign of weakness . that mean that i can start the next topic on the list ....

The Kim Summit .....Honestly i was enjoying the movies and PSL 4 so much beside my normal routines of eating and sleeping that i did not give a damn about it . and to top it all the siblings were having the time of there life with all that Indo Pakistan media war 2019 that i am not really sure if i did get a chance to check the tweets about it as well let alone watching it live on CNN fake news .

When it comes to the Elected President Trump ....i know that i wont find anything better anywhere but what he himself or his team let the world know so here is his own tweet about the first day of the Hanoi Summit

Great meetings and dinner tonight in Vietnam with Kim Jong Un of North Korea. Very good dialogue. Resuming tomorrow!
I am not sure about the choice of this furniture ....reminds me of the neighbourhood  iranian coffee shops tea tables way way back in history .

Russian Collusion was and shall always remain the major topic during the Kim - trump summits so it was this time too and the heavy tweeting about it during the the summit makes even more interesting can clearly see who is edgy and who is on the edge of the seat .
Anyways , it is wonderful that they sat together greeted each other and the meeting ended without a third world war or a Nuclear regional war with a Total annihilation of the Korean peninsula .

By the way the Breaking News tonight or morning whichever suits you that the Food Panda Guy's younger brother in Brooklyn today introduced the Senator Bernie Sanders for the 2020 race to the US Presidential Elections . 
So while i take yet another Break and sip a cup of tea ...throw away spit it out the gum in my mouth go figure it out How these people manage to make or collect so much money to entertain the world not just the United States of America .

3:17 am Break ( 1032 words )

3:50 am Just tea ...
So two more hours i have till its fajr time ....lets see if i do it with a break or without a break .
The way the temperature is dropping i am not sure how long will it take to get to the single digit . Or maybe this is the full and final end .....a night to remember by in years to come ...and definitely in the hot and dry heat wave months of Karachi the most dangerous city in the world . Sad that this week it became even more dangerous than it already is . Being on the target of the Indian fighter jets and missiles attacks and surgical strikes from the outside and God knows who and who from the inside . Most of the Buildings recently constructed in my neighourhood are just like the one that collapsed this week in Malir area . killing many . When people come to Karachi the most dangerous city in the world to work in the construction industry , Nobody asks them or checks if they are from which side of the LOC . And where their sympathies lie . So to cause a heavy large number of casualties here the enemy does not even need to use large quantity of arms and ammunition . The so called four five six floored apartment buildings may collapse just with the sound wave caused by the enemy bombing   killing many many people and injuring even more . All because of the unchecked and unregulated Building and construction mafia .

okay can't go on like this now ...need a break here .

4:47 am Break ( 1294 words)

11:49 am Good Morning !

First tweet of the day

Sun 25thJamadi us Sani 1440H
11:44 am Okay the sky is blue and sunny .not as cold and chilly as it was early this morning but it is cold and windy..Had a very good sleep and did not take the risk of getting up and catching cold . out of sugar so forced to make kashmiri☕️

So Somehow the plan for today morning did not go as planned ...first i missed the last session of this my the Sunday Blog # 152 ( Hundred and fifty two ) because i fall asleep ....missed fajr prayer as well with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

Almost missed the chaapa and the special facebook meet up ...sleeping like a child around ten i begin to hear voices outside still it took more than half an hour to get up and get out of the cozy and warm bed . I left the door open before i fall asleep so the temperature in the digital clock did drop a two degree Celsius but it is now climbing back even though it is still very windy outside not as strong as it was this morning at 3 am .

Looking at the sunny sky and the brunch on the table already ...i definitely gave up the idea of going out for the special Burns road Sunday Brunch ...

And this was the last Sunday before the lent so i believe even if have a snow on the saturday next ...i am not having the Paya brunch on sunday from Burns road until next year , next winter ....Thank you Mazedar foods .

I don't remember did i mention the waheed kabab and nihari on burns road being sealed by the British Government of Sindh in protest of the Arrest of the sindh speaker and former minister of local bodies sindh during the Mustafa Kamal as mayor . If i remember correctly he was very instrumental in the removal of Mustafa kamal and his local bodies step and stopped most of the development projects for karachi and hyderabad to save the democracy ....people of not only karachi and hyderabad and other big cities and towns suffered due to this one holy act but the people of rural sindh suffered as well greatly .
Amazing not a single serious protest come up in his support and the NAB got his second Physical remand ... jismani remand جسمانی ریمانڈ..... People often don't ask the meaning of these words in any lanuage especially german physische Untersuchungshaft ...But this is not the time or the place and it does need a little more research so maybe later ...i will discuss this in some other context ...
Since NAB or the corruption court is only interested in ways and means of the illicit gains and the ways to take it out of the country ....or move around withing the country ...they are really not interested in the person or the body ...Most people come out of the trail just as they go in . very few get to loose the job as well . And the money they have already moved out of the country is not in the jurisdiction of the NAB or the corruption courts .
Honestly i am extremely surprised why the Parliament did not abolish this NAB or the Corruption court yet .
A legal expert and my mentor told me that just because they are using it against each other ....and for coercing into floor crossing ....
12:34 pm Chaapa !!

Okay not for you ...never mind
So where were we ...oh yes ....i have almost reached the target for today that is two thousand words for this my the Sunday Blog # 152 ( hundred and fifty two )  so now i can relax and enjoy or even go out for shopping ....somehow i have been skulking for two weeks now and out of most of the junk food crunchies and munchies , chocolates and soda . as well as the kitchen essentials . such as there was no baisan power for pakora during the rain ...and i did not go out because it is very slippery on the way to the market ...and then cars and other vehicles splash water and mud when they speed past you it is better not to take the risk and stay at home till after the sunshine like it is right now ...there will still be water in my way but mostly the sewerage water at know locations not the rain water or drizzle every where .

Okay  Azan has started so i take a break and have lunch and pray with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

12;51 pm Break ( 2222 words)

2:33 pm 

Avoided the mutton pulao and made this light breakfast kind of lunch ....and while i was doing it i was caught red handed laughing quietly on my own ...was asked is it about something you have written in your blog and i said ...No something i can't ....LOL

Anyways during the break as i moved the curtain a small lizard kid fell on me and touched skin so i had to have an extra bath . The water was extra hot like the burning skin hot ...some day i will have a temperature controlled bath the moment i am all focused on the last tangled case of my life ....and don't have a clue ....anyways ...

there was an article about lizards and jews belief which i could not google right now so without the reproducible evidence i believe we will discuss this topic some other time in some other blog ....But this i know for sure that lizards are not considered very clean in many religions ...and this probably the reason when they depict an ugly sequence or a dirty place in a movie they show the heavy breathing or running lizard in a Hollywood movie ..despicable !!

Okay i believe you all have heard the bad news by now about the PSL 4 ......All matches of PSL 4 for Lahore will now be held in karachi .

Probably has something to do with MajorAdnan twitter trend ...but due to the national security and interest of the better future human race ...i remain quiet and show restraint and responsible Pakistani Scheduled ...LOL
twitter has never been so much fun it is now ....this hash tag is a must follow and over analysed for the sake of Humanity and future human race ....LOL So that is it ..about the PSL 4 lets take a break here

3:23 pm Break ( 2578 words )

4:31 pm Yes it was fun break stretched the back and relax ...had fruits ..Apple and almonds ...and tea ...
okay so there is just half an hour left before the next azan so ...

okay the next thing on the list at the top about today's topic list is The Coming Lent 2019 ...Lent 2019 will begin on
6 March
and ends on
18 April

This time my plan is a little different ...not doing the way most very nonreligious people do of giving up something for the Lord . No i am not giving up anything for the Lord ...during the lent 2019 ..instead i plan to fast on sunday and friday or anyother day when ever i can ...and i am not required to do any outdoor task . Will fast the islamic way from fajr till sunset help me GOD the All Mighty Allah Amen !

Still not sure about whether to pray at home or go to the mosque and test the neighbors and clergy ...Fasting on sunday will not bring about any serious change in my daily routines because I usually not eat on Sundays in the Hot Weather days of Summer anyways ...during this sunday Blogging to stay cool and refresh . But this plan is still not final i may change my mind at any time but definitely not during the fast ...if i start a fast then i will try by best to finish it and reconsider for the rest of the days ....because a fast is a fast and cannot be  broken just like that before time . But since fast is not ordained for us during the Lent there fore it will be a nafli roza ...
and the prayer or niat will probably mention the on going  islamic lunar month ...

wa bey som me ghadin na waito min shahrey rajab ....
i intent to keep the fast tomorrow in the month of rajab ....

Praiseth the Lord All Mighty Allah Amen !

There prayer for openning or breaking the fast will probably be the same that we recite in ramzan .

But i will still consult somebody more better read than me of some authentic islamic web site of my religious belief and faith and sect .

So this is how i plan for my coming Lent 2019 about you ...what are your plans for the lent 2019 or will you just keep asking what is the lent ? is it about  easter ? what is good friday ? we only fast in Ramzan is bad to fast on any other days ...have you gone mad ? etc etc ...

Okay time for break now ...with a prayer for my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

5:16 pm Break ( 3096 words )

Sun 26th Jamadi us Sani 1440 H
8:28 pm Good Evening ! 

Okay i am back after Asr , Maghrib and Isha Prayers with a prayer for my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi 
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

Also skipped two meals only tasted ...LOL

 Went for a walk after the Maghrib prayer with a prayer for my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!
And brought my Supper .... Yes the Nulli Nihari and Naan And cake for dessert Can you believe that some people must be freezing tonight while i am sweating ...feels like taking off this shirt as as well ...after only this ....much
So ...

9:00 pm Break ( 3354 words )

9:38 pm okay now ...
what's next on the list ...oh yes ..
The Tenth Karachi Literature Festival 2019 ,

Yet again the organizers and sponsors satisfying their own taste buds confused literature with Culture ....

Unfortunately neither disturbs me enough to get up and go ....
No regrets ...

Okay lets move to the movies of the week before finishing the last item on the list ...
But first i want to mention that i did not watch the Hindi movies at my own free will and it is not that they were not available online or in my already downloaded play list . We did not give up watching Kulfi and Krishna chali london ....i did search for the Naagin 3 when i was frustrated by the Oscars 2019 show downloads or online .

It is unbelievable that i have a natural flair for the Russian language movies  ....mostly i miss the english subtitles when i am half asleep ...but i do not loose the story line of the movie ...and even enjoy it without the subtitles sometimes ...but mostly  i try to read the subtitles while watching and listening to the dialogues very carefully . Since i was avoiding the hindi content voluntarily this week so i watch Russian movies more and find them much better than i had expected ... It is said that FIA did not let me use the  friendship house nearby always ...but now they could not do anything about it or maybe don't want to as well ....lets see ...

  • Dead Again in Tombstone (2017)Rated 4 stars ....Danny trejo not a Machete ...but a Guerrero ...returns from the dead save the world ...and the daughter ...dumb ...
  • Roza proshchalnykh vetrov (2012)Rated 6 stars is not easy with their hand in a cookie jar don't let it go so easy ....I always wanted a summer house ...not anymore ...
  • (2008)Rated 8 stars dear brothers who invested a lot of money on my computers always reminded me that i am not making money from this then what is the use of wasting time and money ....if only i had watched this movie back then ...i might have ...definitely should ...LOL  okay i am shopping soon after the lent 2019 ...and hair dye ...etc ...
  • Forever Mine (1990)Rated 10 stars this is what i call a true love story of a true lover of a cinema ....WOW ! Not really sure of the happy ending part ...but still it is hard to make a movie like that now and make money from it ...hindi cinema would have accommodated two more movies in that ending . 
  • Deadly Lessons (2017)Rated 5 stars ....NO comment
  • Spyashchiy i krasavitsa (2008)Rated 4 stars ...the dead body found in the nurse 's apartment turns out to be a friend of the friend in coma ...too complicated ..not really Komedi ...except for that hammer quip ...gender bias
  • Millioner (2012)Rated 6 stars ....a deja Vu kind of story ....these poor people ...are so ungrateful ...chosing kids over a dog ...well i would never trade the Bitch for anything human ...never ...or could ...shall ...must
  • To Love a Mexican (2008)Rated 4 stars ....Re oily dumb american girl .....Yes email had that power ...of bringing people closer ...facebook and socialmedia ruined everything the email started . These day i am too scared to open my email inbox or log in because one by one the sites are asking for money especially the storage sites , drop box and photobucket has suspended my accounts and are threatening with emails very regularly ...i am sure next the email sites will part ways ....
  • Razreshite tebya potselovat… (2016)Rated 5 stars ...the 4th sequel to a very popular series about an army officer ...Honestly i am not a fan of MASH either ...
    Tried to watch the initial parts but suddenly realized the mistake and deleted . But i can honestly say that i watch this one till the end even though it is not yet listed on the imdb .
  • Against Her Will: The Carrie Buck Story (1994)Rated 5 stars ....not sure about it ...if only i knew the original historical facts or story only then i could have decided it better if the producer and the team has done justice with the charater of carrie buck . 
  • Anything to Survive (1990)Rated 9 stars usually stick to the crazy and stubborn dads more than equally crazy moms ...not sure why . good movie .And Matt LeBlanc is so fresh from egg ...must have been his very early years in the industry or was he also a child born to star  ...NO ...mother a office worker and father a mechanic different nationality ...amazing ...
  • An Hour Behind (2017)Rated 7 stars ....ThankGod Hallmark use some other business plans as well beside books and book shops and writers and publishers . Very fresh idea ...good execution . like it . 

okay then this is it ...from the movies of the week .

 Now only half an hour left and only one last topic left as well . But Showing restraint and responsibility ...i believe i cannot speak my heart out especially after tasting the Nulli Nihari from Zahid Nihari and a chocolate cake from tariq road . so lets us learn more about the Rafale deal controversy - 

Jump to budget session of the Indian parliament - In an interview with The Times of India, former chief of air staff Arup Raha said that the MMRCA deal ...

Anybody remember the 

The Karachi affair otherwise known as Agosta Submarine scandal, was a major military ... In 1992, the Benazir administration began its negotiation with French ..... Agosta commission case was exposed in 2000–03 to prevent tarnishing the ...

iT is interesting that Karach affiar has no bearing over the pakistan elections but Rafale deal has really made its distinguishing marks on the out come of the indian general elections as well as the brexit deal failure again and again .

Sadhguru Dismantles Rafale Controversy in 2 Minutes


OPs i shared something indian ...May dearly merciful Lord All Mighty Allah Amen !
forgive and forget ....

Anyways the time is up ....i have to go eat my supper and the chocolate cake or what's left of it now ...So here i end this my the Sunday Blog # 152 ( Hundred and fifty two ) was really a fun week ....the food  the trying to watch Oscars 2019 , the Russian Movies , the Kulfi soap and Kulfi Baadshahi from Igloo ice cream ,,,and then the return of the winter and rain ....every thing was awesome this week ...the PSL 4 and the Media war ... But i have no words words indeed for this ...
LOL ....Anything is better than nothing ....LOL

ThankGod the All Mighty Allah Amen !
we Have .....The ....

And with that the very thankful me and stiff neck and back ...I take leave until next sunday the first in lent ...2019 . The Song video i am sharing today has a very catchy tune and voice and it comes up every week and then left behind but not today ...the movie it is from was also ok ....

Have a blessed Lent 2019 and remember me in your prayers .

All the very Best

God Blaze America !

Allah Hafiz !

LeAnn RImes-Can't fight the moonlight [HD]

Can't Fight the Moonlight
Under a lovers' sky
Gonna be with you
And no one's gonna be around
If you think that you won't fall
Well just wait until
Til the sun goes down
Underneath the starlight, starlight
There's a magical feeling, so right
It will steal your heart tonight
You can try to resist
Try to hide from my kiss
But you know
But you know that you can't fight the moonlight
Deep in the dark
You'll surrender your heart
But you know
But you know that you can't fight the moonlight
No, you can't fight it
It's gonna get to your heart
There's no escape from love
Once a gentle breeze
Weaves its spell upon your heart
No matter what you think
It won't be too long
Til you're in my arms
Underneath the starlight, starlight
We'll be lost in the rhythm, so right
Feel it'll steal your heart tonight
You can try to resist
Try to hide from my kiss
But you know
But you know that you can't fight the moonlight
Deep in the dark
You'll surrender your heart
But you know
But you know that you can't fight the moonlight
No you can't fight it
No matter what you do
The night is gonna get to you
Don't try then
You're never gonna win
Part of me the starlight, starlight
There's a magical feeling, so right
It will steal your heart tonight
You can try to resist
Try to hide from my kiss
But you know
But you know that you can't fight the moonlight
Deep in the dark
You'll surrender your heart
But you know
But you know that you can't fight the moonlight
You can try to resist (Try to hide from my kiss)
But you know
Don't you know that you can't fight the moonlight
Deep in the dark
You'll surrender your heart
But you know
But you know that you can't fight the moonlight
No, you can't fight it
You can try to resist 
You can hide from my kiss
Don't you know, don't you know that you can't fight the moonlight
Deep in the dark
You'll surrender your heart
But you know
But you know that you can't fight the moonlight