
Sunday 4 November 2018

The Sunday Blog # 135

Today is the Sunday , the 4th of November 2018 , the 25th of Safar 1440 H till the Sunset ( 5:50 pm , Karachi ) and this is my the Sunday Blog # 135 ( Hundred and thirty five) .

Before i started this my the Sunday Blog # 135 ( Hundred and thirty five ) i checked the On this Day memories on the facebook and saw this

An awefully sad reminder of the day we lost our only home mango tree today a year ago .....

When we had it chopped off by the team of professional wood cutters with axe and chain saw .

The Sunday Blog #83

All the details are already given in this my the Sunday Blog # 83 ( Eighty Three ) . dated Sunday the 5th of November 2017 . 

This year we did not get to eat a home grown mango ....or the kind of mango that used to grow on our mango tree but we had plenty of mangoes in the mango season that the US Embassy and department of Agriculture and defense DOD considers mangoes or to be very precise the Pakistani Mangoes " " --- and this was not just it ...during the peak mangoes season the retail price remained less than a dollar $ for a kg  of a certain type and size . sindhri and chunsa . abundantly available all over jamshedtown of karachi the most dangerous city in the world . a bigger species of mango which was about a kg a piece and priced a dollar and a half $ ( Rs 180 /- ) also came during the general elections and disappeared as the Dollar $ begin to increase in September and October . So anyways what i am trying to say here that even though i had lots of mangoes this year but i still missed the ones from this Home Mango tree and its tons of yield every mango season without any care or expense for it . It is ironic that i care about my rose plants more than i ever cared for this mango tree and yet the rose plants give so much less flowers and die too often . more sadness than joy . While this mango tree gave me so much more joy and good memories . And especially hundreds of Words for this my the Sunday Blogs --- . 

Okay now since i never had to worry a lot about this mango tree or cared about it growing too much or trimming after the complaints by the neighbours ....or cleaning its dried foliage so when it had to be cut down last year ....i moved on and never looked back or cared what and how the remaining stem was doing ...but my dear elder sibling who were really hurt and saddened first prayed a lot for its revival ...for month well that never happened they tried to drill in the stem and plant small plants in it ....And i was recently told that a mango plant has taken its root inside not in the center just on the sidelines ....pretty cool isn't it ? 
so in about five to six years we may have a reincarnation of the same old mango tree 
Actually there is a more valid reason for this desire of  rebirth of the same mango tree instead of a new mango tree growing gradually in the ground in the same place or some other place near the same stem or root . And that reason is Water ....Indeed ! If the plant that is the new younger plant grows inside the old stem and the old root comes alive we never have to worry about the water for the plant and the food as well . the plant will grow on its own and in much less time will become a fully grown tree ready to fruit . And this time maybe it is better looking with the same taste . Because we are not really sure what kind of or species of mango is of the young plant . Maybe its the same seed of the tree or maybe its the seed from the market mangoes we had last year ...This year the weather has been too hot and the water has been too dry to waste on the mango seeds even though we are watering our plants with the kitchen waste water from the dishes . ya it is gross .... but living in paradise with hell all around has its own merits . feels so euphoric when you get up in the morning (noon) and watch green plants while under the burning Sun .

And talking of the green ....The Moment i stopped this my the Sunday Blog # 134 ( Hundred and thirty four ) and went to the other room to watch the ending to the Pak vs Aus T20 series its been a win after the win for the Pakistan team ...first they white washed the Australia and then the Black caps ....Well there is one more to go for the white wash but the series is already home ....yep Pakistan is two up in the three match T20 series . So i guess that today also , i have till the ten pm to do this my the Sunday Blog # 135 ( Hundred and thirty five ) seriously after that i will probably loose all energy and anxiousness to continue so i may either drag it or end it can't be really sure at the moment how is gonna be ....

Oh yes how can i forget the most amazing news this week from the unpredictable world of Sport is that the most amazing couple of Dubai ,Shoiab and Sania are the proud parents now ...its a Boy !! Congrats .
So it is so hard to tell now if both of them will continue their respective sports or quit is amazing that their marriage has survived the pregnancy mood swings .....Now the question is what will the son choose to become when he grows up actor or a singer twenty years there will be no scope for modelling as the advertising will take a very drastic turn and may not actually survive in its present day form . lets see .

Anyways congrats again and All the Best to the three .

Okay its exactly two hours since i started this my the Sunday Blog # 135 ( hundred and thirty five ) a quarter after the mid night and now i have crossed the first thousand words mark without a single copy and paste word from any outside source . It is a very good sign and a hope to have a Sunday Blog that i can love and enjoy and feel proud about later when ever i look back ...a week later .. a month a year or many years ...when ever and where ever .
So i believe i should have a short break here ....

2:21 am Break ( 1102 words) 

3:23 am Okay i am back from the break ...had herbal tea beef biryani and coke and two chocolate cream biscuits (prince)  . Okay now it is really really confusing because Prince de LU is a Mondelez International brand but mine still says Continental Biscuits ....and had nothing to do with Kraft foods ever what about danone ?  and i don't believe anybody in karachi the most dangerous city in the world have any idea about the Nabisco ....or its products and brands ...and what can i say if somebody said to me that my prince chocolate has Rits crackers ...probably i'll only LOL ....anyways  its good to know that the prince de LU or something similar that is two Rits crackers with Cocoa cream sandwich are available in eight countries . cordon bleu

Bahria town Safari villas got free advertising this week when the road show gets the Cut and pack up call . Some ex senator was assassinated . 

So this explains the Malik saabs interest in Acquisition of Escorts Investment Bank - Public Offer last year ....دانای ساکت و گویای دانا

okay , This fairy tale has made me more drowsy than i would have been watching a turkey . So lets hurry before i completely fall asleep . yesterday I had a very heavy lunch and fall asleep all afternoon , woke up in the evening so my usual plan of sleeping after dinner and waking up before mid night totally flopped . and tonight there is chill in the air and instead of having tea ( herbal) i am having Coke because i have had too much Beef Biryani with chicken . oily and greasy so chances are that my the night fall today i will be coughing and sneezing . Because of the fear of Weapons of Mass destruction i am so totally avoiding the prayer at the mosque any mosque regardless . and believe you me this is just not it ...i am also avoiding the junk food take away as much as i can ....Because since the winter comes rarely here but winter flu usually comes and stays all season and especially in the bodies who get a flu shot . Most restaurant workers and staff and free delivery boys are the worst carriers of flu virus and bacteria ...don't believe me ...observe yourself and live happily ever after .
So anyways what i am getting at is that ....because today i wake up at about the time i usually begin to try to sleep after dinner and isha prayer with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi
Possa il caro Signore misericordioso All Allah potente avere misericordia dei miei genitori defunti Papa e Ammi e possano essere benedetti dal caro Signore misericordioso All Allah potente e Le loro anime possono riposare in pace in cielo. Amen!

so the gap is longer now and it is time i maybe falling asleep . so if i do i will certainly be about five hundred words short of the two thousand words or more . And then no matter if i fall asleep early without a fajr prayer and a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi
Possa il caro Signore misericordioso All Allah potente avere misericordia dei miei genitori defunti Papa e Ammi e possano essere benedetti dal caro Signore misericordioso All Allah potente e Le loro anime possono riposare in pace in cielo. Amen!

i will be still be sleeping till noon or a little early not very incredibly early as early as nine am . So no matter how drowsy i am feeling now i will have to fight and fight hard and prove that i have learned something from the Best ...The Pakistan Army ! this week .
So neither Pakistan nor china is willing to give up the " " close friendship between the two ....So i better give up the blogging and social media and volunteer for the Bahria town dastarkhan ....

OKay ...almost half and hour left before i finish this my the sunday Blog # 135 ( hundred and thirty five ) and go on a long break . I did survive this past hour and more and now all my drowsiness is also gone and i somehow feel fresh and exciting ....must be the coke .

is it me or is it getting cold right now .....the fans are becoming unnecessary now and feels like i should turn them off . So living without the fans running all the time and especially during the sleep will be very difficult because sound travels faster and louder or feels like that when the fans are off in the winter season . so if somebody dropped something left , right or top ....i'll be wondering where that noise come from or if i will be sleeping and heard and wake up ....i will be wondering for a very long time what did i hear and from where ...or was it just a dream or maybe i was imagining things .Sometimes it happens to me ...i hear something a loud thump and wake up or get up and go out of the room and ask somebody or the first person available to comment and that person is either too busy to have noticed or really don't care , makes me feel really irritated as to how in the world can somebody not hear what i just heard during fast asleep or up but drowsy . But it is so true and it often happens . For weeks my ears were closed by the food allergy related swelling and wax blocking ....and now when i need it the most nothing is happening ....i had lot of spicy food from outside the home cooking source and yet no food allergy so either they saw the error of their ways or maybe i may have developed the food allergy immunity . But how is that even possible ...does not even sound right but since that is what is happening so i cannot even deny this fact that this week i have had lots of spicy and oily and greasy food and yet not only my ears are almost as good as new but also my nasal and digestive systems are also very much fine . How is that even possible that going to the mosque this friday for the juma Mubarak  prayer i did not even feel a thing , like sadness or drowsiness or breathing difficulty or muscular pain or stiffness and nausea etc etc . I believe the ten days sabbatical earlier before last sunday scared the devil and the deep away . So now i can eat and enjoy the fancy and spicy greasy and oily over cooked food when i like it and how i like it will be fun . Now this is the main reason every time i suffer from that food allergy people and my dear siblings thing it is something else because so much time has elapsed in between the next occurrence that people tend to forget it

Ironic isn't it ......

Anyways what matters most is that i know it and i cannot forget it ever . so i will try to keep it under control and make sure that with the first sign of it i stop and change the eating habits at once . And you know the rest .

Okay so its time for the long break .....with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!
6:10 am Break ( 2364 words) 

11:23 am
Good Morning ! 
yes i woke up before noon amazing isn't it ? was perhaps the first good clean winter air morning . the sun was also not very hot yet .... so if i fall asleep after sunrise and woke up at ten or few minutes later then it means that i had very little sleep and will need to go to sleep after the Sunday Brunch or definitely after the Lunch . Let's see what happens today .
the first tweet of the day
Sun 25th Safar 1440
11:18 am Wow a chilly morning ....yes the winter has arrived !

The nose is fully dried ....and it is so difficult to not poke my finger in it ...I am so sure that it will be a very interesting day ahead as long as i don't fall asleep . Because if i did than there will be nobody to wake me up today ....very little chance of chaapa today . The Nuclear families have spent almost a whole week locked together so they may have some domestic issues of their own rather than worrying about me. This lockdown of the karachi the most dangerous city in the world was totally in my favour . Not even for a second i felt like i was missing something or i should have been somewhere where i can't . There was no shortage of food or takeaway ....infact i air dropped bags of food personally cooked just for the purpose of esal -e- sawab . Honestly i am not like that or into it at all just did it as a personal family favour .....So don't get any wild ideas or think i could change after the post mid life crisis ....
Another rare event during the lockdown was that i touched the Quran and actually recited the first para would have been in just one go but somehow after few pages the door bell rang and it was the cable bill collector so i had to put the para down and pay the bill ....there was just no chance of skulking or playing ignorantia ...anyways the short break did no harm or turned me off ....i did finish reciting earlier than i was expecting ....haven't done that since the last day of the holy month of Ramzan earlier this year ...july was it ....almost four months later ....I don't know or understand where the time goes here was just last sunday like yesterday and today it is the next sunday . Honestly i didn't have the time to even review or edit this my the Sunday Blog # 134 ( Hundred and thirty four ) from the previous Sunday yet and now here i am doing the next Sunday Blog # 135 ( Hundred and thirty five ) ....and very soon i will end this my the Sunday Blog # 135 ( Hundred and thirty five) and will be getting ready for the next sunday Blog # 136 ( Hundred and thirty six ) and even though it will be a full whole week for the nuclear families all over the town and in the neighbouring towns of this most dangerous city in the world, Karachi , For myself it will be just like i spent a few hours sleeping or watching movies or television , eating and chatting and the time will fly away . So anyways the Sunday Brunch is ready and in this chilly and windy weather it is not very prudent to let it get cold fact if you visit some densely populated areas or market places like the saddar Bus terminal you may see people eating out of the skewers and frying pans

Anyways ...

So its is almost time for the break as well ...
So here i take a break with a prayer for my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

12:42 pm Break (3026 words ) 

2:30 pm So finally the water crisis ends .....a half bottle( 750 ml) is more than enough for a without shampoo bath and one and a half bottle ( 2.25 Litre) for with shampoo ....and three out of five prayers can be done with the same wadu if prayed at home my life is so simplified and easy ....I love this season so much can go out during the day for a long winter walk and eat at a food street or bring the takeaway ....
A special fun time is going on at the moment at our home ......My dearly departed Papa ( May his soul rest in Peace in Heaven Amen !) used to call it taar burqiyan chal rahi hain ....Wire - Currents or something
Actually for the first time in the history of the state of southern Florida ....all my siblings are invited for a dinner two hundred plus careem cash away in the neighbouring town. And None of them wants to leave me home with so much rich and healthy frozen food ....Nope ....they don't ....and not just the siblings ....the security and neighbourhood watch is also panicked and keep ringing the door bell .... you know its the white wash of the Black caps night so there is a split divide across the board ....anyways ...i am in no mode to go out today or eat something i am not really very sure about ...its definitely not about the careem cash ...because whether i go or not ....i 'll be paying anyways no body keeps the change these day but me ....I used to be so well organised since my childhood about cash and change ...and even about the crispy and clean currency notes just in case people who borrow the change never returns the cash in the same change ...and since i am losing a sponsor after sponsor an act of God now i really go out to shop and even more rarely get back the change . in fact every time the price is higher that even if i have it all worked out to have 30% or at least 10 % cash in change ...that does not happen and some times they knowing my habit gives the dirty torn currency notes in change so that i return it as well and buy something extra ....Most shop counters these days have sweets and goodies just like the little house on the prairie shop candy jars ....they themselves either give the goodies ( cheez) instead of the return change or will delay so much that you yourself will pick something equal to the price of the change . I usually don't wait for them to delay and ask myself to round the total with dairy milk chocolate or biscuits being advertised frantically during the soap serials or cricket matches .....Sometimes this gets me a stern look from the shop keepers as well as the siblings at home ....they wants to be really sure that i am buying or bought this for the product or the tag line ....some the tag lines are really very cheesy ....Like my dear brother still hates the Sooper cookies ...and sister hates the everyday tea whitener ....My personal list is very long and it includes all local ( British ) laundry detergents powders .
Aik ko dhoeinge Ariel se aur dosre ko bahu se .....

Honestly i have completely forgot what i was talking about so i better take a break and enjoy the Party ....
3:28 pm Break ( 3602 words)

4:19 pm Yes ...i ride the careem free to guide him to my home from the nearest location  They gave ....Bachay seek rahey hain .....i believe i was too excited and banged his door hard ...actually it was not opening softly from outside so i thought it may be closed with force ....anyways
Someday i will also have a smart phone with all the apps and memories and a place to go ......If a week of complete city wide  lockdown cannot jog my memory ....i wonder what can ...? .. So no reaching miss call today ....interesting . must have been greeted at the door ....Anyways
So now is the sunday i have been waiting for almost all year or more .....I really get a break to think straight need to get up no need to check up and see what's going on outside need to take food pictures and post them need to eat unnecessarily ....I 'll have cookies and biscuits and tea or coke nothing else and try to finish this my the Sunday Blog # 135 ( Hundred and thirty five ) before they return or at least have a respectable word count to take a long break to listen and hear them and also watch the last T20 match which will begin at 9 pm ....So nine pm it is

I cannot believe that today i am totally avoiding the copy & paste not even the twitter trends or news summery and yet i have reached the four thousand words mark already so now suppose if  i had shared or posted a few lyrics of the songs that were in the background of my mind especially this Ariana grande song every body is taking about ...yes the SNL debute song thank U next

Then surely i could have reached the Five or six thousand words mark already ...Still i believe i have ample time to move ahead and save time .
The incense stick i burned about an hour ago is now fully burned and the home smells so good much better than the air freshener or perfume ..okay so waht to eat now biscuits , cookies or cup cakes ....Aha i can steal my sisters whipping cream to do the cup cake dressing ....there are two people in my family who wait and plan and dream about their Happy Birthdays for days if not months and then there are people who plan harder to ruin it for them ....But what has happened this time is out of this world .....Honestly I can't help but LOL enough ....
Why my dearest of All Uncle choose a date like this one to go on a witness protection program .....? he was playing so cool when i told him i maybe coming what happened last week ....oh okay i know yes must be the prayer in french ....most people take french more seriously than others ....Ahh ....Anyways
we will all miss him always  ....But it will always be a mystery how the karachi police didn't knew about it two days before they always do ....
Other than the two Happy Birthdays gone this year second birthday according to the islamic calender will also fall on one of the Thursday ...before the forty days ....and it is believed that thursday is the day my dear Brother will try harder to  contact him ....LOL
No i am not even thinking about the moon or the sighting any more ....the way we had a lockdown all over the city and the Bahria Town opening ....this has got to be the CIA and ISI joint exercise or what ....LOL

So anyways ....i have to hurry up or i will miss the Asr Prayer ....
So here i take a break till after the sunset for two prayers with a prayer for my dearly departed parents May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

5: 25 pm Break ( 4320 words) 

Sun 26th Safar 1440 H 
6:37 pm Good Evening ! 
Nope ....only two prayers were possible with this wadu and the reciting of one para ...Anyways .
The twitter trend for karachi is so totally unbelievable ... no idea where it is going with all the football news and trends ....nothing at all about karachi the most dangerous city in the world or the country .

Oh no ! twitter is trolling our PM as #Begging instead of #Beijing 

oh no it was the state of the run problem them nobody cam be blamed after all it is official ...LOL
Okay so i have an hour of peace and tranquility to move ahead and make it to the five thousand words mark for this my the Sunday Blog # 135 ( Hundred and thirty five ) ....thankyou !

Have i really missed anything yet ....okay never mind lets move to the entertainment section and most ly the Movies ...But first the bad news is that finally all hindi content on the Urdu1 tv was removed except the fair & lovely winter fairness cream and yami gautam

So now we will have to watch the remaining episodes of the serial Kulfi kumar baje wala and krishna chali london which we were watching on televison together . On net and web there is defintely no need to watch it on time or togather so i probably give it up some time soon and then i will be so free ....
My freedoms are increasing day by day ....First local chaapa then international chaapa and now no need to be punctual for the daily week days soap serials ....also known as saas bahu serials ...Since the television channels were not expecting this kind of restriction from the new government of MQM they did not have the non hindi material to replace the prime time slots on all entertainment channels ...on the news channels only Pti has brought in some new females this week the rest of the parties are doing shows with the same old and retired faces ...But i am still not interested so lets move on ...By showing the old already watched turkish soaps and serials like ayesha gul or kosem sultan ...i believe the channel Urdu1 will lose a lot of revenue ...But even if it shuts down who cares ....

Half an hour left ....hurry up wasiq !!!
Because of the sadness and fateha i had to eat very heavy and because of that i fall asleep easily and for longer hours and so was not able to watch movies as i was doing so for the past couple of weeks this weeks score is the lowest of all maybe in months ....

anyways here they are the movies of the week ...

  • Free Fall (2014)Rated 5 stars ...a female executive in the boys club hard survival ...yes i got it ...not a very good one though ...because the technical stuff was not very reassuring anyways ...
  • Psycho In-Law (2017)rated 6 stars ...liked it but this could or should have been much better ...
  • Undeserved (2016)rated 5 stars ...religion is so high maintenance in some cultures can't expect all to be angels all the time ....harder it is to win a lost battle ...wish there was a way i could know what i am getting into before watching the movies like these ....Ah hurts so much and so bad ...can't even explain ...

  • Angels Fall (2007)Rated 7 stars cooking is such an amazing skill you can be hired anywhere in the world any time ....should better start learning now before its too late to learn ....LOL . This is the first time the nice guy did not turn out to be the one is that so ? he must have cut a deal with the producers and left his profits and earnings ...or something 
  • Pressed (2011)Rated 4 stars ....why nobody do the diamond kahan hain story any more ....its ususally the bag full of currency notes ...too much manoey laundring going on so they are scaring the kids not to get involved and stay out ...i believe ....almost a turkey ...
  • No Tell Motel (2013) Turkey 3 stars . 

  • OKay so this is it ....and my time is almost up the door bell may ring any minute now ....So i better shutdown and wait ....
    By the way i have crossed the five thousand words mark on the words counter for this my the Sunday Blog # 135 ( Hundred and thirty five ) ...amazing isn't it ...and as they say the night is still young ....ha ha ...
    okay finally the messenger is alive  because the first one has reached home ....without waiting for the food or fateha ...Anyways ...this is karachi the most dangerous city in the world so one must think of his and her own priorities and safety . getting there and attending the show is more important than staying all the way .....till the end ....when every body has eaten and even the neighbours have walked towards their abodes ...and dwellings ....

    Wah ...wah wah

    7:59 pm Break ( 5142 words)  

    9:15 pm Yes i opened the gate and received now that everybody is relaxed and exhaled ...i am back . did miss the start of the match ...will watch it on twitter ...amazing it is still not in the karachi trends ...on twitter very odd ?

    What no diesel today ?

    Okay .....

    So lets wonder why and how the champions of the game and especially the ODI's are so easily losing the not just a match but the whole series after series ....they say that Pakistan has won the eleventh series a row ....the other day NZ black caps lost by just two runs ....very difficult to comprehend . But anyways it is good that pakistan is winning ....who really cares as long as Pakistan is winning ... If only they can play like this with india and bangladesh as well . Then only the nation and the expats can rejoice fully .
    Okay first wicket down ....eight overs gone ...forty nine runs ...

    Okay coke studio episode 10 is not available so i guess it ended last week ....Praiseth the Lord All Mighty Allah Amen !

    Hope and pray that there is no season 12 ever ...or at least they hire some real musicians or whatever ....what a waste of our Blood sucking money ....Rs 2 / per bottle for Rs 50 / - only ...
    God Blaze America !

    Okay then should i take a break here or go on and make use of this full hour from 10 pm to 11 pm and then take a break and decide if i should chase or let it go .....

    Even if i  do the one liners here i will easily reach the six thousand words in the next hour if i did not take a break or stop to have the tea ....Interesting ...i was at home all day and especially all evening and the tea i am drinking right now was made by those who came back . Should i have made tea before they arrived or is it good that psychologically they get to feel home by making tea by themselves . Still they are worried that i have not eaten dinner yet ...and if this my the sunday blog # 135 ( Hundred and thirty five ) did not end very soon somebody will start digging in the freezer for my dinner in the next break or pause i will have to reassure once again that i am not eating and that i will only after i am done with this my the sunday Blog # 135 ( Hundred and thirty Five ) . Also that there is no need to worry about my eating or not eating ....It is strange that when i am not eating i am not eating ....but when i am eating .....people begin to feel like pulling the plate away from my front ...or under my nose that sounds much better .
    Okay the News from the dinner and meet up i so totally missed tonight doing this very useless thing , is that my dear and nearest in age cousin and childhood friend and play mate is now a grand mother ....Congratulations ...

    Na this does not really make me feel old or failed at all . I will continue to enjoy my life in the fullest and keep on doing the things i do and don't ever care about the things i don't do or can't do or should have but did not or must have but never thought about it ....Everybody should have a right to regret his or her life in his or her own way ...
    Excuse me why do i feel like a deja vu ...i believe i have covered this topic earlier this year or during the wedding season Happy thanksgiving about an year ago ....not sure or remember exactly when, so the interesting point is that having known and discussed this issue or topic once before ...i did not change a bit ...remained the same or even tried to change and failed ...if i may have tried and failed then it would have been a totally different ball game . But since i am not even concerned about the fact tells a lot about me and my state of mind. Still it signifies nothing ....the fact remains and question that disturbs my mind is, was there a glass ceiling for all of us ...only i never looked up or tried to break free . That is why i am what i am ...But those who hit the roof and could not break free could eventually get tired and come down and if they did ....where will i be ? ahead or behind or lose ?
    And how the world would compare us ....obviously me not having a better view of my own ambiance or  believing that i saw the glass ceiling some how and enjoyed every minute of my life ....interesting thought isn't it .
    Never really thought Allama will say something for me ....but it seems to be true ...Allama did not ...Because i am neither of the two ...which is quite intriguing and remarkable .
    So then what am i actually ....?
    the answer is very simple ....Neither !

    Okay i hope i will be in a better position some time later to explain this phenomenon . Better still if i may not be required to do so ....My life becomes an embodiment a self explanatory ....the chances are slim though you never Know ....LOL

    Okay i have reached the six thousand words mark on the words counter for this my the sunday blog # 135 ( Hundred and thirty five ) . My hand is freezing , my legs are cold and my neck is stiff . The second cup of tea i had just now have made my belly bulging and tight probably just gas . So i need to walk a little and then eat something probably a little snack or a sandwich and enjoy the end of the match and the series . They say there is still three ODI's and then Three Test Matches ...I don't know if this much cricket will prepare them for the world cup or finish and exhaust them . I see a Burn out coming on the skipper's face and eyes ...I am not sure if anybody else is even looking at him or they are just looking at Rizla rehan ...anyways  as long as they are playing good cricket and winning who cares and maybe their scare and dread looms over the indian and bangladeshi's as well . Because that would be the day when the skies of Karachi the most dangerous city in the world will be lighted with the new year type of fire works ....
     Okay this is it ....i have to end it here yes and from the next week if it is really winter cold then i will gradually decrease the target to a thousand words every winter month ....Five thousand words in november , four thousand words in december and then three thousand words in January . February has not been cold for the past couple of years so from february i will try to get back to the normal or go with the flow . Honestly i feel that this will be a really cool winter for me and i will be so excited and amused that i will be extremely difficult to cut to size me all winter ....It is a shame that i will never find out what was expected of me today . Wish there was a way they would de-classify my great expectations and what i actually did after every decade . But anyways ...recently we have lost the system of understanding how i am doing . so its a mare guess work on my part .

    Okay very little time left so i better choose the song video i have to share now with the closing of this most important Sunday Blog  my life $$

    Oh my God The black caps are loosing very bad .....six out and they need two runs a ball i better end this my the sunday Blog # 135 ( Hundred and thirty Five ) with this very beautiful ghazal of daagh sung by my personal favorite of all times ....

    And with this and a prayer that my dear Uncle ( Chacha saab ) miss me truly where ever he is .... Amen !

    Allah Hafiz ! 

    Ghazal - Tahira Syed - Ab Woh Yeh Keh Rahe Hain

    ab vo ye kah rahe haiñ mirī maan jā.iye
    allāh terī shaan ke qurbān jā.iye
    bigḌe hue mizāj ko pahchān jā.iye
    sīdhī tarah na māniyegā maan jā.iye
    kis hai ḳhauf rokne vaalā kaun hai
    har roz kyuuñ na jā.iye mehmān jā.iye
    mahfil meñ kis ne aap ko dil meñ chhupā liyā
    itnoñ meñ kaun chor hai pahchān jā.iye
    haiñ tevrī meñ bal to nigāheñ phirī huī
    jaate haiñ aise aane se ausān jā.iye
    do mushkileñ haiñ ek jatāne meñ shauq ke
    pahle to jaan jā.iye phir maan jā.iye
    insān ko hai ḳhāna-e-hastī meñ lutf kyā
    mehmān aa.iye to pashemān jā.iye
    go vāda-e-visāl ho jhūTā maza to hai
    kyuuñ kar na aise jhuuT ke qurbān jā.iye
    rah jaa.e bhī cheTak lagī huī
    kuchh rakhiye kuchh nikāl ke armān jā.iye
    achchhī kahī ki ġhair ke ghar tak zarā chalo
    maiñ aap nahīñ huuñ nigahbān jā.iye
    aa.e haiñ aap ġhair ke ghar se khaḌe khaḌe
    ye aur ko jatā.iye ehsān, jā.iye
    donoñ se imtihān-e-vafā par ye kah diyā
    manvā.iye raqīb ko maan jā.iye
    kyā bad-gumāniyāñ haiñ unheñ mujh ko hukm hai
    ghar meñ ḳhudā ke bhī to na mehmān jā.iye
    kyā farz hai ki sab mirī bāteñ qubūl haiñ
    sun sun ke kuchh na māniye kuchh maan jā.iye
    saudā.iyān-e-zulf meñ kuchh to laTak bhī ho
    jannat meñ jā.iye to pareshān jā.iye
    dil ko jo dekh lo to yahī pyaar se kaho
    qurbān jā.iye tire qurbān jā.iye
    dil ko jo dekh lo to yahī pyaar se kaho
    qurbān jā.iye tire qurbān jā.iye
    jaane na dūñgā aap ko be-faisla hue
    dil ke muqaddame ko abhī chhān jā.iye
    ye to bajā ki aap ko duniyā se kyā ġharaz
    jaatī hai jis jaan use jaan jā.iye
    ġhusse meñ haath se ye nishānī na gir paḌe
    dāman meñ le ke merā garebān jā.iye
    ye muḳhtasar javāb milā arz-e-vasl par
    dil māntā nahīñ ki tirī maan jā.iye
    vo āzmūda-kār to hai gar valī nahīñ
    jo kuchh batā.iye 'dāġh' use maan jā.iye



    • Book: Kulliyat-e-daag(mehtaab-e-daag) (Pg. 228)

    ب وہ یہ کہہ رہے ہیں مری مان جائیے

    اب وہ یہ کہہ رہے ہیں مری مان جائیے
    اللہ تیری شان کے قربان جائیے
    بگڑے ہوئے مزاج کو پہچان جائیے
    سیدھی طرح نہ مانئے گا مان جائیے
    کس کا ہے خوف روکنے والا ہی کون ہے
    ہر روز کیوں نہ جائیے مہمان جائیے
    محفل میں کس نے آپ کو دل میں چھپا لیا
    اتنوں میں کون چور ہے پہچان جائیے
    ہیں تیوری میں بل تو نگاہیں پھری ہوئی
    جاتے ہیں ایسے آنے سے اوسان جائیے
    دو مشکلیں ہیں ایک جتانے میں شوق کے
    پہلے تو جان جائیے پھر مان جائیے
    انسان کو ہے خانۂ ہستی میں لطف کیا
    مہمان آئیے تو پشیمان جائیے
    گو وعدۂ وصال ہو جھوٹا مزہ تو ہے
    کیوں کر نہ ایسے جھوٹ کے قربان جائیے
    رہ جائے بعد وصل بھی چیٹک لگی ہوئی
    کچھ رکھئے کچھ نکال کے ارمان جائیے
    اچھی کہی کہ غیر کے گھر تک ذرا چلو
    میں آپ کا نہیں ہوں نگہبان جائیے
    آئے ہیں آپ غیر کے گھر سے کھڑے کھڑے
    یہ اور کو جتایئے احسان، جائیے
    دونوں سے امتحان وفا پر یہ کہہ دیا
    منوائیے رقیب کو یا مان جائیے
    کیا بدگمانیاں ہیں انہیں مجھ کو حکم ہے
    گھر میں خدا کے بھی تو نہ مہمان جائیے
    کیا فرض ہے کہ سب مری باتیں قبول ہیں
    سن سن کے کچھ نہ مانئے کچھ مان جائیے
    سودائیان زلف میں کچھ تو لٹک بھی ہو
    جنت میں جائیے تو پریشان جائیے
    دل کو جو دیکھ لو تو یہی پیار سے کہو
    قربان جائیے ترے قربان جائیے
    دل کو جو دیکھ لو تو یہی پیار سے کہو
    قربان جائیے ترے قربان جائیے
    جانے نہ دوں گا آپ کو بے فیصلہ ہوئے
    دل کے مقدمے کو ابھی چھان جائیے
    یہ تو بجا کہ آپ کو دنیا سے کیا غرض
    جاتی ہے جس کی جان اسے جان جائیے
    غصے میں ہاتھ سے یہ نشانی نہ گر پڑے
    دامن میں لے کے میرا گریبان جائیے
    یہ مختصر جواب ملا عرض وصل پر
    دل مانتا نہیں کہ تری مان جائیے
    وہ آزمودہ کار تو ہے گر ولی نہیں
    جو کچھ بتائیے داغؔ اسے مان جائیے


    • Book: Kulliyat-e-daag(mehtaab-e-daag) (Pg. 228)