
Sunday 5 November 2017

The Sunday Blog #83

Today is the Sunday 5th of November 2017 the 15th of safar 1439 till the sunset ( 5:49 pm karachi) and this is my the sunday blog # 83 .

So it was a very sad sad sad day for me and my whole family non nuclear , Nuclear and otherwise because we had the dead mango tree removed from its standing posture in pieces and send it to be burned out of jamshed town . This mango tree was not very old because when the builder mafia came to our neighbourhood and choose a half constructed house next to ours to start a new revolution of multiple storey flats for nuclear families of different localities and and diversities of ethnic and linguistic backgrounds , our old trees of mango and Black plum (jamun) could not survive the construction  activity and material as they were so close to the boundry wall with foliage and branches going over the boundary wall . Our old i mean previous neighbour used to complain a lot about those trees as they were very poor and could not afford to have help to clean the dried falling branches and leaves and birds droppings (poop) . Anyways so i really don't remember when it gave the first full yield of mango fruits must have been after the year 2000 unfortunately i did not have a mobile camera or the time to have recorded any such event back then . In the Past ten years and especially after Papa's death ( May his soul rest in peace in heaven Amen !) the mangoes fruits begin to increase in quantity and sweetness not the size . The size of the tree did grow as it got the support from both sides and less sunshine due to higher buildings all around . And After my dearly departed Ammi ( may her soul rest in peace Amen !) passed away three years ago the tree stopped growing and begin to shed a lot of foliage and this year before the mango season half of the tree was gone and i was worried that we may not be able to eat a single mango from this tree this year as compared a hundreds last year and even more before that . But fortunately or unfortunately it gave more than enough for us not as much as it gave the previous years . Anyways so today with the help of some professional tree cutters with axe and chain saw

The Good Old and dried dead Mango tree was completely cut down . My very dear elder sister who claims to have planted the seed of that tree which seems very probable because she already has dozens of two year old plants to replace it . If only it was my farmville 2 online game we could have had instant yields of mangoes with the help of speed seeds keys and boosts but unfortunately we are not in the farmville here But what is more unfortunate is that we did not even tried or sensed it was dying a slow death and prevented it. or at-least tried to  save it when we were enjoying the fruits so much. There are many conspiracy theories to put our mind to rest as to what might have caused its death but here it is

The clearer signs of a wood mite that really must have caused the death of this very very dear mango tree .RIP amen !

Even though i did not do anything just watch and take pictures all day of this event but don't you think that it must have been a long day for me from ten in the morning to the sunset and beyond . As after two load fulls of two large donkey carts the bigger chunks of the tree were loaded in a suzuki pickup and drove away with the azan of Maghrib . And believe it or not the carriers did not returned or were not able to return so there is still one third or may be more of the tree left lying here to be picked up tomorrow morning or whenever . The wood cutters it seems were quite content when they left as if they had completed a dare or task of the challenge . Hmmm so what could possibly be the challenge
Anyways its unfair , and immoral to take nuclear tests of a established non nuclear family (period) .

Okay now back to the regular Sunday Blogging . So today i am not on a hat-trick or a self imposed not eating non religious sabbatical because the weather is changing and in this coming winter i cannot afford to lose strength by remaining hungry that long because of the fear of flu virus may attack or if it has already invaded my body may get lucky . Still i will try to keep the food intake to a very minimum or much less . just as i did not eat the sweet meat totally after the fateha of the dearly departed mango tree Amen !

very less than one third honest i can show you the leftovers right now or maybe if they remain untouched with the next meal . oh no its 2:45 am i must take a break now but first a very soft and simple Wasiq1Wise .

If you wants to eat Chinese , Learn to eat first

Wasiq1Wise : 102
May the dear Lord All Mighty Allah Forgive (مغفرت)and have mercy(رحم) on my dearly departed Parents and may their souls rest in peace in Heaven Amen !

2:53 am Break ( 900 words)

8:44 am Good Morning ! i fall asleep around or after 4:00 am and woke up 8:30 am So there are only three hours to the half day at noon and you never know if its going to be a very peaceful quiet day or busy just like yesterday . So far it is very quiet and peaceful and there is no sign of the tree cutters farm hands or the donkeys and sweepers so it is my chance to make it upto the first and second thousand words mark on the words counter for this my the sunday blog # 83 as soon as possible and then relax and eat something as even though i decided not to not eat today but i haven't actually eaten anything yet since the beginning of this my the Sunday Blog # 83 since midnight sunday morning side . And since the morning was chilly the coldest of the season i sleep without the fan and keep hearing the mosquitoes singing and feasting on me . helping themselves / So that makes me wonder Why the champions of humanity has not yet worked to eradicate this menace from the face of the earth why they want us to rely upon the small and useless temporary remedies like mosquito repellents and insecticides . Okay here is the door banging so i believe the farmhands have arrived . Let the fun begin who care about this useless Sunday blog who nobody reads or understands . By the here is my first tweet of the Sunday morning

Sun15th Safar 1439
So  inside the room it is still the same & warm but outside it is the perfect winter chilly Sunday morning to go out and enjoy the halwa puri nashta or some other hot and spicy breakfast the sun is up so this is the last hour before its hot&Humid again☀️

Went out to see the door and it seems that the last one i mean the insomniac mosquito has entered the room and revolving around my head and sing ing Wasiq please ! Just imagine when in the disney not jack black fairy tales movies we see a fairy revolving and buzzing around somebodies head how cool it looks we simply love it and feel as if our favourite fairytale character is being looked after and have the support of the friendly and wise but in real life when you are surrounded by a mosquito or mosquitoes buzzing around your head and ears you feel very bad and helpless like you are being challenged to a sport without support when all you need is the sleep and rest and peaceful quiet night .
okay time for a break and go check out the tree activity as the carrier seems to have arrived and the big chunk is being moved and loaded in it .

9:39 am Break ( 1363 words)

10:58 am Arshad is stressed ! believes the MQM B , So they and especially the So called Free for Funding anytime anywhere mayor of karachi fare thee well to MQM P ( Mustafa Qaim khani Malala Party ) I always love the ISI's ABC manipulations , So i believe that you have seen Sattar bhai in sweat shirt or polo shirts lately very relaxed . So now i am beginning to understand the game strategy of MQM L No No of course L does not stand for London don't be ridiculous even ISI is still working on this so better not push things already . And talking of push see both cars are now started without my pushing . Sometimes i wonder why the japs did not make a car for me ? I think it all began after the nuclear tests . anyways the old neighours or what's left of it are also worried because of the Tree activity two of them have already come down but the buyer or purchaser is not interested at all . Not sure if he wants to punish me or reward me by keeping me here in my natural habitat even though the habitat and the landscape is now completely changed and too overcrowded for me to breath normal . Fish wala is also circling around but not ringing the bell must have seen the old car parked outside . These fish wala's are not my farmhands or my brothers they have grown up coming here since my childhood or even before my birth so obviously they were my dearly departed Papa's ( May his soul rest in peace in Heaven Amen ! ) farmhand . He was very fond of Fish and used to buy fish regularly expect in the non 'R' months and was pretty particular about . The most interesting thing is that My dearly departed Ammi ( May her Soul rest in Peace in Heaven Amen ! ) use to cook the best fish in town both fried and curry masala and yet she could not eat it herself I don't know if it was the allergy or the stink or the taste but she just could not . It was much later after Papa ( May his Soul Rest in Peace in Heaven Amen !) that after her angiography she began to eat fish unfortunately since she was not cooking it she may have or could have ever knew how good her fish tasted .
Angiography or arteriography is a medical imaging technique used to visualize the inside, or lumen, of blood vessels and organs of the body, with particular interest in the arteries, veins and the heart chambers. Wikipedia
Someday i will InshaAllah learn to cook fish like her and make her soul in heaven rest .
Okay fan on now recently somebody mentioned floor heating in a turkish soap serial here in this room it feels exactly like that you open the door and feel the fresh and cool air outside which is usually two to three degrees lower in november . in her last few winters she begin to feel cold and my dear brother brought a fan heater and many other heating peripherals to keep her warm . She would never let the door and window close . if only she had let it shut all the time like it is now she may have noticed the difference , But the previous generation were too keen about fresh air and air ventilation and died on ICU  Ventilators if not all most of them ....Ironic !
An old man turned ninety-eight
He won the lottery and died the next day
It's a black fly in your Chardonnay
It's a death row pardon two minutes too late
And isn't it ironic... don't you think

It's like rain on your wedding day
It's a free ride when you've already paid
It's the good advice that you just didn't take
Who would've thought... it figures

Mr. Play It Safe was afraid to fly
He packed his suitcase and kissed his kids goodbye
He waited his whole damn life to take that flight
And as the plane crashed down he thought
"Well isn't this nice..."
And isn't it ironic... don't you think

It's like rain on your wedding day
It's a free ride when you've already paid
It's the good advice that you just didn't take
Who would've thought... it figures

Well life has a funny way of sneaking up on you
When you think everything's okay and everything's going right
And life has a funny way of helping you out when
You think everything's gone wrong and everything blows up
In your face

A traffic jam when you're already late
A no-smoking sign on your cigarette break
It's like ten thousand spoons when all you need is a knife
It's meeting the man of my dreams
And then meeting his beautiful wife
And isn't it ironic...don't you think
A little too ironic...and, yeah, I really do think...

It's like rain on your wedding day
It's a free ride when you've already paid
It's the good advice that you just didn't take
Who would've thought... it figures

Life has a funny way of sneaking up on you
Life has a funny, funny way of helping you out
Helping you out

Anyways the tree operation is now over

Hopefully someday they will have a farmville the forest escape yes that would be fun .
So its noon and i have not eaten anything for breakfast except a few cups of dark tea . so i take a break here and have or prepare some brunch for me and i will go out and enjoy the hot sun in the cool chill of november yes !
12:07 pm Break ( 2300 words)

3:32 pm okay so no i did no go out just had a little brunch and fall asleep this is actually what i had avoided in the past three Sunday blogs . And this proves how well i knows my self and does not need somebody else to tell me .  Anyways even now i may easily cross the four thousand words mark on the words counter for this my the Sunday Blog # 83 . The Only Problem is that i feel so relaxed and fresh after this siesta cum sleep that i feel like going out and playing with the sad and lonely LOL
you wont believe it is so quiet outside as if the one-eyed dragon is sleeping with half eye closed waiting anxiously . LOL !

Okay so its Asr prayer time already for those who run with the clock . For us its still an hour away that mean that i can just think of something and continue and cross the three thousand words mark on the words counter for this my the Sunday blog  and take a break very relaxed .
Aha there is my tea yes awesome !

So the biggest event this week was my dear elder sister's Happy Birthday . And all the nuclear families and brother have celebrated it on their own which is very good but somehow i haven't done anything for her which she may be expecting or should i say hinting . Lately she has re posted some of our port grand pictures togather from the memory on this day on facebook . Going out today to celebrate is out of the question because first of all its the Sunday and now i feel that unless you are invited to a funeral or wedding or some event which you or your family cannot avoid it is better to stay at home then be stuck in a traffic jam and listen to the gems of verbal abuse by the poor homeless and home sick pathans and gilgiti's I believe it is their only enjoyment here in the most dangerous city of the World Karachi to spit in derision and hurl abuse at strangers and friends alike who gives them a side or blocks in a jam . In the olden time we used to have a sea view but it is now part of the greater sea front plan not sure anymore who will finally get to enjoy it . I am too anxious all most curious to know . Anyways so i can hear the Azan from our neighbourhood naval deserted mosque The British have all gone Atheist they simply don't believe in godliness anymore .
Who cares my worry right now is that i am still over two hundred words short of the three thousand words target set till the Asr prayer time for this my the Sunday Blog # 83 . So should i also quit or must i continue and take a break feeling good about my self even though there is nothing in the world that could make me feel good about my self today as i have gone for sleep mostly in the over three hours break and missed a chance to do five thousand words Sunday Blog for the fourth time in a row . If today i had not gone to sleep at all after eating right now i may be crossing the four thousand words mark on the words counter for this my the Sunday Blog and getting ready to repeat the previous Sunday 's fiat accompli of a Six thousand words this my the Sunday Blog today . But Thank God All Mighty Allah Amen ! that today i am not in anyway challenged or under pressure from any and all and sundry . Okay so this suddenly reminds me that Our father of the Nation or was it DAWN ...yes it is Dawn so our father and founder of the Dawn Mr Jinnah Bar at Law (lincoln's inn) 's Only daughter MS Dina Wadia died RIP

Jinnah's only child, Dina Wadia, passes away at 98 - DAWN.COM

Dina Wadia
Muhammad Ali Jinnah's daughter
Dina Wadia was the daughter and only child of the founder of Pakistan, Muhammad Ali Jinnah and his wife Rattanbai Petit. Her mother was a member of two of the elite class families of Bombay, the Petit–Tata family. Wikipedia
Born15 August 1919, London, United Kingdom
SpouseNeville Wadia (m. 1931–1996)
Okay so now i have done it yes i am over the three thousand words for this my the Sunday Blog # 83 . So now i can take a break and enjoy Wonderful Amazing Great lovely whatever !!
4:59 pm Break (3075 words)

5:31 pm During the break i had tea with masala crisps and enjoyed the air show with the big trees being cut down now i can see the Air show with more clarity and for a longer duration . Haven't tried the smart phone yet just trying to find the perfect app for zoom in then it will be real fun i am sure .

 Okay so its time for the Maghrib prayer break , Sunset and the change of date from 15th of safar to 16th of safar . The Moon over the past two days was really awesome here in the jamshedtown karachi .

Tum bhi akele hum bhi akele who cares about the census ?? LOL

Gazab Ka Hai Din Lyrics

Gazab ka hai din socho zara
Yeh deewanapan dekho zara
Tum ho akele, hum bhi akele
Maza aa raha hai kasam se, kasam se x (2)
Dekh lo humko kareeb se
Aaj hum milein hain naseeb se
Ho dekh lo humko kareeb se
Aaj hum milein hain naseeb se
Yeh pal phir kahan
Aur yeh manzil phir kahan
Ho gazab ka hai din socho zara
Yeh deewanapan dekho zara
Tum ho akele, hum bhi akele
Maza aa raha hai kasam se, kasam se
Kya kahoon mera jo haal hai
Raat din tumhara khayal hai
Ho kya kahoon mera jo haal hai
Raat din tumhara khayal hai
Phir bhi jaan-e-jaan
Main kahan aur tum kahan
Gazab ka hai din socho zara
Yeh deewanapan dekho zara
Tum ho akele, hum bhi akele
Maza aa raha hai kasam se, kasam se

Okay the break with the prayer for my dearly Departed parents

May the dear Lord All Mighty Allah Forgive (مغفرت)and have mercy(رحم) on my dearly departed Parents and may their souls rest in peace in Heaven Amen !

5:44 pm Break ( 3477 words)

Sun 16th Safar 1439
6:34 pm  Good Evening !
interesting the date in the prayer time clock is not changed yet and in two of the three clocks the temperature matches an is 31°C the one in the hall has 30°C.
The President is on the move and even though he is in the PACOM region according to the itinerary  But the Centcom was put on extreme high alert last night ready and waiting because you never know .

And talking of on the move after the tree cutting down our courtyard and neighbourhood looks very different as if i have moved to a very new place will get used to this much open blue sky very soon as as after the tree there seems no point in the tarpaulin bird dropping and leaves falling cover . This is how i tree looked from the google earth satellite 2D and 3D image

  This screen grab taken today is about over two years old . The latest one will show our cars parked after the tree . So chances are that somebody knew who stole the car battery last October and my slippers from the mosque . LOL

Okay that Tmi ( too much information) han na ?

Anyways i am Sure that if my cancer wala Canadian uncle choose to increase the pressure on me and my siblings  somebody will be watching his every move and who knows we might get better quality satellite imagery and perhaps live streaming as well . Sooner than expected

Vaal Khol Kay Maidan Vich Aayi 

okay since there is no time left before the AyeshaGul break so i have to take this without break . This must be a short and live facebook meet up without a break i can ashore that this is very rare in this my the Sunday Blog series . 

Okay i am not sure if anybody will be interested in dinner after this hot and spicy high tea but this is what is ready for dinner
Okay so now i am just under two hundred and few words short of the four thousand words mark or the words counter for this my the Sunday Blog # 83 . so no matter how i type i will get there before of after the break but the real thing to worry about now is what target should i set for this my the sunday Blog # 83 in the last three hours from nine to midnight . Honestly when i woke up from sleep in the afternoon i was not sure at all if i be able to reach the four thousand words mark on the words counter today but you can see here i am so so close and still not very tired or drowsy so i believe that today i will definitely cross the five thousand words mark on the words counter for this my the sunday blog # 83 . But is it fair that i keep on doing this for almost three hours and leave this my the Sunday blog # 83 with nothing really interesting to read just in case if somebody in the near future here on earth or somewhere in some other galaxy in some different era of time and space gets to read and enjoy my Sunday Blog or for than matter if someday they become the part and parcel of the educational course to study the human anthropology don't you think it will be very very unfair to the young hearts and mind to be forced to study something that i did just to achieve a personal goal and a self satisfying self challenge and had nothing educational or beneficial at all the human kind or a post human kind species ?

7:59 pm Break ( 4031words)

9:38 pm Yes i watched the last episode of Ayeshagul for this weekend now i am almost done with the turkish soaps serials this week end except for that one on filmazia which i best like in the multiple re runs like the merry go round and round all week in the day times as well as anytime at all. no times fixed .
So here it is just in the British world of Corruption and deceit is about to be exposed again by yet another list being released soon very soon as in sooner than your next dream stay tuned .  It will be fun again tomorrow morning .
Anyways here is the last meal and facebook meet up of the day and during this  my the the Sunday Blog # 83 .

This fruit that looks like a tomato is not a tomato its called humlok here no time to research .

Okay so as i mentioned i watched the week end shows and soaps and i don't seems to have missed anything this week . So now lets check the movies i watched this week .

The Legend of Tarzan (2016)The Legend of Tarzan Poster

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012)The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Poster

Stardust (2007)Stardust Poster

As Above, So Below (2014)As Above, So Below Poster

Now You See Me (2013)Now You See Me Poster

Okay so they were all good movies and i really enjoyed watching them after watching the sequel to NYSM i really wanted to watch the original and it was good . Tarzan has a dinner scene that i love so much and somehow have seen it more than once lucky me . Hobbit has two more to go and when i am done with it i will register for the lord or the rings and harry potter series no promise . Watching Stardust 2007 i felt like i have seen it before so i fell asleep but there is no record of me having watched it in the database so i will have to watch the ending again and then i will vote . As above is the crazy stuff but was fun to watch . 
So that s it
This week i only played the farmville 2 country escape to learn and not to win or move forward. I started my own co-op named the Wasiq1's Farmhouses so far there is just me as the leader and my shadow game account farm as member but i am sure that soon there will be more members or my shadow game accounts as member and then it will be more fun to play the farmville . I wanted to go public on twitter but could not decide if i should add my real account or show make a new one just for the farmville country escape purpose . Because if something goes wrong and i progress beyond anybody's or somebody's wildest dreams they could shut me down like before and then i may lose all my treasured accounts . So it is better that i try and save all my existing socialmedia accounts and have separate ones for the game . This seems so wise and prudent after that sad and hurtful experience of the previous life .
So as soon as the Halloween endedthe farm on the farmville 2 country escape begin to transform into the next festival yes the great American holiday of the Happy Thanksgiving which is on the fourth Thursday of November which is on the 23rd of November later this month . Never really got to enjoy this holiday ever but i have seen so much about it on the sitcoms and soaps and movies that i always feel that i have seen it all my self . I am not sure yet but this may be the first time i may win a free turkey on my farm or get a bargain from the jews or muslims profitters of every sad and happy occasion . ThankGod All Mighty Allah that the Black Friday will not be let on the loose in the farmville 2 country escape on the poor hardworking farmers and planners .
Anyways it was really fun this past week as mind was so relaxed that i did not even care to read the De classified files of the JFK assassination...Thanks to the graciousness of the President Trump . It must be hell out there in Washington not knowing anything at all what and when Mr President might say or do something really bad .

Okay so now its the final hour or the final half hour or should i end it right here because everything i said right now can will be meaningless if the events of the later part of the night and the next morning
turns out to be very different than i cannot predict right now .The way things are going the saudi prince fired on corruption charges with lots of money may want to buy gwadar port and the chinese may not sell it to them so their next option could be karachi the most dangerous city in the world so in few years half of the population of karachi could be Saudi arabian origin settlers and the other half will obviously be chinese so it will a very good mashup of Mandi and chinese rice .
okay so now let me think once again if i forgotten or left out something or somethings i thought before or even just today that i will mention this in this my the sunday blog # 83 . It is sometimes very difficult to remember something or somethings in the last moments when you are really pressed for time . Oh yes i have heard that the BTS colored line not sure about the color it is or it will have after the next Panama papers anyways what i was saying is that the digging for the metro lines of bus service has not reached the bunder road karachi numaish i haven't seen it myself very soon i will but it is wonderful that all the old and ugly sights on this main road of karachi will be gone soon including the poor people of karachi plying on the roof of the mini buses which are no way like the double decker buses of london it was not very funny at all . Anyways

So it is time for me to end this my the Sunday Blog # 83 with a very beautiful song / ghazal sung again by my favourite singer so enjoy and keep praying that my name is included in  the Panama Papers Some day if not today AMEN !

Sajjad Ali - kuch log roth ker bhi lagtay hain kitnay piyarey


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