
Sunday 17 June 2018

The Sunday Blog # 115

Today is the Sunday the 17th of June 2018 , the 2nd of Shawwal 1439 till the Sunset ( 7:23 pm , Karachi ) , And this is my the Sunday Blog # 115 ( Hundred and Fifteen )

So Before i begin this my the Sunday Blog naturally i wants to share the twitter trend for Karachi right now just to give an insight more reliable and credible than mine could ever be in the eyes of some . okay never mind just see this ....

Karachi trends

  Change trend settings

So first FIFA World Cup 2018 Mubarak to All !!!!!
كل عام وأنتَ بخير
kullo Aam wa antum Bakhair to All the Messi Fans .

And last but not the least ( never understood what it means but i am too afraid to ask ...)
A very Happy Eid only to those who can afford it ...for the rest of the people its Sweet Dreams !
Amen !

So the only Good News i can share with you from all this disinformation is that yet again i have survived the Holy Month of Ramzan and the First day of Eid ul fitr ....Confirmed ! Yay !!

The Most interesting thing about Ramzan is that devil is in chains and the Shia's are in a different time zone which separates us from them . But Praiseth the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah Amen ! ....we are all Muslim here until further notice or till the first of first Islamic lunar month of Muharrum which ever comes first . From the First of the Islamic Lunar Month of Muharrum or the new year in some regions of the world , it is ANY COLOUR/ COLOR you want as long as it is BLACK !
unfortunately the majority chooses freedom from want .
Any ways !


Surprisingly we had only one chaapa today when my dearest Sister's family on their way back from an eid milan decided to wake us up from sweet dreams to feed sweet meat and Beef Bihari Chutni rolls . They Have been constantly doing this for almost two decades .....yes that long . Only now these expected yet undisclosed chaapaz feels like when i try to install  a game or any other Android App on my out dated mobile or tab and the play store says ...your device is not compatible with this App .
yes they came we ate they could not because they already ate at the Eid Milan late lunch . So they checked and probably ticked us Alive and well , selfies posted on facebook and went they go . Mission successful .
God Bless America !

 The First day of eid has always been one of the toughest day of the year in this house since childhood . Now it is exactly opposite . I can safely bet that now even if all the Seventeen Secret or covert or Clandestine or both collide together and try to re-enact a tough first day of Eid  , they can't .
A lot has changed in my life lately , usually after a long first day of eid  , i would have fallen asleep by now overfed and extremely tired unable to wake up for the fajr prayer of the second day of eid . After the matric tenth grade when i started going to the mosque for fajr prayer on my own in the morning before sunrise , this became an absolute self challenge for me but for years i was not even able to get up before Dawn the paper boy did not come on the second or third day of eid in those days either . Anyways , i can't remember well and will have to check the blog from the previous years to verify if i was at the fajr prayer of the second day of eid last year and the year before that . i think i was .
no i did not go according to the blog but at least i was awake for it ....

Okay got to take a short break and run some water related errand quickly be back soon !

1:39 am Break ( 683 words)

2:10 am Unusual indeed !  Of about ten cars street parked outside in my view only one is fully metallic Black and right now it is covered by some kind of fluid looking from across the street it looks just like i looked after the my head and face and neck is perspiring . Looking up at the sky it is partly cloudy no signs of drizzle . All other nine cars are absolutely dry and so is the street and lawn . Baffled !
Can't take or post a picture of the drenched car because they are already suspicious of me as they were expecting a new born and i was scaring hymn singers and beggars in the holy month of Rmazan especially at iftar time . as part of  my #EkNaikiRozana. campaign . By the way , The fake Sehri wala beggers that i scared away in ramzan caught us again today while we were trying to return home from the eid prayers . Honestly it was the best time in the world to settle the score as we were in kind of a jam . Car had some carburator trouble and was not running at all instead it was creeping like grass on a sunlight  and water deprived soil . 

So , Even though the torture of Ramzan Ad campaign is now over with the release of the devil and fixing of the time zones but still my #EkNaikiRozana was bringing the real butter ( asli Ghee) Kachoris on my way back and believe it or not they were really liked by my siblings one of whom has been suffering from extreme viral flu and infection of the respiratory track and on Anti- biotics . Aur aisa karney main dagh toh nahein lagey per woh irritating beggers lagay and today they would have finally got another piece of my mind but my brother interfered and gave them what they wanted of course ....don't you know the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah Amen ! has given us their share because he wanted to test us if we are honest or not and what can be more  than the best way to test honesty. by giving someone else's share to you and not telling who just how . So honestly the business of taking back your share was a little dull this Ramzan .  Heatwave has ruined it all . When you ask somebody for your share as ordained by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah Amen ! And that person is fed up of heat and feeling weary they demand nicer temperature and Rain to cool it off . Unable to provide they get worse reaction then mine . By the Way , is it true that half of the Sindh Police consists of these street beggars especially the ladies and also that due to the petroleum price and other hikes and inflation the regular house holds of the sindh police officers are run by the better half . 

Okay talking of price hikes yet again the meat sellers of Jamshed town and tariq road have increased the price of meat , beef and mutton on the sad and dull occasion of Eid ul Fitr . Well this is not actually the reason we did not have a traditional Eid Mutton Pulao this Eid .
Yes we did not have the Mutton pulao on the first day and neither there is any chance of it for the next two days of eid . According to my insider information, there are three main reasons
Heat wave
Uric Acid  , and
the generation next is raised on Chicken and refuse to eat the expensive mutton or beef which breaks our heart and makes us feel as if we are Autocratic and dictatorial . So  even though not eating or able to eat the children and their parents were happy to see the chicken takeaway . And we were happy with the beef takeaway . life So Simplified .

Our Cooking builders mafia as i call her is also down with flu so it was decided that we will go with the flu ...sorry i mean flow . And it turned out that on the first day there were no complaints from the mortal souls can't confirm about the other side . nor intend to .
During Ramzan i used to start waking up my siblings at around the 3:30 am which is what is right now So now i have no idea what to do to stay awake till the fajr time . Okay in Ramzan the Fajr time use to be the end of sehri time very convenient as i use to end sehri and immediately get on the prayer matt to pray and by the time the last Azan or Prayer Call ended in Jamshed town my Fajr Prayer which is short and simple would have ended and then if  i was able to recite then recite other wise i started to sleep and in an hour or less i was fast sleeping except for the few days when there were breaking News like that of Kim helping Trump etc etc .  So anyways what i am thinking at the moment is if i should eat a little or sleep empty stomach because when i fall asleep it doesn't matter if i am over fed or empty . Honestly the Quantity of Proteins , Fats and carbos in my system at the moment must be more than enough and might take a little while longer to clear off . Anyways i have been sitting in this straight position for a very long time must be four hours with a short very short break and for an hour and half since the short very short break . So i believe that i have done more than enough for tonight and can take the rest of the morning off and relax , sleep , or just lie down or walk and eat . Okay This reminds me that today is the First Non Ramzan Sunday so even if it is only the second day of Eid , Maybe the Bahadurabad and tariq road Sunday Break Fast will be open as before the Ramzan . Zahid Nihari must be closed today for Sunday Breakfast , They are too rich to be opening up on a eid holiday and serving the single digit customers this early in the morning in the Hot Summer's June .
So what i am saying is that if i go out and eat more fats and carbo after all the proteins and fats and carbo i had yesterday then i might die before Baji Maryam's undecided Ami . I am so jealous of her wits no no not the Toyota ....of course don't be ridiculous ....If My Mother had been a cancer patient and listening to all the press and media saying tada husband choor , tadi poteri da mian choor , tada deywar choor , taday saday rishtedar choor and your sons are British Nationals , She would have not lived that long would have died much much earlier . But Anyhow Our lives will get worse and worse by night and day because of the corrupt system and not because of the few Sharif's trying to save themselves from Sali Phatecher Qoum . Honestly if i had been a practicing Lawyer in this country i would have been pleased to have the Sharif as my Clients rather then being the amicus curiae

Okay so according to the Gift from my dear Brother who is desperately trying to settle here after being away from the country for almost two decades minus 45 days every year when he was sent on forced Summer Holidays to support the tourism and local market economy , The local shop keeper use to ask Bhai nahein aay... with the start of Summer holidays if he was ever delayed any year . yes the digital azan clock says that the fajr time begins at 4:15 am . So as they say that Ramzan is a training for a lot of things . So i believe that since i have no intention of going out for fajr , Breakfast or walk then i must take a break now because it is almost time for Fajr  and then fall asleep or just relax and sleep .

OMG ! it must have been the fastest two thousand words on the words counter for any given Sunday Blog ever . Praiseth the Lord All Mighty Allah Amen !
So now i take a Break with a prayer for my dearly departed Parents Papa And Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen! 
4:20 am Break ( 2106 word)

5:30 am AlHamdolillah !

Offered the Fajr Prayer and as soon as i finished i heard the first Azan . Amazing isn't it yes it is but what is unbelievable is that i found  a whole plate of Mutton Pulao with all fat and less meat extremely Frozen in the rare back portion of the freezer very out of reach of my little siblings . I knew there is a God dear Lord All Mighty Allah Amen ! It maybe a month old from my dearly departed Ammi's ( May Her soul Rest in Peace in Heaven Amen !) Fourth Fateha on the second Ramzan .
Sometimes even the dumbest kid in the block like me cane be dumbfounded and kill a toothfairy . Anyways don't tell it to my dear siblings especially the ones who suggest that i should stop eating meat and especially the FAT
دوست کو سینہ دشمن کو پسینہ
Dost ko Seena Dushman ko Passena

 Miracles happens a lot and in this past holy month of Ramzan they happened more around me . like seeing and meeting the same people you are trying to avoid by changing timing and route or even the destinations . It was like the Small World got even smaller for me . Yet i am here enjoying and eating . I have heard somewhere that the basic nuclear test for craziness is that if a suspect is eating then he is not crazy at all , Might be upset on something or about something or may be a temporary insanity . Like Hamza ali A is now relaxed untill the next Ramzan on the Other Hand Imran went to medina on a PIA Charter .

Good Sunday Morning ! its 6:00 am no clouds over my head just Haze , the Twitter trends for karachi has not changed much . lets see if the dawn has any interesting obituary
Okay nevermind obituary ...there is something more interesting yes ...on karachi page 2 of the eid day 16th because there maybe no issue today
So good to know that the city cineplexes are emptying the pockets and torturing the awara youth of the city this Eid like never before ......Jazak Allah Amen !

Okay i believe this is enough torture for my eyes for now as both eyes are shutting down like windows and the neck and shoulders are stiff . So i immediately need to shut down and relax by body
Allah Hafiz !

6:21 am Break ( 2500 Words)

1:54 pm Good After Noon , Eid Mubarak and a very Happy Father's Day !
Knew and remembered about the the Noon and Eid before going to sleep but learned about the Happy Fathers day just now from the Facebook/cambridge Analytica etc .

Archbishop of Karachi Joseph Coutts to be elevated as cardinal - The ... › Pakistan › Sindh

May 20, 2018 - PHOTO COURTESY: Karachi'sArchbishop Joseph Coutts is set to be appointed as a cardinal by Pope Francis on June ...

Anyways here is the first tweet of the day 

Sun 2nd Shawal 1439


1:39 pm Trying to wake up the eyes are still half shut wide . Have Prayed Zuhr and as soon as i finished the last Zuhr Azan was heard . Water in the tap was luke warm which means that it is hot outside hotter then yesterday and that the City Gov or Town Gov is gracious on this second day of Eid . Jazak Allah Amen !

Happy Father's Day 

So it is 2 pm in the afternoon Sister is fasting for the optional six fast after Ramzan  Some old people do that . And Brother is expecting a Chaapa So here i am peacefully Enjoying this My the Sunday Blog # 115 ( Hundred and Fifteen ) Barely Surviving the Flu viral or virus . The nose and Throat are a little clogged with mucus and occasional outbreak of cough . The Rest of the Systems are perfectly fine . Obviously i was sweating very profusely during the sleep after eating the God Send Mutton Pulao before Dawn . 

Praiseth the Dear Gracious Lord All Mighty Allah Amen ! 

So yet another no Lunch day Thank GOD the All Mighty Allah Amen ! 

I will definitely go out today and bring some takeaway for the dinner and in the mean time will have another of the  Kachoris or something to get me going but definitely no Lunch or Brunch . FaceBook meet-up will ofcourse resume after the Chaapa . 

Kahaaniyon ki ik pari
Hath na kabhi lagi
Aaj meri baahon mein hai

Ye dil khushi se phool ke
Yoon gubaare ki tarah
Nikla mere haathon se hai

Ho mausam hai thanda
Muskuraaye chanda…

Kya kare yeh banda
Dil khushi se uchhal uchhal ke step maare
Dil ye dancer ho gaya
Oh ho ho.. dil ye dancer ho gaya
Tere dil ke channel ka
Michael Jackson ho gaya
Dil yeh dancer ho gaya

Nigaah mill gayi
Kahaani ho gayi
Main tere tu mere zara kareeb ho gayi
Haseen raat hai
O kuch toh khaas hai
Bina hi baadlon ke barsaat ho gayi

Main kis tarah bataaun
Jo dil mein hai chupi
Tu jaanti hai sab kuch
Par kehti kuch nahin

Kahaaniyon ki ik pari
Haath na kabhi lagi
Aaj meri baahon mein hai

Ye dil khushi se phool ke
Yoon gubbare ki tarah
Nikla mere haathon se hai

Ho mausam hai thanda
Muskuraaye chanda…

Kya kare yeh banda
Dil khushi se uchhal uchhal ke step maare
Dil ye dancer ho gaya
Oh ho ho dil ye dancer ho gaya
Tere dil ke channel ka
Michael Jackson ho gaya
Dil yeh dancer ho gaya
Okay with this song lyrics i have just crossed the Three Thousand Words mark on the Words counter for this my the Sunday Blog # 115 ( Hundred and Fifteen ) . If I was a Normal old self Wasiq i would Have taken a break here and enjoyed the Family Gossips about People from the childhood and Friends and relatives of My dearly Departed Parents 
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen! 
So Anyways I really don't believe this ventilator thing could revive me ever again Malady is beyond recovery anyways thanks for trying ....LOL

Karma is a Bitch ....
I really Don't Know if i will be able to get over this eid feeling today and get back to any serious topic from the week past for this my the Sunday Blog #115 ( Hundred and Fifteen ) will be extremely boring for the readers especially my dear siblings who are wiser and smarter and has already given up all or any hope of me coming out of the Narcissistic self  that i am getting into deeper and deeper .
Anyways so if i can't then i better not try at all to get back to the normal stuff and lets continue with the Eid and the end of Ramzan topics .

The Moon was sighted all across the world and in the region from Hong Kong to morocco and Syria but not indo - Pak except popalzai's Peshawer . Amazing isn't it ?
It is believed that a friday Eid is bad omen for  the Badshah no no not Bradshaw or Shahrukh ....The King in Throne . So it is interesting that despite the fact that parliament is in on life support for the ninety plus days till elections We have so many individuals  who firmly believe that they are the Badshah or the King and needs no Parliament at all . Obviously they are more cautious of any or all bad omens  lol
Oh no the net is off .... this means that i have survived the Chaapa and  being called to clean the table .
So let me just check ...yes
i was correct .... also get a hundred rupees tip oh sorry Eidi . Thankyou . i will convert it into Bitcoins and some day ....Sweat Dreams !
Okay so i have to join the facebook meet up before the next Chaapa so i take a break here and maybe have the Tea .

3:22 pm Break ( 3428 words)

5:14 pm so during the break i had snacks and miranda and tea . and the facebook meetup . 
 Okay before the next break for the Asr prayer let me enumerate all the Bad things about the Ramzan Kareem passed .
First and the most disturbing and torturous thing this Ramzan was not the heatwave it was the second most disturbing and torturous thing this Ramzan Kareem , First was the extra Shortage of Water during the whole holy month of Ramzan Kareem . Second was the Heatwave ...and honestly this heatwave is not severe anymore but it is still ruining the Eid Fun as i cannot wear the new clothes for more than ten minutes they become soaked and you know after being soaked with sweat they leave a white mark which turns yellowish on white and leave my new, unusable for the next Eid as New Clothes . Hate that !
Third was that i had a bacterial infection and runny nose and yet again the nuclear lab gave me half a course but my will was very strong for going to the Taravee Prayer that worked it out and got back to normal in the shortest possible time and avoided all street food in iftar and sehri and in the meals in between .
Fourth was the Door Bell Problem from the fake beggars sponsored by disgruntled relatives and friends . And neighbours kids deliberately throwing the ball and ringing the bell even after the mid- night . And when that did not work the neighbours hired a useless security guard round the clock ....who seems to be more focused on me than the real and advanced threats . Thus taking away all my years and years of Confidence . So Now i have no trust on the Security For the Door , the City and the Country .
I will not corporate with any agency or institution any more on renewed CBM .

The list may take a little longer but now i have to take a Break for Asr Prayer with a Prayer for my Dearly Departed Parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen! 

5:49 pm Break ( 3809 words)

6:32 pm This Ramzan Kareem personally i did a couple of wrong very bad things myself  which may be called injurious and deterimental to the Skin Care .
Wearing Soaked in sweat undergarments and clothes for Hours .
 Eating Mangoes and proteins and fats regularly
Walking with a faster then normal pace almost running .
All along i was so afraid that i will have the Chest, Neck and body boils garmi dannay ...But somehow the regular use of the new formula Head & Shoulders menthol refresh multiple times daily and especially before going to the taravee prayer at night or market during the day  even when i have left with only one bottle 1;5 ltr PET of water , Saved me from almost all boils and rashes and allergies .  Thank you P & G WeyBridge !!

Okay the Iftar time is coming up next . I am not fasting and my dear sister who is a diabetic and been suffering from viral flu also fell down and almost broke her crown Should . But maybe she wants the attention or may be have developed some kind of infatuation for eating thankfully together for a Whole Holy Month of Ramzan wants to extend the show for an extra week . Either way i don't want to encourage her  and let her iftar alone . I don't think she needs anything for iftar from the market because everything she could eat is in the fridge and maybe more . Earlier today i thought i will go out and Bring some take away but now i am feeling good and relaxed and drowsy so i changed my plan and will not go out unless sent for some essential item .
oh no there must a left over Beef Bihari Roll from yesterday she wont  eat it in full . Can't leave a half or one third beef Bihari Chutney Roll getting warm and then cold on the table So i better end this my the Sunday Blog here and take a facebook meat up sorry meet up break with a Maghrib prayer and Sunset Break   with a Prayer for my Dearly Departed Parents Papa And Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen! 

7:10 pm Break ( 4198 words)

The Sunday The 3rd Shawwal 1439
8:22 pm Good Evening !

Well the mango season in Karachi and lower sindh may end early this year as you can see it has already started fading. We ate the chunk of beef bihari roll and did not sit on the table for iftar .

Mind it !

The Gadar this year has been phenomenal because its not just my food pictures , the jealous cousins are regularly being fed junk and being reminded that it was them who use to get special treatment here in this house i call home with the fond memories of my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen! 

It is very true that they did, no denying ...never ...ever....They did get especially treated and especially on Happy Occasion like EID one and two and muharram , Anniversaries and fateha. Most of the Cousins grew up some did not some developed inferiority complexes . Reminding me and expecting a dawat , Eid Milan lunch or Dinner is just a proof of What i am saying .
On  the other Hand , i never tried or expected my elder siblings to develop a special feeling for me . Maybe i have earned their respect which was never the goal , i only tried to win their love , But now i cannot say that it is just love by the kind of treatment i am getting from most of my siblings. Has to have some level of Respect with it . Because even the foreign guest and visitors don't get or expect similar or even nearer special treatment .

So Rembering the Good Times is not a crime But Expecting the Dawat and same kind of Especial Treatment in this House where they got so much love and care  in the Past for not just few years ...maybe decades , is indeed extremely Insulting to my dearly Departed  Parents Papa And Ammi
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen! 

And inexcusable ! 

Why ? 
because it was them not us and definitely not the house on its own could have possibly done all the event management , hosting and welcoming and making these thankless cousin feel proud and especial when they were nothing even though they are still nothing .
So According to my only Surviving Uncle's Doctrine ...."mein ney tumharey mamoo kay han aik piyali chai tak nahein pee hai kabbhi ..." Since i have never ever even had a Cup of Tea in their Houses they cannot expect Special or Especial favors or even a Cup of Tea from me in this house or even half way across the world . We are done its over man ...wake up missed the Train .....Orange line has taken over .....Please Don't remind me of my Fathers Eyes ....Ha !
PS : i rarely as in never drink tea outside the house ....and that is a Universal Truth .....Ha Ha !

So it is the Dinner Time and today we are waiting for the Chaapa times to pass away . Eating Snacks is making me burp all the time causes concern so i believe i have reached the total freedom today as well . And tomorrow is Monday So it will be a meatless only Chicken ....will see about the lunch and dinner and most probably try to get the derailed track on line ....It was Fun though .

Obviously the Jealous Cousins will try to insult me more and belittle me to get what they want . Can't distract me in taravee with paid urchins its a year , Can't have anybody follow and harass me in a bus as i don't usually travel in a bus ....Maybe they will get scared of me more now and get a life

oh i almost forget TCS the terror and the Notice wala Uncles ....
Damn it !

Earthquake Alert !

Breaking News / Multan Sarghoda Faislabad DG Khan Me Zalzilay Jhatkay Mehsos Kiye Gai Log Khof Se Gharon Aur Officeon se Bahir Nikal Ae

5.2 magnitude earthquake near Dera Ghazi Khan, Punjab, Pakistan and Multān, Punjab, Pakistan : June 17, 2018 14:21 с помощью


Traffic is moving slow in district south, East and Central , only in Park areas .please drive carefully traffic staff is present and managing traffic. TRAFFIC AWARENESS AND SOCIAL MEDIA UNIT DIG TRAFFIC KARACHI.

okay sorry about that ...So now its time for me to take a Break definitely and see what is going on in the insulting World .

9:34 pm Break ( 5013 words )

10:48 pm Okay so now i am totally relaxed to face any ball or paper hurled towards me as an act of war . LOL
Kulsoom Bibi ko Allah taala sehat ata farmaay ....Nawaz ko bhaley Outha ley Amen !

Sunna hai nahein aarahey ....Wakaalat nama ki wasiqa nawassi sekh leyta hon kya pata kab zaroorat per jaay ....

Final Hour Begins with over Five Thousand Words already on the Words Counter for This my the Sunday Blog # 115 ( Hundred and Fifteen ) .
Okay the Bad news is that my dear brother two towns away has bought his first car ever in Pakistan . Congratulations !
So the Chances of Chaapa has increased beyond my humble calculations . Believe you me this Happy Fathers' Day is not going according to my expectations so far ...but Any ways since i have crossed the Five thousand Words Mark on the Words Counter for this my the Sunday Blog #115 ( Hundred and Fifteen ) i have no tension in this more fun last hour . infact now i am very  curious that how far can i go tonight ?

The news ticker about the Traffic jams says that World Cup had the first major upset . no no not Nigeria lol it is the mexico of the United Trump causing upset by beating Germany the Champions of 2014

DJ Bravo DJ Bravo
DJ Bravo DJ Bravo
Champion champion
Champion champion
Champion champion
Everybody know say Bravo a champion
Champion champion
Champion champion
Champion champion
Everybody know Chris Gayle is a champion
Beenie a champion
Bounty a champion
Machel is a champion
Bunji is a champion
Pollard is a champion
Lara is a champion
Gayle is a champion
Don't forget
Michel Jordan, Obama a champion
Mandela a champion, Serena a champion
Wendy a champion, Shelly-Ann a champion
958 BOLT a champion
Champion champion
Champion champion
Champion champion
Everybody know say Bravo a champion
Champion champion
Champion champion
Champion champion
Everybody knows Chris Gayle is a champion
Champion we are real champion
Champion we are real champion
Champion we are real champion
Don't vex if your name not call
We have to leave time to bat some ball
We love soca and dancehall
We love cricket and football
From ah dancing ah my name your call
Champion, champion
Every trini and every yard man
Champion, champion
Every vincy and every banjan
Champion, champion
Every trini and every yard man
Champion, champion
Beenie a champion
Bounty a champion
Machel is a champion
Bunji is a champion
Pollard is a champion
Lara is a champion
Gayle is a champion
Don't forget
Michel Jordan and Obama a champion
Mandela a champion, Serena a champion
Wendy a champion, Shelly-Ann a champion
958 BOLT a champion
Champion champion
Champion champion
Champion champion
Everybody know say Bravo a champion
Champion champion
Champion champion
Champion champion
Everybody knows Chris Gayle is a champion

Love this Song !!

Unbelievable ...So i was thinking that i am bad by not going to the kabab house and bringing some spicy hot BBQ for me and my siblings because i am so busy doing this my the Sunday Blog # 115 ( Hundred and Fifteen ) today on the Second and third of Eid . But now i feel so sorry that i missed that Goal and the Match . Wow ! this is absolutely a futile and wasteful exercise just boasting self praise and a little shame and sham for other . honestly if i had a boss i would have quit or he /she would have taken me off this by now

OMG ! i am just four hundred words short of the Six thousand words so what should i do now because if i  wasted time on research and google then i might not be able to do it tonight . And next week will not be as quiet and peaceful as today when most of the city roads leading to the eateries and Parks are in a jam . All Ramzan i kept having this dream or wish of going to the Burns road for Nulli Nihari but the weather did not improve so did not do it . And in Ramzan there was very little time to waste on something like that . And the thought of getting caught up in a traffic Jam when there is not a minute to loose is the most scary thought . So i did not do it . Now i think that if i had gone away for a few hours
in the night after taravee nobody would have noticed or even if they had i had a very good excuse do i look like i am crying over something i missed or did not do ? yes this is not good i should have not even mentioned this here . that is why wise folks say never to discuss your dreams with strangers . People never understand other peoples dreams and usually make fun of them . Worse it is that some times people who have no idea, interpret or try to with such confidence that one can't help but believe them even if they are distracting or being sarcastic .

Now the Question is if it is so unwise and not prudent to discuss your dreams with non qualified  expert people then is it also safe to discuss your Aims and Future Plans with Idiots and Fools . I Honestly think not !!

But in reality we do . Yes we tell everybody that we want to be this and that and we want to be there or here . Rarely do we get there and much less do we get this and that in our lives . So can we blame somebody we told some time in our lives of as the other blames us for not doing enough or Fighting Hard enough to win like the Germans did today or the Nigeria did yesterday .
My Personal belief is that winning or losing is more dependent on will of the All Mighty Allah Amen ! and definitely on our efforts in the right direction .

Okay i did it yes its Six Thousand Words on the words counter for this my the Sunday Blog # 115 ( Hundred and Fifteen ) before 11: 45 pm .....YES !

So now i believe you deserve to have a spice girls one of my favourite songs of all times it also suits the Occasion of the Happy Father's Day .

So now i end this my the Sunday Blog #115 ( Hundred and Fifteen ) of Happy Father's Day once again with a Prayer For My Dearly Departed  Parents Papa And Ammi
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen! 

Allah Hafiz , Eid Mubarak and Happy Father's Day
Amen !

Spice Girls - Saturday Night Divas (Lyrics & Pictures)


Get down get deeper and down
Get down get deeper and down
Saturday night
Get down deeper and down
Get down get deeper and down
Saturday night 
Get down get deeper and down
Get down get deeper and down 
Saturday night
Get down deeper and down
Get down get deeper and down
I'm not alone, no you're not in my mind
You were the victim of your crime, I left you behind
Boy you were a fool, to treat me that way
I'm not gonna let you, I'm gonna forget you
There's nothin' to say, hey 
You're a twisted lover, kiss and tellin' on a superstar
That's what you are 
Well it was Saturday night, I know the feeling was right
I didn't know we'd get so far 
Get down get deeper and down
Get down get deeper and down 
Saturday night
Get down deeper and down 
Get down get deeper and down 
Saturday night 
Get down get deeper and down
Get down get deeper and down 
Saturday night
Get down deeper and down
Get down get deeper and down
Take it from me, you know I mean what I'm sayin'
Better watch out, you'd better wise up
To mind games he's playin'
He may have the looks, he may have the charms
But where does he go
What does he do, when he's not in your arms
Keep your head up high, (keep your head up high)
Don't you know you are the superfly
And that aint no lie 
Well it's a Saturday night, we got a feeling it's right
Don't you know we'll get so high 
Get down get deeper and down
Get down get deeper and down 
Saturday night
Get down deeper and down (Saturday night)
Get down get deeper and down (Saturday night)
Saturday night 
Get down get deeper and down
Get down get deeper and down
Saturday night
Get down deeper and down
Get down get deeper and down
Get down Saturday night 
Mm mm mm mm mm mm
Mm mm mm mm mm mm
You're a twisted lover, kiss and tellin' on a superstar
(Na na na na na)
That's what you are
Well it was Saturday night, I know the feeling was right
I didn't know we'd get so far 
Get down get deeper and down
Get down get deeper and down
Saturday night (get down Saturday night)
Get down deeper and down 
Get down get deeper and down 
Saturday night 
Get down get deeper and down (ohhh)
Get down get deeper and down (ohhh) 
Saturday night
Get down deeper and down (Saturday night)
Get down get deeper and down
Wanna get down, wanna get down
Wanna get down Saturday night
Wanna get down, wanna get down
Wanna get down Saturday night 
Wanna get down, wanna get down
Wanna get down Saturday night
Wanna get down, wanna get down 
Wanna get down Saturday night 
Get down get deeper and down
Get down get deeper and down 
Saturday night
Get down deeper and down 
Get down get deeper and down
Get down Saturday night 
Get down get deeper and down (yeah hey, Saturday night)
Get down get deeper and down (get down on Saturday night) 
Saturday night
Get down deeper and down 
Get down get deeper and down (get down Saturday night)
Saturday night 
Get down get deeper and down
Get down get deeper and down 
Saturday night
Get down deeper and down 
Get down get deeper and down (Satuday night)
Saturday night 
Get down get deeper and down
Get down get deeper and down
Saturday night