
Sunday 3 June 2018

The Sunday Blog # 113

Today is the Sunday the 3rd of June 2018 the 18th of Ramzan 1439 till the Sunset ( 7:17 pm , Karachi ) . And this is my the Sunday Blog # 113 ( Hundred and Thirteen ) .

So as usual let us begin with the Ramzan update :
as mentioned above today is the beginning of the 18th of Ramzan . So before the mid night i went to the mosque and prayed the isha and taravee prayer . In the 18th taravee prayer the qari sab recited or as some americans say read the 21st para or juz and ended on this verse 33 :30 of the holy Quran

يَا نِسَاءَ النَّبِيِّ مَن يَأْتِ مِنكُنَّ بِفَاحِشَةٍ مُّبَيِّنَةٍ يُضَاعَفْ لَهَا الْعَذَابُ ضِعْفَيْنِ ۚ وَكَانَ ذَٰلِكَ عَلَى اللَّهِ يَسِيرًا - 33:30

O wives of the Prophet, whoever of you should commit a clear immorality - for her the punishment would be doubled two fold, and ever is that, for Allah, easy.

Today we also had a prostration ( sajda) it was  in Sura 32 : 15

So as you can see that after today 9 more nights of taravee prayer is left and so is the 9 para or juz of the Holy Quran which comprises of 30 para . So on the Monday the 11th of June 2018 and the 27th of Ramzan after moon set (16:45) we will have the khatam ay Quran . completing recital or reading . I hope my calculations are correct .

Okay before coming back to the week past let me congratulate myself for the coming Happy Birthday in few days much before the next Sunday .

Happy Birthday Wasiq !!
from WASIQ1.

Last year if you all remember my Happy Birthday came on death anniversary of my Dear Grand father ( May his Soul rest in Peace in Heaven Amen !) and this year according to the Islamic Lunar calendar it will survive the Youm -e- Ali ( KAW) on the 21st of Ramzan . The Non Sunni Neighbours have already started a Dharna on our kerb LOL
Oh what can i do the moon is on a such tight schedule that was not remotely possible ....
So are we heading to a Friday Eid on the 15th of June . There will be a lot of confusion on the Juma tul Wida then . Most people save the best for the last . Also it will be the care takers call so lets see how things goes . Never a dull moment in the life of a ordinary Pakistani citizen ...never have never will be ...

Wow! its only 1 am and despite a lot of research and google search i have reached the or crossed the four hundred words mark already for this my the Sunday Blog # 113 ( Hundred and Thirteen ) .

After coming from the Taravee Prayer tonight i did not have the dinner so i an not feeling very drowsy or sweaty which i become after eating . So i don't think that i need to take a Break here .
Okay again before going back or just going to the week passed let me first discuss Another big event coming soon yes it is the FIFA World Cup 2018 .

Russia ? yes Russia it is this time . The Final will be on 15th July 2018 at 8:00 PM .
Sadly most of the matches in this tournament will end very late way past our news channel Anchors prime time But i am sure there will be lots of Breaking News telips and tickers and repeated background sounds telling who win and who lost and how many goals were scored and how the predictions  went  .
It will be fun only if the Karachi Electric Who by the way supports a similar game played in some old parts of the city Anyways ,
The Good Thing is that there are many Muslim Countries in this FIFA World Cup in Russia this year like Saudi Arabia , Iran , Nigeria , Tunisia, Senegal and of course The Egypt . Sorry No Kanada !
Alcohol Kills !
By the way the Government is not changed in some parts of the country they are still looking for the suitable people to replace them as care taker CMs . Still not sure if PEMRA the media regulatory authority will work or not during this interm care taker government . Who cares ? 

1:37 am Break ( 681 words)

2:33 am Okay so now i have a whole hour before the Sehri . We usually start our sehri after 3:30 am and some times even after 3:45 am as the sehri end time here in Karachi is a quarter after four am .  The Astro twilight is 4:14 am but yesterday some channels closed it at 4:13 am and will probably do the same today as well . So anyways these day i don't wait till the last minute to stop eating . we stop eating with few minutes remaining and then brush the teeth and when the clock starts i take the last sip of chilled water . Because that is the only thing that i miss during the fast or think that i will if i don't take that last sip of water at the final moment . The hot weather here in Karachi is not allowing us to eat a proper sehri . Haven't had Nihari or Haleem or karahi this Holy Month So far . Had Biryani once and Mutton Pulao on Ammi's ( May Her Soul Rest in Peace in Heaven Amen !) anniversary fateha . once or twice ....Quorma once oh yes and that the mutton water shorba once ...and that chicken mandi few times . Nothing serious . So lets hope that after the care taker CM fully take control of the City the weather improves and we are able to enjoy some good food .
The most strange thing that has happened this Holy Month this year is that instead of Pakora and Samosa i am preferring  fruits especially the water melon and melon and falsa which i usually try to avoid in a meal and especially during the iftar in the holy Month of Ramzan . Mangoes have started to come in the market but they are not the best quality or as sweet as our home grown mangoes from the home mango tree cut down after having dried and died last year . And it is feared that eating mangoes before the rain causes skin diseases  The phoraas and phonsie . Anyways i have eaten quite a few this month without waiting for rain so if the weather did not improve their signs will be appearing very soon .

Oh No the karachi twitter trend has Reham Khan on the top

Karachi trends

  Change trend settings

Some people just can't enjoy the Holy Month of Ramzan !!

Pyare Afzal is just one of them . I believe he got banned from the international Ramzan Transmission last year and lost quite a lot of money from the free gift hampers by Indian and British indian companies . So Now this year he has come up with an interesting new idea . Time bahot thora hai na illactions mein kya karein . Oh By the way Jamaima Bhabi ney Bhi twitter profile change kar he diya ....

I heard that Imran has changed after his recent marriage so have i and did not use the term i use to use for him here . The thing i really admire about this new Imran is that he has realized that there is no chance of him winning the next elections and even if a miracle happened and he got the federal government by any chance . He and his party cannot last longer than 100 days with two giant size crocodiles pulling his legs from left right and center .

Personally i believe that if we have not tried him and his party that does not mean that we should .

Okay now it is time for Sehri so i take a Break for sehri and Fajr Prayer with a prayer for my dearly departed Parents Papa And Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen! 

3:32 am Break ( 1345 words)

4:48 am Sunrise today is 5:41 am Karachi . So i have done the 18th Sehri of this Holy Month of Ramzan 1439 . Eleven more to go ....

 Wanted to read the quran but one my eyes are now shutting down and second the bookmark is on the third sajda prostration and you cannot do the sajda after fajr prayer till after the sunrise . Prohibited !

So now it Good Bye ! will be back if i wake up and when i wake .

5:12 am Break ( 1424 Words)

12:56 pm first tweet of the day
Sun 18th Ramzan 1439
12:50 pm okay i am up on my own nobody tried to wake me up today no door bells no phone rang what a peaceful Sunday afternoon Amen !

the weather inside is the same but the weather outside is a little better then yesterday because of the wind . Not very hot and dry .

Okay the Don is Back 
seems like the devil got out early this Ramzan after the supreme court over turn the high court order . Khawaja Asif you may remember , imran missed him in the national assembly session recently is also free to politics after the supreme court over turned his disqualification for life sentence . Amazing all that hue and cry and sweet meat distributed upon his disqualification by a lower court was a waste of time and money . This is bad very bad . And now when the election schedule is announced this dispute about the nomination form issue everybody going to court and even the election commission going to the supreme court for clarification on the form and delimitation of constituencies judgement of the lower courts . And then the Rhetoric of almost everybody in the country and even the state department the Election will be held on time or should be held on time No Delay !! makes it more and more suspicious don't you think ?
Anyways , the mesaaq-e-jamhoriat or the charter of democracy signed by the Late Benazir Bhutto brought us here two consecutive full parliamentary terms . This is historic . This could have never been possible if the army has not been engaged in Karachi and Construction mafia . After sehri i was reading a news ticker that reads ...IG Sindh AD khawaja ney Rangers pey hamley ka notice ley lia . DIG west se report talab .

Two Rangers men injured in Hub suicide attack

The Express Tribune-11 hours ago
Two Rangers men injured in Hub suicide attack ... place near a check post located at Hub Chowki at the border between Sindh and Balochistan. ... Sindh Inspector General of Police (IGP) Allah Dino Khawaja took notice of the ...

Still i am not convinced that Army 's martial law was not sincere in bringing the country back to democracy . Believe it or not it is Only the Martials Law that has given our country the Local Body elections and System . Which nurtured most of the leader that we have today . Believe it or not but a voter who is being made aware of all the politics and regional and global issues by the electronic media constantly is after all going to vote on issues like Water and sewerage , Electricity and communications . And on other very local issues .
What is going on at the moment is that All major political parties have opened their doors for the rebels . They are warmly welcoming anybody from the other party which clearly indicates that they are not confident about their leaders and workers everywhere . The Anti - democratic establishment has Successfully created anarchy everywhere in the major cities of Pakistan and has propagated very vehemently on the electronic and social media . The internally displaced people or should i say masses are a major cause and a very visible one of this disarray in every major city . Illegal constructions and land grabbings has broken up the social and moral unity of the society. Even the more saner  segments of the society are forced to think on the racial or ethnic lines and eventually becomes selfish in general . People complain that there are no trees in their cities and towns left but have you seen anybody stopping or protesting the cutting of a old tree .
Anyways , So here in jamshed town after the sad demise of the MQM . We are absolutely leader less , party less and we don't see any rule of law anywhere . Even the Mazar of Quaid is in a every day jam due to the so called green bus project making the lives and living of the people and passerby a torture . I believe that there will be a very low turn out of voters in the coming elections in my constituency . Its a waste of money $$$$$$ . Nobody winning will be the representative of the majority .

Anyways i am late for the Zuhr prayer So now i take a Break with a prayer for my dearly departed Parents Papa And Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen! 

2:31 pm Break ( 2219 words)

3:50 pm Okay so in this break i prayed Zuhr and read / recite and did the sajda . And also saw our former MNA mr godal heading and joining the party of Imran .. No i did not vote for him in the last election but i did pray for his early recovery when he was shot by Bahadurabad .
No body new him before election in my neighbourhood and nobody knows him now in my neighbourhood . Lets see who wins .وفا کے وعدے وہ سارے بھولا گیا چپ چاپ
وفا کے وعدے وہ سارے بھولا گیا چپ چاپ وہ میرے دل کی دیواریں ہلا گیا چپ چاپ
وفا کے وعدے وہ سارے بھولا گیا چپ چاپ غم

غم حیات کے تپتے ہوۓ بیاباں میں غم حیات کے تپتے ہوۓ بیاباں میں غم حیات کے تپتے ہوۓ بیاباں میں ہمیں چھوڑ کے تنہا چلا گیا چپ چاپ وفا کے وعدے وہ سارے بھولا گیا چپ چاپ وہ میرے دل کی دیواریں ہلا گیا چپ چاپ وفا کے وعدے وہ سارے بھولا گیا چپ چاپ نجانے کون سا وہ بد نصیب لمحہ تھا نجانے کون سا وہ بد نصیب لمحہ تھا نجانے کون سا وہ بد نصیب لمحہ تھا جو غم کی آگ میں مجھ کوجلا گیا چپ چاپ وفا کے وعدے وہ سارے بھولا گیا چپ چاپ وہ میرے دل کی دیواریں ہلا گیا چپ چاپ وفا کے وعدے وہ سارے بھولا گیا چپ چاپ میں جس کو چھوتا ہوں عشرت وہ زخم دیتا ہے میں جس کو چھوتا ہوں عشرت وہ زخم دیتا ہے میں جس کو چھوتا ہوں عشرت وہ زخم دیتا ہے وہ پھول ایسے چمن میں کھلا گیا چپ چاپ وفا کے وعدے وہ سارے بھولا گیا چپ چاپ وہ میرے دل کی دیواریں ہلا گیا چپ چاپ وفا کے وعدے وہ سارے بھولا گیا چپ چاپ وفا کے وعدے وہ سارے بھولا گیا چپ چاپ وفا کے وعدے وہ سارے بھولا گیا چپ چاپ


My dear Brother is not happy with me today he wants me to go to the new and expensive bakery for Iftar and waste my pocket money just three days before my Happy Birthday . He will of course sponsor what he is requesting But i may not be able to waste a trip to the bakery and may end up buying things that i can live without today . My focus in this last leg of Ramzan is not eating good and healthy But staying healthy as long as i can . I may have survived a cold and runny nose last week but there is no point in taking anymore chances. And besides two heavy diet events are coming up next week , yes the youm -e- Ali and my happy Birthday . And also we did not have a chaapa last long week so they may be getting restless .

Anyways , There is no point in arguing and complaining when nobody listens or cares .

Lets see have i missed anything important this week passed that may change the course of history . Oh yes President trump of US received a high level delegation of North Koreans who delivered a special letter to him personally from the North
Korean leader KIM ...i really love this three letter word it solves a lot of troubles of remembering and not remembering in correct order .
So every body in the fake news business was very killed cat this week about the ingredients of the letter . Mr Trump was so happy as if was an obscene Eid card . anyways it worked magic and the President Trump is now too anxious to me KIM . So the summit is on again and it seems this time it is definite . So if the two Koreas meet and unite and both serve the united states , then Russia and China 's dream of world dominance and supremacy will crumble down as personally i believe that they are more intelligent and hard working then the Chinese and the quality and durability of their products is much better plus politically they are humans and not robots .
So i am particularly interested in this summit . and still hope that it happens in karachi which is the best place on earth for this summit . A true No mans land in letter and spirit
So the ill planned Chinese projects of local and CPEC infrastructure have recently come under huge criticism   on media and social media . People after this recent heatwave in karachi and the rest of the country are posting pictures of a concrete jungle without a tree not even for example .
Obviously when mr showbaz Sharif was signing contracts after contracts in huge aircontioned chinese halls in Beijing they forget about the heat wave absolutely . And now when the election is close and some of the projects are complete and adding to the heat and bad weather who in his right state of mind will appreciate it especially if you have to walk a mile to reach a bus and then walk a mile to reach your destination in this heat . People will still use the private transport more and more and these chinese toys will become a white elephant on our economy . And because of extra use of private transport the pollution will increase many folds and we will have a chinese bad air day very soon insha Allah Amen !
Oh no our home cooking mafia has ruined all hopes of the bazar ki iftari today and has already prepared the iftar one , two  hours and a half hours before ....

Okay so now i may not have to go to the bakery unless my Brother rejects all this and insists that i go and bring him a crispy chicken patis or aloo ka samosa hot and spicy . Have you ever wondered of all the hundreds of the items in a bakery people here usually go for these two snacks . Amazing isn't it ? And recently i have seen that people are getting weary of the chicken in the chicken patis so this all comes down to a potato spicy Samosa .

Anyways now that i have posted the iftar pictures and have crossed the target three thousand words mark on the words counter for this my the Sunday Blog # 113 ( Hundred and Thirteen )  i can take a long Break and maybe go to the market if required chances are slim now but you never know .

So anyways now i take a long break for Asr prayer with a prayer for my dearly departed Parents Papa And Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen! 

5:12 pm Break ( 3351 words)

6:15 pm 
to #WelcomeDrQadri the Don the door bell is now out of order indefinitely !!

door bell or no door bell i think the snake charmers gang has lost hope with PakvEng test match . more disappointing is the fact that snake charmer at our door are still playing the nagin 1 while Filmazia HD is back again with Nagin 3 .
with very new non familiar faces .  And filmazia HD is now also dot tv means that the next time our cable company removes filmazia HD before the end of the serial . I may not have a problem . Anyways after the return filmazia HD has covered the gap of two weeks in just two days with long episodes and now it seems that i may have never missed an episode of Pyar Lafzon mein kahan the turkish soap serial dubbed in urdu . It is the last turkish show i am watching these day . Recently i got hooked to a hindi show by the name of

Kulfi Kumar Bajewala 

no not very seriously . its just that the timings of the show is coinciding with the pre iftar fun time at the door . So it is better to stay inside and watch this childish serial then going out and beat up the snake charmers gang and earn 
.Ramzan Kareem !

2nd Test: DAY:3 PAK 84/4 Overs 23. imam_34 Lbw Bess Usman_20* PAK Trail By 105 Runs PAK 174 ENG 363

So now what possible be the relation between Pakistan cricket and the snake charmer ???

BBC News | South Asia | Snake charmers to patrol cricket ground

Feb 2, 1999 - Police in the Indian capital, Delhi, have called in snake charmers to reinforce security at this week's cricket test match againstPakistan.

even snake charmers were roped in as Pakistan eventually made the trip after some hesitation.

Naa this still does not make any sense .....Anyways 
So i still have half an hour for this my the Sunday Blog # 113 ( Hundred and Thirteen ) . 

Okay the door activity have started ..... i received the food from a neighbour and left the beggars for my Brother ..... so it seems that the snake charmers are off today . 

 now lets see if i can resist eating this till after the 19th taravee and the recital of 22nd para of the holy quran today after isha . I don't know why somebody wants this scene of compassion and charity at work at our door especially during the Ramzan . I haven't got bored of it, i have got disciplined .  I don't enjoy the same fake beggars coming and telling me that we come every year . And i may even not mind it if i don't have to lie that he is not in .....first my brother tell me to say he is not home and then goes and show his face . So over the years i have lost every possible credibility that i could have earned from these fake beggars.

Anyways its an above five hundred words topic and here the time is up So i take a maghrib and iftar Break with a prayer for my dearly departed Parents Papa And Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen! 

7:09 pm Break ( 3907 words)

Sun 19th Ramzan 1439
7:52 pm Good Evening !

Yes the iftar is done and i am not in fast right now ...drinking chilled water after every five minutes . My stomach is now a matka ...matka ...yes yes earthen water cooler . Did not touch most of the things on the table . both siblings are looking at me strangely . Sister is still insisting that i should at least taste her hot choley . But what can i do in less than an hour i have to run to the mosque and pray for one and a half hour and probably do shopping on my way back . I thought there were eggs in the fridge for tonight's sehri but somebody made a cake . so now the egg shelf is empty haven't check the milk yet . Anyways i have stopped arguing on such trivial things .

The Breaking news is that Imtiaz has opened a 24 hours super store near by so if i choose not to shop after taravee hurrying to finish this my the Sunday Blog # 113 ( Hundred and thirteen ) then i can go after the mid night and shop .
The twenty four hours shop may sound wonderful to the DDLJ fans but here in karachi the most dangerous city in the world there are many shops and stores and eatery that open twenty four hours at airports , railways stations and hospitals ...oh yes four years ago when i was attending my dearly departed Ammi ( May Her soul Rest in Peace in Heaven Amen ! ) in hill park hospital i used to walk into the 24 hours pharmacy and buy water bottle or juice at any hour .
So coming back to the Imtiaz opening a twenty four hours super market with everything available in the neighbourhood means that my days in this neighbourhood are numbered . Our small banglow cannot survive for long in this tsunami of high rise towers everywhere . So on this sad and gloomy note let me close for now as it is time for me take a break and rest and check the PakvEng match and then prepare to go to the isha and taravee prayer .
So i take a  Break with a prayer for my dearly departed Parents Papa And Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen! 

8:25 pm Break ( 4317 words)

11:02 pm Yes i survived !!
and the qari saab finished the taravee prayer at this verse

وَلَوْ يُؤَاخِذُ اللَّهُ النَّاسَ بِمَا كَسَبُوا مَا تَرَكَ عَلَىٰ ظَهْرِهَا مِن دَابَّةٍ وَلَٰكِن يُؤَخِّرُهُمْ إِلَىٰ أَجَلٍ مُّسَمًّى ۖ فَإِذَا جَاءَ أَجَلُهُمْ فَإِنَّ اللَّهَ كَانَ بِعِبَادِهِ بَصِيرًا - 35:45

And if Allah were to impose blame on the people for what they have earned, He would not leave upon the earth any creature. But He defers them for a specified term. And when their time comes, then indeed Allah has ever been, of His servants, Seeing.

So tomorrow we will begin with the Sura yasin ( 36) and the Para 23 .

Okay yes i also did shopping on the way from the mosque the dawn bread today is very softie probably taken out few minutes before . Anyways . So now there is no tension . Now i cannot decide to have supper before sehri or just have the sehri after 3:00 am . Feeling very thirsty had a 500 ml bottle chilled and a cup more .  Now i am thinking of all the cold things i can eat but everything i have is hot and spicy . Okay enough about my eating . ....
Everybody has gone shopping and will probably be coming anytime soon with Nulli Nihari or kabab rolls ....more hot and spicy ....Stop please !

okay thankGod the All Mighty Allah Amen ! No nulli nihari or kabab rolls .... just shoes and stuff ....
So whose dead and whats to pay ?

This week i finally watched the ending of the Hindi movie the

Aurangzeb (film) - Wikipedia

it has  Sashaa AghaSwara Bhaskar in pivotal roles By the way i saw on twitter that Swara Bhaskar was here in Pakistan for the promotion of her banned movie i don't know the whole story so i will try and learn more about it probably next week if i think it interesting . 
Okay the time is up or almost up and by the time i search and find the song to share in the end the time will be finished and it will be midnight

Okay the song video i share today is from a hindi movie i haven't watched yet But i have to watch this movie some time very soon because from the song it is so hard to believe that it is our very own kapil sharma of the comedy hour .
Anways as i say Bura waqat toh kisi bhi qom pey aasakta hai jaisa kay aaj canada aur Jordan pey aya hai ....heard the news about jordan people are on the street against the King .....Jolly Good !!
I never really liked the king or Queen of Jordan and i can't find the lyrics of diana karazon song so i cannot share it right now ...LOL
Have a very blessed Eid Shopping week never mind Ramzan . I don't know why it comes to karachi every year when everybody knows people only live for eid shopping . Okay so


Ramzan Kareem !

Sahiba Russ Gayiya | Firangi | Kapil Sharma & Ishita Dutta | Rahat Fateh Ali Khan | Jatinder Shah

Sahiba Russ Gayiya Lyrics

Nain nain se kuchh na bole
Raina na darwaza khole
Chhup chhup ke kyun roye man ki maina
Pyar ni hota maashatole
Sabse wakhre iske chole
Add jaye te phir na maane kehna
Ja nai bolna
Main nai bolna
Ja nahi bolna ja
Ja nahi bolna
Tainu koyi khabar nai mirza
Koyi jod khul gaya hai dil da
Hatthan chon ishqe di mehndi
Thodi chhut gayia
Sahiba russ gayiya, russ gayiya
Sahiba russ gayiya x (4)
Kya khoya, kitna khoya, kya hai paya
Kis jagah pe pyar mujhko leke aaya
Dil mera wang Jogiya rulya
Mujhko to apna naam hi bhulleya
Phir bhi raaz-e-ishq na khulleya
Ki karan, ki karan
Chaar dina di jindadi
Do din jee ke ruk gayiya
Sahiba russ gayiya, russ gayiya
Sahiba russ gayiya x (4)
Man’ne te man jawan
Par dil chandre nu
Channa dass kivein samjhawan
Par dil chandre nu
Channa dass kivein samjhawan
Sahiba russ gayiya, russ gayiya
Sahiba russ gayiya

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