
Sunday 29 October 2017

The Sunday Blog #82

Today is the Sunday the 29th of October 2017 the 8th Safar 1439 till the Sunset (5:54 pm Karachi ) and this is my the Sunday Blog # 82 .

This past week i had no track of the time when it came i remember where it went i have no idea . Watched two movies only did not go out much did not go to the mosque for a daily maghrib prayer . So where did all the time go and how did i spent two four seven in a snap or Nap or whatever ?
Well as i told last week that i will be out of circulation since i had sync my self with the new smart phone and believe me i really had fun doing it but ARY digital's widow passed away and buried in dubai so far away from ARY who is buried here in PECHS Tariq Road Graveyard jamshed Town Karachi 

Absolutely no idea why they did this because even the Sri lankans are coming home to lahore tonight

Must be something to do with the Zar Zan and gaddi over who cares اور زن، زر، زمین، گدی کی حوس سے خود کو پاک کریں عوام و خواص سے حق بیان کریں...
اور اللہ پاک عوام کو بھی سوجھ بوجھ عطا فرمائے اور آجکل کے جعلی پیروں سے بچنے کی توفیق عطا فرمائے.

Today i am on a Hat Trick of a self imposed non religious sabbatical of not eating during this my the Sunday Blog #82 . You know when i was very young in the middle school i was not like young English or Irish lads who are very well versed in the basics of cricket at that age . It was very hard for me to understand what a hat trick is when i use to hear my fellow class or school mates talk about the test matches . Anyways even now my definition of a Hat Trick is very different from this 
hat-trick or hat trick in sports is the achievement of a positive feat three times in a game, or another achievement based on the number three in some sports.
I would still say a Hat Trick is the  Same or similar Mistake done by three different individuals which induces a pattern due to the nearness as to the time of the occurrence and creates a shock and awe among the spectators who feel helpless whether to clap or cry so they call it magic or Hat Trick when in reality its just accepting the reality that if all three man can walk the same aisle with the same Bat one after the other then obviously the bowler is also throwing the same ball . Practice makes Perfect !

So what i am trying to say is that tonight i don't feel the urge to remain hungry all day and night from the midnight to the midnight with just tea and water and fluids or a little peanuts as i did last Sunday . But when i see the five thousand words long Sunday Blogs i feel i better do it again just to be sure and be on the safe side that eating during the Sunday Blog only wastes time and slow me down make me drowsy or sleepy . makes me sleep longer or even if i am awake i don't give it a 100 percent full effort with a good speed of thoughts and typing both at the same time . After eating the kind of food i eat on weekends and Sunday only makes my body temperature high which makes me sweaty and hot and increases the urge to drink more cold water multiple times which starts another time wasting process and breaks the momentum . So i feel it is better to not be on either side and go with the flow so that later on i may not regret eating or not eating . Eating as i may have mentioned many times before in several previous Sunday Blog s is a very good means of Socializing in my small non nuclear family or with my small non nuclear family . Our meal times have always been a time of the day or night when we meet and discuss different topics and issues . Recently we unsubscribed the newspaper because computer and net gives more truthful news and information than amir liaquat's  mentors for life could possibly . So with everybody being an active facebookian now i can proudly boast  or refer the meal times as facebook meet ups . And indeed they are trust me they are .
By the way right now i am so full after a heavy dinner that right now i don't even feel like talking about eating at all and so in favor of not eating at all all day long during this my the Sunday Blog # 82 . So here is what i do first i share the Wasiq1Wise #101 and then i post the dinner pictures and then a prayer for my dearly departed parents

May the dear Lord All Mighty Allah Forgive (مغفرت)and have mercy(رحم) on my dearly departed Parents and may their souls rest in peace in Heaven Amen !

and then Break as its been over two and a half hours with nine hundred words on the words counter for this my the Sunday Blog # 82 .

Tonight we regret to inform you that we do not have the sponsor for Wasiq1Wise series . Any Inconvenience is highly regretted . 

Wasiq1Wise :101 

And talking of sponsors saturday night on my visit to the local super store i asked for a 1,5 litre with extra 250 ml free Coke and i got a 1.5 litre Coke ( coca Cola ) bottle with coke studio promo and scheme . So i returned it and instead requested a 1.5 liter Pepsi with extra 250 ml free pepsi . the lays party on rs 50 was only available in Red Masala . Could not dare it after eating that hot and spicy chicken tikka with extra red chilly and green raita with green chilly .

Anyways no self imposed non religious sabbatical can stop me from eating icecream , chocolates and lays chips and peanuts with or without the above tea and lots of it .
So this must be one of my fastest first one thousand words on the words counter for this my the Sunday Blog # -- series feeling good very good already .

By the Way i always tell my non nuclear family that if worse comes to worse and i had to be rushed to a karachi the most dangerous city in the world 's Hospital then it would be better to dump me in an open drain anywhere than taking me to the Agha Khan Hospital stadium road  Karachi ....LOL

May the dear Lord All Mighty Allah Forgive (مغفرت)and have mercy(رحم) on my dearly departed Parents and may their souls rest in peace in Heaven Amen !

3:01 am Break ( 1161 words)

11:32 am Good Morning ! its cool inside but the sun outside is burning hot who cares i have no plans for going out today be right here doing this my the Sunday Blog # 82 . Here is the morning tweet

Sun 8th Safar1439
Woke up nine ish turned off the fan and sleep happily ever after got up near eleven had tea checked the burning Sun outside its cool in the shade came back inside took a bath and now i am here sipping tea waiting to see when i should turn the fan on again🌞

okay now is the time when the sweat has appeared on my forehead so fan on !
Aha Cool Super Cool yes ! I don't know if its the fat or drugs but most of the time and especially when i am inside not directly in the sun or doing any body movement or exercise then only my upper head sweats and needs cooling the rest of the body and especially the feet remain dry in under 30 deg C . Luckily the table fan started working again which stopped few months ago due to over run anyways its quite a relief and having a fan running right in front about two feet away from your face makes you feel like you are in a chopper flying way above the Syrian war zone Safe and healthy LOL
Okay its almost noon and the kitchen activity has started for a heavy Sunday Brunch , We have market oven baked bread garma garm naan and home cooked freezed nihari and fresh maghaz . Wow ! it will be very difficult to smell and watch all this all afternoon and remain steadfast and single . Anyways its now or never i mean now only twelve hours to go so if i can hold on and stay "firm" which by the way is also the meaning of my name Firm

Name: Wasiq
Gender:  Boy
Meaning: Confident, sure, certain.
نام: واثق
جنس:  لڑكا
Which by the way proves that the translation of the holy Quran the noble Quran by Papa ( May His Soul rest in peace in Heaven Amen ! ) had nothing to do with me The Bitch has always been after him  not alone but after him always ever since at least .
So back to me yes i am still not sure how these maghaz will be served boiled with nihari or fried with masala and onion and tomatoes . Oh my dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah Amen ! we have tomatoes ripe red tomatoes in the kitchen fresh from the sabzi wala vegetable cart . Haven't inquired about the price today still regret the last time i bought tomatoes it was Rs 30/- a kg four for a hundred and i just bought one kg because that was what was needed or asked for that day . I still remember the conversation with that young boy after i rejected the four kg offer and asked for only one kg of tomatoes not very red but cookable and when i asked how much he replied " we sell for forty per kg but for you its thirty . I gave him the Rs thirty and came hurriedly home to see my self in the smoke blurred kitchen mirror LOL . Anyways later that very week i heard the sad news of the price of eggs no no no the price of tomatoes sky rocketing to about RS 180 / - per kg . That was a very huge difference and back breaking for some households especially those who may have been saving the qurbani meat to cook later on a happy occasion . Well i love the Indian pronunciation of the word occasion without an I , occasson  yes even though the indians rarely use red meat on thier happy or sad occassons i mean occasion . You know when i see a spell check's red dotted line under any words doing this my the sunday blog #-- i hurriedly correct it or try to because i fear that if i left it un settled they may edit it mandatorily man da tory ily
Well the words counter says that i am very close to the second thousand words mark on the words counter  for this my the sunday blog # 82 and i can take a break any time very soon . I believe that was the call for the sunday Brunch so it is definitely the time to take the first break and have some more tea and the much awaited first facebook meet up of the Sunday . The neighbourhood has been extra quiet and deserted since last night when i went for a walk and shop there was very little traffic on the streets or crowd in the market that was during the Fiza Ali Eidi wali show . This week she surprised me with her Faisalabadi look in the Bahria town bhore wala or whatever definitely not the karachi wala .

Okay so it is almost the Zuhr namaz time and also the Brunch time so i take a break here and go see what my very dear siblings are upto and how can i be around in this first facebook meet up and not eat the nihari and stuff which could easily make me drowsy for the rest of the day and take me far far away from doing yet another five thousand words Sunday Blog on a hat trick . Tough isn't it lets see what happens next . I 'll be back soon either way even if i am drowsy i will come back to take a long break before going on a siesta which may take longer that half an hour almost the whole afternoon and some parts of the evening . If only we had a chaapa right now and somebody comes and eats away the sunday Brunch prepared for me and to break my self imposed non religious sabbatical by the two angels , i could be saved . Anyways

May the dear Lord All Mighty Allah Forgive (مغفرت)and have mercy(رحم) on my dearly departed Parents and may their souls rest in peace in Heaven Amen !

1:00 pm Break ( 2170 words)

2:20 pm No i did not eat . only tea and peanuts . No i did not go out to the mosque for Zuhr namaz its too hot burning sun for me i will start going to the mosque in day time again when the digital clock thermometer shows below 25 deg C . This may happen Some time before the Happy Thanks Giving later next month or before the BlackFriday monday yes here in the Mumbai wala karachi we will insha Allah have a  beginning on the Monday the 20th of November 2017 
So whatever where were we oh yes Karachi wala's catch early and growing up in the hollywood or where ever in the white christmas zones looks karachi wala's and not Dilshad Vadsaria trust me .

So there must have been some mistake or just fake news anyways talking of fake news here is something that i still don't want to comment about can you believe it ? yes this is it

So lets get black i mean get back to the #DarazBlackFriday17 
Since nobody calls me on the mobile phone any more except the mobile company spammers and easypaisa promotionals so i put it on the flight mode and lived happily ever after . I will probably do the same that Happy Thanks Giving Day especially because the Canadians are definitely not in the mood to celebrate Thanks in Anyways . So i have heard that 28th October 2017 was the last flight of PIA direct from US to Lahore . I have no idea how they were received as there is a complete ly different game going on there this weekend . The Sethi Gang is giving the Sri lankans the best time of their lives for saying " YES "
So it is just three pm and i have reached the half way mark to the five thousand words mark for this my the sunday blog # 82 .There is usually a reward for every little achievement in the farmville 2 country escape game i play regularly this week i reached the level 22 and went ahead to almost half way to the next level that is the 23rd level now the most promising thing they are promising me in the game is a power pin which will make me a rain maker can you believe that how cool me finally being a real larger than life rain maker ?  coming very soon no idea when and how just coming soon . The rain will help me water the crops and then i wont be needing the well water hunting or watering the crops individually . Awesome !
The one think that i am still not sure about is that how long will i be able to enjoy this power pin option will it be permanent or only till i get something better than this  . At the moment i could not think of anything better that this can be better than this or i may find it better that this but you never know so lets keep playing the farmville 2 country escape and keep learning some interesting things about farming and marketing the farm produces and products .

This week they were advertising a lot about the other game the tropical escape of farmville 2 so i thought why not maybe it does not have the piglet to take care of but unfortunately the Apps of that game did not run on my tab or the smart phone either . So here it is this weeks piglet Daisy and Ham

also got help from some unknown farmer to feed daisy thanks . did not send her a friend request or visit her farm either Weinstein ki qasam

Oh  my God its Asr time blinking on the digital clock gifted to me by my very dear brother abroad living with his nuclear family . The real asr time here in Jamshed town karachi is about a hour away . so i can go on and on or go out and see how my other siblings are doing without me . Most probably they must be sleeping on this very quiet and peaceful Sunday Afternoon after eating maghaz nihari and naan without me . Don't worry they have saved a very large chunk of everything for me so when ever i am in the mood i can eat or if everything goes well after i finish this my the Sunday Blog # 82 at mid night tonight . completing the Hat trick of this self imposed non religious sabbatical of not eating during the Sunday Blogs #80 , #81 and today this my the sunday Blog # 82 . Look how far we have come eighty two just eighteen short of the hundred a full century 100 . I for one can't believe myself now . Nobody not even The Bitch could have ever believed it never did never will
Thank God the  Dear Lord All Mighty Allah Amen ! that i do not believe in the paper printing or i would have need a laser printer to print all these blog . I could never use my dear brothers printer to dry out the ink cartridges printing all these Sunday Blogs . I am so sure that 3 X 2 cartridges wont be enough to do this task and may take a month if i do it two to three hours a day every day for a month . The printer we had in 1987 at the institut was faster than these home printers HP in 2017 . Have no idea what is going on ?

Anyways first the brunch pictures then a prayer break with a prayer for my dearly departed parents

May the dear Lord All Mighty Allah Forgive (مغفرت)and have mercy(رحم) on my dearly departed Parents and may their souls rest in peace in Heaven Amen !

yes can anyone believe i could be on a self imposed non religious not eating sabbatical after smelling and seeing this . well its been three hours already now so here is another break be back after the asr namaz .

May the dear Lord All Mighty Allah Forgive (مغفرت)and have mercy(رحم) on my dearly departed Parents and may their souls rest in peace in Heaven Amen !

4:06 pm Break ( 3201 words)

5:24 pm Nope they are not giving up ....

So again i only had tea and the crispy waste of pani puri everything leftover went back to the fridge even the icecream. it is almost maghrib time and sunset time so i believe i should take the break . The thought that was going through my mind during the break was what is the difference in the kinds of religious Muslims and which of the three Zahid , Abid and Musharraf  i wanna be and which one of the three i can be when i grow up to be useless .  As i understand The meaning of

 Zahid is: Hermit. Devotee. Abstemious. Ascetic.

Abid (Arabic: عابد‎‎ 'Ābid), also Abed, literally meaning worshipper, adorer, devout ,  one who worships.

Musharraf is: elevated.

May the dear Lord All Mighty Allah Forgive (مغفرت)and have mercy(رحم) on my dearly departed Parents and may their souls rest in peace in Heaven Amen !

5:48 pm Break ( 3358 words )  

Sun 9th Safar 1439
6:42 pm Good Evening ! 

So this week we had a visitor from the US administration the Secretary of State Mr Rex Tillerson he stopped briefly before leaving for india where sushma ji was anxiously waiting for him most probably with the leftover diwali sweets So upon his return home he must have said some things to his state deptt co workers that i got to hear this " a different way " 

Well obviously it was a very badly planned tour . Even though the state department is and has a different strategy in the foreign police y matters in some of the most notorious regions of the world than than the department of Defence and pentagon still it is about time the State department also update the US Centcom and US Pacom divide . Unfortunately we had the same problem with the previous administration under clinton and kerry and by the time they got adjusted to this half an hour time difference they had to quit to save the democracy  and mike pence no problem here but there huge problem because by the time the state department corrected this little error and time difference chances are that most of them will either quit or will be fired they way things are at the moment . Anyways press and press briefings do not clearly show the police y of the US Administration . Our very very dear friends in tampa are trying to find ways to make Pakistan look good and friendly from the whitehouse as well on the fake news and that is why we have a very different leadership here in Islamabad . A business tycoon who runs a commercial airline is the prime minister  here . Period
On the other side that is the PaCOM US side they have a Poet fa qat poet Shame !

A Journey: Poems by Narendra Modi by Narendra Modi - Goodreads

Okay so there is nothing to worry about .
by the Thanks Giving or Blackfriday 2018 whichever comes later we will know for sure if the "Different way" is out or in Amen !

okay now there is only half an hour left before the next  ayeshagul episode so lets checkout out our lads doing in the lahore

Karachi trends

  Change trend settings
Okay so from the twitter karachi trends its fifty fifty not bad ahan !!
now lets change and see the Lahore trends

Lahore trends

  Change trend settings
Wow its almost the same fifty fifty incredible . Now lets see the Mumbai trends

Mumbai trends

  Change trend settings
well that settles the dust no further argue ments

Sri Lanka need 181 to win the final T20I at Gaddafi Stadium Lahore
so in the mean time i take a break and have some more tea and watch some match commercials and ayeshagul and will be back after this hour long or may be longer break don't worry i wont eat anything even if its a chicken malai boti or beef bihari kababs on the dinner table . 

I can very easily hold on for the next four , five , six hours and if i put my mind to it i can even fall asleep all night and wake up monday afternoon without eating . these day i fall asleep playing the game on the tabs and the tab falls down from my hand it is magic true ly magic i tell you .

8:00 pm Break (4052 words)

9:10 pm Okay

it was fun watching the last episode of this weekend and now i am done with all the Turkish soap serials till next week end . except that i have missed the episode that i usually watch in the day time re runs and that is pyar lafzon mein or something like that okay never mind that its nothing serious because i know the story and all the possible situations that can happen in that turkish soap serial . So now the week end will end and i will go back to the other routines of the week days . sleeping , eating , eating , sleeping , movies , eating , playing games , taming the smart phone . oh yes just when after a whole week of wasting my time trying to make the smart phone with limited memory work i discovered two flaws in it one that the camera which was really fun and handy has a scratch mark on the lens or glass cover so now all my photos have copyright water mark very very un erasable it is very small tiny minute and not even visible in the darker object photos but in the light color or in the tea cup it looks as if there is black spot or tea leaf floating .
I don't know why but yesterday or the day before yesterday i downloaded the facebook messenger . Whenever something happens like this i remember the movie or sitcom in which a very sophisticated french restaurant waiter tell an overzealous young brat most probably the fresh prince of Bel Air " Sire you are not ready for this ..." and pointing that to a very different variety of Cheese  but he insist on trying it being the american so the waiter let him taste it and the very next moment he realise that the french waiter was right spitting out the piece of cheese on the tissue . Ah lucky me i found the clip on youtube and no its not the fresh prince of the Bel Air thousand apologies my memories must be getting cloudy anyways enjoy it while i try to recall what the hell was i talking about ...
LOL this is the best honestly when i was younger i could not handle cheese at all tried multiple times and failed avoided eating pizza all my youth when it was so cheap now when i can eat cheese and pizza its RS 250 a slice with very little cheese and none at all of those rare types yes the really expensive ones So anyways i was talking about the mistake of downloading the facebook messenger again on the smart phone because my dear brother abroad discovered the benefits of facebook messenger and gave up the whatsapp messenger so without the messenger on the tab and the smart i only get the notifications and not the message while playing the farmville 2 country escape or the Ludo Star sometimes i have to pause if i can and read the message on the computer . yet again the desktop and laptop Facebook is still far better to have and show the messages on the Facebook and does not require a separate very corruptive play store app . Why is that ? that the messenger app on smart phone and tab from the play store is too hard to handle especially on the limited memory phones and tabs devices . How many times have i tried to tame it and then had to uninstall it myself . So now lets see if i am able to tame it tomorrow by Monday afternoon or uninstall it by Tuesday morning because from the moment it was installed in the phone it is hanging the phone and making all other Apps non responsive disrupting and stopping a normal use of the other settled apps on the smart phone .
But this is not the real issue here. there is a bigger problem with the security and privacy options of the facebook messenger and facebook chat . People we unfriend or even block on the facebook can see us on the messenger . what the hell ? How is that possible ? and why is that possible so if i have many friends say above hundred then i have to remember each and everyone i blocked over the years or they just want me to review their blocked or unfriend ing status Why ?  Does facebook team simply can't handle a basic security and privacy question . And if it is true that they want the messenger to be separate  from the facebook then why don't they let it go ????? let it be governed by separate policy and a separate sign in with different profile and password . You know how i hated the movie sequels of freddy krugger and its reoccurring nature in my teens . I got the same very similar feeling watching some people i blocked over the years on facebook on the messenger ....yak !
Okay lets just forget about facebook , messenger app and smart phones and check the match in lahore

Pak vs SL 3rd T20 Sri Lanka 144/9 (20ov) Pakistan 180/3 (20ov) Pakistan won by 36 runs&win
series by 3-0
Okay so tonight i am finishing this my the Sunday Blog # 82 with one of my very favorite songs da da dum dum All about the money dedicated to the dubai stadium grounds man ....LOL


"All 'Bout The Money"

Sometimes I find another world
inside my mind
when I realise
the crazy things we do
It makes me feel ashamed to be alive
It makes me wanna run away and hide

It's all 'bout the money
It's all 'bout the dum dum.......
And I don't think It's funny
to see us fade away
It's all 'bout the money
It's all 'bout the dum dum...
and I think we got it all wrong anyway

We find strange ways of showing
them how much we really care
when in fact
we just don't seem to care at all
This pretty world
is getting out of hand
So tell me how we fail to understand?

It's all 'bout the money
It's all 'bout the dum dum.......
And I don?t think It?s funny
to see us fade away
It's all 'bout the money
It's all 'bout the dum dum...
and I think we got it all wrong anyway

Cause it's all 'bout the money

It's all 'bout the money
It's all 'bout the dum dum...
And I don't think it's funny
to see us fade away
It's all 'bout the money
It's all 'bout the dum dum...
and I think we got it all wrong

It's all 'bout the money
It's all 'bout the dum dum...
And I don't think it's funny
to see us fade away
It's all 'bout the money
It's all 'bout the dum dum...
and I think we got it all wrong anyway
Something  smells so good from the kitchen i have to go an check up on my diabetic elder sister feels she is upto no Good Good very Good
10: 25 pm Break ( 5214 words)

10:48 pm yes i knew it

 Anyways my target has been achieved with a full hour to spare even though she tried every effort to stop me from doing it LOL
 i cannot believe in myself anymore
 How the hell am i going to trust my self from now on

Hopeful this Hat trick ends here and from next week i return to the normal Sunday Blogging with regular Facebook meet ups and regular meals and regular meal times . پیٹ میں پڑا دانہ کودنے لگا دیوانہ 
either this proverb is wrong or i have heard it wrong somewhere LOL

Anyways this is what i like about the internet you can always check anything that you hear or read or even the things that have come down to you from centuries and have got lost in the translation just as Politics is not the last refuge of a scoundrel   if you are a samuel johnson fan you should know that 

Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.
Interesting times i must say interesting times ...!!

So now we move on to the movies of the week

Supergirl (1984)Supergirl Poster

Raman Raghav 2.0 (2016)Raman Raghav 2.0 Poster

okay so this week i was able to watch only two movies and by now you may have understood why . anyways , The first movie was fun to watch as it was from the pre historic age of similar power cousins That does not happen anymore in this era of American and Chinese pulao . And by the way helen slater the
 other girl in this movie is still filming confetti , the hard way ....

Okay Ramam Raghav 2.0 was shown in the day time movie slot on the cable channel so obviously the search for soul mate is over . Happy Haunting Match Makers

By the way the Government of Canada choose to not appeal so that it .

Okay so i still have a few minutes more to rant about anything that comes to my mind . The energy saver over my head just gave up got burned so i do not have the time to go and look for a new one at the moment will probably replace it in the morning the other one on the other side of the room is giving enough light for me to see the key board easily while typing . Can you believe that i have learned typing so well and with accuracy and speed on my own without any help from anyone just my typing emails and chat and blogging .  I have heard that people still go to the institut e for learning the office skills like they used to after the second world war . So Good Luck to all and now it is time for me to find the song i promised and post it here and take my leave until the next sunday from midnight to midnight . If only i knew from the beginning of this my the Sunday Blog # 82 that i will cross the Five thousand words mark on the words counter with a full hour to spare i would have definitely prepared something in advance something which i did not have to think , some topic where i could just type and type with a break or pause to think even for a moment then only i could have made it to the six thousand words in this my the Sunday Blog # 82 . But even though i did not prepare or was not even had the faintest idea that i might reach so near the new record of words i am still very very very glad that now i have achieved a new beginning  and a new self challenge for my self to look up to and be always prepared for the final hour just in case i accidentally cross the previous record to move ahead and make a very new self record .
So here it is the end of this my the sunday Blog # 82 . I really had fun today and felt really really very good especially about the Hat trick and all of Not eating Non religious Self imposed sabbatical . I really really hope that this was the last of it and i do not take the six thousand words target very very seriously because my very dear non nuclear family does not like me being on a non eating vow at all so anyways with a prayer for my dearly departed parents

May the dear Lord All Mighty Allah Forgive (مغفرت)and have mercy(رحم) on my dearly departed Parents and may their souls rest in peace in Heaven Amen !
I say a very very goodbye and  God Bless you All
So until the next week try to stay safe and healthy wealthy and wise Amen !

Allah Hafiz !

Meja - All 'Bout The Money

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