
Sunday 15 October 2017

The Sunday Blog #80

Today is the Sunday 15th of October 2017 the 24th of Muharram 1439 till the Sunset ( 6:05 pm karachi) and this is my the Sunday Blog # 80 .

Okay the weather here in karachi has taken an unbelievable turn. Just when i was beginning to feel the the morning chill and was afraid of the the cramps it being to heat up . This cannot possibly be the result of the wild fires in California . But this heat spell here creates a multiple D's effect when we see those horrible scenes on CNN and other channels . 
Today they predicted that cooler coastal winds will take over and bring the much needed relief but it is still very humid here inside no idea how it is outside i am sure it must be partly cloudy and cool at this time of the night . Moon is waning and less than half so it must be dark at this time of the night . But who cares this is karachi the city of lights and gutka .
Gutka or Guṭkha is a preparation of crushed areca nut, tobacco, catechu, paraffin wax, slaked lime and sweet or savory flavorings. ... Gutka is consumed by placing a pinch of it between the gum and cheek and gently sucking and chewing. It is considered responsible for oral cancer and other severe negative health effects.
Here in karachi nobody says Eat my Guts and may be if some foreigner says that to someone here we will only think that gora saab is being extra hospital offering his gutka to strangers .

Karachi is one of the luckiest places on earth . we have Mumbai on the one side and lahore on the other side . And Honestly both loves and think of us like their own . So there is no or never can be a dearth of any contra banned item

Contraband is defined as goods that are against the law to trade or to be imported or exported, or goods that are smuggled or a slave during the Civil War who was behind the Union lines. An example of contraband are drugs being carried across country borders.

It absolutely makes no difference who rules or that we are in Pakistan because Thank God we have a Navy !  ( TGWHN ) ! Amen !

Interesting to know that most of the steel being used in the coastline water front is also from Mumbai most probably mittal .

I have no idea when and how the Russian Steel oh sorry the Farooqui streel ops i mean the whatever steel mill will be scraped to Lahore foundries or maybe it is already ?
So what really is the difference between a steel mill and a foundry ?

So While we are talking so much about Russia how can we not mention the biggest event of this week . Pakistan Army arrested a Canadian Boiled who has been shagging an American coleman for the past many years here in our khurram agency they have three son with them and claims that daughter was killed by the alleged captors obviously our friends mistook Cecil B demented for talebans . NO further comment until the de-briefing . LOL
1:58 am Break ( 517 words)

9:56 am Good Morning ! i had a very long and good night /morning sleep . Here is my morning mood first tweet of the day

Sun 24th Muharram 1439
yes it cooler outside my clock shows 34°C probably due to kitchen activity its 31 in the rest there is a very light wind but the sun is cooler today no doubt the waning crescent is right on my head probably the last i saw at this time new moon on 20th 00:12

So today because of the hot weather and my body heat i am on a non religious food sabbatical . only had a tikky pack of biscuits and two cups of tea . in the past ten hours during this my the Sunday blog # 80 since midnight. Feels great no sweaty forehead . Hopefully if i am able keep it that way till 3:00 pm i may be able to catchup the lost time in long sleep and this drowsiness right now .

So now most of the muslim , hindu and jewish main holidays and religious festivals are over for a few months i think so that the muslims , hindu and jewish blood suckers can concentrate on the Christian holidays and festivals . Halloween , thanksgiving, Christmas and new years . So i was wondering what will be the most popular or sought after Halloween costume this year any guesses ?
No ! okay lets wait and watch .
So the other big thing that we were expecting this week was a breakup in the US-Iran Nuclear deal . Unfortunately the united state backed out as President Trump did not get re-fill of the bombs to drop this week so he did the sortie and landed back safely . He may be pleased that he send a clear message to the delinquent but his allies and the other actors seems a little worried . It is funny that this time the world stands with Iran and some of the republicans are more pissed off then the Iranians who by the way are not taking this chances of a roll back very seriously . Honestly yes ! 
But i am very sure that even heads in Iran must be rolling back and forth with the events and news this week from the Golden State of California and Hollywood.  yes i am talking about the wildfires and Harvey Weinstein . You wont believe this the bloggers spell-check red line under Weinstein is suggesting Einstein  ..Eisenstein...Einsteinium
Hell NO ! LOL !!

Okay i need a break here

 11:19 am Break (948 words)

12:22 pm Interesting we have two types of coffee today yet i choose to make and take tea and i believe it was a good idea . I peeked in the the refrigerator  i saw this just took pictures and put it back

if i had eaten the mutton pulao and mutton karahi imagine how i may have been sweating right now . and a lot drowsy as well . So having just tea was good for me and to think of all the hard working people of mumbai who only have tea and a little snack all day and work is good for the spirits as well . By the way most hard working people in karachi poor or poorer usually eat good food as a day meal especially here in the jamshed town area of Karachi . The oven baked naan bread is Rs 10 - 20 and the beef , lantils and veg gravy is around Rs 60 -100 which is usually enough for three hard working labors and worker .  An oil fried paratha bread is around 20-30 which is a whole some food for a day meal with tea . The cheap biryani which is jaga jaga( everywhere ) available throughout the town and city is around Rs 50 - 100 .  two people can easily share it if they are not too hungry and want to stay active all day . Some cannot handle biryani in the day especially if they are working and a regular intake usually leaves the bulging belly mark which shouts out loud " Haraaaaamkhoor " never mind what it means okay wait let me try my luck with the google urdu translate ......LOL
Anyways ,
Another red line of this bloggers spell check that has been irritating me for years is under Muharram the first month of the islamic lunar year . It suggests only one correction and that is Musharraf  sorry the snipping tool cannot work for this popup so you have to research it yourself . The power and vol button screen shot is not working on my tab let so i tried some crop screen shots apps download from play store and that has corrupted my tab's internal SD memory so now i can't even checkout how my farm is doing on the farmville 2 country escape . By the way i reached level twenty this week . So now i am thinking that just like no movies weekend i will have a no farmville weekend as well . Because from this week i am hosting three of that animal one from the market and two just visiting from the tent . Thank God I did not add any friends to my farm or there could have been more roaming free all around . I have plenty of space but my fences limit has reached so i cannot buy anymore fences from the market . So no more farm animals until i find a way to get fences free . This week i expanded my crop silo twice and will again expand it in a day or two if the tab stopped resisting . So now that issue is resolved for ever . More crops more place to save more orders from t he buyers and more coins chak chak chak tin !
In reality farming is so hard even gardening is so tough . The hot weather here killed the mango tree and even though the rose plants are struggling to survive this unexpected hot weather but they are not in a very good shape it was a no rose week not even buds to cheer me up . Very worried !

Hurray ! you have reach a half way mark on the words counter for this my the sunday blog #80 . Yes that is how the farmville keeps encouraging with extra bonus and stars and keys coins , But in real life its almost the opposite . I have no idea how i will be discouraged from doing this my the sunday blog # 80 the moment i step outside the room or the house . Anyways Today is the First Happy Anniversary of Our Old Family Car's First Battery Stolen a year ago today says facebook on this day reminder .

May the dear Lord All Mighty Allah Forgive (مغفرت)and have mercy(رحم) on my dearly departed Parents and may their souls rest in peace in Heaven Amen !
It wasn't even the tenth anniversary year last year I cannot imagine how a taxmans property lost security so soon unless ... okay never mind Thankyou facebook for showing me that post and the reminder . I will hopefully never forget the day ever as long as i live .

Okay and talking of stolen properties another important event this week was the new appointment of NAB chief being celebrated by all the embezzlers and money launderers is very interesting . This week baji maryam and her husbands date was disrupted by the Police brutality against the league workers and lawyers ... all the kings horses breaks a dumpty  lawyers head BOOO !

1:33 pm Break( 1756 words)

2:42 pm The Facebook meet up was very brief as one of us is enjoying Sunday Slumber probably was up all morning and other one is very relaxed after being blocked by the irritating . So here i am back to the Sunday Blog # 80 after having a couple of half oh sorry cutting tea cups yes as they say in mumbai Still not feeling hungry or weak which is very strange . And thank God All Mighty Allah Amen ! that there is not anything tempting and smelling good up for grab as well today so i am still in the safe zone . Not expecting any chaapa as well today but for quite some time  i have now given up not expecting chaapa at least till the dinner time is over . But Thanks to the new security setup Chaapa's are not what they used to be all my life . Our main gate was either open all day till the night or anybody could open it especially the children . And all the inner doors remained open so anybody could walk right in and greet us where ever we were instead of us going out and receiving them at the gate . Now the visitors have to wait at the gate and watch police and private security guards with guns at the door and their shinny new cars and twin cams . Recently my brother came from abroad and he was facing the same problem so we had to install a door buzzer at the gate . Which was removed some years ago when my Canadian uncle decided to pressurize for the sale of grandfather's house . All sorts of people started ringing the door bell which disturbed me more than sick and the old . We did not remove it altogether only had the buzzer removed or to be very honest did not repair it after went out of order and instead replaced it with a 40 W bulb which used to light up when ever somebody ring it at the gate . Since it was in the main hall it was usually spotted by somebody and then i had to respond quickly in whatever mood i was whatever i was doing . how shabby i may be dressed or even if i was cooking something leaving it there to burn just to find out that it was a courier guy wanting to sign a junk mail. Finally i had to quarrel with him so that my family stop sending me out to respond to his junk mail delivery .

May the dear Lord All Mighty Allah Forgive (مغفرت)and have mercy(رحم) on my dearly departed Parents and may their souls rest in peace in Heaven Amen !

So the door bell came three years after Ammi

May the dear Lord All Mighty Allah Forgive (مغفرت)and have mercy(رحم) on my dearly departed Parents and may their souls rest in peace in Heaven Amen !

Surprisingly still it was only used by him and a few other services and help people . The courier guy still comes regularly but rarely rings it or maybe he rings it and iam too busy to know or sleeping . The Sad news is that after two exparte wins in the court of law our dear canadian uncle will still need to pressure the occupants and non occupants  into signing the sale deed . two years of cursing did not burn a tree . LOL

Lets see if the courier company and family and inlaws of Siblings still find me at fault or blames the Canadian uncle . Having me called  a judgement debtor is shameful because i have never ever stayed in that property not even for one single night since birth or profited in any way . But a bigger shame for me is that my Dearly Departed Ammi ( mother ) is being called a judgement debtor after her death . For this i will never ever forgive and forget the Canadian government and the Canadian pharmacy for the junk emails and spams everyday .

4:09 pm Break ( 2419 words)

4:37 pm You wont believe what i just saw in the kitchen . Mutton legs pure white fat sheep legs defrosting wonder why because we already have enough mutton pulao in the freezer to discourage the chaapa's today . LOL

My Canadian aunt use to LOL a lot after every sentence some like it many hated it . I only do it in writing on the net never copied anything from her especially the hydraulic brake sound breaks and pauses which i never understood because her lungs were very strong received her many times coming down from a C-130 hercules at faisal base . My guess is that this operation was a damage control after rashid minhas Thanks dear Lord  All Mighty Allah they did not or could not recall me after Maryam RIP . Aik hi thi .... ab se pista badaam sugar coating bandh  okay ?

So now i have only half an hour left before i get up and get ready to go to the mosque for Maghrib . Maghrib time today is 6:07 pm in my wall clock Since i am not eating today i think that i wont be sweating as much as i was yesterday. It was the worst of the week don't know why must be something i ate before going or in the lunch don't remember now and no time to look back . So What do you think the builder Mafia would be on my side this time or their side . Because i don't think there is a way we could both be on the builder mafia's side at the same time LOL
Oh my God i just pressed the hydraulic sound from the throat after lol . So does this mean i can spit as well if i see an irritant on my way to the mosque and back . Anyways the chest is also heavy today after eating rice on friday and firies yesterday . I think i should not go out today as the winds must be changing infact i should take a break till the weather is back on track . But sitting here and feeling sorry for everybody especially Malala yousefzai who joined the oxford school this week will not be very good for me .

Getting into the oxford or any elitist school especially the oxford is nothing to feel okay about its not a very cool thing you know only rich people go to these places its not like MacDonald's where anybody can walk in and feel safe . and at the same time have a good time and sometimes even a time of my life . Here at oxford rich peoples school you may come across rich people like mr Saein Zardari or chief buthealezi

Shivers me timber !!

Hydrulic barack obama !!

Anyways i can whole heartedly congratulate my dear malala and her very dear family on becoming and joining the richest people of the World club .

Okay its time for me to go with a prayer for my dearly departed parents

May the dear Lord All Mighty Allah Forgive (مغفرت)and have mercy(رحم) on my dearly departed Parents and may their souls rest in peace in Heaven Amen !

5:32 pm Break ( 2971 words)

Sun 25th Muharram 1439
6:58 pm
Good Evening !
yes i am back from the mosque did not meet any irritant the road and streets were nearly deserted on my way to the mosque now when i was returning some car begin to appear but not at all anybody i knew or want to did not shop to avoid further sweating i believe i can use these clothes again for isha or tomorrow for maghrib . Going the other three is absolutely unthinkable to hot and humid no chances of rain thank God All Mighty Allah Amen !
Okay so now i only have an hour left before the Ayesha Gul Break last episode of this weekend . it is going very good . The Love Triangle is now a full Square rarely does this happens in my life LOL

And thanks to my non religious sabbatical today i am for the first time in many weeks able to cross the three thousand words mark on the words counter for this my the Sunday Blog # 80 before the seven pm . So now i can watch Ayesha gul and go out to haji what's his name billal no haji gulfam kabab house yes and enjoy the rest of the sunday or may be just let the blog flow slowly with lots or research on the net as we go .
So today its not just the words counter that is making me happy also i had just said no to all this on the table and just had a bottle of chilled water . Euphoric indeed !

okay so in half an hour the heat i was feeling half an hour ago after returning from the mosque is now gone still not very hungry . The tea is finished so during the ayesha gul break i will make a quick cup of coffee hey what the hell if even if i fall asleep now for an hour or so i may make it back before the midnight to end this my the Sunday Blog with something nice and friendly to say . Like if the people who always needs security with guns should restrict their movement instead of showing off their armed guards every where . And always teach the children that guns are bad and the people who keep and display guns are bad people . Bad Bad people .
So it is true that Punjab Police is again being blamed by the media for being behind the woman back stabber Shame shame Boooo !
Okay very interesting thing i have noticed in and around my neighbourhood and parosanhood that since this Saein sarkar vs IG Sindh Police row begin and returned from the higher courts the Jiyala's have stopped using sindh police wind screen stickers and parking stickers and now even the non jiyala 's just Auto showroom mafia and builder mafia kids has also removed those stickers.
 I so wonder how Malala rides to the Oxford School everyday must have those men in black kind of body guards and dark SUV's following everywhere she wents LOL

okay it is time for the Ayesha Gul Break I will not pick the landline if the Canadian Uncle or Aunt called during the Ayesha Gul not even in the commercial Ads break Amen !
 7:55 pm Break ( 3543words)

9:27 pm  Okay i can never win i know that See what happened in the break . Instead of Coffee or should i say a quick cup of coffee i got tea and Yakhni Mutton Yakhni so even if i did not eat anything i am hot and sweaty again so help me Dear and Merciful God All Mighty Allah Amen !

By the smell that is haunting the whole home and the taste of the yakhni that has burned my tongue i can surely say that is non religious self imposed sabbatical is now over and now it is just self imposed torture as there is no mortal soul or predicament that stops me from eating it But my self . Honestly if this leg roast which was a white fat leg as you can see above few hours ago on the looking very clean kitchen sink despite the fact that i have not brought the scotch brite foam cleaning sponge today , had not been turned into this juicy red hot and spicy Mutton leg roast with gravy , i most certainly would have taken my self imposed non religious sabbatical to two am in the morning two hours after i shutdown the computer and This my the Sunday Blog # 80 . But now the thought of me wasting my time and my dear siblings time especially my dear sister who cooked this so tasty and delicious meal knowing that i was not eating today or trying to .....LOL

Oh God !!

Okay let me just take a peek outside to see if there is some left over saved for me or they are also wasting their time in some trivial things like this my the Sunday Blog # 80 .

The hallway and kitchen is dark nobody is touching it without me . I feel so bad with the guns but i am so near the four thousand words mark that quitting now will make me feel really bad later on when i look back and especially when i edit for the spelling mistakes etc .
so after checking out the outside i came back with a refill of the tea cup . has anybody counted how many cutting tea cups did i have today during this my the Sunday Blog # 80 since midnight. okay i cannot tell the number of cups but i know how much tea was made today by me and by others .

okay so its ten o clock and i still have less than two hours to go I can break the records but then nobody will let me play again so to be on the safe side lets just make it quick and let the words counter do its magic

Okay so lets move on to the movies of the week . This was honestly one of the best weeks since ramzan this year . previous if we are talking in terms of the Islamic lunar calendar . This is important i write the date of the islamic lunar calendar usually on the twitter and elsewhere on the net when the beginning  or start of the day or event happens but when i mention the date i usually mean the other calendar .
So Anyways  while downloading the movies i got greedy but still everything was cool until the electric power got shut down this not only stopped the download but may have also added to the SD card corruption so in order to reboot the tab i had to sacrifice the torrent app of the movie download . Anyways i still get to see some great stuff on the cable with the torture ads .

Dark Chocolate (2016)Dark Chocolate Poster

Now You See Me 2 (2016)Now You See Me 2 Poster

The Godfather (1972)The Godfather Poster

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (2012)Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter Poster

Hindi Medium (2017)Hindi Medium Poster

there were three more but they were not qualified as being watched anyways 

It is so good to see mahima chaudry of pardes again the movie is about incest and other social evils and has sounds that may distract the neighbours so i will watch it again at a more convenient time . Mahima Chaudhry Picture

i have been trying to watch the see me series for quite some time so i finally got the sequel fine it is good now i will try to find the first one soon . 

Oh i always wanted to watch the Godfather series as well don't know how it took so long but anyways it was good just like eating a cold leg roast or mutton pulao lol
anyways Al pacino is my very favorite actors and he is good in this too young and good . now he is a legend no doubt but he was good then too . felt really sorry for the blown up village wife . I think i missed her funeral in the torture ads . very very sorry 
Hydraulic brakes ...

linclon movie could be true but it is very well made so i would recommand it as a date movie . more soda less popcorns (wink) 

Now this is strange my cable home channel showed this in the day time or should i say school time on a weekday . Thankyou ! 

need a break ... be right back soon trust me ! will yes ! 

10 :48 pm Break ( 4414 words)

11:06 pm Okay final hour and the last cutting cup of tea during this my the sunday blog # 80 .

So the good news is that Iran is bad and Pakistan is good .And Obama is nobody ever have ever been .  Wow ! Tampa tujhey salaam Allah baat banaay rakhe tu hum sab ka maan .
no no no need to thank me again  i must have odd it in my sleep
okay so i forget the Wasiq1wise today you wish !

Respect is a two way street cannot be either , Love can be one-sided either or Neither But Ignorancia no saber (sp) is a password protected free wifi .

Wasiq1Wise : 99 

okay now i have crossed the four thousand five hundred words mark on the words counter for this my the sunday blog # 80 so now i must go on and on and on without caring or sharing for the next half hour if i want to make it near the five thousand words . It is amazing that today's Sunday blog has had good sleep no eating at all and a trip outside the house for a good over and hour for the maghrib namaz . And yet i am so near the five thousand words mark on the words counter for this my the Sunday blog # 80 it is incredible and surely there will be very few mistakes and spelling deviations and variations . I always gets confused when typing neighbour but as soon as i see the dotted red line under the typed neighbour i know for sure that i am correct once again .

Oh i almost forget pakistan won the first ODI with srilanka somewhere in dubai or sharjah this week after an absolute defeat in the test series no body here was expecting a comeback here it was amazing so after the game i came out in the open to hear any celebratory fireworks or aerial firing gun shots somewhere but it was very quiet that night except maybe lyari or the US Navy celebrating the happy 200 plus  as the sound may be loud but from very far over the sea not really sure . Anyways its four more to go good luck in tomorrows match .

Okay so its time to wrap this up and finish this one of the most interesting and fun Sunday Blogs ever . In few minutes i will be eating again . Eating is definitely and undoubtedly one of the most pleasurable thing and gift from the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah Amen So with a prayer once again for my dearly departed parents

May the dear Lord All Mighty Allah Forgive (مغفرت)and have mercy(رحم) on my dearly departed Parents and may their souls rest in peace in Heaven Amen !

And thanking the dear Merciful and most gracious Lord All Mighty Allah Amen ! i leave this my the Sunday Blog # 80 with a very favorite song by my all time favorite singer RIP
But before i go i must say this that people of Pakistan does not hate their leaders it is the countries and their government that pays huge sums of money to make them look bad here so please choose a home and settle down for God sake live in peace or be forgotten your choice . And with this bhashan ( speech) i bid farewell until next week and next Sunday and say Allah Hafiz !
Pakistan Zindabad
God Bless America !

Whitney Houston - Step By Step

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