
Sunday 8 October 2017

The Sunday Blog #79

Today is the Sunday The 8th of October 2017 the 17th of Muharram 1439 till the Sunset ( 6:12 pm karachi) and this is my the Sunday Blog # 79.

To Divorce you have to be married legally unless something cross your mind while you are down on your knees 

Wasiq1Wise : 98 

Okay so it has been one of the most no haleem - khichra post-Ashura week in my entire life . Probably because i am avoiding the beef and eating mutton and chicken more . and  the previous Sunday Blog Food pictures proves that well . So now when the tenth and twelveth of muharram has come and gone i am very free to take away haleem from the famous haleem joints or bring the stuff and have it cooked at home without having to hear this " theek he paak giya hai khawaja saab kay haan dey aao ! " ( cooked ok take some to khawaja 's house) . 

But today when i woke up i was so surprised to see and feel the changing weather . only the day before yesterday i was observing the change in the digital room thermometers with clocks they were 3-2-1 degrees down in different areas of the house and today as in right now at 12:59 am Sunday morning they are all at 32 degree Celsius interesting isn't it now imagine how the Saturday must have been .  It was like standing in steam during the day in the sun . And the prediction which surprisingly are becoming more and more reliable nowadays says that this heat wave will burn Karachi for few more days with no wind at all . .  Obviously the United States of America is not happy in this golden week for china . They are taking classes where ever when ever .
This and a little more  came from an undecided Ms Press Statement

Heather Nauert
Department Spokesperson
Washington, DC
October 5, 2017

So i am not surprised at this sudden heat wave here in Karachi but i will have to give up on eating beef this week as well . And beef is the most essential part of a good khichra - Haleem . we all know . The fish wala also rang the door bell yesterday must be worried with the rising temperature and wanted to go home after emptying the basket but he was also turned away . I skipped dinner tonight and had this near the midnight in supper

If somebody went to the market today we will probably have curd pakora curry popularly known as karee or karhee کڑھی

because it require fresh curd or yogurt which will be hard to get on a sunny after noon in the heat wave sizzling hot .  Anyways my tea cup is now empty so i have to get up and refill it and probably relax and flex the muscles and legs as well so it time for the first break of this my the Sunday Blog # 79 . Lucky for the fans and followers who will get to see the first bite of this my the Sunday Blog # 79 . Since i get to sleep in the evening i am not very sleepy but i need to get up and move so the break is must . 

2:10 am Break (521  words)

3:19 am In two hour it will be fajr so i will sleep then . For now i am too embarrassed to find that i have been posting wrong date in the morning mood and here in the opening of this my the sunday blog #79 . I have corrected it here and on the facebook and blogs but how can i do it on the twitter . We still don't have a twitter edit . So this is all i can do in case somebody notice it .

Must have been the farmville 2 country escape online game i have been playing at night behind this mistake or maybe the copy paste of the first two lines mainly because the degree sign is hard to get on this key board without the code so tough to remember . Its much safer usually to copy and paste it from the previous days post on the blog or facebook like this ...
and then add the day and the date . like this
Sun 17th Muharram1439
Anyways i don't think its distraction i believe its Apathy more to blame for this mistake for two day without being noticed . Oh no yet another typing mistake and now at 4:00 am in the morning i am learning the Psychological difference between Empathy and Sympathy ....LOL

By the Way it is not the empathy for baji maryam and her family that i am showing apathy towards the election bill passed this week by the parliament which should quit as soon as possible because by every passing day the Sharif Family is creating circumstantial evidence of a rigged 2013 election beyond any doubt . And people like me don't even need circumstantial evidence because we know how Saein Zardari gave sharif family a walkover and helped him win using some already torn piece of deal . So in 2017 less than a year away from the next election and that piece of a deal in nobody's pocket who was the real winner of the 2013 elections ?
Okay never mind who won because Doha is the new karachi . Which was totally unthinkable in the year 2013 . It is not yet clear if the Saein zardari also has some business interests in Qatar and friends with kitty or not because nobody ever mentions that and his family and friends seems quite happy to be at home in Dubai and summers in london . While Baji maryam and family takes flights to london direct from lahore no more Gucci shopping at al whateveria dubai .

Okay so the rest of the time before the next gen eral election will be very interesting and i have no intention of predicting or betting at the moment because Billo rani is too worried about the women back stabber aka ek villian 2 no no not varun dhawan Some other guy being more famous these days in some parts of karachi . And since he( billo rani and Saein sarkar) can't order the IG P of Doha under supreme court order and don't want to order the Rangers as well so he called out SP RAO as expected (news ticker news cannot be reproduced sorry )

Fajr time got to go with a prayer for my dearly departed parents

May the dear Lord All Mighty Allah Forgive (مغفرت)and have mercy(رحم) on my dearly departed Parents and may their souls rest in peace in Heaven Amen !

5:28 am Break ( 1079 words)

11:59 am Good Morning or Noon ! still sleepy here is the first tweet of the sunday morning ...

Sun 17th Muharram1439 32°C okay at noon its getting hotter but not as much as it was predicted also there is an unexpected wind so it is bearable in the shades i woke up late so the breakfast time is all gone now lets see if i have the brunch or not oh no i had to bring yogurt

I looked out over the wall and saw the police guard looking cool in the new police uniform sitting in the shades of our trees and vines . No no its not a new police uniform like the Punjab police looking like iraqi soldiers , it is a new uniform for the police men who use to wear militia dress shalwar suit with the rifle so nobody took me seriously in the parosanhood . No i have no idea for this fundamental change . Well i can understand the moving away from the gate after my dear brother sacrificed and sadqa the fat- tail sheep he was saving for Rabiulawwal fateha because somebody bite his fat-tail and the wound was not healing up . It is sad indeed . If only i had woke up early that day i could have persuaded him to not sadqa it all and save the legs at least for tiny leg roast or karhai with fat . Anyways as they say jo sota hai woh khota hai .....He who sleeps is a danke ....or whatever !!

By the way my childhood friend chef mehboob has recently mentioned in one of his show the address of a place in karachi where they sell the fat-tailed sheep's meat if i want it . No wonder some other channels has been doing live shows about ghaday ka gosht being sold there recently LOL

if i kept doing the online research during this my the Sunday Blog #79 it will be one of the shortest Sunday Blog in recent months . And also i have no idea how the rest of the eleven hours are going to be today so i better make it fast and be up and over two thousand words mark on the word  counter in an hour or so . The topics that i have in mind at the moment are lasvegas shooting in the Autumn oh sorry the fall harvest festival of Sukkot . It is the biggest holocaust in the recent memory could be a reaction to fourth term win  of Angela Dorothea Merkel as the chancellor or Germany . But as promised this time we are not focusing on Why ? instead we are looking into How ? 
How a gambler and son of a con man on the FBI's most wanted list 

Benjamin Hoskins “Ben” Paddock Jr. (November 1, 1926 – January 18, 1998) was an American bank robber and con man who was on the FBI Ten Most Wanted Fugitives list from 1969 to 1977

carried so many arms and ammunition to a country rock festival rent a room acted alone and fired and killed so many innocent people he may have never ever played with or lost a huge sum of money to then fatally injure himself and died . 

I think we will know some of the answers in the Hollywood up and coming movie soon or the hindi remake of that Hollywood movie  or the Hollywood remake of the hindi movie whichever comes first . Until then its RIP for the dead happy Sukkot to the Survives  

1:13 pm Break ( 1653 words)

2:16 pm My Brunch

..The Pouches of yogurt you see above in the pictures were not brought by me in this hot and burning weather neither did i eat it . eating yogurt with rice in any form makes me drowsy very very drowsy cannot take that risk of falling asleep right now atleast not before i cross the two thousand words mark on the words counter for this my the Sunday Blog # 79 .
So yesterday i finally got to take the screenshots of my farmville 2 the country Escape farm . In order to do that i had to borrow my dear sisters mobile phone . And since there was no data to load in that mobile phone the game begins from the very start

So i played along until the game app allowed me to speak ....

So then i got my farm back and i took these screenshots My farm is on this side of the road on the other side is the carnival . I am at level 19 going 20 very soon probably by monday afternoon . you can see that i have enough coins to buy land of the next three or four levels and my dairy and oven and stove products are continuously working i have one prized cow as well other than chickens , goat , sheep and a cow . But personally i love the butter from cow milk and then using it for fries with farm potatoes  . I got a new crop silo yesterday at level 19 which is a bigger cheat than the old barn . they don't let me sell the crops and keep telling me its full i believe that is the game challenge . I am playing without friends as i don't have any facebook friend who could play . I usually sell my extra stuff when the barn and crop silo is full to the market across the road haven't joined ajmer moinia i mean co-ops yet but have got some likes from strangers who i may have helped by selling my extra stuff As they say " one man's trash is other man's gold ....

I haven't connected my farmville 2 the country escape farm to the twitter yet for fear of attracting some unwanted attention but soon i will and maybe after that i will get more likes and few friends and neighbours to the farm . The free request will only make it better because its more co-ops based game small and cheap things are not for free sale in the market only friends can give or exchange them thats what i have understood so far . The biggest mistake i made in the game not knowing how to play in the beginning was wasting all my 90 + keys now the market is only selling things i need for keys and i have none . And i do not know of any easy way of earning keys unless i chose to buy them with cash online real money which i will never do !! LOL
Anyways its time for the break as i have crossed the two thousand words mark on the words counter for this my the Sunday Blog # 79 .

3:23 pm Break ( 2168 words)
4:55 pm Okay so now i have a good news and a bad news . So the Good News first The weather has changed again here so the people and Karachi has survived from being burned by the heat wave Praiseth the Dear Merciful Lord All Mighty Allah Amen !

But the bad news is that Moulana Diesel is telling a crowd in the cool swat that he and his band has saved the parliament and Nawaz sharif from the mine that was hit during the election bill 2017 to get him back on the saddle of a wild horse .....That is not at all Qatari !!

Anyways here is my next meal all ready to eat

But since the weather has changed says me so now may be the next meal may change cannot say for sure right now But one thing is for sure that if i wants to go out for the maghrib namaz and some shopping i have to get up right now stop doing this my the sunday Blog # 79 and relax and prepare and not fall asleep like yesterday . I got up yesterday to go and then suddenly i fell asleep and missed it,

So a break with a prayer for my dearly departed parents

May the dear Lord All Mighty Allah Forgive (مغفرت)and have mercy(رحم) on my dearly departed Parents and may their souls rest in peace in Heaven Amen !

5:35 pm Break (2406  words)

Sun 18th Muharram 1439
7:16 pm Good Evening ! 
Just as i thought had this instead of that meal as on my return from the mosque i found we had a chaapa and this was delivered 

What i don't understand is why the clock thermometer in this room is showing 33 ℃
While others are a degree lower ??
So anyways i went to the mosque and came back straight home lucky me .  i will do the shopping tomorrow .

When She Says Baby
Some days it's tough just gettin' up
Throwin' on these boots and makin' that climb
Some days I'd rather be a no-show lay-low 'fore I go outta my mind.
But when she says baby,
Oh no matter what comes ain't goin' nowhere
She runs her fingers through my hair and saves me.
Yeah that look in her eyes got me comin' alive
And drivin' me a good kinda crazy
When she says baby.
Oh and when she says baby.
Some nights I come home fightin' mad
Feel like runnin' my fist through the wall.
Is it even worth it what I'm fightin' for anymore feelin'
Torn all the hell with it all.
But when she's says baby,
Oh no matter what comes ain't goin' nowhere
She runs her fingers through my hair and saves me.
Yeah that look in her eyes got me comin' alive
And drivin'

So this was the song that was disrupted by that person who fired at the crowd and killed so many people in lasVegas
Interesting a never ever heard off singer is now not only known to millions of people around the world but he will cash in on it as well with tributes and appearances the  Dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah Amen !
works in lots of mysterious ways

okay time for ayesha gul break

8:01 pm Break (2710 words)

9:14 pm Okay so here i am eating and drinking feasting while the parosanhood is being secured by toddlers playing riding bicycles , tricycles . the security agency has not yet given them hover boards shame shame shame . lol

By the way hover-boards now also come with sitting attachments ( teri maa ki kassam lol)

okay so here we are after the  US sanctions and a complete ban on Japan dumping cars in Karachi . New and modified means of transportation will be used which can be run on alternative energy sources other than the fuel such as oil and gas very environmentally friendly . Okay no need to learn Japanese any more because now they will learn what we can understand na ?
okay i think it must be time for the end of the chaapa so let me see off and then i will continue but first let me just open the door and peek outside may be they have already gone
 okay done had last bite and little cola and now tea ....

Honestly i don't think karachi will survive to see any kind of Mass transit or revival of circular railway or whatever . Okay now here come another wasiq1wise

What we see on the television is acting make belief what we see around bunder road karachi is reality Bites aakh thooo ! 

Dear merciful lord All Mighty Allah Amen ! Please save Karachi from Japan 日本からカラチを救う
okay now we move on to the movies of the week .

Fever (2016)Fever Poster

Life (2017)Life Poster

Haseena Parkar (2017)Haseena Parkar Poster

All three of the movies were okay i had watched part of the movie fever before when it was released so i wanted to see the end . and honestly i wasn't disappointed at all .
Life has the same old concept of research gone so bad as to create a monster which may end the world .
and Haseena Parkar is about the imaginary indian DON  in karachi 's sister ruling the Mumbai underworld . ThankGod we have Doha in the making by the way baji maryam the fearless is on her way back to get her husband arrested today . Who advises them ?

Okay i did not watch much television this week only the regular shows the cable tv was off one and had static a day before . I wastedmost of my time sleeping or playing farmville . no Ludo star this week as well . Not much walk as well . no shopping at all . I am all out of stock on crunch and munchies did not buy ice cream for fear of power outage because of heat wave . And i believe the last bottle of pepsi is also opened and finished tonight so if i get a good night sleep after i finish this my the Sunday Blog #79 may be may be i will be able to get up for fajr namaz and do some shopping because if i got up at noon then it might be so hot outside that i will not be able to go out till the maghrib . So lets see what happens . okay so here we go into the final hour of this my the sunday blog # 79 .
No i am not taking a break here just go and re fil the cup with something to drink may be pepsi .

it is warm not chilled should have taken the tea instead .

Okay so here we are almost half an hour to the beginning of the end of this my the sunday blog # 79 so i can keep going on and on and on for the whole half hour or waste most of it on the research for what to say and how to end it and what song to share in the end . today i am thinking of three songs videos one is from the movie i watched this week but the video is too adult for my little fans and followers , Next is the song video of jason aldean the last singer at the shootout at lasVegas music festival .  And the third is well of course Fallin in love is so hard on the knees none other than my all time favorite band the aerosmiths . okay so i have finally decided that the other two can wait for some other time this is the moment bestowed up jason aldean the dear lord All Mighty Allah Amen has given him and his band a new lease of life and fortune so we must not waste our time as well and enjoy this precious work of mysterious ways that brought jason aldean and the band to the limelight no other singer in the history of country and rock N Roll or for that matter in the deadliest of the deadly history of music or entertainment and showbiz could ever claim .
Oh dear lord why i am not listening that stephen paddock won a quarter million dollar lottery the very next day .....
Okay so here we are yes its time to finally finish this my the sunday blog #79 and go to bed and then wake up and play the farmville 2 the country escape . Today while doing this my the Sunday blog # 79 at no point i was certain or even hope ful that i may be able to cross the three thousand five hundred words mark but i did and really enjoyed it as well moved around and socialized also which i did not really expected at all . So thank you all and good night stay blessed Amen !

Jason Aldean - She's Country

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