
Sunday 1 October 2017

The Sunday Blog #78

Today is the 1st of October 2017 the 10th of Muharram 1439 till the sunset ( 6:19 pm Karachi) and this is my the Sunday Blog # 78 .

 " Should Only and always marry a girl a with a property if you loves the kick " 
Wasiq1Wise : 97 

Okay so we are back . This is the First Sunday Blog in my entire Sunday blogging history of the 78 weeks that is schedule an empty blog with just the title to be published at half past midnight if i am not able to begin this my the Sunday Blog # 78 . And the reason for this uncertainty is of course Today is the 10th of Muharram or youm -e-Ashura, the tenth of Muharram . Everything is supposed to comes to a halt or is closed down as Muslim families try to take back their young ones to the dark day of the 10th of muharram 61 year after hijri

(The Hijri year (Arabic: سَنة هِجْريّة‎‎) or era (التقويم الهجري at-taqwīm al-hijrī) is the era used in the Islamic lunar calendar, which begins its count from theIslamic New Year in 622 AD. During that year, Muhammad and his followers migrated from Mecca to Yathrib (now Medina).)

according to our calender that would be 61+622 = 683 
But an Islamic year is a lunar year which has at least ten days less in a year then the solar year so  in every thirty years there has to be a difference of a year so on the tenth of Muharram 61H it must be 681 or 680 . wiki here says 10th October 680 CE . 
So now imagine the plight of the Muslim families who wishes to educate their children about the hardships faced by imam Hussein Allah is pleased with him the grandson of the holy prophet Hazrat Muhammad "peace be upon him" .. (صلى الله عليه وسلم ṣallā llāhu ʿalay-hi wa-sallam - S.A.W.

And the battle of Karbala where imam Hussein Allah is pleased with him  and his companions were surrounded by the army of yazid . 

In the past it was easy the government use to announce a two day holiday radio and tv used to stop the regular transmission and broadcast soz o salaam marsia and speeches by the religious scholars . These days children don't listen they have internet google and whatsapp . okay not all have whatsapp especially those who use mobile network and data net .

Today i saw people twisted the twitter 280  clip to show the popularity of a landline during Muharram . just as few years back they use to have viber for communication during muharram holidays . I believe it was banned here in karachi because i haven't heard anybody showing off lately . 

anyways technology keeps changing but the interesting thing is that the fable in my grand mother's time has changed and cannot be undone . I can only narrate it if you promise to not even try to relate it to anybody living or dead . 

So not so long time ago there was a wolf , a sheep and a sheep dog . some times the wolf win and sometimes the sheep dog wakes up and scare the wolf away . As the technology advanced the wolf lost its interest in the game of teasing and hunting the sheep . So it moved out . This really scared the sheep dog that its livelyhood and easy income will be gone after the wolf quits . So the sheep dog went to london and brought a wolf skin to sometime play as the  wolf with an e . Upon its return the sheep dog became a wolfe and so the game continued and everybody lived happily ever after . 
But then Gen musharraf came from no where and he allowed and introduced enlightened democracy . So now the sheep started smell something fishy and the sheep dog started to bark out loud But forgot that it was not him but it was wolfe . 

Thanks for trying ! 

Okay now back to muharram transmission ....yes So very long time ago i was born to my dearly departed parents 
May the dear Lord All Mighty Allah Forgive (مغفرت)and have mercy(رحم) on my dearly departed Parents and may their souls rest in peace in Heaven Amen !
who were very good sunni muslims . they never fasted on the nineth or tenth of muharram so neither do i instead they used to offer fateha on milk shakes and haleem . Now imagine if you are cooking haleem overnight how can you fast on the day . I believe that the message they wanted to give me and my siblings was that we must remember and make sure that nobody in the family and friends is hungry or thirsty in muharram .

So thank God All Mighty Allah Amen that i am not hungry or thirsty tonight and to the best of my knowledge and belief neither my other siblings far or near are . Some of them may have converted to the fasting kind because of media and technology but i will remain steadfast insha Allah !

By the way tonight i don't have a black dress or colorful Bermuda shorts and all the dress shops and online shopping delivery are closed especially in the jamshedtown of the most dangerous city in the world karachi so even if i wanted to change my faith sect i could not .

May the dear Lord All Mighty Allah Forgive (مغفرت)and have mercy(رحم) on my dearly departed Parents and may their souls rest in peace in Heaven Amen !

3:03 am Break ( 899 words)

5:53 am Okay i must have dozed off for over two hours . Its fajr time and the sunrise time in karachi is 6:24 am a twelve hour day . If i had a fast today i would have passed in sleep of eight hours just a four hour day praying and shopping . By shopping i mean milk , bread and fruits kind of shopping and not any other or flying off to Dubai shopping of course don't be ridiculous ha ha ...
anyways so the breakfast is not ready yet and i don't have apples instead i have banana and guava fruit and icecream

also there is some left over from this as well

Also thinking of frying an egg but i am feeling very dizzy so i better finish up my remaining sleep and come back relaxed and fresh .
May the dear Lord All Mighty Allah Forgive (مغفرت)and have mercy(رحم) on my dearly departed Parents and may their souls rest in peace in Heaven Amen !

6:12 am Break ( 1065 words)

11 :33 am Good Morning ! Actually i was not thinking of sleeping this long But but probably the quiet and calm and cool made me do it . Anyways here is the first tweet of the Sunday morning :

Sun 10th Muharram1439
So today is the haleem less Ashura the weather may be chilly in the  morning but around noon it is hot because of the clear blue sunny sky .  Thank God i don't have to go out today and search for the open roads and  streets of jamshedtown Karachi☕️🍪

Okay so the most interesting thing that has happened this week and the most revolutionary as well in the social media is that Twitter doubled its lenght from 140 characters to 280 characters . so now instead of showing negativity through out it only starts the count down at the last 20 characters like this ...

Very good and clean . Love it 
Oh My God i forget to mention the most important thing that has just happened after i wake up this morning well actually it must have happened sometime during the night but i saw it this morning before sitting here on the computer and thank God Allah Mighty Allah Amen that i took a picture with my mobile phone camera which is working despite some media channels and social media saying its not . must be taking about the incoming and out going calls . well i don't use my mobile phone for ordering pizza or takeaway so i don't care or remember how it use to be . Anyways so i was telling about what i saw yes the very first English rose in the English rose plant just opening up in months after summer 

Amazing !!

Okay the breakfast special is now ready and i cannot resist nobody can so i have to go before it is finished and i only get the empty dishes to wash . LOL

12:20 pm Break ( 1377 words)

1:36 pm Zuhr time ! and that concludes one of the most amazing facebook meet ups  of all summer . I hope the group will leave me alone till after the maghrib prayer and i will not be required to eat anything till then . by the way this was for breakfast ...
No no no ...LOL

See that was what i was talking about . After all this choley channa chat and halwa puri i am feeling very hot sweaty and drowsy so if i fall asleep doing this my the Sunday Blog #78 i will probably miss both Asr and maghrib namaz and wake up with my head spinning round round ...So i will try to not sleep can't have any more tea because i am already hot and sweaty . Honestly i would love to go out on a long walk as the roads and streets in the neighbourhood are all deserted because today is the Ogra Sunday as well . Life will return when the petrol / gas stations re open with new increased prices announced yesterday to be applicable from today but since its a huge holiday Sunday with road and highways blocked using the oil and water tankers by the police i really don't think that petrol and gas (CNG) will be available on Monday as well .
Honestly today watching the cable tv is like watching the end of a strike at the call of MQM by you never want to know who .....Urdu1 is showing mein aysha gul and other soaps serials and filmazia is also showing regular shows and coke studio all english movie channels are playing regular english movies and news channels are showing regular talk shows with anchors in regular dress mostly not black or uniform . In MQM days the strike use to end at 4 pm but since most of the shops and business did not have staff to open they use to remain closed till the next day . So here the Cable  movie channels that begin playing DVD's  on auto play days back are still playing it with same zeal . Some news channels are still trying to cover the four shias , twenty five  women and one hundred and fifty police men attending the majlis details . And the twitter ville is extremely upset about Sana mir of pakistan cricket being fired and PTI joining the MQM 404 to unseat the opposition leader with less than a year to the general elections .
I knew this will happen when PPP being absolutely selfish refused a joint candidate for the PM 's election of PM Abbasi .

Okay here i need a break and stretch my legs So lets hope i return and finish this my the Sunday Blog #78 . But If for any reason beyond my ability and wish i am not able to complete this my the Sunday Blog from this point on wards than i will do it tomorrow because i have the edit option Praiseth the Dear Lord All Mighty Allah Amen !
May the dear Lord All Mighty Allah Forgive (مغفرت)and have mercy(رحم) on my dearly departed Parents and may their souls rest in peace in Heaven Amen !

2:34 pm Break (1900 words)

4:20 pm Oh yes i survived dozing off  but i could not survive the temptation of this fruit channa chat up for grabs in yet another facebook meet up

So the cycle continues i eat something i shouldn't and then become hot and sweaty and have a bottle of chilled water and then sit here and look at words and letters continuously which again makes me drowsy honestly i wasn't like this just half an hour ago . I came back with such high hopes to sitting here for atleast an hour and half and add another very valuable five hundred plus words to this my the Sunday Blog #78 .
Okay so this week i learned a lot in the online gaming . First soon after i finished the Sunday Blog #77 i cleared the tab with cache clean and data clean . So when i cleaned all apps data of the farmville 2 country escape game i was back to zero level and the game is so bossy in the tutorial mode for the first four levels that it did not let me touch the settings click . So at first i thought i have lost my lovely level 14 farm but then i realised that what the heck if i can do it once i will do it better this time and save all the keys i had lost because i did not know the game . So get over the losing feeling and started playing it from the the start when i reached the level four the game gave me the freedom to do as i please now i quickly clicked the settings and find the log in with facebook and log in with google play . I used the blue one and i got the first OPS !
then they told me to update my app . i did it gladly . and lo ! there it was my old farm at level 14 back as if i had left it seconds ago ..... I have never been so pleased to see something back after being lost . So After that i played the game with more interest and learned it better . And even though i did not get much time to play this week but i still climbed up two levels and made over four hundred thousand coins and many keys . The screen grab on my tab is not working but i will try to post a picture soon or a video .

Played much less ludo star this week but whatever i play i loved and enjoyed it very much. Especially the master level winning ten thousand coins each and frustrating the opponents  most of them perfect strangers . I try to play fast so i never reply to the chat but the short messages and emoji's are enough to set or change the mood of the opponents  it is really fun .
Okay i cannot sit straight any more

So i will take a break here and probably come back after the Maghrib prayer But first a prayer for my dearly departed parents .
May the dear Lord All Mighty Allah Forgive (مغفرت)and have mercy(رحم) on my dearly departed Parents and may their souls rest in peace in Heaven Amen !

5:10 pm Break (2430 words)
5:35 pm Just in time for the fateha on milk shakes

Jazak Allah Amen !

 Okay the sky is almost clear cool

May the dear Lord All Mighty Allah Forgive (مغفرت)and have mercy(رحم) on my dearly departed Parents and may their souls rest in peace in Heaven Amen !

5:40 pm Break ( 2481 words)

Sun 11th Muharram 1439
9:09 pm
Good Evening ! Sorry i am late tonight But there is a very good reasons for that few will be uploaded soon and some i could never explain or even if i could i should not or will not so never mind just understand that i was having a time of my life and lost track of the the time and the fact that today is Sunday the day when i usually waste my time locked in a room with the computer and do this my the sunday blog -- just as today i left this my the Sunday Blog # 78 and went on a walk in the very deserted jamshed town , tariq road and its mazafat .
s/d : 1st october 2017 tenth of Muharram 1439 and the eleventh of Muharram 1439 H .

Okay so when i returned it was almost time for Mein Ayesha gul episode on urdu1 usually you know that i skip the sunday episode while i am doing this my the sunday blog and watch it later or the next day or next week or on the net later But Not today i could not have missed it for the world . Nobody can imagine how far i have walked to come to this . 

 So while watching this turkish soap serial and believe you me the ads and commercials and promos that were running on almost all cable tv channels on this Ashura day were like we have installed a satellite dish tv instead of a Pemra control ....Is Gen Musharraf dead ?
Anyways as i was saying while watching the turkish soap serial we had dinner as well as

Okay so the drowsy ness again so i will have to hurry up and cross the three thousand words mark on the words counter for this my the Sunday Blog #78

Still about a hundred words short.....Anyways i have almost two hours to go so i can stop any time and get back and finish it up . But First lets do the movies of the week . Since now i have seriously started playing the online games in the time slot when i use to watch the downloaded movies so rarely do i get the chance to watch a movie unless there is something that attracts me or somebody recommends it . This week i was looking for some movie i saw on the trailers and did not found it but some some others But was only able to watch two

Toilet - Ek Prem Katha (2017)Toilet - Ek Prem Katha Poster

Aftermath (2017)Aftermath Poster

Both movies are really good and mindblowing . But in the movie Aftermath it was so nice to see my favorite action hero in a very different kind of role . Good to know that after ashwariya rai in sarbjit Arnold Schwarzenegger also becomes amitabh bachchan of the film industry and will surely bless us with numerous blockbusters in the years to come .

Aha exact three thousand words reached so its a break as promised 

10 :16 pm

10 : 48 pm I absolutely love it when the damage control is absolutely impossible . LOL !!

Some of the news i wanted to follow but did not have time today so probably later..
or never well probably O j Simpson because he is a news maker and will not stay put or keep a low profile after release from the prison . Storm after Storm bigger and bigger the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah Amen ! is sending towards the little state of Florida the gator country so lets see how long it survives after this hurricane O.J .

Okay this the time to start my ending of this my the Sunday Blog # 78 . So here i leave this Sunday Blog with a song from the movie Titanic both the movie and the song does not need any introduction . So go on and enjoy this song and the week ahead and the sweet life while i try to unwind and try to understand where i did go wrong no no not to undo it but to see if i could have got there earlier with out so much time wasting . Thanks Again for everything especially the things i asked for and the things i could never ask for and for the things i will never ask for . Amen !

  Good Bye and Good luck !

Titanic My Heart Will Go On Celine dion 

Celine Dion - My Heart Will Go On