
Sunday 3 September 2017

The Sunday Blog #74

Today is the Sunday 3rd September 2017 the 11th of Zilhij 1438 till the Sunset (6:49 pm karachi) and this is my the Sunday Blog # 74 .

So Today is the Second day of Eid ul Azha , yes the first day is over or was over after the Sunset about five hours ago . So  now we are in the second day of  eid ul azha . Technically its an occasion for the family and nuclear family folks but unfortunately or fortunately i am still enjoying it as if i am part of the game . Okay i will come back to that later right now everybody in the house is so tiredly sleeping that i feel like bruce springsteen LOL after spending a full day doing all sort of stuff . So believe it or not after an almost one and a half year of continuous exercise of sunday after sunday blogging without fail or break  i finally believe that this is going to be the most difficult and challenging Sunday Blog ever . Thank God All Mighty Allah Amen ! that i missed a few meals and meet ups after lunch and had a few hours of sleep . So technically i am cool mind and body and can go on and on and on for a few hours but the peace and quiet of the town and neighbourhood and the house can make me feel drowsy .Somebody is also doing a bar be que nearby or just burning the left over cattle feed and dunk . Surprisingly it didnot rain or drizzle at all here in jamshed town of karachi today after a almost week full of thunder and rain very stormy which almost ruined the routines of karachi life and especially the Eid ul Azha this year .For the past few years some investors or media moguls are trying to or were trying to convert this islamic tradition of sacrifice of Animals into a funfair . I am Sure if you were following this event you may have heard the term Asia ki sub se bari mandi . Asia's biggest temporary animal or cattle market . So this cattle market which used to be a day event in the past was being converted into a night out for the entertainment starved who will die starved by the bad luck they were born with such bad luck
Anyways , Farming in Pakistan and especially the cattle farming has improved a lot in the recent years this sector has become organised more than any other production sectors or industries here in pakistan . Instead of bringing imported cows and sheeps from the not so friendly neighbouring countries or small un organised animal raisers and producers , The USAID and other local and foreign investors and supporters have helped people with or without uncultivatable land in and around karachi , the interior of sindh and some parts of balochistan to develop cattle farms . So obviously when the sector get organised and have huge competators for this particular event where i don't have the accurate statistics but the number of animals sacrificesd every year is not only growing in numbers but also the buying power is also increasing every year advertising comes into play . Show business and celebrity is used to attract filthy rich people especially the show-offs . Social status and social approval makes it a race . Women and children are the root cause of spreading this virus . Obviously the religion is the main reason for the ritual ordained by the All mighty but women and children create a very new kind of dynamics . This has been going on for a very long period of time in both rural and urban cultures inspired by a number of vested interest groups . Like as i mentioned the farming sector , then we have the transport and other related business and small investors . the skilled and unskilled labors who get to make quick bucks in a matter of days . The whole of the meat industry, the tannery and leather industry and biggest of all the security industry . Its a three day affair and yet for some it is absolutely unimaginable to not have and sacrifice a animal on the first day of eid ul Azha . The Butuchers and slaughters charge according to their skills and demand . Very few of the urban muslims can tell the difference between the gender and arms and legs of the animal before and after the slaguhter oh so sorry The Qurbani .
Anyways the stormy rain just days before the eid ul Azha here in karachi the most dangerous city in the world uprooted most of the temporary mandi's or markets the special arrangement for light action and camera with music and dancing , super models and catwalks was seriously disrupted so i was wonder can we also have  a chirstmas in june kind of mini or mega recount or by-election again for all those who have missed it or the blessing and fruits of selling three to ten times the actual price for purely worldly gains of a sood( interest) free profit ?

ops light gone 1:42 am so either  they love it or they love it one thing is proved somebody is definitely reading this my the sunday blog with super Awesome powers yes i am never alone never ..oh no mosquitoes are up and i am sweaty so got to go bye .

1:55 am Break 869 words

3:10 am So the power company is wasting my time tonight and giving a really nice boost to the electric appliances manufacture industry . Or they may be checking if i was right about the tiredly sleeping . The stormy thunderous rain recently has scared the feeding kittens cat in my kitchen see is too scared to go out and looks for any wet area to do the thing . So during the break after eating an amazing stove burned lamb chop i had to clean and wash her shit and that was not also had to watch parosans kids seeing off to honeymoon I have no idea when will i be spared of these cheap info mercials
3:19 am light or whatever was coming is gone again in full so i have to quit as well bye !

5:17 am So finally the light has returned at 5:02 am . I must have dozed off for few minutes but i was up all the time and did not love it except for the brief moment when the idea struck my mind that there is a lamb chop already boiled and tender so i can grill it and eat and did exactly that and it was awesome and just look at the build and size of this lamb chop Image may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: food

it is from a medium size goat so what do we get from the meat and mutton shops all year round ?? Image may contain: foodImage may contain: dessert and food

okay so i also had a slice of this cake with cool water and now i am having tea because my body temperature was already high so anyways

Okay it is fajr namaz time so i will have to take a break and post this for the first time sleepless in seattle uncle is liking the post on facebook must be anxiously waiting to see if he is mentioned in the blog or not after calling to say eid mubarak . It must be very late in the night and must be the bed time . so Good Night and Eid Mubarak to you too !!

okay so the sunrise here in karachi is 6:14 am today . So after the prayer for my dearly departed parents( may their souls rest in peace in heaven Amen!) i take a break .

Dear All Mighty Allah please forgive and have mercy on my dearly departed parents Ammi and Papa and may thier souls rest in peace in heaven Amen !

5:47 am Break ( 1272 words)

1:04 pm 
Good Morning !
So during the break we had no power and cable so i did the other stuff like washing eating and sleeping  . Usually it drys off the big jams anyways
the morning tweet :

Sun 11th Zilhij 1438 32°C okay its zuhr time and the time of the end of eid bonus hot & dry spell sponsored by you know who Rainy again ?🚩🏁

My dear brother and his nuclear family was leaving Pakistan once again so we had this before seeing them off  a quick Breakfast , Brunch and eid dinner all combined. By the Way it was their sacrifice goat in the dishes so no peeping and oglying without permission . Sorry !
My dear brother who is usually very hasty in decisions has this time really surprised me it was one of the best he has ever done here . Jazak Allah may this sacrifice be accepted and ensure him a good life here and hereafter Amen !Image may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: food

Okay so now be completely fair and tell me if an uncle from seattle or an Aunt from landi kotal or whatever calls while i am sleeping after eating all this would i be able to pick up the landline phone last year or the year before that ? ?

Ya i thought so too ....

Anyways i need to take a break now and see if the new parosan has arrived heard from a very unreliable source that  she is the same breed as that of the one before them paying the same rent and have more and bigger tin dabba's to park in my street vision .

Oh dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah please please forgive and have mercy on my dearly departed parents Ammi and Papa and may their souls rest in peace in heaven Amen !

2:18 pm Break (1574 words)

4:02 pm 

Landline ringing , door bell ringing brother not responding i am irritating  what can i do ? over the years i used to say to my brother that all these people who are calling or ringing with your name or my dearly departed Ammi ( may her soul rest in peace amen ! ) 's name are actually trying to distract me nobody believed but somehow i don't even have to say this any more because Why in the world a kaam wali bai who does not work in the neighborhood carrying a shopper full of meat would ring our newly installed gate bell and ask for some stranger ? wrong number wrong name the whole trignomatry is wrong here why blame the ministry of communication .

Okay so the rain did not happen the clouds dispersed peacefully and it is again hot and dry with gutters and sewerage overflowing . In the previous break we had a very long facebook meetup just the three of us again beginning with a miss call and ending with a wrong door bell . Anyways so again i have eaten more than i should and now i am drinking green tea but it is so hot and my body and mind is also hot so i am perspiring profusely and also very very drowsy as well so i believe this is it . An honest without any copy and paste from wiki or google under two thousand words on the words counter this my the Sunday Blog #74 is more than fair on a post eid ul Azha Sunday after having eaten more than enough best of the best food cooked with loved and devotion jaiz and halal for me . Image may contain: foodImage may contain: food
Image may contain: food

Okay before i really end this my the sunday blog here is a psychology lession my take this week and especially yesterday on the eid ul Azha day . Remember last year in one of the post eid ul Azha blogs(The Sunday Blog # 24) i mentioned a self proclaimed champion of goats in the neighbourhood who was missing on the eid ul azha day probably gone to bury his dead aunts funeral out of town , city or province for the eid week . And in his absence a restless souls neighbour of the illegal penthouse who slaughtered his animals on the door of the other neighbour and my brother thought that upon arrival he saw the blood and the refuses of the animal and was furious with him thinking that we did it So anyways yesterday the restless soul from the the top came down again and did exactly the same But this time there was no dead aunt to save him from the neighour he gave him a piece of his mind on the big day in front of the whole neighbourhood and now my brother is finally relaxed that neighbour A saw himself what neighour B did last year and again this year so the neighour A knows what actually happened . The neighbour B is three floors up so he often throws things in our lawn as well but people usually ignors him lets see how the neighbor A deals with him now . By the way keeping the city clean at all times is a good habbit and should be the nature and not be sunject to reactive or proactive thinking . So where was i ? oh yes

What i wanted to know was that was there any particular reason for this unwinding a perfect tangled string (uljhi daur )? lol

5:06 pm Break (2151  words)

3rd Zilhij 1438
7:44 pm
Good Evening !

I watched one movie this week and that was the

The Incredible Hulk (2008)The Incredible Hulk Poster

no i did not like it a bit and that is so incredible because i have been a long time die hard fan of both , ,
must be the deviation from the original screenplay or the fairytale or both . 

Oh no i almost forget its MAG time hope i get the remote anyways ....

8:26 pm Break

9:24 pm Nope ayesha gul instead they are showing Hindi movie dangal which i have already seen so can eat still feeling very heavy inside and thirsty also had too much liquids so can't drink as well . So i will sit here a little more and try to finish this my the Sunday Blog # 74 with a decent word count so as not to regret later that they gave me peace and freedom from distractions and time wastings and all i did was this .

I cannot believe this i have been here on the net for the past half hour and just doing research no Sunday Blogging at all the words count of this my the Sunday Blog # 74 has not moved at all .

Anyways ,
So here lets move on to a no the most time consuming thing i have been upto these past few weeks . yes it is the board game app for andriod called the Ludo Star . in less than a month i am on the level seven in the silver league today is the last day but there is no chance of movie in the top twenty in few hours too short of the coins wins . The was a tough week for me as my skill and technique was not at all supported by the dice . Taking chances was extremely discouraged multiple time my winner was just one or two away from home and opponant need to fly half the continent and they won with multiple six and upper level dice throws and believe me some of the names of the stranger not facebook friends was quite entertaining . I am still trying to figure out how these opponants are picked at random and why the moment i see the not real name i know both psychologically and intelligently that i will or will not win this game . after that no matter how hard i try i rarely get to change the outcome of the game . The Most disturbing and demoralising thing i had to face in this game app during the game with a tough opponant is losing connection with the net . The Moment you lose connection with net or the game app loses connection with net , the game does not stop or end abruptly as happens as norm of the cyber space here the game ludo star app has been very intelligently designed . If you miss a turn to throw your dice or move your player you are automatically turned to auto move which means that app will act as your proxy in the game and will keep you alive in the game untill and unless the game ends , somebody wins , you lose or you manually turn off the auto button . One night i was playing the master game and winning easily when suddenly two other devices turned on in the house , my connection obviously lost strength and so does the app connection was lost i immediately rushed towards the router and when i got connection back the opponant had not only doubled but also ended the blocked .

Anyways so far i have not yet played the team games and also i find playing with multiple players that is more than one player beaten , killed sent back by more than one is so discouraging unless you are playing with all known people such as family , friends in game or facebook . Usually when play with my sisters and nieces i rarely win the first  prize . No idea why ?

Okay so the game is interesting indeed and very very competative but after playing for almost a month and seven levels i am beginning to feel it has some flaws and faults , like if you get a six to open most of the time your opponant has to get a six to open whether they need it or not . The dice usually picks a favorite based on your level and league and not upon your skills and technique . So anyways the important thing is that for the first time since i made this facebook account i have recieved more strangers facebook friends request almost 300 % more than in recieved in the past one year from both friends and strangers . Infact before joining this game app i was beginning to suspect if my friends request options has been turned off by the facebook team so that allegation has now been gladly exonerated chill !

عروج آدم خاکی سے انجم سہمے جاتے ہیں

10:49 pm Break ( 2973 words )

11:18 pm
Image may contain: fruit and foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: drink and indoor

And this was the Supper today hopefully i wont have to eat or drink any thing else tonight Amen !

So three thousand words on the words counter is a great achievement today i am very proud of you . Even if he power company had not stalled the first thousand words in the vee hours of the morning i was very determined to keep it clean and short Some thing that reminds me of how i used to be last year But i am very sorry to say that much of the dialect ambiguity from the past year and Sunday Blogs have now completely disappeared in the present day free flowing like a dead fish with the flow . LOL

Okay that reminds me that i have to search and research the fish tabbo probation in the months without the letter of the alphabets "R" and also if there is any religious grounds or just cultural and also if the chinese also believe and have a without the letter or the alphabets that resembles or sounds like the letter of the english language letter of the alphabet "R" which comes after the letter of the Alphabet " Q" and before the letter of the alphabet " S" in the english and American and some of the european languages and alphabets .
And as today the time for any search or research is now ended so i believe that if i get time in the days and the week before the next sunday blog or during the next sunday blog i will try to do it Okay so now i have to end this my the Sunday Blog # 74 . Honestly despite being sad and depressed after saying farewell to my dear brother and his nuclear family and clearly being excessively over fed accordingly to the occasion of the Eid ul azha or the muslim eid of feasting as our american friends would love to call it , i did fairly well and i am very proud of this my the Sunday Blog # 74 . So here i end this my the sunday Blog with my favorite nursary rhyme ... oh not that one ofcourse don't be ridiculus . i mean this yes . okay my apologies if you don't agree but i loved it back then and i can still enjoy it no matter what so it must be that anyways have a really good week if it does not rain here in jamshed town of karachi the most dangerous city of the world where if the provincial government calls out army for emergency they know what they would get in reply .....LOL

Any ways never mind me i have eaten too much today ....Oh i almost forget

Eid Mubarak America !

Hanson - MMMBop

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