
Sunday 17 September 2017

The Sunday Blog #76

Today is Sunday the 17th September 2017 the 25th of Zilhij 1438 till the sunset ( 6:34 pm karachi) and this is my the Sunday Blog # 76 .

So tonight i have lots of snacks ready to eat as well as fast food that can be prepared in few minutes without disturbing anybody and other than that a few of the meaty leftovers . But i am not sure if i will get full time to blog today so lets not indulge in eating and sleeping until we cross the first thousand words mark on the words counter for this my the sunday blog # 76 . But in this God forsaken Town and the Most dangerous city in the world karachi one must not punish himself or herself by not to praiseth the lord all mighty Allah Amen, if he or she has icecream and sweet apples ready to eat even before starting a thankless and fruitless task like this my the Sunday Blog # 76 .

Yesterday that is on Saturday morning when i woke up and checked the facebook it had a memories from the previous year which included the blog about my eid day activities exactly a year ago on this day . i very clearly remember that this eid day blog contained many pictures of the food and other things i did all day that i must have first uploaded somewhere and then copy image and paste here in the blog on the blogger site . But now when i clicked the linked in the facebook memories i find to my greatest surprise that all the pictures where gone , removed from the blog maybe because they had too much red meat or maybe because it contained too much food anyways so reading the blog today was like reading a strangers blog not at all mine i can assure you . It feels so bad because they were all my pictures and not some screen grabs or taken from the google . Even though when this bloggers site removes a copy and paste image from the net i ususally post in my blogs just to make it un dull and non boring like most blogs without pictures are i hate it but do not mind it because i can understand differences in laws in different parts of the world and trade and copy write agreements and obligations and restrictrions some US and california companies faces in europe and china . So today i am posting my food and other screen grabs through the bloggers provided " insert image " option . Hopefully they do not remove the images from this my the Sunday Blog # 76 when i look back again in a few months or a year later . Honestly i don't believe it because i have been blogging for a much much longer time then this my the sunday blog # -- series of just seventy six weeks .

Okay never mind how i did this week But Pakistan and Mr Trump did very well i must say .

President Trump get to take a load of his mind and fly into a Nuclear Hurricane Irma devestated Fort Myers and Naples Florida and also got a chance to see a lot of British , French and non American or should i say Anti - US terror terries on their knees destroyed and helpless . He was also seen quite a lot of times wiping his old shaky hands with Melania's shirt and she probably did not mind it very much because she wore something borrowed from some charity on her way as it definitely seem'd faded .
Anyways it was so good to see her helping out with the soup kitchens  in the backdrop of the ruins of Florida . Honestly what  i gathered from their body language was vous inquiétez pas, les Russes sont là pour vous sauver

Anyways it was a DREAM vacation for the first couple responders praisers . Amen !

1:54 am Break ( 639 words)

3:36 am Okay i tried to sleep becuase the eyes were not wide open waited but could not sleep so i had some more icecream and here i am back to from where i left . So where was i ? Oh yes Pakistan was next on list . So despite the fact this is the worse time than that of Gen saab Musharraf because in that era atleast our test tube baby had gucci carrier that were loved by washington and delhi alike . A whole month has passed since president trump announced his new policy for Pakistani military and Nobody has ring the bell at any door in Washington or Pentagon officially . Nobody here is feeling any pride in the cricket jeehad that they have been upto this past week . It is very true that event passed peacfully without and incident but don't you think that cricket and lahore is made a soft target for the terrorists . It is not very clear whether the Army is the actual winner here or if the terrorists were actually not interested in it or bought away . Anyways it was very risky and un wise to have an event like that involving the army when they were so troubled saving itself from being deployed in burma or sorry Myanmar

Another tough call for the Army is today where it is going to the polls in NA 120 by-elections in lahore again . After the Sharif family withdrawl Pakistan is still very lucky to have Baji Maryam posters , banners and printouts for the non pinterest types .
okay so there is still hour till fajr azan . Sunrise in karachi today is at 6:19 am .

The weather here in karachi remained clear sunny and hot . The wind was not that strong but it was not very windless Praiseth the Lord All Mighty Allah Amen !

And watching so much about the Nuclear Hurricane Irma on CNN and Twitter,facebook etc made me feel a little chilly especially in the morning . Folks here are beginning to wonder what happened to the rain that almost drowned karachi by urban flooding and took away the eid ul Azha . I believe it was a monsoon season went out of control just to help the people of karachi prove how patient they are . Not only did the karachi survived the urban flooding caused by the uncertain politics and failure to produce a Gen Niazi II in over two and half decades ( 1992-2017) who could have freed Karachi from the shackles , also made millions for the foreign investors espeically those who invested in wasim and MQM 404 .

Okay i have crossed the first one thousand words mark on the words counter for this my the Sunday Blog # 76 . So i believe it is the time for me to eat as promised or planned earlier . So here i go for a break and after eating i may fall asleep so there is little chance of me coming back very soon now . So here i go on a long break with a prayer for my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi .

May the dear Lord All Mighty Allah Forgive (مغفرت)and have mercy(رحم) on my dearly departed Parents and may their souls rest in peace in Heaven Amen ! 

5:04 am Break (1176 words)

10:51 am Okay i have had snacks , biscuits and tea for breakfast . Knee hurts and its too hot outside so no chance of going out for the halwa puri tarkari nashta (breakfast) . so here is my first tweet of the day /morning .

Sun 25th zilhij1438
 okay the waning crescent did not show up till now so i stop waiting probably go back and check in half hour 🌞☀️☕️🍵
i will never understand this tea cup without handle philosophy or intelligence whatever ...but above that why they have it in the emoji on all social media comments and updates .

Okay so the good news is that probably the test tube baby read my mind and has called or collected the whole na ahel team in london for preparing a kabbadi team for the US . 


you think its funny ?

nobody in pakistan goes against the army especially the supreme court of pakistan never goes against the army so if baji maryam wins today in lahore it means that Army takes a u turn or a time out which ever sounds logical . Even the hot red spitting beatle leaf pan wala never goes against the army


So who wants to talk about the Rohingya crisis ?
Good !
By the way Karachi the most dangerous city in the world is without a UK's DHC till after the muharram . Hope my uncle in florida survives the recent trump offensive . 
..Got to go and check the crescent waning for the end of the year 1438 H

 11:39 am Break (1467 words)

1:12 pm nope no waning crescent moon sighting on the clear blue sunny sky today must be too slim or maybe i was looking at the wrong place at the wrong time . Its almost 10 % illumination at meridian so i should have sighted it especially as the moon set time in karachi today is 4:41 pm So sad i missed it

Anyways somebody is definitely dead as the dearly departed cousin to california of my dearly departed Papa ( may his soul rest in peace in heaven Amen!) called and checked if we knew or not . Believe me under ordinary circumstances she would not recognise me if i was the one in a million . So until we are formally informed of the funeral lets act normal and relaxed .

Okay so it is almost zuhr namaz time in most of the sunni mosques of karachi so i guess we are not getting an invite today or maybe the funeral has already taken place and it was just a list update call for who's next ? Anyways don't you think i am bee ing too silly about such serious matters . okay so lets just move on to a very non serious matter to lighten up a bit .

aha a spam from telenor 5000 sms free for just Rs 40/- for 30 days
Should have muted the sim before plugging in to the charger ... anyways its almost charged unlike me who is feeling a little dizzy and drowsy in this very hot and quiet outside even though the stomach is almost empty after the super bowel movement . Thank God All Mighty Allah Amen ! that i did not eat much last night only icecream twice and then the breakfast snacks and tea . Feels really good . And there is no chance of a lunch or brunch today because i just saw a packet of red meat defrosting in the kitchen . So according to my rough calculations ....

Defrosting time - 1/2 hours
cooking time     - 2 hours
me bring nan bread  - 1/2 hours
that is way over 2 and a half hours so roughly i can say that the lunch is only possible  after 4 pm today . and if i fall asleep then maybe the lunch will be skipped and we may have a facebook meet up before or after the maghrib prayers . So the next facebook meetup before that facebook meet up could be just snacks and tea and no lunch . And may be if the meat did not cook well and tender or is burned totally while we are all on the internet then chances are that we may make burgers and avoid both lunch and dinner with just one fast meal and facebook meet up . The Chances of Chapaa's are very slim especially by my dear young sister and her nuclear family thanks to the fat tail sheep's meat . LOL
No no just kidding that is not the real reason . The kids are having post vacation tests and exams .

Okay the battery full . save energy says my mobile and also i have reached the two thousand words mark as well on the words counter for this my the sunday blog # 76 so i believe i can take a break here and enjoy a facebook meet up with my non nuclear family and facebook friends .

2:07 pm Break ( 2005 words)

3:31 pm

May the dear Lord All Mighty Allah Forgive (مغفرت)and have mercy(رحم) on my dearly departed Parents and may their souls rest in peace in Heaven Amen ! 
so as i step outside the room i smelled something heating up in the microwave and just then the timer sounded so i peeked in there was nobody in the kitchen but this was waiting for me HahHa

So i had this 

And as for the defrosting and cooking is concerned well 

its almost defrosted now thawing and the cooking may begin shortly because it cannot be frozen back so something will be cooked out of it may be not by the same person who started it but it will be cooked today insha Allah Amen !

Okay after eating i don't think it is possible to sit here and do the blogging . And i asked everybody nobody wants anything from the market today so i believe that i am free to go to sleep mode for an hour and a half . Allah Hafiz !
Amen !

4:07 pm Break (2181 words)

Sun 26th Zilhij 1438
7:00 pm
Good Evening !

No i could not sleep instead we had another facebook meet up

and in that facebook meetup it was decided that i will go to the market and bring aloo and gobi (potato and cauliflower ) so i went and bring both plus a few other things as well .
But the most interesting thing that i saw on the way to the market was a big white empty tent So i was right about somebody being dead somewhere . Only it was none of my or my dearly departed parents May the dear Lord All Mighty Allah Forgive (مغفرت)and have mercy(رحم) on my dearly departed Parents and may their souls rest in peace in Heaven Amen ! 
instead it was in the neighbourhood of her dearly departed to california brother uncle . So i could still be very 50% wrong about all this and that and also i have to go to bring the Nan bread so never mind me and always confirm the deaths and Births news from a very reliable source and especially not believe in anything by watching a big party tent because it could always be a PTI or PAT dharna anytime anywhere at all . Amen !

The only desi rose we had today is bigger than most we had after the rain and monsoon season Praiseth the Lord All Mighty Allah Amen !

 7:20 pm Break (2414 words)

8:48 pm #IftikharQaiser RIP hope the election commision survives !

Okay i have taken a promise from my non nuclear family and offline facebook meetup group that i will not be called for any food related activity tonight till the end of this my the sunday blog #76 before mid night tonight . This had only been possible after i joined them in dinner tonight giving up the third and final episode of MAG the turkish soap serial (fri-sun)  this week end . I will probably catch it later tonight or tomorrow morning . Anyways this was the final turn out of the meat you saw earlier thawing in the kitchen . ( please ignore this sentence if some or all the photos and pictures and media i added by insert image is removed or disabled due to european or chinese laws and restrictions or whatever ..)

So about an hour ago when i went to the tariq road commercial market most of it and all the shops on tariq road were open but there were no shoppers at all not even in the restaraunts and tea stalls and bar be ques . Okay may be i was too early but maybe it was because of the Na 120 generals elections . Honestly it feels like a race between a doctor and a patient . So if all doctors will go into politics where will the serious patients go ? .... Those who can afford it will go abroad especially to london and US and those who cannot afford it will die a miserable death in lahore hospitals insha Allah Amen !
This is the actual result of the Na 120 by -election . So now you decide who wins ? Ha Ha !

Anyways this circus is not ending here tonight and i have only few hours left till the midnight to complete and finish with a respectable words count and a very interesting blog to read not just tonight or in the coming week till the next Sunday and Sunday Blog but when ever i click the link and open this page and this site and this my the Sunday Blog #76 ever ....

okay before the next and final break of this my the Sunday Blog # 76 lets talk about the movies and shows i watched or tried to watch this week . So first luckily i watched both episodes of aik hasina aik dewana serial on thursday and friday . missed today episode of Mein aisha gul and watched a few hours of new and other shows just casually nothing serious .
And now the movies of the week .

Kaabil (2017)Kaabil Poster

Baadshaho (2017)Baadshaho Poster

Mubarakan (2017)Mubarakan Poster

Unlocked (2017)Unlocked Poster

okay kaabil is impossible , baadshaho is just bearable and mubarakan is comedy so that leaves us to the movie unlocked believe me throught the movie i thought that the writer and producer of this movie are either scientologist themselves or they had been over dosed with excessive compulsive watching of tom cruise movies like my cable broadband company does all the time . Any ways  it was fun and unfortunately i was so sleepy that morning so i have not deleted it yet to watch it again tomorrow morning or when ever i  get a chance to watch it in peace . Good timing and script . love it .
Okay now there was one more movie that i almost watched last night on HBO before the start of this my the sunday Blog # 76 .

Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters (2013)Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters Poster

But since i did not see the climax and the ending of this very interesting " so what happened after that ...." to a famous childhood fairy tale .... never thought they would end up just like me LOL 
i cannot add it to my watched movies this week list but i will have to hurry up before they release the sequel witch hunters 2 of this movie very soon . 

10:12 pm Break ( 3038 words)

10 :53 pm this was not a very good week for me as a gamer . i did not get a chance to achieve any kind of advance in the Ludo Star game that is level or skill or league all remained the same as they were in the previous week before the last sunday . Although i did manage to go ahead into the level 13 of the Farmville 2 country escape . again did not get a chance to play the farmville 2 on pc . So there i am on the same level as i was in the previous week .
The problem i had all week while play farmville 2 country escape was that every time i harvest the crop it shows my barn completely full and that there is no room left and than i should expand . But when i go to the farm order board it does not show all that is in the barn . Well gradually i am learning ways and means to empty the barn before harvesting or collecting produce and it is very challenging . 

So the thing is that finally i am getting the hang of it . Obviously it is very different from the original farmville i played about six years ago . But this time i am doing it all alone because now i don't have very many facebook friends who have a lot of time to waste like me . Everybody around me or in my aquintence are very very busy people . It is very very dreadful thought that if God Forbid  some day i am alone and free at the same time with nothing at all to doing how am i going to kill the time and who am i going communicate with ? . Nobody i am sure . So let us pray that i am able to eat and sleep till the very last day and last moment of my life without help and support from anybody or anything .

Okay so i believe its about time i should wrap it up and finish this my the Sunday Blog not with a wish but a hope . I believe it is better that way because when you don't get what you wished for there is still hope and hope only leaves you if you get what you wished for or if you give it up yourself . Doesn't that sounds like being empowered with a choice .

By the way nothing could stop me from praying for my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi

 May the dear Lord All Mighty Allah Forgive (مغفرت)and have mercy(رحم) on my dearly departed Parents and may their souls rest in peace in Heaven Amen !

Okay here is one of my very favourite songs i feel like i may have shared it before but since i am not very sure so what the hack ... Enjoy !

Dido - White Flag (Official Video)

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