
Sunday 18 September 2016

The Sunday Blog # 24

Today is the 18th of September 2016 the 15th of Zilhij 1437 till sunset and this is my The Sunday blog #24.
So today i begin the Sunday blog with a very sad news and that is that i have survived not only just that but all the Congo bongo viruses and predicaments . all my siblings did the ordained except me so there is plenty of meat around and the food most of the past week has been very awesome unfortunately since the eid day the awesome mausam weather and the silver cloudy sky disappeared . No idea why . I don't know why but i usually sweat a lot and you know that you can't have 110% perspiration in just 10 % so some say its because of my weak heart others believe i have too much fats in the body anyways after eating extra fatty and spicy hot food in this kind of hot and humid weather i sweat even more during and after the meals the only good thing about eating this past week is that because the food is so wholesome it leaves no room for the mid-break munching s  ThankGod the culture of karachi has changed so much that now nobody meets or greets anybody without purpose on Eid The propaganda machines did try to promote few get to gathers but even those did not sound very convincing . Still my very dear nephew was able to pull out a bar be que from nowhere tonight . the last burning coal or coke  turned into ashes few minutes ago . I don't know about you hindus but for us muslims its a great opportunity to  not only taste but also smell something so divine. 
even the final sounds of puting water on the burning coal to extinguish the fire and the collective sound of metallic skewers is a music to the ears. Recently i watched a movie The Perfect Sense ya ya that one about the losing of all five senses one by one Image result for perfect senseImage result for perfect sense
9:00 am The Shankhigh electric power and net shutdown so its back to the sticky notes.....
since then i have become a little extra thankful to the lord almighty for the most precious things . Me and Most of my siblings have very good all five senses which lead us to believe sometimes that we may also have the sixth sense. No we don't but please don't tell this to anyone specially my siblings and their friends because they will be very disappointed. Anyway this is my Sunday BLOG so lets just focus on my senses. Ever since my birth i had very sharp senses and i was extremely proud of my sense of sight . But recently it has been affected the worst . I don't know if its because of aging , diet or lack of fresh air after i stopped the morning walks due to a lack of writ in my town and the neighboring towns of this megapolis . Sometimes its so difficult to read the expiry date on products at the shop that now i have given it up altogether .
9:18 am there goseth the UPS  so no fan this will be one tough one to blog today . cannot go out of the room because the girls must be up and i'll have to face JIT my brothers family is visiting for Eid . The idea of doing the sunday blog with a smart phone and mobile data just didn't work out that well . So I think this is it i must have crossed the five hundred words already .
The power returned at 10:30 am and soon after that i microwave the leftovers in fridge and had all this twice . plus lots of cold water .

 See i was right about the 500 words now the wordpress word count says more than 600 words .
On Eid day something happened that reminded me of Readers digest anecdotes. At one time papa subscribed readers digest for us Image result for reader's digest anecdotesand  i was so fond of reading all the anecdotes . This one i remember where a couple found tickets to a show at the door just like we normal people find Bills and dues , surprised they thought it was from some of their friends so they went when they returned they found whole house empty with a thankyou note from the thief .
One of my neighours who is so fond of goats and goats milk that he has kept a goat ever since he moved in few years back . He made a permanent shelter for his goat and her little ones . Tries all sorts of things to save them from petty & professional thieves .Usually during the Eid ul Azha he is supper excited brings some nice able bodied animals . On this eid day he was nowhere to be seen nor does his animals . and to my greatest surprise when we returned from the eid prayer somebody else animal was hanging on his animal shelter with blood on his kerb and they also left the guts and refuse from inside the animal after they were done . for three days of eid nobody touched it . Not even the jamshedtown eid emergency duty squad or the stray dogs and kites on the trees. So Where was HE? ?? .  Hajj or Karbala or in debtors jail ? On the fourth day he returned with a goat and chained it to the door . The cleaner who works for him daily did not try to keep his kerb clean in his absence . Ya the thought crossed my mind that this could be a nuclear waste test for me or my family  or somebody else in the neighbourhood . Well the Alley has been dug up today by "somebody else" under the guidance of the same cleaner . So Now its just us  and the Nuclear waste test continues..... Image result for reader's digest anecdotes

Talking of tests the good news is that this holy occasion of Eid nobody died in the neighbourhood . so there was no invite from the imam bargah . BLNT . Ok this reminds me of a very un anecdote . One friday very long time ago i went to the local mosque probably with someone to pray juma . at the end of the prayer the imam saab may his soul rest in peace invited the congregation to an event of embracing islam by a non believer. we stayed and witnessed as the imam saab helped this guy convert to islam everybody was happy . Imam saab was overjoyed . In later years of his imamate after every juma prayers a guy use to stand up and beg for money and help and always say Imam saab ney mujhay musalmaan kiya tha ( this imam converted me to islam ) I don't know if he was the same guy i witnessed or somebody else helped to convert by our very dear and respected imam saab at some other occasion . Well these things happen and one must not be dicouraged by them especially when you do good to total strangers in good faith and for the blessings of the Almighty Allah .
5:40 pm Another shutdown . I was on sticky Notes without connection but those who were connected are coming in and informing me feels like a cave environment . Hula hula.....
okay so i save battery now and get some tea and show off my telenor data 4G . o my the girls are so impressed already because these things matter to them the most . 
The power and net was restored in less than fifteen minutes and the tea was in the making so getting up seemed to be only a treat for the devils mosquitoes . Mann they poke . Well it was not that futile because when the lights came everybody was doing something or had to do somethings basically "Motivational Planning " so I got connection and i updated this blog from the sticky notes to the blogger and wordpress i don't know if its legal but today it saved me . when i posted that anecdote in bloggers it erased the text from the draft  so i had to copy it from the wordpress draft.
Okay Motivational planning is usually done by people from abroad visiting family and friends living with you . They do what they have to do go where they have to go but suddenly they realize that we are going on our routines oblivious of their presence so they start planning to go this and that place with this and that persons hoping that we (i) would quip in and say oh yes i want to go as well . Ahh ! 
Tea is ready and its almost maghrib . 
16th zilhij 1437 
Good Evening !
Had this a little while ago .
Okay i am not sure what i am doing wrong with this laptop keyboard because it jumps back into some previous line randomly when i look up to see the word i keyed in its somewhere else half here half there ... seems like a new nuclear waste test wasting my cheap time when i am already done .

Okay i haven't been out except to see what mess was the neighbors cleaner is creating on my way to the mosque it appears that the shift was over today he left and will continue tomorrow . the work was to be done on the other side but because of his or his sponsors love and affection for us he always beings work near us . Since the people of Karachi elected a jailed Mayor these sweepers and line mans rule the water and sewerage lines and pipes you pay them and they will dig up any alley and give connections from anywhere . Cool isn't it ? the elected local government councillors  chairmens are still trying to find out what Party they belong to or if they have to report to the city council or the central jail everyday for attendance. Who needs Readers Digest Anecdotes these days my whole city administration and law and order has become a joke.

O God i survived another typo mishap just now and saved by WordPress revisions auto saved .

Missed isha at the mosque so before they call me for dinner i should begin the ending now.

The Movies i watched this week are:
1.Dear Dad
2.Baar Baar Dekho
3. Madaari

ya just three been busy eating and sleeping btw if you guys can't sleep because of guilt or heavy heart then you must try these movie for sure . Infact BBD is definitely about sleep disorders .

Just as i was about to close and waiting for the dinner call i got call alrighty but to bring nan bread for dinner . Actually i was expecting it and that has nothing to do with my having or not having a sixth sense. anyways the sudden walk and fresh air with much less traffic or crowd in the market is always welcome . its only the abundant sweating that sometimes stops me from going out if the errand is not very important. But tonight the job was more important than the US National security . So when asked i did not hesitated for a moment fearing that the plan may  be changed if i did. Even though they were so hungry I had plenty left by the time i came out of the bath .so this was my dinner for the night . surprizingly the sunday went by peacefully we had no chaapa even the visiting brother from abroad did not have any expected or unexpected visitors. Mann I am getting famous ,  The lights and fans of saeins apartment are on a small dinky is also parked on the street no gun men or police guard is visible yet . But these are enough signs to show that the normal operations have resumed.  The schools will all reopen after the thursday and friday confusion after eid holidays . so you all very poor guys go back to your daily routine lives while i go and check if the leg roast is marinated or not and if it is ready for cooking or baking . its so hot here that if you ask me i'll go for freezing . This is no weather for hot and spicy mutton leg roast .

Oh God can you believe it under so many rough conditions i did it  my Sunday Blog # 24 is now above 2000 words according to the WordPress word counter 2020+ to be exact.

So here i end my The Sunday Blog # 24 with one of my favorite top hits song of all times . sung by very many artists and bands taken on by many hit movies i loved it from the 1997 hit movie "My best friends wedding " sung by Mary Chapin Carpenter

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