
Sunday 10 September 2017

The Sunday Blog #75

Today is the Sunday 10th of September 2017 the 18th of Zilhij 1438 till the sunset ( 6:41 pm Karachi)  and this is my the Sunday Blog # 75.

Wow then this means that the Nine Eleven is just a few hours away, That is that when i finish this my the Sunday Blog # 75 before the mid night it would be almost time for the Sixteenth  Anniversary of Nine eleven and the first weekend  over of the Movie .Related image

12:22 am electric city gone !! ah you thought i for get ?? LOL

okay anyways  This is also the First nine eleven since Ivanka in whitehouse so i thought it would be special but i had no idea it would be this special

1:59 am nope the electric power has not returned so i'll just post this through the Muaziz sarif ab humarey machar aap ko buri tarhan kaat chukay hain Shukria !!

So is it true that US was to attack Pakistan tonight but due to prior engagements they delayed the plan till christmas or Happy ThanksGiving or which ever comes first So that must be the reason why the terrorist activities and new groups are being familierised But why the hell did they open their account with khawaja izhar of MQM ?? His Murder or assasination could not spread any terror no body even takes hin seriously in Provincial assembly or party meetings . Must be the cheating or booty mafia because he is always very vocal about the cheating and matric inter exams and i always thought he was only concerned about some kid in the family or friends giving exams and disturbing him related issues and mal administration of the boards and education departments .

okay battery finished got to go

2:25 am Break (283 words)

9:55 am  Okay the two electric power shutdowns has taken away all the momentum and energy from me and the vigor from this my the Sunday Blog # 75 and now it looks like fifth graders history home work but anyways today we have so much to again get it going and make it a geography leason for who ever tried to do what ever they tried to do ....LOL

So The SHC or the Sindh High Court has given an unbelievable writ of Mandamus this week in some case for the Sindh Police reforms deciding not only about the future of IG the Inspector General of the Sindh Police but also his subordination issues . The honerable high Court has restored all his powers that were taken away by the saein sarkar to maintain the lawlessness in sindh province and especially  Karachi the most dangerous city in the world . So according to the media reports the first spray of salt by him on the aching saein sarkar after the illegal hajj on tax payers money he revoked all transfers and suspension orders since july 7th 2017 .

Okay so the next few months will be very crucial so as to the working togather of the Sindh Government or saein sarkar with the sindh police under a free and independent IG .
Okay now the most interesting thing here is that the last local body governmet of karachi more popularly known as the City District Government Karachi or just CDGK was removed by the previous saein sarkar at that time just because they were demanding that the police should be under it that is that the CCPO or the capital City Police Officer should be answerable to the then City Mayor or the head of the CDGK . And now this the CM or the Chief Minister of Sindh and the Interior Minister of Sindh will have not the IG of Police answerable to him okay may be answerable but not removable so as to the pleasure of their good office .

So the thing is that in whatever time is left before the next election the sindh sarkar is automatically losing karachi and who knows that by not fully restoring the local government after the so called local bodies elections 2015 the sindh saein sarkar may be left with the task of garbage removals and performing free hajjs with family and a few dubai and Qatar holidays .

Image may contain: one or more people and outdoorAnd talking of garbage removal RED & WHITE  system that has been in place in my jamshedtown for the past few months and especially the Tariq Road area that has made millions for the  saein sarkar benovalent fund after the reconstruction to help the builder mafia continue their work without interferece from different monitors and public outcry . The White garbage trucks only lift the Red Box and leave all the garbage around the  Red Box . So with KMC not supporting this operation their workers make sure the RED box remains empty and all the garbage stays all around . And since this is a busy market place no body individual or NGO is there to complain . Anyways  By the way i am not posting any picture of the garbage lying around the Red Containers or Box please check it yourself anywhere on tariq road before and after the 4: 00 PM

Here i want to make it very clear that most of the development in karachi which impresses the foreign visitors and especially ex - karachites is purely the doing of the private sector and builder mafia who listens to none at all . And does not care at all about the law , the governments , the police or the Army. They keep themselves busy night and day like the Ants . Personally i love the development and feel very proud of my city even if it is now the most dangerous city in the world But i want the city to be governed by the Rule of Law  that guarantees the safety and secuity and human rights to be above and formost to the illegal building and development . I would love to have a traffic where nobody feels compelled to break the law . Its funny that here in karachi the most dangerous city of the world people are force to drive the wrong way just to save time and fuel Thanks to the ill planned fly overs and underpasses and other road network . Here Highways have been broadened and flyovers constructed between old settlements and residential housing societies and the number of motor vehicles has increased by manifolds in just few years without the mass transit system . So in few years no matter how many flyovers we make the traffic will come to a standstill with very long jams especially during the peak traffic hours and political rallies .

Political Rallies and dharna( sit ins ) has to be banned in this city if we want a smooth running traffic for few hours every day . And also check the number of automobiles entering the road every year . Unless offcourse you want cars and automobiles just to be parked on the streets to impress the neighbours and friends . Image may contain: 1 person, mountain, outdoor and nature

Anyways its time for a break i'll be back soon .

11:23 Am Break ( 1142 words)

12:51 pm Okay so the facebook meetup did not happen as expected in the previous break . As my offline facebook meetup group is very busy watching the miami mice oh sorry the miami vice being ordered mandatory evacuation or get out of my town at once by the mayor and governor and fire chief . Back in the nineties Miami vice was very popular primetime show here in karachi no idea why maybe because of a similar sea front with smugglers and pirates and drug dealers and off course the ThankGod we have Blah Blah Blah !!!

Funny isn't it it says here in the google search

 First episode date16 September 1984

So last sunday after i finished my sunday blog #74 and had something to eat don't remember now i fall asleep and woke up around 9 am or later . i thought the eid ul azha is over but my dear brother had other plans thank God his car did not start it was stalled due to bad gasoline from stranger pump station . So see that i am not too eager to go the bakra ( animal market ) mandi he left alone and came back before noon . Imagine that he went all the way out of towns and city and brought back three fat tailed sheeps buy two and get one free . The third was too young without teeths so it got the presidential pardon on one condition and that is to never sleep and make me exercise and realise how bad it is to just keep eating all day or when ever you see good food . Control wasiq Control !! Image may contain: 1 person

Anyways the very next day karachi electric power has too many ups and downs voltage fluctuations so bad that our very old deep freezer gave up . So instead of stopping me from eating my siblings dear were forced to make me eat as there was no room to keep and when i was done the left overs were sadly distributed among the beggers at the shrine nearby . Jamshed town is so rich technically there should not be any beggers sitting on the streets but you know the police and Army and all the ThankGods that are their needs to keep a check on me 247365 people they can trust and not just the telenor mobile tracking which can be switched off or distracted any time . Oh how i wish that i was not that an important person just a poor old writer / blogger in some very remotely inhabited island in the carribbeans . Image may contain: 2 people, sunglasses

1:35 pm Break ( 1576 words)

3:02 pm okay no chaapa . There was 35% chances of chaapa but it did not happen so I had to eat the kings feast  without proper dressing or bath . Yeah !!

So what is a key ? they keep mentioning florida keys on the CNN so let me check the google oh yes here it is ....

The Florida Keys are a coral cay archipelago located off the southern coast of Florida, forming the southernmost portion of the continental United States.

Now that sounds more un familier coral cay archipelago  now this reminds me of a very popular pakistani movie song  Lago nahein lagay la gay .....

okay so what i understand here is the small tiny islands off the coast of florida may be called keys . okay !

So far very few people are reported dead in the or by the hurricane than those drowned yesterday here in a karachi beach of hawksbay . 

12 picnickers drown at Karachi's Hawksbay beach, say police - Dawn

Okay i am applying for the life guards joy for city government or the police . Image may contain: 1 person

Have eaten too much need a break . i'll be back don't go away or drown while i am away please !!

3:18 pm Break (1771 words)

5:18 pm Okay so i had a long siesta but finally i am up and had this with coke as  " the eye of irma or  should eye say the i of IRMA is over my Hell Hole hiting keys ...." LOL

Image may contain: food
Image may contain: food
okay never mind this is a very personal joke .

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A very strange thing has happened lately that phophi jan and her boys  have missed all the mutton pulao events . Strange very strange indeed ! Image may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: food

Okay posting so many food pictures made me feel hungry again so here i take a break and hopefully have a facebook meetup about the florida storm and maybe the CNN the only global news channel that has a live coverage from miami, fort myers and tampa about the keys and the carol ops i mean corals and cays and the La gays sorry again La Gos ....oh no never mind lests take a break anyways Image may contain: one or more people

6:00 pm Break ( 1922 words)

Sun 19th Zilhij 1438
7:59 pm
Good Evening ! So in the break i went to the mosque for the maghrib did some shopping on the way back had a facebook meet up finished the chicken crispy broast which was not crispy at all after being microwaved . drowned it with coke and mutton pulao . and in the mean time CNN declared that miami construction crane is down due to high winds . I knew it !!

okay here are the tampa twitter trends just in case ...

Tampa trends

  Change trend settings

Image may contain: 1 person, textOkay i am missing the third episode of MAG today and second this week as now they have made it a three day show from this week before it was a two episodes a week on the week ends , so yesterday when i watched the second episode of the week i had no idea what happened to Ms Jan 's hand and why it was bandaged ? anyways i will watch all three episodes later this week when i will have nothing better to do .

or maybe i should go and check the half hour of commercials just to prove my loyalty to the mafia ...what say thy ?

8:34 pm Break (2181  words)

9:11 pm yes it was fun to watch the sooper cookie commercial during the show .

A new Guinness World Record for Pakistan: largest 'cookie mosaic (flag)' made to celebrate 70 years

 Okay so now we move on to the movies of the week .

Sully (2016)Sully Poster

Rock On 2 (2016)Rock On 2 Poster

Great movies love em both . 

Okay another great event this week after the eid ul Azha was the defence day of Pakistan . Which usually is a day of rememberence of the nineteen sixty five war with india . We are very proud that India has consistently remained a big adversary and an enemy for the benefit of mankind and the education of both nations . But This year it was a different mood here in Pakistan . The Army Chief bravely spoke in front of a very large crowd of people and rejected the US millitary AID which is already been suspended . Honestly as a constitutional expert he or the Army  as an institution has no right to reject or refuse any US AID or even directly comment on the US president 's policy . But you know the politics of Pakistan where the prime minister was resently been removed by the supreme court as not qualified and the Majestic Parliament which should act as a king in a democray is still full of not qualified . So I believe the Nation of Pakistan is forced to believe that what the Chief of Army said is actually going to happen . No my dear friends that is absolutely not happening here in Pakistan as the Pakistan Army or the Pakistan  Military is not an independent military . Everything that Pakistan Army has is US gifted , Aid or sponsored . Most of the successful operations both within the borders and beyond has always had the support and direct funding from the US . Pakistan Army is practically a branch of the US military . And even the Notorious ISI is a test tube baby of the CIA . So knowing that in this strategic US - Pak military relations i have no hope of listening to any sensible dialogue or statements from the so called responsible institutions and individuals as well as top bra's . I choose and considered it a very opportunate time to start farmville 2 . And lo i was so surprised to find a long lost friend and neighbour that i never knew i had or remembered . It seems that the farmville 2 counrty escape is the grand son of me in the game . And just to remind the me in farmville 2 country escape of me in the farmville original there is a portion of grandma's garden . Now where the hell did she come from if i never married in the farmville original . In the farmville original i was so near the end of the game when my facebook account was disabled upon a complaint of total stranger who accepted my request and after adding me had a change of heart and complaint or report me . At that time i was too anxious to increase my friends list so i did not see it coming . Anyways . after several accounts later now i am very ready to add strangers as neighbours to my farmville 2 counrty escape game and also to the Ludo star game . 

Now the biggest trouble here is that playing the App games on android from google play store  is different from playing the games on a laptop or PC windows 7, 8 from the web store . as a matter of fact finding the same game and playing is not possible . so you either play these super active games on an android device such as mobile phone or tablet, ipad etc or you start the web version if it is available . This week i tried to find the Ludo star web version but i did not and the process they tried to teach me to play the ludo star on the laptop is just simply beyond me and i am also very sure it will slow down the running of the pc and browser as well . if not completely damage the laptop or desktop . So on the other hand playing the game like farmville 2 the country escape or any other version is easy because it stays dormant until you click it to start . On an android device the game becomes a living legand and even if your wifi , net or data is turned off , you keep getting the reminders that your strawberries are now ready or the carrot cake is ready in the pastry oven or that one of your very dear neighbour is really in need of your help get out of the country

Okay so i almost made it to the three thousand words mark on the words counter for this my the Sunday Blog # 75 . 

So today is the first time in the past ten long years when i really miss my dearly departed Papa (May his soul rest in peace in heaven Amen ! ) . Every time our media use to report a hurricane or tornado or a twister or any other form or kind of storm wind water and ice . my dearly departed Papa ( may his soul rest in peace in heaven Amen ! ) who loved and cared for his younger brother in the US living a miserable life being a rich doctor used to inquire about his safety that was very before the internet and social media and the reply he used to get from his american brother was " Han kahein aya hoga america bahut bara hai " . translation ہاں  کہیں  آیا  ہوگا  امریکا  بہت  بڑا ہے


okay i need a break !!

LOLImage may contain: 1 person, standing and shoes

10 : 39 pm Break ( 3111words )

11:10 pm Okay i am so glad i took this break because in this break i got one important news that may effect the future life .  Wish this would have happened during the life of my dearly departed Ammi (may her soul rest in peace in heaven Amen !) .

It is true that in the past 75 weeks by doing this my the sunday Blog --- series i have proved to my self beyond any shred of doubt that i am way out of league of all of my siblings and not only just my siblings also people around them and us . the extended families and friends . So no matter what they take away from me they will not try to take away my slippers from the mosque .....LOL

Okay talking of mosque you all know that they have overflown the gutters in my neighbourhood with sewerage water blocking the way to the nearest mosque . This week i started going to the far away mosque from a different route without any gutters or sewerage water and in just two day half of  sewerage water is gone dried . felt so euphoric as if i have scared the custodians of the mosque . Theo  KMC line man says the other half is beyond him as if was the work of the rain emergency staff buldozers who have broken the pipes which will be replaced . So now i have to decide if i should come back to the nearest mosque or keep going to the new one untill the way is dry cleaned without any dirty water to ruin my body and clothes while going in a hurry towards the mosque late as usual .

Okay only half an hour left to the Sixteenth Anniversary of the Nine Eleven .
September 11 attacks
Part of Terrorism in the United States
A montage of eight images depicting, from top to bottom, the World Trade Center towers burning, the collapsed section of the Pentagon, the impact explosion in the south tower, a rescue worker standing in front of rubble of the collapsed towers, an excavator unearthing a smashed jet engine, three frames of video depicting airplane hitting the Pentagon

DateSeptember 11, 2001; 15 years ago
8:46 a.m. – 10:28 a.m. (EDT)
Attack type
Deaths2,997  (2,978 victims + 19 hijackers)
Non-fatal injuries
No. of participants

..Image may contain: 1 person, smiling

So lets see what and how the future of pakistan is decided by the US in coming months . Lets hope for the best and wait for the worst as usual .

Okay so it time for me to end this most interesting of the series of the Sunday Blogs . I personally feel that i did better than i should have after over sleep and over eating . Honestly i feel a little hungry right now so as soon as i finish this my the sunday blog # 75 i will microwave some of the left over mutton pulao and have it with coke or something chilled and then i will eat the walls ice cream and after that i will sleep and wont watch the CNN or television at all . So that's my plan what's yours or the electric company's if they shut off the electric power then i will sleep outside and watch & count the stars and check out the cloud shapes . I love watching the cloud shapes sometimes i feel that these shapes are not natural . But that's just my personal opinion nobody is required to have the same opinion or believe it . Image may contain: 1 person, smiling
So this is it see you all next sunday after mid-night stay happy and healthy . Amen !

Europe - The Final Countdown (Official Video)

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