
Sunday 25 June 2017

The Sunday Blog # 64

Today is the 25th of June 2017 the 29th of Ramzan 1438 til the Sunset or Last Iftar of Ramzan 1438 (7:25 pm ) . And this is my the Sunday Blog # 64 which is also the Last Sunday Blog of Ramzan and June , So as planned this my the Sunday Blog # 64 was to be more about the Eid and Eid Days or the Chaand Raat which is the Eve of Eid or the Herald of the Eid to Come and also the last minute opportunity for the lazy shoppers to buy and prepare for the happy Eid the Next day , But Unfortunately here in Pakistan we had Amazing Week and an Awesome Ramzan which ended with a tragedy , mishaps across the Whole country .
I am Sure that every body is by now fully aware of How many killed , Who was blown away and Who had them killed aur ISPR kay Kya kehney hain...From media and Social Media Especially the Twitter ...So lets move on .

So Last Sunday when i left this my the Sunday Blog # 63 The Whole nation of Pakistan and Pakistanis around the World and most of the Cricketing World was in a very joyous festive mood because of the Icc Cricket Champions Tropy or #CT17 final win of Pakistan Team . And today when i am back here for This the Sunday Blog # 64 Most of the Muslim World is again in the festive mood as the Eid Moon has been sighted which is under 1 % waxing even at this hour Anyways . We here in Karachi still have our Last Roza to keep which means another nineteen hours or so of Pure Blessings of  All Mighty Allah and the Devil in chains wishing and hoping Image may contain: 1 person

So Other Then the Sad and tragic JumatulWida before the JIT summoning and appearance of Mariam Baji's Husband Saturday the week was going smooth towards the most peaceful ramzan in this land of the Pure But Senator Rehman Malik Saab famous for such incident warnings appeared as an ex FIA  DG Only GOD knows how or why and every thing went haywire . Image may contain: 1 personImage may contain: 1 personImage may contain: text

1:14 am Break ( 343 words)

1:56 am Image may contain: food

Image may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: food
Image may contain: food

People usually Pray for the things they may have or want to have in their lives in this last week of Ramzan . I Wanted to thank only for the thing i have and a few impossibles that i got this year .
I really Don't think there is enough time left before sehri of the last and final roza  of this Ramzan 1438 to  brag about all . But One thing that i really wanted to Thank All Mighty Allah very much is the Finally joining of Facebook by my dear elder Brother . yes it is true after a few jumps on the rough bumps on the runway we are now on the taxiway Smooth Honestly i couldn't have done this without the help of IPP  a big thumps up ! No automatic alt text available.

This was the year when me and my very dear siblings are coming back to life after the untimely and sudden death of my dearly Departed Ammi ( May her soul rest in peace in Heaven Amen !) a full three years ago this week . Most of my siblings now love themselves for having got rid of the excess baggage uncles on a tiny uninhabited station not marked on the map or IATA routes . You wont believe that one of the uncles was monitoring and was deeply pleased by my non recovery on a very daily basis . Another used to check on a weekly basis and then report to a third uncle who would verify the firsts two reports on a regular yearly basis all this for a very small piece of shared property of the grand Father who died almost half a century ago . Anyways during the tour de taravee this Ramzan going solo against teams i realised we may have missed an uncle or two but not to worry the All Mighty Allah is beneficent and merciful . Amen !Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, text

2:44 am Break (653 words)

3:41 am I believe i have done the Last Sehri Supper of the Ramzan 1438 with this Image may contain: foodImage may contain: food
Image may contain: food

the drink contains lemon juice , rooh afzah and tukhmarian or basil seeds . This week i had too much red meat and Oily stuff and No walk at all so hopefully this drink may help God Willing .

Whenever i used to say to Ammi ( may her soul rest in peace in heaven Amen !) " akhir main kya hoga ?
She would instantly reply with this verse ..." Pulao khayenge ahbab fateha hogi "

Tooth Brush time before the sehri time ends 

4:03 am Break ( 747 words) 

4:40 am 
Dua (Prayer) at the Beginning of the Fast 
  وَبِصَوْمِ غَدٍ نَّوَيْتُ مِنْ شَهْرِ رَمَضَانَ
Wa bisawmi ghadinn nawaiytu min shahri ramadan
I intend to keep the fast for tomorrow in the month of Ramadan

Okay so i have made it to the last Roza fast with this prayer about half an hour ago and also prayed the Fajr prayer of the day . I hope all sawab ( reward) of this fasting in this month of ramzan except for the non transferable sawab may be equally shared between my dearly departed Parents ( may Their Souls rest in peace in Heaven Amen!)

My eyes are closing already and i was wishing to do too at least fifteen hundred words before i go to sleep because i have promised my sister that i will go the market and bring the stuff today that she wanted yesterday and she agreed because she is more concerned of the heat Neck rash that i have developed the day the taravee prayer ended for me . 

Heat Rash

Heat rashes are a prominent cause of a neck rash. This type of rash occurs from excessive perspiration during hot weather. Normally, perspiration evaporates on its own, but under harsh environmental conditions, perspiration can trap under the skin and cause the sweat glands to clog. Itchy or prickly skin, red bumps, inflammation and reduced sweating of the affected area can occur from clogged sweat glands. Young children and those who work in hot work environments develop a heat rash most often, but the condition can affect anyone. Common sites for heat rashes to develop include the neck and upper chest, elbows and under the breasts. Wearing lightweight clothing and avoiding ointments that can block the pores can assist in preventing a heat rash.
Could be the chicken stock ( yakhni) i took to fight the weapons of mass destruction on the last days . Anyways if there hasn't been a Airconditioning in the mosque this year i would have not survived this or that caused by the hot temperature . So i believe a special thanks and prayer for the Unknown donors is in order . Amen ! 
5:44 AM
Sunday, 25 June 2017 (GMT+5)
Sunrise in Karachi

5:28 am Break ( 1111 words)

12:28 pm Shocked ! 
I have been trying to get up and get out of the bed since 10:00 am and now i ask Why ?
Why Did i gave up my sweet dream to wake up to this nightmare ? 
Anyways here is my first tweet of the day

1 minute ago

Sun 29th Ramzan 1438
Partly cloudy hot and dry no wind . Humanity Burns in Bahawalpur Punjab Thank God we have an Army . Eid tomorrow 🙃

..Image may contain: text

Okay nobody on the skype so i believe the moto gang must be celebrating Eid with shereeni in london . Good !

ورنہ یہ تیز دُھوپ تو چُھبتی ہمیں بھی ہے
ہم چُپ کھڑے ہُوئے ہیں کہ تُو سائباں میں ہے
I don't understand why people say i have no words to express and then keep tweeting all day long and for the days to come . People like myself who think that social media is now their life and bread gets butter with such incidents . we get a very good chance to express our anger and hurts even get to communicate or get in touch with old buddies by likes and shares of the breaking news and videos and clips of the dreadful tragic horrible shameful incident the lack of save and rescue service and stolen resources by the powerful . and here ofcourse the anger will be pointed towards the Motoo gang and the Punjab government . As you can see the Army is doing the rescue operation and not the civillian agencies . and how can we blame the lower cadre officers of the punjab government who may be on eid holidays off to their respective towns and villages when the Chief and his family is in London leaving the whole nation and even some near and dear ones too deep in oil . They say that an oil tanker over turned spilling oil i don't understand the narrow lanes on the ground was it a crop field or a dhobi ghaat ( a washer man's ground ) anyways so the poor villagers rushed to collect or save the oil or may be to save their field or ghaat and when many people gathered the tanker or the oil caught fire instantly burning over a hundred people to death and another over hundred with very critical burns . The injured are now being shifted to the near army hospitals but for the burned bodies i have no clue how they will be recognised . according to my knowledge and belief there are no DNA sampling facilities available in Punjab and even if there were atleast not on this large scale and also remember that most of the forensic department of the punjab govenment must be on eid holidays away to their native towns and villages . Now you know why the Honorable Prime Minister of Pakistan and his family wants flats in London or bought properties abroad . They must have heard the slogan " Pakistan se Zinda Bhaag !!" 
Well every rich and famous with loads of money in pakistan has properties in london and abroad But i don't understand why Motu gang had to take it through the Panama canal ...Extremely Silly !!
Anyways now it seems the hell fire is on the loose so may it be Pakistan or London or Panama canal there is no escape for them never . And even though most such tragedies are often forgotten in few days but there is no guarantee that this hell fire will let the people of Punjab forget at the election time next year . Only if the elections are engineered like always the sharif brothers can survive barely with a simple majority . they could definitely not win a land slide even with china and russia and India on their back . So lets see if the dear merciful Lord wants to save pakistan or punish pakistanis for chosing such leaders and govenment . Amen !

Ah finally the telenor is up got its air back reminding of the Zuhr prayer time at 1:52 pm Thank you ! today when i got up its every day especially during this ramzan that when i get up i check my mobile before or after washing the face more often before washing and find atleast one message and 2 missed calls from the commerical spamming department of telenor . I used to pick up their calls and have a lovely chat with their call centres hoping to hear a different accent then their usual but now i am done so i usually ignore it but it is very sad that they even use the non commercial helpline to wake me up some times . Anyways i have to go for zuhr prayer no i am not going to the mosque its too hot or was too hot an hour ago so first i go and check if the weather is any better now or not and then i wazoo for the namaz at home . will be back after this zuhr namaz break . 
London waloun mana lo mano lo eid tumhara din hai na aaj ...O zalima ...

2;16 pm Break ( 2028 words)

3;47 pm

No need to wait in long lines to get a good old haircut. This Eid, Careem brings you Naayi On Demand! 

Simply choose our Naayi Car type and have a barber at your doorsteps for free! 

- Customers will have to pay the barber directly for the services. Charges may vary.
- All payments must be in cash
- Valid for 25 June onlyNo automatic alt text available.

Amazing my heat neck rash is almost gone Thank  God ! I don't really think it was just a heat neck rash must have something to do with all the cooking in my head anyways i will try to be more careful from now .

Okay so  Here we are at almost the end of Ramzan believe me there are so many iftar items that are going through my mind right now because it is after all the last iftar this ramzan and who knows whats going to happen next ramzan or where i might be the next ramzan or even if i would be able to fast or not the next ramzan . my guess is that the press gang must have by now realised that wasting a few years was not in their favour i am still not very eager to rush to queue at the passport office. And talking of press gang this week the famous deja Vu female film producer announced a sequel to the famous family blockbuster i am sorry i forget the name anyways the famous deja vu female film producer is also named Fiza Ali so now when ever i mention Fiza Ali in any of my Blogs or This the Sunday Blogs please wait and check if i also mention Eidi wali or qurashi wali as they say show business is no business of you wasiq get lost !! Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people standing and text
Yesterday after isha i was watching Fiza Ali eidi wali play turn the lucky wheel and win game for the rahim store and this healthy family with a kid won two value meals of KFC instead of a Umra ticket . well actually they have won the ticket in the first go but she kept it to herself and gave then another chance to try their luck for the Bumper prize sweet of her. Haven't seen such a lucky family in the entire game show ever . I am sure they could affort multiple umra tickets themself  and it was just a game show . But Why ? was it the Kid ? Image may contain: 2 people, people standing
No this was not that family but they also won the KFC Value meals on the last and final Ramzan Eidi Show with Fiza Ali Eidi wali not in this picture at all . Image may contain: 1 person
oh there she is with the value meals . Saturday and Friday night this week .Image may contain: 2 people, people standing and text
So here we are only less then half an hour left before the regular turkish soap kaala paisa pyar or kara para ask Image may contain: 1 person, text

I still believe i should have not watched this serial i was only for the strong Villian character that has kept me watching this serial at very odd hours especially this Asr namaz time since past few months was absolutely crazy of me to keep going on and on wasting my time glued to the tv While the people of my neighbourhood and town got out of the massive badtareen traffic jams dozens of times .

Talking of traffic jams . This is probably the first eid after my uncle passed way last october so technically i should visit his house on eid day But i don't think i would find anybody there because they have all moved to america or US to be on the safe side in case the Trump Muslim Travel Ban takes effect with immediate effect and the poor smuggler states judiciay stops interfering any time . At least that's what i have been told so this and a few more stringent security measures will save me this eid from the regular and special JIT's . Lucky Wheels and Happy Meals La la lala la laa!!!Image may contain: 1 person

4:55 pm Break (2692 words )

6:30 pm Okay so some satellite trouble because some channels on cable have no signals which includes CNN , BBC and af course the URDU1 so there was no turkish soap episode today . instead or maybe on purpose the PTV Sports was showing live Pak vs SA  Match pakistan played well and scored 206 runs in 50 overs clap clap . All the Best ! 

So its Sunday and in an hour the eid transmission will take over so there is very little chance of me ever watching this episode on television . If only i knew this was going to happen i could have catchup on some sleep 5-6:30 pm . Anyways these things happen Yesterday when set down to watch the other turkish soap serial they power went off and i was cursing them for the next fifteen minutes but when we got the power back i realised it was Saturday night and that is an only Mon to Fri show Ha ha ! felt very embarassed as to why i did not remember ...

okay the smells from kitchen are really unbearable Thank God this is the last iftar today . And i have prayed the last namaz asr of Ramzan . I had full namaz this month mostly at home but full with sunnat and nafils within specific prescribed time . No kaza . Thank you dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah .

This my the Sunday Blog # 64 and all the other Sunday Blogs his Ramzan were much easier i believe sunday blog during fast is cool . I think i should fast on other sundays as well during the Sunday Blogs . I hope the jews don't get scared because of my fasting regularly on sundays .

..This is the fastest Sunday Blog this ramzan as i have reached the three thousand words mark on the words counter before seven pm which is quite amazing and even if i waste few more hours after the iftar or go out shopping which i really don't think is necessary at all because i don't need anything from the market today . And nobody does breakfast on eid day with the usual eggs and bread so i have so many more hours to blog tonight . Now the only thing is that if we are going to have the power and net . Even if i use the battery and data net of telenor . The weather is still very hot and i cannot sit here with a fan for a moment . my heat neck rash could revive with the sweating if i sit without fan . And that would be aweful very bad . So If that happens i will have to sacrifice and end this My the Sunday Blog # 64 where ever it is when that happens .

The Sindh Government has impossed section 144 bans swimming in the sea and gathering and any other recreational activity will be ban . People of Karachi are free to stay at home and watch Dr Aamir liaqat dance . There are many china copies of him as well if you don't like to see him dance . One is almost glued to the chair cum sofa masha Allah ! Jazak Allah !

Okay it the final farewall from ramzan Thank you every one ! May Allah Bless you All and May Allah bless and forgive my dearly departed parents May their souls rest in Peace in Heaven Amen !

7:16 pm Iftar Break ( 3260 words)

1st Shawal 1438
8:32 pm Moon Sighted Tomorrow Eid ! Image may contain: flower, plant and natureImage may contain: plant, flower, nature and outdoorImage may contain: plant, flower, nature and outdoorImage may contain: fruit and foodImage may contain: food and indoorImage may contain: foodImage may contain: food
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Okay so this routine will probably end here immediately and now the Dinner time will be dinner time and lunch time will be lunch or Brunch mostly brunch . Anyways the only english rose today in my rose plants is brighter and fuller than most recent ones . So it must be a special occassion . The Cat has also brougth a mouse or shrew so it must be a special occassion definitely . So now all the dusting and cleaning all day seems futile as the search and destroy mission will have to begin anytime soon . This stink of a dead mouse is not going away on its own . 

عَدُوٌّ مُّبِينٌ. کھلا پھر رہا ہو اور ---- چندہ چندہ کرے تو کہاں کی عید اور کیسی عید 

The difference between the Lads team from pakistan and the Boyz cut team is very clear on a day like today even the english lads gave up the semi final very easy ... WellDone keep it up and now the pony tails are could win here.... okay i am closing down to watch the final over don't miss me if they win Bye

9:18 pm Break (3481 words) 

10:18 pm Well it was already over by the time i switched on the television . anyways playing an international match on day when the nation is in a state of shock and grief is always very difficult you know I would never expect such a brilliant performance from any team from anywhere in the world . Welldone  Congratulations ladies ! And Best of Luck all the way ...! 

So now i have just an hour and a half . and the karachi Electric is not interested in a shut down so i don't want to make an excuse of Chaad raat or any thing . I want to finish this my the Sunday Blog with the highest possible words count in the twilight zone .

Okay before the start of Ramzan that is two Sunday Blogs before ramzan in my the Sunday Blog # 58 i give a list of all the things i plan to not do in ramzan a kind of self imposed restrictions and prohibitions other than the ordained or mandatory and here is that list from my the sunday blog # 58 as it is ...:
 So here it is what i have decided for ramzan . Besides the ordained and prescribed fasting and praying for the whole month of ramzan i will give up few of bad habits and prohibitions etc just for the blessings and favours of the All Mighty Allah . Such as
Smoking: No tobacco , acid, weed , cocaine, charas , shesha,
Drinking  : Vodka No No No
Sex : Intercourse or oral . RC, Parsees and Buckshee Please take a vacation to goa or mauritius anywhere but here .
Movies : I will avoid the free pirated downloads from net and indian sites .
Television : a Complete boycott of ARY Network Ramzan Transmission .
Commerials : Will Skip all Bahria town commercials within 5 seconds or less
Songs : No Junaid Jamshed Songs or Amjad sabri Show performances .
Food : Non Halal food . Free Delivery by Chinese parosans , or takeaway from untrusted food establishments .
Donations : To All and Sundry . Beggers that disturb prayers , sleep  , eating and Shopping . This also include travel and traffic pathways .

Yes ! 
i did it ! Thankyou all once again for your help and support throughout this past month of Ramzan . God Bless You ! 

Okay so after i finish this my the sunday Blog # 64 tonight at the mid night or just before the mid night i will lie down for a little while and then for a little while more and probably be up for fajr prayer . After fajr prayer if i prayed at home then i will lie down for a little while more . and then i will get ready for the Eid Namaz from there i may visit the graveyard to say salaam and fateha at my dearly departed parents ( May their souls rest in peace in Heaven Amen!) graves and then i will come home eat and fall asleep till zuhr or later . I will try my best to not miss the regular namaz this week and especially during the three days of eid .
I have not decided yet what to wear for the eid prayer because what ever i wear will be soaked in sweat by the time i come back from the graveyard in this hot and sunny weather . Fasting on Eid day is Haraam urdu wala which means forbidden prohibitted . It is allowed from the next day of Eid and some people like my dear maternal grand mother use to keep fast for the six days of shasha eid . I have also tried it few times . But i am not sure about this time . In order to survive against the weapons of mass destruction flu virus from coming in contact with so many strangers of different categories i had to let go of the total control of the digestive system and sometimes eat what was best for the war of the respiratory system but now i want the control of the digestive system first so for that i will be eating more for a few day and drinking less . Because of fasting during the day and losing a lot of water in perspiration twenty four hours i drank a lot of water from iftar to sehri which i usually don't drink that i am sure is the main reason of this digestive irregularity . Interesting thing is that this whole month of Ramzan i had pepsi on once on my Happy Birthday may be half a glass from the large bottle . So I think that bringing back Pepsi in regular meals may also help faster . Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, standing and shoes

So the point is that if on the eid day if i did not catch the flu virus and have the digestive system back in full form before the sehri of the second day of eid i may think of keeping the fast Roza of the shasha eid  or Shash Eid . Other wise i am back to the routines . No automatic alt text available.Image may contain: foodImage may contain: food

Okay Enough said its time to say good by and enjoy my kabab roll and think of ways to avoid the Nido vermicellis before going for the eid prayer in the morning . I believe i have crossed the four thousand words count for the first time in months hope i am not offending the five hundred words clan  

Anyways  i still have about a hundred words or more time left  But i don't think its fair anymore so here i leave with a song of a singer who i have no idea where went but he will always be missed here in my heart and mind .... Always !! Insha Allah
Amen !
So its Good Bye and a very happy eid Mubarak to All who survive the Eid Day and also to all the CAIR and ISNA members who may be very busy today making Dollars for sure $$$ if life is good to you on this day then its good if not then blame it on the weather man or better still you guys have the world renowned infamous and notorious Mr President or who ever you chose to blame for all your troubles but always be good to me either way because i really don't care about you . True !

كل عام و انتم بخير

kullu aam wa antum bikhair

Vital Signs Mera Dil Nahi Available junaid jamshed   

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