
Sunday 18 June 2017

The Sunday Blog # 63

Today is the 18th of June 2017 the 22nd of Ramzan 1438 til the Sunset or Iftar (7:24 pm ) . And this is my the Sunday Blog # 63 ( one year + two months and a week  or 53+9+1=63 ) . This is the Fourth (4th) Sunday Blog in Ramzan 1438 which is also the second last Sunday Blog in Ramzan as the Next Sunday blog # 64 will be on Chand Raat Subject to the appearence and Sighting of the Moon . The Next day that is on Monday the 26th could be Eid Day So i am not really sure if i will be here spending the last Roza of this ramzan and then the Chaand Raat sitting here all night and day and then night again the whole twenty four Hours just a day before the eid doing just this My the Sunday Blog . Anyways if for any reason i am not here then a Very Happy Eid Mubarak to All .

So if you are able to read this my the Sunday Blog #63 then this means that i did survive most of the Ramzan 1438 . Amazing isn't it ? All 21 Roza fast are now gone registered and the 22nd nights Tara

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12:20 Light and cable gone

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Okay So where was i oh yes 22nd nights taravee prayer is also finished and i am safely back home without wandering around or checking out the Tariq Road . Here in Karachi it is the greatest fad(an intense and widely shared enthusiasm for something, especially one that is short-lived; a craze.) as if you could become the Prince of Walls by visiting tariq road on any of the unknown nights of the Ramzan Shopping festival . For the Past two decades or more  i have been praying The Taravee Prayers throughout the month of Ramzan in Mosques on Tariq Road . Must have touched all the known and unknown hidden and Power shutdown dark knights of Tariq Road and i am not even the friar of Canterbury tales .

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Sub Words hain Words Dont believe in such things

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So i am losing the Battery power very fast of both the fan and the laptop so i believe that i should take a break now and have the Lunch ...yes ofcourse what would you call the meal after Break Fast Iftar . A midnight Lunch  Sounds so Super natural isn't it ? Filmy Filmy ....

12:57 am Break ( 421 Words )

1:20 am the Power is back Thank God !

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No i usually Don't have Mutton Pulao like this every night in Midnight Lunch . It was the Youm e- Ali ( karam Allah Wajhu ) Fateha . No we are Not Shia minority Muslims OfCourse Not Don't be ....
It was my Dearly Departed Papa's  ( May His Soul Rest in Peace in Heaven Amen!)Tradition he use to offer Fateha on the 21st of Ramzan by the way do you know that it is also the Happy Fathers day today on the 18th of June and my Paternal Grand mother's Death anniversary as well yes this year despite fasting i seems to have gained weight and also the bulging belly its between mulla belly and much less then a bobby belly Anyways  Hopefully after ramzan i will get back in shape by eating less and walking more .
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Image may contain: food

Okay So Today i had the First Sindhri Mangoes of the Season at Iftar And even though i had brushed my teeths many times especially before wadu for the two prayers of the night , i still feel there is a mango fibre stuck in my teeths . This rarely happened with the home grown hundreds of mangoes i had this season and especially during iftar and before sehri in ramzan . Still people call it the king of mangoes and Americans Pay dollars $$ then who i am to complain . I'll Brush or Floss again before sehri . LOLNo automatic alt text available.

1:30 am Break (660 words)

2:52 am So there is still over an hour to go before it time for the new roza fast to begin and Sehri to end at 4:12 am . Sehri time may be non corporal but every morning when it ends we feel it and fear it . yesterday when i was spreading the table cloth on the table for Fateha i realised that the Signs of my Dearly departed Ammi ( May her Soul rest in Peace in Heaven Amen !) are fading away in this house . Her table Clothes most of them have worn out and torned by years of washing . Her treasured crockery and cutlery which by the way we don't use now because we don't dine that way . For the regular dinners and lunches we use the old fading plates and assorted items from different sets easy to wash . We even don't care that some of the prints and stickers have fadded on these plates and dishes . We use them just because we use them as we used to use them as kids meal after meal . I have been using this same plate ever since i started taking food pictures when i got my first camera phone  in 2009 . I have no idea where this plate came from or where is the rest of the set . most probably the whole set is either broken or it came as a sample or with food and never returned . anyways to me everything corporal in this house still reminds me of Ammi and Papa ( May their Souls rest in peace in Heaven Amen ! )  Still i am definitely Sure that erasing Papa's name ( May His Soul rest in peace in Heaven Amen !) and his marks both Corporal and Non Corporal (جسمانی اور غیر جسمانی ) will not be as easy as removing Ammi's ( may her soul rest in peace Amen !) . I am not Sure that after staying awake for over thirteen hours and eat so much and praying and emotionally saddened by so many events and having the power and cable gone again at sehri , i am making any sense or not But as they say the King never dies then how can his taxman die ?  Very very difficult . Anyways its Sehri time definitely so here i take a break

3:46 am Break ( 1049 words )

4:15 am On my way back from the taravee Prayer i bought this Image may contain: foodImage may contain: foodNo automatic alt text available.

Mauka Mauka !!

May the Lord All Mighty Allah give Patience to Karachi Electric (Mushkil hai !)

A very very tough day for ICC and England ...Let it Rain !!

okay Namaz fajr break ...

4:34 am Break ( 1095 words)

5:21 am Yes it is gone passed my usual bed time in ramzan for the passed 21 sunrises i have been sound asleep by 5:00 am But not today . I don't think that i have all day to blog today . It would be much better if go to sleep after the two thousand words for this my the sunday Blog # 63 that way if there is a power and cable shut down or a Nuclear holocaust even then i would be satisfied to have finished with a considerable length of this my the Sunday Blog # 63 . Anyways congratulations to all those Image may contain: one or more people, people standing and indoor

Image may contain: 20 people, people smiling, people standing, child, grass, outdoor and nature

Hope Someday i am also able to enter such competetions Winning is definitely not my type if you ask me honestly Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, text

And talking of London tower does anybody remember the tragedy that befalleth the grenfell tower in the kensington area ? So much Good Shit gone up in smoke so quick ... thankGod i was fasting and sleep .
Grenfell Tower fire
Grenfell Tower fire (wider view).jpg
Grenfell Tower burning, pictured at 04:43 BST, 14 June 2017
Grenfell Tower fire is located in Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea
Grenfell Tower
Grenfell Tower
Grenfell Tower fire (Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea)
Time 00:54 BST (emergency services received first call)
Duration Approximately 24 hours
Date 14 June 2017
Location Grenfell Tower, North Kensington, London, England, United Kingdom
Coordinates 51.5140°N 0.2158°WCoordinates: 51.5140°N 0.2158°W
TQ 238 808
Type Structure fire
Cause Under investigation
Deaths 30 (confirmed)
Non-fatal injuries 74
Missing 58+ (missing but presumed dead, including the 30 confirmed dead)

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Anyways this probably saved the Bangladesh from Rain and ICC trophy . There was no rain in both Semi finals after this Image may contain: text

And the Power and net is shut off again here . So my decision to remain awake was correct at least now i can sleep knowing that " Somebody is Workin'..."Image may contain: 1 person, smilingImage may contain: one or more people, people standing, sky, ocean, twilight and outdoor

So obviously there was no logic in the assassination of the US Congressman who by the way did not die either .
"Nine Eleven was a singular event a once in a lifetime occourance you cannot copy it with a Xerox anytime you want So Help you God "  LOL

Image may contain: 6 people, people standing and suitImage may contain: 7 people, people smiling, people standing and suit

And in the Non resident Pakistani Prime Minister's children case Nobody has the clue as to why Hamza Shahbaz can be the Successor to Mian Saab's Dynasty ? While even the blind can see that khan saab cancer wala is being grommed to step into his shoes the day he steps out or the forces of nature choose . Anyways i have no problem whether he stays in or goes out and i really don't care about the money . thats the very good thing about me .

Talking about Money in this Month of Ramzan there are two kinds of People in my near and far family . One who Give donations in charity and two who Collect donations for Charities and i am not in any one of those . Sooner or later i may regret this but atleast not this year .Image may contain: 1 person

Okay its almost an hour passed after Sunrise 5:43 am so i believe i should or i must take a break here and see if i can enjoy the smoke free cool Sunday Morning after Sunrise here in the most rapidly growing Cities and also the Most dangerous cities of the world to live in . If i did and did not fall asleep soon then i might try to complete the self imposed task of finishing the two thousand words on the words counter before going to sleep during this my the Sunday Blog # 63 in this month of Ramzan when the devil is supposed to be in chains But on the other hand i feel more in chains and helpless then the devil himself may be feeling right now . My purpose in life is very clear . I donot want fame and fortune for myself , no rewards or awards from anyone , person or institution . all i want is that someday and some way the devil himself fed gravel murmur even if it is for a very minute fraction of a nano second " Wasiq you Son of B**** !! "
after that i really don't care or think about that at all .Image result

7:01 am Break ( 1767 words )

2:00 pm yes i am up and prayeuhar prayer and here is the first tweet of the day

Sun 22nd Ramzan 1438
when a mother any mother dies she dies alone But when the mother in Law of a Waring bride dies the game dies with her Happy #Fathersday
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Oh my God its Sunny no not here in karachi here we have the same weather partly cloudy i am talking about the Oval in england oh a thunder storm is around well that's good news . Because i believe that if you come to the final with Duckworth and lewis method then you have every right to win with Duckworth and lewis method 

Okay so if Pakistan loses today we will know for sure what happened out there in the oval dressing room . So lets move on and keep praying for Bahria town Farm house . Believe it or not my neighbourhood is also fast becoming a near farm land . We have animals roaming around on the streets and you can dig anywhere at all , people are turning to good clean and in free supply boring and wells water from the ground and the charpai and dera looks at every nook and corner where  armed or unarmed guards are present to greet you with a dreadful grin and the twisting of mustaches . The Saein circus in front of our main gate which has been missing without a trace lor almost a month now seems to have started to show the signs of an early come back . How wishfully naive of me to believe they are gone for good . Must be a last ditch effort to create some kind of soft corner aloof comminication between me and the residue residents of their building . Mann i love behavioural psychology and the never ending never giving up resolve of the definitely unknown through the perfect strangers and familiars . Alas my continued Blogging will definitely dry-out their research and annalysis funding very soon . It has always been a two way street except for the funding so chances are that i may or maybe not miss most of the new clear tests and instills and especially the Spurs ...Ouch !

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3:21 pm Break (2131 words)

4:41 pm Surprizingly today on the Happy Father's day my rose plants are active . There is a desi rose also has a rose bud to open soon then in the english rose plants there are many new rose buds which suggest a full rosy picture week ahead  till eid not sure what happens after the rain . Image may contain: plant, flower and natureImage may contain: plant, flower and natureImage may contain: plant and natureImage may contain: plant, flower and natureImage may contain: plant, flower, nature and outdoorImage may contain: plant, nature and outdoorImage may contain: plant, nature and outdoor

okay time for Image may contain: 1 person

4:56 pm Break ( 2192 words)

7:02 pm Okay the Soap watched , Match watched 339 is the target for india and they are two down already . Okay the Bookies are playing tough this time ... ,
Asr prayer prayed and Grand Mothers fateha offer ... its really tough to sit around the table with food and get up without touching it . Mann we are trained hard . All credit goes to My Dearly Departed Parents Papa and Ammi ( May Their Souls rest in Peace in Heaven Amen!) Image may contain: foodImage may contain: foodNo automatic alt text available.Image may contain: table, food and indoorImage may contain: food and indoor

Image may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: food
Image may contain: food

Okay so the gabrustaan ka mali or the undertaker is also here just to remind us or warn us not sure ...LOL

7:18 pm Iftar time Break ( 2293 words)

23rd Ramzan 1438
7:55 pm Good Evening ! Image may contain: food

Okay iftar is done and the 22nd roza fast is over now we are in the 23rd night of Ramzan and taravee prayer of the 26th para or Part of Quran soon . Monday to Sunday only seven days of ramzan are left now . Iteqaf or seclusion prayers begin two nights ago on the 21st of ramzan . On the far ends of the mosque halls they make temporary cubicals with curtains to give privacy for the people who chose to sit there and pray away from a family life and other worldly affairs . Its a very tough thing may the lord almighty Allah accept their worship of this ten days of ramzan . Yesterday a person nearby was coughing very hard probably spraying and spreading the germs as well so i was wondering if it was possible people like these should be qurantined in a iteqaf cubical infact they should have the decency to save others from their germs . Insha Allah . This year most of the Chair bearers have compromised and chose to park their rickshaws or chairs in the extreme left or right corners . Soon these germs or the weapons of Mass destruction carriers and spreader will also realise what is good and right . Insha Allah . Amen !Image may contain: one or more people and people standingImage may contain: 1 person

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This was one of the most sweet mango looking keri (raw mango ) i have ever tasted in my life.. Ah i will miss my home grown keri (raw mango ) green looking Sweet mangoes . Praiseth The Lord All Mighty Allah !

Okay so i have very little time left for today The Cricket Match is almost over with 6 wickets down the Armed Guards must be getting their pump ups and themselves pumped up for the end of the Match Aerial Firing ...Please please dear friends remove all your dear wives and children from balconies and rooftops or any open places or even near windows on higher floors of the building . Its been quite some time since they got to exhale . People going for taravee prayers should instruct some elder in the house or in the neighbourhood to make sure nobody is in the open space near the firing squads or the unruly youth celebrating . Thankyou . 

its very good that indian fans are leaving the stadium now  But i believe the security must make sure they are not puncturing the cars of Pakistan Fans on their way out . England has not been the very safest of places recently you never know ...

okay its really the time for me to go . i will try to come once more after taravee but cannot promise .

8:42 pm Break ( 2728 words)

11:21 pm Yes i am have survived the 23rd night's taravee prayer of Para or part 26 and surah 51 almost .

So this is the last Sunday Blog which will be about Ramzan i hope the next Sunday Blog will be about Eid or the happenings around the world . This Ramzan was okay Because i did not catch the flu or fall to any other virus . or even non virus illness . Did not go out much nor had many Chaapas . The New Security detail made it very clear that irritants and buntee and bubbly types are not welcome . By Buntee and Bubbly i mean non related because in our very fursaat Ganj type family there is definitely no chance of a Buntee and Bubbly production . Absolutely impossible . First you have to have real serious love to have such kind of relation . People here don't make love they only make children and then live dreadfully depressed for the rest of their lives . Anyways it does not concern me at all .
By the Way there was an intell about a chaapa yesterday . I thought it was for today But we had no chaapa today must have been aborted due to the changed circumstances ... LOL

Anyways it is time to say GoodBye and end this my the Sunday Blog # 63 . I  have to Hurry Because Nobody has eaten Lunch yet they must be waiting for me to finish and come . I have brought Nan So it must be getting cold as well so before some body shuts down the  net  here is the really final end of this my the Sunday Blog # 63 with one of my very favorite ghazal sung by an all time favorite Singer. Enjoy ! .

Oh My God I made it to the Three Thousand Words on the Words Counter without extract postings or Words meaning both in english and urdu . I am so Happy Today . So till next week or Next Sunday which ever comes first or is appropriate to say ....its Allah Hafiz .

Shakila Khurasani - Ab Kise Chahen   

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