
Monday 26 June 2017

Eid ul Fitr Day 1

4:45 am Fajr
5:10 am Sleep
6:35 am wake up still in bed
6:45 am out of bed
7:10 am getting ready
7:30 am Fateha

7:45 am left for Mosque
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7:55 am sitting and listening to imam saab speaking
7: 58 am Power gone Airconditioning and fans off
8:15 am Eid Prayer
8:35 am to qabrustanImage may contain: sky and outdoor
9:00 am shopping
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9:30 am returned
9:35 am First Eidi
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9:45 am first chaapa
9:58 am first Missed Call

10:45 am Tea Image may contain: food

11:00 am Net Image result for tweetGood morning, Wasiq!
It'll be hot today in Karachi. The forecast shows a high of 35°.
See more

12:00 Noon Sleep
1:00 pm Change of Bed
1:05 pm More Eidi
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3:55 pm wake up
4:05 pm Hot water in cold tap ( All the King's Super Heroes could Not stop this Burning ...)
4:10 pm Zuhr Namaz
4:30 pm Lemon with rooh afzaah drink . Surprizingly No Heat Neck Rash . No enhancement or reoccuring despite this heat .

5:15 pm Lunch
Image may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: food
5:40 pm Asr namaz
5:55 pm Tea
6:00 pm Net
7:30 pm Maghrib Namaz
8:00 pm Facebook Meetup
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9:00 pm Isha Namaz
9:30 pm SupperImage may contain: food

9:45 pm Sleep

11:49 pm missed call from unknown telenor number

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