
Sunday 28 May 2017

The Sunday Blog # 60

Today is the 28th of May 2017 the 1st of Ramzan 1438 till sunset (7:15 pm) and this is my the Sunday Blog # 60 .

Yes We are in Ramzan  the Holy Month of Eating and Shopping . The Only month in our islamic life that is so loved by the Yahood O Nasara . 

Some muslims also love it but not as much as them 

Anyways , Today or should i no must i say yesterday that is on Saturday after sunset Begin the Ramzan Without the sighting of the Moon as it was already a 30 day shaban the month before ramzan as the moon was too young to be sighted in an all over the country cloudy weather at the Sunset on the 29th of Shaban 1438 .
So after the regular Maghrib prayer the first in the holy Month of Ramzan came the the regular Isha Prayer which was followed by the special taravee prayer . Now The Taravee Prayer  a Sunna prayer . 20 rakats of prayer in 2+2 break of a minute or two then 2+ 2 then break of a minute or two this goes on till the twenty is complete . Every Night the Imam or the Prayer Leader recite one para or part out of thirty para or parts of the the Holy Quran plus a quarter of the next para or Part so that the whole thirty Parts or Paras are finished on the 29th night of ramzan  or earlier . Anyways so Tonight in the Cool and Bright House of my Dear Lord the Ramzan Begin on a very sad Note . Our very Dear Qari saab gave up the leading the Taravee Prayers and reciting for a new qari saab . He sighted Some personal health issues and excused himself . I hope it has nothing to do with the excessive number of korean water dispensers seen all over the mosques . The Electical appliances Business is very good and profitable . Anyways Good Luck !!

After the Taravee Prayer i had my morning walk Image may contain: night and outdoorImage may contain: night, sky and outdoor

And returned home before the midnight where this was waiting for me Image may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: food

so i had to taste it because cooking in this hot weather is not easy if somebody takes the trouble for you then you must show some interest or they will stop cooking and you will have to eat the unknown ingredients and recipe food take away which is very bad these days as you cannot trust anyone other then yourself or the near and dear ones who you trust to never compromise on good and healthy food and ingredients  .

The Cable Broad Band is giving trouble tonight so i have to use the alternative and keep checking the MB counter as if the taxi meter is running at full Speed . During PSP MayorShip reign here in karachi all taxi meter were removed and they were allowed to do as they please and ask or demand whatever taxi fare they desire . I never Understood Why ? Why ?  Anyways after the Rapid Bus Transit System the Rickshaws will auto matically disappear i hope so as they say in urdu ....Na rahe ga baans na rahe gi Baansuri Meaning "No Bamboo no Flute "

Okay its 2:26 am and i have crossed the first Five Hundred Words on the words Counter and my eyes are blurred (دھندلاپن)blurred
  1. unable to see or be seen clearly.

    "blurred vision"
"the blurred distinctions between childhood and adulthood"
    not clear or distinct; hazy.

      but i don't want to sleep till sehri and fajr prayer and yet there is no way i could continue this my the Sunday Blog # 60 . No need to remind that This my the Sunday Blog # 60 means 53 ( one year + seven weeks or seven Blogs ) almost fourteen Months of very religously doing this my the Sunday Blog without a fail or leave of absence . Never kneeling down to the very different and varied kinds of pressures and distractions . Usually i shutdown the net and mobile on the 28th of may to celebrate the 28th of may but today despite the troublng cable net i chose to
      do this my the Sunday Blog # 60 and also use the net and mobile phone and you know why ? Because giving up is easy so it better be for some thing very very impossible and not just a blast from the past

      And talking of the Blast reminds us of the Final Budget of Mr Ishaq Dar the Finance Minister as the genral elections nears . It is still not clear if he will be allowed to contest the next general elections or not or if the next general elections will be held or not and when But he sure has ruined our economy to almost beyond repair point . Image may contain: 1 person, text

      There is no way we will have a national integration and a sense of fairness and equality among the citizens from different parts of the country . The Urban Jungle his wrong policies  have created and lack of relief to the common people is making the lives of every person living in major cities unbearable almost torture especially here in karachi people hate him and his friends so much that if he sets out to fill the daaman (skirt) of some people with a tagari (pan) full of ten rupee coins they would hate him and his friends even more . So help him God ! 

      Okay its almost Sehri ( "Pre-dawn meal before a day-long fast" may be a way to explain it in EnglishSehri(from seher, Urdu meaning morning) is an Islamic cultural practice with a name derived from one of the languages spoken by Muslims.)

      Time here so lets see if anybody is up and willing or if i will have to do it alone anyways . My dearly departed Ammi (May her Soul rest in peace in Heaven Amen !) used to get up first even in her last years of life when she gave up keeping the fast due to illness and old age and diabetes and etc etc and start calling us and would ring bells , call on phone or get up and go to the doors of who ever did not wake and knock . she (May her soul rest in peace in heaven Amen !) is the only reason i have and will fast for as long as i can fast . I wish and Pray that two thirds of the sawab (Sawāb or Thawāb (Arabic: ثواب‎‎) is an Arabic term meaning "reward". Specifically, in the context of an Islamic worldview, thawab refers to spiritual merit or reward that accrues from the performance of good deeds and piety.)

      of every fast ( roza) i keep throughout my life be added to her ( May her soul rest in peace in Heaven Amen!) account of Sawab . Amen !s . 

      This Must be the fastest or earliest thousand words in the history of this my the Sunday Blogs

      anyways Astronomical twilight tonight or morning is 4: 16 am the more God Fearing can stop eating or Backbiting few minutes earlier no problem . have to sleep  after  fajr prayer so its Good night from me . Image may contain: 2 people, people standing

      3:22 Break (1160 words)

      12:40 pm Good Morning ! or Good Noon ! 

      First Tweet of the day 

      Sun 1st Ramzan 1438

      okay its afternoon the actual morning mood was horrible because of power breakdown during sehri Ramzan mubarak 2All

      Image may contain: foodImage may contain: food
      So the Sehri was the same Nulli qeema as posted above will probably post the picture later with iftar pictures if i had the power and net . The tall claims of power company (not sure who owns it now and who runs the affairs and decisions ) and the Governments of Pakistan and Sindh have gone to waste as the power was shut down today at 3: 50 am stopping the microwave maybe they did not want the bone marrow in my qeema plate to melt . The Super scientists know that eating cold bone marrow affects my throat . and then the mosquitoes wil do the rest . So the challenge must have increased after i survived the sneezing and coughing by staying out of the Airconditioned Hall jam packed . The First and the Last day khatam of taravee is usually larger than regular . gradually decreases as the markets open for night shopping or nite cricket begins early .  Ya it was really fun thinking and believing that  i totally survived the first night without getting infected with the weapons of mass destruction what a total waste of the night . Well i maybe wrong but airconditioning does not help the carriers and spreaders of germs . They cannot stand for two hours and do their job the longer they stay their chances of getting Pneumonia( Pneumonia is an inflammatory condition of the lung affecting primarily the microscopic air sacs known as alveoli.[4][13] Typical signs and symptoms include a varying severity and combination of productive or dry cough, chest pain, fever, and trouble breathing, depending on the underlying cause.[2]
      Pneumonia is usually caused by infection with viruses or bacteria and less commonly by other microorganisms, certain medications and conditions such as autoimmune diseases.[4][5] Risk factors include other lung diseases such as cystic fibrosis, COPD, and asthma, diabetes, heart failure, a history of smoking, a poor ability to cough such as following a stroke, or a weak immune system.[6] Diagnosis is often based on the symptoms and physical examination. Chest X-ray, blood tests, and culture of the sputum may help confirm the diagnosis.[7] The disease may be classified by where it was acquired with community, hospital, or health care associated pneumonia.[14]  

      increases . So i will have to care more about my strength this ramzan . Last year i had more chicken stock then Pepsi infact no Pepsi if i remember correctly . But this year they have infected the chickens with body stiffing virus So even if i survived the flu virus with excessive use of chicken Stock or Soups i may not be able to go to the mosque and pray infact move at all . 
      Another Challenge this ramzan  is to get enough sleep when it is needed to be able to stay focused and be able to think straight as they say it . Its really very difficult because i am not a straight thinker by birth and nobody can change it while i am on my down ward path ignoring the little people and collecting the regenerative diseases and losing the five senses . I have already had six hours of sleep today . So i guess there is no need to sharpen my wits and the narcissistic or Sarcastic knives today But anyways everybody has to do his/her job and make dollars Not everybody is as Lucky as i am to have so many people wishing well and the malevolent unable to see or understand How ?  LOLImage may contain: 1 person, standing and suit

      Okay its time for the Zuhr Prayer . So i have to take a Break here . 

      1:46 pm Break ( 1779 words) 

      4:17 okay so there is power and water and net . and very little time left for the first roza to end . I don't need to go for shopping but i can if somebody asked or needed something . There is date and milk and fruits everything we need for iftar . Praiseth the Lord . Amen ! 
      It is my dearly departed Ammi 's ( May her Soul rest in Peace in Heaven Amen ! )  ( i don't understand that karwat karwat Jannat prayer . Amen! ) Third Death Anniversary tomorrow . I cannot believe everybody survived the past three years especially the ones who were dying before her . I slipped twice in the past three years but survived the bruises heeled quickly except the toe nail which is still not normal and sometimes hurts . over all my health has been good and nothing to worry . The intake or need for medicines remained very minimum . Did not visit or was taken to a hospital or clinic for checkup . Strange isn't it ? . No new addictions except this my the Sunday Blogs. or watching the new released Movies or the popular onces i missed . From bunty sharma to Sarkar 3  it has been a very long journey . Fifty Shades got darker in this period But my grey remained the same . Sometimes when i take the selfies after shampoo in wet hairs that grey streak looks awesome . like the orange colour on top of biryani before mixing . later on when the hairs are all dry they look shiny grey and not black at all . This phenomenon is getting weird by the day so scared that i changed shampoo and even stopped using it for sometime . No change . Never cared about the color of the hair as long as i have hairs to tease the bald and beautiful Nothing else matters . especially when there is so many shades of blonde colors available . I am seriously thinking of getting my hairs colored some day soon . 

      Okay time for the kaala paisa pyar ...the turkish soap serial no no i am not watching it for roza bhela ing ...that is some very serious criminal education related to my passion in life ... so got to go . 

      5:03 pm ( 2139 Words) 

      2nd Ramzan 1438
      8:05 pm Good Evening !

      Yes the first roza is over we break it very softly and gently with this Image may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: dessert and foodImage may contain: food

      okay so the Net is not helping and there is very little time left before i leave for the next isha and taravee . I think i will have to edit this my the sunday blog after taravee till sehri but honestly there is no need because i am already over two thousand words and going towards two thousand and five hundred words on the words counter .
      Since this ramzan has began on the 28th of May 2017 the next ramzan may start on the 18th of may 2018 . This is probably the last ramzan in karachi when people are praying more for water and Power  and cool weather . Anyways Thanks to All Mighty Allah there is no shortage of anything here . and there is nothing to worried infact we should be celebrating today because Hussain nawaz (JIT had sent a notice to Hussain Nawaz for appearing before the probe team.
      Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s son had earlier Hussain Nawaz has refused to appear before the JIT citing reservations over two of its members.
      It is pertinent to mention that the JIT decided to summon Hussain Nawaz to inquire about Sharif Family’s assets in London and Qatar.
      In order to interrogate Nawaz Sharif, sources said, the JIT has drawn up list of questions, mostly regarding tax returns of London flats.
      Hussain Nawaz filed an application in the apex court expressing his reservations over two JIT members – Amer Aziz and Bilal Rasool, who respectively represent the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) and the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP).
      The Supreme Court had admitted his application of hearing and will take it up on May 29, after which the JIT will quiz Hussain Nawaz.
      The committee’s other members include Irfan Naeem Mangi (NAB), Brigadier Muhammad Nauman Saeed (ISI), Brigadier Kamran Khurshid (MI) and Wajid Zia (FIA)) is in Pakistan today  The Nation should have prayered for flying taxi or something all year round because their prayer for Panama Famous people to be brought back to justice is definitely heard today on the 28th of May the First of Ramzan 1438 .....Pan pa paan !!!


      Aha tea and biscuits have arrived so i have to take one or maybe two last cups of tea before i leave . so it is good Bye from me for the time being i will return till 11:30 pm and finish this my the Sunday Blog #60 . People retire at 60 and take Superannuation okay most people do like my dearly departed Papa (May his Soul rest in Peace in Heaven Amen ! ) ( i don't get this khatma bil khair thing either ...) lived almost twenty year after Superannuation happily ever after ....and very soon this december we will be celebrating his tenth death Anniversary or in three months according to the islami hisaab se ...

      Okay  tea is cold got to re fill

      8:40 pm Break ( 2462 words )

      11:19 pm yes i am back after the second night of taravee . Even though our dear old and and ill qari saab has many more mile in him to go but it is really very sad to miss his qiraat of the Holy Quran in taravee of ramzan . My dearly Departed Papa ( May his Soul rest in peace in Heaven  Amen !)  was extremely fond of his qirat . He use to say that this is how we should recite quran so that every word can be understood and heard seperately . In his early days qari saab went to mecca for the pilgrimage and returned infected with the what i call a vitr virus . Because of which he began replicating the Iman saab of Kaba qirat in the namaz vitr after taravee prayers in ramzan . As you all may know that vitr prayer consist of three three rakats and is a wajib prayer not usually prayer in jamaat . But In ramzan after taravee we do it in jamaat .

      Okay  so the weapons of mass destruction must be developing or must have started to develop after the first Pepsi Iftar . so i believe i have one more night of taravee in complete peace after that it will be a game of Survival .  Should Say Out Loud .... I will Survive  ( Mushkil hai ! )

      Movies of the week ...

      Vacation (2015)

      The Heartbreak Kid (2007)

      okay movies can be watched if there is no better available .

      The cable went off for an hour and came back with a static So you can imagine how it is . Anyways now the shaitan or the devil is so locked in chain ....very tight schedule . No time for movies .

      okay its almost mid Night and it is also the Night of my dearly departed Ammi's ( May Her Soul Rest in Peace in Heaven Amen !  )  third death Anniversary islami hisab se i have to cheer up my siblings so they can move on and have at least some fun in their lives . It's not fair that i myself and me have all the fun and they grow old and sad and depressed like the rest of the near and distant family and friends and neighbours and relations and aquaintences .

      So here i leave you all and end this my the Sunday Blog # 60 of the 28th of may and of the 1st and 2nd Ramzan 1438 with a very beautiful song . One of my very favorites of all times . Sung by two legends of two very seperate worlds yet belonging to the same universal strata of Music of Love and devotion . Thankyou Both .

      Muhammad Ali shehki and Allan Faqeer - Allah Allah Kar bhaiya

      PS: IT i am watching Y... Be care full !

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