
Sunday 7 May 2017

The Sunday Blog # 57

Today is the 7th of May 2017 the 10th of Shaban 1438 till the sunset (7:05 pm ) and this is my The Sunday Blog # 57 (one year + 4 weeks ) .

Before the Midnight few minutes ago when it was not Sunday there was an absolute silence in my neighbourhood the most unbelieveble end to a saturday or  Saturday Night. Not Sure why but it could be the Exam fever . The Most Important Exams of CIE( Cambridge International Examinations)
and Inter Board are going on here in karachi . May be this is the reason May be this is half the reason or may be just the quarter of the reason for this kind of ghost town dead silence in the neighbourhood . Cheating in exams has taken a new leaf . One of the most popular networking Application known as WhatsApp is being blamed as Abettor ( Abettor (from to abet, Old French abeter, à and beter, to bait, urge dogs upon any one; this word is probably of Scandinavian origin, meaning to cause to bite), is a legal term implying one who instigates, encourages or assists another to commit an offence.)
Anyways its not just the karachi board or the Sindh Education department and ministry that is sleepless these day even the Bitch seems concerned more this time Funny isn't it ? 

British Council Pakistan
on Friday
The British Council and Cambridge take the integrity of all examinations very seriously. We have robust procedures in place to ensure the security of examination question papers and candidates’ answer scripts at each stage of the examinations process.
We have seen no evidence that the integrity of any exam paper has been compromised. We monitor social media and other sources to identify any potential cases of malpractice. If you have any specific, contrary information relating to International A Level Mathematics, please contact the British Council at

Still my heart is not willing to believe that my neighbours will take inter exams this seriously okay let me check the twitter for any leak about whats going on

Gotch Ya ! There is this new mall opening half of the World Memon Federation is gone there and the other half of the Memon federation is in deep shock over the Bahria Town Islamabad Tragedy Image may contain: 2 people, people standing and shoes(tragedy
  1. 1.
    an event causing great suffering, destruction, and distress, such as a serious accident, crime, or natural catastrophe.

    "a tragedy that killed 95 people"

  2. 2.
    a play dealing with tragic events and having an unhappy ending, especially one concerning the downfall of the main character.

    "Shakespeare's tragedies"

    synonyms:tragic drama, dramaplay;
    "Shakespeare's tragedies"
 Image may contain: one or more people, people standing and crowdImage may contain: one or more people, crowd and outdoor

So Sad Very very sad my sister will be so shocked and grieved to hear about this . We watch the show together every weekend Friday and Saturday . I need a break . Good Night or morning don't care

1:25 am Break ( 542 Words)

7:30 am Good Morning !
First Tweet of the day

Sun 10th Shaban1438
The Happy Mothers day is just a week away on Sunday 14th of May 2017 hope everybody is ready & decided what to do

Image may contain: tree, sky, plant, outdoor and nature

A Male Koel is singing on the mango tree

The Asian koel (Eudynamys scolopaceus)[3][4] is a member of the cuckoo order of birds, the Cuculiformes. It is found in the Indian Subcontinent, China, and Southeast Asia. It forms a superspecies with the closely related black-billed and Pacific koels which are sometimes treated as subspecies. The Asian koel is a brood parasite that lays its eggs in the nests of crows and other hosts, who raise its young. They are unusual among the cuckoos in being largely frugivorous as adults.[5] The name koel is echoic in origin with several language variants. The bird is a widely used symbol in Indian poetry.[6]

The Breakfast is almost ready so there is no need to go out Image may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: food

8:05 am Break (702 words)

9:40 am Half hour of sleep then half hour of sleep without Electric Power and then half hour of waiting to see if the power shuts down again or not . No everything back to normal Sunday Morning . Since we had extra food cooked , made or brought yesterday plus this breakfast today and other leftovers there will probably be no facebook meet up as regular . unless the Electric Power and cable Companies decides that i have been gone too long and need a facebook meet up then we cannot do anything But to have a facebook meet up . Its not even 10 am and the Sun outside is very hot . So if they shut off the power or net it will be impossible to sit here and do this my the Sunday Blog # 57 . Image may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: drink and food

Going through the old stuff and look what i found in my Morning Mood tweets from last May 2016 26 May 2016Karachi

Thurs 18th Shaban1437
If corrupt leadership is bringing fame and fortune during my lifetime then Who Cares, let the Future generations decide ♥♠♥

Interesting isn't it ? 

So finally the Khan saab Cancer Wala has disclosed the Amount of 10 arabs(Billions) in Rupees Non taxable . In the eighties Gen Zia took 4.2 arabs (Billions ) in Dollars and had a Blast . So this does not worries me at all because i am a surviver i will Survive by the Grace of All Mighty Allah if and only if InSha Allah . Amen !
Last week When the cable was shut down and restored some of the Channels were re shuffled and thus i found out we have also got IPL going on Should have guessed when the noor ul Quran stickeer car of Parasan was replaced with a multiple Stars sticker Car almost brand new under the tree shade parking . 
2017 Indian Premier League

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Lets hope that when her son returns from toranto he likes it . or his lovely wife likes it . The driver does not seems to be enjoying this summer wonder why ? probably because managing two car of similar dull color when they have parking but the employer or the owner insists on street parking is so hard to contemplete . Anyways None of My Business .

Okay talking of business so here is some more oldie stuff from facebook archives and my other Blogs

Labour MP Sadiq Khan Becomes the Mayor of London  Image may contain: 6 people, people standing, bridge and outdoor

10:29 am Break (1111 words)

11:32 am Everything i had yesterday and today since morning is out of the system . Feeling very good mind body and soul thanks to the very hot and strong tea my dear Brother made for everybody . The Flush is also working normal Thanks for that too . It seems that the Builder mafia is finally getting relaxed with the neighbourhood . Water coming , gutters flowing , and No car mirror thefts staged . As far as i am concerned . I cannot and will not comment untill the census report is published in volumes and presented to the then President and Prime Minister of the Whatever ...LOL

Last Sunday we had a mishap . While i was very Busy locked here in this room doing this My the Sunday Blog # 56 . Three of the four new born kittens entered their sixth life and started playing outside . Next afternoon one body was found brought in under the dinning table by the mother cat the other two were not found anywhere we looked everywhere . Anyways so Now we have just one cat and one surviving kitten . Going through the facebook memories of the day of the previous year we had a feeding cat
May 7, 2015 at 1:44pmNo automatic alt text available.

No automatic alt text available.

Okay no this is from may the 7th 2015 that is two years ago . So iam not sure about it but the present mother cat feeding could be one of those kittens in the picture above . Image may contain: cat

Surprizingly nobody in our house or family likes cats my brothers are extremely allergic to the post labour ticks these cats and kittens 
(Ticks are small arachnids, part of the order Parasitiformes. Along with mites, they constitute the subclass Acari. Ticks are ectoparasites, living by feeding on the blood of mammals, birds, and sometimes reptiles and amphibians. Wikipedia)

carry around anyways so this was probably the last labour not yet fully lost of any domesticated stray cat in our house after the new measures of Security takes effect soon . Its Very Very lonely at the top ... knew it from the day one just glad i had so much fun for so long and never missed a beat !! Image may contain: 1 person

12:12 pm Break ( 1462 words)

1:00 pm So before the Zuhr prayer Break lets discuss the most interesting disclosure of the week . Yes The Korean War in Karachi . Few Years ago a Media House of Karachi report about the Bootlegging activities of the Bitter half of the Korean Diplomate in DHA Karachi . Which Obviously enraged the South . So It took few years and NSA Pressure for the Government to finally act with a raid on the 9th of April 2017 . What i don't understand is why they Choose to public such vital information of losing the diplomatic immunity just days after the Fatemi hangover . Anyways its not clear yet whether the Sindh Excise and Narcotics department shutdown the establishment or gave them the permit for Vodka No No No Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling, people standing and indoor

1:31 pm Break (1588 words)

4:58 pm OMG this facebook meet up ( unscheduled ) took much more time then usual and ended on Boneless Chicken Bhindi Qorma . So before i take another break for Asr prayer and Dahi Bar-ray
how much time do i have left now ? Image may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: food

The Mango season is almost over as far as our Mango tree is concerned as you can see in the tree picture above at the top after morning tweet Half of our mango tree is dead because of the curse of people with diabetes or those who fear diabetes . the remaining survived because last year a lot of the yield from this tree was distributed among wellwishers and neighbours and even strangers . Someone among them was the one who really wished well . So anyways I am enjoying mangoes falling from the tree very sweet and aromatic this is Lang-ra by the way .(The Langra, also known as Banarasi Langra,[1] is a mango cultivar primarily grown in Banaras, Northern IndiaBangladesh and Pakistan[2][3] This cultivar retains a greenish tinge while ripening. It is normally harvested during the last half of July. Around 2006, it was known to be gaining popularity on the international market.[4] It is considered suitable for slicing and canning.)

From King of Fruits lets move on to the sad news from The Royal Family of UK . 
Her Majesty the Queen Fired the Duke from Royal Business . No more will HRH be seen in this picture in the official capacity . 

The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh attended a Service for Members of the Order of Merit at the Chapel Royal, St. James's Palace.

The Order of Merit is one of several honours conferred by The Queen; The Order of Merit has 24 members at any one time, and rewards those who have achieved greatly in the arts, learning, literature and science.

Find out more about the Order of Merit on our website here → may contain: 15 people, people smiling, people standing and indoor

From left to right back row: Sir James Dyson, Lord Darzi of Denham, David Hockney, Neil MacGregor, The Rt Hon Jean Chretien, Sir Tim Berners-Lee, Lord Rees of Ludlow, John Howard, Professor Sir Magdi Yacoub, Professor Dame Ann Dowling, Lord Robert Fellowes. From left to right seated: Sir David Attenborough, Lord Rothschild, Professor Lord May of Oxford, Professor Sir Roger Penrose, Sir Michael Atiyah, The Duke of Edinburgh, The Queen, Lord Foster of Thames Bank, Sir Tom Stoppard, Baroness Boothroyd, Professor Sir Michael Howard and Lord Eames.

5:35 pm Break (1994 Words ) 

11th Shaban 1438

7:35 pm Good Evening !

Image may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: food and indoorImage may contain: foodImage may contain: food and indoorImage may contain: food

And so this is why i never go and seek the Justice because i believe ! Image may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: food

It Ain't over untill it is over !! LOL

So now as the 11th of Shaban 1438 begins with this sunset we are now just three days away
 from the 14th of Shaban Shab-e-Barat شبِ برات or the Night of the Deliverance 
Bara'at is an Arabic noun which is roughly translated to English as either innocence, records, assignment, deliverance or salvation.

So on the 14th of Shaban during the day most  Non British Sunni Muslims households prepare sweet dishes like halva , zarda and kheer and offer fateha for dearly departed . after sunset they pray nawafils 

Besides the Obligatory and Essential Prayers, the Holy Prophet () used to make arrangements for the Voluntary (Nawafil) Prayers too. It is mentioned in the Hadith that Voluntary Worship is a means of attaining proximity to Allah.
It is better to offer Sunnah and Voluntary Prayers at home – however it is better to offer TaraweehTahiyat ulMasjid (Prayers offered as a mark of respect upon entering the mosque), and the Voluntary Prayers upon returning from a journey, in a mosque. If preoccupation or lack of interest or laziness prevents one from offering these Prayers at home, then these should be offered in the mosque.

After Nawafils they do the sehri and keep a fast . But if Somebody has died in the House within the year then and it is the First Shab-e-Barat after the death then the Fateha is offer a day early on the 13th of Shaban and that is called Arfa . So technically there is no difference only just that the recent ones are remembered and prayered for First . 

By the Way the British and commonwealth Muslims and especially the canadian muslims mostly diabetics abhor this so they celebrate it like the indian holi with fire crackers and other fireworks . Aztagfirullah !!Image may contain: text

8:35 pm Break ( 2318 words)

9:30 pm Okay so this is not my fault All i did was take a break and opened the door and this was just waiting for me . Image may contain: foodImage may contain: food

Okay so its not just my Beef Kabab Roll  Now the things are really heating upImage may contain: one or more people

I'm the human you left behind in the wreckage at Bahria Enclave

Anyways if they had not shutdown my cable and net on saturday after the stage collapse a lot of things that happened this week may have been easier to understand just like the MQM (never mind the version ) patchup  . Chances are that may be All factions and Group patch up before elections . But Chances of Elections are not very clear or at least not very clear to me .

10:10 pm Break (2466 words)

10:40 pm Okay  so i got a complaint that there is nothing funny in this my the Sunday Blog #57 . Well when i started this my the Sunday Blog # 57 last night there was a strange kind of silence in the neighbourhood especially during the Eidi Sub kay liye repeat show . and i was wondering why they are telecasting the repeat show . And since my cable and net was shutdown on 29th april saturday all day till 8:10 pm i must have missed the news so now when i find out the hushed up news after the start of this my the sunday Blog # 57 i felt really bad and was not able to really recover all night and day and especially now after eating beef when my body temperature is hot and perspiring i am . Still I am happy that i have not left it all together . This may have been a difficult time for me but i am almost three thousand Words with about an hour to go . So lets not waste anymore time and do the movies of the week .

1.Fire with Fire (2012)
2.The Dictator (2012)
3.Machine (2017)

tried to watch or reruns

Ek Villain (2014)

Aa Gaya Hero (2017)

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)

Toy Story 2 (1999)

Honestly i wasn't really in the mood this week must be this weather . 

So now That the JIT has been constituted under the watch of the Supreme Court bench of three judges the argument that what  an eighteen grade officer can or cannot do . Okay so may be an eighteen grade officer may be under pressure But if you know the Crpc or the CPC laws of Pakistan Who writes the FIR and who Conducts the Inquiry " The Direct Hawaldar " Most of the inquiries and investigations are not conducted by gazetted officer grade officials and in this case the persons named will definitely be supported and have guidence of not only their superiors but also the whole department , their families , neighbours , friends as a matter of fact the whole nation and about all the Supreme Judicial system of Pakistan (The judiciary of Pakistan is a hierarchical systemwith two classes of courts: the superior (or higher)judiciary and the subordinate (or lower) judiciary. The superior judiciary is composed of the SupremeCourt of Pakistan, the Federal Shariat Court and five High Courts, with the Supreme Court at the apex.)

So Help you God !! 

Apart from being funny the two things missing from this my the Sunday Blog # 57 is a mention of Ramzan coming soon or maybe sooner and my dearly departed Parents ( May their souls rest in peace in Heaven amen !) and i am not very sure why i did not remember to mention them all day today . May be because i remained very relaxed all day and spend more time socialising with my facebook meet up group talking facebook issue for real then being locked in the room and doing this my the sunday Blog # 57 . Ramzan i delibrately avoided today because there are two or three more sundays before Ramzan so there is ample time next few sundays to discuss ramzan and For Parents and especially my dearly departed Ammi ( May her Soul Rest in Peace in Heaven Amen !) the next week Sunday  is the Second Sunday in the Month of May which is also celebrated here in Pakistan as The Mothers Day and also this Shab-e-Baraat all i would be doing is Praying for my dear Parents ( May their Souls rest in Peace in Heaven Amen ! ) 

Okay this television channels has started advertising the Hunger Games 2 with waseem badami . Man i will miss qandeel Baloch and Sabri Brothers this ramzan . Anyways its time to say Allah Hafiz. Have a safe and relaxed week next week . 

MAULANA JAMI --Naseema Janib-e-Batha Guzar Kun, Ze Ehwalam MUHAMMAD ra khabar kun   

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