
Sunday 14 May 2017

The Sunday Blog # 58

Today is 14th of May 2017 the 17th of Shaban 1438 til the Sunset (7:08 pm ) and this is my the Sunday Blog # 58 .

ہوئی جن سے توقع خستگی کی داد پانے کی
وہ ہم سے بھی زیادہ خستۂ تیغِ سِتم نکلے

For my injuries, from those that, praise I did expect
They too turned out to be wounded, actually more so
محبت میں نہیں ہے فرق جینے اور مرنے کا
اُسی کو دیکھ کر جیتے ہیں، جس کافر پہ دم نکلے

In love there is no difference 'tween life and death do know
The very one for whom I die, life too does bestow

Okay never mind because i am here and doing this my the Sunday Blog #58 . When you are feeling like that and still you begin a mammoth task like this my the Sunday Blog # 58 then the game is already won So Long PNS Ghazi ...

So the Shab-e-Baraat or the #Shabebaraat as the twitter savvy may only understand has come and gone . Very few Fire Crackers or Fire works were heard all night and the days before and after which is quite unbelieveble because i live in the Most Dangerous City of the World Karachi where aerial firing and the colorful fireworks with loud bangs are as common as abc or PHD . Anyways the Bahria town and Sahulat Bazaar were both in Shock so may be Sindh Police decided not to disturb them . The Family Graveyard of PECHS where my Both Parents Papa (May his Soul rest in peace in Heaven Amen !) and Ammi (May her Soul rest in Peace in Heaven Amen ! ) are buried was under protection of MQM Haqiqi (afaq Ahmed) . So this means that a very new Chapter in the Political History Sheet of Karachi is about to be re written With MQM not London merging . Anyways whatever ....Because until there is an announcement about an Election or the general all this seems just like a hiccup and i don't like hiccups very much becuae they ruin my enjoying the Spicy Chilly (red and Green ) Beef Nihari or qourma . Oh By the way  Since beef of Cow is becoming very illegal in the neighbouring country and China allowing or should i say re allowing the US Beef , Pakistan will have to shift from Australian Cows farming to Arabian Camel Farming Because I don't thing Hindu priests will have any issue against the slaughter and consumption of Camel meat . It has been long rumored before the Lahori Ghada (Donkeys) took over that most Nihari Houses in karachi use camel meat instead of cow beef .

Anyways its half past one o clock and my eyes are almost shut tight so lets call it a night and have sweet dreams . or may be a short break and be back soon to continue and try to figure out how the neighbours son i mentioned last week in the sunday blog was seen in shorts  back from the toronto so quick . Will he be staying here in the neighbourhood or be parked with the new car in the new sasural on the other side of the bridge . Image may contain: 2 people, tree, child and outdoor

Happy Mother's Day !!

1:42 am Break ( 520 words)

10:22 am Good Morning !
First Tweet of the day

Sun 17th Shaban1438
Waking up to very polluted Air and sound Sunday Morning Thanks to the KE power load shedding Happy Mothers Day

.. The Motto or message of todays rally here in jamshedtown is ...
"Millions cannot win Hearts "
I honestly believe that the open heart policy of Sindh Government and Sindh Police of Allowing free access and freedom to hold rallies and Dharnas while the CPEC and Colored Lines Bus Rapid Trasit Systems like the Green Line Bus Rapid Transit System  begins to evolve and materialize was a very democratic and bold decision .   The Money MQM made over the years through donations (ofcourse don't be ridiculous ...LOL )  and other agents of change has been brought back into the economy through these rallies . And the Voters are losing any or all hope with them more rapidly then the Mass transit or CPEC . China got a Licence yesterday from the State Bank of Pakistan  to open at least 50 Parosan Biryani Shops in sellected neighbourhoods all over the country most probably not mine don't worry .
.Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, sittingImage may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people sitting and indoor

Anyways the First meal of the day is served so the second Fasebook Meet up is about to commence so i have to go . The first facebook meet up was during the Power loadshedding from 9:22 am to 10:22 am and there was only tea in that . So while i go and have fun you go and grab a Halal Chinese Beer or Shop Online . 

11:23 am Break ( 785 words)

12:01 pm
 Image may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: food
Image may contain: food

Okay i missed the facebook meet up by a minute or two ... now everybody is on the net so if somebody is send to the gate for Chaapa we will have to toss to pick a winner . LOL

Anyways so with Shab-e-baraat gone and no halwa or homemade sweets in the fridge lets move on to the Ramzan coming soon . Our Neighbourhood Mosque installed dozens of Airconditioners . I haven't counted them yet . This Friday during the juma prayer was the first time we had a new clear test of All of them runing at the same time . The Stand up display showed 28°C while the Spilit were showing 16°C . When they opened few of the doors for ranks before jamaat the stand up went up to 29 °C in a minute but the Spilits remained at 16°C through out the prayer and till i left the hall . Our very dear family friend and neighbour who is usually in the left centre half and manages to get to the hall every juma before or after the juma jamaat was seen dripping in the left centre half veranda under the fan  praying  as i was leaving the mosque  cool and dry . His both attempts to enter the freezing hall before and after the juma jamaat failed . And This was just the Shaban before ramzan new clear test . So if we want a cool and dry Juma prayer during the Holy Month of ramzan we don;t have to shop at imtiaz for the beggers all we have to do is to get up and go to the mosque atleast half an hour early before our usual time . Have a clean and crisp banyan ready and dry not on the washing line or in the microwave hurriedly drying clean . Infact it would be better to have four or five clean white crispy kurta suits ready for four or five juma in ramzan or just one if you are the environmentally friendly recycling kind But please if you get to get a place in the airconditioned hall for the whole prayer please don't celebrate it with the fruit sellers outside  go home or to your airconditioned car or you will waste cripsy clean kurta suit for reuse without washing within minutes  and probably also suffer heat stroke or heart attack and by the next summer nobody will even remember you . Honestly this is not a race its the Mockingjay step by step , part by part ...

okay sorry about that it must be the Curd pudding with rice "karhi chawal " speaking . In Some neighbourhoods in the Pakistan it is believed that in summers like these you can easily avoid hathkar(d)i (handcuffs) but you cannot avoid dahi ki kardhi or baisan ki karhi . Just Like Chinese Chicken Biryani a pulki or pakora karhi or kardhi is also a parosan favourite dish . Even the security Guards who never put down their rifles or M9's , move aside watching a parosan or her maid with a dish of pakora karhi in very sensitive neighbourhoods here . Image may contain: 1 person, close-up

Okay enough of security lapses i need a break

1:04 pm Break ( 1303 words)

3:09 pm    French President is now the French Presidente de franc or what ever i heard his boring Mere Aziz hum watano speech just now on CNN and other global television channels on cable tv . We here in Pakistan use to have a lot of Mere Aziz hum wam tano Speeches by the president and the president to be before the Annulement of fifty eight 2 b or the 12th of May massacre of innocent civilians , police and political activits and by standers .  Bar councils of karachi and sindh as well as press clubs still remember that day . Even though a lot of innocent blood was shed on the streets of karachi on 12th may but Democracy took a very new and much needed turn . No general could dream of becoming a President of Pakistan . No tyrannt could conspire to dissolve the parliament and stay in power . Now the dissolution of Parliament means Election time within days .

12 May Karachi violence
The 12 May Karachi violence, also known as Black Saturday riots, were a series of violent clashes between rival political activists in Karachi. Wikipedia
Date12 May 2007
ArrestedWaseem Akhtar

So Mere Aziz Hum watano you need to be cool , you need to be calm and you need to choose the right people in every election . and this is not just it you have to stand by your choice for the rest of your life or till the next elections which ever comes first . Time flies now who remember the name of that fashion model who was the concubine of the french presidente when he did the mere aziz hum watano speech . Okay you don't even remember the name of that french president who was the president of france before Hollende Shame on you !!

Lyrics: J'arrive au port les mains vides J'arrive au soir sans compter Et à chaque matin à vide il me faut recommencer J'arrive au front sans sagesse J'arrive à l'age sans raison C'est sur qu'on vit de justesse C'est sur qu'on vit sans façon J'arrive à toi par miracle Après de longues années Après des siècles d’obstacles Et des lundis, des lundis tristes à pleurer J'n'arrive à rien qui console J'n'arrive à rien qui prétend J'n'arrive à rien qui s'envole A rien qui défie le temps Et s'il arrive qu'une étoile Sur nous se penche un instant C'est sur qu'la vie nous dévale C'est sur qu'elle nous entreprend J'arrive à toi par miracle après de longues années A consulter les oracles Et à guetter, à guetter l'inespéré J'arrive du nord de l’Irlande J'arrive du creux d'une vallée J'arrive droit de Samarcande J'arrive des Indes poivrées Et s'il arrive que je chante que je me laisse emporter C'est sur qu'la vie nous tourmente C'est sur qu'on goute aux regrets J'arrive à toi par miracle Après de longues années Après l'enfance grisâtre Et la jeunesse, et la jeunesse endiablée

So Anyways this was the first Shab-e-Baraat after Ammi ( May Her Soul rest in Peace in Heaven Amen !) When we followed the traditions and did not have a traditional Halwa wali fateha . We are now an officially elderless tribe . Which means that i will have to chose my self which coloured line i have to chose . So here it is what i have decided for ramzan . Besides the ordained and prescribed fasting and praying for the whole month of ramzan i will give up few of bad habits and prohibitions etc just for the blessings and favours of the All Mighty Allah . Such as
Smoking: No tobacco , acid, weed , cocaine, charas , shesha,
Drinking  : Vodka No No No
Sex : Intercourse or oral . RC, Parsees and Buckshee Please take a vacation to goa or mauritius anywhere but here .
Movies : I will avoid the free pirated downloads from net and indian sites .
Television : a Complete boycott of ARY Network Ramzan Transmission .
Commerials : Will Skip all Bahria town commercials within 5 seconds or less
Songs : No Junaid Jamshed Songs or Amjad sabri Show performances .
Food : Non Halal food . Free Delivery by Chinese parosans , or takeaway from untrusted food establishments .
Donations : To All and Sundry . Beggers that disturb prayers , sleep  , eating and Shopping . This also include travel and traffic pathways .

Okay i will revise and update this list after further deliberations and religious study Insha Allah . So help me God Amen !

4:30 pm Break ( 2222 words )

6:09 pm Image may contain: foodImage may contain: foodokay back after tea time snacks and watching the turkish Soap serial sponsored by Fair & Lovely and Blocked by Pepsi Pakistan
yes the Kaala Paisa pyar .... I hope it ends before ramzan i don't want to have a regular binding daily show during ramzan to make me watch all those food and drinks commercials during fast .
After eating and watching television I am very relaxed and seems to have lost the enthusiasm and flare for writting and especially sarcasm
  1. the use of irony to mock or convey contempt.

    "she didn't like the note of sarcasm in his voice"

    synonyms:derisionmockeryridiculesatireironyscorn, sneering, scoffing, gibing, taunting; More

So Lets do this my the sunday blog #58 in plain and simple way that way no body will feel sad or offended So No More Fairytales With Wicked StepMom on the Happy Mothers day . By the way if we replace a wicked step Mom or Step Mother in a fairy tale What could be the first choice to replace a Wicked Step Mother or Step Mom from the  fairy tale or all the fairy tales with step moms or Step Mothers . Now first of all we cannot possibly replace a wicked Step Mother or Wicked Step Mom with a Mama Bear who has her own chair . Nope

Oh God its Break time again See you after the break

6:56 pm Break ( 2459 words )

18th Shaban 1438
8:17 pm Good Evening !

An Unbelieveble stopover by My little Sister celebrating the Happy Mother's Day while picking and droping  eldest and youngest both university students miles away in this traffic . Can you believe i have not even opened the gate and seen outside how many bags of garbage thrown by neighours or their maids on my way to the mosque . Anyways this is the decision time if i wants to go out for the Isha prayer i will have to shutdown and relax , otherwise i can continue Image may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: food

So Because of the Hard Parential duties of my little Sister on this Happy Mother;s Day . What could have been a feast of Happy Mother's day Dinner with All her family ended in just a snack Quick and easy Standing Standing .

And Now This reminds me of the most interesting event in my life this week . I believe that i should have begin this my the Sunday Blog #58 with that . I believe it was nonday afternoon no it was the tuesday 9th of May yes now i remember . When i woke up in the evening there was a message in the Mobile SMS from Easypaisa they add the 5% of the last bill i paid through easypaisa  So Thankyou EP commission disbursement for this huge gesture of generosity May you have many more disbursements .  Now While I was enjoying the fruits of european labour and building up the confidence in online banking . Most Eu and the technologically advanced countries were facing hacking and other online virus issues . Some People in the Modern world are being adviced to update or re install the windows .

Russia's interior ministry says computers hit by 'virus attack'

Okay i did google the recent virus attacks BUT i am too scared to take the risk and open these news links . May be i will some day or while reading this my the Sunday Blog # 58 on Somebody else mobile browser . LOL Image may contain: 3 people, people standing, suit and indoor

9:00 pm Break ( 2808 words ) 

9:55 pm Okay two new SMS from telenor and telenor bank . Now this one sounds like a warning  definitely ...Ab ap apney mobile phone pe sun sakeingay Radio ...meaining now you can be able to hear on your mobile phone ....Radio ...So How much time do i have left to do this my the Sunday Blog # 58 before the power shutdown LOL

Okay so talking about Radio ...the news is that Misbah Chupke chupke retire ho gaya .... Jazak Allah !aur odher Gora gabrustaan Christain Cemetry pey Sindh Police ji water canon saan mezbaani . Finally this chapter is also Closing .

Okay i am now very close to the three thousand Words mark on the words counter . And if i do five hundred words per hour I can easily do four thousand words in the next two hours before the mid night . But I think that this is enough for today so now we come to the movies of the week

Yeh Vaada Raha (1982)

Running Shaadi (2017)Two friends, Ram Bharose and tech genius Cyberjeet, create a website that helps lovers to elope. The site is an instant hit; young couples line up for the opportunity to escape strict families and run away with the ones they love.

You N Me (2013) 

okay never mind  it was a Shab-e-Baraat week and i was trying to remain calm and relaxed to be able to pray for my dearly departed Parents Papa ( may His soul rest in Peace in Heaven Amen !) and Ammi ( May Her Soul rest in peace in Heaven Amen ! ) 

And after watching the movie Running  Shaadi (2017) i realised that Bollywood will Never quit so why waste this week . 

This is what i had in Lunch on May 11 Thursday the 14th of Shaban Image may contain: food
No automatic alt text available.

Somehow that day i felt happy and carefree despite the load shedding and the heat . I know there are not many people left in this world like me or similar to me but still i hope that i will somehow survive till the next Shab-e-Baraat and i will again pray for my dearly departed Parents Papa ( may His soul rest in Peace in Heaven Amen !) and Ammi ( May Her Soul rest in peace in Heaven Amen ! )

10:55 pm Break ( 3197 Words )

11:04 pm When we are celebrating or observing a night subject to the appearence of the moon like the shab-e-baraat or the Shab-e-Qadar or the Chaand Raat before the eid day here people around the world are already done over with celebrating and observing the shab-e-Baraat or Shab-e- Qadar ,or the Eid and chaand raat . So when they call us we are still expecting and waiting and wishing and hoping . When we call them to wish or greet they are already done tired exhausted cleaning the mess and emptying the garbage cans paying bills or checking out the extra expenses in other words or as i love to say in dollar terms Being muslims with similar beliefs we feel so apart as if we are in two seperate worlds where we living just a few hundred miles away cannot have a holy night together . Most of the time we satisfy ourself by make belief that the moon may have not been sighted correctly . Or Why would the Lord Grant us after the sins we do a holy night of such immence blessings and rewards we don't deserve at all . The night was yesterday or it is tomorrow we could never get the promised rewards and blessing if we live here .

Recently i was talking on this subject and i realised that when a parachuter jumps from a plane in the air it falls to the ground quickly then at certain height he or she opens up the parachute and the fall slows down and gradually that person comes to the ground and touches it and the jump is complete . Now imagine two or three persons jumps from the plane with an interval of few seconds maybe a minute or two okay never the the time of interval just remember they do not jump at the same time . Then How do they meet half way join hands makes circle do acrobatics exchange flags and after doing all this together they spilit again and open their parachutes then again they do not fall together at the same time same place maybe but not at the same time never even if they try they could not touch the ground together . So what i am trying to say here is that my time is up for this my the sunday Blog # 58 InSha Allah if i remember what i was saying or trying to say in the end of this my the sunday Blog #  58 i will definitely trying to take up this subject again some time later whenever i remember what i was trying to say or if  feel that whatever i was trying to say was worth saying again i might say it again in a more simple and easy to understand way Amen !

So here we come to the close of this my the Sunday blog # 58 . My eyes are shutting down and my back hurts too much and my sister is waiting with more kababs for the midnight snack she must be feeling very sorry after reading that i did not have a Happy Mother's day Dinner despite everything was almost ready if only there was enough time and peace of mind . Anyways  Better Luck next Time . I hope and  Wish both my very dear sisters and siblings a very happy and Healthy Year to come .

Here i leave you all with one of my very favorite Ghazal sung by very favourite Azra Riaz . Enjoy !

Kuch to Hawa bhi sard thi   

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