
Sunday 21 May 2017

The Sunday Blog # 59

Today is the 21st of May 2017 the 24th of Shaban 1438 till the Sunset (7:12 pm) . and this is my the sunday Blog # 59.
As we all know that this is the last Sunday Blog or the last sunday before the Holy Month of Ramzan So if Next Sunday is the First of Ramzan which seems more likely then I am not sure if I would be able to do the Sunday Blog at this hour next week or not after the first taravee prayer But honestly if i did manage to attend the taravee prayer on the first night of the Ramzan before the first Fast , BTW does anybody mind if i use the word Roza instead of the word Fast in this my the Sunday Blog # 59 and later during the holy month of ramzan Sunday Blogs ...No Okay , So as i was saying Before the first Roza (fast) which begins at the astronomical twilight

(Astronomical Twilight, Dawn, and Dusk.Astronomical twilight occurs when the Sun is between 12 degrees and 18 degrees below the horizon. Astronomical dawn is the time when the geometric center of the Sun is at 18 degrees below the horizon. Before this time, the sky is absolutely dark.)No automatic alt text available.
Don't know why when the word Twilight comes to mind it reminds of the Saga series of Books and Movies sequels . Which very fortunately I have not been able to read or watch in full despite the Millions of re runs and reminders and mentions it had on media and internet . And believe you me I have tried so desperately to be able to be counted amoung those who have been blessed to have read and watched or just watched the Saga series as it is more commonly refered to . Anyways never mind because sooner or later i will catchup and watch the whole saga back to back with lays potato chips and Pepsi . No not this year . 
Twilight (2005)
New Moon
Breaking Dawn
AuthorStephenie Meyer
CountryUnited States
GenreRomancefantasyyoung adult fiction
PublisherLittle, Brown and Company
Media typePrint
Image may contain: 12 people, text
Okay so the First Astronomical Twilight of the Holy Month of Ramzan is going to be most probably next sunday Morning at 4:16 am and that is going to be the New Dawn i mean the beginning of the 29 days of Fasting and Praying and eating and drinking less then usual . In the past ramzans i use to sleep more but now i prefer to stay awake . its not that i am sleep deprived or some insomia disorder or something . Now i enjoy staying up more than i enjoy sleeping . Beside How can a loving and caring person like myself sleep in this town when the whole town is adding up to the massive traffic and astromonical jams in the mega polis which is the most dangerous city in the world karachi . 
Btw , there is very little less than usual traffic on my street and the street lights are also off . recently the local karachi Electric removed the switches of the street lights to further terrorize the rich and the memons in my neighbourhood . Still I am very thankful that we have the very minimum load shedding this week when the whole mega polis was suffering in the heat and darkness . Thank you 

Don't know why but i am hungry again which is strange because i had Gobi Gosht ( beef cauliflower curry) tonight for dinner Image may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: food

Anyways its almost half past one on this lovely Sunday Morning or Night the last Sunday before the the holy Month of Ramzan . I need to take a break because its a big Big day tomorrow . After the Shiekh BOL 's sermon this week now the World Awaits Rais Trumps Burp after the Billion Dollar deal with the Saudis Image may contain: 1 person, sittingImage may contain: one or more people, people standing and outdoor So Good Night sweet dreams and remember me in prayers always .

1:32 am Break ( 671 Words)

9:05 am Good Morning !
First tweet of the day

Sun 24th Shaban 1438
Poor #Iran Same old #Rouhani Saudis having all the fun with Rais and the Firsts awesome Weather here 6 days to go

Image may contain: 5 people, people standing and wedding

Okay so there is no good news this awesome Sunday Morning the Last before the Holy Month of Ramzan the Month of Fasting and Praying . There are just six days to go ...Mon tues wed thurs fri Sat . Not really sure about the Sat . You know the Govt of Pakistan and all its robotics are under huge pressure . Heard that the PM Sharif saab has been invited to Riyadh "Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz invited Mr Sharif for the summit. The invitation was delivered by Saudi Information Minister Awwad bin Saleh al Awwad, who visited Islamabad last week."

Obviously the Saudis wants me to listen the Trump speech today and translate it into dollar $$ terms 🤑🤑🤑  and 
and also they may want to Show it to the Iran and the the western world that all the Nasty and Notorious are on their side so Be careful ! 

And that is not very far from the truth as always . Chances are that iran will see the error of her ways and join the joy ride especially the CPEC and OBOR are too tasty and spicy to ignore . And recently the way Pakistan has closed or tighten the Border Security on the western borders with Afghanistan and Iran Both its neighbours are shocked . Even myself who once was so naive(naive
  1. (of a person or action) showing a lack of experience, wisdom, or judgement.

    "the rather naive young man had been totally misled"
 to be very duped to believe that afghanistan is just as Pakistan Synced together . ThankGod the operation Resolute Support
 Resolute Support Mission
Resolute Support or Operation Resolute Support is a NATO-led train, advise, and assist mission consisting of over 13,000 troops in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, which began on January 1, 2015. Wikipedia
CommanderGen. John W. Nicholson Jr., USA
Start dateJanuary 2015
Deputy CommanderLt. Gen. Rosario Castellano, IT
HeadquartersKabul, Afghanistan
Size13,459 troops as of February 2017
Senior Enlisted LeaderCSM Delbert Byers, USA 

Opened my eyes . Anyways its good that after years of having opened its borders to all kinds of Smuggling and trafficing in a very bad sense of the word Pakistan has decided to legalize and call it a 65-35 Pure Silk Route . 

Okay I am now closer to the kitchen and something tells me that somebody is having breakfast all alone without me or the Facebook Meet up the first of this my the Sunday Blog # 59 . So i have to go now Bye !

10:03 am Break ( 1161 Words ) 

10:47 am  Okay so i am done so quick we did not have a facebook meet up eveyone came seperately grab a bite and went zoom back to their respective battle stations . On Net activity is high today because America seems a Pussy on an Arabs lap anyways who cares . Here is what i grabbed and whats coming in the Next Facebook Meet up . Image may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: food

I don't know why but for the quite some time now every time we have mutton pulao we talk about and remember our youngest and sweetest cousin . He is often related with the traffic jams in karachi . Whenever my dear brother sees a badhtareen traffic jam on television he calls phophi to comfort and relax her and believe it or not she needs it badly Every @#$%? time without a fail . So if we invite them today or even wish they could they would after three or six sundays . That is how bad the traffic situations is here in karachi . Anyways its not a regular Mutton Pulao . My dear sister who has been away from regular cooking is desperate to get back on her feet and it is just the mastery of my taking pictures that you see a mutton pulao here in the pictures but in reality it is definitely Not . 😇😅

So now back to routine actually i am not very rushing things today because i am sure i will get enough text transcript to make it to the three thousand words mark  in this my the sunday Blog # 59 with that of Al Rais Trumb 's Sermon about how good the muslims and especially the non irani Arabs are and how the American and russian women should love them and keep dancing for their full fil ment and desires while they keep getting fat and die intestate So that US cheat and keep on cheating with the RC, Parsee and Buckshees .... Love it !😇😅😂aaa

Okay time for another reality check and fresh air and probably a little bit of lying down and straightening the back and neck which is so stiff now feels like i have not had sleep at night at all even though i had a very good night 2:00 am to 8:30 am sleep.
 Anyways lets take a break now .
 Image may contain: 2 peopleImage may contain: 3 people, people smiling, people standing and suit

11:42 am Break ( 1532words)

3:28 pm Yes it has been a very long break but a really awesome one trust me . First i discovered that This my the Sunday Blog # 59 is going in disarray meaning in urdu گڑبڑSo i wasted the break time and corrected it . Felt so good to have retrieved in the original form and did not have to let go of Anything . Okay after that it was almost time for the Zuhr prayer break so as There was water in the tap and I had to do some necessary shopping as well so i went to the Cool and Bright Airconditioned House of my Dear Lord and came back to my hot and dark home had lunch and facebook meet up with the group and while this during this meet up the load shedding power shut down so i waited and as soon as i heard one of the neigbours generator going silent i knew the power is back so here i am continuing this my the Sunday Blog # 59 . Image may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: drink and indoorImage may contain: food and indoor

Okay so now there are two bad news first there is a third degree fire in a plastic factory in site karachi and next mumbai to face Pune in IPLFinal IPL 2017 final, MI vs RPS
The IPL fans in karachi are facing a dilemma 

Dilemma Urdu Meaning: دوہری مشکل Dohri Mushkil ....

because both are fake the real deal is 

..No automatic alt text available.

Anyways its 4:00 pm now and i only have less than one hour left before the Turkish soap Break . The Urdu1 television channel here have started advertising the season two of my favorite soap Kosem Sultan . But it is devoid of Beren Saat So I am not very sure if i will be watching it as religiously as i did before for the first season and what if they started it in the month of ramzan then its a definite No No ... catching a rerun is always very difficult in the Holy Month of ramzan and in this heat and hot weather with untamed load shedding and city wide  Power Breakdowns it is even more difficult anyways you never know sometimes we decide so much about the ramzan and after the first few days we forget everything and get on with our lives as normal with a little shift in the eating and sleeping habits .

Just like after the end of Kosem Sultan season one i decided not to watch the serial that begin in its time slot but now i am so addicted to it just like any other serial i have watched before turkish or hindi . So what i am saying is that at the moment i am not really sure if i am going to watch kosen sultan season two but my resolve and desire is to not watch it at least in the Holy Month of Ramzan .
Okay its time for another very exciting and relaxing and maybe eating and drinking chilled juices for me  Break will try to get back once more before the sunset cannot promise . Image may contain: one or more peopleImage may contain: one or more people

4:40 pm Break ( 2064 Words)

6:15 pm Okay only half an hour before the next break Image may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: plant and flowerImage may contain: plant and flower

Almost june but somehow the English Rose plant not only survived this red black is trying to come up with a full rose . The weather is changing now . Instead of a Burning hot Sun all day long we have a partly cloudy sky early in the morning and later in the afternoon . its must be awesome near the sea and beaches area . Due to Summer vacations the city administration has imposed a ban on Swimming in the sea . So because of less than two dozen irresponsible broken hearted crazy people a city of 20 million plus people has to Suffer with such harsh laws . Anyways i was wondering why the City administration or the guardians of the sea front never thought of making the sea beaches safe . Please don't tell me begam nusrat bhutto hated swimming in the sea . Okay never mind the golden oldies because the recent sea front developers have completely ruined the Beaches of Karachi and especially the Sea view .

Anyhow karachi has very limited issues mostly created ones so that when people meet up they can agree of a few things especially the disgruntled ones . I demand that people who leave karachi for more than 45 days and especially those who have left karachi for more than two years should not be allowed to speak about its problems they should be treated as just visiting . must be banned from holding rallies and appearing on primetime political talkshows . Definitely be sanctioned for abusive language against the Government and Commissioner of Karachi .
okay my time is up  will be back after the break . Image may contain: flower, plant and nature

6:50 pm Break ( 2340 words )

25th Shaban 1438
8:38 pm Good Evening !
 Okay Now i have to take a break if i go for the Isha Prayers .
So I have been to the Cool and Bright Airconditioned House of my Dear Lord and before coming back to my home i took a detour walked an extra mile and came back half hour later to Hot and Spicy this Image may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: food

Something tells me that this is not the end of the food images for this my the Sunday Blog # 59.
During the walk i did not take any pictures so that nobody recognise me . i think it worked . Recently when our mosque put up a sign for no photography i ignored it and did not take pictures of the Airconditioning of the Mosque . It was really Fun trust me !

BTW , how many of you easy paisa muaziz sarif customers have received the PTA warning about blasphamy . I am sure everybody has . Please take it very seriously . They are monitoring your every move and will torture you in ways because they have the means .  Gone are the days when Blasphamy brought fortune and fame for the poor and helpless people of this country try to secure a better future for themselves or their families and surviours . I am sure every body get the drift .

Okay time is up i missed the third visit to the cool and bright Airconditioned House of My Dear Lord during this my the Sunday Blog # 59 . I have become very lazy i believe . I have not even visited my dearly departed Parents Papa ( May his soul rest in peace in Heaven Amen ) and Ammi ( May her soul rest in Peace in Heaven Amen ! )  's graves so near to the Mc Donald's and Tower on shab-e-baraat and later . Next Monday is my Ammi's ( May her soul rest in Peace in Heaven Amen ! )  third Death Anniversary See how time flies . And here we are still not decided whether to have her fateha according to the angrezi hisab or the islami hisab as my dearly departed  Parents Papa ( May his soul rest in peace in Heaven Amen ) and Ammi ( May her soul rest in Peace in Heaven Amen ! ) would have said . Actually Offering fateha and niaz as some like to call it is easier in ramzan because at iftary or Iftar if you want to be politically correct most people are staring at the food already praying remembering that are dead and those that they want to be dead . Somehow if you remember those who you want to be dead at iftar time usually their life and the power to get on your nerves increases manifolds . Tested proven Never every doing it no matter what .
So where were we ...Okay so if you read anybody's write or tell him who he or they are don't you think you take away their right of Saying " Tum Jantey bhi ho mein kon hon ? " Google translate Image may contain: text

Okay never mind I have to go some more snacks are waiting for me .

9:33 pm Break ( 2843 Words)

10:19 pm So here i have two breaking News
First the niswar factory fired fireworks ordered by the PSP to celebrate ...well that never happened and you know why
Anyways I believe the niswaar factory is also at a loss because ARY fooled everyone tonight by showing a repeat of The Hina Dilpazeer Show Guest: Noman & Fiza Ali – 25th December 2016

Okay so the next breaking news is that Al Rais Trumb ;s tele promto has done it YES !!

Three Thousand and Ninety Three Words ....Awesome Guys ...Love it

Thank you. God Bless You. God Bless Your Countries. And God Bless the United States of America.

Okay so as i was saying before the break more snacks were waiting for me during the break Image may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: drink and foodImage may contain: food

Okay enough of the food Pictures for this my the Sunday Blog # 59 . Lets move on to the movies of this week .

15th may to 21st may 2017

Daddy's Home (2015)

Morning Glory (2010)

Happy Ending (2014)

Chappie (2015)

Ip Man 3 (2015)

Butter (2011)

Win a Date with Tad Hamilton! (2004)

Dark Secrets (2011)

The Perfect Roommate (original title)

Admission (2013)

Sarkar 3 (2017)

okay believe it or not almost all the movies i watched this week whether on the cable movie channels or the cable in house movie channels or the net downloads they all were average around 5 stars . Missed the ending of the Happy Ending because it was abruptly ended after i tweeted i am watching it in my first tweet of the day (morning mood )  on 16th may 2017 

 Tues 19th Shaban 1438
the weather is exactly the same as yesterday having tea and watching a movie Happy Ending on the cable in house 

Had no idea my cable broadband is so proactive Not ! but was glad to know somebody reads my tweets anyways must have done something better don't remember now but did not watch the next change because well okay i don't remember at all what was the next change anyways who cares but why did i forget to download it from the net whole week ? Must have thought it will be on and on and on very soon ya okay
 never mind ...Hate novel writer's and novels never ever read not even the or especially the best sellers and booker prize winners etc etc .

Sarkar 3 i don't understand why they were in such a hurry to release . probably they wanted to give me sweet dreams during the Holy Month Ramzan . Come on be serious . That Yami Gautam shooting gandhi jee 3 scene should have been in slow motion not like a rubber stamp thappa dushh ! Image may contain: 1 person, close-up
Okay so here we are the end of this my the Sunday Blog # 59 .

I think that today i had two walks and no sleep during this my the Sunday Blog # 59 so my eyes are closing very tightly then ever before and not just the neck is stiff but the back is also hurting But i has more fun today then ever before or not ever before but i still had lots of fun we did not have any chappa today not sure why because we were almost prepared for any chaapa anytime during the day today people must be very exhausted today because of the traffic jams or must be shopping for the holy month of Ramzan as this was the very very last Sunday before the holy month of Ramzan . the funny thing is that our neighbourhood Mart was deserted even today No i did not take a picture because i did not want to be recognised LOL
I was seriously thinking of asking them if i can come there to sleep while this repair and maintenence work is going on in my house
Anyways here is the song from Happy Ending I missed because of you know who ....So until ... or What ever !! Cheers !
PS: sorry for the no hair cutting the queue was long and for genuine first ...raincheck !
Better luck next time Hopefully . Peace !

Mileya Mileya (Video Song) | Happy Ending | Saif Ali Khan | Ileana D'Cruz   

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