
Sunday 26 February 2017

The Sunday Blog # 47

Today is the 26th of Feburary 2017 the 28th of Jamidi ul Awwal 1438 till the Sunset and this is my the Sunday Blog # 47 . 
Okay before i begin the my Sunday Blog #47 in the usual way I want to pray for the sports event that is proposed to happen in Lahore soon . May the lord Almighty Allah Have Mercy on us all . 
Okay so here we are at the Last Sunday before the Lent and it is also the Oscars Red carpet night .So i may be a little distracted and may not be able to do this my the Sunday Blog #47 like i normally do infact i should not be doing it at all and wait make popcorns and enjoy the Oscars but this year Oscars is not really very important for me as there has been a few other distrations this other wise very relaxed and carefree week for me .
The First was ofcourse was the happenings or not hapenings in Sweden ?? and the other was is or can Christian Grey so honestly fake it ? Image may contain: 2 people, people sitting and indoor
Other than that the very sudden change in weather on monday did surprise me a lot it almost felt like the winter came back which is not possible so it must be a dream But then the drop in temperature cannot be denied so the two wintery mornings have left a strange chill in my body that is not going away or allowing the body to fully welcome the hot summer . And even though the maintenence shutdown of Power by the company that is in transition and yet proves to be in submission to the okay never mind we have already been there so many times before that now it makes no difference at all to my routines or existence .
Talking of routines since last week i had already changed my routines to the summer culture . Started a little gardening after the morning Net working . just to prevent myself in the over indulgence of the  go with the flow debates . Helped me a lot at least this past week because i don't remember any major disagreements or heated arguments and high pitched debates ending in total chaos and riots . Besides the dark black baren land also look nice with a little green here and a little green there . I am not trying to rush things and definitely not interested in wasting money on something so futile as green grass which is not happening no matter what especially after the builder mafia blocked the sun light in our west open house and garden . The roots of Big trees and vines are also not allowing the grass to grow for many many years now and the biggest of all things opposing is the water crisis . Last year just when it was about to start to crep we had a water shortage and that dried the whole lawn except the bigger tress and vines . And the irony is that a lot of water whole lot of water was being wasted on the street by neighbours car washers and cleaners washing pavements and car parks .  Image may contain: 3 people, people standing
I used to hate this flagerant wastage of water every morning and evenings and the ponds and pools of water and wetlands it creates on the street after eating away the tarcoaled roads but recently i had an experience of meeting an over excited social worker who came with the sadiqa sacrifice goat and saw our very tiny fountain of water filled with water He was so over joyed as if he haven't seen so much water in days not only did he watered the goat with it but also washed his hands in it too instead of using the tap water . I was so afraid that he might jump in it . I did not ask him where he lived because despite the water fountain i know the feeling very well as just few month before that day in summers last year and most of the hot season there were many days when my tap was also dry for days and i had to use bottled water for ablution and stuff . Anyways its been a very good winter on the mountains and in the valleys and since it has rained three times here in karachi this winter i am hopeful in fact certain that it is going to rain more seriously this summer and our water fountain may not go dry at all this summer if that happens then even without a direct sunlight and thanks to more regular power shut downs in the mornings i will probably have a square feet of green grass till fall season . But if it did not rain at all here in karachi this summer and we had a very hot and dry summer then there will be less water for the garden and plants who would let me water the grass so i will look on the street and see neighbours servents , drivers , car washers and cleaners wasting it But the question is if i can see it how in the world they cannot see their help doing it unless they want to show off and make other less fortunate jealous and envy and curse their miserable waterless lives . Most neighbours don't have gardens at all . Especially the new neighbours who have bought the flasts from the builder mafias they don't even have car parks like our old houses and bangalows used to have so i believe that sometimes they delibrately waste water just to keep their overhead water tanks filled with the fresh ist water instead of a day old or a week old stored water . Some has very good nose some are extra cautious about germs and dengue growing up in their water tanks . After all its not very easy to clean the under ground and over head water tanks every day like the cars and pavements and even if they do it will be very difficult to show off such an exercise and having it get noticed by a furstrated me . Image may contain: one or more people
Okay my word count shows the first 1000 words and its 2:49 am so i need to take the first break but honestly my sleep is gone and now i can go on for at least an hour more still it is better that i take a break and give the equipments a break too . I really don't think i am in the mood to watch the red carpet live will probably browse through the or surf channels untill i sleep or should i do the breakfast this would be the most appropriate time for a breakfast or a little snack believe me i had a very light supper last night Image may contain: drink, food and indoorImage may contain: food
This means that i can eat now or i should eat before falling asleep . Good Night !Image may contain: 2 people, people standing
10:10 am Good Morning !
my first tweet of the day
Sun 28/5/1438
An electric generator is sounding in the neighborhood means i missed the first shutdown today . New moon at 19:58πŸ™„πŸŽ©πŸŒ™πŸ₯πŸ•ŒπŸ˜„
Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, standingWell another thing that i did not miss is the Oscars Red carpet and that is because i failed to remember the time difference between here and in hollywood their sunday evening is almost monday morning here so we can imagine the feeling of waking up after dreaming of missing something just like an exam or a meeting and realising that thank God it was just a dream . But since this year its not really important which movie wins or who gets the award so all i wanna do is wake up mark as read and wait for the next event . Pretty gloomy picture isn't it but what can we do . The information super highway has brought the revolution in our lives even the so monopolised electronic media cannot hold on to a single event at a time . if i surf the channels now during an event i will get different news feed on every channel even during the show not the same from different angle and different perspectives . And since its the first hundred days of the new administration in the whitehouse everybody in the world wants to know how Mr Trump reacted instead of how emma stone reacts strange isn't it . Like in the early days of the Video Camera recording the Bride at a wedding use to walk down the asile again and again just so that the camera man can get the best possible footage for editing like he did for her aunts daughters wedding video . No automatic alt text available.
So here in this my the Sunday Blog # 47 i cannot discusss the winners and the losers of the Oscars 2017 or post pictures and tweets from the red carpet before the event because it wont even get started by the time i finish tonight at midnight but may be if there is something worth mentioning i might and if i remember or think it is worth remembering may mention in the next Sunday Blog next sunday . Or may be if i watched the best picture awarded movies in the coming week then there is a chance that the topic may come up anyways . So until then that is enough talk about the Oscars or the Red carpet an event that i am not even willing to stay up for a few hours or get up early and watch on the internet because its not available on television channels here or on any entertainment and movie channels that are available in my geographical local . It was tough to find live streaming here  even without an Anti Bafta US administration .The Local news channels were only interested recently because of Ms Chinoy getting an award . This year even she is not invited . The Academy of Motion Pictures must be seriously thinking of taking this annual event to some place more convenient like an offshore caymen island where they could print an Oscar on the dollar and invite anybody banned especially the rich filthy rich iranian film makers and Arab film producers . No automatic alt text available.
Anyways its almost 11:30 am and time to re fill a cup of tea and smell the Rose Buds of the rose plants . Three rose buds are about to bloom in the same branch  either today later or early morning tomorrow . A sight for the sore eyes . Image may contain: 1 person, phone and eyeglasses
1:17 pmImage may contain: food Image may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: food and indoor
Okay so we had a very good Sunday Brunch and first facebook meetup of this my the Sunday blog # 47. Now i am planning to go for the zuhr prayer at mosque But sitting here without the fan after brunch sweating so if i go out in the sun and pray with so many heated people we may be perspiring profoundly and weting the pray matt Okay i checked Mat has only a single t its mat and not matt . Somebody has donated tons of stand up Airconditioners to our mosque . The Other mosques in the neighbourhood already have stand up Air Conditioning But its no good . The Main purpose of Airconditioning in our mosques is to provide some little okay minute relief to the taravee prayer during the ramazan its Ramadan for the American Muslims . One year i went to this new mosque which had airconditioning . The Air conditioning was not working probably was only for collecting more donations and zakat just like a slot machine . The second Time a mosque had air conditioning about a dozen stand up donated by a member of Mosque management commtt auctioned publicly for six months at every juma prayer and especially when a relative of a filthy rich died . Its very complicated so never mind the important thing is that the first night of that ramazan on the first taravee my Dearly Departed Ammi May her Soul rest in Peace in Heaven Amen !.. was in hospital and i missed the whole month of Air conditioning taravee prayer in that mosque . I went there next year and was only able to stand in prayers for seventeen nights of Ramazan . Never try to get in the glass doors of the hall during Juma only enjoy watching all wet with sweat people trying to rush out of the airconditioned hall . When saving the chappal slippers become difficult i gave up on that enjoyment and moved to a nearer more easily accessible at the last moment mosque . And even though it also has an only for advertising purpose spilit Air conditioner right in a very prominent place , I never thought a day would come by when i will see so many Sharp and acsons all in one place inside the mosque this mosque . Some body Must have lost the love of his or her life recently there is no other logical explanantion for this extravagarence at least not one i could think of or imagine in dollar terms . Image may contain: waterImage may contain: outdoor and water
Oh My God its 2:05 pm means i missed the going . Believe you me the words count is 2161 words .
2:43 pm Okay i am back after a break . the back is relaxed and the body temperature is back to normal no sweating or perspiration . The mood is bit mellow and the street is still very quiet and traffic less . the kids are also not out to play and the Church is begining to get up . First Sound of Charpai wala . The King Never Dies lol. Anyways i tried but could not sleep and since my body tepmerature is now back to normal i am planning to go out to the market because i am out of crunch and munches . Need Icecream too . So as soon as the words count goes up and cross the 2500 mark i am out of here . ied
So this week while the rest of the country got a grip the troubles for the poor very very poor infact so poor that can't even set up their own business in their home town let alone parish the thought get rich , Lahoris . They had a Explosion of Some kind in an illegal construction building is a de classified military zone armed and dangerous . At first the police called it a suicide Bombing and force terrorists to claim responsibility arressted or killed the master mind and hundreds of other terrorist involved or supporting it and later on the punjab government declared it was a gas leak explosion in an under construction building without a connection . Anyways the BC lahore was again shut down for the week end a day early and also the famous arts and witch craft institute run with or without its assisstence . Also the scotland yard cleared the leader of Banned and so many sub divided political party from karachi . And yes the Pananma case judgement is saved so PM travelled to turkey , Ayyan ali allowed to fly away and Zardari flew in to either karachi or lahore .And Doctor Asim is Still a Doctor in police custody.  In Dollar terms nothing happened so keep watching the News for more Bad news from Lahore .
Okay its 3:24 pm and i have crossed the 2500 words mark on the words counter . so its a break !!
5:42 pm More than an hour of sleep and the brunch is still not fully digested . Missed the going out for Asr prayer even though i got up with the Azans . Anyways the street and neighbourhood is very quiet no traffic . A jam on Sunday evening let me check the twitter No no jams reported in karachi at the moment except zardari girls protesting over some inter party affair . nothing serious . must be disturbed with Ayyan ali's release . never mind .
Image may contain: 2 peopleAnyways the valentines day was ruined this year by the lahoris as usual but a belated Happy Valentines' day news came from Azarbaijan this week . The President of the Azarbaijan made his legally married wife the Vice of his government yes its very very true and to confirm this here is a extract from wiki ( 2649 - 2712 only 63 words added )
Mehriban Əliyeva
Mehriban Aliyeva02.jpg
Vice President of Azerbaijan
Assumed office
21 February 2017
PresidentIlham Aliyev
Preceded byPosition established
First Lady of Azerbaijan
Assumed office
31 October 2003
PresidentIlham Aliyev
Preceded byZarifa Aliyeva
Personal details
Born26 August 1964 (age 52)
BakuAzerbaijan SSRSoviet Union
Political partyNew Azerbaijan Party
Spouse(s)Ilham Aliyev (m. 1983)
Alma materAzerbaijan Medical University
Image may contain: 1 person, sitting and outdoorImage may contain: 1 person, sitting, shoes and indoor
Image may contain: 2 people, people standing
Pretty cool isn't it seems like somebody else is watching kosem Sultan in Urdu it is said that next week Sultan ahmad the concubine of Kosem Sultan and father of Murad something  will die of  typhus and gastric bleeding Interesting .
6:14 pm Break
29th Jamadi ul Awwal 1438
(new Moon at 7:58 pm waxing)
8:09 pm
Good evening Wasiq!
The forecast is showing that the clouds will clear tomorrow in Karachi. Enjoy the sunshine!
okay believe it or not i did not wet the prayer mat at mosque in maghrib  fans were on and we had doved my head and body before going so it was okay the first stand up was standing up on a table chuki two feet high not plugged in yet . Image may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodAnyways when i came back the dinner was almost ready so i had dinner and facebook meet up again . So now i am perspiring again and doveing the head and  out rushing may be harmful so i stay and enjoy this my the Sunday Blog # 47.
8:24 pm Ah the king kone calling off my alert . good Image may contain: foodImage may contain: food
By the Way my food Pictures posted in this my the Sunday Blog # 47 here are  neither an advertisement nor an Invite [period] . LOL
Just a very little short of the 3000 words mark on the words counter . Its so quiet at the moment has not even been this quiet and traffic less street on the coldest night in winter now definitely gone and forgotten . let me check the twitter again for traffic up dates. Okay yes i got it ... Rain in Dubai and my Parosans are not even breathing heavy LOL
okay remind me to post the video of another one of my favorite songs " when we cry without sound ..." at the end today LOLImage may contain: one or more people and people standing

Okay we are over 3000 words so lets move on to the movies of the week
1.Coffee with D (2017)
2.Fifty Shades Darker (2017)
3.Oggy et les Cafards:Le Film (2013)
4.Dirty 30 (2016)
5.From Straight A's to XXX (2017)
Okay the first one is funny and good even though it okay never mind lets not get into whatever . we will come to the second later . the third is very good . the fourth is okay there have been many many movies like that and it was not any extra ordinary so lets just forget it and never mention it again ever not even then or there . yes i mean it of course .
oh yes the fifth ...wait when was the last time i mentioned King kone wala ...seems like all of them are gone home for the day i mean night or taken in custody by the jamshed town police . Mann its only 9:29 , 9:30 pm ...this is not faire at all . Anyways what does not concerns us does not concern us .Image may contain: 1 person
Okay lets take a break here and then we review the second movie of this week watched twice tried to watch many times more bad files , power shut down and sleep stopped eveytime finished in parts . rewind and forward .

10: 38 pm They ( wiki) say that there are three books ( novels) of Mr Gery series The Trilogy 
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Fifty Shades trilogy is a series of erotic novels by E. L. James.[1] The trilogy consists of Fifty Shades of Grey (2011), Fifty Shades Darker and Fifty Shades Freed (2012).[2][3] The trilogy traces the deepening relationship between a college graduate, Anastasia Steele, and a young business magnate, Christian Grey.
for films 
Fifty Shades is an American film series that consists of three erotic romantic drama films, based on the Fifty Shades trilogy by English author E. L. James. It is distributed by Universal Studios and stars Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan as the lead roles Anastasia Steele and Christian Grey, respectively. Sam Taylor-Johnson directed the first film and initially she was slated to be the director of the sequels as well,[2][3] however subsequently the second and third films were directed by James Foley.[4]

So honestly after my first two attempts to watch the move failed earlier this week i got curious and googled found the whole story of the film on wiki and then i watched it but then i thought that if i had enjoyed watching some scene of the movie as a romantic love movie maybe if i had not watched or known the background of mr Grey i might have called it a favorite happy valentines release . Can you believe this . And now i finds out that even before the first movie was made and released the last of the trilogy  Fifty Shades Freed (2012) was out .  and that it will be made into a film and released next valentines' so i think it would be much better that i don't read the third and wait till its release and then watch the set back to back or backwards oh yes that would be so much fun i am very sure of that . So until the next year my opinion is that even though its a sequel both can be judged and watched seperately preferably . Love conquers all Touche' Cheers !

(Bal-e-Jibril-079) Faqar Ke Hain Maujazat Taj-o-Sareer-o-Sipah

Faqr Ke Hain Muajazaat Taaj-o-Sareer-o-Sipah
Faqr Hai Meeron Ka Meer, Faqr Hai Shahon Ka Shah

The crown, the throne, and mighty arms by faqr are wrought these wonders all:
In short, it is the chief of chiefs and king of other kings withal.

Ilm Ka Maqsood Hai Paki-e-Aqal-o-Khirad
Faqr Ka Maqsood Hai Iffat-e-Qalb-o-Nigah

By means of learning mind and brain, no doubt, become refined and pure:
Faqr makes the heart and gaze of man from earthly filth and dross secure.

Ilm Faqeer-o-Hakeem, Faqr Maseeh-o-Kaleem
Ilm Hai Jooya’ay Rah, Faqr Hai Danye Rah

Scholar and sage knowledge makes, but Christ and Moses by faqr are wrought:
To faqr the road is fully known, of road the scholar knows not aught.

Faqr Maqam-e-Nazar, Ilm Maqam-e-Khabar
Faqr Mein Masti Sawab, Ilm Mein Masti Gunah

The state of seeing faqr bestows, but knowledge makes on new rely:
Rapture in faqr is virtue great, whereas in knowledge sin so high.

Ilm Ka ‘Mojood’ Aur, Faqar Ka ‘Mojood’ Aur

One God there is that knowledge owns to other God faqr lays a claim:
No god but He, I do proclaim, No god but He, I do proclaim.

Charhti Hai Jab Faqr Ki Saan Pe Taeg-e-Khudi
Aik Sipahi Ki Zarb Karti Hai Kaar-e-Sipah

On the whetting stone of faqr, when sword of Self gets sharp and bright,
A single stroke by warrior bold can out an army big to flight.

Dil Agar Iss Khak Mein Zinda-o-Baidar Ho
Teri Nigah Torh De Aaeena-e-Mehar-o-Mah

Within your clay, if there exist a heart alive and wide awake,
The glass of sun and moon as well one look of yours forthwith can break.

This used to be one of the my dearly departed  Papa 's May his soul rest in peace in Heaven Amen !..favourite poems by Iqbal and it is definitely one of my favourites . 

 So i still have more than half hour to go on and on But i think its only fair to end right now right here and take the time to proof read some of it even though i know very well that i wont be able to read it all today i mean tonight because my neck and shoulder has begin to hurt and if i did not stop here i may need to rub some pain relief cream or spray . But i am happy that i did it today and enjoyed doing it just as much as some of the earlier ones . 
11:45 pm So here i end this my the sunday Blog # 47 with one of my very favourite songs by a very favorite singer Hadiqa kiyani  Hope to be back in lent next sunday with the sunday Blog # 48 . Enjoy !

jaan-E-jaan-hadiqa kiyani   

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